Forum » Problemi človeštva » Dr. Drumpflove
Dr. Drumpflove

petrus ::
Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump
Če je Trump dobesedno Hitler potem dela nekaj hudo narobe!
The president's daughter, a senior White House adviser, flagged the statistic Friday morning shortly after the Labor Department released November unemployment numbers.
The Hispanic unemployment rate fell to 4.7% last month, down from 4.8%. Overall U.S. unemployment remained at 4.1%, a 17-year low. The Labor Department has unemployment data broken down by race and ethnicity dating back to 1973.
Če je Trump dobesedno Hitler potem dela nekaj hudo narobe!
stati inu obstati

Pac-Man ::
Če je Trump dobesedno Hitler potem dela nekaj hudo narobe!
Vse gre po planu.
By 1932 over 30 per cent of the German workforce was unemployed. In the 1933 Election campaign, Adolf Hitler promised that if he gained power he would abolish unemployment.
By 1937 German unemployment had fallen from six million to one million. However, the standard of living for those in employment did not improve in the same way that it had done during the 1920s. With the Nazis controlling the trade unions, wage-rates did not increase with productivity, and after a few years of Hitler's rule workers began to privately question his economic policies.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Scaramouche ::
Če je Trump dobesedno Hitler potem dela nekaj hudo narobe!
Vse gre po planu.
By 1932 over 30 per cent of the German workforce was unemployed. In the 1933 Election campaign, Adolf Hitler promised that if he gained power he would abolish unemployment.
By 1937 German unemployment had fallen from six million to one million. However, the standard of living for those in employment did not improve in the same way that it had done during the 1920s. With the Nazis controlling the trade unions, wage-rates did not increase with productivity, and after a few years of Hitler's rule workers began to privately question his economic policies.
One thing to remember!
Hitler je bil national socialist!
Trump je kapitalist!
Levica ima danes več skupnega z Hitlerjem gleden a to kako hočejo mejiti svobodo govora,kako bi vse fojbali, kako se oblačijo ko prostestirajo in zažigajo!
In seveda po tem kako sovražijo Žide in Izrael!

DarwiN ::
Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump
The president's daughter, a senior White House adviser, flagged the statistic Friday morning shortly after the Labor Department released November unemployment numbers.
The Hispanic unemployment rate fell to 4.7% last month, down from 4.8%. Overall U.S. unemployment remained at 4.1%, a 17-year low. The Labor Department has unemployment data broken down by race and ethnicity dating back to 1973.
Če je Trump dobesedno Hitler potem dela nekaj hudo narobe!
Mali Dumpo samo žanje sadove od Obame.. Kljub temu pa bo dodal najmanj delovnih mest od leta 2011 do danes. Skratka, ni še mogel zajebat situacije, ko pa vendar ni podpisal še nobenega večjega zakona. Te stvari potrebujejo čas. Počakajmo do 2020... Če bo mali zdržal tako dolgo.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
One thing to remember!Dobro so te nategnili.
Hitler je bil national socialist!
Trump je kapitalist!

Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
One thing to remember!Dobro so te nategnili.
Hitler je bil national socialist!
Trump je kapitalist!
Nazism @ Wikipedia

Scaramouche ::

jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Nope ti si kot socialist bližje temu!Nope, Trump je kot nacist precej bližje nacizmu.
Nacizem je pa bistveno bližje kapitalizmu kot socializmu.

Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Nope ti si kot socialist bližje temu!Nope, Trump je kot nacist precej bližje nacizmu.
Nacizem je pa bistveno bližje kapitalizmu kot socializmu.

Scaramouche ::

jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
ko bi podal argumente in podatke bi bil deležen argumenta, tako se ti vsi samo smejimo!Shapiro nikoli ne bo priznal, da je nacist.

Pac-Man ::
Stupid Watergate, don't fuck with feds edition.
Prosecutors for special counsel Robert Mueller are revealing they know every word Paul Manafort changed in an opinion piece about his involvement in Ukrainian politics.
They say they tracked the changes the former Trump campaign chairman made as he edited the piece while under house arrest.
MANAFORT's Ukrainian ally said Manafort had "absolutely nothing to do with" an op-ed in @KyivPost defending Manafort. MANAFORT's tracked changes version of the op-ed, filed just now in court by MUELLER, proves otherwise.
Prosecutors for special counsel Robert Mueller are revealing they know every word Paul Manafort changed in an opinion piece about his involvement in Ukrainian politics.
They say they tracked the changes the former Trump campaign chairman made as he edited the piece while under house arrest.
MANAFORT's Ukrainian ally said Manafort had "absolutely nothing to do with" an op-ed in @KyivPost defending Manafort. MANAFORT's tracked changes version of the op-ed, filed just now in court by MUELLER, proves otherwise.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Uhuhu, kopirano je samo bistvo, za ostalo beri originalno nit.
True pundit je bil sumljiv od začetka, da ima Trump prijatelje v FBIjevi NY pisarni je tudi dolgo jasno. En od razlogov, da se je lahko šel posel po trumpovsko.
It's time to tell the biggest untold story of the 2016 election: how a cadre of pro-Trump FBI agents and intel officers—some active, some retired—conspired to swing the election to Trump. The story involves Flynn, Prince, Giuliani, and others. Hope you'll read and share.
True Pundit is a pro-Trump fake news site that began publishing on June 9, 2016—the day that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort met with Kremlin agents in Trump Tower to discuss the Kremlin's provision to the Trump campaign of incriminating material on Clinton.
All articles on True Pundit are published anonymously. The only person publicly associated with the website operates under a pseudonym—"Thomas Paine." (Thomas Paine, a Founding Father of the United States, was instrumental in convincing the colonies to rebel against Britain.)
From June 9, 2016 to June 12, 2016, it seemed clear True Pundit had been started up in a hurry—it published dozens of stories but no original reporting. More than 95% of stories were simply links to other sources, while True Pundit "originals" were two-sentence news summaries.
Then, on June 12th, 2016, the Orlando nightclub shooting occurred—and it seemed a switch had been turned on. True Pundit had its story. The site meticulously covered Omar Mateen, the 29 year-old from a moderate Muslim family who killed 49 people at an LGBT club called "Pulse."
Mateen changed everything. Suddenly True Pundit was publishing what it said were original ("exclusive") stories, all of which relied—or claimed to—on FBI sources. Not just one source, but multiple—and not just random sources, but sources close to the Pulse investigation.
Whether or not True Pundit really had ex-FBI staff, no reader could possibly know. But what was clear was that True Pundit was obsessed with the FBI, had—at a minimum—some basic knowledge of criminal investigation, and was very, very, angry at the current state of the Bureau:
Rudy Giuliani would later describe the anti-Clinton elements at the FBI as being, during Summer/Fall 2016, not just "angry" but "boiling," and not just "boiling" but on the brink of "revolution." True Pundit appears to have been an outgrowth of that.
So this is where I point out that there was one *other* story—besides the Omar Mateen story—that True Pundit was positively obsessed with (and doing "exclusive" reporting on, using FBI sources) during its first week: Hillary Clinton's emails and the FBI investigation thereof. Just 96 hours into its existence, True Pundit was running a *multi-part* "exclusive" on an FBI probe the site's authors' friends in the Bureau were conducting. The reports cited "intelligence sources" with extensive knowledge of the FBI investigation.
Documents acquired via FOIA requests by (of all organizations) Judicial Watch reveal that Andrew McCabe, Comey's deputy, believed that True Pundit had "heavyweight" sources within the FBI. While Comey was skeptical, he *acknowledged* the sources were *definitely* FBI sources. When McCabe forwarded a True Pundit story to Comey on October 24, 2016, calling its source on Clinton "heavyweight," Comey demurred, saying "This still reads to me like someone not involved in the investigation at all, maybe somebody who heard rumors."
The date here matters, as does Comey's response. This was the week Comey ultimately decided to go to Congress with his decision to reopen the Clinton case—and in using the word "still," we hear Comey's anxiety about the possibility details of the Clinton FBI probe would leak.
The New York Times has written that Comey reopened the Clinton investigation—which decision FiveThirtyEight polling appears to confirm cost Clinton the election—because he felt news of "new" Clinton emails (from Anthony Wiener's PC) was "sure to leak."
So, to recap: on October 24, 2016, Andrew McCabe warns his boss Jim Comey that True Pundit has access to "heavyweight" FBI sources—clearly implying *sources within the Clinton probe*. 72 hours later, Comey writes the "Comey Letter" because he's "sure" probe details will leak.
So I think this is a good time for you to hear Thomas Paine's voice. Here's a lengthy interview he gave (of course not giving his name or allowing his likeness to be visible, as he knew—and we'll discuss this more shortly—his operations were illicit). Paine: "We started True Pundit as a way of doing something—instead of sitting around and complaining—when Clinton was running for president. We figured we would get some of the guys from the old band together—[unintelligible]-type guys and some intel guys we all worked with."
So what these ex-FBI and intel guys did is libel Clinton for the 150 days leading up to the 2016 election. What they specialized in was falsely accusing her of crimes. On October 2, 2016, it was that Clinton had tried to order Julian Assange's murder.
On September 29, 2016, True Pundit's false claim—immediately echoed, like many True Pundit stories, by RT, the Kremlin-backed TV station—was that there was a criminal conspiracy between Clinton and Facebook (ironic now, I know) to steal the election.
The same day True Pundit launched its fake news about a Clinton-ordered drone strike on the founder of WikiLeaks, the New York field office of the FBI took possession of Anthony Wiener's computer from NYPD—this was October 2, 2016. Comey knew the FBI was getting the computer. Unfortunately, the same FBI field office that had been occasionally leaking to True Pundit about the Clinton email investigation over the summer was the one now in possession of Wiener's computer—so when Comey instructed them to see if it had any new emails, they ignored him. Here's where I have to incorporate the entirety of an article I wrote last December for The Huffington Post about what the pro-Trump agents in "Trumplandia" (the New York field office of the FBI) did when Comey told them to work on the Wiener computer.
We now know that Wiener's computer had only duplicate Clinton emails on it. But at the time Comey didn't know that. In fact, that's what he wanted his agents to find out—and IT experts will tell you that it wouldn't have taken long to get a sense that that was the situation. Instead, Comey's agents *sat* on the computer, doing no meaningful work on it—certainly nothing that would confirm or deny whether it had any *new* (let alone inculpatory) evidence on it. Comey didn't find out his agents had done nothing he'd asked them to until late October. What the New York field office of the FBI *did* do during that period, along with NYPD, was issue threats—via True Pundit—that it would "leak" the *content* of the emails on Wiener's computer (which content wasn't known, of course, as they had no search warrant to search it).
On November 2, 2016—a week before the 2016 presidential election—True Pundit published the article below, which is the biggest pile of steaming bullshit dropped on America at any point during the 2016 election season. Every single word of it was false.
Immediately—*same day*—Trump's top national security advisor, Mike Flynn, retweeted the article. Recall that Flynn was receiving undisclosed—*illegally* undisclosed—monies from Russia while advising Trump in the fall of 2015, and dined with Putin in Moscow in December 2015.
Within 48 hours (in other words, as quickly as he could schedule a radio interview) Erik Prince, another Trump national security advisor—who's since admitted to having contact with Mike Flynn during the presidential campaign—spread the fake news via Steve Bannon's Breitbart. Prince is friends with Bannon—who was then the CEO of Trump's campaign—and just told Congress under oath Bannon was his contact with the campaign before and after the election. Here's audio of Prince spreading the Trumplandia-via-True Pundit fake news:
But the reason you have to *read* the article itself—as odious as it is—is that it contains *explicit threats against Comey* should he not *immediately* indict Clinton:
The only option pro-Trump traitors within the FBI had left Comey was to (a) re-open the investigate publicly, then (b) promise to get to the truth of the emails on Wiener's PC so swiftly that no one would have time to leak or publish or disseminate *lies* about those emails. Reports at the time said Comey probably wouldn't be able to check all the new emails before the election—in part because of their number, in part because he had to go through the warrant process—which is why True Pundit, Flynn and Prince all felt clear to go public with lies. And it's why the CEO of the Trump campaign, Steve Bannon, felt clear to publish those lies via Breitbart.
Then Comey surprised them all by doing the work in one week he'd earlier given an entire team of his agents three and a half weeks (from October 2 to October 27) to do.
2 days *before* the Comey Letter was sent (so, October 26) Giuliani knew something big was coming—after spending the preceding days saying he had access to *active* FBI agents *and* retired FBI agents (like True Pundit's) who were incensed at Clinton.
First Giuliani said he had access to "active" agents, then he denied it; he said a "big surprise" was coming, then he claimed he was only talking about a new ad campaign. No one believed it—especially given he kept referencing the FBI's anger at Comey. But now that we know all Trump's most nefarious men—Bannon, Flynn, and Prince, who were all meeting with one another during the campaign—were reading True Pundit, Giuliani's "I heard it from active agents" while *also* claiming "I heard it from retired agents" makes sense.
It makes sense because True Pundit was made up of retired FBI agents speaking to—or claiming to have spoken to—active FBI agents, and the big surprise Giuliani predicted was likely the "news" True Pundit posted and that Giuliani's compatriots then spread throughout the media. Keep in mind, Giuliani hadn't seen the emails either—no one had, including the NYPD and FBI agents claiming to have seen them—so all he needed to know was that True Pundit, a site he followed and which likely included some retired FBI agents he knew, would be running a story.
But the key is this: the NYT said Comey re-opened the investigation publicly because he was "sure" information about the new emails would leak. And the reason he thought that information would leak is because he knew about True Pundit and (via McCabe) FBI leaks made to them. All those leaks were illegal—as Flynn, Prince and Giuliani well knew given their backgrounds. And they equally knew that True Pundit stories were regularly being repeated on Russia media. And Flynn and Prince knew by November 2nd that in fact no one had seen those emails yet.
What all this suggests is coordination between True Pundit, the FBI, NYPD, and members of the Trump campaign to stall the Clinton email investigation just long enough to either (a) force Comey to re-open it, or (b) be able to claim whatever they wanted about the "new" emails.
This has all the hallmarks of a domestic criminal conspiracy—"criminal" because it involves fraud and obstruction of justice. And it involves the Trump campaign and Russian bots and pro-Trump elements in the FBI and NYPD working in concert. So why isn't it being investigated? Inspector General Horowitz is looking at it, we're told. That's not good enough—not when Trump is stacking the deck by claiming the FBI had a *pro-Clinton* bias, even as he knows it was working in concert with his men. Enough. Let's starting discussing this as a nation.
True pundit je bil sumljiv od začetka, da ima Trump prijatelje v FBIjevi NY pisarni je tudi dolgo jasno. En od razlogov, da se je lahko šel posel po trumpovsko.
It's time to tell the biggest untold story of the 2016 election: how a cadre of pro-Trump FBI agents and intel officers—some active, some retired—conspired to swing the election to Trump. The story involves Flynn, Prince, Giuliani, and others. Hope you'll read and share.
True Pundit is a pro-Trump fake news site that began publishing on June 9, 2016—the day that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort met with Kremlin agents in Trump Tower to discuss the Kremlin's provision to the Trump campaign of incriminating material on Clinton.
All articles on True Pundit are published anonymously. The only person publicly associated with the website operates under a pseudonym—"Thomas Paine." (Thomas Paine, a Founding Father of the United States, was instrumental in convincing the colonies to rebel against Britain.)
From June 9, 2016 to June 12, 2016, it seemed clear True Pundit had been started up in a hurry—it published dozens of stories but no original reporting. More than 95% of stories were simply links to other sources, while True Pundit "originals" were two-sentence news summaries.
Then, on June 12th, 2016, the Orlando nightclub shooting occurred—and it seemed a switch had been turned on. True Pundit had its story. The site meticulously covered Omar Mateen, the 29 year-old from a moderate Muslim family who killed 49 people at an LGBT club called "Pulse."
Mateen changed everything. Suddenly True Pundit was publishing what it said were original ("exclusive") stories, all of which relied—or claimed to—on FBI sources. Not just one source, but multiple—and not just random sources, but sources close to the Pulse investigation.
Whether or not True Pundit really had ex-FBI staff, no reader could possibly know. But what was clear was that True Pundit was obsessed with the FBI, had—at a minimum—some basic knowledge of criminal investigation, and was very, very, angry at the current state of the Bureau:
Rudy Giuliani would later describe the anti-Clinton elements at the FBI as being, during Summer/Fall 2016, not just "angry" but "boiling," and not just "boiling" but on the brink of "revolution." True Pundit appears to have been an outgrowth of that.
So this is where I point out that there was one *other* story—besides the Omar Mateen story—that True Pundit was positively obsessed with (and doing "exclusive" reporting on, using FBI sources) during its first week: Hillary Clinton's emails and the FBI investigation thereof. Just 96 hours into its existence, True Pundit was running a *multi-part* "exclusive" on an FBI probe the site's authors' friends in the Bureau were conducting. The reports cited "intelligence sources" with extensive knowledge of the FBI investigation.
Documents acquired via FOIA requests by (of all organizations) Judicial Watch reveal that Andrew McCabe, Comey's deputy, believed that True Pundit had "heavyweight" sources within the FBI. While Comey was skeptical, he *acknowledged* the sources were *definitely* FBI sources. When McCabe forwarded a True Pundit story to Comey on October 24, 2016, calling its source on Clinton "heavyweight," Comey demurred, saying "This still reads to me like someone not involved in the investigation at all, maybe somebody who heard rumors."
The date here matters, as does Comey's response. This was the week Comey ultimately decided to go to Congress with his decision to reopen the Clinton case—and in using the word "still," we hear Comey's anxiety about the possibility details of the Clinton FBI probe would leak.
The New York Times has written that Comey reopened the Clinton investigation—which decision FiveThirtyEight polling appears to confirm cost Clinton the election—because he felt news of "new" Clinton emails (from Anthony Wiener's PC) was "sure to leak."
So, to recap: on October 24, 2016, Andrew McCabe warns his boss Jim Comey that True Pundit has access to "heavyweight" FBI sources—clearly implying *sources within the Clinton probe*. 72 hours later, Comey writes the "Comey Letter" because he's "sure" probe details will leak.
So I think this is a good time for you to hear Thomas Paine's voice. Here's a lengthy interview he gave (of course not giving his name or allowing his likeness to be visible, as he knew—and we'll discuss this more shortly—his operations were illicit). Paine: "We started True Pundit as a way of doing something—instead of sitting around and complaining—when Clinton was running for president. We figured we would get some of the guys from the old band together—[unintelligible]-type guys and some intel guys we all worked with."
So what these ex-FBI and intel guys did is libel Clinton for the 150 days leading up to the 2016 election. What they specialized in was falsely accusing her of crimes. On October 2, 2016, it was that Clinton had tried to order Julian Assange's murder.
On September 29, 2016, True Pundit's false claim—immediately echoed, like many True Pundit stories, by RT, the Kremlin-backed TV station—was that there was a criminal conspiracy between Clinton and Facebook (ironic now, I know) to steal the election.
The same day True Pundit launched its fake news about a Clinton-ordered drone strike on the founder of WikiLeaks, the New York field office of the FBI took possession of Anthony Wiener's computer from NYPD—this was October 2, 2016. Comey knew the FBI was getting the computer. Unfortunately, the same FBI field office that had been occasionally leaking to True Pundit about the Clinton email investigation over the summer was the one now in possession of Wiener's computer—so when Comey instructed them to see if it had any new emails, they ignored him. Here's where I have to incorporate the entirety of an article I wrote last December for The Huffington Post about what the pro-Trump agents in "Trumplandia" (the New York field office of the FBI) did when Comey told them to work on the Wiener computer.
We now know that Wiener's computer had only duplicate Clinton emails on it. But at the time Comey didn't know that. In fact, that's what he wanted his agents to find out—and IT experts will tell you that it wouldn't have taken long to get a sense that that was the situation. Instead, Comey's agents *sat* on the computer, doing no meaningful work on it—certainly nothing that would confirm or deny whether it had any *new* (let alone inculpatory) evidence on it. Comey didn't find out his agents had done nothing he'd asked them to until late October. What the New York field office of the FBI *did* do during that period, along with NYPD, was issue threats—via True Pundit—that it would "leak" the *content* of the emails on Wiener's computer (which content wasn't known, of course, as they had no search warrant to search it).
On November 2, 2016—a week before the 2016 presidential election—True Pundit published the article below, which is the biggest pile of steaming bullshit dropped on America at any point during the 2016 election season. Every single word of it was false.
Immediately—*same day*—Trump's top national security advisor, Mike Flynn, retweeted the article. Recall that Flynn was receiving undisclosed—*illegally* undisclosed—monies from Russia while advising Trump in the fall of 2015, and dined with Putin in Moscow in December 2015.
Within 48 hours (in other words, as quickly as he could schedule a radio interview) Erik Prince, another Trump national security advisor—who's since admitted to having contact with Mike Flynn during the presidential campaign—spread the fake news via Steve Bannon's Breitbart. Prince is friends with Bannon—who was then the CEO of Trump's campaign—and just told Congress under oath Bannon was his contact with the campaign before and after the election. Here's audio of Prince spreading the Trumplandia-via-True Pundit fake news:
But the reason you have to *read* the article itself—as odious as it is—is that it contains *explicit threats against Comey* should he not *immediately* indict Clinton:
The only option pro-Trump traitors within the FBI had left Comey was to (a) re-open the investigate publicly, then (b) promise to get to the truth of the emails on Wiener's PC so swiftly that no one would have time to leak or publish or disseminate *lies* about those emails. Reports at the time said Comey probably wouldn't be able to check all the new emails before the election—in part because of their number, in part because he had to go through the warrant process—which is why True Pundit, Flynn and Prince all felt clear to go public with lies. And it's why the CEO of the Trump campaign, Steve Bannon, felt clear to publish those lies via Breitbart.
Then Comey surprised them all by doing the work in one week he'd earlier given an entire team of his agents three and a half weeks (from October 2 to October 27) to do.
2 days *before* the Comey Letter was sent (so, October 26) Giuliani knew something big was coming—after spending the preceding days saying he had access to *active* FBI agents *and* retired FBI agents (like True Pundit's) who were incensed at Clinton.
First Giuliani said he had access to "active" agents, then he denied it; he said a "big surprise" was coming, then he claimed he was only talking about a new ad campaign. No one believed it—especially given he kept referencing the FBI's anger at Comey. But now that we know all Trump's most nefarious men—Bannon, Flynn, and Prince, who were all meeting with one another during the campaign—were reading True Pundit, Giuliani's "I heard it from active agents" while *also* claiming "I heard it from retired agents" makes sense.
It makes sense because True Pundit was made up of retired FBI agents speaking to—or claiming to have spoken to—active FBI agents, and the big surprise Giuliani predicted was likely the "news" True Pundit posted and that Giuliani's compatriots then spread throughout the media. Keep in mind, Giuliani hadn't seen the emails either—no one had, including the NYPD and FBI agents claiming to have seen them—so all he needed to know was that True Pundit, a site he followed and which likely included some retired FBI agents he knew, would be running a story.
But the key is this: the NYT said Comey re-opened the investigation publicly because he was "sure" information about the new emails would leak. And the reason he thought that information would leak is because he knew about True Pundit and (via McCabe) FBI leaks made to them. All those leaks were illegal—as Flynn, Prince and Giuliani well knew given their backgrounds. And they equally knew that True Pundit stories were regularly being repeated on Russia media. And Flynn and Prince knew by November 2nd that in fact no one had seen those emails yet.
What all this suggests is coordination between True Pundit, the FBI, NYPD, and members of the Trump campaign to stall the Clinton email investigation just long enough to either (a) force Comey to re-open it, or (b) be able to claim whatever they wanted about the "new" emails.
This has all the hallmarks of a domestic criminal conspiracy—"criminal" because it involves fraud and obstruction of justice. And it involves the Trump campaign and Russian bots and pro-Trump elements in the FBI and NYPD working in concert. So why isn't it being investigated? Inspector General Horowitz is looking at it, we're told. That's not good enough—not when Trump is stacking the deck by claiming the FBI had a *pro-Clinton* bias, even as he knows it was working in concert with his men. Enough. Let's starting discussing this as a nation.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Paul30 ::
Trenutno je v nevarnosti, saj ga preiskujejo ter povezane ljudi z njim..
V zadnjem času je Trump naredil:
- ogromne davcne olajsave za bogate
- priznal Jeruzalem kot prestolnico Izraela
S tem ko je naredil ti dve potezi si je "kupil" podporo nekaterih najbogatejsih(davcne olajsave), ki so mocni vplivni, ter podporo zidovskega lobija(Jerusalem predstolnica), ki je tudi mocan v bancnistvu ter Zda.
To podporo potrebuje, da si bo resil "rit" in briga zanj za vse ostale ter kaj bo z ekonomijo Zda zaradi teh davčnih olajšav ter z ljudmi.
Ljudi je pa nategnil na staro finto o pokvarjenih elitah, podobno kot so komunisti ter naciji nategnil ljudi ter prisli na oblast ter si prisvojili tuja sredstva.
V zadnjem času je Trump naredil:
- ogromne davcne olajsave za bogate
- priznal Jeruzalem kot prestolnico Izraela
S tem ko je naredil ti dve potezi si je "kupil" podporo nekaterih najbogatejsih(davcne olajsave), ki so mocni vplivni, ter podporo zidovskega lobija(Jerusalem predstolnica), ki je tudi mocan v bancnistvu ter Zda.
To podporo potrebuje, da si bo resil "rit" in briga zanj za vse ostale ter kaj bo z ekonomijo Zda zaradi teh davčnih olajšav ter z ljudmi.
Ljudi je pa nategnil na staro finto o pokvarjenih elitah, podobno kot so komunisti ter naciji nategnil ljudi ter prisli na oblast ter si prisvojili tuja sredstva.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Paul30 ()

konspirator ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
ko bi podal argumente in podatke bi bil deležen argumenta, tako se ti vsi samo smejimo!Shapiro nikoli ne bo priznal, da je nacist.
Ker ... ?

Scaramouche ::
konspirator je izjavil:
Scaramouche je izjavil:
ko bi podal argumente in podatke bi bil deležen argumenta, tako se ti vsi samo smejimo!Shapiro nikoli ne bo priznal, da je nacist.
Ker ... ?
pust vaškega norčka,sej ve da je Žid, pa še vedno lajna kot vsi psiho bojevniki...

jype ::
Shapiro se zelo dobro zaveda, da je to narobe. Zaveda se, da ga arijci komot pwnajo, zato se pretvarja, da je eden njih, ampak ker je vizualno povsem očitno mešanec, se ne more preveč učinkovito - njegov cilj je pa enak: Prepričat ljudi, da kraj rojstva in etnična pripadnost staršev definira tvoje lastnosti do take mere, da tega ni mogoče spremeniti, zato lahko po njegovem ljudi obsojamo (in zoper njih izvajamo nasilje) zaradi reči, na katere ti ljudje nimajo nobenega vpliva.

vostok_1 ::
Shapiro se zelo dobro zaveda, da je to narobe. Zaveda se, da ga arijci komot pwnajo, zato se pretvarja, da je eden njih, ampak ker je vizualno povsem očitno mešanec, se ne more preveč učinkovito - njegov cilj je pa enak: Prepričat ljudi, da kraj rojstva in etnična pripadnost staršev definira tvoje lastnosti do take mere, da tega ni mogoče spremeniti, zato lahko po njegovem ljudi obsojamo (in zoper njih izvajamo nasilje) zaradi reči, na katere ti ljudje nimajo nobenega vpliva.
Da jype, da jype.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

jype ::
Drži: Če tvoj diversity officer meni, da je normalno, da je v podjetju 90% ljudi sorodnikov od šefa, je nekaj narobe.

vostok_1 ::
PS. Temu se reče družinsko podjetje btw.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()

jype ::

Scaramouche ::
Shapiro se zelo dobro zaveda, da je to narobe. Zaveda se, da ga arijci komot pwnajo, zato se pretvarja, da je eden njih, ampak ker je vizualno povsem očitno mešanec, se ne more preveč učinkovito - njegov cilj je pa enak: Prepričat ljudi, da kraj rojstva in etnična pripadnost staršev definira tvoje lastnosti do take mere, da tega ni mogoče spremeniti, zato lahko po njegovem ljudi obsojamo (in zoper njih izvajamo nasilje) zaradi reči, na katere ti ljudje nimajo nobenega vpliva.
Shapiro je bil številka ena najbolj napadanih ljudi na netu,tako da ga arijci v Ameriki ne marajo.
Samo ti očitno nič ne veš in se s tem še hvališ....
Lepo bi bilo da ga citiraš da je rekel to kar ti trdiš....
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Scaramouche ()

vostok_1 ::
PS. Temu se reče družinsko podjetje btw.Absolutno. Apple nedvomno ustreza tej definiciji.
Vidim, da hitro pobiraš vzorce - škoda, da se ne znaš naučiti še ločiti resničnosti od fikcije.
Želiš povedati, da ustanovitelju podjetja ni dovoljeno zaposlovat tko kot njemu paše?
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()

jype ::
Želiš povedati, da ustanovitelju podjetja ni dovoljeno zaposlovat tko kot njemu paše?Tako je. Zaposlovat mora tako, kot reče partija, pardon, SJW komite.
A nisi vedel tega?
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Shapiro je bil številka ena najbolj napadanih ljudi na netu,tako da ga arijci v Ameriki ne marajo.Arijci ga ne marajo? Kako pa to zgleda?

Scaramouche ::
Arijci ga ne marajo? Kako pa to zgleda?
Long before the mainstream media became interested, conservative opponents of Trump found themselves targets of a repulsive fringe. A recent report by the Anti-Defamation League, released in October, identified 2.6 million tweets “containing language frequently found in anti-Semitic speech” between August 2015 and July 2016. The top ten most-targeted journalists — among whom were Ben Shapiro, Jonah Goldberg, and Bethany Mandel — accounted for 83 percent of those tweets.
Read more at:

next3steps ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Ko zmanjka argumentov se konča z gifom?
ko bi podal argumente in podatke bi bil deležen argumenta, tako se ti vsi samo smejimo!
Začetek da, konec ne. Nazicma. Ideje da, uresničitev ne. Nazicem namreč.

jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Long before the mainstream media became interested, conservative opponents of Trump found themselves targets of a repulsive fringe. A recent report by the Anti-Defamation League, released in October, identified 2.6 million tweets "containing language frequently found in anti-Semitic speech" between August 2015 and July 2016. The top ten most-targeted journalists -- among whom were Ben Shapiro, Jonah Goldberg, and Bethany Mandel -- accounted for 83 percent of those tweets.Ne vem, kako naj bi to bilo povezano z mojim vprašanjem.
Nismo vsi arijci antisemitistični norci, pa niso vsi antisemitistični norci kar arijci.
next3steps je izjavil:
Začetek da, konec ne. Nazicma. Ideje da, uresničitev ne. Nazicem namreč.Kdor ne ve, da je nacizem skrajno desna ideologija, je zelo verjetno nacist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

Scaramouche ::
Ne vem, kako naj bi to bilo povezano z mojim vprašanjem.
Nismo vsi arijci antisemitistični norci, pa niso vsi antisemitistični norci kar arijci.
Arijci ga ne marajo? Kako pa to zgleda?
ja tako kot je podano, očitno ga ne vidijo zaradi barve kože kot enakega, ker je ŽID!

jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
ja tako kot je podano, očitno ga ne vidijo zaradi barve kože kot enakega, ker je ŽID!Jaz sem arijec, pa ga ne vidim kot problematičnega zato ker je žid, temveč zato, ker trdi reči, ki niso resnične, pri čemer se potrudi argumente skonstruirati tako, da spodbuja nasilje zoper celotne etnične, verske in rasne skupine (po domače: Nacijem pove tisto, česar si želijo slišati).
Ne bi sicer trdil, da je Hitler, se pa definitivno obnaša kot Goebbels.

Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
ja tako kot je podano, očitno ga ne vidijo zaradi barve kože kot enakega, ker je ŽID!Jaz sem arijec, pa ga ne vidim kot problematičnega zato ker je žid, temveč zato, ker trdi reči, ki niso resnične, pri čemer se potrudi argumente skonstruirati tako, da spodbuja nasilje zoper celotne etnične, verske in rasne skupine (po domače: Nacijem pove tisto, česar si želijo slišati).
Ne bi sicer trdil, da je Hitler, se pa definitivno obnaša kot Goebbels.
spet samo laži, podaj kje je to rekel....

Scaramouche ::
Dober je en napisal
The last 3 Presidents promised to do the same. He just did it. Get used to things getting done for the next 7 years.

jype ::
Jao, kako lahko zagovarjaš takega retarda?
"Eternal capital"?
Samo fašisti uporabljajo take besedne zveze.
"Eternal capital"?
Samo fašisti uporabljajo take besedne zveze.

Scaramouche ::

jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
V lep klub si se včlanil...Zopet halucinacije shizofrenikov, ki ne ločijo resničnosti od njihove perverzne domišljije.
"Eternal capital" ne obstaja in Izrael ni večen.

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

petrus ::
"Eternal capital" ne obstaja in Izrael ni večen.
Moraš bit samo hitrejši od medveda, Izrael bo preživel Palestino, in Jeruzalem je šah mat.
stati inu obstati

petrus ::
Ko žid začne nakladat o tisočletnem rajhu veš, da se ni naučil ničesar.
Kaj še ti ni jasno, da vas Trump s takšnimi izjavami načrtno in zavestno trolla?
stati inu obstati

Pac-Man ::
Tole je...nekaj.
Soros shout-out @4:30. Tip je povsod. POVSOD.
Soros shout-out @4:30. Tip je povsod. POVSOD.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jype ::

thom4s ::
Najbolj kul je "We didn't have racial problems in the 80s!"
Murder of Michael Donald @ Wikipedia
Kot feminist bi ja moral podpirati linčanje posiljevalcev?

jype ::

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

thom4s ::
WOOOOOOWWWW, igranje golfa ni isto kot predsedništvo? OMFG, naj en pokliče Putina!!!1!!!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()