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Global warming
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Okapi ::
tipičen primer je Nikola Tesla, ki je umrl reven ko pes in zapuščen od vsehTo je recimo tipčen primer mita, ki sploh ne drži.
Nikola Tesla je zadnjih 10 let, do smrti, živel v apartmaju (oziroma točneje rečeno, imel je dve sosednji sobi - 3327 in 3328) v 33. nadstropju hotela New Yorker. V eni sobi je imel pisarno, v drugi spalnico. Hotel New Yorker je bil takrat eden od najboljših oziroma najsodobnejših hotelov v New Yorku (in na svetu). Je v strogem centru New Yorka, blizu Empire State Buildinga. Odprli so ga leta 1930 in je bil vrsto let tudi največji hotel v New Yorku.
Ko je Tesla živel v njem, je bil torej hotel še čisto nov, in na višku svoje slave (ki je potem res precej zbledela).
Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, the hotel was among New York's most fashionable. The New York Observer noted that in the building's heyday, "actors, celebrities, athletes, politicians, mobsters, the shady and the luminous--the entire Brooklyn Dodgers roster during the glory seasons--would stalk the bars and ballrooms, or romp upstairs
Za nekoga, ki deset let živi v apartmaju v enem od najimenitnejših hotelov v New Yorku, bi zelo težko rekli, da je "reven ko pes".
Tudi ni res, da je bil "zapuščen od vseh". Oziroma kolikor je bil, je bil čisto po svoji krivdi, ker je bil pač čudak. Jugoslovanska (kraljeva) vlada mu je recimo plačevala spodobno pokojnino, ki je pa ni dvigoval, ker je bil skregan z veleposlanikom.
Spajky ::
...Za nekoga, ki deset let živi v apartmaju v enem od najimenitnejših hotelov v New Yorku, bi zelo težko rekli, da je "reven ko pes".Obogateli Westinghous-ovi dediči oz.njih podedovana firma so mu plačevali za vse njegove skromne potrebe (ko si tolko star, ne rabiš kaj dosti!) + minimalno žepnino - so se vsaj etično obnašali tako kot stari Westinghous, ki je za svoje delavce v fabrikah zgledno skrbel nasproti ostalim kapitalistom takrat; vsaka jim čast, čeprav je bilo to za njih manjše zlo kot takrat lahko javna sramota/crna pika na njihovem ugledu. To bi pa lahko že vedel
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...
Okapi ::
V resnici je precej nejasnosti, kdo in koliko ga je financiral na stara leta, in kaj je Tesla pravzaprav počel z denarjem. Dejstvo je, da je zadnjih deset let (1933-1943) živel v apartmaju enega od najimenitnejših ameriških hotelov in že samo po tem bi lahko človek sklepal, da prav hudega mu v resnici ni bilo.
Hotel naj bi mu plačeval Westinghouse (čeprav naj bi po enem podatku na koncu Tesla dolgoval plačilo za zadnje leto, tako da ni čisto jasno, kako so mu plačevali te hotelske stroške), + 125 dolarjev "žepnine" na mesec. Od leta 1936 je dobival tudi jugoslovansko pokojnino, 600 dolarjev mesečno. Se moram pa popravit, to jugoslovansko penzijo je dvigoval, samo menda zelo nerad, ker je bil med drugim skregan z veleposlanikom.
Te vsote je sicer težko natančno preračunati v današnji denar, ampak glede na povprečne življenjske stroške naj bi bilo 725 tedanjih dolarjev kakšnih 10.000 današnjih dolarjev. Kar ni ravno neka miloščina.
Za primerjavo, leta 1934 je bila povprečna plača ameriškega inženirja dobrih 200 dolarjev mesečno.
Pred tem je zavrnil povabilo Lenina, da pride v Sovjetsko zvezo, kjer bi mu dali vse, kar bi hotel. Skratka, lahko bi imel precej več, kot je imel, pa zaradi svojega čudaštva ni imel. Vsiliti mu pa denarja oziroma pomoči tudi ne moreš, če je noče.
Slovensko-ameriški pisatelj Luj Adamič je recimo tik pred Teslovo smrtjo pisal nekdanjemu ameriškemu predsedniku Herbertu Hooverju, da bi bilo lepo, če bi malo bolj poskrbeli za betežnega izumitelja. Ampak naj bi to storili tako, da Tesla ne bi opazil, da mu pomagajo.
Hotel naj bi mu plačeval Westinghouse (čeprav naj bi po enem podatku na koncu Tesla dolgoval plačilo za zadnje leto, tako da ni čisto jasno, kako so mu plačevali te hotelske stroške), + 125 dolarjev "žepnine" na mesec. Od leta 1936 je dobival tudi jugoslovansko pokojnino, 600 dolarjev mesečno. Se moram pa popravit, to jugoslovansko penzijo je dvigoval, samo menda zelo nerad, ker je bil med drugim skregan z veleposlanikom.
Te vsote je sicer težko natančno preračunati v današnji denar, ampak glede na povprečne življenjske stroške naj bi bilo 725 tedanjih dolarjev kakšnih 10.000 današnjih dolarjev. Kar ni ravno neka miloščina.
Za primerjavo, leta 1934 je bila povprečna plača ameriškega inženirja dobrih 200 dolarjev mesečno.
Pred tem je zavrnil povabilo Lenina, da pride v Sovjetsko zvezo, kjer bi mu dali vse, kar bi hotel. Skratka, lahko bi imel precej več, kot je imel, pa zaradi svojega čudaštva ni imel. Vsiliti mu pa denarja oziroma pomoči tudi ne moreš, če je noče.
Slovensko-ameriški pisatelj Luj Adamič je recimo tik pred Teslovo smrtjo pisal nekdanjemu ameriškemu predsedniku Herbertu Hooverju, da bi bilo lepo, če bi malo bolj poskrbeli za betežnega izumitelja. Ampak naj bi to storili tako, da Tesla ne bi opazil, da mu pomagajo.
... he needs someone to take care of him personally without seeming to; someone who could also follow his current notes and experiments and preserve what may be of value in them.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Okapi ()
Spajky ::
... Pri njegovih 73 letih se je zgodil še 1929 WS fin.kreš poleg ostalega ... z ljudmi podobnih starosti pa imam kar nekaj izkušenj; vsem se po malo bluzi že takrat, enim več, enim manj glede pomoči ... končujem off topic, ker sva šla že preveč izven teme
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...
denisd ::
Global Cooling Forecast 2020-2030 & Full Societal Collapse
Orbitalni diagrami in prekrivajoči cikli & efekt na različne cikle(solarne, oceanske, vulkanske, ipd.).
Orbitalni diagrami in prekrivajoči cikli & efekt na različne cikle(solarne, oceanske, vulkanske, ipd.).
Spajky ::
Vsako mnenje je dobrodošlo za napeti možganske vijuge
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...
vostok_1 ::
Global warming je posledica genetsko inženiranih, flatulacijskih mikrobov, ki jih je CIA prek nutelle vcepila v naša črevesja.
jype ::
O, lej, Stephen Hawking je tudi "antropowarmer"!
Kdo bi si mislu, da je lahko tako inteligenten posameznik tako zelo zabit, da ne zna niti na grobo pravilno ocenit dejstev iz morja podatkov, ki so na voljo?
Al pa se mogoče motijo tisti drugi? Kdo bi vedel?
Kdo bi si mislu, da je lahko tako inteligenten posameznik tako zelo zabit, da ne zna niti na grobo pravilno ocenit dejstev iz morja podatkov, ki so na voljo?
Al pa se mogoče motijo tisti drugi? Kdo bi vedel?
Gavran ::
O, lej, Stephen Hawking je tudi "antropowarmer"!
Kdo bi si mislu, da je lahko tako inteligenten posameznik tako zelo zabit, da ne zna niti na grobo pravilno ocenit dejstev iz morja podatkov, ki so na voljo?
Al pa se mogoče motijo tisti drugi? Kdo bi vedel?
Si prepričan, da ima Hawking vse podatke? Kolikor vem, človek ne more premakniti niti mezinca, torej ima na voljo tiste podatke, ki mu jih servirajo. "Dokaze" o segrevanju nam rinejo v glavo na vsakem koraku, za nasprotne pa se je treba malo potruditi.
Bodimo strpni do virusov. Tudi virusi gripe, prehlada in AIDSa morajo živeti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Gavran ()
AnitaTrump ::
US science agency refuses request for climate records
cudno, glede na to da je vsem jasno kako je ze cel new york pod morjem in bi samo bedak lahko sklepal da nimajo pojma kaj trobijo.
cudno, glede na to da je vsem jasno kako je ze cel new york pod morjem in bi samo bedak lahko sklepal da nimajo pojma kaj trobijo.
jype ::
WarpedOne> There is this guy Krauss...
Ki pravi, da je globalno segrevanje verjetno posledica človekovega izpuščanja toplogrednih plinov v ozračje, ja.
Gavran> Si prepričan, da ima Hawking vse podatke?
Glede na to da ima računalnik in dostop do interneta in zna prebrat številke z ekrana, sem v to prepričan.
Ki pravi, da je globalno segrevanje verjetno posledica človekovega izpuščanja toplogrednih plinov v ozračje, ja.
Gavran> Si prepričan, da ima Hawking vse podatke?
Glede na to da ima računalnik in dostop do interneta in zna prebrat številke z ekrana, sem v to prepričan.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
WarpedGone ::
Ki pravi, da je globalno segrevanje verjetno posledica človekovega izpuščanja toplogrednih plinov v ozračje, ja.
Je zamudu priložnost, da bi ostal tiho in ne postrelil cele črede kozlov.
When he speaks about physics and black holes he does seem to know what he is talking about, he knows the subject and I cannot fault him there; but when he gets onto the subject of climate he seems to turn into a complete idiot - a non-scientific dogmatist.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe
denisd ::
NASA - The "Mystery" of Antarctic Cooling.
NASA scientists Walt Meier and Nathan Kurtz are baffled by the "Mystery" of just why the Antarctic simply refuses to warm.
Instead, it's been cooling for decades!
Their CO2-driven computer models insist that it has to be warming!
It must be! After all; The Science is "Settled" - isn't it?
This is the "Mystery of Antarctica"!
The "Canary in the Coal Mine"!
I will explain just why the Antarctic refuses to warm, and why this means that the Enhanced Carbon Dioxide hypothesis (CAGW) has to be thrown out.
300 scientists want NOAA to stop hiding its global warming data
NASA scientists Walt Meier and Nathan Kurtz are baffled by the "Mystery" of just why the Antarctic simply refuses to warm.
Instead, it's been cooling for decades!
Their CO2-driven computer models insist that it has to be warming!
It must be! After all; The Science is "Settled" - isn't it?
This is the "Mystery of Antarctica"!
The "Canary in the Coal Mine"!
I will explain just why the Antarctic refuses to warm, and why this means that the Enhanced Carbon Dioxide hypothesis (CAGW) has to be thrown out.
300 scientists want NOAA to stop hiding its global warming data
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: denisd ()
denisd ::
Redistribution of wealth. Can not be.
Tole tudi paše sem, da se vidi malo profil teh okultistov!
Tole tudi paše sem, da se vidi malo profil teh okultistov!
denisd ::
Sun not CO2 causes climate change
Hans Schreuder: Final Analysis: Climate Change - Man-made or not?
Why It's Not Carbon Dioxide
Why La Nina, the ugly step-sister of El Nino, may be coming our way
UpDate -UAH Lower Troposphere
2016 is +0.54 deg. C, up from the December, 2015 value of +0.45 deg. C
The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 13 months are:
2015 01 +0.30 +0.44 +0.15 +0.13
2015 02 +0.19 +0.34 +0.04 -0.07
2015 03 +0.18 +0.28 +0.07 +0.04
2015 04 +0.09 +0.19 -0.01 +0.08
2015 05 +0.27 +0.34 +0.20 +0.27
2015 06 +0.31 +0.38 +0.25 +0.46
2015 07 +0.16 +0.29 +0.03 +0.48
2015 08 +0.25 +0.20 +0.30 +0.53
2015 09 +0.23 +0.30 +0.16 +0.55
2015 10 +0.41 +0.63 +0.20 +0.53
2015 11 +0.33 +0.44 +0.22 +0.52
2015 12 +0.45 +0.53 +0.37 +0.61
2016 01 +0.54 +0.70 +0.39 +0.85
We are now approaching peak warmth in the tropics due to El Nino conditions. Only time will tell if warming continues for a few more months, or whether January was the peak.
Hans Schreuder: Final Analysis: Climate Change - Man-made or not?
Why It's Not Carbon Dioxide
Why La Nina, the ugly step-sister of El Nino, may be coming our way
UpDate -UAH Lower Troposphere
2016 is +0.54 deg. C, up from the December, 2015 value of +0.45 deg. C
The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 13 months are:
2015 01 +0.30 +0.44 +0.15 +0.13
2015 02 +0.19 +0.34 +0.04 -0.07
2015 03 +0.18 +0.28 +0.07 +0.04
2015 04 +0.09 +0.19 -0.01 +0.08
2015 05 +0.27 +0.34 +0.20 +0.27
2015 06 +0.31 +0.38 +0.25 +0.46
2015 07 +0.16 +0.29 +0.03 +0.48
2015 08 +0.25 +0.20 +0.30 +0.53
2015 09 +0.23 +0.30 +0.16 +0.55
2015 10 +0.41 +0.63 +0.20 +0.53
2015 11 +0.33 +0.44 +0.22 +0.52
2015 12 +0.45 +0.53 +0.37 +0.61
2016 01 +0.54 +0.70 +0.39 +0.85
We are now approaching peak warmth in the tropics due to El Nino conditions. Only time will tell if warming continues for a few more months, or whether January was the peak.
slotechar ::
Ena izmed teorij je tudi ta, da se v zadnjih letih res pojavljajo globalne spremembe z anomalijami. To nekateri pojasnjujejo tako, da so svetovne velesile ze zmozne in da tudi ze leta uporabljajo geoinzeniring za razlicne namene. Lahko izboljsujejo naravne pogoje za lastno agrokulturo oziroma to pocnejo kot placljivo storitev za narocnike.
Nekateri gredo se bolj dalec in pravijo, da geoinzeniring uporabljajo tudi za unicevanje konkurence, zmanjsevanje svetovne ponudbe, tako da lahko prodajo svojo robo se drazje. Ali pa celo kot novodobno vojno orozje za zastrasevanje neposlusnih drzav.
Nekateri gredo se bolj dalec in pravijo, da geoinzeniring uporabljajo tudi za unicevanje konkurence, zmanjsevanje svetovne ponudbe, tako da lahko prodajo svojo robo se drazje. Ali pa celo kot novodobno vojno orozje za zastrasevanje neposlusnih drzav.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slotechar ()
denisd ::
ENSO Report;
The Australian BOM's February ENSO has left a lot of people with egg on their face. Most of the Idiots that were proclaiming a ''Monster'' ''Godzilla'' El-MOJO cant be seen. Most are silent, some are back peddling, none have apologised for ignoring the data and going with the hype.
It seems climate Alarmists know no shame.
''Issued on 16 February 2016 | Product Code IDCKGEWW00
The 2015-16 El Ni?o continues its gradual decline. Sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean are cooling, and beneath the surface, cooler-than-average waters are advancing into the eastern Pacific. The atmosphere is also showing some signs of a declining El Ni?o. Trade winds are now the strongest they have been in nearly two years....''
There is no Monster El-Nino and there will not be. This El-Nino will go down as a strong event definitely in the top 3 but its effects will be weak to moderate.
What is worse is the coming La-Nina the models are showing an accelerated cooling when initialised with the latest data all models are underestimating how quickly the SST and now the Atmosphere is cooling.
Recent temperatures in the Tropics indicate that unless there us a burst of warming (unlikely) we could be looking at La-Nina conditions by August.
@slotechar; Sem seznanjen z GI. Težko rečt karkoli. Lahko, da je kaj na tem, samo ? kako dobri so pri tem in kaj je dejansko namen tega!! Eni znajo it včasih preveč v skrajnost -in je vsaka nevihta, naliv, metež, ciklon, ipd. avtomatsko GI... Kar se pa tiče teh klimatskih sprememb, ki so se začele dogajati, pa vseeno mislim, da je v večini posledica naravnih ciklov in da je solarna hibernacija & stem nekaj 10-letno ohlajanje, možno! Po tem super-El Nino 2015, bomo vidli v katero smer gremo, pa zelo pomemben bo tudi solarni cikel 25, ki bo peak-iral nekje 2022-25.
Pustimo za1x Illuminate -in ostala okultna/skrivna društva, so precej kompleksna stvar in poglavje za sebe.
The Australian BOM's February ENSO has left a lot of people with egg on their face. Most of the Idiots that were proclaiming a ''Monster'' ''Godzilla'' El-MOJO cant be seen. Most are silent, some are back peddling, none have apologised for ignoring the data and going with the hype.
It seems climate Alarmists know no shame.
''Issued on 16 February 2016 | Product Code IDCKGEWW00
The 2015-16 El Ni?o continues its gradual decline. Sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean are cooling, and beneath the surface, cooler-than-average waters are advancing into the eastern Pacific. The atmosphere is also showing some signs of a declining El Ni?o. Trade winds are now the strongest they have been in nearly two years....''
There is no Monster El-Nino and there will not be. This El-Nino will go down as a strong event definitely in the top 3 but its effects will be weak to moderate.
What is worse is the coming La-Nina the models are showing an accelerated cooling when initialised with the latest data all models are underestimating how quickly the SST and now the Atmosphere is cooling.
Recent temperatures in the Tropics indicate that unless there us a burst of warming (unlikely) we could be looking at La-Nina conditions by August.
@slotechar; Sem seznanjen z GI. Težko rečt karkoli. Lahko, da je kaj na tem, samo ? kako dobri so pri tem in kaj je dejansko namen tega!! Eni znajo it včasih preveč v skrajnost -in je vsaka nevihta, naliv, metež, ciklon, ipd. avtomatsko GI... Kar se pa tiče teh klimatskih sprememb, ki so se začele dogajati, pa vseeno mislim, da je v večini posledica naravnih ciklov in da je solarna hibernacija & stem nekaj 10-letno ohlajanje, možno! Po tem super-El Nino 2015, bomo vidli v katero smer gremo, pa zelo pomemben bo tudi solarni cikel 25, ki bo peak-iral nekje 2022-25.
Pustimo za1x Illuminate -in ostala okultna/skrivna društva, so precej kompleksna stvar in poglavje za sebe.
denisd ::
ENSO report;
The experts finally catch up with what I have been saying for months.
It is embarrassing being correct all the time!
''New NOAA forecast suggests current El Ni?o will fade fast, and be replaced by a strong cooling La Ni?a this year''
As you all know I have been watching this El-Nino closely. Pacific SST peaked in November since then the El-Nino as morphed into a CP event with temperatures in the Nino4 region propping up 3.4 region.
The media has to a large extent ignored this detail and pretended we are seeing a repeat of the 97/98 El-Nino. The Mainstream media would rather peddle climate alarm than report objectively!
Pakistan Government Warns It's Citizens to Prepare for Global Cooling.
The experts finally catch up with what I have been saying for months.
It is embarrassing being correct all the time!
''New NOAA forecast suggests current El Ni?o will fade fast, and be replaced by a strong cooling La Ni?a this year''
As you all know I have been watching this El-Nino closely. Pacific SST peaked in November since then the El-Nino as morphed into a CP event with temperatures in the Nino4 region propping up 3.4 region.
The media has to a large extent ignored this detail and pretended we are seeing a repeat of the 97/98 El-Nino. The Mainstream media would rather peddle climate alarm than report objectively!
Pakistan Government Warns It's Citizens to Prepare for Global Cooling.
denisd ::
The "Pause" in global warming is real - not an urban myth concocted by evil 'deniers' - a study has found, signalling the development of a major schism within the climate alarmist camp. -Now Even Michael Mann Admits The 'Pause' In Global Warming Is Real; Throws Allies To Wolves.
History Of NASA/NOAA Temperature Corruption. NASA/NOAA a.k.a The data Tuners. A vidi kdo trik? -počasno eliminiranje prvega warm-peaka(1905-1940) in coold perioda(1940-1975) v prejšnjem stoletju. -Hockey stick.
Malo za razvreditev;
Disney Predicts Global Cooling in Zootopia. Walt Disney btw High-Degree Freemason.
History Of NASA/NOAA Temperature Corruption. NASA/NOAA a.k.a The data Tuners. A vidi kdo trik? -počasno eliminiranje prvega warm-peaka(1905-1940) in coold perioda(1940-1975) v prejšnjem stoletju. -Hockey stick.
Malo za razvreditev;
Disney Predicts Global Cooling in Zootopia. Walt Disney btw High-Degree Freemason.
innerspace ::
Jutri bo Alkalaj predaval v Kopru:
"Vabljeni na predavanje Mit o globalnem ogrevanju. Predaval bo Mišo Alkalaj, matematik na Inštitutu Jožef Štefan.
Kdaj in kje? Sreda, 22. junij 2016, ob 19h v Središču Rotunda, Koper
Izmenjava energije: 2 / 3 euro "
"Vabljeni na predavanje Mit o globalnem ogrevanju. Predaval bo Mišo Alkalaj, matematik na Inštitutu Jožef Štefan.
Kdaj in kje? Sreda, 22. junij 2016, ob 19h v Središču Rotunda, Koper
Izmenjava energije: 2 / 3 euro "
Donate BTC here: 35KR84u3rXN3in1kCw9YHRz4WF3r5kfFF4
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: innerspace ()
slotechar ::
Bill Nye, The Science Guy, je odprt do ideje, da bi tiste, ki zanikajo global climate change konsenzus, zaprli v zapor.
20 znanstvenikov prosi Obamo, da skeptike kriminalno preganjajo.
20 znanstvenikov prosi Obamo, da skeptike kriminalno preganjajo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slotechar ()
vostok_1 ::
Dokaz, da tudi taki butnejo vn kake debilne.
Come on guys, this is not the 90' anymore, ko mora bazirat tvoje mnenje na par javnih personah. Znanja je dovolj, da si sami ustvarite sliko.
Come on guys, this is not the 90' anymore, ko mora bazirat tvoje mnenje na par javnih personah. Znanja je dovolj, da si sami ustvarite sliko.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()
denisd ::
*Area Of Thick Arctic Ice Has Tripled In Four Years
*35 New Scientific Publications Confirm Ocean Cycles, Sun Are Main Climate Drivers
*Atmosferski fizik, Prof. Murry Salby: Atmospheric Carbon, 18 July 2016, University College London
*35 New Scientific Publications Confirm Ocean Cycles, Sun Are Main Climate Drivers
*Atmosferski fizik, Prof. Murry Salby: Atmospheric Carbon, 18 July 2016, University College London
denisd ::
Professor Valentina Zharkova:
We will see it from 2020 to 2053, when the three next cycles will be very reduced magnetic field of the sun. Basically what happens is these two waves, they separate into the opposite hemispheres and they will not be interacting with each other, which means that resulting magnetic field will drop dramatically nearly to zero. And this will be a similar conditions like in Maunder Minimum.
What will happen to the Earth remains to be seen and predicted because nobody has developed any program or any models of terrestrial response - they are based on this period when the sun has maximum activity -- when the sun has these nice fluctuations, and its magnetic field [is] very strong. But we're approaching to the stage when the magnetic field of the sun is going to be very, very small.
Solar physicist sees global cooling ahead
Recent research by Professor Valentina Zharkova (Northumbria University) and colleagues has shed new light on the inner workings of the Sun. If correct, this new discovery means that future solar cycles and variations in the Sun's activity can be predicted more accurately.
The research suggests that the next three solar cycles will see solar activity reduce significantly into the middle of the century, producing conditions similar to those last seen in the 1600s - during the Maunder Minimum. This may have implications for temperatures here on Earth. Future solar cycles will serve as a test of the astrophysicists' work, but some climate scientists have not welcomed the research and even tried to suppress the new findings.
We will see it from 2020 to 2053, when the three next cycles will be very reduced magnetic field of the sun. Basically what happens is these two waves, they separate into the opposite hemispheres and they will not be interacting with each other, which means that resulting magnetic field will drop dramatically nearly to zero. And this will be a similar conditions like in Maunder Minimum.
What will happen to the Earth remains to be seen and predicted because nobody has developed any program or any models of terrestrial response - they are based on this period when the sun has maximum activity -- when the sun has these nice fluctuations, and its magnetic field [is] very strong. But we're approaching to the stage when the magnetic field of the sun is going to be very, very small.
Solar physicist sees global cooling ahead
Recent research by Professor Valentina Zharkova (Northumbria University) and colleagues has shed new light on the inner workings of the Sun. If correct, this new discovery means that future solar cycles and variations in the Sun's activity can be predicted more accurately.
The research suggests that the next three solar cycles will see solar activity reduce significantly into the middle of the century, producing conditions similar to those last seen in the 1600s - during the Maunder Minimum. This may have implications for temperatures here on Earth. Future solar cycles will serve as a test of the astrophysicists' work, but some climate scientists have not welcomed the research and even tried to suppress the new findings.
vostok_1 ::
Jz sem believer glede teh solarnih ciklov, zato bom se pripravil kolikor le lahko za potencialnih 30 let hladnejšega obdobja.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
denisd ::
zgleda, da bomo priča eksperimentu kaj pomeni kombinacija slabe/pod-povprečne(!!) solarne aktivnosti in negativnih oceanskih ciklov(ENSO, PDO, AMO).
V 70tih je bla kombinacija; 1 povprečni solarni cikel in negativni oceanski cikli, pa je bila ice age coming propaganda. Tu so bile celo popularne teorije kao globalno ohlajanje zaradi fosilnih goriv -izpusti aerosolov. Kdo se je poglabljal v efekt vulkanskih izbrohov in vpliv na globalno ohlajanje, ve zakaj ta teorija(/izpusti aerosolov iz fosilnih goriv) ne drži vode. Zanimivo pa je to, da so astrofiziki v tem času napovedali, da ne bo prišlo do ledene dobe in da bo po povprečnem s.c prišlo zopet do 3eh nad-povprečno aktivnih s.c. in šele nato solarna hibernacija.
Top 10 Climate Change Lies Exposed
V 70tih je bla kombinacija; 1 povprečni solarni cikel in negativni oceanski cikli, pa je bila ice age coming propaganda. Tu so bile celo popularne teorije kao globalno ohlajanje zaradi fosilnih goriv -izpusti aerosolov. Kdo se je poglabljal v efekt vulkanskih izbrohov in vpliv na globalno ohlajanje, ve zakaj ta teorija(/izpusti aerosolov iz fosilnih goriv) ne drži vode. Zanimivo pa je to, da so astrofiziki v tem času napovedali, da ne bo prišlo do ledene dobe in da bo po povprečnem s.c prišlo zopet do 3eh nad-povprečno aktivnih s.c. in šele nato solarna hibernacija.
Top 10 Climate Change Lies Exposed
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: denisd ()
denisd ::
97% of the scientists that rewrote US temperature history believe in man-made climate change. lol.
97% of the scientists that rewrote US temperature history believe in man-made climate change. lol.
denisd ::
A small sensation goes unnoticed by the press: Solar activity indeed reached maximum value in late 20th century.
Previously it was constantly claimed that solar activity couldn't possibly have anything to do with the warming of the late 20th century because both curves fully diverged from each other. As proof, the following charts from Wikipedia were used.
The problem
Solar activity is not made up merely by the shaky sunspots. The above figure is an update from 2014 and was provided by a user with a less than trustworthy name of "Kopiersperre".
But it gets even better. The sun not only reached its maximum at the end of the 20th century, but was apparently stronger than at any time over the past 10,000 years. Matthes et al.
Mysterious retreat
By the way, the unusually powerful solar activity in the second half of the 20th century had been already reported on by Sami Solanki in Nature here more than 10 years ago. Afterwards he mysteriously retreated from the climate discussion. Is this perhaps the reason why solar scientists operate almost unnoticed below the media radar?
Discomforting questions
The unexpectedly strong sun casts especially discomforting questions that some would just prefer to dodge. Couldn't the high solar activity have something to do with the 1980-2000 warming after all?
In any case, now no one can insist that the solar activity and temperature curves diverge and thus refute the relationship. The attribution has to be re-examined altogether. There is no alternative.
Previously it was constantly claimed that solar activity couldn't possibly have anything to do with the warming of the late 20th century because both curves fully diverged from each other. As proof, the following charts from Wikipedia were used.
The problem
Solar activity is not made up merely by the shaky sunspots. The above figure is an update from 2014 and was provided by a user with a less than trustworthy name of "Kopiersperre".
But it gets even better. The sun not only reached its maximum at the end of the 20th century, but was apparently stronger than at any time over the past 10,000 years. Matthes et al.
Mysterious retreat
By the way, the unusually powerful solar activity in the second half of the 20th century had been already reported on by Sami Solanki in Nature here more than 10 years ago. Afterwards he mysteriously retreated from the climate discussion. Is this perhaps the reason why solar scientists operate almost unnoticed below the media radar?
Discomforting questions
The unexpectedly strong sun casts especially discomforting questions that some would just prefer to dodge. Couldn't the high solar activity have something to do with the 1980-2000 warming after all?
In any case, now no one can insist that the solar activity and temperature curves diverge and thus refute the relationship. The attribution has to be re-examined altogether. There is no alternative.
vostok_1 ::
Ko bomo v penziji nas bo bolj zeblo, ampak nič pretirano drugače kot naše pradedke.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
denisd ::
Svensmark publishes: Solar activity has a direct impact on Earth's cloud cover
From Denmark Technical University
Solar activity has a direct impact on Earth's cloud cover
Solar variations affect the abundance of clouds in our atmosphere, a new study lead by DTU Space suggests. Large eruptions on the surface of the Sun can temporarily shield Earth from so-called cosmic rays which now appear to affect cloud formation. A team of scientists from the National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space) and the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has linked large solar eruptions to changes in Earth's cloud cover in a study based on over 25 years of satellite observations.
Arctic Temperatures and Ice - Why it is All About Natural Variability
The temperatures in the arctic have indeed risen in recent years and ice has declined, bottoming out in 2007 but it is not unprecedented nor unexpected. The arctic temperatures and arctic ice extent varies in a very predictable 60-70 year cycle that relates to ocean cycles which are likely driven by solar changes.
Scientists: Ocean Temps Vary 'Robustly' and 'Near-Synchronously' with Solar Activity
From Denmark Technical University
Solar activity has a direct impact on Earth's cloud cover
Solar variations affect the abundance of clouds in our atmosphere, a new study lead by DTU Space suggests. Large eruptions on the surface of the Sun can temporarily shield Earth from so-called cosmic rays which now appear to affect cloud formation. A team of scientists from the National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space) and the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has linked large solar eruptions to changes in Earth's cloud cover in a study based on over 25 years of satellite observations.
Arctic Temperatures and Ice - Why it is All About Natural Variability
The temperatures in the arctic have indeed risen in recent years and ice has declined, bottoming out in 2007 but it is not unprecedented nor unexpected. The arctic temperatures and arctic ice extent varies in a very predictable 60-70 year cycle that relates to ocean cycles which are likely driven by solar changes.
Scientists: Ocean Temps Vary 'Robustly' and 'Near-Synchronously' with Solar Activity
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: denisd ()
vostok_1 ::
Kewl. Bom lahko dlje bil v kratkih rokavih. Pa še sončne celice bodo boljš delale.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
jype ::
vostok_1> Kewl. Bom lahko dlje bil v kratkih rokavih. Pa še sončne celice bodo boljš delale.
Se mi je zdelo, da si tudi ti terorist brez jajc.
Bodi mož, sprejmi svojo odgovornost za ekstremne vremenske pojave.
Se mi je zdelo, da si tudi ti terorist brez jajc.
Bodi mož, sprejmi svojo odgovornost za ekstremne vremenske pojave.
vostok_1 ::
Ekstremni pojavi niso problem, če se gradi temu primerno. Nimaš kaj gradit obično klet na poplavnem območju.
Huricani so problem, če gradiš kolibo. Suše so problem, če nimaš zbiralnika in pereš avto tedensko, ker avto se mora ja svetit..."what would the neighbors say!"
Plodit se na negostoljubnem terenu je tudi pljuvanje sebi v skledo.
Kvečjemu bo nas krizno obdobje malo streznilo. Žal, nekateri ljudje razumejo zgolj trdo roko, čeprav vem, da nočeš tega vrjet pa zato ker dejansko sploh nisi nikoli imel opravka s težaki.
Zavedam se odgovornosti, zato pa ne živim klasičen lajf.
Huricani so problem, če gradiš kolibo. Suše so problem, če nimaš zbiralnika in pereš avto tedensko, ker avto se mora ja svetit..."what would the neighbors say!"
Plodit se na negostoljubnem terenu je tudi pljuvanje sebi v skledo.
Kvečjemu bo nas krizno obdobje malo streznilo. Žal, nekateri ljudje razumejo zgolj trdo roko, čeprav vem, da nočeš tega vrjet pa zato ker dejansko sploh nisi nikoli imel opravka s težaki.
Zavedam se odgovornosti, zato pa ne živim klasičen lajf.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()
jype ::
vostok_1> Ekstremni pojavi niso problem, če se gradi temu primerno. Nimaš kaj gradit obično klet na poplavnem območju.
Kar pojdi zgradit "primerne objetke" za 5 milijard ljudi, da se ne bodo začeli selit v zmerni pas.
vostok_1> Žal, nekateri ljudje razumejo zgolj trdo roko
Ja, predvsem takšni kot si ti, ki so prepričani, da je "trda roka" nujno potrebna.
Kar pojdi zgradit "primerne objetke" za 5 milijard ljudi, da se ne bodo začeli selit v zmerni pas.
vostok_1> Žal, nekateri ljudje razumejo zgolj trdo roko
Ja, predvsem takšni kot si ti, ki so prepričani, da je "trda roka" nujno potrebna.
suhifallen ::
lahk ste srečni, rusija zapira pipico za evropo hahahaha, kaki smehi bodo ko bo mama merkel na kolenih pr putinu hahahahaha
lahk ste srečni, rusija zapira pipico za evropo hahahaha, kaki smehi bodo ko bo mama merkel na kolenih pr putinu hahahahaha
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: BorutK-73 ()
Starodavni ::
Tu bo samo rusija še bolj nasrkala, ker bo imela še manj prihodkov :D sami sebi si pljuvajo v skledo.
Sicer pa , komaj čakam na dan, ko bo plin še cenejši in ne bo Rusija edini največji ponudnik plina, pri rusih je namreč huda pomankljivost to, da radi izsiljujejo s ceno in količino plina. To pa sploh ni dobro za poslovne odnose.
Ste že pozabili na plinske vojne, ki so bile v preteklosti in kdo je bil kriv za to - Rusija, kdo pa drug.
Tako, da če bo LNG terminal postavljen in bo Rusija v strahu pred izgubo tržnega deleža spustila ceno bo to več kot dobro :D
Sicer pa , komaj čakam na dan, ko bo plin še cenejši in ne bo Rusija edini največji ponudnik plina, pri rusih je namreč huda pomankljivost to, da radi izsiljujejo s ceno in količino plina. To pa sploh ni dobro za poslovne odnose.
Ste že pozabili na plinske vojne, ki so bile v preteklosti in kdo je bil kriv za to - Rusija, kdo pa drug.
Tako, da če bo LNG terminal postavljen in bo Rusija v strahu pred izgubo tržnega deleža spustila ceno bo to več kot dobro :D