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Sesuvanje win2k - mrxsmb.sys

Sesuvanje win2k - mrxsmb.sys


Imam win2k.
Nameščene imam kaka 2 meseca.

Danes pa so se mi začeli čudežno sesuvati.

Kdaj pa kdaj (nisem uspel ugotoviti kakega konkretnega razloga zakaj se sesuje), se vse ustavi prikaže se oni modri zaslon.
V prvi vrstici so neki pomnilniški naslovi
pol v naslednji spet neke cifre na koncu piše : mrxsmb.sys

in pol še : Beginning end of physical memory (pa še dumb je nekje vmes mensezdi).

In potem ne pali nič razen "hard-reset".

Je zelo moteče to, a bi znal to kak virus biti oz. kaj pdoobnega?
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

ToniT ::

Najprej daj gor najnovejši Service Pack, potem pa poročaj.


Imam nameščen SP4:)
Bom probal še z enmu antivirusnem programu pregledat mašino.
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

Slowenc ::

Kaj pa možnost, da se je RAMu kej sfuzlal? Probi drug ram notr dat in nato poročaj.
Skiny gate.


Hmm, sam a nebi to pol skoz jebalo?
Huh bom videl, ker morm mal premislit kje bi loh dobil RAM da bi probal ...
Recmo zdele sem mel čez noč. rač prižgan, prikloplje ADSL in eDonkey pa se ni sesu.
Čudno res ...
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

OrkAA ::

Ponavadi je ram vzrok za take napake....Res si probej nekej zrihtat eno drugo ploščico in testiraj.


bom probal kjet zrihtat ...
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...


Hmm zdel se mi že nekaj časa ni sesul.
Predvidevam da je bil virus kriv, ker mi jih je norton včeri najdel in popravil ene par:8) :\
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

OrkAA ::

:D :D :D

To je pa tut možno ja :P

pirx ::

Kot prvo si nabavi program BurnInTest PRO 3.x. Ta ti pretestira vse komponente. Če ne najde napak je težava SW narave.

Namesti znova SP4, še pred tem pa last good known configuration ali pa še si delaš system backupe z vgrajenim orodjem.

Aja, za viruse seveda tud poskeniraj. Najboljše najprej z nekim lokalnim, pol pa še on-line različico (od druge firme).

Win2k se nasplošno nebi smel rušiti :) Trkam po lesu in se zahvaljujem vsem bogovom - meni se še niti 1x ni sesul iz neznanega razloga! Imam pa jih od samega začetka ko so izšli :)


Sej zdej ni več problema, tko da skor ziher je bil virus.
Hvala za nasvet vsen!
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

Whatkoli ::

Pirks, sedajle se mučim s vprašanjem ali naj dam na mojo mašino W2k ali XP (celeron 400, 192 rama).

pirx ::

Whatkoli: XP so bolj požrešni. Sem imel priložnost preizkusiti Win2k in XP (oboje sveža inštalacija) na Celeronu 500, s 384 RAMa in po tem sodeč bi ti raje priporočil Win2k. XPji so delovali vidno počasneje.

Sicer pa za domačo uporabo med Win2k in XP ni skorajda nobene razlike.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: pirx ()

pingo76 ::

Nikar Xp-jev na tako mašino. Win2k bodo tudi delali malo na diapozitive a bo vsaj feeling boljši.

OrkAA ::

Na takem sistemu delajo winsi 2000 čist fajn...Jest jih mam na serverju, ki je celeron 333 s 64mb rama in delajo solidno.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: OrkAA ()

darkolord ::

windows 2000 je delal v redu na p200mmx

ToniT ::

Minimalne zahteve za win2k pro so P133 in 64MB RAM.

darkolord ::

ja samo ce imas 64MB rama je stvar zelo okrnjena...


Ok men se je tole spet začel ponavljat.
Tokrat antivirus-scan ni rešil problema.

Naredil sem test z BurnInTest in tole je log:

Network Name: CWIZO

Date: 07/24/04
Time: 15:53:12
Operating system: Windows 2000
Number of CPUs: 1
CPU manufacturer: AuthenticAMD
CPU type: AMD Athlon(tm) processor
CPU features: MMX 3DNow!
CPU Serial #: Not available or disabled
CPU1 speed: 995.5 MHz
CPU Level 2 Cache: 256KB
RAM: 267894784 Bytes
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
Video resolution: 1024x768x32

Test Start time: Sat Jul 24 15:49:42 2004
Test Stop time: Sat Jul 24 15:51:34 2004
Test Duration: 000h 01m 52s

Test Name Cycles Operations Result Critical Serious Warning Information
CPU - Maths 24 1.910 Billion PASS 0 0 0 0
CPU - MMX / SSE 21 1.593 Billion PASS 0 0 0 0
Memory (RAM) 84 16.515 Million PASS 0 0 0 0
2D Graphics 0 883 FAIL 0 1 0 0
Disk (C: ) 0 131 Million PASS 0 0 0 0
Network 1 2 17040 PASS 0 0 0 0
Sound 1 1.996 Million PASS 0 0 0 0

2004-07-24 15:49:42, Status, Completed started test run
2004-07-24 15:49:50, 2D Graphics, SERIOUS: Video memory corruption
2004-07-24 15:49:50, 2D Graphics, 32 Bit ==> Offset 0x4c2a800: Expected 0x0: Read 0x626a03
2004-07-24 15:51:34, Status, Test run stopped

Kot kaže neki spomin na grafi jebe...
Kaj bi to loh blo?
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

ABX ::

Whatkoli: XP so bolj požrešni. Sem imel priložnost preizkusiti Win2k in XP (oboje sveža inštalacija) na Celeronu 500, s 384 RAMa in po tem sodeč bi ti raje priporočil Win2k. XPji so delovali vidno počasneje.


Če sklopiš vse dodatne sevise, ki ti XP-ji nudijo je poraba RAM-a identična.

Moji XP-ji kurijo 60MB rama, brez servis pack-a in mreže pa sem celo prišel na 40MB.
To seveda takoj po boot-u.
Vaša inštalacija je uspešno spodletela!


A res noben ne ve?

Aja, nekako se mi dozdeva da se zadeva sesuje samo ko sem priklopljen na net in brskam po netu.

V biosu sem spremenil Auto assign IRQ (dve postavke sta bile) na disable pa se še vseno sesuva.
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

Tero ::

CWIZO: ali imasš slučajno doma mrežo in adsl in vklopljen ICS ? meni se je ta napaka pokazovala, ko sem postavljal pri enemu kolegu mrežo med dvema računalnikoma in hoto vklopit internet connection sharing. Po nekaj dnevnem preigravanju(!) mi je uspelo ugotovit da je delal problem siolov ADSL program;(
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.


Nimam nobene mreže postavljene ...

Kateri progi pa loh še uporabim za povezovanje na net? Mogoče je res to problem ...
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

maticm ::

tut jaz sem mel ISTE probleme (ko sem se priklopil na net je po cca 2 min ...že napisamo-imam 64 RAMA) pa sem na win98SE prešaltal pa je občutno bolje kot z win2k

Tero ::

Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tero ()

bobby ::

dej naslednjič k se ti bo zgodl, dej prepiš vse kar ti napiše. tud une cifre.
Ce eksplicitno ne odgovorim osebam PNG ali PR,..I dont care about your opinion.


jah win98 pod nobenim pogojem ne pridejo v poštev ...

bom zdele namestil tale program.
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...


ok nainstaliral tale nov protokol, bomo vidl kako bo zdej.
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...


Hmm, mašina je zdej že 3 ure na netu. Očigledo je blo res to to (potrkam na les).


Če pa ni blo bom pa spet težil kle :D
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

Bx ::

ej me sam zanima, če ti je potem normalno delalo, ko si si instaliral tega klienta za raspppoe namesto siolovega. Imam sedaj pri kolegici čisto identičen problem pa me zanima, če je to to.


Kokr se spomnem je to resilo problem ja (zdej mam ruter in ne potrebujem tega vec).
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

Lith ::

žal je ta napaka DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL bolj softwerska

Here is what microsoft says about it.

The Stop 0xD1 message indicates that the system attempted to access pageable memory using a kernel process IRQL that was too high. Drivers that have used improper addresses typically cause this error.

Interpreting the Message
This Stop message has four parameters:

Memory referenced.
IRQL at time of reference.
Type of access (0x00000000 = read operation, 0x00000001 = write operation).
Address that referenced memory.
Resolving the Problem
For additional troubleshooting suggestions that apply to all Stop errors, see "Stop Message Checklist" later in this appendix.

Stop 0xD1 messages can occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a driver is listed by name, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
For more information about Stop 0xD1 messages, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base link on the Web Resources page at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/reskit.... Search using keywords winnt, 0x000000D1, and 0xD1.

updated and comaptiable drivers are very important when running XP. Check your hardware with the HCL www.microsoft.com/hcl If you hardware is not on the list it does not mean it won't work it just means it hasn't been tested by Microsoft and they won't Guarantee it to be compatible. If it not on the list check the manufacturer's website fo an up to date XP driver, if they don't have one you may be out of luck. This goes for motherboards and the bios too.



Possibly the most annoying Stop error that you will ever see, essentially is a memory error caused by a driver or piece of software that has caused an error accessing memory, It can also be caused by defective/unsupported hardware, so prety much anything :0(

¤ black holes rule; I like the speed, speed kills ¤


Ja sej slabi drajverji so povzrocal to. Pol sem jih pa zamenal pa ni blo vec tega...
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...

Bx ::

ok hvala

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