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Ghost Recon: Breakpoint

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint

oo7 ::

Ghost Recon Breakpoint will be a story-driven 4 player experience against Cole D. Walker and is planned for an October 4th release.

Se pravi na tak način kot Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Jutri okoli 20:30 bo prvi uradni trailer.

Skyman ::

oo7 ::

In kako se vam zdi ?

ahac ::

oo7 je izjavil:

In kako se vam zdi ?

Meh, še en Tom Clancy špil. Tega je tolk, da sploh ne sledim več. :P
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Berserker ::

Novejši Tom Clancy špili so sinonim za totalno generičnost in neizvirnost.

oo7 ::

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint: E3 2019 Walker Manifesto | Ubisoft

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint: E3 2019 We Are Brothers Gameplay Trailer

Berserker je izjavil:

Novejši Tom Clancy špili so sinonim za totalno generičnost in neizvirnost.

Res je. Čas je za nov Splinter cell.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Ghost Recon Breakpoint: PC Features Trailer

oo7 ::

Ghost Recon Breakpoint: Ghost War PvP Trailer

oo7 ::

'Ghost Recon Breakpoint' Has A Hilarious Amount Of Microtransactions


Bundles that contain guns
Bundles that contain blueprints to make guns
Bundles for attachments for guns
Individual attachments and guns
Cosmetic shirts, armor, backpacks, tattoos, emotes
Melee weapons
Gear camo and paint
Skill Points
Weapon upgrades
Battle point boosters and reward tiers (for some sort of battle pass

Se pravi pay to win bedarija od igre ;((

oo7 ::

Trenutno 59% na open critic - https://opencritic.com/game/7884/tom-cl...

scipascapa ::

je bilo za pričakovati.

Bantani ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Bantani ()

WallSreet ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Trenutno 59% na open critic - https://opencritic.com/game/7884/tom-cl...

Te bom kar tule vprašal. Katere igrice trenutno nažigaš in katere se ti zdijo najbolj všeč? Če kaj priporočaš...

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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