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Napovedniki zanimivih filmov
Temo vidijo: vsi

FormerUser ::
Rada bi odprla temo, v kateri bi se na enem mestu zbirali napovedniki novih, potencialno zanimivih filmov. Veliko prihajajočih novitet pokriva že M-Power v svojih temah, vendar je tam poudarek predvsem na akcijskih, superherojskih, znanstveno fantastičnih.... filmih, meni pa so ljubše drame, kriminalke, tudi komedije in muzikali. Dobrodošli so tudi vaši predlogi.
Začelo bom z nadaljevanjem, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Angelina Jolie v napovedniku deluje markantno, tudi Michelle Pfeiffer in Elle Fanning ponavadi ne razočarata.
Začelo bom z nadaljevanjem, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Angelina Jolie v napovedniku deluje markantno, tudi Michelle Pfeiffer in Elle Fanning ponavadi ne razočarata.

FormerUser ::
Netflixova miniserija Unbelievable, temelji na resnični zgodbi in članku o njej, z naslovom: "An Unbelievable Story of Rape", the one from ProPublica and The Marshall Project, about the serial rapist, the accused victim, and the badass lady detectives who finally tied it all together. Igrajo Kaitlyn Dever, Toni Collette, and Merritt Wever, 4 epizode režirata Susannah Grant in Lisa Cholodenko.

Cruz ::
Midsommar. Hereditary je bil kul film.
One of the most moral acts is to create a space in which life can move forward.

ahac ::
Hrvaški turizem očitno služi tudi z raskošno ponudbo za ameriške petičneže...
Tista hrvaška registracija na avtu zgleda kot, da je nekdo googlal "croatia licence plate", narisal nekaj podobnega in sam sprintal.

The Irishman | Official Teaser
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

FormerUser ::
Me čudi, da tega trailerja še nihče ni prilepil. Academy Award-winners Matt Damon and Christian Bale star in FORD v FERRARI, based on the remarkable true story of the visionary American car designer Carroll Shelby (Damon) and the fearless British-born driver Ken Miles (Bale), who together battled corporate interference, the laws of physics, and their own personal demons to build a revolutionary race car for Ford Motor Company and take on the dominating race cars of Enzo Ferrari at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France in 1966.

FormerUser ::
Based on the thrilling and inspirational life of an iconic American freedom fighter, HARRIET tells the extraordinary tale of Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery and transformation into one of America's greatest heroes. Her courage, ingenuity, and tenacity freed hundreds of slaves and changed the course of history.

Cruz ::
The Lighthouse, od režiserja grozljivke The Witch, ki prav gotovo ne bo pozabljena. Kot zanimivost: film bo črno-bel.
One of the most moral acts is to create a space in which life can move forward.

FormerUser ::
Serija The Morning Show : Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston and Steve Carell in a high-stakes drama that pulls back the curtain on the morning news. Coming this fall to the Apple TV.

FormerUser ::
Teaser za film BOMBSHELL (2019) Margot Robbie, Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman - story of how Fox News boss Roger Ailes was brought down by accusations of sexual harassment.

FormerUser ::
MARRIAGE STORY Official Trailer (2019) Scarlett Johansson, Adam Driver Netflix Movie HD

ahac ::
LUCY IN THE SKY | Official Trailer | FOX Searchlight
Slo-Tech Discord -

FormerUser ::
THE LAUNDROMAT (2019), film Stevena Soderbergha o Panamskih dokumentih, igrajo Meryl Streep, Gary Oldman, Antonio Banderas, trailer se mi zdi zelo posrečen.

FormerUser ::
Politics, passion and power. Dame Helen Mirren stars as Catherine The Great ( Autumn 2019)

FormerUser ::
Angel of Mine is an 2019 American-Australian drama thriller film, directed by Kim Farrant. It stars Noomi Rapace, Luke Evans, Yvonne Strahovski. A woman grieving over the death of her daughter loses grip of reality when she begins to think her girl may still be alive.

FormerUser ::
Luce (2019) A married couple is forced to reckon with their idealized image of their son, adopted from war-torn Eritrea, after an alarming discovery by a devoted high school teacher threatens his status as an all-star student. Director: Julius Onah Stars: Naomi Watts, Octavia Spencer, Tim Roth

FormerUser ::
Dokumentarec Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché o še eni zamolčani ženski, filmski magnatki, lastnici studia in režiserki, iz leta 1910, preden je filmska industrija postala moška zadeva.

kuglvinkl ::
Tole zna bit cool:
Your focus determines your reallity
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kuglvinkl ()

ahac ::
JOJO RABBIT | Official Trailer [HD] | FOX Searchlight
Slo-Tech Discord -

FormerUser ::
THE TWO POPES (2019) - film Fernanda Meirellesa, igrata Anthony Hopkins in Jonathan Pryce

FormerUser ::
BOLEČINA IN SLAVA - film Pedra Almodovarja, igrajo: Antonio Banderas, Penelope Cruz....

FormerUser ::
The Report is a riveting thriller based on actual events. Idealistic staffer Daniel J. Jones (Adam Driver) is tasked by his boss Senator Dianne Feinstein (Annette Bening) to lead an investigation of the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program, which was created in the aftermath of 9/11. Jones' relentless pursuit of the truth leads to explosive findings that uncover the lengths to which the nation's top intelligence agency went to destroy evidence, subvert the law, and hide a brutal secret from the American public.

FormerUser ::
ADULTS IN THE ROOM by Costa-Gavras. The brutal circle of the Eurogroup meetings, who impose on Greece the dictatorship of austerity, where humanity and compassion are utterly disregarded. A claustrophobic trap with no way out, exerting pressures on the protagonists which finally divide them. A tragedy in the Ancient Greek sense: the characters are not good or evil, but driven by the consequences of their own conception of what it is right to do.

opeter ::
Koža (Skin), ravnokar v kinih:
Recenzija na RTVSLO - MMC:
Recenzija na RTVSLO - MMC:
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

FormerUser ::
In še ameriška priredba skandinavskega filma After the Wedding, igrajo Michelle Williams, Jualianne Moore, Billy Crudup

FormerUser ::
The Parts You Lose (2019): A young boy in a small North Dakota town befriends a potentially dangerous fugitive. Starring: Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Aaron Paul, Scoot McNairy Directed By: Christopher Cantwell

Cruz ::
The Parts You Lose izgleda zanimivo. Scenarist je sicer napisal Shrek 4 in Sazam!, ampak ajde, vsak si zasluži šanso. Zasedba je super. :)
Da nadaljujem: Knives Out. Kdo ne mara disfunkcionalnih družin? :)
Da nadaljujem: Knives Out. Kdo ne mara disfunkcionalnih družin? :)
One of the most moral acts is to create a space in which life can move forward.

FormerUser ::
V bistvu ne moreš nikoli z gotovostjo vedeti kakšen bo film preden ga ne vidiš, lahko pa ugibaš, na podlagi zasedbe, trailerje... zato sem pa v uvodu napisala, da gre za potencialno zanimive filme.
Še eden, ki bi moral biti, glede na režiserja in zasedbo, odličen: The Truth / La Vérité (2019)
Še eden, ki bi moral biti, glede na režiserja in zasedbo, odličen: The Truth / La Vérité (2019)

FormerUser ::
Film o Marie Curie RADIOACTIVE (2019) Igrajo: Rosamund Pike, Anya Taylor-Joy.... Režija: Marjane Satrapi

FormerUser ::
DARK WATERS (2019) Inspired by a shocking true story, a tenacious attorney (Ruffalo) uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number of unexplained deaths due to one of the world's largest corporations. In the process, he risks everything - his future, his family, and his own life - to expose the truth. Starring: Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway, Tim Robbins, Bill Camp, Victor Garber, Mare Winningham, William Jackson Harper, Bill Pullman. Directed by Todd Haynes

FormerUser ::
THE RHYTHM SECTION (2019) Blake Lively stars as Stephanie Patrick, an ordinary woman on a path of self-destruction after her family is tragically killed in a plane crash. When Stephanie discovers that the crash was not an accident, she enters a dark, complex world to seek revenge on those responsible and find her own redemption. Based on the novel by Mark Burnell, from director Reed Morano ("The Handmaid's Tale") and the producers of the James Bond film series, The Rhythm Section also stars Jude Law and Sterling K. Brown.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: FormerUser ()

starboi ::
FormerUser je izjavil:
Danski triler The Guilty (Den skyldige):
Pogledal ... odličen film . Priporočam vsem ljubiteljem trilerjev.

FormerUser ::
No, potem pa nujno še slovenski film, ki se je letos predstavil na TIFFu - ZGODBE IZ KOSTANJEVIH GOZDOV

kuglvinkl ::
MONOS, Alejandro Landes' third feature, is a survivalist saga set on a remote mountain in Latin America. The film tracks a young group of soldiers and rebels -- bearing names like Rambo, Smurf, Bigfoot, Wolf and Boom-Boom -- who keep watch over an American hostage, Doctora (Julianne Nicholson). The teenage commandos perform military training exercises by day and indulge in youthful hedonism by night, an unconventional family bound together under a shadowy force know only as The Organization. After an ambush drives the squadron into the jungle, both the mission and the intricate bonds between the group begin to disintegrate. Order descends into chaos and within MONOS the strong begin to prey on the weak in this vivid, cautionary fever-dream.
MONOS, Alejandro Landes' third feature, is a survivalist saga set on a remote mountain in Latin America. The film tracks a young group of soldiers and rebels -- bearing names like Rambo, Smurf, Bigfoot, Wolf and Boom-Boom -- who keep watch over an American hostage, Doctora (Julianne Nicholson). The teenage commandos perform military training exercises by day and indulge in youthful hedonism by night, an unconventional family bound together under a shadowy force know only as The Organization. After an ambush drives the squadron into the jungle, both the mission and the intricate bonds between the group begin to disintegrate. Order descends into chaos and within MONOS the strong begin to prey on the weak in this vivid, cautionary fever-dream.
Your focus determines your reallity

FormerUser ::
UNCUT GEMS (december 2019)- Set in the diamond district of New York City, Howard Ratner, a jewelry store owner and dealer to the rich and famous, must find a way to pay his debts when his merchandise is taken from one of his top sellers and girlfriend. DIRECTOR: Safdie Brothers CAST: Adam Sandler, Kevin Garnett, Idina Menzel, Lakeith Stanfield, Julia Fox, and Eric Bogosian
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: FormerUser ()

FormerUser ::
RICHARD JEWELL - Directed by Clint Eastwood and based on true events, "Richard Jewell" is a story of what happens when what is reported as fact obscures the truth. The film stars Sam Rockwell Kathy Bates, Jon Hamm, Olivia Wilde and Paul Walter Hauser .

FormerUser ::
From writer/director Guy Ritchie comes THE GENTLEMEN, a star-studded sophisticated action comedy. THE GENTLEMEN follows American expat Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) who built a highly profitable marijuana empire in London. When word gets out that he’s looking to cash out of the business forever it triggers plots, schemes, bribery and blackmail in an attempt to steal his domain out from under him (featuring an all-star ensemble cast including Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Eddie Marsan, Colin Farrell, and Hugh Grant).

opeter ::
Ko smo že pri vojnih dramah.
Kmalu* bo tudi film o Midwayju, ki pa upam, da ne bo takšna osladna romanca kot je bil film Pearl Harbor. Sicer pa nikoli ne veš ...
* v kinih 1. novembra 2019.
Direktor je Roland Emmerich. Torej nekaj hudega ni za pričakovat, bo pa vsaj gledljiv.
Kmalu* bo tudi film o Midwayju, ki pa upam, da ne bo takšna osladna romanca kot je bil film Pearl Harbor. Sicer pa nikoli ne veš ...
* v kinih 1. novembra 2019.
Direktor je Roland Emmerich. Torej nekaj hudega ni za pričakovat, bo pa vsaj gledljiv.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

Ganon ::
Zakaj gledate napovednike? Včasih so bili to bolj dražilniki, danes so to filmi v malem, vidiš občutno preveč.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Atomic Heart (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Igre | 16696 (824) | oo7 |
» | Manj znane igre (strani: 1 2 3 4 )Oddelek: Igre | 33721 (6461) | D3m |
» | Marvel's Avengers [The Avengers Project]Oddelek: Igre | 3149 (1079) | oo7 |
» | The Surge (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Igre | 9262 (4866) | scipascapa |
» | IFA 2019Oddelek: Zvok in slika | 2745 (2079) | andrej69 |