Forum » Loža » Malo "apokaliptične" zgodovine
Malo "apokaliptične" zgodovine

Invictus ::
Je kar nekaj resnice v tem 
1966: Oil gone in 10 years.
1967: Dire famines in western countries by 1975.
1968: The population bomb in 1970-1980.
1970: World will used up all natural resources by 2000.
1970: Urban citizens will require gas masks by 1985.
1970: Nitrogen buildup will make land infertile.
1970: Pollution will kill all the fish.
1970: Killer bees.
1970: Ice age by 2000.
1970: Water rationing in US by 1974, food rationing by 1980.
1971: Ice age by 2020-2030.
1972: Ice age by 2070.
1972: Oil depleted by 1992.
1974: Satellites say ice age coming fast.
1974: Ozone depletion soon.
1976: Scientific consensus says the planet is cooling and a famine is imminent.
1978: No end in sight for the global cooling trend, we're all doomed.
1980: Acid rain!
1988: Regional droughts in the UK (that never happened) by 1990.
1988: Maldives will by underwater by 2018.
1989: Rising sea levels will destroy the US by 2000.
1989: New York will be underwater by 2018.
2000: Children won't know what snow is.
2002: Famine in 10 years if we don't stop eating fish.
2004: Britain will be Siberia by 2024.
2005: Manhattan underwater by 2015.
2006: Super hurricanes! (the opposite is true, they've got weaker on average)
2008: Al Gore predicts ice caps gone by 2013.
2009: Prince Charles says we have 96 months to save the world.
2009: Gordon Brown says we have 50 days to save the world.
2009: Al Gore says he was wrong by a year, it'll be 2014.
2013: Arctic ice free by 2015.
2014: Only 500 days before 'Climate Chaos'.
2019: Autistic screeching sweedish children...

1966: Oil gone in 10 years.
1967: Dire famines in western countries by 1975.
1968: The population bomb in 1970-1980.
1970: World will used up all natural resources by 2000.
1970: Urban citizens will require gas masks by 1985.
1970: Nitrogen buildup will make land infertile.
1970: Pollution will kill all the fish.
1970: Killer bees.
1970: Ice age by 2000.
1970: Water rationing in US by 1974, food rationing by 1980.
1971: Ice age by 2020-2030.
1972: Ice age by 2070.
1972: Oil depleted by 1992.
1974: Satellites say ice age coming fast.
1974: Ozone depletion soon.
1976: Scientific consensus says the planet is cooling and a famine is imminent.
1978: No end in sight for the global cooling trend, we're all doomed.
1980: Acid rain!
1988: Regional droughts in the UK (that never happened) by 1990.
1988: Maldives will by underwater by 2018.
1989: Rising sea levels will destroy the US by 2000.
1989: New York will be underwater by 2018.
2000: Children won't know what snow is.
2002: Famine in 10 years if we don't stop eating fish.
2004: Britain will be Siberia by 2024.
2005: Manhattan underwater by 2015.
2006: Super hurricanes! (the opposite is true, they've got weaker on average)
2008: Al Gore predicts ice caps gone by 2013.
2009: Prince Charles says we have 96 months to save the world.
2009: Gordon Brown says we have 50 days to save the world.
2009: Al Gore says he was wrong by a year, it'll be 2014.
2013: Arctic ice free by 2015.
2014: Only 500 days before 'Climate Chaos'.
2019: Autistic screeching sweedish children...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
- predlagalo izbris: SloLord ()

Vazelin ::
2016: A President Trump could destroy the world economy

I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

Urbano#Desno ::

Vazelin ::
Al Gore je šel 2x full retard?
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()

jype ::
Urbano#Desno je izjavil:
Full so vse zadel v nulo.Glede na to, da gre za novinarske race, mene ne čudi, da si vsaki posebej nasedel.
Nekateri pa poslušamo znanstvenike.

Urbano#Desno ::
Urbano#Desno je izjavil:
Full so vse zadel v nulo.Glede na to, da gre za novinarske race, mene ne čudi, da si vsaki posebej nasedel.
Nekateri pa poslušamo znanstvenike.
Aha. A novinarji si kar izmisljujejo bombasticne naslove? A njihovi clanki niso nikoli povzetek 'znanstvenih clankov'? Kako pa kaj tvoj heroj rebellion baje se mora redno javljati na policiji😁 .

jype ::
Urbano#Desno je izjavil:
A novinarji si kar izmisljujejo bombasticne naslove?OK, ne vem čemu sem si domišljal, da si star že vsaj 12 let. Moja napaka.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Horas ()

111111111111 ::
Nekateri pa poslušamo znanstvenike.
Ki so samo ljudje:
· Brain power: Scientists at the Institute for Animal Health in Edinburgh secured a £200,000 government grant to find out whether BSE has jumped the "species barrier" from cows into sheep. An inquiry is now under way after it was found that scientists had been mistakenly testing cattle brains instead of sheep brains for five years.

jype ::
111111111111 je izjavil:
Ki so samo ljudje:Niso pa prodajalci megle, tako kot večina novinarjev, ki mora za ohranitev službe zagotoviti ogorčenje bralstva, da ostane zainteresirano.

111111111111 ::
Hotel sem samo povedati, da je treba tudi znanstvene članke jemati z rezervo, dokler jih ne potrdijo 2-3 neodvisne raziskave, ker je bilo v zadnjem desetletju kar nekaj prevar, v želji narediti preboj na kakem področju. Žal je tudi znanost postala malo sejemska.
EDIT: Osebno me najbolj čudi Al Gore, ki ima za sabo zavidljivo ekipo in trosi take neumnosti.
EDIT: Osebno me najbolj čudi Al Gore, ki ima za sabo zavidljivo ekipo in trosi take neumnosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 111111111111 ()

jype ::
111111111111 je izjavil:
EDIT: Osebno me najbolj čudi Al Gore, ki ima za sabo zavidljivo ekipo in trosi take neumnosti.Ne trosi neumnosti, ampak jih prodaja.

zee ::
Čas zimskih kislih kumaric? Okay then.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
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