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Brain Buster

Brain Buster

(sic) ::

Tole sem našel na enem forumu. Pravijo, da je ekstremno težko.

You have to figure out how old everyone is by the clues given.

There are 15 people;
Katie, Charlie, Robin, Marie, Mary, Don, Britney, Amanda, Charles, Dave, Dan, Desiree, Tara, Jon and Mike.

-Don is 35.
-Robin is two times older than Dave but two years younger than Desiree.
-Mike is 1/4 of Desirees age.
-Jon plus Mikes age equals Taras age.
-Britney is half Jons age.
-Mike plus Desiree minus Britney is Marie's age.
-Marie is one year older then Robin.
-Charlie is 1/3 of Katies age.
-Mary is 8 years older than Katie and 11 years older then Amanda.
-Dan is twice Dons age and minus Charlies age.
-Charles is 1 year older than Marie and the same age as Desiree.
-No one is over 40.

Take your best guesses.
Fuck you all!!!

Brane2 ::

My best guess is da si neki za*ebu pri prepisu.


Don is 35.
Dan is twice Dons age and minus Charlies age.
No one is over 40.

Iz tega sledi, da ima Charlie vsaj 30 let.
Ker Dan ne more biti starejši od 40 in ker je dvakrat Don=70, mora biti Charli starejši od 30.

ker pa je

Charlie is 1/3 of Katies age.

pomeni, da je Katie ziher starejša od 90 let IN HKRATI MLAJŠA OD 41 LET.

Ni čudno da je stvar tok težka.
Nerešljiva, bi celo reku. :D

PS: Fuck you, too !!!!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Brane2 ()

(sic) ::

1. Brane2 tole je zate: link

2. Rekel sem, daje to iz enega foruma, nisem pa rekel, da je rešljivo. Če ni me boli k**ac :) Če pa tako rad rešujep tole pa vstavi eno drugo številko not ali nekaj... :) i don't give a shit!

Če pa hočeš rešljivo pa ti lahko poiščem nekaj res težkega pa se jebaj :)
Fuck you all!!!

Eschelon ::

Katie a, Charlie b, Robin c, Marie d, Mary e, Don f, Britney g, Amanda h, Charles i, Dave j, Dan k, Desiree m, Tara n, Jon o and Mike p

-Don is 35. (1)
-Robin is two times older than Dave but two years younger than Desiree. (2,3)
-Mike is 1/4 of Desirees age. (4)
-Jon plus Mikes age equals Taras age. (5)
-Britney is half Jons age. (6)
-Mike plus Desiree minus Britney is Marie's age. (7)
-Marie is one year older then Robin. (8)
-Charlie is 1/3 of Katies age. (9)
-Mary is 8 years older than Katie and 11 years older then Amanda. (10,11)
-Dan is twice Dons age and minus Charlies age. (12)
-Charles is 1 year older than Marie and the same age as Desiree. (13,14)
-No one is over 40. Neenačba za omejitev števila rešitev.

15 spremenljivk, 14 enačb, 1 neenačba. Razen, če ni konfliktov znotraj sistema (Brane2), se bo dalo vse izraziti z (najmanj) eno spremenljivko. Potem naj bi zadnja neenačba popucala vse razen ene možnosti (al pa omejila rešitve na nek interval).

(1) f=35
(2) c=2*j
(3) c=m-2
(4) p=m/4
(5) o+p=n
(6) g=o/2
(7) p+m-g=d
(8) d=c+1
(9) b=a/3


Ja ja.... fovš je tole.

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