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oo7 ::
GTR 3 confirmed, coming to consoles and PC next year
Simbin's return to coincide with new racing game.
Simbin UK, the newly formed studio that's working alongside Sector3, has confirmed that its first project will be GTR 3, and that it'll be coming to PS4, PC and Xbox One next year.
The announcement comes via a forum post on, with Sector3 head Christopher Speed and brother Allan, head of Simbin UK, going into slightly more detail. GTR 3 will be built using Unreal Engine 4, with early shots suggesting it will introduce variable time and weather - a feature missing in Sector3's otherwise excellent RaceRoom. It will share some attributes with RaceRoom - a good thing, seeing how the fundamentals of the PC game are some of the finest in the business - while making a push for accessibility.
"It will be proper simulation but for the console version the casual user is just as important," Allan Speed told "At some point RaceRoom will switch over to the technology we are creating and we'll just take that a different route, as in simulation with support for both console and PC."
Simbin's return to coincide with new racing game.
Simbin UK, the newly formed studio that's working alongside Sector3, has confirmed that its first project will be GTR 3, and that it'll be coming to PS4, PC and Xbox One next year.
The announcement comes via a forum post on, with Sector3 head Christopher Speed and brother Allan, head of Simbin UK, going into slightly more detail. GTR 3 will be built using Unreal Engine 4, with early shots suggesting it will introduce variable time and weather - a feature missing in Sector3's otherwise excellent RaceRoom. It will share some attributes with RaceRoom - a good thing, seeing how the fundamentals of the PC game are some of the finest in the business - while making a push for accessibility.
"It will be proper simulation but for the console version the casual user is just as important," Allan Speed told "At some point RaceRoom will switch over to the technology we are creating and we'll just take that a different route, as in simulation with support for both console and PC."
Seljak ::
To bo lepo,z dobrim zvokom in čudovitim dnevno nočnim prehodom,ki ga bo popestril dež,megla,...ampak ne bo pa simulacija. Torej vmes med Project Cars in RRRE. Minili so časi,ko je bil GTR in GTR2 top šit. Še AC ni top šit simulacija,čeprav se italjenarji radi z tem hvalijo.
Sssaga ::
Kako ne bo simulacija? Mater, očitno ostajam na AC in rF2. pCARS je poden od podna in ima mnogo težav, ki sta jih imela oba Shifta, da ne bi za kanček pomislil na semi arkado.
springfield ::
It will be proper simulation
Rekli so, da bo simulacija, kaj pa bo res, bomo pa še vidli
Seljak ::
Nekaj se mora razumeti: Prava simulacija ne pride na konzolo. Za Dirt Rally se je govorilo,da bo proper simulacija pa je nekaj vmes. "Naklamfali" so nekaj dirkalnikov,ki pa jim je fizika zelo sumljiva. Sploh na asfaltu. Assetto Corsa štemplja avte kot po tekočem traku in prav tako je vse skupaj zelo vprašljivo (no,nekateri so vredu,nekateri pa podn od podna). Zvok avtov v AC je prav tako čuden z nekakšnim čudnim prizvokom. Sem peljal v RL kar nekaj avtov,ki so v AC in se v resnici peljejo čisto drugače. O RRRE ne bom izgubljal besed. Vse kar dobro simulirajo je zvok.
Da ne bo pomote. Vse te "simulacije" si lastim in vsaka je po svoje dobra,ampak nekatere si ne zaslužijo tega naziva. Edina,ki me zares prepriča in si zasluži naziv simulacija je iRacing.
Da ne bo pomote. Vse te "simulacije" si lastim in vsaka je po svoje dobra,ampak nekatere si ne zaslužijo tega naziva. Edina,ki me zares prepriča in si zasluži naziv simulacija je iRacing.
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