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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Temo vidijo: vsi
16 / 900

UkrFTW! ::

Bebbabi rusi izklopili elektarno iz omrežja in ostali brez elektrike. Darwin award! Kozji, si ponosen?

tomlin je izjavil:

Kdaj bo Slovenija začela s čiščenje komunističnih obeležij?!

Ni potrebe. Smo premladi, da bi razumeli.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: UkrFTW! ()

nejclp ::

tomlin je izjavil:

Kdaj bo Slovenija začela s čiščenje komunističnih obeležij?!

Jebiga, težava je, da so "komunistična obeležja" hkrati tudi spomeniki tistim, ki so se borili proti okupatorju. Mitologija je pomemben del narodne zavesti.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

tomlin ::


Najbolj očitna katastrofa, ki jo je Putin povzročil z invazijo na Ukrajino, je in bo

gospodarska, poročajo znanstveniki s poslovne šole Univerze Yale . Več kot tisoč mednarodnih

podjetij je omejilo ali zaprlo svoje posle v Rusiji. Še več bo zagotovo sledilo. Večina Rusov

ne bo občutila velike bolečine zaradi zaprtja Aston Martina ali Burberryja, toda

nedostopnost popravil in nadomestnih predmetov podjetij, kot so Apple, Bombardier, Boeing,

Dupont, Ericsson, Intel in Analog Devices, bo prizadela produktivnost dela, potrošnike.

, in sčasoma dobavno in proizvodno verigo ruske industrije. Zaradi teh izstopov bo

brezposelnih ostalo še več sto tisoč Rusov
. Dolgoročno, ko Putin in Duma grozita z

zaplembo preostalega premoženja podjetij, ki so pobegnila iz Rusije, se bo le malo tujih

vlagateljev kmalu vrnilo. Žalostno spominja na to, kar se je zgodilo z ruskim

gospodarstvom, ko so leta 1917 oblast prevzeli boljševiki.


tomlin ::

Toda učinki sankcij na širše rusko gospodarstvo bodo končali projekt ruske gospodarske

modernizacije, ki je v zadnjih treh desetletjih potekala počasi, pa vendarle. Tujih

naložb je bilo prej malo in jih bo le še manj. Evropa se bo najprej znebila

odvisnosti od ruske nafte (obstaja veliko alternativnih virov nafte in je dobrina, ki jo je enostavno transportirati od drugod) in celo svoje velike odvisnosti od ruskega

zemeljskega plina.
Seveda bo trajalo dve ali tri leta, da bodo terminali za

utekočinjeni zemeljski plin zgradili zlasti v Nemčiji, a ko bodo ti terminali

zgrajeni, evropskim podjetjem verjetno nikoli več ne bo treba kupovati zemeljskega

plina v Rusije. Pod Putinovim katastrofalnim vodstvom se je Rusija pokazala kot

nezanesljiv dobavitelj. Kratkoročno, prehod bo prizadel Evropejce, saj cene plina še

naprej rastejo. Toda dolgoročno bodo rusko gospodarstvo in Rusi tisti, ki bodo najbolj

trpeli. Evropskega trga ni za Ruse več le za zdaj, ampak za vedno, z njim pa tudi

prepotrebnih prihodkov v ruski proračun.

Yale University

tomlin ::

Putin je dopuščal gospodarsko modernizacijo le do določene točke in je bil počasen pri

spodbujanju diverzifikacije gospodarstva. Medtem ko Rusija v tujino prodaja vojaško

opremo in orožje, kemikalije, premog, plemenite kovine in civilne jedrske elektrarne,

se prihodki iz teh sektorjev skoraj zagotovo ne morejo povečati dovolj hitro,

da bi nadomestili tisto, kar je bilo in bo izgubljeno zaradi izvoza nafte in plina v Evropo.

Tudi če Kitajska poveča nakupe ruske nafte in zemeljskega plina, ne more nadomestiti

evropskega trga za Rusijo. In Kitajska bo nedvomno sklenila zelo trdo pogodbo in

pridobila ogromen vpliv-diktat nad Rusijo v odsotnosti evropskega alternativnega trga.

Yale University

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: tomlin ()

tomlin ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Nove 3 mrd $ ameriške pomoči:


It is noted that the new aid package from the US worth almost $3 billion includes:

- six additional NASAMS air defense systems and corresponding projectiles;

- up to 245,000 155-mm shells for artillery;

- up to 65,000 120-mm shells for mortars;

- up to 24 counter-battery radars;

- Puma unmanned aerial systems and auxiliary equipment for Scan Eagle systems;

- means of computer combat against Vampire drones;

- missile systems with laser guidance;

- financing of training, maintenance and support.

NASAMS @ Wikipedia

Fascinanten Laserski sistem obrambe, morda ga dobijo tudi Ukrajinci!?

Pac-Man ::

Bellingcat & Grozev spet iz parka. Najprej so pred 4imi leti, tekom preiskave o Skripalih, požgali rusko ilegalko, zdaj pa še razkrili njeno pravo identiteto in o tem spisali članek.

Socialite, Widow, Jeweller, Spy: How a GRU Agent Charmed Her Way Into NATO Circles in Italy

In 2019 in the course of investigating the Skripal poisoning, we obtained metadata from call records of Maj. General Andrey Averyanov. These records, spanning the period from mid 2017 to late 2019, shed light on an expansive network of spies run by Russia’s military intelligence. The call data contains location, time and calling party data but no content of the communications.


In the hours after Bellingcat’s publication that day, Averyanov had received several phone calls from his top boss – the GRU’s chief Igor Kostyukov. Similarly, Averyanov himself had reached out to many of his subordinates who had been travelling on such passports – including the two spies involved with the failed Montenegro coup in 2016.

The midnight caller was the head of GRU’s Department 5, or the so-called Illegals program – a little-known department that planted military spies around the world under false identities. The two GRU officers talked for just over two minutes.

The next day, 15 September 2018, a woman with a long, Latin-sounding name bought a one-way ticket from Naples, Italy, to Moscow. For around a decade, this individual had travelled the world as a cosmopolitan, Peru-born socialite with her own jewellery line. Later that evening, she landed in Moscow and is not known to have left Russia since.


The name on her passport was Maria Adela Kuhfeldt Rivera, and as Bellingcat and its investigative partners have discovered, she was a GRU illegal whom friends from NATO offices in Naples had for years believed was a successful jewellery designer with a colourful backstory and chaotic personal life.


On 8 August 2005, the Civil Registration office of the Independencia District in Lima, Peru, received an application for inscription of a new Peruvian citizen into the country’s national citizen database. The would-be citizen stated that her name was Maria Adela Kuhfeldt Rivera, and her lawyers presented a birth certificate from the civil registry of the seaside town of Callao. The birth certificate was dated 1 September 1978 and carried the sequential number 1109 on Peru’s record of births for that year.


On 22 December 2006, in an annual budget report to the Congress of Peru, the Peruvian Ministry of Justice reported that its migration and naturalisation office had discovered three fraudulent citizenship applications in 2005, one of them being that of “Maria Adela”. The report concluded that this person’s identity is unknown and referred the case as a crime against public safety and faith to the national prosecutor.

Even though Maria Adela’s Peruvian citizenship was stillborn, her GRU commanders – likely unaware that the Peruvian government would make this false start public – decided to persist with this identity for their spy. The reason for their persistence is unknown.


Based on interviews with four people whom “Maria Adela” befriended in the next decade, she told those she met the following back story of her name and origin: she was the love child of a German father and a Peruvian mother, and was born in Callao, Peru. Her single mother had travelled with little “Maria Adela” to the Soviet Union in 1980, to attend the Olympic Games in Moscow. However, her mother had received an emergency message from Peru that required her to return home urgently – and left little “Maria Adela” in the care of a Soviet family that she had apparently befriended.

Her mother never returned, and “Maria Adela” grew up in Russia, having a difficult relationship with both her adoptive mother and her father, who – she told people – abused her in her childhood years. The latter, she told people she befriended, was the reason she did not want to live in Russia – or marry a Russian man – and explained her desire to live and create a family in Western Europe.


Marcelle D’Argy Smith, former editor of the UK edition of Cosmopolitan magazine, became close friends with “Maria Adela” whom she met over drinks in Malta in the summer of 2010. “Maria Adela” lived in Malta with her then boyfriend, but at some point moved to Ostia, near Rome, to take classes in gemology. Maria tried hard to obtain a German passport on account of her German father, Ms. D’Arcy Smith said, but the process stalled after “Maria Adela” suddenly appeared to lose interest.
  “Maria Adela”, centre, with friends including Marcelle D’Argy Smith in Malta in 2010. Photo courtesy Marcelle D’Argy Smith.

“Maria Adela”, centre, with friends including Marcelle D’Argy Smith in Malta in 2010. Photo courtesy Marcelle D’Argy Smith.


In July 2012, “Maria Adela” married a man who she told friends was an Italian, three of her acquaintances told our reporters. In reality, in addition to an Italian passport, her husband held Ecuadorian and Russian citizenship and was born in Moscow to a Russian mother and a father from Ecuador.
 Wedding photos provided by Marcelle D’Argy Smith show “Maria Adela” posing with her husband

Wedding photos provided by Marcelle D’Argy Smith show “Maria Adela” posing with her husband


A year later, he. travelled to Moscow again, separately from “Maria Adela”. He died in Moscow on 13 July 2013 aged 30, the cause of death recorded in the death certificate as “double pneumonia and systemic Lupus”.


It was in Naples that “Maria Adela’s” career as a Russian illegal spy peaked. Over the next three years, she became a fixture on the local social scene. She opened a jewellery and luxury items boutique, later turning it into a trendy club frequented by the local highlife, and eventually becoming the secretary of a charitable organisation that was also attended by members of the NATO command centre in Naples.
 Maria Adela” can be seen with other members of the Lions Club in a picture posted to the organisation’s website.

Maria Adela” can be seen with other members of the Lions Club in a picture posted to the organisation’s website.


Three NATO-affiliated acquaintances of “Maria Adela” interviewed by the investigative team said that in her role at the Lions Club, she interacted with many NATO staff, befriended a number of NATO officers and had frequent social interactions with them. One NATO employee who spoke to investigators on the condition of anonymity admitted to having a brief romantic relationship with Maria Adela. Her love-life was also a topic “Maria Adela” addressed with friends. In an email shared with Bellingcat by Marcelle D’argy Smith, “Maria Adela” wrote that a US Navy employee she had met in Naples and who was a photographer had “a little crush” on her.


Based on a variety of digital breadcrumbs and recollections from acquaintances, she however did attend many events organised by NATO or the US military – including NATO annual balls, various fund-raising dinners and the annual US Marine Corps balls. She also invited her acquaintances from NATO to her store, and at least one of them remembered having bought items from it.
 A Facebook post suggesting “Maria Adela” was in attendance at a Joint Command Forces ball.

A Facebook post suggesting “Maria Adela” was in attendance at a Joint Command Forces ball.


In December 2014, her company’s FB account posted a photo in which she can be seen seemingly gifting Serein cufflinks to the country’s then prime minister, Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa.


In 2018, the fictitious “Maria Adela” flew back to Moscow one last time. On this occasion, however, she travelled on a new, third Russian passport. Like the previous two, this passport used a number from the GRU-assigned batches.

Her usually active social life evaporated, and none of the acquaintances that reporters spoke to remembers being informed by her of her plans to leave Italy for good, or the reasons for such a decision. The only memento from her prior life that “Maria Adela” brought home with her, border records show, was a cat. “Maria Adela” had a black cat called Luisa, which two of her acquaintances described to our team as the only stable thing in her life.

Two months after her departure, however, she posted one last cryptic, yet leading post on her Facebook page. In it, she alluded to having suffered from cancer, and talks about her hair growing back “after chemo”.

In fact, at the time the fictitious person that her shocked and worried friends knew as “Maria Adela” wrote this message, the real woman – a GRU officer named Olga – was spending time behind the wheel of her latest-model Audi car and eying a move into brand-new, luxury apartment in an upscale Moscow neighbourhood.


A reverse face-search in Russia’s sprawling passport database led to no matches with a persuasive confidence of facial similarity. However, it did produce hundreds of possible low-score matches that our team began analysing to identify other possible overlaps.

It was a deep-dive analysis of one of these low-score facial matches that ultimately resulted in the identification of the real person behind “Maria Adela”.
 A comparison of two images in the Microsoft Azure facial recognition tool brings back a negative result but was further explored by investigators.

A comparison of two images in the Microsoft Azure facial recognition tool brings back a negative result but was further explored by investigators.

A comparison of two different-age photographs of “Maria Adela” from social media sources to an old passport photo of a Russian citizen by the name of Olga Kolobova, born in 1982, in Microsoft’s Azur tool gave unimpressive scores of less than 35%. After initially discarding this person as an unlikely suspect, reporters revisited this hypothesis due to the old vintage of the passport photo, likely showing the person at the age of 14 or 15.


Using old leaked databases from cities outside Moscow, we ultimately were able to track down Olga’s previous digital presence in Russia to 2005, when, aged 23, she had registered a company trading in alcohol in the Krasnodar region in Russia. Tracing her then address registration, we were also able to track down her father. We discovered that he had been the Head of the Military Faculty at the Urals University in Ekaterinburg until he retired in 2007. More intriguingly, his school website boasted that he, a colonel in Russia’s armed forces, had received numerous distinctions and medals “for his service to the Fatherland abroad, including in Angola, Iraq and Syria”. Based on findings from previous investigations that GRU spies are frequently recruited from among children of high-ranking military officers, including with intelligence backgrounds, this added further credence to the possibility that “Maria Adela” and Olga were the same person.


Led by all of these clues, our team was able to obtain a fresh photograph of Olga Kolobova from a whistleblower with access to Russia’s database of drivers’ licences. That photo – which appeared to be from 2021 – provided a convincing match between the faces of “Maria Adela” and Olga Kolobova.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Reci karkoli, ampak kadirovci in koze, so vsaj zabavna ukrajinska propaganda.

Unchancy ::

Rusija namerno sežiga zemeljski plin


Medtem ko v Evropi stroški energentov skokovito naraščajo, Rusija sežiga velike količine zemeljskega plina, je pokazala analiza, ki jo je pridobil britanski BBC. Po oceni strokovnjakov gre za plin, prvotno namenjen izvozu v Nemčijo.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

Pac-Man ::

Unchancy je izjavil:

Ko je vrtina operativna ima nek minimalni nivo produkcije, ki ga moraš vzdrževat. Popolnoma zapret jo je komplicirano, še bolj kompliciran pa je ponovni zagon in takrat menda sploh ni nujno, da bo še vedno enako produktivna.

Kam torej s plinom?

Ali ga prodajo, ali ga shranijo ali pa ga sežgejo na licu mesta.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Mislim, blogerji, ane?

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PrimoZ_ ::

Unchancy je izjavil:

Rusija namerno sežiga zemeljski plin


Medtem ko v Evropi stroški energentov skokovito naraščajo, Rusija sežiga velike količine zemeljskega plina, je pokazala analiza, ki jo je pridobil britanski BBC. Po oceni strokovnjakov gre za plin, prvotno namenjen izvozu v Nemčijo.

Ekološki terorizem.
Ni pričakovati drugega od teroristične države.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: Kayzon ()

Pac-Man ::

Zdaj je zgleda plan potolč horizontalne plošče antonovskega mostu, da bo lahko padalo po pontonskem, video.


Kje je zdaj cias in njegov 5 sek izsek vožnje?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Še to cias, kako da tega odseka niso zajeli v tvojih 5ih sekundah? Saj ne da zavajaš?

video, včeraj:


Video released by Ru media today (date of recording however unknown)
Most notable:
- damage to the bridge.
- barge bridge under construction.
- pontoon/ferry crossing (including with a military truck on it)

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Unchancy ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Unchancy je izjavil:

Ko je vrtina operativna ima nek minimalni nivo produkcije, ki ga moraš vzdrževat. Popolnoma zapret jo je komplicirano, še bolj kompliciran pa je ponovni zagon in takrat menda sploh ni nujno, da bo še vedno enako produktivna.

Kam torej s plinom?

Ali ga prodajo, ali ga shranijo ali pa ga sežgejo na licu mesta.

Saj to je jasno. Naj bo to info vsem zagovornikom ruske agresije, ki blejajo o tem, kako bo Rusija prodajala plin Kitajcem namesto Evropi. Ga ne more.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

kow ::

Bi se pa smejal, da bi nekdo razstrelil del tistega sibirskega plinovoda. To mora kar kostati, da nadzorujes taksno dolzino.

fur80 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Zdaj je zgleda plan potolč horizontalne plošče antonovskega mostu, da bo lahko padalo po pontonskem, video.


Kje je zdaj cias in njegov 5 sek izsek vožnje?

Cias meša beton sigurno, da bo pokril luknje! :D

Še posnetek iz druge strani:

At least TEN hits by Ukrainian precision rockets on the Antonovsky bridge over the Dnipro.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Mr.B ::

Unchancy je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Unchancy je izjavil:

Ko je vrtina operativna ima nek minimalni nivo produkcije, ki ga moraš vzdrževat. Popolnoma zapret jo je komplicirano, še bolj kompliciran pa je ponovni zagon in takrat menda sploh ni nujno, da bo še vedno enako produktivna.

Kam torej s plinom?

Ali ga prodajo, ali ga shranijo ali pa ga sežgejo na licu mesta.

Saj to je jasno. Naj bo to info vsem zagovornikom ruske agresije, ki blejajo o tem, kako bo Rusija prodajala plin Kitajcem namesto Evropi. Ga ne more.

Imaš sicer prov, Rusija bo postala žitarica azije, Evropa bo pa delala bio gorivo, ker se da več zaslužit.

Pa da kucnem kow, lako čemo "china building biggest gas terminal" Le kdo bo prvi Evropa ali kitajska
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::


In the occupied Starobilsk (Luhansk region) unknown heroes blew up the so-called “head of MREO” Askyar Laishev.

The event happened on August 11. The collaborator was blown up right in the car, the traitor managed to jump out of the car and was taken to the intensive care unit. According to preliminary data, Askyar died in the hospital already.


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

TezkoDihanje ::

Na most v Novi Kakhovki so prileteli HIMARSi ravno v času, ko je prečkala most vojaška kolona. Sredi dneva.

precej neužitno za gledat

TezkoDihanje ::

Good news from the world! The President of Azerbaijan and the President of Kazakhstan refused to communicate in Russian during the meeting
Each spoke his own language. Past meetings were held in Russian. The change has begun!

Pac-Man ::

Tule so neužitni deli cenzurirani

cias, se ti zdi tole prevozno?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Ruska podružnica Coca-Cole gre po poti nemške med 2. sv vojno in razvija alternativne pijače


Coca Cola HBC AG (CCH.L) has started making a local cola, Dobry Cola, in Russia after stopping production and sales of Coca-Cola Co products after Western companies left the country en masse earlier this year.

Dobry has been a juice brand in Russia but Coca-Cola HBC, which is independent of the Coca-Cola Co, said earlier this month it was exploring extending existing local brands.

'Dobry Cola' has no connection with Coca-Cola or the Coca-Cola Co, Coca-Cola HBC said in a statement.

The Coca-Cola Co has a 23% stake in Coca-Cola HBC.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::

Kaj me brises bluefish, spoh veš kaj so oni govorili?

Kdo ve ali je to isti posnetek, ali je to novo, ali so Rusi res tako neumni? Prileteli na mino še ŽNJ-tič. Ali je to fake?

Illustration for the encyclopedia article "Lack of learning"


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Pac-Man ::

Replicira na Aaronovo nit


Calling it a “proxy war” is a little rhetorical trick Maté uses to gaslight his low-information audience into believing the U.S. agenda to keep Russia hemmed in was the *cause* of the war instead of a side-plot made possible *by* the war.

It’s like saying The Exorcist is a film about a doubtful priest’s struggle with his faith. Like, yeah, not wrong, I suppose, but sort of misses the main story, which is that A DEMON INVADES AND OCCUPIES A GIRL’S BODY.

Top Russian state officials keep telling us, entirely out in the open, that the purpose of the war is to take control of Ukraine and “get our lands back,” as Putin himself described it.

But the tankies are like “no, what he *really* means is that the war is about NATO.” Putin is on record saying repeatedly that Ukrainians aren’t a real people and have no right to an independent state. And the tankie response is basically: “Of course, so it’s about NATO, right?”

When Russia’s invasion of Ukraine compelled Sweden and Finland to join NATO, Putin didn’t raise much of a stink—despite the latter country sharing a 1300 km border with Russia. But we’re supposed to believe the very far-off, distant, probably impossible prospect of *Ukraine* joining NATO was seen by the Kremlin as so existentially dangerous that they had to invade? Come on.

With Russia already occupying—directly or indirectly—sovereign Ukrainian territory since 2014, with little chance of that state of affairs being reversed, Putin well understood that there was no way NATO would admit Ukraine into the alliance.

But Putin—and, not coincidentally, the tankies—want you to believe that the threat of Ukraine joining NATO was sufficiently real and imminent that it justified a larger invasion of the entire country (the smaller one having been ongoing since 2014).

Reasonable people can disagree over whether and how much NATO contributed to the war. I personally think it’s obvious that it was driven entirely by Russian expansionism. Others may see it differently. But NATO as *the* cause of the war? That’s not a serious argument.

So keep all this in mind next time you see @aaronjmate or any of his tankie friends refer to Russia’s war on Ukraine as “The U.S. Proxy War With Russia.”

He just a hack who’s done more Wikipedia diving than his audience and can gaslight them by virtue of that.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::

Sedaj jih je treba ruknit Ruse, naj dajo plin na 1EUR, nafto na 3EUR pa, da jih potolčemo do konca!
USA dala še 3 miljarde, lahko Rusi to vzdržijo?

Zoka joka:
Trenutna faza rata u Ukrajini gdje ni jedna strana ne moze da pomakne znacajno front.Vecinu fronta drze LNR/DNR/Vagner i Kozaci,dok ruske jedinice imaju lokalnu ulogu da povezu sve to i podrze djelomicno.Prvobitni resursi potroseni koji su donijeli veliki prodor..

Da botoks, proteinus, mdmanus Putlerus se zatakne na kravjem dreku, magari jem krompir 3 leta!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Vanich ::

HARM rakete stare čez 30 let so pa bolj za enkurz. Še posebej, če imajo samo 15 let dobo trajanja.

Comandante ::

Vanich je izjavil:

HARM rakete stare čez 30 let so pa bolj za enkurz. Še posebej, če imajo samo 15 let dobo trajanja.

To je roba za odpis, Americani so se jih elegantno resili (ceneje senkat kot unicit), Ukrajincem pa zelo prav pridejo. Tudi ce vsaka druga zataji, je vseeno, pac spustijo po 4 na radar pa je. Z unicevanje 50 let stare sovjetske sare vec kot dovolj.

Vanich ::

Comandante je izjavil:

Vanich je izjavil:

HARM rakete stare čez 30 let so pa bolj za enkurz. Še posebej, če imajo samo 15 let dobo trajanja.

To je roba za odpis, Americani so se jih elegantno resili (ceneje senkat kot unicit), Ukrajincem pa zelo prav pridejo. Tudi ce vsaka druga zataji, je vseeno, pac spustijo po 4 na radar pa je. Z unicevanje 50 let stare sovjetske sare vec kot dovolj.

Možno. Se pa rahlo bojim, da jim jih niso kar šenkali.

Pac-Man ::

Ta vojna je memizirana


Proti koncu videa je nekaj špekuliranja, da gre za ATACMS v Ukrajini, ampak ko je video prišel ven sem tudi sam malo pobrskal in IMO ima njegov kanister zadnji panel s simuliranimi 6imi cevmi.
Je pa težko reč, ker je praktično nič fotografij & videoposnetkov.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

pangro ::

Unchancy je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Unchancy je izjavil:

Ko je vrtina operativna ima nek minimalni nivo produkcije, ki ga moraš vzdrževat. Popolnoma zapret jo je komplicirano, še bolj kompliciran pa je ponovni zagon in takrat menda sploh ni nujno, da bo še vedno enako produktivna.

Kam torej s plinom?

Ali ga prodajo, ali ga shranijo ali pa ga sežgejo na licu mesta.

Saj to je jasno. Naj bo to info vsem zagovornikom ruske agresije, ki blejajo o tem, kako bo Rusija prodajala plin Kitajcem namesto Evropi. Ga ne more.

ko se je finska odpovedala ruskemu plinu so ga že na finsko ruski meji začeli kuriti. mislim da že avgusta ali celo julija takrat se je že videlo da rusom drugega ne preostane.

TezkoDihanje ::

evo jih:

Yugoslavian BMP M-80A were handed over by Slovenia in June, currently used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front

fikus_ ::

Bolj mi deluje da trenirajo na asfaltiranem poligonu!
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Pac-Man ::

"Ya nacist" model se druži z dopisniki ruske nacionalke, medtem ko snemajo za Vesti Nedeli. Kdo rabi denacifikacijo?


The Ukrainian military intercepted and landed a Russian Mavic quadcopter. The video of the “hijacking” was published on Telegram by VGTRK war correspondent Alexander Sladkov. According to him, the drone was intercepted by specialists in electronic warfare of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the video, he watches the intercepted quadcopter fly away.

“Donetsk Front, today is a good day for us, interesting stories were filmed for Vesti Nedeli. (...)


In addition to Sladkov, neo-Nazi Alexei Milchakov, nicknamed "Fritz", is seen in the video. Milchakov is the commander of the Rusich unit. He also fought in Syria as part of the Wagner PMC and in the Donbass on the side of the LPR militia.

He became widely known in 2011, when he posted on his page on the social network photos with a severed puppy's head. So he incited xenophobic killings on social networks. During the war in Donbass, he cut off the ears of the dead Ukrainian soldiers, carved the Kolovrat sign (8-ray swastika) on their faces, and also took selfies against the backdrop of the burnt corpses of Ukrainians. He posted the photo on social media. He told in an interview how he enjoyed the smell of burnt human meat.

v videu si je bolj podoben kot na fotki:

Ya nacist:

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Tudi Sladkov ni ravno sladek. V Luhansku je očitno nekoga zbil do smrti in nato pobegnil.


Ukrainian journalist Denis Kazansky has accused Alexander Sladkov, a war correspondent for the All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK), of fatally hitting a man with his car in the Luhansk region.

According to Kazansky, local residents contacted him to tell him that Lyubov Gromova, a woman who lives in the village of Varvarivka, witnessed the accident and later disappeared. She was allegedly taken by armed men in military uniforms to an unknown location.
 A screenshot from the video posted by Kazansky

A screenshot from the video posted by Kazansky

Kazansky didn’t name the person who was allegedly killed in the crash.

In the same Telegram post, Kazansky also shared a video that he claimed was shot at the site of the accident by one of Gromova’s neighbors. The clip shows a woman (presumably Gromova) standing next to what appears to be a corpse wrapped in a sheet and repeating the car’s license plate number.

“What happened?” somebody asks.

“Someone hit him. A black Toyota SUV, R042,” she says.

R042 is part of the license plate number that belongs to a black Toyota given to Sladkov as a gift on July 12 in Rostov-on-Don, according to Russian media reports.
An article about his new car highlighted the fact that it was armored and thus capable of withstanding shots from sniper rifles, machine guns, and anti-tank grenade launchers. The story about the gift, which was posted on the site of VGTRK’s Rostov-on-Don branch, has been deleted, but can still be found on Google’s cache.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

v videu si je bolj podoben kot na fotki:

še s podnapisi




You can't make this up.

The Russian official state TV reporter Aleksandr "I don't know what the Polish language is" Sladkov publishes videos with Aleksey Milchakov, the leader of nazi Rusich unit.

The same Sladkov a few weeks ago was saying all UAF fighters are nazis.

Kot sem napisal že večkrat - da te Rusi razglasijo za nacista/fašista je dovolj negativen odnos do njihove pozicije. Besedi tako izgubita ves svoj pomen.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::


According to the General Directorate of Ukrainian Intelligence, the Russians have about 20% of Iskanders and Kalibrs left. They have a total of 20-40 daggers [Kinžal] (they didn't have time to put them into mass production).

That is why now they mainly use Kh-22 and S-300 missiles, which are also slowly running out.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Prva objava ima video z angleškimi podnapisi. Tip z lobanjo v roki pove, da se borijo proti Ukrajini kot antiruski državi in za deukranizacijo Ukrajine. Bad acid verzija Hamleta.
NATO kaj?

Sem pristranski, ampak meni se sliši precej bolj naci & genocidno, kot vse sproducirano z ukrajinske strani.


This is Igor Mangushev. A Russian soldier who went to war to commit genocide.
In the video, he himself admits this. He says that the main goal of the war is to kill everyone who considers himself Ukrainian.

Mangushev holds a human skull in his hands. [video]

Another russian soldier agrees with him

Aksyonov, a representative of the occupation administration in Crimea, previously awarded nazi Mangushev


Igor “Bereg” Mangushev is the leader of the Russian nationalist movement “Light Russia”, the alleged founder of the private military company E.N.O.T. Corp.

He has a Facebook page, as well as a Vkontakte page.

“The pulse of history is beating under our fingers…” Mangushev wrote in his profile.


The Meduza publication found out that Igor Mangushev may be the author of the symbol Z for the Russian military invasion of Ukraine.

The Insider writes that Igor Mangushev also works for the Safe Internet League organization of Russian businessman Konstantin Malofeev.


On August 28, 2022, Ukrainian activist Serhiy Sternenko posted a video where Igor Mangushev stands on stage with an alleged skull of a Ukrainian soldier.

“Very embarrassing video that should still be seen and shared. For this is a really disgusting mug of Russia. This is Igor Mangushev. A Russian freak who went to war against us with one goal – to commit genocide, ”Sternenko wrote.

“Actually, in the video, he himself admits this when he says that the main goal of the war is to erase our national identity and kill everyone who considers himself Ukrainian. Mangushev holds a human skull in his hands. According to him, this is the skull of a Ukrainian soldier from Azovstal. Modern Russia is an absolute anti-human entity that must be destroyed,” Sternenko added.

Boldan del, zgleda je bil samo dovolj blizu vira, da se je lahko začel s simbolom igrat že pred samo invazijo. Pravi avtorji naj bi bili pri RT. Spet se ne izognemo 1984 scenam, fašizem mora po njegovo prit iz srca.



The earliest use of the Z symbol in an online flash mob in support of the Russian army, which Meduza was able to detect, dates back to the period before the official start of the war. Meduza was told about this by political strategist Igor Mangushev, the author of the Telegram channel Notes of an Adventurer (now also spelled with a Z) and “a retired captain of the LPR,” as he introduced himself in the conversation.

Mangushev's name appeared in a leak about the activities of the Internet Research Agency, the very St. Petersburg "troll factory" that is associated with Yevgeny Prigozhin. Mangushev himself confirmed the authenticity of this correspondence to Fontanka. In 2019, Novaya Gazeta called Igor Mangushev one of the provocateurs who allegedly organized an underground apartment to falsify signatures for the candidacy of Lyubov Sobol, an associate of Alexei Navalny, who then ran in the elections to the Moscow City Duma.

In an interview with Meduza, Igor Mangushev stated that the idea for this flash mob came to him along with his “comrades-in-arms”; he calls them “people of creative professions who, in 2014 and later, due to a number of circumstances, took up arms.” As proof of his words, Mangushev showed Meduza screenshots of a Telegram conversation in which participants propose putting a logo with the letter Z on their channel avatars — “precisely white paint, applied like a brush, a little carelessly, but the same for everyone.”

Such an image really began to appear in a group of Telegram channels related to the general theme of supporting the “people’s republics” in eastern Ukraine, around February 20-21, that is, on the eve of the invasion. It was there, Mangushev suggests, that “one of the people involved in state propaganda saw them and said: oh, cool topic, we are taking it to work.”

But he is not going to insist on the recognition of “copyright” for him and his associates: “We have done an important and useful work, and we are pleased that it went to the people. For a number of reasons, we do not have state resources to make this really massive. We can't, like RT, print a million T-shirts and sell them."

However, Igor Mangushev has a “negative” attitude towards the methods by which the state “imposes Z” as the official symbolism of the “special operation”. He says he's happy with the totalitarian aesthetic of the action, with students in Z uniforms raising their hands with clenched fists in sync — but if he had been trusted to implement the idea, he insists, he'd have everyone put a Z on their avatars and T-shirts. completely voluntary.

“Just to scale this experience, it has to come from the heart. But our state, unfortunately, does not know how to do something from the heart, ”concludes Mangushev.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

1:20 "Ya nacist" intervjuja z angleškimi podnapisi

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

TezkoDihanje ::


Russia has lost its place in the world because of the military adventure in Ukraine, Stanislav Belkovsky believes.
The Russian Federation, in addition to its desire, got stuck in Ukraine in a protracted war, for which it turned out to be disastrously unprepared. Discontent is growing among the Kremlin elites.

Stanislav Belkovsky, a Russian political strategist, spoke about this on the air of Khodorkovsky LIVE.

" Russia has lost its place in the modern world. In the very US-centric world that Putin is fighting to bring down... Now, even in elite circles close to Putin, there is a growing view that this is generally a provocation staged by the United States in order to weaken and isolate Russia... What Putin's Russia has swallowed the American bait and with this bait it will be completely taken out of the waters of the modern economy, politics, intellectual life, technology, and everything without which a modern-day developed state is simply unthinkable ," Belkovsky said. The war in Ukraine, in his words, showed the complete unsuitability of the Russian army for a major war. " The Kremlin was not preparing for a big war. They planned a special operation, as a result of which Kiev was to come under the control of the Russian Federation in three days, the President of Ukraine Zelensky would die or flee (...), and in a few weeks to take at least two-thirds of Ukrainian territory, and then proceed to the next stage. The blitzkrieg simply failed. And Russia got stuck with this non-war, which, first of all, owes to the resistance of Ukraine, the courage of the Ukrainian people and Zelensky ," the Russian political strategist said. He is sure that the dictator of the Russian Federation himself will not stop the war. This threatens Russia with very grave consequences. " The line on the isolation of Russia, on its complete total loneliness, Putin will lead to the end. Political repressions, such as the murder of Dugina , will increase. Russia will pass this path of loneliness and taste the bitter fruits ... Russia will one way or another come out of the "special operation" ready for repentance " Belkovsky stated.

TezkoDihanje ::

ti ljudje so res prfuknjeni v glavo

Propagandists on Russian state TV say relations between Ukrainians & Russians can be fixed within a year or two after Ukraine is incorporated into Russia.

They say Ukrainian soldiers will then help Russia "storm Warsaw & Berlin".

TezkoDihanje ::

Everything will be done, if necessary for years, so that this does not become a reality. #Ukraine must get all her land back from #Russland , including #Krim . Social conflicts in the West are part of Putin's war.

Pac-Man ::

Neprebojni jopiči za rusko pehoto so cca 3 mm debele kovinske plošče, ki jih prebije kalaš, verjetno 5.45mm, video


Ukrainian 95th brigade have captured Russian MT-LB and a unknown body armor. Yhey tested the body armor, the result is on video.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Več objav & niti. En zanimiv podatek - Nemci so bili ta mesec samo 9% odvisni od ruskega plina, je pa res da smo sredi poletja.


Some numbers about putin's 137,000 troop increase.

• russia's military already falls short of its recruiting goal by 160,000 troops
• Add to this around 80,000 russian troops KIA, permanently maimed, POW, or deserted since putin's invasion of Ukraine started
• so in total putin will need to find 377,000 idiots to fill up his military to the envisioned strength - no chance to do that unless he orders full mobilization
• if he find 240,000 idiots he can fill out existing units and replenish units chopped up in Ukraine
• if he finds another 137,000 idiots - that's 250+ new battalions, for which he needs officers and NCOs... that have to be taken out of existing units, which have all been chopped up in Ukraine
• taking out officers and NCOs from already severely depleted battalions will fully wreck these units
• raising new battalions without experienced officers/NCOs will result in undisciplined, useless rabble
• last but not least, except for Kalashnikovs, russia's industry can't equip 250 new battalions

putin is just dickwagging for internal consumption.


When the US announced it would send M142 HIMARS launchers and GMLRS rockets to Ukraine, a bunch of clowns and nincompoops said that it would have no effect on the war, that russia would intercept the GMLRS rockets and that russia's Tornado-S was superior to HIMARS... 😄😄

.@dcexaminer even interviewed one of these nincompoops🤦‍♂️

• russia hasn't intercepted a single GMLRS
• Tornado-S hasn't hit a single target

While HIMARS has changed the course of the war. It was obvious then & it's obvious now that it will only get worse for the russians.


russia is losing the war against Ukraine militarily, economically and politically.

So any Western country (i.e. 🇩🇪🇫🇷🇮🇹) betraying the Western alliance to strike a deal with putin for gas, will hitch its fate to the losing side... and the costs for doing so will be crushing, because all of Eastern Europe, all of Scandinavia, the US, UK, Canada, Australia etc. will never stop supporting Ukraine... and russia will be defeated!

A country siding with putin will break the bonds of alliance with all the countries listed above and be shunned politically and economically for years.

Every politician in Europe arguing for a deal with putin doesn't understand what the true costs for their country would be: namely the destruction of the economy and standing of such a country - in return for a deal with the losing side.


The share of russian gas used by Germany has fallen below 10% for the first time. Half a year ago, it was more than 50%…


🇬🇧 LH119 105mm Howitzers on the Donestk front via 🇺🇦 81st Air Assault BDE

“Great for assault operations”
“You can tow with SUVs”
“Much better than D-30s” [video]


A Russian tank was destroyed by a precise artillery strike somewhere in the East.

Judging by the proximity detonation and accuracy, this is likely to be a Western supplied system although the type is not totally clear.

It's a French supplied BONUS round.

Easy to identify by the detonation above the tank that creates a 1 kg heavy Tantalum penetrator, which punches through the tank with 7,500+ km/h and is about 600° C hot. [video]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

pangro ::

Putin s plinam ne more zadavit amerike, amerika je pa tista ki diktira tempo ukrajinskega odpora. Itak je utopično pričakovati da bo putin spravil ameriko na kolena, lahko se pa vsaj potrudi spravit na kolena Poljsko ki je tranzit za ameriško orožje. So pa seveda lahko tranzitne države tudi Romunija,madžarska in slovaška. V tej smeri more Putin razmišljat, samo z zapiranjem plina ne bo šlo.

Voss ::

Da ob koncu vikenda še na hitro malce preberem, kaj se dogaja v Ukrajini.

Aha vidim, da Kijev še stoji, nobenih neznanih letečih zig zag plovil nad glavnim mestom, tank gori, rus beži kot bi se izrazil Logitech. Nič novega torej, razen truge za Ruse.

Super. Lahko noč.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Voss ()

DarkSite ::

Nekaj se je zacelo dogajati v Khersonu! UA napad ..

"The Armed Forces of Ukraine launched offensive operations in many directions in the south of Ukraine"
Operation south confirms


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: DarkSite ()

DarkSite ::

fur80 ::

DarkSite je izjavil:

Nekaj se je zacelo dogajati v Khersonu! UA napad ..

"The Armed Forces of Ukraine launched offensive operations in many directions in the south of Ukraine"
Operation south confirms


Se je začelo ja, pa da vidimo kako gre Ukrajincem napad!
16 / 900