Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » težave z lowid-jem (router)
težave z lowid-jem (router)
Dably ::
Imam 3Comov DSL router in ADSL 1024kb's. Problem se pojavi v emule kjer imam lowid. Pove mi da ne najde mojega IP Adressa ker router pokaže le njgov IP in ne mojega. Pa pokaže da imam firewall vključen če prav imam izključenega v XP-jih in na routerju. Če mi kdo lahko kaj pomaga naj mi prosim napiše čim bolj podrobno ker nimav velik blage o tem. Na kretko kako proč z lowid-jem?
nVidia Rules 4 ever
Cokolesnik ::
V routerju (prek aplikacije, s katero ga upravljaš in katera ponavadi deluje kot spletna stran), moraš nastaviti preusmerjanje prometa na tvoj interni IP (npr. če ima router, potem lahko imaš ti računalnik nastavljen na in tvoj port, ki ga želiš uporabljati (katerega uporabljaš za emule, pa se nastavi/pogleda v emulinih nastavitvah).
Uporabniki naj pred pisanjem sporočil uporabljajo iskalnik
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.
gumby ::
kopirano iz emule FAQ:
Without proper configuration you will have a low ID when using a router. A router works like a shield to the network behind it, masquerading the IP addresses of the computers in the LAN. When another client tries to establish a connection to your eMule it only sees the IP of the router but not the actual IP of the computer eMule is running on. To prevent this all ports in the list that have the incoming direction – port 4662, 4711 TCP and port 4672 UDP – have to be forwarded.
See your router's manual. Keywords to start are port forwarding, DMZ – Demilitarized Zone, Filters and Rules.
Many routers also have built in firewalls so be sure to set the appropriate ports (see Firewall) there, too.
When using a router in a network the option DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol in the router should be turned off. Assign static IPs to each client in the network. This can be done in Window's Network Connections -> LAN Connection -> Properties -> TCP/IP. Deactivate the automatic IP assignment and enter an IP in the range of Different types of router have different home IP ranges, this is noted in the routers manual.
After entering a valid IP the Subnet Mask field automatically changes to Last step is to enter your router's IP as Standard Gateway.
If you care to help other users and know how to handle your type of router, write a little guide and send it to
If your typ of router is not listed have a look at the examples anyway as the configuration works quite similar among the different types of routers.
Last update on: 2003-03-22 by Monk
Without proper configuration you will have a low ID when using a router. A router works like a shield to the network behind it, masquerading the IP addresses of the computers in the LAN. When another client tries to establish a connection to your eMule it only sees the IP of the router but not the actual IP of the computer eMule is running on. To prevent this all ports in the list that have the incoming direction – port 4662, 4711 TCP and port 4672 UDP – have to be forwarded.
See your router's manual. Keywords to start are port forwarding, DMZ – Demilitarized Zone, Filters and Rules.
Many routers also have built in firewalls so be sure to set the appropriate ports (see Firewall) there, too.
When using a router in a network the option DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol in the router should be turned off. Assign static IPs to each client in the network. This can be done in Window's Network Connections -> LAN Connection -> Properties -> TCP/IP. Deactivate the automatic IP assignment and enter an IP in the range of Different types of router have different home IP ranges, this is noted in the routers manual.
After entering a valid IP the Subnet Mask field automatically changes to Last step is to enter your router's IP as Standard Gateway.
If you care to help other users and know how to handle your type of router, write a little guide and send it to
If your typ of router is not listed have a look at the examples anyway as the configuration works quite similar among the different types of routers.
Last update on: 2003-03-22 by Monk
Dably ::
Hvala Čokolešniku zelo si mi pomagal vendar imam še eno vprašanje. Kje piše za moj port? Da bom lahko nastavil emule. Še enkrat hvala za odgovor.
nVidia Rules 4 ever
Dably ::
Ni treba več odgovarjati ker sm že uštimal. Najlepša hvala obema vendar gre glavna zahvala čokolešniku. Hvala hvala hvala
nVidia Rules 4 ever
KoKoLiNo ::
jst bi tudi to tkole lepo prosu ...ce mi kdo pvoe tocno kam je potrebno kaj vpisat :)
Cuoresportivo ::
a ima kdo kakšna navodila glede teh portov za planet router. tam je zadeva čist drugače prikazana kot za zgoraj omenjen router. prosil bi za bilo kakšen nasvet. hvala že vnaprej.
lep pozdrav(best regards)
Cokolesnik ::
cuoresportivo: ali nisi prejel navodil poleg routerja? sicer pa lahko poiščeš na napravi oznako proizvajalca in morda bo imel navodila tudi na spletu. Ali pa za rokav pocukaj prodajalca, naj ti malce pomaga, če lahko. Sicer je nastavljanje pri routerjih dokaj podobno, poteka prek brskalnika, tako da vtipkaš njegov IP in že imaš pred sabo nastavitve.
Porti, ki jih moraš odpreti, da določen program deluje, pa so zbrani tukaj:
Naj vas samo spomnim, da so prodajalci pri tehničnih izdelkih dolžni po zakonu priložiti slovenska navodila. A to je zgodba za novo temo.
In še nekaj: poskusite z iskalnikom najti spletišča, kjer so ostali uporabniki enakega modela routerja poskušali reševati problem v zvezi z istim programom kot vi, primer so ključne besede v googlu: d-link di-604 e-mule.
Porti, ki jih moraš odpreti, da določen program deluje, pa so zbrani tukaj:
Naj vas samo spomnim, da so prodajalci pri tehničnih izdelkih dolžni po zakonu priložiti slovenska navodila. A to je zgodba za novo temo.
In še nekaj: poskusite z iskalnikom najti spletišča, kjer so ostali uporabniki enakega modela routerja poskušali reševati problem v zvezi z istim programom kot vi, primer so ključne besede v googlu: d-link di-604 e-mule.
Uporabniki naj pred pisanjem sporočil uporabljajo iskalnik
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Cokolesnik ()
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