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Impact Winter

Impact Winter

oo7 ::

Igra izide enkrat v začetku leta 2017 za PC

Filling the snow boots of Jacob Solomon, your job in Impact Winter is to lead a makeshift team of survivors in the wake of an asteroid collision. Constant snowfall makes this task all the more challenging however a mysterious radio transmission offers hope by promising help is en route in 30 days. From there your job is simple: "keep your companions alive until rescue."


Impact Winter - PC - Winter Has Come (Announcement trailer)

Tole zna biti podobno kot This War of Mine. Edino lik v trailerju ima nekam zobotrebčaste noge drugače pa zgleda zanimivo :)

oo7 ::

Impact Winter - PC/PS4/XB1 - 30 days to survive

The Impact Winter survival experience start on April 12th on PC and later this year on PS4 and XB1

scipascapa ::

ne zgleda slabo. samo letos je poplava iger.

oo7 ::

Impact Winter - PC/PS4/XB1 - Help Is Coming (PC Release Trailer)

Igra izide jutri.

scipascapa ::

wow ni slabo tole.

oo7 ::

Trenutno skupna ocena 73 - http://opencritic.com/game/4368/impact-...

Vredno ogleda ...

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