Forum » Igre » Destiny 2
Destiny 2

ahac ::
Že v single player igrah so lootboxi (npr. v Shadow of War).
To so lahko že resne igre na srečo in bo verjetno prej ali slej regulirano. Npr. na Kitajskem mora developer javno objavit verjetnosti dropa za vsak item, ki se lahko pojavi v lootboxu.
V Destiny 2 še ni tolk hudo, ampak tisto z "shaders" je lep primer kako se nekaj vzame iz igre ali spremeni samo zato, da lahko dajo v lootboxe.
To so lahko že resne igre na srečo in bo verjetno prej ali slej regulirano. Npr. na Kitajskem mora developer javno objavit verjetnosti dropa za vsak item, ki se lahko pojavi v lootboxu.
V Destiny 2 še ni tolk hudo, ampak tisto z "shaders" je lep primer kako se nekaj vzame iz igre ali spremeni samo zato, da lahko dajo v lootboxe.
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

Zmajc ::
Ja ni mi jasno kake je lahko ta in game gambling ostal tako dolgo ne-reguliran na zahodu.
Ljudje mečejo v to na tisoče evrov brez da bi dobili kar hočejo. Čisti nateg.
Ljudje mečejo v to na tisoče evrov brez da bi dobili kar hočejo. Čisti nateg.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()

Gregex ::
Če ti armor in orožje da bonuse, to ni več samo kozmetika.
Ampak še slabše kot to je cel gambling sistem z lootboxi (kar je zdaj že v skoraj vsaki igri).
Nekdo lahko zapravi zarad mene 500EUR v mikrotransakcijah, a bo še vedno mel podhranjen karakter napram mene. Imam neomejeno modov za armor in orožje in nisem zagonil niti EUR. Vse se dobi v velkih količinah v igri, samo igrat moraš. Kot rečeno, kozmetika in nič drugega.
Sem zdaj preveril inventory in modov se ne da kupiti z EUR. Torej se ne da kupiti nič, kar bi ti nabildalo karakter.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Gregex ()

Gregex ::
Pršparajte denar in preskočite ta junk od igre. Igra ni vredna denarja. Kot veteran D1 sem seveda nabavil D2 in pričakoval eksplozijo, dobil pa eno velko razočaranje. Spet so nam uspeli prodat, a igra je piece of shit. Še dobro, da nisem vzel skupaj z expansion passom, ker bi še več denarja vrgel stran. Preberte si bungie forum in youtube streamerje poglejte in vam bo vse jasno. Pa tolk potenciala ima franšiza, a so je zjebali do kraja, rešit je ne morjo. RIP Destiny.

Tr0n ::
No ja, jaz pa komaj cakam na PC verzijo. 
D1 sem igral 100+ ur, tole pa bo tudi verjetno nekje tam. Veliko stvari iz D1 je boljsih, nekaj tezav je ostalo in tole je bolj D1.5 kot D2, ampak to je zame cisto dovolj za 35 EUR, kolko sem dal za kljuc.
Vabljeni na ST discord ob releasu igre, ce bo kaj zanimanja za kak ST klan.
Slo-Tech Discord strežnik

D1 sem igral 100+ ur, tole pa bo tudi verjetno nekje tam. Veliko stvari iz D1 je boljsih, nekaj tezav je ostalo in tole je bolj D1.5 kot D2, ampak to je zame cisto dovolj za 35 EUR, kolko sem dal za kljuc.

Vabljeni na ST discord ob releasu igre, ce bo kaj zanimanja za kak ST klan.
Slo-Tech Discord strežnik
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()

ahac ::
Vabljeni na ST discord ob releasu igre, ce bo kaj zanimanja za kak ST klan.
Kul ideja, ampak...
Misliš, da bo dost igralcev za ST klan?
Zdaj, ko vidim, da so se konzolaši že naveličal igre, nisem več čisto nič hyped...

Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::
Destiny 2 PC - all the currently known issues
-SLI, HDR, and VSync
Players may experience some rare issues when enabling SLI, HDR, or disabling VSync in some non-native resolutions. For the best experience, players are encouraged to use these features while running at their display's maximum available resolution.
-Saxophone errors when launching
Players may erroneously encounter Saxophone errors when launching the Destiny 2 application directly from the .exe file. Players who encounter this issue must close the application and relaunch through Blizzard's app.
-Idling to title screen
In some activities, players who are returned to the title screen due to idling may be unable to log back in. Players who encounter this issue must close and relaunch the Destiny 2 application.
-Login after disconnects
A generic error code may appear to players who lose internet connection, which may block an affected player from logging back in even after reconnecting. Players who believe they are encountering this issue should close the Destiny 2 application and relaunch.
-Buffalo errors on multiple PCs
Players may encounter Buffalo errors when logging in to Destiny 2 on multiple PCs at the same time. To prevent this issue, players must ensure that they are logged out of Destiny 2 on any PC that they do not currently intend to play on.
-Cursor in tri-monitor configurations
Changing resolution between 5760×1080, 4080×768, and 3072×768 may trap the mouse cursor in the right-most monitor. Players who encounter this issue should Alt+Tab out of the Destiny 2 application, then back. Players may also toggle Windowed Mode by pressing Alt+Enter.
-Tri-monitor Depth of Field
DOF effects may be overly aggressive on some tri-monitor configurations. Players who encounter issues with DOF can disable this feature in the Graphics Settings.
-Windows 10 Game Bar
The Windows 10 game bar may not work in Fullscreen Mode. Affected players who wish to use this feature should use Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen Mode.
-NumPad Binding
Players are not able to bind controls to most NumPad keys.
-Screen Bounds on AZERTY keyboards
Players may receive an incorrect key prompt when adjusting screen bounds on an AZERTY keyboard.
-IME in fullscreen
Players who are running Input Method Editors may encounter a black screen or delay when inputting characters in Fullscreen Mode. For the best experience, these players are encouraged to play in Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen Modes.
-Closing application
When closing Destiny 2 on PC, players must close the application via mouse input. Controllers cannot select the in-game button to close the Destiny 2 application.
-Corporate and university networks
Some players may be unable to play Destiny 2 on corporate or university networks. Players who encounter this issue must contact their IT department, to meet the connectivity standards outlined in the Network Troubleshooting Guide.
-SLI, HDR, and VSync
Players may experience some rare issues when enabling SLI, HDR, or disabling VSync in some non-native resolutions. For the best experience, players are encouraged to use these features while running at their display's maximum available resolution.
-Saxophone errors when launching
Players may erroneously encounter Saxophone errors when launching the Destiny 2 application directly from the .exe file. Players who encounter this issue must close the application and relaunch through Blizzard's app.
-Idling to title screen
In some activities, players who are returned to the title screen due to idling may be unable to log back in. Players who encounter this issue must close and relaunch the Destiny 2 application.
-Login after disconnects
A generic error code may appear to players who lose internet connection, which may block an affected player from logging back in even after reconnecting. Players who believe they are encountering this issue should close the Destiny 2 application and relaunch.
-Buffalo errors on multiple PCs
Players may encounter Buffalo errors when logging in to Destiny 2 on multiple PCs at the same time. To prevent this issue, players must ensure that they are logged out of Destiny 2 on any PC that they do not currently intend to play on.
-Cursor in tri-monitor configurations
Changing resolution between 5760×1080, 4080×768, and 3072×768 may trap the mouse cursor in the right-most monitor. Players who encounter this issue should Alt+Tab out of the Destiny 2 application, then back. Players may also toggle Windowed Mode by pressing Alt+Enter.
-Tri-monitor Depth of Field
DOF effects may be overly aggressive on some tri-monitor configurations. Players who encounter issues with DOF can disable this feature in the Graphics Settings.
-Windows 10 Game Bar
The Windows 10 game bar may not work in Fullscreen Mode. Affected players who wish to use this feature should use Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen Mode.
-NumPad Binding
Players are not able to bind controls to most NumPad keys.
-Screen Bounds on AZERTY keyboards
Players may receive an incorrect key prompt when adjusting screen bounds on an AZERTY keyboard.
-IME in fullscreen
Players who are running Input Method Editors may encounter a black screen or delay when inputting characters in Fullscreen Mode. For the best experience, these players are encouraged to play in Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen Modes.
-Closing application
When closing Destiny 2 on PC, players must close the application via mouse input. Controllers cannot select the in-game button to close the Destiny 2 application.
-Corporate and university networks
Some players may be unable to play Destiny 2 on corporate or university networks. Players who encounter this issue must contact their IT department, to meet the connectivity standards outlined in the Network Troubleshooting Guide.

Tr0n ::
NVIDIA 388.00 Destiny 2 ready drivers.
May your adventures in the wild be EPIC.
May all your engrams be exotic.
May your Public Events be highly populated.
May your weapon mods be kinetic.
May your shader drops be frabjulous.
May your killstreaks be sublime.
May the world and the lore and the gunplay and the magic compel you to become LEGEND.
Eyes up, Guardians. You've some sights to see.
May your adventures in the wild be EPIC.
May all your engrams be exotic.
May your Public Events be highly populated.
May your weapon mods be kinetic.
May your shader drops be frabjulous.
May your killstreaks be sublime.
May the world and the lore and the gunplay and the magic compel you to become LEGEND.
Eyes up, Guardians. You've some sights to see.

Tr0n ::

yoco ::
Je mogoče kdo kupil na cdkeys? Čakam na ključ, pa ne vem kdaj pošljejo. Upam, da ne bo 5 minut pred štartom!

KaiV6 ::
Ker me demo ni nevem koliko navdusil,
ce koga zanima prodam pre-purcase verzijo Destiny 2 za 35EUR
p.s. kupljena je bila na Kinguin skupaj z buying protection.
ce koga zanima prodam pre-purcase verzijo Destiny 2 za 35EUR
p.s. kupljena je bila na Kinguin skupaj z buying protection.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: KaiV6 ()

Tr0n ::

Sasquat ::
sem za ST clan, oziroma kak drug slovenski. Kako sploh joinam? Pesbeno#2567
sem za ST clan, oziroma kak drug slovenski. Kako sploh joinam? Pesbeno#2567

Tr0n ::

yoco ::
Sem totalen noob v igri. Mi lahko nekdo pove, ko končam misijo in pridem nazaj do NPC, mi zgoraj piše "Increase reputation" in takoj spodaj EDZ Rewards. A to je najbolj takoj vzet al pustim za pozneje?

ahac ::
Kul, upam da tako tudi ostane.
To sploh niso cheaterji.
Govori se, da banajo folk, ki je uporabljal nek overlay ali capture software: fraps, OBS, Discord, itd.
Menda tudi nvidia shadowplay (folk poroča o banu igre, ki so jo dobil zraven nvidia kartice, zaradi uporabe uradnega nvidia software) ali celo samo Windows 10 Game DVR (del OSa)!
To se lahko zgodi še preden prideš v menije, ban je permanent.
Meanwhile... aim assist abuse je še vedno možen.
Zdaj vsaj vemo zakaj igre ni na Steamu: če bi bila, bi moral banat vse igralce, ker Steam ima svoj overlay.

Ampak v tem primeru bi se tudi masovno refundalo, kar pa na ni možno.

Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

yoco ::

Zmajc ::
Kul, upam da tako tudi ostane.
To sploh niso cheaterji.
Govori se, da banajo folk, ki je uporabljal nek overlay ali capture software: fraps, OBS, Discord, itd.
Menda tudi nvidia shadowplay (folk poroča o banu igre, ki so jo dobil zraven nvidia kartice, zaradi uporabe uradnega nvidia software) ali celo samo Windows 10 Game DVR (del OSa)!
To se lahko zgodi še preden prideš v menije, ban je permanent.
Meanwhile... aim assist abuse je še vedno možen.
Zdaj vsaj vemo zakaj igre ni na Steamu: če bi bila, bi moral banat vse igralce, ker Steam ima svoj overlay.
Ampak v tem primeru bi se tudi masovno refundalo, kar pa na ni možno.![]()
Glede na to da je Destiny 1 igralo več kot 25 miljonov uporabnikov in je dvojka ena izmed najbolj pričakovanih iger tega leta mislim da steama ki bi jim samo odžiral profit ne potrebujejo. tako pa Wow/Overwatch/Diablo Blizzard userje usmerijo v Destiny 2 ... Destiny 2 uporabnike pa proti Wow/Overwatch/Diablo ... win/win.
Če bi šli na steam bi bili idioti tbh.
Glede bannov pa je baje tako da se zaradi overlayev ne banna nikogar, le te samo blokirajo. Se bo že razjasnilo kaj se sme in kaj ne.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()

Tr0n ::
Sem totalen noob v igri. Mi lahko nekdo pove, ko končam misijo in pridem nazaj do NPC, mi zgoraj piše "Increase reputation" in takoj spodaj EDZ Rewards. A to je najbolj takoj vzet al pustim za pozneje?
Takole so mi na redditu svetovali glede reputation.
you can't hand them in until you're 20, they can be used in 2 ways
whenever you want while at 20, it'll shorten the grind to 265 light (the only true grind in the game)
or once you're already at 260, to get 265 gear from them, so you won't outscale them until you do some milestones.
i'd say to use them to help you get to 265
Boš naredil klan?
Ne, naj nekdo drug naredi. :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Sasquat ::
Klan sm nekak spacal skupaj. A mi poveste vaše bnet račune, da vas dodam?
ime klana je Slo-Tech
ime klana je Slo-Tech
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Sasquat ()

ahac ::
Včeraj sem naredil Slo-Tech group, čeprav verjetno je brezveze. Zaenkrat sem sam gor. 
Ampak mogoče bi se bilo preko tega lažje zmenit za klan kot dajat idje na forum? Invite link je:
Druga (mogoče boljša) varjanta je pa preko Slo-Tech Discorda (kjer celo je nekaj ljudi):
I don't know...

Ampak mogoče bi se bilo preko tega lažje zmenit za klan kot dajat idje na forum? Invite link je:
Druga (mogoče boljša) varjanta je pa preko Slo-Tech Discorda (kjer celo je nekaj ljudi):
I don't know...

Slo-Tech Discord -

Tr0n ::
Klan sm nekak spacal skupaj. A mi poveste vaše bnet račune, da vas dodam?
ime klana je Slo-Tech
Daj samo link do klana na in se folk lahko joina.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Sasquat ::
Ja tale je. Glih sprobavama s Hallow Deanom. Zgleda da mormo bit frendi da lahko chattamo ingame. Opeen invite je.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Sasquat ()

Tr0n ::
Vse kar ni moder/rare scout rifle (rabis za en quest pri koncu), epic ali legendary gre v dismantle bolj ali manj. :)

Tr0n ::
Ocitno le niso banali zaradi overlayov, ampak je folk dejansko cheatal, nekaj pa so jih banali pomotoma. :)

Tr0n ::
Kaj si ze pobrisal klan? :)
Jaz sem sicer sel v en malce vecji english speaking EU PC klan.
Nekaj je se prostora, ce se hoce kdo joinat (posljite PM adminu).
Jaz sem sicer sel v en malce vecji english speaking EU PC klan.
Nekaj je se prostora, ce se hoce kdo joinat (posljite PM adminu).

Tr0n ::
Kdaj dobiš svoj "sparrow"? Sem lvl 20, a nisem še do konca naredil vse story misije.
Lahko je random drop, drugace pa ob koncu kampanje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tr0n ::
Patch 1.0.6 in PC hotfix, ki bo popravil clan roster in performance tezave, bo releasan v cetrtek. Maintenance med 16:00 in 20:00.

yoco ::
Se en enostaven leveling in heroic public event cheat sheet. :)
glupo vprašanje. kaj so to "tokens"? jaz sem ravno med 200-265 power
EDIT: nvm... sem mal poguglav. edino kar še ne razumem je, za te "engrams". dobil sem legendary pa ne vem, a naj ga takoj odprem al počakam?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yoco ()

Tr0n ::
EDIT: nvm... sem mal poguglav. edino kar še ne razumem je, za te "engrams". dobil sem legendary pa ne vem, a naj ga takoj odprem al počakam?
Ce v inventoriju mouse-overas engram, ti napise kaksen power level je. Ce je power level ze dolocen glede na tvoj trenuten level, ga lahko decryptas/odpres.
Kasneje lahko legendary ali exotic armor in orozja vedno izboljsas z infusion-om istega tipa armorja/orozja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tr0n ::
Cool app, kjer lahko real-time transferas iteme, delat loadout-e ipd.
Cool app, kjer lahko real-time transferas iteme, delat loadout-e ipd.

Tr0n ::
Aja? Heh, baje je blo spet par folka pomotoma bananega ja. Ce nisi nic cudnega delal, kontaktiraj support.
PvP netcode .. it's weird and not good. :)
PvP netcode .. it's weird and not good. :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()
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