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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Temo vidijo: vsi
324 / 890

blay44 ::

Nekam tiho je zadnje čase.
Kod da se v ozadju nekaj dogaja?

Rambutan ::

Ja, te številke itak vsi kopirajo od Oryxa.


mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Ja, te številke itak vsi kopirajo od Oryxa.


Vsi razen Rusi:))

Zepter101 ::

Rusi že več kot mesec niso izvedli terorističnega raketnega napada na Ukrajinsko infrastrukturo in stanovanjske bloke.

Imajo pa baje neskončno raket...


Rambutan ::

blay44 je izjavil:

Nekam tiho je zadnje čase.
Kod da se v ozadju nekaj dogaja?

V Bakhmutu se kar dogaja zadnji teden. Ko je pred nekaj dnevi močno snežilo in droni niso mogli delovati, so Wagner in ruski padalci ponoči začeli močno napadati center mesta. Imajo namreč opremo za nočno opazovanje, ki je ukiji nimajo.



The defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine crumbles - the enemy retreats from the center of Bakhmut to the western outskirts of the city!
-> The fight for Bakhmut comes to an end soon … couple of days max.
There are also reports that the enemy, having realized the catastrophe that has already taken place, is abandoning his weapons and is trying to retreat from the city. However, it is too early to talk about the general flight of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the city.


Kmalu bo čas za nov meme8-)

Zepter101 ::

Iz zavzetja Ukrajine, smo prišli do zavzetja enega malega mesta :))

Šepa obnova tankov.
Šepa proizvodnja raket.

Tale Muskovia je ena sama patetika.

Zgodovina sprememb…

bciciban_ ::

Malo nazaj sem videl nekje seznam vseh raketnih napadov. Poanta je bila da v splošnem število raket pada in obdobje med napadi se daljša.
To jasno kaže, da Rusija neke velike zaloge nima več in da napade izvajajo, ko jim uspe proizvesti zadosti kosov.

Rambutan ::

Zepter101 je izjavil:

Iz zavzetja Ukrajine, smo prišli do zavzetja enega malega mesta :))

Šepa obnova tankov.
Šepa proizvodnja raket.

Tale Muskovia je ena sama patetika.

Saj nihče ni govoril o zavzetju Ukrajine. Uradni cilj Rusije je demilitarizacija in denacifikacija.
Seveda se bodo skladno z vojaškimi uspehali večale tudi ozemeljske zahteve. Marca lani so bili ruske zahteve še zelo skromne. Zdaj so pa itak na potezi Ukiji, čaka se dolgo napovedovana ukrajinska ofenziva. Ni mi pa najbolj jasno, kako ste lahko tako optimistični, saj Ukiji še Bakhmuta niso zmožni ubraniti, napadati pa je dosti težje kot se braniti.

Pac-Man ::

Medvedev je imel spet zmenek s Putinko


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bciciban_ ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Zepter101 je izjavil:

Iz zavzetja Ukrajine, smo prišli do zavzetja enega malega mesta :))

Šepa obnova tankov.
Šepa proizvodnja raket.

Tale Muskovia je ena sama patetika.

Saj nihče ni govoril o zavzetju Ukrajine. Uradni cilj Rusije je demilitarizacija in denacifikacija.
Seveda se bodo skladno z vojaškimi uspehali večale tudi ozemeljske zahteve. Marca lani so bili ruske zahteve še zelo skromne. Zdaj so pa itak na potezi Ukiji, čaka se dolgo napovedovana ukrajinska ofenziva. Ni mi pa najbolj jasno, kako ste lahko tako optimistični, saj Ukiji še Bakhmuta niso zmožni ubraniti, napadati pa je dosti težje kot se braniti.

Te zahteve so milo rečeno bikov kakec.

Kot da ti jaz zasedem del hiše in potem zahtevam, da to prepišeš name in ti določam kako se boš ti obnašal v svoji hiši oz. preostanku le te.

Verjamem pa da vam je to nacistom povsem normalno.

Jaz sicer stavim na Rusko pirovo zmago. Rusija zmaga in hkrati propade zaradi cene zmage. To bi bilo optimalno.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Kitajc01 ::

Nacisti bi denacificirali.:)) Kako stupidno.

bciciban_ ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Medvedev je imel spet zmenek s Putinko


Ko je Ukrajina že obstaja, je bila Moskva samo močvirje :))

Pravzaprav je Ukrajina rista prava Rusija, Kijevanska Rusija. RF bi lahko v EU preimenovali v njihovo pravo ime "Muscovy". Nasledniki mongolskih barbarov, ne pa evropski narod.

Kitajc01 je izjavil:

Nacisti bi denacificirali.:)) Kako stupidno.

Ruski nacisti se pretvarjajo da se borijo proti ukrajinskim nacistom.

Komedija delux.

Tu lahko pohvalimo Prigožina, ki je jasno povedal da se v Ukrajini ne borijo proti nacistom in da je to samo pravljica.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Rambutan ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Medvedev je imel spet zmenek s Putinko


Saj ima prav, Ukrajina bo po vojni razkosana, v ozadju že spinajo ideje o združitvi s Poljsko, v primeru ukrajinskega poraza bo pa verjetno to priključitev zahodnega dela Ukrajine Poljski. To bi znalo tudi povzročiti razpad EU.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in Warsaw that there would be no borders between Ukraine and Poland in the future.

"In the future, there will be no borders between our peoples: political, economic and - what is very important - historical. But for this we still need to win. For this we need to go side by side a little more," he said.
According to Strana's sources, in expert circles close to the Office of the President, the idea of ​​creating a confederation of Ukraine and Poland after the war has been discussed for some time. A sort of "new Commonwealth".

"This idea still looks like some kind of exotic. Nevertheless, it appeared as one of the options for answering an important, one might say, strategic question - how to guarantee the security of Ukraine if our country is refused to be accepted into NATO after the war," the source says.


Imagine instead that, at the end of the war, Poland and Ukraine form a common federal or confederal state, merging their foreign and defense policies and bringing Ukraine into the EU and NATO almost instantly. The Polish-Ukrainian Union would become the second-largest country in the EU and arguably its largest military power, providing more than an adequate counterweight to the Franco-German tandem—something that the EU is sorely missing after Brexit.
This is not fantasy talk. Early on during the war, Poland passed legislation allowing Ukrainian refugees to obtain Polish ID numbers, giving them thus access to a host of social and healthcare benefits normally reserved for Polish nationals. The Ukrainian government vowed to reciprocate, extending to Poles in Ukraine a special legal status not available to other foreigners. With over 3 million Ukrainians living in Poland – including a sizeable pre-war population – the cultural, social, and personal ties between the two nations are growing stronger every day.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Rambutan ()

Lesoto ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Saj ima prav, Ukrajina bo po vojni razkosana

Ukrajina ne bo prav nič razkosana. To je minilo forever.
Razpadla bo pa Rusija. To je marskikomu že jasno. Podobno kot je bilo s Sovjetsko Zvezo. Po vojni v Afganistanu, razpad.

scythe ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Saj ima prav, Ukrajina bo po vojni razkosana

Ukrajina ne bo prav nič razkosana. To je minilo forever.
Razpadla bo pa Rusija. To je marskikomu že jasno. Podobno kot je bilo s Sovjetsko Zvezo. Po vojni v Afganistanu, razpad.

Trenutno letijo proti temu Rusi

Russia’s January-February budget deficit totaled 2.581 trillion rubles ($32.2 billion) with spending seeing a 50% increase to 5.744 trillion rubles ($71.7 billion)
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

Zepter101 ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Saj ima prav, Ukrajina bo po vojni razkosana

Ukrajina ne bo prav nič razkosana. To je minilo forever.
Razpadla bo pa Rusija. To je marskikomu že jasno. Podobno kot je bilo s Sovjetsko Zvezo. Po vojni v Afganistanu, razpad.

Tako ja.

Carska Rusija, SZ, RF.

Vsako iteracijo manjša.

Zdej zadnja verzija bo Muscovia?
Še manjša, še bolj revna, še bolj blatna.

Zepter101 ::

Zmanjkalo sredstev za držat rubelj na aparatih?

PacificBlue ::

Secret Nato documents leaked:
I’m out.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Zepter101 ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Secret Nato documents leaked:

Ali pa zavajanje neprijatelja?


PacificBlue ::

A document marked "top secret" that depicts the daily disposition of forces in Ukraine was leaked and has shown up on social media, a U.S. official confirmed.

This official said that someone apparently took a picture of the document and posted it on Telegram, a social media platform that has over 500 million users, and from there, it was picked up on Twitter. Pentagon officials are working to remove the classified information from social media

I’m out.

mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Medvedev je imel spet zmenek s Putinko


Saj ima prav, Ukrajina bo po vojni razkosana, v ozadju že spinajo ideje o združitvi s Poljsko, v primeru ukrajinskega poraza bo pa verjetno to priključitev zahodnega dela Ukrajine Poljski. To bi znalo tudi povzročiti razpad EU.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in Warsaw that there would be no borders between Ukraine and Poland in the future.

"In the future, there will be no borders between our peoples: political, economic and - what is very important - historical. But for this we still need to win. For this we need to go side by side a little more," he said.
According to Strana's sources, in expert circles close to the Office of the President, the idea of ​​creating a confederation of Ukraine and Poland after the war has been discussed for some time. A sort of "new Commonwealth".

"This idea still looks like some kind of exotic. Nevertheless, it appeared as one of the options for answering an important, one might say, strategic question - how to guarantee the security of Ukraine if our country is refused to be accepted into NATO after the war," the source says.


Imagine instead that, at the end of the war, Poland and Ukraine form a common federal or confederal state, merging their foreign and defense policies and bringing Ukraine into the EU and NATO almost instantly. The Polish-Ukrainian Union would become the second-largest country in the EU and arguably its largest military power, providing more than an adequate counterweight to the Franco-German tandem—something that the EU is sorely missing after Brexit.
This is not fantasy talk. Early on during the war, Poland passed legislation allowing Ukrainian refugees to obtain Polish ID numbers, giving them thus access to a host of social and healthcare benefits normally reserved for Polish nationals. The Ukrainian government vowed to reciprocate, extending to Poles in Ukraine a special legal status not available to other foreigners. With over 3 million Ukrainians living in Poland – including a sizeable pre-war population – the cultural, social, and personal ties between the two nations are growing stronger every day.

Uhahah pri medvedekovi driski zamenjaš Ukrajino z Rusijo pa imaš najbolj natančen opis Rusije v zgodovini. Seveda med Poljsko in Ukrajino ne bo več meje. Tudi med Ukrajino in Slovenijo jo ne bo več. Vsi ostali pa že gradijo ograje na ruski meji. Na koncu se bodo organizirali izleti po Rusiji na podoben način kot si folk ogleduje divje živali po savani:D

Rambutan ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Secret Nato documents leaked:

Smo že včeraj obdelali, obstajata dve verziji, ena je prirejena z več žrtvami na ukrajinski strani.
NYT je potrdil, da so dokumenti pravi.



mackilla ::

bciciban_ je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Medvedev je imel spet zmenek s Putinko


Ko je Ukrajina že obstaja, je bila Moskva samo močvirje :))

Pravzaprav je Ukrajina rista prava Rusija, Kijevanska Rusija. RF bi lahko v EU preimenovali v njihovo pravo ime "Muscovy". Nasledniki mongolskih barbarov, ne pa evropski narod.

Kitajc01 je izjavil:

Nacisti bi denacificirali.:)) Kako stupidno.

Ruski nacisti se pretvarjajo da se borijo proti ukrajinskim nacistom.

Komedija delux.

Tu lahko pohvalimo Prigožina, ki je jasno povedal da se v Ukrajini ne borijo proti nacistom in da je to samo pravljica.

Moskoviti so ukradli Ukrajincem celo ime za narod. Očitno nimajo ničesar svojega:D

Rambutan je izjavil:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Secret Nato documents leaked:

Smo že včeraj obdelali, obstajata dve verziji, ena je prirejena z več žrtvami na ukrajinski strani.
NYT je potrdil, da so dokumenti pravi.



Druga verzija je pa prirejena z manj žrtvami na ruski strani:D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: mackilla ()

Zepter101 ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

A document marked "top secret" that depicts the daily disposition of forces in Ukraine was leaked and has shown up on social media, a U.S. official confirmed.

This official said that someone apparently took a picture of the document and posted it on Telegram, a social media platform that has over 500 million users, and from there, it was picked up on Twitter. Pentagon officials are working to remove the classified information from social media


Ne kupit vsake pravljice.

Zepter101 je izjavil:

Zmanjkalo sredstev za držat rubelj na aparatih?

Raje poglej kruto realnost.

Mongolski banditi so morali ukrajinskim prednikom še ime države ukradet, ker nimajo nič svojega, še zgodovine ne.

Od danes naprej kličemo Rusijo po pravem imenu, Muscovy.

Zgodovina sprememb…

mackilla ::

Zepter101 je izjavil:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

A document marked "top secret" that depicts the daily disposition of forces in Ukraine was leaked and has shown up on social media, a U.S. official confirmed.

This official said that someone apparently took a picture of the document and posted it on Telegram, a social media platform that has over 500 million users, and from there, it was picked up on Twitter. Pentagon officials are working to remove the classified information from social media


Ne kupit vsake pravljice.

Zepter101 je izjavil:

Zmanjkalo sredstev za držat rubelj na aparatih?

Raje poglej kruto realnost.

Mongolski banditi so morali ukrajinskim prednikom še ime države ukradet, ker nimajo nič svojega, še zgodovine ne.

Od danes naprej kličemo Rusijo po pravem imenu, Muscovy.

Očitno zmanjkuje vrvi. Predvidevam,da bo Moskovijska inflacija pred koncem leta trimestna. To je vse del načrta CIA agentov v Kremlju.

Pac-Man ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Smo že včeraj obdelali, obstajata dve verziji, ena je prirejena z več žrtvami na ukrajinski strani.
NYT je potrdil, da so dokumenti pravi.



Prava je verzija z manj žrtvami na ukrajinski strani

1) boljša kvaliteta posnetka
2) pri izgubah vozil ima ena verzija 6 00 druga pa 6.004. Kaj ti deluje boj normalno?
3) Pri Bellingcat so šli iskat OP, skrolaj gor, zlomljena nit, če dam povezavo na 1. objavo:

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Rambutan ::

Ja, saj je jasno da je levi prirejen, poglej 6.004 -> 600. Cela zgodba je pa ful čudna, vseh dokumentov je dosti več, okoli 100. Prišli so ven že marca, pa jih noben ni povohal.

Pa dosti zanimivih stvari je v teh dokumentih. Spodaj tip pravi, da zgledajo legit, so konsistentni.
Bi se moral kdo pošteno potrudit, da bi vse to ponaredil.


Not bloody likely someone could fake 100+ files with this level of internal consistency. I haven't seen all these documents but what I have seen, cross referencing weapons shipments, new unit formation, and training timelines, has all be internally consistent.
I'll also leave you with this observation (not mine, but put 2 and 2 together). When did the glide bombs of doom start?
If people still think it's fake at this point, I don't know what to tell you.
Fakes don't have this level of internal consistency over dozens of pages. If you were to manufacture this it would be literal months of work, optimistically.


So, in sum:
30+ leaked documents were shared on the WowMao Discord server on March 1st and 2nd
10 files were resposted on a Minecraft Map Discord server on March 4th
On April 5th, 3 of these files were posted on 4chan and 5 (incl. a doctored document) on Russian Telegram channels


Sheteentz ::

Povzetek tega leaka?

Rambutan ::

Sheteentz je izjavil:

Povzetek tega leaka?

Bo verjetno treba še malo počakat za kakšno bolj konkretno analizo, je dosti materiala in dosti vprašanj, so sploh pristni, s kakšnim namenom jih je kdo lansiral,...
Snekotron pa pravi takole:


Obviously, the immediate question concerns the validity of the leaks, and as of now even the NYT has come out and stated it appears to be authentic, apart from the edited casualty box. What this series of pages illustrates is the state of NATO's operational planning. /2🔗
The documents are dated D+370, or the end of February, 1 year and 5 days since the start of the SMO. I'm going to list some of my observations. The most important part, obviously, concerns the upcoming Ukrainian offensive. /3🔗
The nominal strength of the 9 brigades built up for this offensive is stated as 253 tanks, 381 IFVs, 480 APCs, and 147 artillery. However, much of this armor is listed "TBD" as in not yet arrived or repaired maybe. /4🔗
By the end of April, they expect to have on hand 43 T-64, 38 T-72, 31 Twardy, 28 T-55S, 32 Leo 2A4, 14 Leo 2A6, 14 Challenger 2, 14 AMX-10. Another 53 listed TBD. First thing that jumps out is that Ukraine's prewar T-64s are almost all gone. /5🔗
Ukraine also burned through the bulk of its armor deliveries last year, since they are now waiting on old new stock T-72s and PT-91 Twardys shipped from Poland. Many of the TBDs might be filled by Leo 1s, it's unclear. /6🔗
As of the timing of this document, the beginning of March, however, these units were just beginning to be formed, with training rates of 0% (one brigade is 60% trained, and another 40%) and equipment rates of 30-60%. /7🔗
Training seems to be highly accelerated. For the Leopard 2s, training is about 6 weeks. They may hope to be getting better results transitioning existing tankers to new tanks, but it's unclear. Many old AFU tankers died with their tanks. /8🔗
The mainstay of the mobile artillery is the M119, with some AS-90s, but most of the brigades here surprisingly use towed artillery. 155mm FH70 but also D-30. I do not think they have adequeate supplies for the D-30 to offer much more than token fire. /9🔗
Looking at each brigade's inventory, I do not believe them to be actual brigade sized formations. A US Stryker brigade typically has ~300 strykers alone, and that's before adding other vehicles, with a manpower complement of 4,500 men. /10🔗
Here, each of these Ukrainian brigades has 90 IFV/APC and ~30 tanks. I'll be surprised if the manpower strength exceeds 2000. This whole grouping of 9 brigades is likely only to have 15-20k men. However, this isn't the entire force. /11🔗
Ukraine is supposed to supply another 3 brigades internally, so if we are being optimistic, maybe another 10k. Pessimistic, 5k. Whole offensive force 20-30k. We don't have visibility into the composition of those internal brigades. /12🔗
Lack of visibility into Ukrainian formations is actually something that plagues this report, and it corroborates something that some have suspected for a while - that old units are just being left to bleed out while new formations are generated. /13🔗
Moreover, it appears that Ukraine's mobilization numbers, as I have stated consistently for months now, are bullshit. The numbers just don't bear that out. In Zaporozhye, Russian personnel are assessed at 23,250 and Kherson 15,650. Donetsk 23,050. /14🔗
These surprisingly small numbers illustrate the difficulty, as I've been noting, of Russia's frontline force generation and how many troops are apparently being held in rotation or reserve. However, it gets interesting with Ukrainian numbers. /15🔗
Donetsk: 10-20k, Zaporozhye 4-8k, Kherson 1250-2500. There is a huge range of uncertainty of what the state of attrition in the current frontline brigades is. Moreover, there is no accounting, like with Russian side, of which Ukrainian brigades are combat capable. /16🔗
It's like NATO builds these units, sets them loose on the front, and they disappear into a black box that is the Ukrainian General Staff and the SBU. They do not know what the combat capability of these units is so they must form new ones. /17🔗
The combat losses, which have unfortunately been manipulated by Russian social media, are a good example of this black box effect. The original stated 35.5k-43.5k KIA on the Russian side and 16k-17.5k KIA on the Ukrainian side. /18🔗
The Russian number of killed generally align with some of the more pessimistic estimates (within reason, including LDPR and wagner losses), but the Ukrainian loss stats are just a copy paste from the Ukrainian General Staff. Nonsensical. /19🔗
Just in the Mariupol-Volnovakha battles, a Ukrainian agglomeration of 15k+ disappeared to death and capture, not to say anything about the thousands who died in Severodonetsk or the fields of burned Ukrainian vehicles outside of Kherson. /20🔗
The fact that Ukrainian brigades are now almost entirely dependent on foreign equipment and basically regiment-sized speaks to attrition over the course of a year of war. You don't send people out with a month of training (per this document) if one is avoiding losses. /21🔗
The lack of internal intelligence points towards something I and others like @AniaKoniec have been saying - that this is Zelensky's war, and Ukraine is in the driver's seat. The US wasn't making shit up when they say the Ukrainans don't tell them much. /22🔗
@AniaKoniec No greater example of this is the admission that the SBU's goons violate orders to launch terrorist attacks, like the bombing of the airbase in Belarus. In addition, some of the items in the document suggest they only find out these things after Russia reports it. /23🔗
@AniaKoniec It is Z-cope at this point to suggest that Kiev is irrelevant and that all the decisions are being made in Washington. It is meant to give Ukraine a way out for negotiations, but as I said from the start, Zelensky needs this war more than anyone. /24🔗
@AniaKoniec And they are psyopping the world to give them the money and weapons for their national baptism of blood. If NATO really believes this crap, despite already the visual evidence of multiple random graveyards with thousands of AFU graves, no wonder. /25🔗
@AniaKoniec Also, one last point. The docs give the total GMLRS expenditure as 9,612 and 155mm expenditure as 952,856. Over the last 7 days an average of 14 and 2,746, respectively. This rate of fire is anemic, and the west is not going to be able to scale up soon. /26🔗
@AniaKoniec Which also leads to a point I have been saying over the last few months, that the biggest problem to solve is the one of war industry. Russia just needs to fully staff its production - more ammo, more drones, more bombs. VKS bombing with glide bombs is uncounterable. /27🔗
@AniaKoniec If this war is going to be one of two drunk boxers swinging bananas at each other, the one with the bigger bananas will win. The battlefield math does not favor the side with the weaker industry here. The questions for Russian civil society are for another day. /28 END🔗
@max16065 Also, most of the Caesars and Panzerhaubitze are in maintenance at any given time and have had minimal presence on the battlefield.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Rambutan ()

Chalky ::

Se kar strinjam z obema izjavama:

Večjega hinavca kot sta Macron in Shultz še nisem videl v politiki. Ali se še komu zdi kako bizaren pristop ima predvsem Nemčija v tem konfliktu? Moram preveriti ampak ali je možno da so Japonci trenutno namenili več denarnih sredstev kot Nemčija? Vem da so nekaj mesecev nazaj odobrili 5.5 Milijarde dolarjev pomoči Ukrajini. To obnašanje Nemčije je milo rečeno bizarno. Če se za trenutek postavite v čevlje ZDA...ne vem če bi bil jaz ameriški predsednik bi se verjetno že umaknil oziroma Nemčiji nabil en velik ultimat. Kako je možno da ZDA namenijo 3x toliko pomoči kot vse ostale Evropske države kljub temu da je vojna na Evropskih tleh? Res imajo Nemci in Francozi srečo da je predsednik Biden ker sem mnenja da je edini ameriški predsednik ki bi pristal na takšno neumnost. Da mora Japonska pomagati Ukrajini in pošiljati milijarde je res tragikomično. Sem prepričan če bi Kitajci napadli Japonce da Nemci nebi pomagali Japonski v enaki meri. Da o tem da je Nemčija dobesedno dolžna na 100 milijard dolarjev v smislu vojaških izdatkov ki še danes ne presegajo 2% GDP-ja. Res sreča ogromna sreča za Nemčijo da je Biden predsednik. Najbolj komično pa je to da če bi se Američani umaknili da bi zdajle verjetno padalo po Berlinu.

bbbbbb2015 ::

Zepter101 je izjavil:

Zmanjkalo sredstev za držat rubelj na aparatih?

To je bilo za pričakovati. Saj ruska centralna banka ni trošila denarja za vzdrževanje tečaja. Ampak je silila kupce ogljikovodikov, da so sami plačevali v rubljih (aka prej so morali kupiti rublje = torej povpraševanje).

Problem bo sedaj, ker bo vsa tuja roba postala draga kot žafran. Drugi problem je, da bodo Rusi še težje dobivali robo iz tujine. Zna biti, da se bosta oblikovala dva tečaja, uradni in neuradni, ki bo precej višji. Težava je, če nekdo za devize kupi robo, jo hoče prodati v Rusiji, rubelj pada in potem mora neuradni tečaj rublja upoštevati to. V nasprotnem primeru gre prodajalec v debel minus. Rusi imajo sicer odlično šefico centralne banke, Elviro:

Elvira Nabiullina @ Wikipedia

samo jebiga, zmanjkuje ji orodij, kako regulirati tečaj. Korigirala bi ga lahko z deviznimi rezervami, samo dvomim, da ji bo dovoljeno na veliko trošiti jih.

Načeloma padajoča vrednost rublja pomeni, da imajo težave z izvozom. Verjetno vpliva to, da EU-27 noče več kupovati ogljikovodikov od Rusije. Nekaj izjem je še, samo glavna kupca, Poljska in Nemčija sta jih dala na led. Nekaj sicer Rusi goljufajo z izvozom v Savdsko Arabijo (Kitajci se niso hoteli iti te igre), samo količinsko to ni niti 5% nekdanjega izvoza. Padajoča vrednost rublja bi načeloma povečevala konkurenčnost ruskega gospodarstva, samo oni imajo težavo, ker so petro-state. Razen ogljikovodikov zdaj nimajo kaj dosti za izvoziti. Imajo še gnojila in žitarice, vendar se tam pri izvozu zatika.

Me prav zanima, kako dolgo bodo Rusi gledali Putina ob temle fijasku.

Zgodovina sprememb…

mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Sheteentz je izjavil:

Povzetek tega leaka?

Bo verjetno treba še malo počakat za kakšno bolj konkretno analizo, je dosti materiala in dosti vprašanj, so sploh pristni, s kakšnim namenom jih je kdo lansiral,...
Snekotron pa pravi takole:


Obviously, the immediate question concerns the validity of the leaks, and as of now even the NYT has come out and stated it appears to be authentic, apart from the edited casualty box. What this series of pages illustrates is the state of NATO's operational planning. /2🔗
The documents are dated D+370, or the end of February, 1 year and 5 days since the start of the SMO. I'm going to list some of my observations. The most important part, obviously, concerns the upcoming Ukrainian offensive. /3🔗
The nominal strength of the 9 brigades built up for this offensive is stated as 253 tanks, 381 IFVs, 480 APCs, and 147 artillery. However, much of this armor is listed "TBD" as in not yet arrived or repaired maybe. /4🔗
By the end of April, they expect to have on hand 43 T-64, 38 T-72, 31 Twardy, 28 T-55S, 32 Leo 2A4, 14 Leo 2A6, 14 Challenger 2, 14 AMX-10. Another 53 listed TBD. First thing that jumps out is that Ukraine's prewar T-64s are almost all gone. /5🔗
Ukraine also burned through the bulk of its armor deliveries last year, since they are now waiting on old new stock T-72s and PT-91 Twardys shipped from Poland. Many of the TBDs might be filled by Leo 1s, it's unclear. /6🔗
As of the timing of this document, the beginning of March, however, these units were just beginning to be formed, with training rates of 0% (one brigade is 60% trained, and another 40%) and equipment rates of 30-60%. /7🔗
Training seems to be highly accelerated. For the Leopard 2s, training is about 6 weeks. They may hope to be getting better results transitioning existing tankers to new tanks, but it's unclear. Many old AFU tankers died with their tanks. /8🔗
The mainstay of the mobile artillery is the M119, with some AS-90s, but most of the brigades here surprisingly use towed artillery. 155mm FH70 but also D-30. I do not think they have adequeate supplies for the D-30 to offer much more than token fire. /9🔗
Looking at each brigade's inventory, I do not believe them to be actual brigade sized formations. A US Stryker brigade typically has ~300 strykers alone, and that's before adding other vehicles, with a manpower complement of 4,500 men. /10🔗
Here, each of these Ukrainian brigades has 90 IFV/APC and ~30 tanks. I'll be surprised if the manpower strength exceeds 2000. This whole grouping of 9 brigades is likely only to have 15-20k men. However, this isn't the entire force. /11🔗
Ukraine is supposed to supply another 3 brigades internally, so if we are being optimistic, maybe another 10k. Pessimistic, 5k. Whole offensive force 20-30k. We don't have visibility into the composition of those internal brigades. /12🔗
Lack of visibility into Ukrainian formations is actually something that plagues this report, and it corroborates something that some have suspected for a while - that old units are just being left to bleed out while new formations are generated. /13🔗
Moreover, it appears that Ukraine's mobilization numbers, as I have stated consistently for months now, are bullshit. The numbers just don't bear that out. In Zaporozhye, Russian personnel are assessed at 23,250 and Kherson 15,650. Donetsk 23,050. /14🔗
These surprisingly small numbers illustrate the difficulty, as I've been noting, of Russia's frontline force generation and how many troops are apparently being held in rotation or reserve. However, it gets interesting with Ukrainian numbers. /15🔗
Donetsk: 10-20k, Zaporozhye 4-8k, Kherson 1250-2500. There is a huge range of uncertainty of what the state of attrition in the current frontline brigades is. Moreover, there is no accounting, like with Russian side, of which Ukrainian brigades are combat capable. /16🔗
It's like NATO builds these units, sets them loose on the front, and they disappear into a black box that is the Ukrainian General Staff and the SBU. They do not know what the combat capability of these units is so they must form new ones. /17🔗
The combat losses, which have unfortunately been manipulated by Russian social media, are a good example of this black box effect. The original stated 35.5k-43.5k KIA on the Russian side and 16k-17.5k KIA on the Ukrainian side. /18🔗
The Russian number of killed generally align with some of the more pessimistic estimates (within reason, including LDPR and wagner losses), but the Ukrainian loss stats are just a copy paste from the Ukrainian General Staff. Nonsensical. /19🔗
Just in the Mariupol-Volnovakha battles, a Ukrainian agglomeration of 15k+ disappeared to death and capture, not to say anything about the thousands who died in Severodonetsk or the fields of burned Ukrainian vehicles outside of Kherson. /20🔗
The fact that Ukrainian brigades are now almost entirely dependent on foreign equipment and basically regiment-sized speaks to attrition over the course of a year of war. You don't send people out with a month of training (per this document) if one is avoiding losses. /21🔗
The lack of internal intelligence points towards something I and others like @AniaKoniec have been saying - that this is Zelensky's war, and Ukraine is in the driver's seat. The US wasn't making shit up when they say the Ukrainans don't tell them much. /22🔗
@AniaKoniec No greater example of this is the admission that the SBU's goons violate orders to launch terrorist attacks, like the bombing of the airbase in Belarus. In addition, some of the items in the document suggest they only find out these things after Russia reports it. /23🔗
@AniaKoniec It is Z-cope at this point to suggest that Kiev is irrelevant and that all the decisions are being made in Washington. It is meant to give Ukraine a way out for negotiations, but as I said from the start, Zelensky needs this war more than anyone. /24🔗
@AniaKoniec And they are psyopping the world to give them the money and weapons for their national baptism of blood. If NATO really believes this crap, despite already the visual evidence of multiple random graveyards with thousands of AFU graves, no wonder. /25🔗
@AniaKoniec Also, one last point. The docs give the total GMLRS expenditure as 9,612 and 155mm expenditure as 952,856. Over the last 7 days an average of 14 and 2,746, respectively. This rate of fire is anemic, and the west is not going to be able to scale up soon. /26🔗
@AniaKoniec Which also leads to a point I have been saying over the last few months, that the biggest problem to solve is the one of war industry. Russia just needs to fully staff its production - more ammo, more drones, more bombs. VKS bombing with glide bombs is uncounterable. /27🔗
@AniaKoniec If this war is going to be one of two drunk boxers swinging bananas at each other, the one with the bigger bananas will win. The battlefield math does not favor the side with the weaker industry here. The questions for Russian civil society are for another day. /28 END🔗
@max16065 Also, most of the Caesars and Panzerhaubitze are in maintenance at any given time and have had minimal presence on the battlefield.

Ko prideš do tega,da tip vojno v Ukrajini označi za SMO veš kam pes taco moli:))

Rambutan ::

WP o pomanjkanju amunicije za ukrajinsko artilerijo. Za ruski kaliber je veliko pomanjkanje, za NATO kaliber je amunicije dovolj, imajo pa dosti manj artilerije. Pomanjkanje je tako hudo, da nabirajo neeksplodirane ruske granate in jih popravljajo/predelujejo8-)


Artillery rounds for Ukraine’s Soviet-era guns, which make up the majority of their arsenal, have long been in short supply. That has forced a reliance on the artillery provided by Kyiv’s Western allies because they use 155mm caliber shells, which Ukraine has more of for now but for far fewer guns.

At the pace Ukraine is firing, those stocks could soon run out, too, as Western countries struggle to ramp up production. In February, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned that the “current rate of Ukraine’s ammunition expenditure is many times higher than our current rate of production.”

Nearby Spider’s artillery position, the thunder of a U.S.-provided M777 howitzer, with its 155mm shells, roared every few minutes while he and his men drank tea in a foxhole. “Sometimes we just sit here and listen to the M777 shooting and the Russian creatures shooting back. It’s like a talk between them,” Spider said.

“We don’t have a lot of ammunition, so that’s why we don’t work a lot,” he said.

The countries that still have stocks of Soviet-standard 152mm and 122mm rounds are largely former Soviet republics, many of which are hesitant to sell to Ukraine because of their ties with Russia. Some African and Middle Eastern countries, which have received weapons and ammunition from Russia over the years, also have stocks of those shells. A few former Warsaw Pact countries have the capacity to manufacture the shells but not at the scale and speed Ukraine needs on the battlefield.

Occasionally, a third country friendly to Ukraine will purchase the ammunition — sometimes through a broker — and then supply it to Ukraine in secret to avoid any political fallout for the seller. Often, the result is that one artillery piece on the battlefield may have shells produced in several countries, which soldiers say may not fire the same, affecting accuracy.

The Ukrainians have also explored creative conservation tactics. In some cases, crews bring unexploded ordinances originally fired by the Russians to secret labs in eastern Ukraine, and the elements are carefully stripped away to create a new munition.
Volunteers and soldiers work with 3D printers to fashion small, relatively inexpensive munitions that can be dropped from drones. Bullets are deconstructed. The ball bearings from a Claymore mine are removed and then used in a different anti-personnel or antitank mine. At one of these sites, there are shrapnel holes in the ceiling — the result of an explosion that occurred during the refashioning process. Two people died.

mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

WP o pomanjkanju amunicije za ukrajinsko artilerijo. Za ruski kaliber je veliko pomanjkanje, za NATO kaliber je amunicije dovolj, imajo pa dosti manj artilerije. Pomanjkanje je tako hudo, da nabirajo neeksplodirane ruske granate in jih popravljajo/predelujejo8-)


Artillery rounds for Ukraine’s Soviet-era guns, which make up the majority of their arsenal, have long been in short supply. That has forced a reliance on the artillery provided by Kyiv’s Western allies because they use 155mm caliber shells, which Ukraine has more of for now but for far fewer guns.

At the pace Ukraine is firing, those stocks could soon run out, too, as Western countries struggle to ramp up production. In February, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned that the “current rate of Ukraine’s ammunition expenditure is many times higher than our current rate of production.”

Nearby Spider’s artillery position, the thunder of a U.S.-provided M777 howitzer, with its 155mm shells, roared every few minutes while he and his men drank tea in a foxhole. “Sometimes we just sit here and listen to the M777 shooting and the Russian creatures shooting back. It’s like a talk between them,” Spider said.

“We don’t have a lot of ammunition, so that’s why we don’t work a lot,” he said.

The countries that still have stocks of Soviet-standard 152mm and 122mm rounds are largely former Soviet republics, many of which are hesitant to sell to Ukraine because of their ties with Russia. Some African and Middle Eastern countries, which have received weapons and ammunition from Russia over the years, also have stocks of those shells. A few former Warsaw Pact countries have the capacity to manufacture the shells but not at the scale and speed Ukraine needs on the battlefield.

Occasionally, a third country friendly to Ukraine will purchase the ammunition — sometimes through a broker — and then supply it to Ukraine in secret to avoid any political fallout for the seller. Often, the result is that one artillery piece on the battlefield may have shells produced in several countries, which soldiers say may not fire the same, affecting accuracy.

The Ukrainians have also explored creative conservation tactics. In some cases, crews bring unexploded ordinances originally fired by the Russians to secret labs in eastern Ukraine, and the elements are carefully stripped away to create a new munition.
Volunteers and soldiers work with 3D printers to fashion small, relatively inexpensive munitions that can be dropped from drones. Bullets are deconstructed. The ball bearings from a Claymore mine are removed and then used in a different anti-personnel or antitank mine. At one of these sites, there are shrapnel holes in the ceiling — the result of an explosion that occurred during the refashioning process. Two people died.

Zakaj ne nalepiš tudi drugih delov članka,ki so tudi zanimivi8-)

Russia is still firing more than Ukraine every day, but Ukrainian officials said they have noticed their enemy become increasingly conservative, a sign they may also be facing a shortage. In social media posts, Russian military bloggers and soldiers have complained about a lack of ammunition.

Pac-Man ::

Kaja citira NYT in navaja nižjo verzijo ruskih izgub iz popravljenega dokumenta. Odlično.


V enem od dokumentov, ki se je znašel na spletu, je navedena številka 16.000–17.500 ruskih žrtev od začetka invazije v Ukrajini 24. februarja 2022. Ameriške oblasti so do zdaj ocenjevale, da je bilo v vojni ranjenih in ubitih okoli 200.000 Rusov.


Skozi cenzuro je prišel komentar HOR-a o Assange-u, ki nima zveze z ničemer v članku.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Sc0ut ::

Rusija napada, Kitajska drkari, Iran bi napadel, Izrael je napaden... imam občutek da je vse skup nek koncert dirigiran s strani Kitajske.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

fur80 ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Zepter101 je izjavil:

Iz zavzetja Ukrajine, smo prišli do zavzetja enega malega mesta :))

Šepa obnova tankov.
Šepa proizvodnja raket.

Tale Muskovia je ena sama patetika.

Saj nihče ni govoril o zavzetju Ukrajine. Uradni cilj Rusije je demilitarizacija in denacifikacija.
Seveda se bodo skladno z vojaškimi uspehali večale tudi ozemeljske zahteve. Marca lani so bili ruske zahteve še zelo skromne. Zdaj so pa itak na potezi Ukiji, čaka se dolgo napovedovana ukrajinska ofenziva. Ni mi pa najbolj jasno, kako ste lahko tako optimistični, saj Ukiji še Bakhmuta niso zmožni ubraniti, napadati pa je dosti težje kot se braniti.

To moraš biti pa res velik jack, da napadeš državo, ki nima niti rakete, ki bi nesla več kot 40km! Potem pa groziš, da če te napade, da boš uporabil jedrsko orožje. Ukrajinci so že zmagali za mene, si predstaljaš, da bi imeli isto orožje kot Rusi? In te cilje spreminajo Rusi iz dneva v dan! Ko bodo Ukrajinci začeli mleti, bo Rusom največji uspeh, če bodo ubranili Krim in Putin bo to prodajal kot uspeh. Verjetno pa bo dobil vsak pol otoka, po vzoru Cipra.

Zepter101 ::

Ruska beda, niti raket nimajo več.
Še za civiliste streljat nimajo, kaj šele za zmago.

mackilla ::

fur80 je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Zepter101 je izjavil:

Iz zavzetja Ukrajine, smo prišli do zavzetja enega malega mesta :))

Šepa obnova tankov.
Šepa proizvodnja raket.

Tale Muskovia je ena sama patetika.

Saj nihče ni govoril o zavzetju Ukrajine. Uradni cilj Rusije je demilitarizacija in denacifikacija.
Seveda se bodo skladno z vojaškimi uspehali večale tudi ozemeljske zahteve. Marca lani so bili ruske zahteve še zelo skromne. Zdaj so pa itak na potezi Ukiji, čaka se dolgo napovedovana ukrajinska ofenziva. Ni mi pa najbolj jasno, kako ste lahko tako optimistični, saj Ukiji še Bakhmuta niso zmožni ubraniti, napadati pa je dosti težje kot se braniti.

To moraš biti pa res velik jack, da napadeš državo, ki nima niti rakete, ki bi nesla več kot 40km! Potem pa groziš, da če te napade, da boš uporabil jedrsko orožje. Ukrajinci so že zmagali za mene, si predstaljaš, da bi imeli isto orožje kot Rusi? In te cilje spreminajo Rusi iz dneva v dan! Ko bodo Ukrajinci začeli mleti, bo Rusom največji uspeh, če bodo ubranili Krim in Putin bo to prodajal kot uspeh. Verjetno pa bo dobil vsak pol otoka, po vzoru Cipra.

Dogaja se jim Hitlerjev scenarij. Prvo leto so napadli po celotni fronti. Drugo leto pa napadajo po ozkem odseku in napredujejo po kak kilometer. Folku pa vse skupaj prodajajo kot neverjeten uspeh:D

Rambutan ::

Nov članek v NYT o dokumentih, kaže da so dokumenti pristni, še zmeraj se mi zdi čudno vse skupaj...


WASHINGTON — A new batch of classified documents that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday, alarming the Pentagon and adding turmoil to a situation that seemed to have caught the Biden administration off guard.

The scale of the leak — analysts say more than 100 documents may have been obtained — along with the sensitivity of the documents themselves, could be hugely damaging, U.S. officials said. A senior intelligence official called the leak “a nightmare for the Five Eyes,” in a reference to the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, the so-called Five Eyes nations that broadly share intelligence.

The latest documents were found on Twitter and other sites on Friday, a day after senior Biden administration officials said they were investigating a potential leak of classified Ukrainian war plans, include an alarming assessment of Ukraine’s faltering air defense capabilities. One slide, dated Feb. 23, is labeled “Secret/NoForn,” meaning it was not meant to be shared with foreign countries.

The Justice Department said it had opened an investigation into the leaks and was in communication with the Defense Department but declined to comment further.

Mick Mulroy, a former senior Pentagon official, said the leak of the classified documents represents “a significant breach in security” that could hinder Ukrainian military planning. “As many of these were pictures of documents, it appears that it was a deliberate leak done by someone that wished to damage the Ukraine, U.S., and NATO efforts,” he said.

One analyst described what has emerged so far as the “tip of the iceberg.”

Early Friday, senior national security officials dealing with the initial leak, which was first reported by The New York Times, said a new worry had arisen: Was that information the only intelligence that was leaked?

By Friday afternoon, they had their answer. Even as officials at the Pentagon and national security agencies were investigating the source of documents that had appeared on Twitter and on Telegram, another surfaced on 4chan, an anonymous, fringe message board. The 4chan document is a map that purports to show the status of the war in the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, the scene of a fierce, monthslong battle.

But the leaked documents appear to go well beyond highly classified material on Ukraine war plans. Security analysts who have reviewed the documents tumbling onto social media sites say the increasing trove also includes sensitive briefing slides on China, the Indo-Pacific military theater, the Middle East and terrorism.

The Pentagon said in a statement on Thursday that the Defense Department was looking into the matter. On Friday, as the disclosures widened, department officials said they had nothing to add. But privately, officials in several national security agencies acknowledged both a rush to find the source of the leaks and a potential for what one official said could be a steady drip of classified information posted on sites.

The documents on Ukraine’s military appear as photographs of charts of anticipated weapons deliveries, troop and battalion strengths, and other plans. Pentagon officials acknowledge that they are legitimate Defense Department documents, but the copies appear to have been altered in certain parts from their original format. The modified versions, for example, overstate American estimates of Ukrainian war dead and underestimate estimates of Russian troops killed.

A senior Ukrainian official said that the leak appeared to be a Russian ploy to discredit a counteroffensive. And the Russian bloggers warned against trusting any of the information, which one blogger said could be the work of “Western intelligence in order to mislead our command.”

Behind closed doors, chagrined national security officials were trying to find the culprit. One official said it was likely that the documents did not come from Ukrainian officials, because they did not have access to the specific plans, which bear the imprint of the offices of the Pentagon’s Joint Staff. A second official said that determining how the documents were leaked would start with identifying which officials had access to them.

The first tranche of documents appeared to have been posted in early March on Discord, a social media chat platform popular with video gamers, according to Aric Toler, an analyst at Bellingcat, the Dutch investigative site.

Zepter101 ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Nov članek v NYT o dokumentih, kaže da so dokumenti pristni, še zmeraj se mi zdi čudno vse skupaj...

43k mrtvih rusov in 17k Ukrajincev?

Glede na nesposobnost rusov in 10k potrjenih izgubljenih ruskih vozil, ni tako čudna številka.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Rambutan ::

Pa še en članek iz NYT, malo več podrobnosti o izvoru. Pišejo pa tudi o tem, da imajo ZDA vohune po vsej ruski vojski in da so Ukrajini sporočali ruske načrte za napade. Zgleda da so dokumenti pristni, ta leak pa bo velika blamaža za ZDA. Zanimivo, da NYT tako podrobno poroča.8-)


WASHINGTON — A trove of leaked Pentagon documents reveals how deeply Russia’s security and intelligence services have been penetrated by the United States, demonstrating Washington’s ability to warn Ukraine about planned strikes and providing an assessment of the strength of Moscow’s war machine.

The documents portray a battered Russian military that is struggling in its war in Ukraine and a military apparatus that is deeply compromised. They contain daily real-time warnings to American intelligence agencies on the timing of Moscow’s strikes and even its specific targets. Such intelligence has allowed the United States to pass on to Ukraine crucial information on how to defend itself.

The leak, the source of which remains unknown, also reveals the American assessment of a Ukrainian military that is itself in dire straits. The leaked material, from late February and early March but found on social media sites in recent days, outlines critical shortages of air defense munitions and discusses the gains being made by Russian troops around the eastern city of Bakhmut.

The intelligence reports seem to indicate that the United States is also spying on Ukraine’s top military and political leaders, a reflection of Washington’s struggle to get a clear view of Ukraine’s fighting strategies.

The new documents appear to show that America’s understanding of Russian planning remains extensive and that the United States is able to warn its allies about Moscow’s future operations.

The material reinforces an idea that intelligence officials have long acknowledged: The United States has a clearer understanding of Russian military operations than it does of Ukrainian planning. Intelligence collection is often difficult and sometimes wrong, but the trove of documents offers perhaps the most complete picture yet of the inner workings of the largest land war in Europe in decades.

The leak has the potential to do real damage to Ukraine’s war effort by exposing which Russian agencies the United States knows the most about, giving Moscow a potential opportunity to cut off the sources of information. Current and former officials say it is too soon to know the extent of the damage, but if Russia is able to determine how the United States collects its information and cuts off that flow, it may have an effect on the battlefield in Ukraine.

The leak has already complicated relations with allied countries and raised doubts about America’s ability to keep its secrets. After reviewing the documents, a senior Western intelligence official said the release of the material was painful and suggested that it could curb intelligence sharing. For various agencies to provide material to each other, the official said, requires trust and assurances that certain sensitive information will be kept secret.

The documents could also hurt diplomatic ties in other ways. The newly revealed intelligence documents also make plain that the United States is not spying just on Russia, but also on its allies. While that will hardly surprise officials of those countries, making such eavesdropping public always hampers relations with key partners, like South Korea, whose help is needed to supply Ukraine with weaponry.

Analysts say the size of the trove is likely about 100 pages. Reporters from The New York Times have reviewed more than 50 of those pages.

The documents appeared online as hastily taken photographs of pieces of paper sitting atop what appears to be a hunting magazine. Former officials who have reviewed the material say it appears likely that a classified briefing was folded up, placed in a pocket, then taken out of a secure area to be photographed.

Senior U.S. officials said an inquiry, launched Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, would try to move swiftly to determine the source of the leak. The officials acknowledged that the documents appear to be legitimate intelligence and operational briefs compiled by the Pentagon’s Joint Staff, using reports from the government’s intelligence community, but that at least one had been modified from the original at some later point.

One senior U.S. official called the leak “a massive intelligence breach,” made worse because it lays out to Russia just how deep American intelligence operatives have managed to get into the Russian military apparatus. Officials within the U.S. government with security clearance often receive such documents through daily emails, one official said, and those emails might then be automatically forwarded to other people.

Another senior U.S. official said tracking down the original source of the leak could be difficult because hundreds, if not thousands, of military and other U.S. government officials have the security clearances needed to gain access to the documents. The official said that the Pentagon had instituted procedures in the past few days to “lock down” the distribution of highly sensitive briefing documents.

Much of the information in the documents tracks with public disclosures officials have made but in many cases contains more detail. One document reports the Russians have suffered 189,500 to 223,000 casualties, including up to 43,000 killed in action. American officials have previously estimated Russian losses at about 200,000 soldiers. While American officials are more circumspect in describing Ukrainian losses, they have said there have been about 100,000. The leaked document says that as of February, Ukraine had suffered 124,500 to 131,000 casualties, with up to 17,500 killed in action.

Intelligence officials have repeatedly insisted that their casualty numbers are offered with “low confidence,” meaning that they are at best rough estimates. The document also notes the low confidence assessment and further says that the United States is trying to revise how it assesses the combat power of the Russian military and its ability to sustain future operations.

The documents show that nearly every Russian security service appears penetrated by the United States in some way. For example, one entry, marked top secret, discusses the Russian General Staff’s plans to counter the tanks NATO countries were providing to Ukraine, including creating different “fire zones” and beginning training of Russian soldiers on the vulnerabilities of different allied tanks.

Ukrainian officials continue to insist the documents are altered or faked. In a statement on Telegram, Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to the Ukrainian president, said that the leaks were meant to sow distrust between Ukraine’s partners.

Another entry talks about an information campaign being planned by the G.R.U., Russia’s military intelligence unit, in Africa trying to shape public opinion against the United States and “promote Russian foreign policy.”

While some of the intelligence briefs offer analysis and broad warnings of Russian plans, others are the kind of actionable information that Ukraine could use to defend itself. One entry talks about the Russian Defense Ministry formulating plans to conduct missile strikes on Ukraine’s forces at specific sites in Odesa and Mykolaiv on March 3, an attack that the U.S. intelligence agencies believed would be designed to destroy a drone storage area, an air defense gun and kill Ukrainian soldiers.

In late March, Russia claimed it had destroyed a hangar containing Ukrainian drones near Odesa. Also in late March, independent military analysts said Russia attacked Mykolaiv and other Ukrainian cities, but called the shelling routine. It is unclear if the warnings provided by the United States enabled the Ukrainians to take steps to mitigate the damage caused by the attacks.

Still another entry discusses a report in February disseminated by Russia’s National Defense Command Center about the “decreased combat capability” of Russia’s forces in Eastern Ukraine.

While the documents were compiled by the Pentagon’s Joint Staff, they contain intelligence from many agencies, including the National Security Agency, the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, and the Central Intelligence Agency. Some of the material is labeled as having been collected under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, noting that its further distribution is not allowed without the permission of the attorney general.

One section of the documents is categorized as coming from a C.I.A. daily intelligence update. The material in that section reveals not just who the C.I.A. is spying on but some details on how. One intelligence report, for example, demonstrates that the C.I.A. is using intercepted communications to spy on discussions inside Russia’s Defense Ministry.

The documents reveal that American intelligence services are not only spying on the Russians, but are also eavesdropping on important allies.

In the pages posted online, there are at least two discussions about South Korea’s internal debates about whether to give the U.S. artillery shells for use in Ukraine, violating Seoul’s policy on providing lethal aid. One section of the documents reports that South Korean officials were worried that President Biden would call South Korea’s president pressuring Seoul to deliver the goods.

Another section of the documents, from the C.I.A., is more explicit about how the United States has learned about the South Korean deliberations, noting the information was from “a signals intelligence report,” a term spy agencies use for any kind of intercepted communications from phone calls to electronic messages.

Zepter101 ::

43k mrtvih rusov in 17k Ukrajincev?

Glede na nesposobnost rusov in 10k potrjenih izgubljenih ruskih vozil, ni tako čudna številka.

Sej ni čudno.
Rusi še wc-jev niso sposobni zrihtat svoji populaciji. Kje je šele sposobna vojska.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Chalky ::

Rambutan:: danes, 00:03:28

Ja očitno je tole kar precej resna stvar. Kar je meni zanimivo je predvsem neverjetna sposobnost s strani ZDA. Meni se takšne stvari vedno zdijo zanimive, kako to da se takšne stvari vedno zgodijo samo ZDA ki naj bi bile velesila z najboljšo kibernetično tehnologijo na svetu. Takšne stvari bi pričakoval od Rusov oziroma Kitajcev ne pa od ZDA in to se neprestano ponavlja. Podobno kot takrat ko so Rusi onesposobili tisti naftovod v ZDA ali pa ko jim Severna Koreja neprestano spušča kibernetične napade medtem ko ZDA nikoli ne odgovorijo. Morda mediji namerno molčijo? Ne vem, 900 milijard vreden vojaški proračun potem pa pride to takšnih zadev kot je zgornja? Bolj amatersko res ne gre. Pentagon pravi da naj bi za napadom stali Rusi. Ali bodo Američani odgovorili s svojim kibernetičnim napadom oziroma z nekim odgovorom ki bi bil podoben zgornjemu? Verjetno ne. Očitno so res totalno nesposobni.

Zepter101 ::

To je samo zavajanje nasprotnika.
Vsi gledajo levo, trik se pa dogaja na desni ;)

Lesoto ::

A se lahko že nehate smešit s tem "leakom".

Če bi Rusi prišli do teh načrtev, jih seveda ne bi dali v javnost. Bili bi tiho in čakali Ukrajince.

Gre za Psyop.

Zepter101 je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Nov članek v NYT o dokumentih, kaže da so dokumenti pristni, še zmeraj se mi zdi čudno vse skupaj...

43k mrtvih rusov in 17k Ukrajincev?

Glede na nesposobnost rusov in 10k potrjenih izgubljenih ruskih vozil, ni tako čudna številka.

43k je smešno majhna cifra ob 10 tisoč izgubljenih vozilih.
Tole je spisek, ki se nanaša samo na ruske žrtve iz Rusije (brez DLNR in Wagnerjev), ki so jih uspeli najti po ruskih medijih (preden jih FSB ni umaknil). Ime in priimek mrtvih Rusov. 19.688 mrtvih.

Russian casualties in Ukraine. Mediazona count, updated

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

Comandante ::

Sheteentz je izjavil:

Povzetek tega leaka?

Leak pravi, da so Rusi ob 6000 vozil. Oryx ima slikovni material, da je unicenih 10 000 vozil. Verjetno jih se kaksnih 25% ni poslikanih.

Ti papriji so v najboljsem primeru poskus Zahoda, da rusom prodajo napacne cifre. Lahko pa so preprost fejk. Definitivno se jih ne sme jemati resno.

redtech ::

Novi kovanci so zunaj, da se zaščitite pred inflacijo.

Zanimiv motiv:

George the Victorious on a horse, striking a snake with a spear

Zepter101 ::


The Russians Aren't Just Running Out Of Tanks--They're Running Out Of Tank Crews, Too. And It's Going To Get Worse.

trancer01 ::

Rusom vsega zmanjkuje, zato je NATO že pred Moskvo.>:D
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