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oo7 ::

Igra izide enkrat leta 2017 za PC, Ps4 in Xbox one.

Domača stran: http://madmind-studio.com/

Agony is a first-person survival horror game currently in development.
Players will begin their journey as tormented soul within the depths of hell without any memories about his past.

The special ability to control people on their path, and even possess simple minded demons,
gives the player the necessary measures to survive in the extreme conditions they are in.

By exploring hostile environment and interacting with the other weary souls of the hellscape,
the hero will soon understand that there is only one way to escape from Hell, and it will require a meeting of the mystical Red Goddess.

Agony: Intro
  • zavaroval slike: Mavrik ()

vostok_1 ::

Prezentacija je top-notch. Kaka bo igra...
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

Agony Gameplay Demo - Survival Horror

vostok_1 ::

I really don't know what to make of it.
Zgleda cool, ampak mal dolgočasna. Penumbra mi je recimo bila precej bolj interesantna.

Je pa definitivno to za VR.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

Agony Official Extended Trailer

oo7 ::

Kot kaže so igro dali na Kickstarter


Da bo igra, ki se dogaja v peklu uspela na Kickstarterju rabi 66,666 $ :))

Sssaga ::

Dubu demo pa da vidm, v koliki meri me hype prevzema.

Dobili so 90000 $ do danes!

oo7 ::

Poročaj kakšen je demo :)

scipascapa ::

kako prideš do demota?

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

kako prideš do demota?

Najbrž moraš sodelovat na kickstarterju.

oo7 ::

AGONY - New Gameplay (Survival Horror Game 2017)


oo7 ::

AGONY Gameplay Demo (Survival Horror in HELL) 2017


oo7 ::

AGONY - Red Goddess Cinematic Trailer (Survival Horror Game 2018)

Seljak ::

Najbolj ogaben špil in to v pravem pomenu. To po mojem sploh ne bo izšlo :D

oo7 ::

Zakaj naj ne bi izšla igra? A niso že skoraj končali?

Seljak ::

Ker je preveč grozna :D

kuall ::

To bi bilo zame, imam rad grozljivke. Še malo več nagih žensk bi moali dat not pa bi me prepričali, da bo treba kupit nov računalnik za nove igrice. Upam da bo enkrat v prihodnosti ena taka zanimiva igrica, ki bo mix med grozljivko in pornom hehe.

Imajo tudi igrice svojo prihodnost. Vidim pa jo v tem, da bi imel gor neka 3d očala, da bi slika izgledala popolnoma realistično. Potem bi imel nek premikajoči trak pod nogami, da bi prav fizično hodil, ne sedel na stolu. Pa še za roke neke rokavice ,da bi stvari prijemal z rokami lahko. Pol bi pa bilo igrce za igrat začet spet. Potem bi pa res imel občutek, kot da hodiš ponoči zunaj v nekem strašljivem prostoru, da bi te bilo res strah. No upam, da kdaj to doživim, bi znalo bit še zanimivo čez leta. :)

Teoretično pa da bi bil nek prostor, ki bi sam sproti generiral okoli tebe objekte, ki so v igrici, npr stol, kamor bi se usedel ali oblika terena ali površčina (asflat, trava). to bo vse enkrat možno po moje, je pa še dolga pot do tja, še dost dela nas čaka.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: kuall ()

Seljak ::

Sory, ampak pod katerim kamnom si se skrival? Vse to je že mogoče kupiti ;)

kuall ::

Nisem se zanimal za te stvari, pa najrž so drage kot žafran?

Seljak ::

kuall ::

To bo treba enkrat kupit. Naj še malo izboljšjo, ene 10 let recimo pa bo. :)

Seljak ::

Mislim, da ne boš rabil čakati 10 let ;)

oo7 ::

Initial release date: March 30, 2018

oo7 ::

Agony Interview - Devs Talk About Horror Game's Length, Inspiration, VR Edition and Possible Switch Port


oo7 ::

Agony to Release a PC Patch to Bypass Censorship

The game that literally puts players through Hell definitely had a long, hard road to launch. Agony had to make a few major compromises to their vision due to censorship, otherwise the entire project would have seen cancellation. Because of this, many scenes were altered and cut entirely, but the team over at PlayWay want their total vision to be realised. So they've come up with a plan.

However, in order to be able to publish the game, we had to make some compromises. Otherwise, we would have had to to delete the whole project and never release it.


Slišat kot opasna igra :)

oo7 ::

Igra izide 29 maja za PC, PS4 in xbox one.

Story in short

You will begin your journey as a tormented soul within the depths of hell, without any memories about your past.

The special ability to control people on your path, and even possess simple minded demons, gives you the necessary measures to survive in the extreme conditions you are in.

By exploring the hostile environment and interacting with other weary souls of the hellscape, the hero will soon understand that there is only one way to escape from Hell, and it will require meeting the mystical Red Goddess.

Explore the lake of fire

Huge, visually stunning levels filled with hostile environments and unique, terrifying design. Find your path through mystical floating forest and other hostile environments. Discover your story and deepest secrets by collecting hidden notes, letters, paintings and more.

Solve unique challenges

Find secret patterns and draw them with your own blood on the sacrificial stones. Collect ancient artifacts and use their power to discover hidden paths in another dimension. Surpass the limits of your mind and possess other creatures. Use their unique abilities to progress further or open secret passages.

Agony - Announce Trailer

vostok_1 ::

To je definitivno bolj za VR izkušnjo.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

AGONY - Official Story Trailer (New Extreme Horror Game 2018)

BivšiUser2 ::

Kje točno se bo dala dobiti ne cenzurirana verzija za pc?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

Agony is a sexually explicit horror game full of vagina monsters and infanticide


BivšiUser2 je izjavil:

Kje točno se bo dala dobiti ne cenzurirana verzija za pc?

Horror Game Agony Will Feature Uncensored Content In Optional PC Patch


BivšiUser2 ::

Hvala, sem mislim da bo Steam tudi prepovedal AO. Ne zanima reakcija twitcha in ostalih.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

Madmind Studios Forced To Abandon Agony's PC Censorship Removal Patch Or Face Closure


BivšiUser2 ::

Pa bodo dali enmu frendu, ki bo patch raztrosil naokoli. Pa en skriti message, da so to DEVi
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

Zmajc ::

Yep bo pač njihov kolega "mod" izdal: :D

oo7 ::

Prve 4 ocene niso kaj dobre.

IGN Spain 6.5 / 10.0
Hobby Consolas 60 / 100
TheSixthAxis 4 / 10
Twinfinite 1.5 / 5.0

Skupna ocena trenutno 49%

Open critic : https://opencritic.com/game/5775/agony?...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

BivšiUser2 ::

Ma, nevem, demo se mi je zdel soliden. Jih je verjeno zmotilo, da se ne streljaš oz. da ni family friendly. :O
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

Aja demo je bil. Sploh nisem vedel.

BivšiUser2 ::

Uradno, če si podprl projekt ( mislim, da 6,66€ ($)) oz. je na travniku.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

Agony's deleted scenes include interactive infant murder and first-person rape with visible penetration


Update: There are no longer plans to release the deleted scenes for Agony in a patch on PC, due to "legal issues". However, the developers intend to show them off in an official video somewhere. Here's the checklist of everything still in the game, according to the Steam update:

Brutal Sex Scenes
Lesbian and Gay Sex Scenes
Genital Physics
Eye Gouging
Heart Plucking
Children Heads Exploding
Setting Fire to Martyrs and Demons
Intense Violence
Strong Language

BivšiUser2 ::

Wow deleted scenes so pa češnja na torti.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::


Succubus: Official Selfie Trailer

oo7 ::

Sequel igre Agony

SUCCUBUS: Gameplay Reveal (Uncensored)

8:43 there goes any chances of this coming to console

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

djabi ::

Succubus vsekakor izgleda zanimivo.

Ta demonski svet in okolje spominja na mešanico Painkillerja + NecroVision + morda ščepec Bioshocka (čeprav ne vem, če ima kakšne RPG elemente).

Aha, pa še Bulletstorm sem pozabil. :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: djabi ()

Sheteentz ::

kr ena nažigačina z joški in prikazom spolnega akta, not impressed.

oo7 ::

5 oktober 2021

Succubus: Official Story Trailer

Trailer je cenzuriran.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

yayo ::

bah, vse je not, da daje mislit na monster sex/erotiko pa na koncu nič monster sexa/erotike. Brezveze. :P

oo7 ::

Si igral prvi del Agony ? Jaz še nisem.

Zmajc ::

Kolikor se spomnim je igra en velik drek. Toliko so se ubadali s temi "erotičnimi scenami" da so vmes pozabili narediti kolikor tolikor solidno igro.

Yep ... na opencritic ima 40%

Izi ::

Najprej je bila igra Agony (maj 2018), ki je dobila slabe ocene okoli 4/10.
Slabe ocene so letele na cenzuro v igri in pa tudi na kup bugov in napak.

Potem pa so se izdelovalci lotili precej obsežne predelave in dobili smo igro Agony UNRATED(oktober 2018), ki pa je dobila precej višje ocene okoli 7/10.
Igri sta na Steamu ločeni in Agony Unrated vidiš samo če si prijavljen in imaš omogočen prikaz odrasle vsebine, drugače ti jo sploh ne prikaže in dobiš Error.
V tej verziji igre pa ni nobene cenzure in zelo obsežen je tudi spisek popravkov in sprememb.

Sedaj pa prihaja Spin-off prvega dela. Menda ni nadaljevanje, zato v imenu tudi ni nič omenjen Agony. Igra se bo imenovala Succubus (oktober 2021)
Glede na to, da igro prikaže Steam četudi nisi prijavljen in je torej odrasla vsebina odstranjena bo Succubus očitno spet cenzuriran.
Bomo videli ali so se iz fiaska prvega dela kaj naučili ali pa bo spet treba počakati pol leta, da izdajo Unrated verzijo, ki bo popravljena in brez cenzure ;)

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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