Forum » Omrežja in internet » Shareaza je muli "uničila" ED2k linke :((
Shareaza je muli "uničila" ED2k linke :((
V-i-p ::
Mnja, stvar je lepo tekla, dokler se jaz, cepec nisem spravil inštalirat Shareaze, tako, zaradi firbca. Proggy mi ni dišal in je letel iz diska. Tu pa se začne problem. Zdaj ko iz saj veste kod, kliknem na ED2k link, mi namesto, tako kot včasih, ko je link šel direktno v download v mulo, vrže ven ti dve okni, najprej eno, potem še drugo. Zato moram zdaj ročno kopirat linke, čeprav v muli imem vključeno ED2k links. Hvala za pomoč.
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!
- spremenil: V-i-p ()
Cokolesnik ::
Reinstall Mule?
Uporabniki naj pred pisanjem sporočil uporabljajo iskalnik
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.
V-i-p ::
Hum, tega nikjer ne najdem Gandalfar, drugače pa, btw, zakaj se pa slike ne da linkat iz drugega strežnika?
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!
Tr0n ::
Pod Preferences / General imas spodaj gumb ED2K Links, ki ti v register vpise potreben stuff.
Ed2k Button
If this button is pressed eMule is associated with the eDonkey2000 web link format for downloads and servers.
Some other p2p applications may change the link settings. Correct settings can be verified in the registry using regedit (Start -> Run -> regedit):
Name: (Standard)
Type: REG_SZ
Data: "Path to emule.exe(with quotes!)" %1
same as above
If you have problems with eMule's link association delete all entries after HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ed2k\... and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ed2k\... then press the eD2k Link button in eMule again.
Backup registry before and reboot after any changes to registry!
Ed2k Button
If this button is pressed eMule is associated with the eDonkey2000 web link format for downloads and servers.
Some other p2p applications may change the link settings. Correct settings can be verified in the registry using regedit (Start -> Run -> regedit):
Name: (Standard)
Type: REG_SZ
Data: "Path to emule.exe(with quotes!)" %1
same as above
If you have problems with eMule's link association delete all entries after HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ed2k\... and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ed2k\... then press the eD2k Link button in eMule again.
Backup registry before and reboot after any changes to registry!
boha ::
hmm, meni v operi ne delajo ed2k linki, v IE pa normalno. se mogoče komu sanja kako to zrihtat v operi?
Tr0n ::
Vse to je napisano v pomoci in FAQu.
If you want to add ed2k-links with a single click can search for Opera6.ini (usually found in ..\Program Files\Opera or in documents\\Application Data\Opera\profile) and add the following line to the [User Prefs] section:
Do not edit this file while Opera is running.
The links should work, you may need to restart your browser.
Alternativly, you can copy the links to the clipboard to then paste them inside the client
If you want to add ed2k-links with a single click can search for Opera6.ini (usually found in ..\Program Files\Opera or in documents\\Application Data\Opera\profile) and add the following line to the [User Prefs] section:
Do not edit this file while Opera is running.
The links should work, you may need to restart your browser.
Alternativly, you can copy the links to the clipboard to then paste them inside the client
V-i-p ::
Mnja, naredil sem vse tako kot ste napisali. Zdaj je bolje to, da tista dva okenca za vsak link še vedno lajata, vendar ga mula da pod download. Samo, pri večih fajlih je kar mučno za vsak klik še dva okna zapret :( /me prekolne shareazo. Hvala vsem!
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!
Tr0n ::
Hmm, ce si najprej vse zbrisal iz registra in potem pritisno ed2k gumb, ti tega ne bi smelo delat. V muli lahko izklopis se "bring to front on link click" pod General.
V-i-p ::
Rešeno. Tr0n, hvala!
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!
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