Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
TezkoDihanje ::
Visually confirmed Russian tank losses during the:
First Chechen War: 193
Second Chechen War: 23
Russo-Georgian War: 3
Russo-Ukrainian War: 1002
Zmanjkal Čečenov, ki bi se borili za Rusijo. Severodonetsk je bil njihova grobnica.
Since the beginning of the Kherson operation (08/30/2022), Russians continue to suffer heavy losses, - the General Staff
Losses of the invaders for these 5 days looks like this:
-1950 manpower;
-87 tanks;
-132 BBM;
-74 artillery systems;
-80 vehicles.
Visually confirmed Russian tank losses during the:
First Chechen War: 193
Second Chechen War: 23
Russo-Georgian War: 3
Russo-Ukrainian War: 1002
Voditelj Čečenov Ramzan Kadyrov je napovedal, da si bo po 15 letih vodenja republike vzel "dolg dopust", poroča The Guardian. Kadyrov, ki je Čečenijo vodil z jekleno roko od leta 2007, je ob najavi odhoda dejal, da je prišel čas, da se poslovi. Zahodni analitiki sicer menijo, da 45-letni vodja Čečenov, ki je s svojimi vojaki sodeloval z Rusi tudi pri invaziji Ukrajine, ne misli resno.
A ne bo Poljske zavzel?
Zmanjkal Čečenov, ki bi se borili za Rusijo. Severodonetsk je bil njihova grobnica.
Since the beginning of the Kherson operation (08/30/2022), Russians continue to suffer heavy losses, - the General Staff
Losses of the invaders for these 5 days looks like this:
-1950 manpower;
-87 tanks;
-132 BBM;
-74 artillery systems;
-80 vehicles.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
Geho ::
Tolčejo jih ko zajce! Nimajo protiletalske na zahodnem delu Kherson regije, nimajo radarjev, nimajo zaščite proti HIMARS-om... nič. Pa še partizansko gibanje jih kolje v ozadju, tak da Kherson lahko pootler kar črta letos. Okrepitev ne more poslat vsaj ne v obliki vozil in težkega orožja. Vse kar so poslali tja je pa tudi itak zastarelo in nima kaj veliko učinka. Kak tank še lahko sesujejo ali pa sestrelijo kako letalo/helikopter vse ostalo pa lahko samo gledajo kako jim leti nad/v glavo
TezkoDihanje ::
The bridge of the Nova Kakhovka dam has collapsed due to numerous Ukrainian strikes. The railway bridge did not collapse but is severely damaged.
The bridge of the Nova Kakhovka dam has collapsed due to numerous Ukrainian strikes. The railway bridge did not collapse but is severely damaged.
Mr.B ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
The bridge of the Nova Kakhovka dam has collapsed due to numerous Ukrainian strikes. The railway bridge did not collapse but is severely damaged.
Vidm da znajo streljati od dalewč in upat da bo rusom zmanjkalo municije. Zanima me le, kaj bodo naredili, ko se konec tedna vrnejo Ruisi is vojnih iger.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Akira_ ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
The bridge of the Nova Kakhovka dam has collapsed due to numerous Ukrainian strikes. The railway bridge did not collapse but is severely damaged.
Vidm da znajo streljati od dalewč in upat da bo rusom zmanjkalo municije. Zanima me le, kaj bodo naredili, ko se konec tedna vrnejo Ruisi is vojnih iger.
Copium na max?
TezkoDihanje ::
Vidm da znajo streljati od dalewč in upat da bo rusom zmanjkalo municije. Zanima me le, kaj bodo naredili, ko se konec tedna vrnejo Ruisi is vojnih iger.
zgrešil si temo, tale bi bila bolj primerna za tole:
Vici in šale...
mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
The bridge of the Nova Kakhovka dam has collapsed due to numerous Ukrainian strikes. The railway bridge did not collapse but is severely damaged.
Vidm da znajo streljati od dalewč in upat da bo rusom zmanjkalo municije. Zanima me le, kaj bodo naredili, ko se konec tedna vrnejo Ruisi is vojnih iger.
Paradne ruske nacije Putin ne bo poslal na fronto. Rabi jih za proslave in podobno.
UkrFTW! ::
TezkoDihanje ::
Pac-Man ::
In Sadam je metal dojenčke iz Kuvajtskih inkubatorjev...
Vsaj tako je ono dekle pričalo.
Da gre za kuvajtsko princeso se je razkrilo šele kasneje.
Samo da tule ne operiramo s pričanjem princese, ampak eksplicitnim videoposnetkom, ki so ga idioti sami naložili na splet.
A Russian-speaking man who filmed the torture and killing of a prisoner in Syria has been identified as a member of Wagner, a Russian private military company with ties to the Kremlin that has aggressively expanded into the Middle East and Africa in recent years.
The video, which appears to have been taken in 2017, showed several men in military-style clothing beating a prisoner with a sledgehammer, then beheading him, amputating his arms with a sapper’s trowel and setting his body on fire using gasoline or another accelerant.
The mercenary, who was been identified as Stanislav D by the Novaya Gazeta newspaper, is a former police officer from the Stavropol region in southern Russia. In leaked documents, he wrote that he joined Wagner in 2016 to “protect the interests of the Russian Federation abroad”.
The victim is reported to be Mohammad Taha al Ismail Abdallah of Deir ez-Zor, whom the contractors accused of deserting from the Syrian army. Family members had confirmed his death to local press, saying he had returned to Syria from Lebanon in 2017 when he was summoned to fight but later deserted.
Cope harder.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
luli ::
Zna se zgoditi, da bo na koncu Rusija razpadla na 6 republik, kot je že bil plan po razpadu Sovjetske zveze.
TezkoDihanje ::
Pantsir je imel deployan radar, ko je bil zadet. Verjetno HARM.
Ukrainian Army destroyed a Pantsir S1 missile complex in Kherson region (worth about $14 million).
A woman is heard in the background, saying "How pretty!" in Ukrainian.
Ukrainian Army destroyed a Pantsir S1 missile complex in Kherson region (worth about $14 million).
A woman is heard in the background, saying "How pretty!" in Ukrainian.
Če je edini način, da ne razpade to, da napada svoje sosede in jim jemlje naj razpade.
Isto velja za vse druge. Če lahko stanje vzdržujejo samo skozi konstantno naj razpadejo.
Mi je pa zanimiv fenomen, da ruse podpirajo taki, ki imajo hudo veliko za povedat čez ameriško 'osvobajanje'. Niso čisto jasni, kaj hočejo. Na eni strani ZDA=BAD, kar bi pomenilo da če jim ni všeč, kar so delale in delajo ZDA, jim ne bo všeč, kar dela RU. Na drugi strani RU=GOOD, kar pomeni da če podpirajo kar dela RU v UKR, zakaj jih moti kar dela ZDA? In na koncu pravijo RU=GOOD, ZDA=BAD, kar je isto, kar očitajo drugim (da pravijo ZDA=GOOD, RU=BAD).
Mar je mogoče, da jih ne moti toliko kaj se dela, kot kdo to dela? In ker je RU nek 'underdog' (pa ne vem, po katerem kriteriju - pustimo zdaj, kako se njihova vojska obnese proti UKR), je vmes samo navijanje za 'najšibkejšega'?
Isto velja za vse druge. Če lahko stanje vzdržujejo samo skozi konstantno naj razpadejo.
Mi je pa zanimiv fenomen, da ruse podpirajo taki, ki imajo hudo veliko za povedat čez ameriško 'osvobajanje'. Niso čisto jasni, kaj hočejo. Na eni strani ZDA=BAD, kar bi pomenilo da če jim ni všeč, kar so delale in delajo ZDA, jim ne bo všeč, kar dela RU. Na drugi strani RU=GOOD, kar pomeni da če podpirajo kar dela RU v UKR, zakaj jih moti kar dela ZDA? In na koncu pravijo RU=GOOD, ZDA=BAD, kar je isto, kar očitajo drugim (da pravijo ZDA=GOOD, RU=BAD).
Mar je mogoče, da jih ne moti toliko kaj se dela, kot kdo to dela? In ker je RU nek 'underdog' (pa ne vem, po katerem kriteriju - pustimo zdaj, kako se njihova vojska obnese proti UKR), je vmes samo navijanje za 'najšibkejšega'?
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
TezkoDihanje ::
Če je edini način, da ne razpade to, da napada svoje sosede in jim jemlje naj razpade.
Isto velja za vse druge. Če lahko stanje vzdržujejo samo skozi konstantno naj razpadejo.
Mi je pa zanimiv fenomen, da ruse podpirajo taki, ki imajo hudo veliko za povedat čez ameriško 'osvobajanje'. Niso čisto jasni, kaj hočejo. Na eni strani ZDA=BAD, kar bi pomenilo da če jim ni všeč, kar so delale in delajo ZDA, jim ne bo všeč, kar dela RU. Na drugi strani RU=GOOD, kar pomeni da če podpirajo kar dela RU v UKR, zakaj jih moti kar dela ZDA? In na koncu pravijo RU=GOOD, ZDA=BAD, kar je isto, kar očitajo drugim (da pravijo ZDA=GOOD, RU=BAD).
Mar je mogoče, da jih ne moti toliko kaj se dela, kot kdo to dela? In ker je RU nek 'underdog' (pa ne vem, po katerem kriteriju - pustimo zdaj, kako se njihova vojska obnese proti UKR), je vmes samo navijanje za 'najšibkejšega'?
Zelo enostavna stvar. Gre za mentalno bolezen.
Akira_ ::
Če je edini način, da ne razpade to, da napada svoje sosede in jim jemlje naj razpade.
Isto velja za vse druge. Če lahko stanje vzdržujejo samo skozi konstantno naj razpadejo.
Mi je pa zanimiv fenomen, da ruse podpirajo taki, ki imajo hudo veliko za povedat čez ameriško 'osvobajanje'. Niso čisto jasni, kaj hočejo. Na eni strani ZDA=BAD, kar bi pomenilo da če jim ni všeč, kar so delale in delajo ZDA, jim ne bo všeč, kar dela RU. Na drugi strani RU=GOOD, kar pomeni da če podpirajo kar dela RU v UKR, zakaj jih moti kar dela ZDA? In na koncu pravijo RU=GOOD, ZDA=BAD, kar je isto, kar očitajo drugim (da pravijo ZDA=GOOD, RU=BAD).
Mar je mogoče, da jih ne moti toliko kaj se dela, kot kdo to dela? In ker je RU nek 'underdog' (pa ne vem, po katerem kriteriju - pustimo zdaj, kako se njihova vojska obnese proti UKR), je vmes samo navijanje za 'najšibkejšega'?
Dober povzetek zmedenih duš.
Dodaj še to, da se po njihovo Putin za njih bori proti zlobnim globalistom in lgbtq.
Pac-Man ::
Pasivno-agresivno pošilja signalčke v Moskvo, naj si ne drznejo pripret kešovoda v Čečenijo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Dodaj še to, da se po njihovo Putin za njih bori proti zlobnim globalistom in lgbtq.
Sej to razumeš, da so proti slabim stranem zahoda, bog ve, da jih ima dovolj. Ne razumem pa logike, da vidijo RU, pa tudi kitajsko kot 'rešitelje'. Eno je mafijska država, ki je iz velesile naredila malodane velesmeh, druga pa totalitaristična diktatura, kjer si za partijo samo kolešček, ki ga je treba (prek kamer, socialnih točk in še česa) nadzirat in držat dol, da kdo ne dobi kake ideje.
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
Pac-Man ::
Pasivno-agresivno pošilja signalčke v Moskvo, naj si ne drznejo pripret kešovoda v Čečenijo.
oz. brez mojega nabijanja v prazno:
Kadyrov recorded a video declaring he stayed “too long” as the president of Chechnya and might leave soon. Rumors circulate in Russia that he might be sent to command the Russian Guard, and its current head, Viktor Zolotov, would be appointed the new Minister of Defense.
Prosim, naj bo res. Zolotov je totalna skorumpirana zguba, ki bo še bolj zabluzil kot Šojgu.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
nirburu ::
V tej vojni se bojuje Rusija vs. manufakturne kapacitete ZDA.
Rusija se bo morala zakopat, da ZDA porabi čipe in specialne komponente, ki jih še ima na voljo.
Potem bo bolj enakopravna borba. To kar je sedaj je masaker.
Rusija se bo morala zakopat, da ZDA porabi čipe in specialne komponente, ki jih še ima na voljo.
Potem bo bolj enakopravna borba. To kar je sedaj je masaker.
jernejl ::
nirburu ::
Saj veš, da bo treba nekoč postati nazaj prijatelj z ruskim narodom, ali jih boš sovražil za vedno?
In BTW, koliko je nabornikov?
Ne vem če so res vsi nacional-socialisti.
In BTW, koliko je nabornikov?
Ne vem če so res vsi nacional-socialisti.
Pac-Man ::
Ne vem če so res vsi nacional-socialisti.
Kar nekaj je kolaborantov.
Residents of the occupied city of Melitopol, Ukraine who accepted Russian passports are now receiving orders to sign up for military service. One online user called it “cash back” for RF citizenship
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
Saj veš, da bo treba nekoč postati nazaj prijatelj z ruskim narodom, ali jih boš sovražil za vedno?
In BTW, koliko je nabornikov?
Ne vem če so res vsi nacional-socialisti.
Nihče ne sovraži ruskega naroda. Če je že kdo sovražnik je to rusko vodstvo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
Pac-Man ::
dobra nit s povezavami na druge niti
Weekend Update, Battle of the Bridges, week 2 or week 8 (doesnt really matter). Ukrainian strategy now seems confirmed, the Russians have behaved as expected, and its a question now of logistics and attrition.
Looking at the FIRMS map for the last week, there is a great deal of fire activity being registered in the Kherson area, interestingly more if it behind the Russian front line than the Ukrainian. If this is an indication of intensity of fire (and we need to be careful) than the Ukrainians have at least matched Russian ranged fire for once (and Ukrainian fire seems more accurate and well coordinated).
At the same time, there was a ridiculous panic when the Russian front line didnt collapse right away and the Ukrainians didnt march into Kherson--which is sadly typical of the way the war is often commented on.
Think we can say now that the Ukrainians have a clear plan, and have had one for months. It could be understood as build up, tempt in, destroy. I also tried to describe it at the start of August as accelerated attrition and others have their own phrases.
At the end of July I tried to understand why the Ukrainians were so open in their discussion of a coming Kherson counterattack. It seemed counterintuitive in a way, why tell your enemy what you are going to do.
The Ukrainians, however, had understood that Putin would be desperate to keep Kherson city and the west bank of the Dnipro, and wanted the Russians to rush force there, precisely so they could destroy it on their terms from a better location than say the Donbas.
So having built up their own systems, and tempted the Russians to rush more forces to a vulnerable area, the Ukrainians are trying to destroy that vulnerable force. That destruction involves two elements. The first is to cut the Russians off from supplies (battle of the bridges)
If the RUssians forces on the west bank indeed have no working bridge access for resupply, they will have to rely on ferrying supplies across the river or even flying them in. That might work for a few days or weeks, but no more. Its a logistic system that is going to fail.
So we are now in the accelerated destruction phase. The Ukrainians have tempted in this large force, are trying to make it very difficult for the RUssians to resupply, and will use Ukr superiority to waste it away.
Ukraine loss claims just released this morning show once again that they believe they are inflicting debilitating losses on the Russians. 450 soldiers, 15 tanks, 27, APCs. ...
These are not sustainable. Unless the Russians can maintain efficient logistics across the Dnipro, their forces on the west bank will be whittled down and then collapse.
Until that happens, what the Ukrainians seem to be doing is probing up and down the line, looking for weak spots but not gambling on risking their forces too much.
So we are probably in for a few more weeks of Ukrainian accelerated attrition, probing and modest gains. Its a winning strategy if they can keep the Russians from recovering in the Battle of the Bridges
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
The reason I am showing you this video is to make everyone realize that the first days of an offensive are ALWAYS the most difficult for an attacker.
In the first days defenders sit in their prepared positions behind by minefields, and still have all their tanks & artillery, still have ample ammunition, still have all their troops, still have functioning logistics, still have reserves.
An offensive needs to grind down these resources of the defender, before a breakthrough can be accomplished and exploited.
There are various ways to do this and all of them take time: the 1991 Gulf War ground campaign lasted just four days, because before its start coalition aircraft had subjected Iraq for 38 days and nights to one of the most intensive air bombardments in military history.
We can't judge the success of the Kherson offensive now. The Second Battle of El Alamein looked like a disaster for the British for its first twelve days, the Battle of Waterloo shaped up to be a disastrous British defeat until 4 pm in the afternoon. In Normandy the allies failed to achieve any of their goals on the first day and it took them 55 days to finally exhaust the Germans and break out from Normandy.
Every day now Ukrainian troops degrade russian manpower, equipment, and logistics. We will know the outcome of the battle in a few days... when one side will run out of troops, ammo, logistics, and reserves.
The russians, whose supply lines run over the Dnipro bridges, which are pounded relentlessly by HIMARS strikes, are likely to be exhausted first... but until then Ukraine will lose many troops, tanks and vehicles... but these losses tell us nothing about the success or failure of the Ukrainian offensive.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
Röpcke se je na žalost že izkazal za genialca.
Tip je preveč histeričen in čustven za komentiranje o vojni. Verjetno bi pri invaziji na Normandijo delal paniko že prvi dan izkrcanja. Hrvati so potrebovali leta,da so dobili svoja ozemlja nazaj pa je večina bila prepričana,da jim ne bo uspelo. Priznam,da tudi jaz. Potrpežljivost je božja mast. Še posebej v vojni.
Pac-Man ::
Rusi nimajo za kebab napram ZDA izpred več kot 20 let nazaj, vsaj dokler ne pridemo do jedrskega orožja. Pa še takrat so vprašanja.
Beri tudi txt na 1. sliki
Beri tudi txt na 1. sliki
Results of a USAF precision attack on a Serbian airbase in 1999 vs a Russian attack in February 2022 on the Ukrainian Air Force's Ozerne Air Base, home of the 39th Tactical Aviation Brigade equipped with Su-27s
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Prvi posnetek uporabe Excaliburja v Ukrajini
komentar upokojenega ameriškega generala na video padle ruske pozicije
As this Ukrainian M777 is firing GPS-guided M982 Excalibur projectiles its barrel points upwards to get the Excalibur to the maximum possible elevation, from where it will then glide to its target.
komentar upokojenega ameriškega generala na video padle ruske pozicije
I'm always struck by how trashy the abandoned/overrun Russian positions are, how much Russian Soldier personal stuff is lying around, and how trashed out abandoned Russian vehicles are. All indicators of no discipline, no NCO's, and no Will to Fight. They will lose.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje ::
kopriwa ::
TezkoDihanje ::
Girkin že spet cvili
tole je stara mapa (UKR vojska ne daje nikakršnih informacij) za lažjo predstavo
Soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine liberated the village of Ozerne, Kramatorsk district, Donetsk region
včeraj je bilo napadeno letališče v Melitopolu
vsaj en MI28 dead
Destroyed Russian Mi-28 helicopter
Že spet napadeni splavi in "pristanišče" zraven Andrejevskega mosta (ki je neprevozen).
Kherson now
Girkin že spet cvili
tole je stara mapa (UKR vojska ne daje nikakršnih informacij) za lažjo predstavo
Soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine liberated the village of Ozerne, Kramatorsk district, Donetsk region
včeraj je bilo napadeno letališče v Melitopolu
vsaj en MI28 dead
Destroyed Russian Mi-28 helicopter
Že spet napadeni splavi in "pristanišče" zraven Andrejevskega mosta (ki je neprevozen).
Kherson now
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
TezkoDihanje ::
The Ukrainian military are clearing the positions of the Russian Armed Forces in the vicinity of Soledar, Donetsk region
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
MadMen ::
Ponavljam. Vojna v ukrajini je predvsem odvisna od ameriških proizvodnih kapacitet.
Za Božič smo doma
sbawe64 ::
Zelenski Rusijo obtožil, da vodi energetsko vojno z namenom oslabiti države Evrope
Ali niso ravno pri nas na blejskem srečanju poudarili, da nočemo "umazane ruske energije".
Seveda je zaskrbljen, kdo pa ga bo financiral, ko EU obuboža?
MSM preslišali:
O novinarski konferenci združenih narodov, ki je bila na temo inšpektorjev v jedrski elektrarni Zaporožje. Na vprašanje novinarja je predstavnik UN odgovoril da je vesel, da je ruska stran poskrbela za varnost predstavnikov UN v NPP glede na dogodke, ki so se odvili tisti dan (za tiste, ki ne vedo, gre za desant specialnih enot ukr vojske, ki je hotela zasesti NPP vendar so bili odkriti in uničeni preden so jo dosegli).
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()
UkrFTW! ::
Zelenski Rusijo obtožil, da vodi energetsko vojno z namenom oslabiti države Evrope
Ali niso ravno pri nas na blejskem srečanju poudarili, da nočemo "umazane ruske energije".
Seveda je zaskrbljen, kdo pa ga bo financiral, ko EU obuboža?
MSM preslišali:
O novinarski konferenci združenih narodov, ki je bila na temo inšpektorjev v jedrski elektrarni Zaporožje. Na vprašanje novinarja je predstavnik UN odgovoril da je vesel, da je ruska stran poskrbela za varnost predstavnikov UN v NPP glede na dogodke, ki so se odvili tisti dan (za tiste, ki ne vedo, gre za desant specialnih enot ukr vojske, ki je hotela zasesti NPP vendar so bili odkriti in uničeni preden so jo dosegli).
Imaš težave z linki?
Geho ::
tole tole... Ob vsej tej tehnologiji in satelitih, ti rašisti še vedno mislijo, da jih ne vidijo... /facepalm
TezkoDihanje ::
Seveda je zaskrbljen, kdo pa ga bo financiral, ko EU obuboža?
Nemčija je bila pred to vojno od Rusije zaradi plina odvisna za približno 15% (0,57x27%) glede na vse energetske potrebe. Vmes so prešaltal na premog ter zagnal nekaj jedrskih elektrarn.
MSM preslišali:
O novinarski konferenci združenih narodov, ki je bila na temo inšpektorjev v jedrski elektrarni Zaporožje. Na vprašanje novinarja je predstavnik UN odgovoril da je vesel, da je ruska stran poskrbela za varnost predstavnikov UN v NPP glede na dogodke, ki so se odvili tisti dan (za tiste, ki ne vedo, gre za desant specialnih enot ukr vojske, ki je hotela zasesti NPP vendar so bili odkriti in uničeni preden so jo dosegli).
V bistvu visoki predstavnik sploh ni vedel, da je šlo za kak napad. Vse skupaj je bilo izscenirano. Kar je pa še najbolj neumno, je pa to, da so v tej "akciji" lovljenja ukrajinskih specialcev, Rusi sestrelili en svoj helikopter KA-52.
Russia keeps insisting on not one but now 3 Ukrainian paratrooper’s groups that allegedly attempted to cross Dnipro River on boats & re-take ZNPP, Energodar, with only 60 men during the IAEA visit to the power plant. This is just another baseless statement from Russia that keeps staging ridiculous provocations to blame Ukraine for the endangerment of the currently Russian-occupied ZNPP. However, even while staging the provocation at the Energodar, the Russian army managed to lose one of their own helicopters, probably to friendly-fire.
TezkoDihanje ::
"The young ones get nothing at all, no clothes, no sleeping bags!"
On the equipment that fresh Russian reserves are getting. We can hear from this intercepted call they are provided with old, dirty uniform, and appear 'homeless'. Likewise, they are given old weapons, some are crooked.
We survived! We are infantry, we are power! Do you have an idea how many people remain alive out of 300? 72! Out of 300! The rest are either 300 [wounded] or 200 [dead]! We are infantry, we are the a*s-end!
On the equipment that fresh Russian reserves are getting. We can hear from this intercepted call they are provided with old, dirty uniform, and appear 'homeless'. Likewise, they are given old weapons, some are crooked.
We survived! We are infantry, we are power! Do you have an idea how many people remain alive out of 300? 72! Out of 300! The rest are either 300 [wounded] or 200 [dead]! We are infantry, we are the a*s-end!
kuall ::
Ponavljam. Vojna v ukrajini je predvsem odvisna od ameriških proizvodnih kapacitet.
jaz pa mislim, da je predvsem odvisna od ljudi, kot si ti. več kot jih bo bolj se putlerju smeje in na to računa, da bodo evropejci začeli simpatizirati z rusijo in potem sledi sprememba politike evropskih vlad in nič več finančne podpore ukrajini.
TezkoDihanje ::
Vysokopillya je popolnoma v ukrajinskih rokah
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine offered an alternative to the word "Russophobia"
"Phobia essentially means fear of something. But no one is afraid of the Russians and their collapsing army. Let's analyze our vocabulary: not Russophobia, but Russo-go-homia
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine offered an alternative to the word "Russophobia"
"Phobia essentially means fear of something. But no one is afraid of the Russians and their collapsing army. Let's analyze our vocabulary: not Russophobia, but Russo-go-homia
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
TezkoDihanje ::
Po ruskih virih:
P.S. They have just confirmed the surrender of Blagodatovka, as well as - in the Nikolaevsky direction - Lyubomirovka / Red Banner (north of Ternovy Pod) and another (an hour and a half ago) blow by "Himers" on a military crossing.
The enemy is exerting strong pressure on Belogorka (on Ingulets southeast of Davydov Brod) - the enemy is trying to expand the bridgehead in this direction.
rdeča puščica: Blagodatovka
modra puščica: Lyubomirovka
Po ruskih virih:
P.S. They have just confirmed the surrender of Blagodatovka, as well as - in the Nikolaevsky direction - Lyubomirovka / Red Banner (north of Ternovy Pod) and another (an hour and a half ago) blow by "Himers" on a military crossing.
The enemy is exerting strong pressure on Belogorka (on Ingulets southeast of Davydov Brod) - the enemy is trying to expand the bridgehead in this direction.
rdeča puščica: Blagodatovka
modra puščica: Lyubomirovka
TezkoDihanje ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Vysokopillya je popolnoma v ukrajinskih rokah
Precej hecna stvar glede na to, da sta mesto branili elitni ruski enoti (spetsnaz in VDV) in sicer:
45th Guards Spetsnaz Brigade
331st Guards Airborne Regiment
yayo ::
glede na to, da se Rusi že tako obnašajo kot stereotipni operetni zlobneži se bojim kakega kemičnega orožja, če jim bo šlo katastrofalno slabo. Si mislite, da bi lahko Putin rekel, "ok, lekcija sprejeta, gremo domov!"?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()