Forum » Problemi človeštva » Dr. Drumpflove
Dr. Drumpflove

thom4s ::
Na maš spisek fickificki elite in je razmerje nekako 100:1 kjer vodijo vaši jype. Mediji o temu ne poročajo kaj preveč, ker nočejo izpasti rasisti in pa antisemiti :D

jype ::

thramos ::
Zato uporabljajo (uporabljate) bolj prefinjene metode nasilja?
naj bi od farmacevtke zahteval in nato dvakrat tudi dobil spolne usluge
naj bi od farmacevtke zahteval in nato dvakrat tudi dobil spolne usluge

pecorin ::
Na maš spisek fickificki elite in je razmerje nekako 100:1 kjer vodijo vaši jype. Mediji o temu ne poročajo kaj preveč, ker nočejo izpasti rasisti in pa antisemiti :D
Haha, dailystormer


thom4s ::

Iatromantis ::
Haha, dailystormerStran za manipuliranje nacijev, ki imajo iq bliže nadarjenemu šimpanzu kot nadarjenemu človeku.
LOL, a lahko pokažeš eno novico tam ki je fejk news? Kjer citirajo CNN seveda ne šteje.
Ti boš vrj. rekel, da so jim vzeli internetno domeno, ker širijo non-fake news, katerega "MSM" ne upajo, ne pa vso mogoče sovraštvo? No na "MSM" ti še vedno ostane vsaj Hanity, da se boš lahko kopal v sovraštvu dialektike nas proti njim (Us vs. them)...
Kaj npr. pišejo o ženskah tam?
The hostility in particular towards women, especially white women, is also quite bizarre. A query on his site for "women" typically reveals barely contained anger that women should have the right to do things like vote[53][54][55] or have opinions in general[56] – usually directed towards white women – and declaring "your worst enemy is not Jews, White Man, but your own females."
(več na in mnogih drugi www straneh)

jype ::
Zato uporabljajo (uporabljate) bolj prefinjene metode nasilja?Ja, žal to drži. V resnici je tvoj problem le v tem, da ne znaš ločiti sporazumnega spolnega odnosa od posilstva, kot je za desničarje očitno precej značilno. "V svobodni družbi se lahko vsakdo sam odloči, na kakšen način bo trpel."
Prostotržna miselnost pravi, da če nočeš spolnega odnosa z Jankovićem, Weinsteinom ali Clintonom, potem moraš pač sprejeti, da bo tvoje materialno stanje v prihodnosti precej slabše oziroma bo podoben uspeh terjal precej več truda. Ker ste desničarji tej miselnosti zavezani, me zelo zanima, kako jo pobotate s svobodno voljo tudi v primerih, ko gre za eksistencialno ogroženost: Mnogi ljudje namreč izbirajo med industrializiranim posilstvom in smrtjo.
Zloraba položaja in korupcija sta ločeni težavi, spolno nasilje pa zopet nekaj drugega. Tisti, ki trdijo, da je Janković posiljevalec, imajo morda prav - ampak ne zaradi primera farmacevtke, ker v tem primeru bodisi ni znakov spolnega nasilja, bodisi je spolno nasilje vsak spolni odnos, kjer je razmerje moči med vpletenimi asimetrično.

thramos ::
Uau. Spin doctor v svojem elementu. Najprej sicer lahko pojasniš, kje enačim vsako spolno nasilje z posilstvom, kar mi, za levičarje precej značilno, podtikaš. In kdo trdi, da je Janković posiljevalec?
A če te prav razumem torej: ko šef grabi delavko za rit in ta stiska zobe, da ne bi izgubila službe, ne gre za spolno nasilje ampak za ... malo zabave z nekaj zlorabe položaja?
A če te prav razumem torej: ko šef grabi delavko za rit in ta stiska zobe, da ne bi izgubila službe, ne gre za spolno nasilje ampak za ... malo zabave z nekaj zlorabe položaja?

jype ::
A če te prav razumem torej: ko šef grabi delavko za rit in ta stiska zobe, da ne bi izgubila službe, ne gre za spolno nasilje ampak za ... malo zabave z nekaj zlorabe položaja?Ne. Ko jo po telefonu pokliče in zahteva spolni odnos. Če to stori brez njene privolitve, potem je pa nasilje.
Saj ti to veš, ampak kot desničar imaš očitno velike težave s prostotržnim sistemom uporabe vrednosti spolnega odnosa.

jype ::
A so stisnjeni zobje že privolitev?Ne.
Ko brez njene privolitve zahteva spolni odnos? :))Ne, ko brez njene privolitve vstopi v njen osebni prostor.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

thom4s ::
Iatromantis je izjavil:
Haha, dailystormerStran za manipuliranje nacijev, ki imajo iq bliže nadarjenemu šimpanzu kot nadarjenemu človeku.
LOL, a lahko pokažeš eno novico tam ki je fejk news? Kjer citirajo CNN seveda ne šteje.
Ti boš vrj. rekel, da so jim vzeli internetno domeno, ker širijo non-fake news, katerega "MSM" ne upajo, ne pa vso mogoče sovraštvo? No na "MSM" ti še vedno ostane vsaj Hanity, da se boš lahko kopal v sovraštvu dialektike nas proti njim (Us vs. them)...
Vprašal sem te kaj je na tisti strani fejk njuws? Seveda si samo izvedel feministični čustveni izliv o stvareh ki jih nikoli ne bi očital Ahmedu, Mohamedu in Abdulu. Zakaj taki dvojni standardi? Zaradi cene melanina na prostem trgu?

jype ::

jype ::

thramos ::
Še enkrat: kdo govori o posilstvu?
Torej: če "da" izdavi skozi stisnjene zobe, ker ve, da bo drugače odpuščena ("ekonomska korist" torej), gre za privolitev in vse je ok?
Torej: če "da" izdavi skozi stisnjene zobe, ker ve, da bo drugače odpuščena ("ekonomska korist" torej), gre za privolitev in vse je ok?

jype ::

jype ::

jype ::
Res? Nisem opazil, ti si trdil, da šele post-festum in skozi zobe.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

Iatromantis ::
Vprašal sem te kaj je na tisti strani fejk njuws? Seveda si samo izvedel feministični čustveni izliv o stvareh ki jih nikoli ne bi očital Ahmedu, Mohamedu in Abdulu. Zakaj taki dvojni standardi? Zaradi cene melanina na prostem trgu?
Vprašal si že, a tvoj odziv je točno to, kar sem napisal, utapljaš se v sovraštvu dialektike mi proti njim..
Če pa hočeš še odgovor ali je fejk njus pri njih, imaš ogromno primerov na netu. Malo poguglaj. No, da ti pomagam:
In August 2017, Muslim American radio presenter Dean Obeidallah sued The Daily Stormer in an Ohio federal court. Anglin had published fake images which purported to show Obeidallah celebrating the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. & Here's how The Daily Stormer created fake tweets to destroy a Muslim American comedian's reputation
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Iatromantis ()

thramos ::

jype ::

Cervantes ::
Post festum spet podtikaš.Preberi kdaj kakšen svoj prispevek.
A skozi zobe je problem?Ja, je.
Ker potem res rabi dobrega stomatologa, kar stane.
Seveda je pa res, izsiljevanje fuka s pozicije moči je dosti bolj pogosto, kot to navzven izgleda.
Po drugi strani; jaz sem svojo spoznal v službi, ko je bila še študentka in je nekaj delala za nas. Zagrabil sam jo za rit, in zadeva je zlaufala :).
Lahko bi mi tudi primazala klofuto, brez posledic zanjo, saj je bila pogodbeno vezana.
Skupaj sva že več kot 40 let. In se imava še kar OK, da ne rečem super.
Zato se vprašam, kakšna bi bila moja (in njena) življenska ppt, če je takrat ne bi zgrabil za rit?
Včasih je čisto koristno zgrabiti za rit.
Kdor mosli, da se da dame osvajat samo s citati Lorce ali z novim Porcshom, je morda v zmoti.
Čeprav se strinjam, da tukaj Porsch bolj pali.


jype ::

xmetallic ::
Seveda je pa res, izsiljevanje fuka s pozicije moči je dosti bolj pogosto, kot to navzven izgleda.
Če ti nadrejeni namigne, da lahko napreduješ tudi na drugačne načine kot le z dokazovanjem na delovnem mestu to ni izsiljevanje. Je le ponudba, ki jo bodisi sprejmeš bodisi zavrneš. Je pa to v primeru Jankoviča in farmacevtke nesprejemljivo zato, ker gre za javni zavod. Če bi to bilo njegovo zasebno podjetje, in če deklini ustreza...

Cervantes ::
Včasih je čisto koristno zgrabiti za rit.Na Balkanu se tako dela, ja.
V civiliziranih družbah se pa pošlje (danes že elektronsko) pošto z obrazcem, kjer druga stranka obkljuka kvadratke, poleg katerih so navedene še dopustne manire.
Ja. 40 let nazaj

In ja. Hollywood, DNC, GOP in WH, vse Balkan.
Balkan do Tokia!
Kmalu bo ppstalo politično nekorektno že, če boš punco prijazno pogledal, kaj šele, da bi ji pomežiknil.
Pol se pa razmnožujmo. Al kaj?

jype ::
Heh. Vdam se. ;((No, da slišimo, zakaj je spolnost posebna kategorija? Kak dober nekatoliški argument me zanima.
Kmalu bo ppstalo politično nekorektno že, če boš punco prijazno pogledal, kaj šele, da bi ji pomežiknil.Če si ti star 90 (al kok si že) ona pa 9, potem ja, creepy.
Pol se pa razmnožujmo. Al kaj?To se da vse z epruvetami zrihtat.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

thom4s ::

Pac-Man ::
No, to se je zgodilo.
Lawyers for Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, notified the president’s legal team in recent days that they could no longer discuss the special counsel’s investigation, according to four people involved in the case — an indication that Mr. Flynn is cooperating with prosecutors or negotiating a deal.
Dva komentarja:
BAD NEWS FOR TRUMP. Flynn may or may not have dirt on the Prez, but he surely will roll over on Kush, who will flip like a pancake on daddy-in-law's obstrution. They are gonna have to start frisking Jared for a wire in the Oval. Today is Cursegiving not Thanksgiving for POTUS. I negotiated a cooperation deal for a target with Mueller's office when he was US Atty and lemme tell ya, he's not gonna give one to Flynn unless he implicates someone up the ladder. That means Kushner, Don Jr., or Big Daddy. They are all having indigestion tonight.
THREAD: What does today's news that Flynn's lawyers are no longer sharing information with the Trump legal team tell us about the state of Mueller's investigation? (Hint: It tells us a lot.)
While most of us were celebrating Thanksgiving with our families, the @nytimes broke the news that lawyers for former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn told Trump's lawyers that they could no longer discuss the Mueller investigation.
Defense attorneys representing individuals that are under investigation typically agree to share information with each other about what they've learned from the government. The government tries to reveal as little as possible about what it's doing to the defense, so defense attorneys try to glean as much as they can from their brief conversations with prosecutors and from the questions their clients are asked during interviews. Those nuggets of information are valuable and are usually the basis of the stories we're reading in the media about the Mueller investigation. The lawyers representing people under investigation dissect those nuggets just like I do for you. Usually defense attorneys enter into a "joint defense agreement." Sometimes it's written down but often it isn't. Basically it's an agreement that your client are on the same side and so your statements to each other (among attorneys) are privileged.
The fact that Flynn's lawyers aren't sharing information with Trump's lawyers means that they believe it is no longer in Flynn's interest to do so. It is highly likely that it means Flynn is pursuing a cooperation deal with Mueller. That's a shocking development because it means that Flynn does not expect Trump to pardon him or his son, or he believes that him or his son could be convicted of unpardonable state offenses. If pardons are off the table, cooperation is likely the right move for Flynn.
This makes the behavior of Flynn's son, who made baseless attacks against Mueller on Twitter, seem bizarre. It also calls into question Manafort's strategy. Manafort's lawyers have publicly blasted Mueller, and the only obvious upside of that strategy is that it pleases Trump. According to @Comey, Trump told him that Flynn "is a good guy. I hope you can let this go." If Flynn thinks HE won't get a pardon, after Trump made that request on his behalf, why does Manafort think he'll get one? (One answer could be that a pardon of Flynn could be used by Mueller as evidence of Trump's "corrupt intent" to prove obstruction, because it could indicate Trump's strong desire to relieve Flynn of criminal liability. A Manafort pardon wouldn't impact an obstruction case.)
To pursue a deal, Flynn would generally have to agree to waive his Fifth Amendment right and agree to an interview with Mueller's team. They would give him limited protection (called "proffer" protection) as to his statements. Mueller could use any leads he generated off of what Flynn said and could also the statements against him if Flynn said something different on the witness stand later. So defense attorneys don't bring their client in to seek cooperation unless they think they can get a deal.
To get a deal, Flynn would need to prove testimony that helped the government make a chargeable case against someone else. It's not enough for Flynn to try hard, although even his attempt to cooperate could be considered by the judge at sentencing.
Now that we know Flynn is trying to cooperate, the recent news that Mueller is looking at Flynn business partner Bijan Khan takes on new meaning. It's possible that Flynn has flipped on Khan, or that Khan's cooperation lead to Flynn's cooperation.
Obviously Mueller will push Flynn for information on everyone he is investigating, but the mere fact that Flynn is cooperating doesn't mean that Flynn's testimony is sufficient to charge any particular person. A completed deal would just mean SOMEONE else could be charged. A deal for Flynn would likely mean that Mueller would accept a guilty plea to a single felony charge and would potentially recommend a reduced sentence depending on the extent of his cooperation. It is unlikely to result in complete immunity.
Typically federal prosecutors require their cooperators to answer all questions on all subjects related to the investigation, so when someone "flips," it often generates many new leads and avenues to investigate. Flynn's cooperation would further lengthen the investigation. So Trump lawyer Ty Cobb's prediction that the entire investigation could wrap up shortly after the new year is looking worse by the minute.
Lawyers for Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, notified the president’s legal team in recent days that they could no longer discuss the special counsel’s investigation, according to four people involved in the case — an indication that Mr. Flynn is cooperating with prosecutors or negotiating a deal.
Dva komentarja:
BAD NEWS FOR TRUMP. Flynn may or may not have dirt on the Prez, but he surely will roll over on Kush, who will flip like a pancake on daddy-in-law's obstrution. They are gonna have to start frisking Jared for a wire in the Oval. Today is Cursegiving not Thanksgiving for POTUS. I negotiated a cooperation deal for a target with Mueller's office when he was US Atty and lemme tell ya, he's not gonna give one to Flynn unless he implicates someone up the ladder. That means Kushner, Don Jr., or Big Daddy. They are all having indigestion tonight.
THREAD: What does today's news that Flynn's lawyers are no longer sharing information with the Trump legal team tell us about the state of Mueller's investigation? (Hint: It tells us a lot.)
While most of us were celebrating Thanksgiving with our families, the @nytimes broke the news that lawyers for former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn told Trump's lawyers that they could no longer discuss the Mueller investigation.
Defense attorneys representing individuals that are under investigation typically agree to share information with each other about what they've learned from the government. The government tries to reveal as little as possible about what it's doing to the defense, so defense attorneys try to glean as much as they can from their brief conversations with prosecutors and from the questions their clients are asked during interviews. Those nuggets of information are valuable and are usually the basis of the stories we're reading in the media about the Mueller investigation. The lawyers representing people under investigation dissect those nuggets just like I do for you. Usually defense attorneys enter into a "joint defense agreement." Sometimes it's written down but often it isn't. Basically it's an agreement that your client are on the same side and so your statements to each other (among attorneys) are privileged.
The fact that Flynn's lawyers aren't sharing information with Trump's lawyers means that they believe it is no longer in Flynn's interest to do so. It is highly likely that it means Flynn is pursuing a cooperation deal with Mueller. That's a shocking development because it means that Flynn does not expect Trump to pardon him or his son, or he believes that him or his son could be convicted of unpardonable state offenses. If pardons are off the table, cooperation is likely the right move for Flynn.
This makes the behavior of Flynn's son, who made baseless attacks against Mueller on Twitter, seem bizarre. It also calls into question Manafort's strategy. Manafort's lawyers have publicly blasted Mueller, and the only obvious upside of that strategy is that it pleases Trump. According to @Comey, Trump told him that Flynn "is a good guy. I hope you can let this go." If Flynn thinks HE won't get a pardon, after Trump made that request on his behalf, why does Manafort think he'll get one? (One answer could be that a pardon of Flynn could be used by Mueller as evidence of Trump's "corrupt intent" to prove obstruction, because it could indicate Trump's strong desire to relieve Flynn of criminal liability. A Manafort pardon wouldn't impact an obstruction case.)
To pursue a deal, Flynn would generally have to agree to waive his Fifth Amendment right and agree to an interview with Mueller's team. They would give him limited protection (called "proffer" protection) as to his statements. Mueller could use any leads he generated off of what Flynn said and could also the statements against him if Flynn said something different on the witness stand later. So defense attorneys don't bring their client in to seek cooperation unless they think they can get a deal.
To get a deal, Flynn would need to prove testimony that helped the government make a chargeable case against someone else. It's not enough for Flynn to try hard, although even his attempt to cooperate could be considered by the judge at sentencing.
Now that we know Flynn is trying to cooperate, the recent news that Mueller is looking at Flynn business partner Bijan Khan takes on new meaning. It's possible that Flynn has flipped on Khan, or that Khan's cooperation lead to Flynn's cooperation.
Obviously Mueller will push Flynn for information on everyone he is investigating, but the mere fact that Flynn is cooperating doesn't mean that Flynn's testimony is sufficient to charge any particular person. A completed deal would just mean SOMEONE else could be charged. A deal for Flynn would likely mean that Mueller would accept a guilty plea to a single felony charge and would potentially recommend a reduced sentence depending on the extent of his cooperation. It is unlikely to result in complete immunity.
Typically federal prosecutors require their cooperators to answer all questions on all subjects related to the investigation, so when someone "flips," it often generates many new leads and avenues to investigate. Flynn's cooperation would further lengthen the investigation. So Trump lawyer Ty Cobb's prediction that the entire investigation could wrap up shortly after the new year is looking worse by the minute.

thramos ::
No, da slišimo, zakaj je spolnost posebna kategorija? Kak dober nekatoliški argument me zanima.
Okoli Weinsteina je bil cel kup žensk, ki so "sporazumno prodajale svoje telo" predvsem zato, ker so bile obkrožene s takšnimi kreteni, kot ste tule. Saj so vedele, da se v tistih okoliščinah ne da upirat.
K sreči (predvsem pogumu nekaterih od njih) se tam takšno število kretenov zmanjšuje in so sedaj lahko tudi ostale obelodanile, da stisnjeni zobje pred kamero pač niso bili privolitev za roko na riti.
Ampak saj pravim - predam se. Pri nas vas je še preveč.

Looooooka ::
No no. Ne brani kurb.
če si bil tiho 20-30 let si pač navadna kurba.
Še hujše, kurba, ki je vedela, da se spravljajo tudi na mladoletne pa še zmeraj nisi naredila ničesar, ko si prilezla do položaja, ko je bilo to možno narediti.
Tole mahanje po kretenih brez, da se spravlja na te "žrtve" mi gre že pošteno na k*rac. V enem trenutku se je treba zavedat tudi svoje odgovornosti do družbe. S tem, da si tiho si kar se mene tiče aktivno sodeloval pri problemu.
Za enega kretena bi bilo treba sklatiti vsaj še 50 drugih, ki so bili zaradi denarja in slave tiho.
če si bil tiho 20-30 let si pač navadna kurba.
Še hujše, kurba, ki je vedela, da se spravljajo tudi na mladoletne pa še zmeraj nisi naredila ničesar, ko si prilezla do položaja, ko je bilo to možno narediti.
Tole mahanje po kretenih brez, da se spravlja na te "žrtve" mi gre že pošteno na k*rac. V enem trenutku se je treba zavedat tudi svoje odgovornosti do družbe. S tem, da si tiho si kar se mene tiče aktivno sodeloval pri problemu.
Za enega kretena bi bilo treba sklatiti vsaj še 50 drugih, ki so bili zaradi denarja in slave tiho.

jype ::
Okoli Weinsteina je bil cel kup žensk, ki so "sporazumno prodajale svoje telo" predvsem zato, ker so bile obkrožene s takšnimi kreteni, kot ste tule. Saj so vedele, da se v tistih okoliščinah ne da upirat.To ne drži. Posiljene so bile. Niso ga poklicale in mu ponudile spolnih uslug v zameno za dobre vloge, ampak si je on domišljal, ko so si dobre vloge že zaslužile s profesionalnostjo, da če delajo zanj, mu pripadajo tudi njihova telesa.
Je pa jasno, da če želiš politično diskreditirat človeka, moraš poskušat zabrisat razliko med tema dvema situacijama. Mislim, da se temu strokovno reče hinavstvo.
Saj veš, da si z: "Ne brani kurb." direktno med kreteni, zaradi katerih so žrtve tiho?Ja, je, zato jaz tega ne bi nikdar izjavil: Ti pa bi, ker si feminist samo dokler je Janković župan, potem pa ne boš več.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

thramos ::
To ne drži. Posiljene so bile. Niso ga poklicale in mu ponudile spolnih uslug v zameno za dobre vloge, ampak si je on domišljal, ko so si dobre vloge že zaslužile s profesionalnostjo, da če delajo zanj, mu pripadajo tudi njihova telesa.
Je pa jasno, da če želiš politično diskreditirat človeka, moraš poskušat zabrisat razliko med tema dvema situacijama. Mislim, da se temu strokovno reče hinavstvo.
Ene so prosile za vlogo, ena naj bi prosila za službo. Nekdo je v zameno za vlogo pričakoval njihovo telo, nekdo drug naj bi zahteval in nato dvakrat tudi dobil spolne usluge
Samo skrajni hinavec lahko išče razlike, da opraviči glas za svojega političnega predstavnika.
Ja, je, zato jaz tega ne bi nikdar izjavil: Ti pa bi, ker si feminist samo dokler je Janković župan, potem pa ne boš več.
Sploh se nimam za feminista, mi je pa povsem jasno kdaj naj bi šlo za spolno nasilje z zlorabo položaja. In bom vedno, tudi ko bo moj kandidat obtožen česa podobnega, proti njemu nastopil enako.
Iskati neke za lase privlečene razlike v početju vplivnežev, ker je en njegov, s strani človeka, ki naj bi drugače kao zagovarjal pravice žensk, pa je posebno gnusna hinavščina.

jype ::
Sploh se nimam za feminista, mi je pa povsem jasno kdaj naj bi šlo za spolno nasilje z zlorabo položaja. In bom vedno, tudi ko bo moj kandidat obtožen česa podobnega, proti njemu nastopil enako.Absolutno. Tako jasno ti je, da si pripravljen enačiti telefonski pogovor s posilstvom.
Iskati neke za lase privlečene razlike v početju vplivnežev, ker je en njegov, s strani človeka, ki naj bi drugače kao zagovarjal pravice žensk, pa je posebno gnusna hinavščina.Že to, da si se pripravljen zaradi politike spustiti na nivo potvarjanja dejstev, veliko pove o tem, kakšen odnos do žensk imaš v resnici.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

xmetallic ::
Ene so prosile za vlogo, ena naj bi prosila za službo. Nekdo je v zameno za vlogo pričakoval njihovo telo, nekdo drug naj bi zahteval in nato dvakrat tudi dobil spolne usluge
Eno je pričakovati, drugo je vzeti.
Če bi ti privlačna direktorica ponudila takojšnje napredovanje v službi če jo porihtaš... pa predvidevajmo da si samski. A ne bi združil prijetno s koristnim? Zakaj bi bilo v obratni smeri kaj drugače? Če lahko dobiš službo, napredovanje, plačo easy way zakaj tega ne bi izkoristil? Še vedno imaš možnost dalje garat za minimalca, ali pa zgrabiš priložnost in čez noč postaneš pomočnik direktorice z 2 kratnikom prejšnje plače.
Če se obe strani strinjata, in menita da od tega imata korist tle ni nič spornega.

jype ::
zakaj tega ne bi izkoristil?Ker gre za koruptivno dejanje.
Če se obe strani strinjata, in menita da od tega imata korist tle ni nič spornega.Zloraba položaja je vedno sporna, ostaja pa žalostno dejstvo, da se ji ne moreš izogniti tako, da glasuješ za koga drugega.

xmetallic ::
zakaj tega ne bi izkoristil?Ker gre za koruptivno dejanje.
Če se obe strani strinjata, in menita da od tega imata korist tle ni nič spornega.Zloraba položaja je vedno sporna, ostaja pa žalostno dejstvo, da se ji ne moreš izogniti tako, da glasuješ za koga drugega.
V primeru Jankovića gre za koruptivno dejanje, drži. Ker so mestne lekarne javni zavod. Če gre za zasebno podjetje pa v tem primeru ni nobenih znakov koruptivnega dejanja.

thramos ::
Absolutno. Tako jasno ti je, da si pripravljen enačiti telefonski pogovor s posilstvom.
Jaz? Kje? A spolni odnos, do katerega naj bi prišlo, je tudi potekal preko telefonskega pogovora?
Že to, da si se pripravljen zaradi politike spustiti na nivo potvarjanja dejstev, veliko pove o tem, kakšen odnos do žensk imaš v resnici.
Brez dvoma ti ne bo problema pokazat, katera dejstva naj bi potvarjal.
V resnici je ravno obratno. Ko gre za pravice (žensk), je meni vseeno kdo jih zlorablja, medtem ko ti, gnusno, zagovarjaš kršitev le zato, ker gre za tvojega kandidata. Kar je novo dno tvojega pisanja. Če se je tudi ob "metanju v fojbe" dalo sklepat, da ti na koncu še vedno gre za pravice tistih, ki so jih zlorabljali metani v fojbe, je ob tejle temi popolnoma jasno, da ti gre le za ideloški boj, saj z veseljem teptaš pravice žensk, ki jih v drugih temah tako veselo braniš.
In other news:
Ob dnevu boja proti nasilju nad ženskami pristojna ministrica izpostavlja ničelno toleranco do vseh oblik nasilja in poudarja, da tudi spolno nadlegovanje na delovnem mestu ni nedolžno dajanje komplimentov, temveč nezakonita zloraba moči. V okviru mednarodne akcije bo po več državah na nasilje nad ženskami opozarjala oranžna barva.
Ženske so spolnemu nadlegovanju na delovnem mestu izpostavljene, odkar so množično vstopile v sfero dela: iz zasebne se je nasilje preselilo v javno sfero. Spolno nadlegovanje tudi nima stalnega bivališča zgolj v hollywoodski industriji, prisotno je na vseh delovnih mestih, izpostavljene so mu ženske vseh starostnih skupin in na vseh stopnjah organizacijske položajne lestvice,"
Da naj bi nekdo zahteval in nato dvakrat tudi dobil spolne usluge, je seveda popolnoma druga zgodba.

Pobarvajte se oranžno.

Pac-Man ::
A veš tisto, ko Rusi o tvoji kandidaturi za predsednika govorijo januarja, ti pa poženeš lift šele junija?
Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016 @ Wikipedia
Definitiven dokaz o neobstoju povezav. No puppet. :)
Spet Agalarovi
Yulia Alferova was asked by Emin and Aras Agalarov, who helped arrange the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskyaka, to organize the social media operations of Miss Universe 2013. Alferova was with Trump nearly every step of the way in Moscow, as documented by various posts on social media:
According to the Daily Beast, Trump gave Alferova his personal business card and asked her to call whenever she was in New York. Tweets from Alferova’s verified Twitter account confirm that she has been in New York at least four times since the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow.
Aras Agalarov, a billionaire real estate developer, is close to Putin and was awarded the Order of Honor in 2013 for building a university complex for the Kremlin. Such projects, the Washington Post notes, “are sometimes completed at a loss to the developers, a price they pay in exchange for maintaining good relations with Russia’s highly centralized authorities.”
Potem je tu še tale zgovoren ruski spindoktor. Lahko naklada, ampak takle mamo.
Konstantin Rykov @ Wikipedia
Rykov together with Egor Lavrov created websites such as and and television programs such as the popular TV-Show “Star Factory”. Since 2002 he has been working as head of the Internet department of the First Channel of the state television, where he cooperated with art impresario Marat Gelman in a range of political Internet projects like and
Rykov's latest media projects include the production of electronic newspapers (Дни.Ру ) and Vzglyad (Взгляд), publication and promotion of controversial bestselling novelists Sergey Minaev and Eduard Bagirov, and support of Vladimir Putin via his websites (За Путина) and
On 2 December 2007, Rykov was elected as a deputy of the Duma representing Nizhny Novgorod as a candidate of pro-Kremlin party United Russia.
Za prevod objav klikni sem:
On November 12th 2016, just days after Donald Trump was elected President, a Russian man named Konstantin Rykov posted on Facebook detailing how, “Donald and I decided to free America and make it great again.” In a two part series that reads like a fantasy novel, Rykov illustrated in detail the four year effort to elect Trump.
Though the posts don’t directly confirm collusion with the Trump campaign, Rykov’s use of “we” and “our” strongly suggests some level of coordination.
The mention of working with WikiLeaks is especially interesting, given the fact that President Trump’s CIA Director Mike Pompeo has said that WikiLeaks is a “hostile intelligence service” acting as an arm of the Kremlin. A year after the election, it was revealed that Donald Trump Jr. was in contact with WikiLeaks and aided the organization in spreading the contents of the Russian hacking efforts.
The Kremlin propagandist’s influential position in the Kremlin was further established in 2015 when hacked text messages were released by Anonymous International that show continual discussion between Rykov and Putin adviser Timur Prokopenko — the head of the Russian domestic affairs department. The two men discuss a quid-pro-quo between French far-right leader Marine Le Pen and the Kremlin. Le Pen was to recognize the Russian annexation of Crimea as legitimate in exchange for Russian money in the form of large loans.
Rykov is one degree of separation away from Trump in two different areas. First, recall that during Trump’s trip to Moscow in 2013 he was seen with Yulya Alferova nearly every step of the way. (...) Alferova’s husband is tech entrepreneur Artem Klyushin who regularly corresponds with Rykov on social media. He was with Alferova and Trump throughout Trump’s time in Moscow. In March of 2016, Klyushin posted pictures with Rykov in what he called a “secret meeting.”
Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump is going to run for US presidency! OK! Not bad!
29 Jan 2015
Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016 @ Wikipedia
Trump formally announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, with a campaign rally and speech at Trump Tower in New York City.
Definitiven dokaz o neobstoju povezav. No puppet. :)
Spet Agalarovi
Yulia Alferova was asked by Emin and Aras Agalarov, who helped arrange the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskyaka, to organize the social media operations of Miss Universe 2013. Alferova was with Trump nearly every step of the way in Moscow, as documented by various posts on social media:
According to the Daily Beast, Trump gave Alferova his personal business card and asked her to call whenever she was in New York. Tweets from Alferova’s verified Twitter account confirm that she has been in New York at least four times since the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow.
Aras Agalarov, a billionaire real estate developer, is close to Putin and was awarded the Order of Honor in 2013 for building a university complex for the Kremlin. Such projects, the Washington Post notes, “are sometimes completed at a loss to the developers, a price they pay in exchange for maintaining good relations with Russia’s highly centralized authorities.”
Potem je tu še tale zgovoren ruski spindoktor. Lahko naklada, ampak takle mamo.
Konstantin Rykov @ Wikipedia
Rykov together with Egor Lavrov created websites such as and and television programs such as the popular TV-Show “Star Factory”. Since 2002 he has been working as head of the Internet department of the First Channel of the state television, where he cooperated with art impresario Marat Gelman in a range of political Internet projects like and
Rykov's latest media projects include the production of electronic newspapers (Дни.Ру ) and Vzglyad (Взгляд), publication and promotion of controversial bestselling novelists Sergey Minaev and Eduard Bagirov, and support of Vladimir Putin via his websites (За Путина) and
On 2 December 2007, Rykov was elected as a deputy of the Duma representing Nizhny Novgorod as a candidate of pro-Kremlin party United Russia.
Za prevod objav klikni sem:
On November 12th 2016, just days after Donald Trump was elected President, a Russian man named Konstantin Rykov posted on Facebook detailing how, “Donald and I decided to free America and make it great again.” In a two part series that reads like a fantasy novel, Rykov illustrated in detail the four year effort to elect Trump.
Though the posts don’t directly confirm collusion with the Trump campaign, Rykov’s use of “we” and “our” strongly suggests some level of coordination.
The mention of working with WikiLeaks is especially interesting, given the fact that President Trump’s CIA Director Mike Pompeo has said that WikiLeaks is a “hostile intelligence service” acting as an arm of the Kremlin. A year after the election, it was revealed that Donald Trump Jr. was in contact with WikiLeaks and aided the organization in spreading the contents of the Russian hacking efforts.
The Kremlin propagandist’s influential position in the Kremlin was further established in 2015 when hacked text messages were released by Anonymous International that show continual discussion between Rykov and Putin adviser Timur Prokopenko — the head of the Russian domestic affairs department. The two men discuss a quid-pro-quo between French far-right leader Marine Le Pen and the Kremlin. Le Pen was to recognize the Russian annexation of Crimea as legitimate in exchange for Russian money in the form of large loans.
Rykov is one degree of separation away from Trump in two different areas. First, recall that during Trump’s trip to Moscow in 2013 he was seen with Yulya Alferova nearly every step of the way. (...) Alferova’s husband is tech entrepreneur Artem Klyushin who regularly corresponds with Rykov on social media. He was with Alferova and Trump throughout Trump’s time in Moscow. In March of 2016, Klyushin posted pictures with Rykov in what he called a “secret meeting.”

xmetallic ::
A veš tisto, ko Rusi o tvoji kandidaturi za predsednika govorijo januarja, ti pa poženeš lift šele junija?
Trump formally announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, with a campaign rally and speech at Trump Tower in New York City.
Definitiven dokaz o neobstoju povezav. No puppet. :)
O kandidatih se začne govorit šele ko kandidat uradno pristopi h kandidaturi? V Sloveniji se je tudi tedne* prej govorilo o kandidatih še preden so ti sploh uradno vstopili v tekmo za predsednika. A če bo čez 4 leta Kanye West kandidiral boš isto pisal, da gre za ruske povezave? Čeprav je že leto nazaj objavil, da razmišlja o kandidaturi za predsednika.
*da bo Pahor kandidiral se je vedlo že leta prej. Hitro okrivit Ruse za vmešavanje v slovenske volitve. /s
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: xmetallic ()

Pac-Man ::
Demokracija je teorija, da navadni ljudje vedo, kaj potrebujejo in si tega zaslužijo.
In many ways, St Joseph, Mo., is Trump country.
Located about 55 miles north of Kansas City, the town of about 76,000 is almost 90% white.
Home to many of the “forgotten” Midwesterners attracted to Donald Trump’s rhetoric on immigration and trade, it duly rewarded the Republican insurgent. Trump won nearly 60% of the vote there in last year’s presidential election, increasing the margin of Mitt Romney’s narrow victory over Barack Obama in 2012.
Look closer however, and the appeal of “America First” walled off from the world becomes less clear. The unemployment rate in St. Joseph currently stands at 3.1%, below the national average of 4.1%. Astonishingly, more locals were engaged in the manufacturing trade in 2015 than 2000, census data show. The town’s Chamber of Commerce head, a former Texas émigré who’s hardly a egghead globalist, frets that the Trump White House will pull America out of NAFTA. “It would be devastating to the economy in the Midwest,” R. Patt Lilly tells Moneyish.
These businesses survived, indeed thrived, thanks to globalization. St. Joseph recorded $1.02 billion in exports in 2015, an increase of over 70% from $285 million a decade ago, according to the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center. About 17.6% of its exports went to Mexico or Canada. Nearly half of that—$531.45 million—was sent to countries that had enrolled in the Trans Pacific Partnership, an Obama Administration-supported free trade pact that Trump pulled the U.S. out of.
The benefits aren’t just concentrated among the management classes. St. Joseph reported median household income in 2015 of $43,298, almost 10% more than in 2010. (Median income statewide rose just 4.1% in the same period, according to Census data.) Whereas the town was once seen as a cheaper appendage to Kansas City, “wages are now very comparable,” says Lilly, adding that this trend is not just driven by low unemployment nationwide. “The reality is that jobs today require greater skill levels and employers have to pay more.”
That means that some remain left behind. “The job scene is awful and I wouldn’t recommend anyone live here,” says Salena Embrey, a high school-educated single mom who currently works as a chef at a residential care center. “It is the worst town and housing costs are way high.” Earlier this year, she launched a GoFundMe campaign seeking $900 to help get her own house.
In many ways, St Joseph, Mo., is Trump country.
Located about 55 miles north of Kansas City, the town of about 76,000 is almost 90% white.
Home to many of the “forgotten” Midwesterners attracted to Donald Trump’s rhetoric on immigration and trade, it duly rewarded the Republican insurgent. Trump won nearly 60% of the vote there in last year’s presidential election, increasing the margin of Mitt Romney’s narrow victory over Barack Obama in 2012.
Look closer however, and the appeal of “America First” walled off from the world becomes less clear. The unemployment rate in St. Joseph currently stands at 3.1%, below the national average of 4.1%. Astonishingly, more locals were engaged in the manufacturing trade in 2015 than 2000, census data show. The town’s Chamber of Commerce head, a former Texas émigré who’s hardly a egghead globalist, frets that the Trump White House will pull America out of NAFTA. “It would be devastating to the economy in the Midwest,” R. Patt Lilly tells Moneyish.
These businesses survived, indeed thrived, thanks to globalization. St. Joseph recorded $1.02 billion in exports in 2015, an increase of over 70% from $285 million a decade ago, according to the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center. About 17.6% of its exports went to Mexico or Canada. Nearly half of that—$531.45 million—was sent to countries that had enrolled in the Trans Pacific Partnership, an Obama Administration-supported free trade pact that Trump pulled the U.S. out of.
The benefits aren’t just concentrated among the management classes. St. Joseph reported median household income in 2015 of $43,298, almost 10% more than in 2010. (Median income statewide rose just 4.1% in the same period, according to Census data.) Whereas the town was once seen as a cheaper appendage to Kansas City, “wages are now very comparable,” says Lilly, adding that this trend is not just driven by low unemployment nationwide. “The reality is that jobs today require greater skill levels and employers have to pay more.”
That means that some remain left behind. “The job scene is awful and I wouldn’t recommend anyone live here,” says Salena Embrey, a high school-educated single mom who currently works as a chef at a residential care center. “It is the worst town and housing costs are way high.” Earlier this year, she launched a GoFundMe campaign seeking $900 to help get her own house.

Pac-Man ::
In še parafrazirano:
Demokracija je teorija, da stranke vedo, kaj volivci želijo in si zaslužijo posledic.
In this bastion of Virginia-brand conservatism, dozens of Democratic women roared on a recent night as their organization’s leader crowed over their party’s historic electoral triumph.
For the first time since 1961, Chesterfield County backed a Democrat for governor — and the driving forces in this Richmond suburb included women who defiantly trumpeted a political label their party has ducked for decades.
“Are we done?” Kim Drew Wright asked members of the organization that she and her allies christened the Liberal Women of Chesterfield County after President Trump’s election last year.
“Noooooo!” the women shouted back.
Until Gov.-elect Ralph Northam (D) won Chesterfield County three weeks ago, the stretch of suburban and rural communities southwest of Richmond had been considered reliably Republican.
Yet voters infuriated by Trump, many of them women and Hispanics who have migrated to the county in recent years, are redefining Chesterfield and alarming Virginia Republicans who have depended on the area to make up for the support the party lacks in urban areas.
The Liberal Women of Chesterfield County is an example of a new breed of Democratic activism in the Richmond suburbs. The group, which says it has admitted nearly 3,000 followers to its private Facebook page, has established 13 neighborhood chapters and canvassed more than 50,000 homes in a get-out-the-vote effort. On Election Day, the group worked with the local Democratic committee to staff all 75 of the county’s polling places, something that the local party on its own had previously been unable to accomplish.
“I wouldn’t have done this every day for the past year if I hadn’t gotten so angry about Trump,” said Wright, 46, a mother of three who observed politics from the sidelines before last year’s presidential election. “Once you wake up and see how important local elections are, it’s hard to go back to the shadows and stick your head in the sand. Now we have our eye on everybody, from dogcatcher on up.”
Wright and her allies insisted on including “liberal” in the group’s name, reviving a political brand that Republicans and even some Democrats have lampooned or avoided. “It was defiance,” she said. “My mission is to change that connotation of ‘liberal.’ ”
Demokracija je teorija, da stranke vedo, kaj volivci želijo in si zaslužijo posledic.
In this bastion of Virginia-brand conservatism, dozens of Democratic women roared on a recent night as their organization’s leader crowed over their party’s historic electoral triumph.
For the first time since 1961, Chesterfield County backed a Democrat for governor — and the driving forces in this Richmond suburb included women who defiantly trumpeted a political label their party has ducked for decades.
“Are we done?” Kim Drew Wright asked members of the organization that she and her allies christened the Liberal Women of Chesterfield County after President Trump’s election last year.
“Noooooo!” the women shouted back.
Until Gov.-elect Ralph Northam (D) won Chesterfield County three weeks ago, the stretch of suburban and rural communities southwest of Richmond had been considered reliably Republican.
Yet voters infuriated by Trump, many of them women and Hispanics who have migrated to the county in recent years, are redefining Chesterfield and alarming Virginia Republicans who have depended on the area to make up for the support the party lacks in urban areas.
The Liberal Women of Chesterfield County is an example of a new breed of Democratic activism in the Richmond suburbs. The group, which says it has admitted nearly 3,000 followers to its private Facebook page, has established 13 neighborhood chapters and canvassed more than 50,000 homes in a get-out-the-vote effort. On Election Day, the group worked with the local Democratic committee to staff all 75 of the county’s polling places, something that the local party on its own had previously been unable to accomplish.
“I wouldn’t have done this every day for the past year if I hadn’t gotten so angry about Trump,” said Wright, 46, a mother of three who observed politics from the sidelines before last year’s presidential election. “Once you wake up and see how important local elections are, it’s hard to go back to the shadows and stick your head in the sand. Now we have our eye on everybody, from dogcatcher on up.”
Wright and her allies insisted on including “liberal” in the group’s name, reviving a political brand that Republicans and even some Democrats have lampooned or avoided. “It was defiance,” she said. “My mission is to change that connotation of ‘liberal.’ ”
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()