Forum » Problemi človeštva » Primerna imigracijska politika Evrope
Primerna imigracijska politika Evrope
vostok_1 ::
Ker se smeti druge teme z to vsebino, mislim, da je boljše odpreti namensko temo. As always, unfunny, unproductive trolls, unwelcome.
Po vašem mnenju, kakšna bi bila primerna imigracijska politika, ki bi jo evropa morala uvesti?
Najpopularjenše so trenutno dve, vojake na mejo in streljat, ali pa zgradit prosto prehoden most čez gibraltar.
Can we devise something better than that?
Po vašem mnenju, kakšna bi bila primerna imigracijska politika, ki bi jo evropa morala uvesti?
Najpopularjenše so trenutno dve, vojake na mejo in streljat, ali pa zgradit prosto prehoden most čez gibraltar.
Can we devise something better than that?
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
- zaklenilo: zee ()
vostok_1 ::
To help you get started. Tu je moj okvirni načrt:
-Children, praktično prost vstop, v kolikor so pod 16. Nad 16, minimalni check glede backgrounda nazorov itd.
-Ženske. Skoraj prost vstop. Minimalni background check. Preverit politične nazore itd.
-Starci. Background check. Odvisno od zdravstvenega stanja. Zavrne se dokazane kriminalce, ali dela zmožne, nekompatibilne ljudi.
-Moški vojaških let. Največji filter:
*background check
*preverit ali imajo družino in če je le ta skupaj z njimi.
*preverit politične nazore
*preverit zdravstveno stanje
*preverit izobrazbo, finančno stanje itd.
V grobem, prednost bi imeli
+očetje skupaj z družino,
+visoko izobraženi,
+osebe, ki so poznane, niso sovražne oz. so prijateljske. Npr. ljudje tipa Hirsi Ali
+osebe ki potrebujejo resno medicinsko pomoč
Najmanj zaželjeni bi bili
+seveda teroristi
+moški vojaških let z neprimernimi svetovnimi nazori
+itd. you get the puicture.
tisti od teh zadnjih, ki bi šli skozi bi morali imeti trial period, kjer bi se morali podrejati rednim kontrolam iz strani ustrenih zavodov itd.
Država bi morala glede na njihovo (migrantovo) stanjem in zmožnostjo, zagotovit bodisi primerne nastanitve, medicinsko pomoč itd.
Glede integracijskih sposobnosti naše družbe pa zaenkrat še ne vem. Bi treba malo realne primere pogledat in naštudirat.
-Children, praktično prost vstop, v kolikor so pod 16. Nad 16, minimalni check glede backgrounda nazorov itd.
-Ženske. Skoraj prost vstop. Minimalni background check. Preverit politične nazore itd.
-Starci. Background check. Odvisno od zdravstvenega stanja. Zavrne se dokazane kriminalce, ali dela zmožne, nekompatibilne ljudi.
-Moški vojaških let. Največji filter:
*background check
*preverit ali imajo družino in če je le ta skupaj z njimi.
*preverit politične nazore
*preverit zdravstveno stanje
*preverit izobrazbo, finančno stanje itd.
V grobem, prednost bi imeli
+očetje skupaj z družino,
+visoko izobraženi,
+osebe, ki so poznane, niso sovražne oz. so prijateljske. Npr. ljudje tipa Hirsi Ali
+osebe ki potrebujejo resno medicinsko pomoč
Najmanj zaželjeni bi bili
+seveda teroristi
+moški vojaških let z neprimernimi svetovnimi nazori
+itd. you get the puicture.
tisti od teh zadnjih, ki bi šli skozi bi morali imeti trial period, kjer bi se morali podrejati rednim kontrolam iz strani ustrenih zavodov itd.
Država bi morala glede na njihovo (migrantovo) stanjem in zmožnostjo, zagotovit bodisi primerne nastanitve, medicinsko pomoč itd.
Glede integracijskih sposobnosti naše družbe pa zaenkrat še ne vem. Bi treba malo realne primere pogledat in naštudirat.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()
FTad ::
To se mi zdi najbolj smiselno. Sicer je bilo misljeno za ZDA ampak lahko apliciramo za Evropo in nicna toleranca v primeru krsitve le teh.
Any refugee wishing to come to America and receive free housing, food, medical etc. Must agree to the following:
1) Learn English! You and your wife must take free English classes 3 times a week. You will both be tested in one year. If you cannot communicate in English (You will be verbally tested and must be able to read and write English). If you do not pass, You and your entire family will be sent back to where ever you came from. NO EXCEPTIONS.
2) If you want to continue receiving a check, food stamps, housing and free medical You must work for the Government. If you are educated we will try to employ you in the profession you are competent in. Otherwise you will be expected to work a 40 hour week if you are physically able. Manual Labor of picking up trash on the sides of the road, fixing and building roads, restoring and repairing infrastructure of the US and helping to maintain all public and National Parks etc.... If your wife has no children, she must work as well a 40 hour week.
3) You can only have ONE WIFE and she must be on Birth Control or be practicing some sort of pregnancy prevention. She cannot get pregnant while you are being financially helped by the US Taxpayers. Once you can completely support your OWN family in every way - all by yourself, you are free to have more children. All Government Aid will immediately stop upon conception. If your wife gets pregnant during this time, you and your entire family will be sent back to wherever you came from. Or - you must work and support your family all on your own. All aid from US will immediately stop, no food stamps, no free medical and housing. If you can stay employed and support all your own family's needs - LEGALLY, you and your family can stay!
4) For 10 years you, your wife and children will be considered GUESTS OF THE USA. You will accept our Culture and assimilate to the AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE. You will not break any laws of OUR LAND, riot or protest in any form. You, your wife and family are NOT citizens of the USA, you are Guests of the USA so you will behave yourselves and not expect any immunity, special privileges or US citizens rights. If you want to stay in the USA you will obey the laws of OUR land. ONE STRIKE, you are out! No trial, no prison, no waste of OUR TAXPAYER MONEY. You, your kids and your entire family will be sent back to where ever you came from, courtesy of US Taxpayers.
5) You will be forced to learn and understand the Constitution of the United States. You will pledge allegiance to our flag and ONE NATION UNDER GOD. If you don't like this and do not agree with this, you will NOT receive US Citizenship and neither will ANY of your family, children born or unborn. You will be an Alien and will not have any rights of a UNITED STATES CITIZEN.
6) You may not beat, abuse - verbally or physically any woman, child or domestic animal. One strike, you are out! Wife and children will be offered immunity here and you will be sent back to where you came from - never to be able to return to the USA.
7) If you are caught colluding or sympathizing with Islamist Extremism or Terrorism in any way what's so ever, you and your family will be immediately deported.
8) You will be allowed to practice your religion freely in the privacy of your own home and in a church, temple or religious place. All religious practices will abide by the LAWS OF THE LAND, NO EXCEPTIONS. You will not be awarded any special privileges for prayer time, diet etc. If you have dietary or behavior restrictions, this must be approved and accepted by your Employer before you are employed. Nothing will change to accommodate you and your religious beliefs. You will not block or obstruct walkways, public areas in any way when practicing your Religion. You will be expected to work, take breaks and behave like every other US Citizen holding a job. You will not demand, prayer rooms or special privileges at all. When you are on your break - you can go outside and practice your religion peacefully as long as it does not infringe on any other citizens rights. When in public your face cannot be hidden, man or woman. Identification must be carried at all times.
9) During your first 5 years of residence in this Country, you, your spouse and children will be given/offered a free education on the profession of your choice at a local community college. If accepted, all adults enrolled in free education, will donate 5 hours a week to the University in maintaining the property. You must take advantage of this in the first 5 years of residency here in the USA. After 5 years, you will be expected to pay like everyone else. You will not be the recipient of any federal Grants or subsidies while an Alien.
10) Absolutely no forced marriages. No child under the age of 18 will be allowed to be married or promised to be married by any adult. No child or adult will be forced to marry anyone and will be fully protected under US Law.
11) No physical mutilation, disfigurement or abuse (of any kind) of any person, child or wife will be allowed regardless of Religious belief system. We allow religious freedom as long as it does not violate or infringe or harm any other person(s). One strike and you're out rule applies.
Any refugee wishing to come to America and receive free housing, food, medical etc. Must agree to the following:
1) Learn English! You and your wife must take free English classes 3 times a week. You will both be tested in one year. If you cannot communicate in English (You will be verbally tested and must be able to read and write English). If you do not pass, You and your entire family will be sent back to where ever you came from. NO EXCEPTIONS.
2) If you want to continue receiving a check, food stamps, housing and free medical You must work for the Government. If you are educated we will try to employ you in the profession you are competent in. Otherwise you will be expected to work a 40 hour week if you are physically able. Manual Labor of picking up trash on the sides of the road, fixing and building roads, restoring and repairing infrastructure of the US and helping to maintain all public and National Parks etc.... If your wife has no children, she must work as well a 40 hour week.
3) You can only have ONE WIFE and she must be on Birth Control or be practicing some sort of pregnancy prevention. She cannot get pregnant while you are being financially helped by the US Taxpayers. Once you can completely support your OWN family in every way - all by yourself, you are free to have more children. All Government Aid will immediately stop upon conception. If your wife gets pregnant during this time, you and your entire family will be sent back to wherever you came from. Or - you must work and support your family all on your own. All aid from US will immediately stop, no food stamps, no free medical and housing. If you can stay employed and support all your own family's needs - LEGALLY, you and your family can stay!
4) For 10 years you, your wife and children will be considered GUESTS OF THE USA. You will accept our Culture and assimilate to the AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE. You will not break any laws of OUR LAND, riot or protest in any form. You, your wife and family are NOT citizens of the USA, you are Guests of the USA so you will behave yourselves and not expect any immunity, special privileges or US citizens rights. If you want to stay in the USA you will obey the laws of OUR land. ONE STRIKE, you are out! No trial, no prison, no waste of OUR TAXPAYER MONEY. You, your kids and your entire family will be sent back to where ever you came from, courtesy of US Taxpayers.
5) You will be forced to learn and understand the Constitution of the United States. You will pledge allegiance to our flag and ONE NATION UNDER GOD. If you don't like this and do not agree with this, you will NOT receive US Citizenship and neither will ANY of your family, children born or unborn. You will be an Alien and will not have any rights of a UNITED STATES CITIZEN.
6) You may not beat, abuse - verbally or physically any woman, child or domestic animal. One strike, you are out! Wife and children will be offered immunity here and you will be sent back to where you came from - never to be able to return to the USA.
7) If you are caught colluding or sympathizing with Islamist Extremism or Terrorism in any way what's so ever, you and your family will be immediately deported.
8) You will be allowed to practice your religion freely in the privacy of your own home and in a church, temple or religious place. All religious practices will abide by the LAWS OF THE LAND, NO EXCEPTIONS. You will not be awarded any special privileges for prayer time, diet etc. If you have dietary or behavior restrictions, this must be approved and accepted by your Employer before you are employed. Nothing will change to accommodate you and your religious beliefs. You will not block or obstruct walkways, public areas in any way when practicing your Religion. You will be expected to work, take breaks and behave like every other US Citizen holding a job. You will not demand, prayer rooms or special privileges at all. When you are on your break - you can go outside and practice your religion peacefully as long as it does not infringe on any other citizens rights. When in public your face cannot be hidden, man or woman. Identification must be carried at all times.
9) During your first 5 years of residence in this Country, you, your spouse and children will be given/offered a free education on the profession of your choice at a local community college. If accepted, all adults enrolled in free education, will donate 5 hours a week to the University in maintaining the property. You must take advantage of this in the first 5 years of residency here in the USA. After 5 years, you will be expected to pay like everyone else. You will not be the recipient of any federal Grants or subsidies while an Alien.
10) Absolutely no forced marriages. No child under the age of 18 will be allowed to be married or promised to be married by any adult. No child or adult will be forced to marry anyone and will be fully protected under US Law.
11) No physical mutilation, disfigurement or abuse (of any kind) of any person, child or wife will be allowed regardless of Religious belief system. We allow religious freedom as long as it does not violate or infringe or harm any other person(s). One strike and you're out rule applies.
vostok_1 ::
Z nekaj malega se strinjam, veliko pa je malce za lase povlečeno. "One nation under god".
Mislim, da vem kake sorte oseba je to spisala.
Ob enem gre v neke detajle, po druge pa malo tu pa tam paca pa še kontradiktorno je ponekod.
Mislim, da vem kake sorte oseba je to spisala.
Ob enem gre v neke detajle, po druge pa malo tu pa tam paca pa še kontradiktorno je ponekod.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()
konspirator ::
Imajo Avstralci nekaj podobnega (če lahko najdeš) ?
Plus oni imajo točkovni sistem za migrante, ilegalni ostanejo na bližnjih otokih in sploh ne pridejo do celine.
V tem primeru postane Evropa čez 20 let nova Afrika/Bližnji vzhod z vsemi svojimi "čari", ki jih zavoljo ST multi-kulti čistoljubov ne bom omenjal.
Imajo Avstralci nekaj podobnega (če lahko najdeš) ?
Plus oni imajo točkovni sistem za migrante, ilegalni ostanejo na bližnjih otokih in sploh ne pridejo do celine.
ali pa zgradit prosto prehoden most čez gibraltar.
V tem primeru postane Evropa čez 20 let nova Afrika/Bližnji vzhod z vsemi svojimi "čari", ki jih zavoljo ST multi-kulti čistoljubov ne bom omenjal.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: konspirator ()
FTad ::
Z nekaj malega se strinjam, veliko pa je malce za lase povlečeno. "One nation under god".
Mislim, da vem kake sorte oseba je to spisala.
Ob enem gre v neke detajle, po druge pa malo tu pa tam paca pa še kontradiktorno je ponekod.
Ja v osnovi se mi zdi dobra iztocnica, kar se tice nicne tolerance za pizdarije, ter da folk dejansko nekaj dela (druzbeno koristna dela), da si zasluzi tisto socialo, ki jo dobivajo. Ce imajo resne namene ostati v tisti drzavi, jim ne bo problema se drzati pravil, ce se bodo pritozevali, se takoj ve, kam pes taco moli. Takih ne rabimo in grejo s prvim letalom tam, od koder so prisli.
vostok_1 ::
Pravila se morajo držat, ampak omenjena pravila so dokaj...nekonsistentna.
Nisem proti neki verzji, da bi v nekem začetnem obdobju delali za državo. Četudi nisem socialist, se mi v osnovi ne zdi to napačna ideja.
Tako ali drugače, bi končali v delih, ki jih domačini nočejo, vsaj pod državo bi imeli neko javno dostopno transparentnost. A say in it.
Neko obliko tega bi torej mirne volje inkorporiral v moj sistem.
Nisem proti neki verzji, da bi v nekem začetnem obdobju delali za državo. Četudi nisem socialist, se mi v osnovi ne zdi to napačna ideja.
Tako ali drugače, bi končali v delih, ki jih domačini nočejo, vsaj pod državo bi imeli neko javno dostopno transparentnost. A say in it.
Neko obliko tega bi torej mirne volje inkorporiral v moj sistem.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()
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