Forum » Problemi človeštva » Izolacija Katarja
Izolacija Katarja
Temo vidijo: vsi
Smrekar1 ::
Če to ni ironija...
Židje pomagajo Arabcem .
Če se ne motim, je za take novice v rabi términ "fake news".
Potrebno bi bilo izolirati celoten perzijski zaliv ne samo katar in jim dati zahteve, da naj nehajo sponzoritirati Isis in terorizem
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ADIJOOO ()
Šimpanz ::
Hočejo da jim Katarci izročijo teroriste. Mogoče jim bodo dali američane iz vojašče baze. Ti so itak največji podporniki ISISa in podobnih bratovščin.
Mr.B ::
Gre se za Boxing politiko Amerike do Kitajske in Irana. Vsa zgodba oziroma nastavitve so se "je" začela, ko je Katar objavil, da bo otoplil odnose z Iranom, kar je v nasprotju s politiko Amerike, ker hočejo Iran imeti zabrakatdiran v lastnih mejah enako za kitajsko in ne bo (bosta) moral širiti vpliva.
In samo dve igri so tu. Iran se ne bo moral vmesati, ali pa . Če se se ne bo moral umešati v bodočih potekaz v Siriji. Druga je Kitajska. Kitajska sicer ima interese, toda ali so ti dovolj veliki. No če Kitajci hočejo naj in tervirano. Vse skupaj je dovolj dalč od njihovega direktnega gospodasrkega vpliva ali v nasprotju ameriškega boxing scenarija. V vsakem primeru, bi omejeni spopad bil v interesu obeh.
No relano, je zeloo malo verjetnosti, da bi Iran direktno pomagal, razen da v Jemen pošlje malo raket, Rusi pa slučajno pozabijo kakšen satelit nad območjem, da bo lahko kaj z jemna zadelo cilje.
Če bo to kaj dvignilo cene Nafte, bo to v vsaekm primeru koristilo Rusiji.
Še en hint kaj se je dogajalo v japenskoem morju. No imamo samo nekaj možnih krivcev. Severna koraja did id, Kitajska didi it ali pa Russun did it. Poznamo mi to iz Slovenijie, ane.
In samo dve igri so tu. Iran se ne bo moral vmesati, ali pa . Če se se ne bo moral umešati v bodočih potekaz v Siriji. Druga je Kitajska. Kitajska sicer ima interese, toda ali so ti dovolj veliki. No če Kitajci hočejo naj in tervirano. Vse skupaj je dovolj dalč od njihovega direktnega gospodasrkega vpliva ali v nasprotju ameriškega boxing scenarija. V vsakem primeru, bi omejeni spopad bil v interesu obeh.
No relano, je zeloo malo verjetnosti, da bi Iran direktno pomagal, razen da v Jemen pošlje malo raket, Rusi pa slučajno pozabijo kakšen satelit nad območjem, da bo lahko kaj z jemna zadelo cilje.
Če bo to kaj dvignilo cene Nafte, bo to v vsaekm primeru koristilo Rusiji.
Še en hint kaj se je dogajalo v japenskoem morju. No imamo samo nekaj možnih krivcev. Severna koraja did id, Kitajska didi it ali pa Russun did it. Poznamo mi to iz Slovenijie, ane.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
konspirator ::
Črkovalnik ti ne dela ?
So kaj preverili zaloge ruma na rušilcu ?
So kaj preverili zaloge ruma na rušilcu ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: konspirator ()
Mr.B ::
ne da se mi gledat kaj tipkam po tablici, ker pa Slovenščine tolk mal uporabljam, se mi niti ne da preklaplati na slovenscino.
Ps on kje sem ga tako z rumom ustrelil.
Boxing plitika je škatla, morda to malo menjaš s slovenskim Petrom. Torej boš rekel, da Ameriška politika ni uspešna, omejiti Iran v njegovih mejah, ter preprečiti kakršen koli vpliv. No to so zelo usešno nardili z bivšo SZ. S kitajsko delajo na tem.
Se pa lahko motem, pač Katar - otoplitve odnosov - iran , druga muslimanska frakcija.
konspirator je izjavil:
Črkovalnik ti ne dela ?
So kaj preverili zaloge ruma na rušilcu ?
Ps on kje sem ga tako z rumom ustrelil.
Boxing plitika je škatla, morda to malo menjaš s slovenskim Petrom. Torej boš rekel, da Ameriška politika ni uspešna, omejiti Iran v njegovih mejah, ter preprečiti kakršen koli vpliv. No to so zelo usešno nardili z bivšo SZ. S kitajsko delajo na tem.
Se pa lahko motem, pač Katar - otoplitve odnosov - iran , druga muslimanska frakcija.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mr.B ()
Danes se iztečejo zahteve, ki so jih države psotavile katarju.
The End of the (Petro)Dollar: What the Federal Reserve Doesn't Want You to Know
The United States' ability to maintain its influence over the rest of the world has been slowly diminishing. Since the petrodollar was established in 1971, U.S. currency has monopolized international trade through oil deals with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and continuous military interventions. There is, however, growing opposition to the American standard, and it gained more support recently when several Gulf states suddenly blockaded Qatar, which they accused of funding terrorism.
Despite the mainstream narrative, there are several other reasons why Qatar is in the crosshairs. Over the past two years, it conducted over $86 billion worth of transactions in Chinese yuan and has signed other agreements with China that encourage further economic cooperation. Qatar also shares the world's largest natural gas field with Iran, giving the two countries significant regional influence to expand their own trade deals.
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Meanwhile, uncontrollable debt and political divisions in the United States are clear signs of vulnerability. The Chinese and Russians proactively set up alternative financial systems for countries looking to distance themselves from the Federal Reserve. After the IMF accepted the yuan into its basket of reserve currencies in October of last year, investors and economists finally started to pay attention. The economic power held by the Federal Reserve has been key in financing the American empire, but geopolitical changes are happening fast. The United States' reputation has been tarnished by decades of undeclared wars, mass surveillance, and catastrophic foreign policy.
One of America's best remaining assets is its military strength, but it's useless without a strong economy to fund it. Rival coalitions like the BRICS nations aren't challenging the established order head on and are instead opting to undermine its financial support. Qatar is just the latest country to take steps to bypass the U.S. dollar. Russia made headlines in 2016 when they started accepting payments in yuan and took over as China's largest oil partner, stealing a huge market share from Saudi Arabia in the process. Iran also dropped the dollar earlier this year in response to President Trump's travel ban. As the tide continues to turn against the petrodollar, eventually even our allies will start to question what best serves their own interests.
Many E.U. member states are clashing with the unelected leadership in Brussels over immigration, terrorism, and austerity measures. If no solutions are found and things deteriorate, other countries could potentially follow the U.K.'s lead and vote to leave, as well. It is starting to become obvious that countries in Eastern Europe will look to the East to get the resources their economies need.
China, Russia, and India are all ahead of the curve and started stockpiling gold years ago. They recognize that hard assets will be the measure of true wealth in the near future -- not fiat money. The historic hyperinflation that has occurred in these countries solidified the importance of precious metals in their monetary systems. Unfortunately, most Americans are ignorant of the past and will likely embrace more government bailouts and money printing when faced with the next recession. Even Fed officials have admitted that more quantitative easing is likely the only path going forward.
Several renowned investors have warned about this ongoing shift of economic power from West to East, but bureaucrats and central bankers refuse to admit how serious things could get. The impact on the average person could be devastating if they are not properly educated and prepared for the fallout.
Economist and author James Rickards summarized why China and Russia are so interested in acquiring precious metals:
"They are stuck with their dollars. They fear, rightly, that the US will inflate its way out of its $19 trillion mountain of debt. China's solution is to buy gold. If dollar inflation emerges, China's Treasury holdings will devalue, but the dollar price of its gold will soar. A large gold reserve is a prudent diversification. Russia's motives are geopolitical. Gold is the model 21st century weapon for financial wars.The US controls dollar payments systems and, with help from European allies, can eject adversaries from the international payments system called Swift. Gold is immune to such assaults. Physical gold in your custody cannot be hacked, erased, or frozen. Moving gold is a simple way for Russia to settle accounts without US interference."
Mainstream pundits will continue to distract the public with the same optimistic talking points, but taking advantage of this calm before the storm is important. As this transition takes place, central bankers will sacrifice anything and everything to keep their Ponzi scheme going. Only individuals can take the initiative to protect themselves and be able to help others who won't be as lucky. Those who embrace sound money and cryptocurrencies will thrive in this new competitive global economy, but if America fails to adapt, the same fiat system that gave it power will drag it into poverty.
The End of the (Petro)Dollar: What the Federal Reserve Doesn't Want You to Know
The United States' ability to maintain its influence over the rest of the world has been slowly diminishing. Since the petrodollar was established in 1971, U.S. currency has monopolized international trade through oil deals with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and continuous military interventions. There is, however, growing opposition to the American standard, and it gained more support recently when several Gulf states suddenly blockaded Qatar, which they accused of funding terrorism.
Despite the mainstream narrative, there are several other reasons why Qatar is in the crosshairs. Over the past two years, it conducted over $86 billion worth of transactions in Chinese yuan and has signed other agreements with China that encourage further economic cooperation. Qatar also shares the world's largest natural gas field with Iran, giving the two countries significant regional influence to expand their own trade deals.
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Meanwhile, uncontrollable debt and political divisions in the United States are clear signs of vulnerability. The Chinese and Russians proactively set up alternative financial systems for countries looking to distance themselves from the Federal Reserve. After the IMF accepted the yuan into its basket of reserve currencies in October of last year, investors and economists finally started to pay attention. The economic power held by the Federal Reserve has been key in financing the American empire, but geopolitical changes are happening fast. The United States' reputation has been tarnished by decades of undeclared wars, mass surveillance, and catastrophic foreign policy.
One of America's best remaining assets is its military strength, but it's useless without a strong economy to fund it. Rival coalitions like the BRICS nations aren't challenging the established order head on and are instead opting to undermine its financial support. Qatar is just the latest country to take steps to bypass the U.S. dollar. Russia made headlines in 2016 when they started accepting payments in yuan and took over as China's largest oil partner, stealing a huge market share from Saudi Arabia in the process. Iran also dropped the dollar earlier this year in response to President Trump's travel ban. As the tide continues to turn against the petrodollar, eventually even our allies will start to question what best serves their own interests.
Many E.U. member states are clashing with the unelected leadership in Brussels over immigration, terrorism, and austerity measures. If no solutions are found and things deteriorate, other countries could potentially follow the U.K.'s lead and vote to leave, as well. It is starting to become obvious that countries in Eastern Europe will look to the East to get the resources their economies need.
China, Russia, and India are all ahead of the curve and started stockpiling gold years ago. They recognize that hard assets will be the measure of true wealth in the near future -- not fiat money. The historic hyperinflation that has occurred in these countries solidified the importance of precious metals in their monetary systems. Unfortunately, most Americans are ignorant of the past and will likely embrace more government bailouts and money printing when faced with the next recession. Even Fed officials have admitted that more quantitative easing is likely the only path going forward.
Several renowned investors have warned about this ongoing shift of economic power from West to East, but bureaucrats and central bankers refuse to admit how serious things could get. The impact on the average person could be devastating if they are not properly educated and prepared for the fallout.
Economist and author James Rickards summarized why China and Russia are so interested in acquiring precious metals:
"They are stuck with their dollars. They fear, rightly, that the US will inflate its way out of its $19 trillion mountain of debt. China's solution is to buy gold. If dollar inflation emerges, China's Treasury holdings will devalue, but the dollar price of its gold will soar. A large gold reserve is a prudent diversification. Russia's motives are geopolitical. Gold is the model 21st century weapon for financial wars.The US controls dollar payments systems and, with help from European allies, can eject adversaries from the international payments system called Swift. Gold is immune to such assaults. Physical gold in your custody cannot be hacked, erased, or frozen. Moving gold is a simple way for Russia to settle accounts without US interference."
Mainstream pundits will continue to distract the public with the same optimistic talking points, but taking advantage of this calm before the storm is important. As this transition takes place, central bankers will sacrifice anything and everything to keep their Ponzi scheme going. Only individuals can take the initiative to protect themselves and be able to help others who won't be as lucky. Those who embrace sound money and cryptocurrencies will thrive in this new competitive global economy, but if America fails to adapt, the same fiat system that gave it power will drag it into poverty.
Mr.B ::
ma... nič novega...
Pač Katarci se umikajo iz Dubaja.
Če bi Katar rad provuciral, bi v luft vrgu en Hilton hotel, če bi ako bi kdo napadel Katar.
Pa da bi rad videl, koliko časa rabijo da USA evakuvira bazo.
V glavnem sankcije se bodo jutri dalje nadaljeval.
V Evropi pa itak mnogi sanjajo da bi tiskali denar, samo iz EU morajo iti.
Uradno so podaljsali ultimat za 48 ur.
Pač Katarci se umikajo iz Dubaja.
Če bi Katar rad provuciral, bi v luft vrgu en Hilton hotel, če bi ako bi kdo napadel Katar.
Pa da bi rad videl, koliko časa rabijo da USA evakuvira bazo.
V glavnem sankcije se bodo jutri dalje nadaljeval.
V Evropi pa itak mnogi sanjajo da bi tiskali denar, samo iz EU morajo iti.
Uradno so podaljsali ultimat za 48 ur.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mr.B ()
fikus_ ::
Ne vem sicer kako resnična je bila novica, ki sem o nekaj dni nazaj zasledil, pisalo je pa o tem, da Katarci s svojimi dejanji "minirajo" pertodolar. Tako da je poleg povezovanja z Iranom, kar ne ustreza SA ter zoperstavljanju vplivu USA preko petrodolarja, to lahko vzrok za pritiske na Katar. Če je to res, bodo šli po poti Libije, Sirije, . . .
Izgovor o podpori ISISu in podobnim, je pa namenjen naivnim ljudem.
Izgovor o podpori ISISu in podobnim, je pa namenjen naivnim ljudem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()
Smrekar1 ::
Ne vem sicer kako resnična je bila novica, ki sem o nekaj dni nazaj zasledil, pisalo je pa o tem, da Katarci s svojimi dejanji "minirajo" pertodolar.
Približno toliko.
Mr.B ::
Ne vem sicer kako resnična je bila novica, ki sem o nekaj dni nazaj zasledil, pisalo je pa o tem, da Katarci s svojimi dejanji "minirajo" pertodolar.
Približno toliko.
Hočeš tako kot ti je ne razumljivo, da Če kitajska pade, pade tudi Amerika. Ampak ja, ploitika zajezitve Kitajske, bo finančno bolj problematična za Ameriko in njene zaveznike, kot je bilo to z rusijo.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
Mr.B ::
Hočeš tako kot ti je ne razumljivo, da Če kitajska pade, pade tudi Amerika.
Govora je o Katarju, ne o ZDA. Če padejo ZDA pade Kitajska, obratno se mi ne zdi ravno samo po sebi umevno.
Smreki, Kitajska ima v lasti cca 30 % "foreign" US dolga, oziroma cca 14 % javnega dolga. Ali veš koliko % ima Kitajska izmenjave recimo samo s Tajvanom. Toliko da boš malo računal, koliko je to z ameriko.
Tako da ja, Kitajska danes lahko posodi simbolične vreče Katarju in podobnim državam, dokler so te vreče v Valuti , ki se imenuje $, pa je lahko Donald samo tiho, ker drugače to pomeni, da zanika stabilnost $, to pa ja nebi rad. Pa malo poglej, ko0liko EU izvozi v Ameriko v $, kaj bi to pomenilo za EU, ko Kitajska dropne $, no vsi bodo začeli trgovati z yuanom.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
Smreki, Kitajska ima v lasti cca 30 % "foreign" US dolga, oziroma cca 14 % javnega dolga.
Ja. In?
To je šibka točka kitajske, ne ZDA.
Tako da ja, Kitajska danes lahko posodi simbolične vreče Katarju in podobnim državam, dokler so te vreče v Valuti , ki se imenuje $, pa je lahko Donald samo tiho, ker drugače to pomeni, da zanika stabilnost $, to pa ja nebi rad. Pa malo poglej, ko0liko EU izvozi v Ameriko v $, kaj bi to pomenilo za EU, ko Kitajska dropne $, no vsi bodo začeli trgovati z yuanom.
Če kitajska dropne dolar dropne tudi vrednost svoje investicije v ameriški javni dolg (in zamaje stabilnost svetovnega finančnega sistema ter v trenutku ogrozi stabilnost svoje države). Tvoje poznavanje situacije je še za odtenek slabše od Trumpovega že tako sramotnega neznanja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
VaeVictis ::
Kitajska ne bo nikoli načrtno sesula dolarja, ker bi s tem uničila svoje gospodarstvo in posledično tudi svetovno gospodarstvo.
Tole bi se zgodilo samo v situaciji, kjer bi bila Kitajska dobesedno pred bankrotom in bi hotela še vse države s seboj potegniti.
Svetovno gospodarstvo je preveč povezano med seboj, da bi se take igrice pozitivno razpletele.
Verjetno, če pade Kitajska, pade tudi ZDA in EU in obratno, če pade ZDA, pade tudi Kitajska in EU, itd.
Tole bi se zgodilo samo v situaciji, kjer bi bila Kitajska dobesedno pred bankrotom in bi hotela še vse države s seboj potegniti.
Svetovno gospodarstvo je preveč povezano med seboj, da bi se take igrice pozitivno razpletele.
Verjetno, če pade Kitajska, pade tudi ZDA in EU in obratno, če pade ZDA, pade tudi Kitajska in EU, itd.
Mr.B ::
Da A le pod pogojem, Če se Južna amerika, Kitajska in EU ne dogovorita glede skupne naslednje valute. Pri tem bo Bližnji vshod, predvem tiste nedmeokratične države sprejele, kar si bo zamislila Kizajska&UE, Afrika bo sledila zahetvam EU, Kadada, pa lahko ustraja, kjer ji je želja, vkjučujoč z Anglijo.
Da zgubili bi preveč, zato pa je zgolj vse v izolaciji Kitajskega vpliva. Ameriko pri tej izolaciji jebe samo to, da to ni kot Rusija. Prvič ker oni niso imeli toliko $, drugič ker niso ponudili alternative mednarodnemu skladu, ter nikakor ne more amerika več stati sama, in zahetvati, da se zapre odprta trgovina, kar sicer Trupm dela, ker so pač postali nekonkurenčni ne samo proti Kitajski, ampak tudi EU, pa verjetno še komu drugemu.Ob trgovinski vojni, ima pa Amerika jasno več za zgubiti, saj s Kitajsko trgujejo nekak enako kot Amerika z ostalim svetom, pa še kitajska 30% Ameriškega dolga v dolarju, s katerim nima kaj početi, lahko pososja po nižjih obrestih, kot amerika ozirma mendarodni sklad.
Da smrekar, ko danes kitajska kihne, dobri gripo celi svet, amarika lahko samo tiska, in upa da bo interna potrošnja rasla, ter da bodo Američani, kot so, obdržali kapital v obliki fizičnih dobrin in podobnimi korporacijama, bistveno višje, kot je danes njejn celotni dolg. To razmerej je za Ameriko dokaj visoko, tako da ni panike Smrekar, da bo konec sveta v nekaj letih, razen če donald misli, da bo ob kakršnem koli incidentu zmagal.
Da zgubili bi preveč, zato pa je zgolj vse v izolaciji Kitajskega vpliva. Ameriko pri tej izolaciji jebe samo to, da to ni kot Rusija. Prvič ker oni niso imeli toliko $, drugič ker niso ponudili alternative mednarodnemu skladu, ter nikakor ne more amerika več stati sama, in zahetvati, da se zapre odprta trgovina, kar sicer Trupm dela, ker so pač postali nekonkurenčni ne samo proti Kitajski, ampak tudi EU, pa verjetno še komu drugemu.Ob trgovinski vojni, ima pa Amerika jasno več za zgubiti, saj s Kitajsko trgujejo nekak enako kot Amerika z ostalim svetom, pa še kitajska 30% Ameriškega dolga v dolarju, s katerim nima kaj početi, lahko pososja po nižjih obrestih, kot amerika ozirma mendarodni sklad.
Da smrekar, ko danes kitajska kihne, dobri gripo celi svet, amarika lahko samo tiska, in upa da bo interna potrošnja rasla, ter da bodo Američani, kot so, obdržali kapital v obliki fizičnih dobrin in podobnimi korporacijama, bistveno višje, kot je danes njejn celotni dolg. To razmerej je za Ameriko dokaj visoko, tako da ni panike Smrekar, da bo konec sveta v nekaj letih, razen če donald misli, da bo ob kakršnem koli incidentu zmagal.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
Da A le pod pogojem, Če se Južna amerika, Kitajska in EU ne dogovorita glede skupne naslednje valute.
Neumnost. Padec dolarja, v katerem je biljone dolarjev investicij, s katerimi je zavarovanih na biljone dolarjev posojil, bi sesedel svetovno ekonomijo ne glede na 'dogovore' in podobne neumnosti.
Da smrekar, ko danes kitajska kihne, dobri gripo celi svet,
Kitajska kiha in kašlja že debelo desetletje če ne kar dve. Od leta 2009 dalje so na lekadolu, ki težavo samo maskira in na dolgi rok slabša.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Mr.B ::
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Berserker ::
USA bo padla, ko bo začela pešat generacija belcev ki so backbone gospodarstva in zaenkrat še večina.
Mr.B ::
NE vem sicer kaj bi rad rekel. Verjetno je ideja zrasla kot posledica free šolstva. ampak zagotovo nisi primerjal rasti kitajske vs DE vs Amerike. Zagotovo je nekaj na temu z America fist s prstom v riti.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
No kaj vemo danes ...
1. Orožarska industrija Amerike, kot tudi malo drugih je oborožila obe udeleženik
2. Amerika je ravno podpisala dogovor, da bodo povečali bazo v Qatar
Torej, je amerika uspešno izvedla ti boxing politiko Irana, ter tak nadaljuje širejenje demokracije v Yemnui.
Po drugi strani pa... British Prime Minister Theresa May is on her way to China for a visit intended to boost trade between the countries........ K najevčjemu sovražniku Amerike T
1. Orožarska industrija Amerike, kot tudi malo drugih je oborožila obe udeleženik
2. Amerika je ravno podpisala dogovor, da bodo povečali bazo v Qatar
Torej, je amerika uspešno izvedla ti boxing politiko Irana, ter tak nadaljuje širejenje demokracije v Yemnui.
Po drugi strani pa... British Prime Minister Theresa May is on her way to China for a visit intended to boost trade between the countries........ K najevčjemu sovražniku Amerike T
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
fikus_ ::
". . . intended to boost trade between the countries........ K največjemu sovražniku Amerike."
Denar ne pozna sovražnikov, samo prijatelje, dokler se množi!
Denar ne pozna sovražnikov, samo prijatelje, dokler se množi!
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Svetovno rokometno prvenstvo Katar 2015 (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Šport | 7695 (1586) | oo7 |
⊘ | ISIS, poboji civilistov v Iraku (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 87492 (60827) | bluefish |