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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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korenje3 ::

ste opazl da je navalny izginil iz vseh spetnih strani medijev? xd
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Pac-Man ::

Odgovorni urednik Mediazzzone, precej velikega trnja v peti trenutne oblasti, je dobil 25 dni čuze ker je RT štos, da po novem igra v bendu.

To give you a sense how outrageous the verdict against @mediazzzona's editor @sssmirnov was.
Navalny's HQ posted a message of support by Dmitry Spirin, leader of a rock band and Smirnov lokalike.
Someone joked "since when does @sssmirnov play in a band?" and tagged Smirnov.

Aretirali so ga čez vikend, ko je bil na sprehodu s 6-letnim sinom, video:


Kolikor mi je znano je frontman, ki je dejansko pozival k protestu, še vedno svoboden kot ptiček na veji.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

ste opazl da je navalny izginil iz vseh spetnih strani medijev? xd


FT, NYT, 5 ur nazaj:

WSJ, 6 ur nazaj:

AJ, 8 ur nazaj:

The Japan Times, 9 ur nazaj:

Euronews, 10 ur nazaj:

France24, 11 ur nazaj:

itn itd
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

korenje3 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

ste opazl da je navalny izginil iz vseh spetnih strani medijev? xd


FT, NYT, 5 ur nazaj:

WSJ, 6 ur nazaj:

AJ, 8 ur nazaj:

The Japan Times, 9 ur nazaj:

Euronews, 10 ur nazaj:

France24, 11 ur nazaj:

itn itd

Ja, to je zadnja reciklirana novica.
Potem se pa konča.

Pač so novinarske hiše vidle, da so jih rusi zasačl pri kooperaciji s tujimi agencijami s pravimi dokazi.
In zdej ne vejo kako naprej. Čakajo da kakšna novinarska hiša mrdne, potem bodo pa to recikliral. Ali pa čakajo na vladne vohunske agencije na navodila kako naprej, ali pa čakajo na navodila iz tabora Navalnyja.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: korenje3 ()

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Stalni ruski predstavnik pri ZN v Ženevi. Profesionalno.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Nova zapisa v "se zgodi" sagi - zdravnik, ki je Navalnemu bojda rešil življenje, je nenadoma umrl sredi 50ih, njegovega nadrejenega, ki ni opazil znakov zastrupitve, so povišali v regionalnega ministra za zdravje.


V Sibiriji v Omsku je medtem umrl namestnik primarija na oddelku anasteziologije in reanimacije Sergej Maksimišin, ki je avgusta lani zdravil Navalnega nemudoma po njegovi zastrupitvi z novičokom. Kot so sporočili iz tamkajšnje bolnišnice, je 56-letni zdravnik umrl nenadoma. Maksimišin je bil v bolnišnici zaposlen 28 let.


Primarija omenjene klinike Aleksandra Murahovskega, ki so ga kritizirali zaradi zdravljenja Navalnega, so medtem novembra lani povišali v regionalnega ministra za zdravje. Murahovski je pri Navalnem ugotovil zgolj presnovne motnje in zanikal, da bi bil Navalni zastrupljen. Navalni je primariju očital, da je ponaredil diagnozo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

korenje3 ::

in pa agenti nemčije, švedske in poljske med protestniki... v sagi "se zgodi"
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

D3m ::

Mi je zanimivo, da se mediji toliko ukvarjajo z Rusi. :)

Lahko bi se sedaj osredotočili na Kitajce.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

tetriandoch ::

Potrebno je imeti "zunanjega sovražnika", da se zakrije vse druge svinjarije. "Fatalni" je pa itak največji "heroj". Zastrupljen z bojda najsmrtonosnejšim strupom in še kar živ. Ali je novičok zanič ali pa je šlo za kaj drugega ali pa zanič in je vse lepo nameščeno. Kje sta pa Škripala? So ju odstranili po poteku roka uporabnosti? Če bi ruska bolast želela pospraviti Navalnega bi to verjetno že storili. Gospodarje ZDA očitno zelo moti Rusija, ker je ne morejo ropati zastonj kot to delajo drugje po svetu. Sedaj pa vsak malo bevska. Sploh zvesti puldlji iz Baltika in Poljske. Morda bi bilo bolje, če bi bili tiho. Večinoma so po njih gazili z obeh strani. Tako Rusi kot "zahod" od Nemčije in Avstrije oz. predhodnih državnih tvorb naprej. Nemčija seveda lahko laja iz polne riti. Za njih je važno, da države EU še vedno njihovi vazali, poleg ruskih surovin seveda. Močna Evropa ni ravno v interesu Nemčije, Rusije in ZDA. Tako ali tako imajo fašisti onstran Atlantika baze po celi Evropi. Države večinoma nastavljajo zadnjik eni ali drugi strani oz bolje rečeno politiki. Narod pa živi od parol.

D3m ::

Evropa bi moral dati v narekovanje, ker Nemčija želi biti močna izključno v Evropi. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Gagatronix ::

Nemcija ze leta poskusa skozi mehanizme EU doseci to, kar ji ni uspelo z dvema vojnama.

Pac-Man ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

in pa agenti nemčije, švedske in poljske med protestniki... v sagi "se zgodi"

Se ti zdi nemogoče, da bi spremljali proteste in spremljajočo policijsko represijo ter o tem poročali v domovino? Mora bit nekaj zlohotnega?

Podobno kot na sojenju pred tem.


Representatives of countries who came to Navalny's trial

Great Britain
Czech Republic
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mtosev ::

Borrell je zaprosil, da mu omogocijo srecanje z Navalnim. Me zanima, ce bo prišlo do srecanja.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: mtosev ()

Pac-Man ::

Ne bo, tja se je šel osmešit. Med njegovim obiskom & hvaljenjem Rusije so izgnali diplomate treh? EU držav.

to, kolumnist WaPo, kolumna na povezavi

Biden didn’t have a lot of specifics to offer—he did not unveil any new sanctions—but simply the fact that he spoke the truth about Russian attacks and demanded that Putin release Navalny marks a sharp and welcome break from the recent past.

in to, sodelavec Kasparova

1) Biden saying it himself and
2) him saying “Putin” instead of “Russia” or “Russian government.” Capo to capo, it matters. Putin has been dictator for 20 years and is the richest guy on the planet. He doesn’t care what Blinken says.

The reason we've harped on this trivial detail for years is not just to get Putin's attention. It's to focus on Putin the crime boss as the problem, not some old-timey clash of national interests or ideologies.
Putin and his gang don't care about that stuff at all, except for occasional "Make Russia Scary Again" propaganda. They use "Russia" as a way to deflect attention and absorb punishment that should go do their global criminal business. It's a construct.
This is what we meant re Putin's "asymmetrical advantage" in the WaPo today. He invades to entrench himself, we sanction Russia. He murders to punish his enemies, we call an ambassador. He spreads cash and corruption, we issue broad statements about the rule of law. Etc.
Putin's cronies combine their private citizen status with state power, like hybrid warfare. We're squeamish with these blurred lines and they know it. They're like terrorists hiding among the civilian population for protection.
They exploit the West's openness, lobbying, donating to institutions, politicians, buying companies, media, sports teams. You can't fight private criminals via national diplomacy. But you can advance national interests by fighting the criminals.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::

mtosev je izjavil:

Borrell je zaprosil, da mu omogocijo srecanje z Navalnim. Me zanima, ce bo prišlo do srecanja.

Borat who?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

endelin ::

itak je skor vsem v interesu, da Putin ostane v Rusiji vodja in drži potencialni sod smodnika pod kontrolo. EU nekaj joka in laja sem in tja ampak grem stavit, da je Merklova presrečna, da se ji ni treba ubadat z Rusijo, ker ve kaj od Putina pričakovat.

Pac-Man ::

Angelca bo letos odjahala v sončni zahod. Me pa skrbi kaj bo, ker Armin Laschet, njen trenutno najverjetnejši naslednik, je megla. Upam da bo dal CDU/CSU Söderja za špicenkandidata in šel v koalicijo z Zelenimi.

2021 German federal election @ Wikipedia

Mislim, da se motiš. Ima ga prečitanega vsaj odkar se je l. 2007 sadistično naslajal, čeprav ve, da se boji psov.

Konni (dog) @ Wikipedia

A popular anecdote was when the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, met President Vladimir Putin, Putin brought Konni to their meetings. On 21 January 2007, the two leaders met at Bocharov Ruchei, the President's summer residence in Sochi, and at the beginning of their meeting Konni wandered into the room, leading Putin to ask Merkel, who reportedly has a "deep-seated fear of dogs", "The dog does not bother you, does she? She's a friendly dog and I'm sure she will behave herself."[25] Merkel responded in Russian, a language in which she is fluent, "She doesn't eat journalists, after all."[26] Konni then proceeded to sniff the German Chancellor, and sat at her feet. Merkel was reported to have shown "apparent discomfort".[27] Putin later said that, after learning of Merkel's fear of dogs, he apologized to her.[28]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

korenje3 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

in pa agenti nemčije, švedske in poljske med protestniki... v sagi "se zgodi"

Se ti zdi nemogoče, da bi spremljali proteste in spremljajočo policijsko represijo ter o tem poročali v domovino? Mora bit nekaj zlohotnega?

Podobno kot na sojenju pred tem.


Representatives of countries who came to Navalny's trial

Great Britain
Czech Republic

Bili so udeleženi med protestniki (protest proti vladi) kjer so se sprehajali med množico. Kaj ti tukaj ni jasno?
Verjetno so preverjali, če je klient uspešno porabil denar za proteste.

Pa tole... dogovarjanje v tujini z agentom mi6:
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Pac-Man ::

Dobro leto v mandat je Borrell spregledal.

An aggressively-staged press conference and the expulsion of three EU diplomats during my visit indicate that the Russian authorities did not want to seize this opportunity to have a more constructive dialogue with the EU. While not fully unexpected, this is regrettable, also, dare I say, from a Russian strategic perspective. As EU, we will have to draw the consequences, reflect carefully on the direction we want to give to our relations with Russia and proceed in a united manner with determination.

Cel zapis:

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::

Meeeeeeeh. Samo PR talk nič drugega.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Vse je v rokah EU članic, gledam Madžarsko in Ciper.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::

Kurac je. :)

Glavni v EU se odločijo četudi so nekatere članice proti.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::

Sveže iz Rusije, Navalnemu spet sodijo, tokrat zaradi klevetanja veteranov velike patriotske vojne. Precej očitna politizacija sodstva, še tako trhel primer kjer je obtoženi nasprotnik režima, dobi turbo pogon.

Nit & sampl:


After an hour-long break, the judge refuses to recuse herself. The prosecutor reads a letter from Ignat Artemenko, the 94-year-old veteran, who says he won't participate further after feeling unwell during last week's hearing and blames Navalny for his ill health.
Navalny, visibly agitated, demands to know how the prosecutor got hold of Artemenko's statement. Artemenko read out his statement from a piece of paper last week and didn't appear to understand what was going on. Navalny accused his relatives of "trading off the old man"
"Are we meant to believe he got behind a computer and wrote this statement saying he wants the prosecution to support his interests? Obviously it's a forgery – it's not even in the language that a 95-year-old man uses," says Navalny. "You are using this poor old man as a puppet."
Artemenko's grandson Igor Kolesnikov is testifying. Navalny tries to ask him some questions. Everyone is yelling at each other. Navalny is now on his fifth reprimand. "I'm trying to understand how you wound up on the slippery slope of trafficking your own grandfather!" he says.
Navalny is now asking Kolesnikov why his grandfather was listed as a founder of his mobile phone repair firm at the tender age of 86. "What, was the old man fixing your phones?" he says. "Kolesnikov has a longstanding habit of forging documents!"

In včeraj od Bellingcat - Kara-Murzi je ob njegovih dveh zastrupitvah sledila ista ekipa kot Navalnemu.


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Povzetek s strani avtorja Vox-ove serije Borders. Par malenkostnih napak, ampak če imaš samo 20 minut najboljše do sedaj.

Johnny Harris: The Man Putin Fears The Most
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::

Ermmmmm, tvoj Trump impeach je šel po gobe.....again. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Kara Murzi spet sledijo, s Škodo, ki uradno ne obstaja, neuradno pa je registrirana na FSB.

After the publication of the report by @bellingcat, @the_ins_ru & @spiegel showing FSB’s poison squad tailed @vkaramurza before both of his poisonings, he has been subject of renewed tailing - this time by a car we linked to the FSB.
Yesterday, @vkaramurza reported he was tailed throughout Moscow by the same car. Following his decision to switch to public transport, he noticed the same people trailing on the metro as well. He sent us a photo of the car that tailed him.
We tried to search for the car number plate in a number of online sources that almost always return car ownership and registration data. Nothing came back for this car... a very unusual occurrence.
Then we searched for the car license plate among photographs of cars on @google and @yandex. Bingo! We found this one match. Same car model, same color, same license plate number. But where is it parked?
We decided to geolocate the street address and see if it gives us any clue as to the owner of the mysterious car. To do this, we took the most distinctive piece of the street landscape, and did a reverse search for it. We got a match. Ilinka St. 4-8 in Moscow.
This location is close to too many government buildings to decipher whom the car was visiting: FSB’s HQ is just around the corner, as is the anti-terrorism center and a number of ministries. So we decided to check the actual, official registration data for the car.
We got a response from a source with access to the live car-registration database: it’s a special “moveable” license plate number from a series belonging to the FSB. There is no actual physical car attached to it. It’s an FSB car. Tailing @vkaramurza - again.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Amnesty International je zaradi preteklih rasističnih izjav Navalnemu umaknil status zapornika vesti, še vedno pa pozivajo k njegovi izpustitvi. Nek čuden ne tič ne miš, več tu:

“Yes, we will no longer use the phrase ‘prisoner of conscience’ when referring to [Navalny], insofar as our legal and political department studied Navalny’s statements from the mid-2000s and determined that they qualify as hate speech,” Artemyev told Mediazona.
“Nevertheless, our calls for his immediate release remain in force, as he is being persecuted for purely political reasons.”

Glaven vpliv na odločitev naj bi imela pisanja ruske LGBT neostalinistke, ki živi v 3 mio $ vrednem stanovanju v NY. Take that intersekcionalnost, več tu:

In še zelo dolga nit o tankijih in neotankijih. Original je Ruski, spodaj strojno prevedeno bistvo v Angleščini, v branje priporočam tudi ostalo


After the Second World War, the situation generally remained. True, the communists in Europe lost their positions because of the American holeyards in the Marshall plan, but they remained the conductors of Soviet ideology.
The Hungarian Uprising of 1956 changed everything.

Then the pro-Soviet communists were overthrown in Hungary, the non-Soviet communist Imre Nagy came to power, who promised restructuring and democratization, and also withdrew from the Warsaw Pact.
The reaction of the USSR was not long in coming.

The communist parties (still pro-Moscow) diligently promoted the general line of Moscow that fascist elements had revolted in Hungary, and that Soviet tanks had been introduced there quite correctly.
Of course, tens of thousands of refugees from Hungary told something completely different.

And this is where the split in the Western communist movement began.
The term "tankies" itself (reads like "tannis") originated in the British Communist Party, which split against the background of the Hungarian doctor. This was the name of the supporters of Soviet intervention and, in fact, the introduction of tanks.


Time passed, the pro-Soviet communists grew old and wan at their party meetings, but then the USSR ended, and with it - the red threat, that is, the incentive to share income with the population.
Gen X, and then the millennials with the zoomers, suddenly discovered that they, unlike the boomers, can no longer afford a house, a couple of cars and university studies. And many moved to the left.
Of course, many were lazy to create trade unions and conduct electoral politics.
A much simpler way is to convince yourself that oligarchic capitalism is to blame for all your problems, you live in an evil empire, and in the USSR (which no longer exists and cannot be verified) there was the promised land, destroyed by those very capitalists.
Many did so.


In historical times, the tankies' worldview was most influenced by one event: the US invasion of Iraq.
Absolutely unfounded, and at the same time supported by many media, it broke the "fighters against imperialism." Since then, any actions of the collective West began to be perceived with hostility.
In general, imagine that your political worldview is the early System of a Down and memes like “Gaddafi was killed for such sins”.
Get tankies that haven't changed much since then

Time passed, the war on terrorism did not end, the Great Recession began. By this time, a full-fledged online community had already formed, where, in addition to tales about milk rivers and jelly banks in the USSR, they supported any dictators, if only they were against the United States.
In 2011, Motherland finally remembered the lost knee of the communists. And she called. Occupy Wall Street, of course, consisted of more than just tankies. But the RT channel, created as a result of the loss of the information war during the invasion of Georgia in 2008, grabbed onto this topic.
Next were Snowden and Assange. Of course, RT could not ignore the topic of spying on US citizens and ripping off the veil of Western diplomacy.
We will omit why incriminating RF plums were removed from the WikiLeaks arrays. The main thing is that, from the point of view of many leftists, RT has become the mouthpiece of freedom.
The symbiosis of tankies and RT started from here. Many justified themselves with a free platform, but in fact they believed about everything that was said in the RT about Libya, Syria, Ukraine and elsewhere.
Because RT echoed their beliefs about the evil empire and CIA coups.

Oddly enough, the last four years have not been particularly influenced by tankies, except that many have noted passive support for Trump. It sounds strange, but logical, if you remember that the main enemy of the tankies is the American establishment, and Trump has positioned himself as a candidate from the people.
A collection of sayings of modern tankies can be evaluated in your account @HotTankie or link.

I will try to further explain the ideology of average representatives.

So, everything that you were told in school in history lessons is a lie. In fact, the USSR was a democratic state of workers, as it is written in their Constitution. The fact that there was state homophobia and racism is the propaganda of the capital-controlled media (there are no others in the West).

Repressions and mass shootings in the USSR are also propaganda, especially if they write about it on Radio Liberty, which, as you know, is controlled directly from the CIA headquarters.
Therefore, you can love the USSR even if you are LGBT or non-white.

The United States is an evil empire, where all the mainstream media and both parties are controlled by military-industrial capital. All the ruling class wants is to unleash wars and overthrow the opposing regimes. Therefore, all the regimes that the United States criticizes are good, there are no exceptions.

The entire policy of the West is perceived through the prism of the war in Iraq, so any sanctions or even deep concern are preparations for an aggression or a coup by the CIA.
Any protests in "anti-American" countries are attempts at a coup by the CIA. Any information about repression is a lie

There is no difference between liberals and fascists in the United States. The Nazis are perhaps even better, because they belong to the working class (or rather, they look like stereotypical white laborers, don't look that they are wearing tactical gear for three minimum wages).
It is, of course, worth mentioning separately about the denial of the Uyghur genocide in China, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the chemical attacks of the Assad regime in Syria.
If tankis had existed during Hitler's time, they would have denied the Holocaust to the last.

In the screenshots, typical tanks Max Blumenthal, an RT frequenter and GrayZone journalist, along with Kazbek and Mate, taunts Syrian children, whom their father makes masks to protect against chemical attacks.

So, protests begin in Belarus and Russia
What does everyone see? The people are opposed to the dictators, who set garbage on them.
What do the tankis see? The CIA staged a coup against anti-American (that is, good) regimes, the corrupt media extol the fascists on the streets.

And then RT material appears, where they will explain to you that the Belarusian protesters are terribly far from the working people, and Navalny studied at Yale and called for the legalization of weapons to protect against "terrorists" (INTO), which is misinterpreted as "called for exterminating Muslims like cockroaches."
Grateful tankis happily absorb propaganda about how protesters walk with fascist flags, gouge out the eyes of FSB officers and enjoy the support of 1.5% of the population. And all this fits perfectly into their picture of the world with the evil West and the good heirs of the USSR.


How to resist tankis?
* please get the right and libertarians off the screens *
Despite the rhetoric, it is clear that the Putin and Lukashenka regimes are right-wing, proto-fascist and economically neoliberal. This is what it is worth telling the English-speaking audience.

Found Navalny's posts from the 2000s? Please, here's a post from Simonyan from 2020 with a translation of the favorites into English.

Is Putin's regime called "anti-fascist"? Please, here is a text about the Kremlin's fight against anti-fascism.

I know from my own experience that any sufficiently informed person from the West cannot support the Kremlin or Lukashenka.
If he supports it, then either on a salary, or incorrigible tanks (or a fascist), which it is generally better not to touch, but to ban immediately.

The rest need to be told what is actually happening in our country, so that in conditions when the credibility of the media, let's say, is not at the highest level, they learn about Russia and Belarus not from Kazbek's threads.
That's all, sorry if it turned out too messy. Death to the tyrants!


At night I forgot about the _complicated_ relationship of the tankis with the Sanders campaign.
Many moderates drowned Bernie as a fighter against the establishment, and then decided that the Democrats stole the victory from his grandfather and did not vote for Biden (but some became like the lesser of evils).

At the same time, some tankis considered Bernie to be the same lackey of capital, like his allies in the Democratic Party, and recalled support for the bombing of Yugoslavia in the 90s.
They also refer to other left-wing politicians, the aforementioned Samira jumped to AOC for a like from AOC to Pussy Riot's account.
A funny episode - when the tankis demanded that Bernie dismiss foreign policy adviser Matt Dass for approvingly sharing an article about how Putin's petroarchy will have hard times under Bernie, they even launched the hashtag #FireMattDuss .
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

V 10ih minutah pojasni, da se ga želijo znebit ker učinkovito izpostavlja korupcijo. Kaplja čez rob je bilo umno glasovanje, ki ogroža monopol putinove stranke.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Graphic detailing the budgets for various regions of Russia for 2020.
In black -- the budget for RT.
Grey -- the regions that have a budget smaller than that of RT, including the Smolensk and Astrakhan oblasts.
RT/Sputnik/RIA just got a $400 million increase in annual budgets.
(My point isn't "My god, RT is a behemoth", but instead "RT is a completely useless expenditure, and Russians should be outraged that Margo's lobbying wins out over improvements to decaying infrastructure and tiny pensions").
RT is the F-35 of the Russian budget.

Drug takeout bi bil lahko kako dominantna sta Moskva in Peter v največji državi na svetu.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Alekseja so založili v sistemu, gtranslate:


Alexei's lawyers have been in pre-trial detention center-3 in Kolchugino since the beginning of the working day. Under various pretexts, they were not allowed to visit Alexei (either the holiday was invented, then someone felt bad, apparently, after the celebration). Only at 14-00 they were informed that Alexey had left. Where - refused to answer.
Alexey's lawyers went to IK-2 in Pokrov. There they were told that there was no information about the delivery of Navalny, and in general the institution had “a short day”. It was 15.30. Where Alexei is is still unknown, and the FSIN is clearly going to hide it as long as possible.

Lawyer @navalny Olga Mikhailova on the air of Echo of Moscow:
“Once again, we do not know his location. The administration must notify the relatives of where he was transferred. But as practice has shown, this is not done. The Federal Penitentiary Service is hiding Alexey's whereabouts from both his relatives and lawyers. Last time we found him on our own in the Kolchugino pre-trial detention center. Now, apparently, we are also invited to look for him ourselves wherever possible "
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

V Rusiji imajo svojega Q, tistega iz Bonda.

Yandexov kolesarski kurir se je malo odpočil pred pisarno Nove Gazete, vmes mu je nekaj pršilo iz osi zadnjega kolesa. Ujela ga je nadzorna kamera:

Vse to na dan, ko so objavili članek o mučenjih in pobojih v Čečeniji

Trije NGO-ji pa so na osnovi njihovega poročanja v Rusiji vložili tožbo proti PMC Wagner, zaradi mučenja & obglavljenja civilista v Siriji

Verjamem, da bodo zadevi prišli do dna, Moskva je odlično pokrita z nadzornimi kamerami. /s
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Vse to na dan, ko so objavili članek o mučenjih in pobojih v Čečeniji

Do zob oboroženi kadirovci so na IG objavili poziv Vladimirju Vladimiroviču naj ustavi Novajo, sicer bodo stvari vzeli v svoje roke, video:


IMO je večina odmevnih političnih umorov z orožjem njihovo delo (Politkovska, Nemcov), ampak končna odgovornost je na VV, ker "buck stops there".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Comandante ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Vse to na dan, ko so objavili članek o mučenjih in pobojih v Čečeniji

Do zob oboroženi kadirovci so na IG objavili poziv Vladimirju Vladimiroviču naj ustavi Novajo, sicer bodo stvari vzeli v svoje roke, video:


IMO je večina odmevnih političnih umorov z orožjem njihovo delo (Politkovska, Nemcov), ampak končna odgovornost je na VV, ker "buck stops there".

IJJ gleda in se uci. Taksen odred imel bi tudi on.

Pac-Man ::


Russian disinfo: have a proxy actor pay a bunch of recent college grads to make thousands shitty memes and Twitter accounts hardly anyone notices for like $30k total [tviterjanska svoboda]
American "anti-disinfo" disinfo, tl;dr it's all a grift on all sides:

to, članek na povezavi

The Pentagon wrote a 23-page report about a single meme it created, which took 22 days to make and was ultimately RTed 190 times.

in to

I've said it many times: Russia does its thing the capitalist way, the West fights back the socialist way. Now, which way's gonna work out better, I wonder...

Ruski proxy je ta, CC=podnapisi

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Dobra ura videokonference o navalnijevi zatrupitvi in posledični novinarski preiskavi. Sodelujeta Grozev in Dobrokhotov, dva glavna akterja. Večinoma debatirajo o etičnosti kupovanja informacij na črnem trgu.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Tole zgleda kul, LGBTjevcem so identiteto skrili z deepfejkanjem obrazov prostovoljcev.

Welcome to Chechnya @ Wikipedia

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Kadirov ima dobro preskrbljeno drugo ženo, center Groznega je pa kot kaže zelena cona. Projekt Media & OCCRP:

Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Has a Second Wife — And Her Properties Are Worth Millions

Key points

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has a second wife in addition to his “official” wife. While polygamy is not uncommon in Chechnya, it is technically against Russian law.

Kadyrov’s second wife, Fatima Khazuyeva, who won second place in a widely publicized 2006 beauty contest at the age of 14, has three Moscow apartments registered in her name, worth about $5 million in total.

Multiple projects connected to Khazuyeva have been paid for by the Akhmat Kadyrov Public Foundation, one of Russia’s largest charitable foundations, which is named after Kadyrov’s father. These include a for-profit rehabilitation center run by her mother’s company, and a school and mosque named after her father.

The value of Kadyrov’s two wives’ real estate, at least $8 million in total, is more than twice his declared salary since 2008.


In Grozny there is visible evidence of the relationship: Khazueva’s mansion stands directly opposite Kadyrov’s working residence in the heart of the city. For the convenience and security of the republic’s leader, the course of the river Sunzha was diverted so that Kadyrov’s residence now stands on an island, surrounded by a moat.
Right across from that residence, on the other side of the river, stands the luxurious mansion of almost 1,500 square meters, built in the late 2000s, that land records show now belongs to Khazueva. It sits on nearly a hectare of land and boasts an outdoor swimming pool, a rare amenity in Grozny.
The families of some of Chechnya’s most prominent leaders also own properties in the neighborhood, including the chairman of the republic’s parliament. It’s a restricted area: A novice blogger who videotaped several streets there was recently sentenced to four years in a prison colony.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Sem šel gledat na Google Earth, ker mi ni bilo jasno kako je izveden kanal. Blatno rečno vodo ali filtrirajo ali barvajo na zeleno.

Takole je bilo l. 2007, zgleda zaprejo zapornice ko je voda umazana:

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Trenutno FSB razmetava stanovanje z OCCRP povezanega raziskovalnega novinarja


The Moscow apartment of Roman Anin, editor-in-chief of OCCRP member center @istories_media, is currently being raided by the FSB.
Roman’s colleagues are currently unable to reach him.
The last thing they heard from him, before he went silent, is that the FSB search may be related to a 2016 story he published in Novaya Gazeta, his previous employer.

That story concerned Igor Sechin, a former deputy prime minister and now the head of the state-controlled oil giant Rosneft. It connected Sechin with an ultra-luxurious mega-yacht, the St. Princess Olga.
Here’s OCCRP’s English version of that story.

It must have hit a nerve: Sechin subsequently sued Novaya Gazeta, arguing that he was not a public figure and had a right to privacy. He won the case, forcing Novaya Gazeta to add a rebuttal to the top of the page.
Roman is one of the top journalists in Russia, if not the world. He has led numerous ground-breaking investigations into organized crime and corruption in Putin’s Russia. He was a 2019 @JSKstanford fellow and won last year’s @ICFJ Trailblazer Award.

Roman’s journalism has always focused on exposing corruption that harms Russian citizens. In this 2018 story, he showed how President Putin’s bodyguards appropriated land belonging to ordinary people, including WWII veterans.

And in this story — a finalist for @GIJN’s 2019 Global Shining Light Award — he exposed collusion between Russian law enforcement and a murderous criminal gang.

"Powerful people don't like to be held accountable," said OCCRP Publisher Drew Sullivan.
"OCCRP is watching the situation closely."
More as it develops.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Slab mesec nazaj je objavil članek v katerem je visoko rangiranega FSBjevca povezal z mafijo.

On March 11, Roman Anin published his own story which accused the newly appointed first deputy head of FSB, Sergey Korolev, of being linked to organized crime. The headline, in my translation, went as The General and the Blood-Stained Bros. So Sechin might be just a pretext.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Ne bo dolgčas, izsek iz niti:


The scale of Russia's state sanctioned assassinations is horrific, we've already published about 7, and have at least 5 more to publish about still. We keep finding more and more as we keep digging, so don't expect it to stop there. This isn't just big political figures like Navalny, or former spies like Skripal, but even very minor political figure, and even non-political figures, just people who got on the wrong side of Putin.

People look at our work exposing Russian assassinations and wonder why they're so sloppy, but they've gotten away with it for years, both within Russia and abroad, so why change things up if you aren't getting exposed? Our investigations make it clear, the Russian state will murder anyone who causes it even the most smallest of problems, and they seem to think the can just get away with out without any real consequences. The sad thing is, they're probably right.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Kadirov ima dobro preskrbljeno drugo ženo, center Groznega je pa kot kaže zelena cona. Projekt Media & OCCRP

Pripadajoč video, nominalno o ženah, ampak precej tudi na splošno o Čečeniji in Rusiji. 16 minut, angleški podnapisi.

What are Ramzan Kadyrov's wives hiding?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mtosev ::

Czech expels 18 Russian embassy staff.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Poldi112 ::

Zanimiv timing. Pa smešno, da nimajo kakšnega bolj svežega izgovora. 2014?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Poldi112 ()

mtosev ::

Tud v Germany so aktivni.

Zelimkhan Khangoshvili (Georgian: ???????? ??????????, Russian: ???????? ?????????? ??????????; 15 August 1979 - 23 August 2019) was an ethnic Chechen Georgian who was a former platoon commander for the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria during the Second Chechen War, and a Georgian military officer during the 2008 Russo-Georgian War. Later on, he allegedly turned into a useful source of information for Georgian intelligence by identifying Russian spies and jihadists operating on domestic and foreign soil through a connection with Georgian intelligence agents.[1] Khangoshvili continued to be considered a terrorist by Russian security service, the FSB and wanted in Russia.[2][3] On 23 August 2019, Khangoshvili was assassinated in a Berlin park, by an alleged Russian FSB operative.[2][4]
Zelimkhan Khangoshvili @ Wikipedia

Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: mtosev ()

Poldi112 ::

Fuj? 2 leti stara nevtralizacija vohuna, kar načeloma ne bi bila vredna omembe, je relevantna zakaj že?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Pac-Man ::

Bom X-postal, na Češkem sta bila aktivna Čepiga in Miškin, ki sta postala slavna z občudovanjem katedrale v Salisburyu.


The events took party in mid-October 2014. This is exactly when we had geolocated Chepiga to have been in Prague - the way we did that was quite unusual and involved some Dali and some Warhol.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

The events took party in mid-October 2014. This is exactly when we had geolocated Chepiga to have been in Prague - the way we did that was quite unusual and involved some Dali and some Warhol.


Chepiga literally got so horny he gave up crucial info on a GRU operation (he made this FB account to hit up a girl he met at a cafe on Prague)


Time after time GRU unit 29155 seems to be able to travel to the EU to kill or poison people, each time with new passports. But you can’t travel with the same fingerprint or iris scan: time for new visa measures for Russia: biometrics for all applications.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

mtosev ::

Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: mtosev ()
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