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oo7 ::

The development team behind The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, The Astronauts, announced a new game at The Game Awards tonight called Witchfire.

Witchfire takes place in a gritty, dark world, full of monsters and zombies running rampant as you try to survive. Based on the trailer we saw, the first-person game will allow players to explore different gothic areas. These environments are dimly lit, giving the game a bit of a horror aesthetic as players shoot — and apparently cast spells — as they battle undead horrors.

The game, which is being developed in Unreal Engine, does not have a release date at this time. The trailer also did not confirm which platforms the game will be released on.

The Astronauts was formed by three developers in 2012. Prior to founding the new studio, the three founded People Can Fly, best known for games like Painkiller, Bulletstorm and Gears of War: Judgment.


Witchfire Teaser

Igra The Vanishing of Ethan Carter ima eno najlepših grafik kar sem jih videl tudi Witchfire zgleda odlično :)

yoco ::

Upam, da ne bo kakšn generic "gothic" fps!

oo7 ::

Kakšna bo igra ne vem sem pa 100%, da bo grafika 10/10 ;)

Ijus ::

že kdo kaj ve kdaj bo ta igra vne prišla?
to bom kupil 100%. isto kot doom-a. porka f* se že spravlam kupit tega dooma ko star ata na streho sprevert kam piha.
grafika je pa... ja... 10/10. top šit. trailer je ubijalski.

oo7 ::

1 leto od najave igre.

This Wednesday, we begin #Witchfire weekly development updates. The game is still far from release but it's time we talk about it more. Until then, here's a #screenshotsaturday thing.

oo7 ::

Tri nove slike

oo7 ::

Naslednji teden bodo razvijalci igre Witchfire napovedali datum izida igre in odgovorili na razna vprašanja. Mogoče celo nov trailer.

oo7 ::

WITCHFIRE New Gameplay and Screenshots, Release Window, Features etc

Ijus ::

only one difficulty level. to bo že pretežko zame.
sam pa komi čakam da izide.
porka madonna kolk časa jo že pacajo?
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.

oo7 ::

Witchfire - Official Gameplay Trailer | Summer Game Fest 2022

oo7 ::

Witchfire | Exclusive GeForce RTX 4K Gameplay Reveal

Ijus ::

se že kaj ve kdaj izide ta igra?
na epic games je wishlisted ampak to je že pol leta tako.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.

oo7 ::

Ijus je izjavil:

se že kaj ve kdaj izide ta igra?
na epic games je wishlisted ampak to je že pol leta tako.

Enkrat letos EGS pa verjetno drugo leto za Steam.

Izi ::

Najprej je načrtovan Early Access, ki bi se moral začeti že konec 2022, pa so ga potem prestavili na začetek 2023. Začetek 2023 je sedaj že praktično mimo in zgodilo se ni nič.
Enkrat letos se torej pričakuje Early Access, ki bo samo na Epic trgovini, izid pa verjetno konec 2023 ali začetek 2024. Izdelovalci (The Astronauts) je čisto majhna poljska firma, zadnji podatek izpred par let je 9 ljudi.
Zadnji trailer je izpred dveh tednov, kar pomeni da delajo, čeprav hudo počasi.

oo7 ::

Witchfire Spells Gameplay Trailer

oo7 ::

Witchfire - Official Early Access Date Reveal Trailer | Summer Game Fest 2023

20 september 2023.

ahac ::

Igra je sedaj na voljo v early access:

Witchfire Gameplay Overview Trailer
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

Witchfire pride enkrat letos na Steam v Early Access

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