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Seznam Airdropov! Free crypto

Seznam Airdropov! Free crypto

22 / 27

grikos ::

Na Coinbase se da z reševanjem kratkega kviza na spodnjih liknih zaslužiti vsaj 30$ kriptovalut EOS, XLM, COMP:




mimii ::

se moj invite na coinbase za

mimii ::

mimii je izjavil:

se moj invite na coinbase za





technoboy68 ::

Vuli ::

|Gb x570 Pro|R9 5900x|64GB DDR4 RAM G.Skill V@ 3600 cl16|6800XT Merc319 Black|

vimos ::

Meni na coinbase ne deluje, vedno me da na waitlist. Kakor sem gledal SLO ni med državami za Earn program ?

Facebook dev ::

Jaz sem to dobil za prve 3 earn programe, za vse nadaljne so me pa dali na waitlisto za vecno. Po cakanju eno leto, sem jim pisal na support kaj je glede tega in niso odgovorili nic pametnega. V stilu, nisi naredil do konca verifikacije, ceprov sem jo.

Sem od takrat zbrisal account na Coinbaseu. UI imajo dober, so pa podn menjalnica z visokimu feeji, tako da ne zgubljas dosti, ce jih ne uporabljas.
If you can't handle me at my worst,
you don't deserve me at my best.

Jan ::

vimos je izjavil:

Meni na coinbase ne deluje, vedno me da na waitlist. Kakor sem gledal SLO ni med državami za Earn program ?

Mogoče si malo pozen. Poglej datume objav povabil zgoraj.

Meni jih je uspelo narediti 6. Pri dveh sem bil na čakalni listi.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Jan ()

vimos ::

Dvomim, ker za tiste kateri niso več na voljo piše.

Jan ::

vimos je izjavil:

Dvomim, ker za tiste kateri niso več na voljo piše.

Meni samo še za tale invite piše, da lahko zaslužim, če bo kdo opravil nalogo:


Aha, pa še stellar je na voljo (vsak po 4 klike):


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Jan ()

azvik ::

Evo, koda za Celsius, v kolikor naložite 200$/€ dobite 20$ v BTC bonusa, moraš pa držat denar al pa crypto 30 dni na platformi.
Koda: https://celsiusnetwork.app.link/1477551...

grikos ::

Link za nekaj free BAND tokenov na Coinbase:
Prijavi se na CAKE defi in zasluži 30 $ kriptovalute.
https://app.cakedefi.com/referral code: 772231

Mato989 ::

Fajn bi blo ce bi kje dobili razlago kako je s tem nakazilom na celsius ce nakazem 201 dolar btcja danes in je po 30dneh vredno 180 dolarjev a sem upravicen al ne.... Mora bit nakazilo vredno tisto sekundo ko pride 200 ali po 30 dneh ker je zelo varljivo tole
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

zzbil ::

zzbil ::

DeBrito ::

Horizen (ZEN) faucet, dnevno se lahko claima nek drobiž, social activity prinaša še nekaj zraven.

peky ::

klavdijL ::


Coinbase earn:
Pogledaš filmčke in odgovoriš na vprašanja - odprtih je več kampanj za različne crypto (poglej tudi direktno earn, saj vse nimajo referral programov). Izplačila takoj. Preverjeno deluje.
Stellar (le še 1 slot free) -> https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/zp...
Comp (le še 1 slot free) -> https://coinbase.com/earn/comp/invite/n...
Band (4 slots free) -> https://coinbase.com/earn/band/invite/w...

Coinmarketcap earn: podobno kot na Coinbase. Potrebuješ Binance account. Izplačila po koncu kampanije. Nima referral programa. Sem izpolnil, ker so nakazila po koncu kampanije ne morem še nič rečt glede delovanja. ->https://coinmarketcap.com/earn/


Coinbase referral:
Receive EUR8.26 (10$) in Bitcoin when they buy or sell EUR82.63 (100$) or more on Coinbase!

Če te zanima za na hitro dobit 30$ free crypto. Narediš account in KYC ter narediš 50$+ deposit v crypto, ki ga lahko potem dvigneš nazaj. Preverjeno deluje.
https://pool.cakedefi.com/ REFERRAL CODE: 056269
When you sign up for a Pool by Cake account and make your first deposit you will receive a bonus of $20 worth of DFI. If you use a referral code, you will receive an extra $10 worth of DFI!

Earn $10 in free BTC on your first crypto purchase of $100 or more!
Get a 20 USDT rebate card on your first crypto deposit of $100 or more.
Earn $50 in free BTC once you complete photo verification and trading milestones.
Preverjeno deluje.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

klavdijL ::

Še pravi linki za kampanije ... sorry folks (bi popravil post, pa ga ne morem (več) urejat)

Band -> https://coinbase.com/earn/band/invite/w...
Stellar -> https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/zp...
Comp -> https://coinbase.com/earn/comp/invite/n...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

lastao ::

Če se kdo prijavi v bitstamp do 31.1. je spodaj ref.link.

You will get a $50 trading fee bonus,
The referral program allows you to invite people to join Bitstamp and get a reward when they register an account and start trading. The person who you invite also gets the same reward.

Sreča spremlja Hrabre :)

klavdijL ::

Tole bo večino v angleščini. Upam da nikogar ne zmoti :)

PI (rudarjenje s telefonom)

Preprosto rudarjenje nove kripto valute PI. Rudari se s telefonom. Po nekaj časa poganjanja lahko rečem, da se učinka na delovanje telefona ne opazi.

Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 10 million members worldwide. Pi is using the breakthrough tech, that allows you to mine on your phone without draining your battery.
White paper: https://minepi.com/white-paper

To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/klavdijLapajne and use my username (klavdijLapajne) as your invitation code.

Earn up to 100$ in BTC with Swissborg - easy and fast, instant withdrawal after
Sign up with my referral link and earn free Bitcoin to kickstart your crypto portfolio with SwissBorg.

Join with this link https://join.swissborg.com/r/klavdiLUMT perform KYC and deposit a minimum of 50€ (in ny supported crypto currency) you will receive a random bonus between 1 and 100€ in BTC. You can withdraw directly after.

The wealth app is useful for crypto trading in general. It has BTC, ETH, CHSB, AAVE, COMP, USDC, PAXG, ENJ, KNC, REN, DAI and BNB. It also sports it's native token (that had it's value increased 10x since september) and allows you tode posit your assets to get a daily yield. More at https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/sw...

Cakedefi - defi, staking, liquidity pools etc.
Če te zanima za na hitro dobit 30$ free crypto. Narediš account in KYC ter narediš 50$+ deposit v crypto, ki ga lahko potem dvigneš nazaj. Preverjeno deluje. Priporoačm, da se uporabi dash, saj imajo nekateri ostali zajetne transaction feeje.
https://pool.cakedefi.com/ REFERRAL CODE: 056269
When you sign up for a Pool by Cake account and make your first deposit you will receive a bonus of $20 worth of DFI. If you use a referral code, you will receive an extra $10 worth of DFI!

grikos ::

Z BlockFi lahko s kriptovaluto zaslužite do 250 dolarjev in 8,6% obresti.
Prijavi se na CAKE defi in zasluži 30 $ kriptovalute.
https://app.cakedefi.com/referral code: 772231

klavdijL ::

Če koda zanima:

Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once it's ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join - so better to join early). Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. There's nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldn't want to miss this.

Here is my invite link: https://initiativeq.com/invite/Ot40tmrjS

This link will stop working once I'm out of invites. Let me know after you registered, because I need to verify you on my end.

HappyPills ::

Sem se joinal tnx :)

klavdijL ::

Vsem, ki ste se pridružili - hvala:) Čakam, da me moj referral potrdi, prej vas ne morem potrditi.

klavdijL ::

Vsem, ki ste se pridružili - hvala:) Prosim da me kontaktirate, oz si pobrišete račun (profile - delete), saj bi me moj referrer moral potrditi, vendar je neodziven (sam pa vas ne morem potrditi, dokler nisem potrjen). Naredil sem si nov račun in tu je nova koda - zgornje ne uporabljajte (žal prvotnega posta ne morem več urediti ... če ga kak admin lahko naj ga prosim pobriše). Nov link je spodaj ...

Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once it's ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join - so better to join early). Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. There's nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldn't want to miss this.

Here is my invite link: https://initiativeq.com/invite/xT7BDD5oa

This link will stop working once I'm out of invites. Let me know after you registered, because I need to verify you on my end.

Mitoša ::

Pozdravljeni! A mogoče kdo rudari s telefonom preko Telegrama? " ETH Miner bot " Ali ste si že izplačali prirudarjeno ? Če ima kdo izkušnje prosim za komentar. Jaz sem si instaliral ETH Miner in mi dnevno prirudari 0,0144 ETH. Telefona sploh ne obremenjuje in ETH Miner deluje tudi ko je telefon izklopljen. Če ima kdo ta Miner ali kaj podobnega, bi prosil naj opiše svoje izkušnje. Je pa Mogoče dvignit ko se nabere najmanj 0,25 ETH in moraš imeti 10 referalov.Če koga zanima se lahko priklopi na moj referal. Ko boste svoje referale delili naprej prejmete za vsak referal 0,005 ETH. + 10% commision of refferals earnings.

DegenGambler ::

Dobro jutro!

Pa si mogoce racionalno premislil tocno tole, kar si ravnokar napisal? Poskusi.
Ljudje kupujejo specializirane graficne kartice vredne vec kot 1000€ zato da namajnamo en kurac od ethereuma, ti pa mislus, da ga majnas na telefonu in to se medtem, ko je izklopljen?
"Up until you lose, you are winning" - DegenGambler
"It does not matter what we want, once we get it, then we want something else."
- Petyr Baelish

klavdijL ::

Če koda zanima. Ponujajo trade delnic in kripto. Sistem je podoben leverage zadevam - za določen vložek dobiš toliko večjo kupovalno moč, s tem da tu ne računajo za nakupe/prodajo. Z mojo referral kodo ob nakazilu katerekoli podprte kripto dobite 10-250$ (jaz sem dobil 13$). Je pa mogoče nakazana sredstva takoj dvigniti. Zadeva sprobana in deluje. Več pa spodaj v angleščini:

Quantfury is a new paradigm of brokerage that guarantees its users execution of trades and/or investments for their requested size at prices of global and crypto exchanges free of maker or taker fees, leverage fees, and any other fees. ... Traders can trade stocks, crypto, ETFs and Futures in Quantfury.

Even a small deposit gives you to a higher trading power. For example a 100$ deposit will give you the trading power of 2000$.

Trade at real-time spot prices of global and crypto exchanges free of any fees! Download Quantfury on App Store or Google Play, and use my invite code.

Claim your reward (10$-250$)

Download app and deposit any crypto for minimum 100 $ (I recommend dash or LTC due to low fees). Instant withrawal possible.

To login and receive the referral bonus use this code: 6KSRQEPY

More info:
- referrals: https://support.quantfury.com/hc/en-us/...
- trading power: https://support.quantfury.com/hc/en-us/...
- free trading: https://support.quantfury.com/hc/en-us/...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

neocodexx ::

klavdijL je izjavil:

Vsem, ki ste se pridružili - hvala:) Prosim da me kontaktirate, oz si pobrišete račun (profile - delete), saj bi me moj referrer moral potrditi, vendar je neodziven (sam pa vas ne morem potrditi, dokler nisem potrjen). Naredil sem si nov račun in tu je nova koda - zgornje ne uporabljajte (žal prvotnega posta ne morem več urediti ... če ga kak admin lahko naj ga prosim pobriše). Nov link je spodaj ...

Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once it's ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join - so better to join early). Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. There's nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldn't want to miss this.

Here is my invite link: https://initiativeq.com/invite/xT7BDD5oa

This link will stop working once I'm out of invites. Let me know after you registered, because I need to verify you on my end.

Tega problema pa ni pri Pi-ju, tam vse ok? Bom se pridružil še temu Q.

DeeJay ::

Jutri bo airdrop LENDEXX
Don't f with me.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: DeeJay ()

klavdijL ::

Earnathon je še ena stran, ki ponuja earn kampanije. Trenutno teče ENA (20$), v pripravi jih je še kar nekaj, med drugim CELO, ChainLink, Binance Chain etc. Ponuja tudi referral program.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://earnathon.com/signup?ref=klavdi...

Odgovori za ENA:

- Absence of foreign exchange
- It's a digital assets that can be transferred across borders without banking facilities
- Cryptography and currency
- 2008

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

Mitoša ::

Napisal sem kar vem, da mi deluje. Spraševal pa sem, če ima morda kdo že izkušnje. Ima pa kolega prirudarjeno že 1 ETH in je že poslal zahtevek za dvig. Izplačilo naj bi bilo za 30 dni.

Mitoša ::

DegenGambler je izjavil:

Dobro jutro!

Pa si mogoce racionalno premislil tocno tole, kar si ravnokar napisal? Poskusi.
Ljudje kupujejo specializirane graficne kartice vredne vec kot 1000€ zato da namajnamo en kurac od ethereuma, ti pa mislus, da ga majnas na telefonu in to se medtem, ko je izklopljen?

Sem poskusil in deluje. Sem pa spraševal za komentar, če kdo mogoče že ima izkušnje. Če pa ti ne verjameš pa lahko brezplačno probaš.

DegenGambler ::

Dokler ne boš imel denarja na računu ali Ethereuma v denarnici, do takrat ne deluje. Lahko ti tam piše številka, da si namajnal že 1000 ETHja, pa to nič ne pomeni.

Aplikacija je 99% scam. Za začetek lahko začneš s kakšnim google searchom, kaj počnejo te aplikacije. In kaj ti najbrž počne, poleg tega, da ti pobere vse tvoje podatke, ob strani ti vrti še oglase.

Ampak lahko pa kar naprej verjameš, da tvoj mašina minea ethereum, medtem ko imaš dejanska podjetja, ki investirajo milijone $, da nakupijo na tisoče specializiranih grafičnih kartic, da so potem kolikor toliko konkurenčni. Je pa tvoj telefon tut tega zmožen. Pa hkrati ne kuri baterije, pa minea takrat ko je ugasnjen? Pa dej vklop možgane no ...
"Up until you lose, you are winning" - DegenGambler
"It does not matter what we want, once we get it, then we want something else."
- Petyr Baelish

klavdijL ::

neocodexx je izjavil:

Tega problema pa ni pri Pi-ju, tam vse ok? Bom se pridružil še temu Q.

Pri PI ni tega problema, saj ni potrebno potrjevat referral-ov.

P1xxle ::

Mitoša je izjavil:

Pozdravljeni! A mogoče kdo rudari s telefonom preko Telegrama? " ETH Miner bot " Ali ste si že izplačali prirudarjeno ? Če ima kdo izkušnje prosim za komentar. Jaz sem si instaliral ETH Miner in mi dnevno prirudari 0,0144 ETH. Telefona sploh ne obremenjuje in ETH Miner deluje tudi ko je telefon izklopljen. Če ima kdo ta Miner ali kaj podobnega, bi prosil naj opiše svoje izkušnje. Je pa Mogoče dvignit ko se nabere najmanj 0,25 ETH in moraš imeti 10 referalov.Če koga zanima se lahko priklopi na moj referal. Ko boste svoje referale delili naprej prejmete za vsak referal 0,005 ETH. + 10% commision of refferals earnings.

Nebom niti odpiral linka ampak ti že zdaj povem da je to nateg. Tako kot ti je rekel DegenGambler... Najboljše da ti kar z ugasnjenim telefonom minaš 0.0144 eth ko meni grafična ki laufa na 110W 24/7 mina 0.004 dnevno... Zbriši si aplikacijo ;)

celjski ::

Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once it's ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join - so better to join early). Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. There's nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldn't want to miss this.

Here is my invite link: https://initiativeq.com/invite/bkPxKJ7Lo

This link will stop working once I'm out of invites. Let me know after you registered, because I need to verify you on my end.

klavdijL ::

Airdrop: FREE $30 in sData TRX token (telegram)

Airdrop running until 28th March and will be sent on the 29th.
All you need to do is to use the link bellow and send the bot your TRON wallet address (TrustWallet, Tronlink etc.) ... more info: https://searchdata.online/

referral link: https://t.me/sDataNetworkBot?start=1678...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

klavdijL ::

Beer Money Airdrop 25 + 10 per referral

Beer Money is the Brewery of the Blockchain Era. The BEER token combines two growing markets: craft beer and cryptocurrency. BEER is a digital asset based on Nem's blockchain. Already listed on Coinmarketcap. Info: https://beer-money.io/en/beer-money-cra...

To Celebrate BeerMoney %10 Supply Migration on Binance Smartchain they're hosting a special Airdrop Event.

Airdrop link: https://t.me/BeerMoneyAirdrop2_Bot?star...
Need to perform some simple tasks on Telegram, Twitter and Medium.

For Completing the tasks - Get 25 Stakes
For Each Valid Refer - Get 10 Stakes

Tadej14 ::

https://betfury.io/?r=5ffc69b67a71d6b79... - tu sem jaz z malo truda zaslužil orng dnarce:) probaj.. imajo tud free claiming sam je lažje in hitrejše na večje vsote.. majo constant payoute in withdrawall je hiter.

klavdijL ::

Arrant-ARN 20$

Arrant-ARN Is a Staking Defined Project Launched on the Binance Smartchain Network For Trading And Buying Products. Reward: 1 ARN (~$20). Note: This airdrop token will be distributed to your wallet address in April 3rd and please remember don't spend a penny for airdrops tokens.

Referral link: https://t.me/Arrantairdrop_bot?start=r0...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

demitt ::


1. open this link https://www.chainge.finance/?referral=a...
2. click on "my Account" and register by email
3. Check your email and "LOG IN ME"
4. Click on "Earn" and complete the task
5. Click on "Referrals" to get Referral link

klavdijL ::

3XT TOKEN (3XT) Airdrop
Reward: 1 3XT (cca $220)

Telegram bot Airdrop Link: https://t.me/my3xtBot?start=r01952259670
Coin info: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/3x...

- Join 3XT TOKEN Group
- Join 3XT TOKEN Channel
- Follow on 3XT TOKEN Twitter
- Submit your ERC20 Ethereum address

Also get 0.045 3XT ($10) for each referral

Note: Airdrop will be distributed on 15th April, 2021. 3XT will be distributed to your ERC20 wallet address.
Additional Information:3xt token is the first complete decentralized leveraged tokens platform on Ethereum powered by Chainlink data oracle.

Note: As always remember - don't spend any money on airdrops!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

jojw ::

Če koga zanima minanje na telefonu.

Pošiljam vam 1 Pi. Pi je nova digitalna valuta, ki so jo razvili doktorji znanosti s Stanforda in ima več kot 14 milijonov članov po vsem svetu.

Če želite pridobiti svoj Pi, sledite tej povezavi https://minepi.com/mactron in za kodo povabila uporabite moje uporabniško ime (mactron).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jojw ()

DeeJay ::

A ta scam se vedno deluje?
Don't f with me.

con28 ::

Saj obstaja tudi Bee Token, verjetno deluje na isti princip kot Pi?

klavdijL ::

KYFI Airdrop - Simple tasks (Telegram & Twitter only)

Value: $ 30 (0.1 KYFI)Referral: $ 15 (0.05 KYFI)

Each account can get a maximum of 5 KYFI.

Airdrop link: https://t.me/KYFI_Airdrop_bot?start=r01...

Roadmap: March 31, 2021 KYFI listing on Exchange (Uniswap & Azbit), KYFI Airdrop Distribution

About: KYFI is a fork of Yearn Finance (YFI) technology that aims to be independent. The platform aggregates numerous protocols. For instance, when users deposit, the platform will automatically allocate user funds to the recent consensus with the massive revenue, and provide users an inscription in order to verify the ownership and incomes of KYFI token. The platform enables users to withdraw their initial deposited tokens and income via KYFI token which can also be exchanged to any cryptocurrency.CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0x26a62529FE815E8e9d69F12a88cD807E3621d67E

Info: https://moneyearn.finance/

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

klavdijL ::

SFMONEY Airdrop (Coingecko and Latoken)
SFMONEY (SFM) is a platform currency representing value and wealth in the decentralized economy used for the exchange of values between SFMONEY companies, employees, customers, and other third-party entities.
Airdrop link: https://t.me/SfmoneyAirdropBot?start=r0...
Withdraw Open 25th May 2021
Perform some quick tasks: twitter, telegram
Latoken: https://latoken.com/exchange/USDT-SFM

Thinkium Airdrop (Coingecko and Hoo)
Airdrop link: https://t.me/ThinkiumAirdropbot?start=r...
Perform some quick tasks: follow twitter, retweet and join their 2 telegram channels.
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/thin...
Hoo: https://hoo.com/spot/tkm-usdt

Remember: don't spend a penny on airdrops!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

klavdijL ::

Binance ima nagradno igro. Ker lahko vsak unovči samo eno kombinacijo jih nekaj (ker jih imam ekstra) podarjam. Prosim, da v primeru zadetkov kaj pride tudi nazaj do mene - gremo pa na honor system ... :) Naprej bo v angleščini ... Če koda zanima naj mi svojo referenčno cifro sporoči na PM.

No need to trade. Just open the link https://www.binance.com/en/activity/col... and choose 'require card' (or something similar) - this will show you your referral id. Post it in the comments and I'll send you the cards (I misunderstood the rules and have extra). All I ask in return is to send me 20% (or something ;)) of your winnings when the lottery finishes. You can only collect one set of cards!

Since I don't have all cards in the same number I can also just send you B&D card for a lesser share (lets say 10%) of winnings. Please add the cards you need in the comments.

Game rules:

Activity period: 2021-03-17 00:00 AM (UTC) - 2021-03-23 11:59 PM (UTC)

How to get started?
Complete at least 100 USDT of trading volume per order on KAVAUSDT or HARDUSDT spot & margin pairs during the activity period. Once complete, go to the activity page to unlock a card that is drawn at random.

How to win?
Collect all four cards on the activity page to unlock the final card and complete your collection. Once it's done, you're guaranteed to get a share of $50,000 in KAVA and HARD tokens or take home the top prize of $1,000 in KAVA and HARD.

How can I collect more cards?
Trade more in the trading pairs (KAVAUSDT or HARDUSDT). Get an extra draw for each completed order of at least 100 USDT in trading volume during the activity period.

Share to get more cards:
Share your missing cards on social media and ask your friends to send you their extras!

Share your extra or duplicate cards on social media and exchange them for cards that you need for your collection.

What prizes can I win if I collect all the cards?
Reward A: $ 1,000 each (10 winners in total). All qualified users will get a chance to win $1,000 in KAVA and HARD each via lucky draw.
Reward B: Split $30,000. All qualified users will split 30,000 USD in KAVA and HARD (excluding winners of Reward A).
Reward C: Split $10,000 (new users only). All qualified users who register for a Binance account during the competition period will split 10,000 USD in KAVA and HARD tokens. (Reward A winners are ineligible for this reward, but Reward B winners can still qualify.)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()
22 / 27

Vredno ogleda ...

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