Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » Seznam Airdropov! Free crypto
Seznam Airdropov! Free crypto
demitt ::
Satoexchange airdrop 1000SATX token
Register your account and activate by clicking the email. (If you already have an account just go to next step).
Click the "Tweet" button on the page right after the email activation or can also be found on the "My Account" page after login. The tweet button leads you to tweet your affiliate link. We recommend you do not edit the tweet.
Wait for about 5 mins for our bot to detect your tweet after which you will get email containing your bonus code. This is the code required for you to claim your airdrop bonus. Your bonus code can also be found on the "My Account" page from the menu if you have not received via email.
Join the SatoExchange telegram group where we have the SatoExchangeBot to help you get your bonus
Final step is to type /getbonus to the group and you will get your bonus credited. Example if your bonus is GBF667E65TDG, you would type /getbonus GBF667E65TDG
Register your account and activate by clicking the email. (If you already have an account just go to next step).
Click the "Tweet" button on the page right after the email activation or can also be found on the "My Account" page after login. The tweet button leads you to tweet your affiliate link. We recommend you do not edit the tweet.
Wait for about 5 mins for our bot to detect your tweet after which you will get email containing your bonus code. This is the code required for you to claim your airdrop bonus. Your bonus code can also be found on the "My Account" page from the menu if you have not received via email.
Join the SatoExchange telegram group where we have the SatoExchangeBot to help you get your bonus
Final step is to type /getbonus to the group and you will get your bonus credited. Example if your bonus is GBF667E65TDG, you would type /getbonus GBF667E65TDG
toke963 ::
New Task (Deposit Bitcoin Cash).... New 100 $$
New Task (Deposit Bitcoin Cash).... New 100 $$
Zgodovina sprememb…
- odbrisal: AndrejO ()
Jaki-1 ::
Če koga zanima HPB (High Performance Blockchain) bounty program. PBH je zelo zanimiv in perspektiven coin.
Invitation link:
Invitation link:
Če sem z odgovori kakorkoli pomagal, lahko uporabite linke. Hvala.
demitt ::
CoinLAyers 150XRT (18$)
Sign up and confirm email:
- Login
- Click on MENU--> Click on Account settings--> look for REFCODE and copy the ref code ( see attached photo)
- Join CoinLayers Telegram Group:
- Copy v? pass ref code into their telegram
- Wait until confirm, you will receive 150 XRT
Sign up and confirm email:
- Login
- Click on MENU--> Click on Account settings--> look for REFCODE and copy the ref code ( see attached photo)
- Join CoinLayers Telegram Group:
- Copy v? pass ref code into their telegram
- Wait until confirm, you will receive 150 XRT
demitt ::
Share Internet Data
Tokens per Claim 300 SID
Estimated Value $3 + ref
Tokens per Claim 300 SID
Estimated Value $3 + ref
Jackina22 ::
High Performance Blockchain (HPB) BOUNTY
Izpolneš easy taske, npr. like-aš kej na Twitterju, Followaš na Redditu in zbiraš točke. Vse skupaj talajo 100,000 HPB, tko da se splača, dobimo vsaj par 10$ vredno vse skupaj. :))
Pa lep vikend
Ref link:
Izpolneš easy taske, npr. like-aš kej na Twitterju, Followaš na Redditu in zbiraš točke. Vse skupaj talajo 100,000 HPB, tko da se splača, dobimo vsaj par 10$ vredno vse skupaj. :))
Pa lep vikend
Ref link:
demitt ::
Tokens per Claim 600 SYM SYM
Estimated Value $6 + ref
Tokens per Claim 600 SYM SYM
Estimated Value $6 + ref
demitt ::
This is Your Crypto Bank unlike real banks this bank just keeps on giving ?
Current Interest rate NICE 2.5%-15% Daily
This is Your Crypto Bank unlike real banks this bank just keeps on giving ?
Current Interest rate NICE 2.5%-15% Daily
hyphh ::
DatEat bounty
Est.value: $15 (125DTE)
Est.value: $15 (125DTE)
demitt ::
Estimated Value
$1-$2.5 + $2.5-$15 per ref + daily rewards
Tokens per Claim
20-100 IOST + daily rewarded IOST
Step-by-Step Guide:
Visit the IOST hub and register.
Verify your mobile number and login.
Answer all the questions correctly.
You will get 100 IOST tokens.
Go to the "Quests" tab to earn additional IOST tokens.
You can also earn more IOST for daily check-in to the platform.
Also earn up to 600 IOST for every referral.
You need to verify at least two of your social accounts in the "Accounts" tab to join the referral program.
The referral must answer all the questions correctly for both parties to get the tokens.
The referral bonus and the top referrer prizes will be credited to your account within 5 days.
You will be able to withdraw the tokens credited your account within 30 days.
Estimated Value
$1-$2.5 + $2.5-$15 per ref + daily rewards
Tokens per Claim
20-100 IOST + daily rewarded IOST
Step-by-Step Guide:
Visit the IOST hub and register.
Verify your mobile number and login.
Answer all the questions correctly.
You will get 100 IOST tokens.
Go to the "Quests" tab to earn additional IOST tokens.
You can also earn more IOST for daily check-in to the platform.
Also earn up to 600 IOST for every referral.
You need to verify at least two of your social accounts in the "Accounts" tab to join the referral program.
The referral must answer all the questions correctly for both parties to get the tokens.
The referral bonus and the top referrer prizes will be credited to your account within 5 days.
You will be able to withdraw the tokens credited your account within 30 days.
branimirII ::
Ajde decki. Povejte po pravic. Kolko ste ze zasluzili s temi takoumenovanimi airdropi. V zadnja pol leta? A je blo vec kot 30 dolara?
toke963 ::
branimirII je izjavil:
Ajde decki. Povejte po pravic. Kolko ste ze zasluzili s temi takoumenovanimi airdropi. V zadnja pol leta? A je blo vec kot 30 dolara?
Ni ravno tema, da bi o tem razpisovali. A vseeno. Jaz gledam na to kot ribarjenje, nikoli ne veš kaj boš "izvlekel"... in tudi ko že imaš "ribo" na suhem nikoli ne veš kaj bo prinesla. Vrednost teh ki kotirajo se je nabrala malo čez tvoj omenjen znesek. Jih je pa še veliko v denarnici, ki ne kotirajo. Večina bo verjetno ničnih, a nikoli ne veš če se kje najde kak diamant, ki lahko prinese par sto dolarjev. Glej če imaš čas, te take zadeve nič ne stanejo. Samo profitiraš lahko....
Sansey ::
branimirII je izjavil:
Ajde decki. Povejte po pravic. Kolko ste ze zasluzili s temi takoumenovanimi airdropi. V zadnja pol leta? A je blo vec kot 30 dolara?
Ni ravno tema, da bi o tem razpisovali. A vseeno. Jaz gledam na to kot ribarjenje, nikoli ne veš kaj boš "izvlekel"... in tudi ko že imaš "ribo" na suhem nikoli ne veš kaj bo prinesla. Vrednost teh ki kotirajo se je nabrala malo čez tvoj omenjen znesek. Jih je pa še veliko v denarnici, ki ne kotirajo. Večina bo verjetno ničnih, a nikoli ne veš če se kje najde kak diamant, ki lahko prinese par sto dolarjev. Glej če imaš čas, te take zadeve nič ne stanejo. Samo profitiraš lahko....
Točno tako kot je napisal toke963. Tukaj je potrebno upoštevati dejstvo, da so ti projekti v razvojni fazi. Nekateri kovanci/žetoni so potrebovali tudi po dve leti, da je cena poletela v nebo. Pa si preračunaj, danes imaš airdrope vredne $1, $5 in če uspejo lahko narastejo tudi za nekaj tisoč %. Samo poglej si obstoječe altcoine. Pol leta je prekratko obdobje da bi lahko govorili o dobičkih, pa še trg je bil večino časa v padanju.
mojanina ::
Novi program za rudarjenje. Popolnoma avtomatsko deluje, dober rudar.
Registrirajte se in provajte.
Registrirajte se in provajte.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: toke963 ()
toke963 ::
Agate Airdrop (BOT is have patience... )
Earn: 70 AGT
Earn: 70 AGT
Jaki-1 ::
branimirII je izjavil:
Ajde decki. Povejte po pravic. Kolko ste ze zasluzili s temi takoumenovanimi airdropi. V zadnja pol leta? A je blo vec kot 30 dolara?
Preko EOS airdropov >100 USD. Je pa res da, si moral imeti EOS-e, ko se je začel mainnet in snapshoot na ta dan. Na osnovi snapshoota pa si dobival EOS airdrope.
Če sem z odgovori kakorkoli pomagal, lahko uporabite linke. Hvala.
neverlucky ::
branimirII je izjavil:
Ajde decki. Povejte po pravic. Kolko ste ze zasluzili s temi takoumenovanimi airdropi. V zadnja pol leta? A je blo vec kot 30 dolara?
Preko EOS airdropov >100 USD. Je pa res da, si moral imeti EOS-e, ko se je začel mainnet in snapshoot na ta dan. Na osnovi snapshoota pa si dobival EOS airdrope.
Koliko EOSa pa si rabil imeti, da si bil deležen tega?
DeBrito ::
branimirII je izjavil:
Ajde decki. Povejte po pravic. Kolko ste ze zasluzili s temi takoumenovanimi airdropi. V zadnja pol leta? A je blo vec kot 30 dolara?
Vsekakor več kot 30 dolarjev. Preko aelf bountya, ki je bil tu že nekajkrat linkan, sem dobil malo čez 50 ELF tokenov, ki sem jih prodal po 1.5 $, skupaj torej dobrih 75 $. Potem recimo še NOBS airdrop okrog 20$, IFT malo manj kot 15 $, velika večina coinov pa še itak sploh ni na borzah in vprašanje, če sploh bodo kdaj.
amacar ::
Nobs enih 50$, hydro cca 0.5btc, ont 3k$ (žal prehitro prodal), SIRX 0.5eth + 0.045btc pa še obilica manjših (verjetno tudi kakšnega večjega še pozabil). Skupno pa kr lep keš za par prijav.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: amacar ()
BoLhCa ::
DAD airdrop - cca 60$ (imajo "pogodbo" z ONT in NEO, ne bo ICO-ta,.. samo pozitivno)
Joinaš na spodnjem linku, dobiš tokenu zgolj za registracijo, lahko povabite seveda še prijatelje.
Joinaš na spodnjem linku, dobiš tokenu zgolj za registracijo, lahko povabite seveda še prijatelje.
neverlucky ::
Se prijavite na vse te bedarije s fake mailom in potem te tokene nehate spremljat? Jaz imam zaspamman mail s polno maili od raznih tokenov in tega se mi res ne da brat.
amacar ::
Js se prijavim s pravim mailom. Po tem ko dobim tokene se unsubscribam in vržem iz twitter/telegram skupin.
neverlucky ::
BoLhCa ::
AgentMile round 2 airdrop - 25 ESTATE tokens
Joinaš na spodnjem linku, follow TG, retweet (neobvezno), linkedin (neobvezno), vpišeš ETH address, pass human test in končano.
Joinaš na spodnjem linku, follow TG, retweet (neobvezno), linkedin (neobvezno), vpišeš ETH address, pass human test in končano.
mojanina ::
Novi program za rudarjenje. Popolnoma avtomatsko deluje, dober rudar.
Izplačilo v BTC.
Registrirajte se in provajte.
Izplačilo v BTC.
Registrirajte se in provajte.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: neverlucky ()
demitt ::
100 SATX $15
Register on the website
After registration, click on the Tweet button (it can be found on the page right after you activate your email, OR login and goto to "My Account" menu) to tweet your referral link.
After the previous step wait about 5 mins for verify your tweet
When your tweet is verified, you will receive an email containing your bonus code. (Or you can also find it on "My Account" menu.
Place the BONUS code in your telegram (
And ready you will add your 100 SATX to your account automatically.
100 SATX $15
Register on the website
After registration, click on the Tweet button (it can be found on the page right after you activate your email, OR login and goto to "My Account" menu) to tweet your referral link.
After the previous step wait about 5 mins for verify your tweet
When your tweet is verified, you will receive an email containing your bonus code. (Or you can also find it on "My Account" menu.
Place the BONUS code in your telegram (
And ready you will add your 100 SATX to your account automatically.
toke963 ::
Refereum Airdrop
Register & earn 10 social tasks and earn 300 Points
Register & earn 10 social tasks and earn 300 Points
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