Novice » Procesorji » Zaradi hude ranljivosti bodo Intelovi procesorji do 50 odstotkov počasnejši
Truga ::
next3steps je izjavil:
Niti ne. Slučajno se je zgodilo sledeče:
Intel's CEO Just Sold a Lot of Stock
On Nov. 29, Brian Krzanich, the CEO of chip giant Intel (NASDAQ:INTC), reported several transactions in Intel stock in a Form 4 filing with the SEC.
Če delnice padejo, ga bo lovila roka pravice, khm khm.
Roka pravice je za navadne ljudi, ne za bogate :P
Samuel ::
Ne. Intel je US firma. Svojih se ne zapira tako hitro.
Če bi bil Rus bi bil že na električnem stolu.
In katerega Rusa so že dali na električni stol?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
vostok_1 ::
Bye bye intel. Sem že prej mislil skočit na AMD, sedaj pa je to 100%. Razen če se res kaj hudega zgodi še z njimi.
AMD vodstvo, bi sedaj moralo dobesedno podmazat organ in jih direkt v tazadnjo.
Scramble guys. Your time has come.
AMD vodstvo, bi sedaj moralo dobesedno podmazat organ in jih direkt v tazadnjo.
Scramble guys. Your time has come.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()
D3m ::
Ne. Intel je US firma. Svojih se ne zapira tako hitro.
Če bi bil Rus bi bil že na električnem stolu.
In katerega Rusa so že dali na električni stol?
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg @ Wikipedia
Back on topic.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
vostok_1 ::
Seriously. Če bi bil na doboru AMDja, bi trenutno si ga drkal na WCju.
To je once or twice in a lifetime opportunity.
To je once or twice in a lifetime opportunity.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
KTr1sk ::
Kaj mislite,da ne bo sčasoma rešitev in bo kakšen patch da se prezre napaka ali update ko ne bo tega v sistemu?
i5-14500k,32gb ddr5,6700xt,nvme2x,hdd4x, Dell G3223Q
Ijus ::
zdej to k vi pišete to je kolaps jeb*** the f***!
jao. jaz mam tud intela. i7-7700hq. ma ne me j****.
1. proc: intel.
25 let amd
predz + zadnji proc: intel
rekel grem na intela.
jao. jaz mam tud intela. i7-7700hq. ma ne me j****.
1. proc: intel.
25 let amd
predz + zadnji proc: intel
rekel grem na intela.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ijus ()
Ijus ::
drugač pa sej bo intel naredil nove proce kjer bo to popravljeno. upam da v bodoče ne bodo spet kakega buga al luknje najdl.
itak je bit dobr s korakom v času. bom pač če bo tolk hudo kupil nov rač čez pol leta-leto.
intel je večja firma. majo bolj epic proce. amd caplja. z momentalnimi revolucionarnimi idejami. blo že. se spomnem.
itak pride pcie4 ven. ddr4 je že star. tko da. no ja no. ni tko lih kot doomsday.
itak je bit dobr s korakom v času. bom pač če bo tolk hudo kupil nov rač čez pol leta-leto.
intel je večja firma. majo bolj epic proce. amd caplja. z momentalnimi revolucionarnimi idejami. blo že. se spomnem.
itak pride pcie4 ven. ddr4 je že star. tko da. no ja no. ni tko lih kot doomsday.
user1618 ::
Se pravi, da se bo nek novejši standardni i7 upočasnil na rang Core2 Duo. In pri tem bo švical na 100 %. Jao...
"If we were supposed to talk more than listen
we would have been given two mouths and one ear"
- Mark Twain
we would have been given two mouths and one ear"
- Mark Twain
Meizu ::
Bomo pa zahtevali refund procesorjev in matičnih... Če VW lahko izplačuje odškodnine, bo pa še Intel...
Oh Yeah. Ker je že Mircosoft tolikokrat plačeval visoke odškodnine za odkrite ranljivosti naj pa enkrat plača še Intel. :)
Ne vem kdaj je Microsoft imel odkrito ranljivost, ki je upocasnila cel OS za do 50%.
Tole kar se zdaj ocitno dogaja ni small deal. Jebote 50% a ves kaj je to?
Meizu ::
BivšiUser2 ::
drugač pa sej bo intel naredil nove proce kjer bo to popravljeno. upam da v bodoče ne bodo spet kakega buga al luknje najdl.
Kaj pa bo takrat razlog za izklop procov?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.
phantom ::
Si je sploh kdo dejansko prebral izvorne članke?
Prizadete so aplikacije, ki veliko kličejo funkcije iz jedra, kar izkorišča surovo procesorsko moč, ni prizadeto ...
Saj imate benchamrke iger na Linuxu, nobeni se ne pozna, da bi bil kakšen performance hit, tudi če so CPU-bound, nima veze, zelo malo je klicev v jedro, večinoma gre za surovo mletje podatkov -- fizika, AI, book keeping, premetavanje grafičnih podatkov ...
50 % upočasnitev je bila samo v enem filesystem benchamarku na Linuxu, drugače je < 10 % ali (večinoma) nemerljivo.
Prizadete so aplikacije, ki veliko kličejo funkcije iz jedra, kar izkorišča surovo procesorsko moč, ni prizadeto ...
Saj imate benchamrke iger na Linuxu, nobeni se ne pozna, da bi bil kakšen performance hit, tudi če so CPU-bound, nima veze, zelo malo je klicev v jedro, večinoma gre za surovo mletje podatkov -- fizika, AI, book keeping, premetavanje grafičnih podatkov ...
50 % upočasnitev je bila samo v enem filesystem benchamarku na Linuxu, drugače je < 10 % ali (večinoma) nemerljivo.
Ozric ::
Še enkrat kateri Intel procesorji so prizadeti:
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th generation Intel® Core™ Processor Families
Intel® Xeon® Processor E3-1200 v5 and v6 Product Family
Intel® Xeon® Processor Scalable Family
Intel® Xeon® Processor W Family
Intel Atom® C3000 Processor Family
Apollo Lake Intel Atom® Processor E3900 series
Apollo Lake Intel® Pentium® Processors
Intel® Pentium® Processor G Series
Intel® Celeron® G, N, and J series Processors
Od kod so te podatki?
D3m ::
Podatek je na uradni Intel strani kateri procesorji imajo IME (Intel Managment Engine).
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Samuel ::
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg @ Wikipedia
Back on topic.
Oprosti, ampak bolj off topic seveda ne moreš bit. Kaj imajo CEOti firm veze z ruskimi špijuni iz hladne vojne.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
krneki0001 ::
Zanimivo, xeon E5 proci niso ogroženi, čeprav imajo ravno tako podporo za IME in v device managerju najdem: "Intel(R) C600 Series Management Engine Interface"
Mitja223 ::
v i3, bomo videli v praksi čez par dni... ampak tole je svinjarija prve sorte... ki tudi kr kliče po class actionu
RegulusDraco ::
rofl, ravno pravi čas je AMD lansiral ryzen serijo in čez 1 mesec dobimo že ryzen 2.
A coding sequence cannot be revised once it's been established.
mitkos ::
Torej... Kakor sem razumel, naj bi bil popravek za tole zadevo kmalu zunaj. Mene pa zanima s katerimi programi oziroma testi naj sedaj testiram moj CPU, da bom lahko primerjal kasneje z nameščenim popravkom? IntelBurn Test, Cinerbench, Aida 64, še kaj?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mitkos ()
Vazelin ::
Ijus ::
'orka f**.
ja nč. benchmarke bo treba nardit pa po updejtu tud. porka dila.
ja nč. benchmarke bo treba nardit pa po updejtu tud. porka dila.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ijus ()
RegulusDraco ::
če prav razumem je najbolj najebala virtualizacija.... najbrž to pomeni tudi virtualne mašine? Se pravi vmware, virtualbox in podobno? V novicah je govora samo o velikih virtualizacijskih rečeh.
A coding sequence cannot be revised once it's been established.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: RegulusDraco ()
RegulusDraco ::
kolega se s tem ukvarja. joj joj. je pa rekel da ga zanimajo ryzeni. hehe.
decembra sem še kolebal kaj naj kupim... i7-8700k ali rzyen 7 1700x........ zgleda bomo lepo počakali na ryzen 2 in potem akcija.....
Naj pa ta popravek ne bi nič vplival na gaming, tako da večina domačih uporabnikov ne bo hudo prizadetih. Škoda, škoda, Intel naj bi bil sinonim za top quality.
A coding sequence cannot be revised once it's been established.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: RegulusDraco ()
RegulusDraco ::
kaj zavraga ima resolucija veze?
A coding sequence cannot be revised once it's been established.
Invictus ::
No ja,
tako Apple (High Sierra) kot Microsoft (Windows 10 Insider) sta patch že implementirala, pa nihče ne poroča o kakih bistveno slabših performancah.
Pač butasta, senzicionalna novica v smislu Novic za doseganje velike bralnosti...
tako Apple (High Sierra) kot Microsoft (Windows 10 Insider) sta patch že implementirala, pa nihče ne poroča o kakih bistveno slabših performancah.
Pač butasta, senzicionalna novica v smislu Novic za doseganje velike bralnosti...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
RegulusDraco ::
No ja,
tako Apple (High Sierra) kot Microsoft (Windows 10 Insider) sta patch že implementirala, pa nihče ne poroča o kakih bistveno slabših performancah.
Pač butasta, senzicionalna novica v smislu Novic za doseganje velike bralnosti...
cool, nothing special torej. Takšno novico je brutalno težko najti, sem prebrskal nekaj strani na googlu o tem problemu pa se najde samo paniko.
A coding sequence cannot be revised once it's been established.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: RegulusDraco ()
user1618 ::
A ranljivost obstaja še naprej, če izvedeš tole?
"If we were supposed to talk more than listen
we would have been given two mouths and one ear"
- Mark Twain
we would have been given two mouths and one ear"
- Mark Twain
D3m ::
It tested applications that are confined to the user space, which are typically indicative of what you would see on a desktop system, and found that these applications "should see minimal change (if any) in performance." That means you will likely see little to no performance impact on your next desktop session, be it gaming or otherwise.
Phoronix did record significant performance regressions with the new kernel during select workloads, particularly synthetic I/O benchmarks. The site conducted these tests with SSDs that tend to offer varying performance based on the amount of past user activity, and the article doesn't indicate if the storage devices were correctly preconditioned. Phoronix noted the new kernel has other changes beyond the bug patch that could also impact performance, so for now, it is hard to ascertain the direct impact of the patch on these workloads.
The performance impact is more pronounced in PostgreSQL, which is an open source object-relational database system. PostgreSQL has issued a warning about performance regression that includes benchmarks showing a 17-23% reduction in performance with the new patch. Redis also appears to suffer a performance loss, but to a lesser extent.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Predator X ::
D3m ::
The vulnerability appears to be most dangerous to data center workloads and virtualization. However, it is irrational to assume that the overwhelming majority of data centers will see a 30% reduction in performance. Losing even 15% of the computational horsepower from a data center would be a major blow, and that compute would have to be replaced almost immediately. The patch has been in development for several months, so if Intel and the major data center operators were expecting massive performance reductions, there would have been an incredible spike in data center equipment purchases.
The bug is locked behind a wall of NDAs at this point, which is frustrating. However, the silence is necessary to prevent a wave of exploits. We expect, and have seen already, the normal level of hyperventilation that comes with such news, but it's best to wait for more information. We have followed up with Intel for more information and will update as necessary.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Truga ::
RegulusDraco je izjavil:
rofl, ravno pravi čas je AMD lansiral ryzen serijo in čez 1 mesec dobimo že ryzen 2.
AMD ima drug problem, ki potrebuje isti workaround:
+ * On AMD CPUs in the Ryzen family, there's a nasty bug in which the
+ * CPUs malfunction if they execute code from the highest canonical page.
+ * They'll speculate right off the end of the canonical space, and
+ * bad things happen. This is worked around in the same way as the
+ * Intel problem.
Ni se jasno ce ima TR/EPYC isti problem, saj je ryzen se malo starejsa verzija arhitekture.
"bad things" v tem primeru je hardware crash.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Truga ()
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Preizkus popravkov za Meltdown in Spectre: Intel ob 10 odstotkovOddelek: Novice / Procesorji | 9463 (7083) | D3m |
» | Nova ranljivost v Intelovih procesorjihOddelek: Novice / Varnost | 8426 (6124) | bbf |
» | Ranljivost v vseh operacijskih sistemih zaradi napačnega branja dokumentacije procesoOddelek: Novice / Varnost | 5074 (3259) | GizmoX |
» | Intel le popravil procesorje Skylake, Kaby Lake in Coffee LakeOddelek: Novice / Znanost in tehnologija | 17143 (14299) | tikitoki |
» | Kaj vemo o napadih Spectre in Meltdown na procesorje (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Varnost | 37351 (31846) | D3m |