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Angleške pesmice

Angleške pesmice


Lep pozdrav. Zanima me, če ima mogoče kdo pesmi, ki jih je treba znati na v nivoju angl. ustne mature. Jazz jih namrec nimam:D Jutri mam pa maturo. Rad bi si jih samo preletel.

Pa še to...če ima mogoče kdo kaj conserning history of Britain naj prosiiim pove. Ker je to ena izmed tem...in o tem ne vem baš mnogo. danke.

DavidJ ::

- Wordsworth: I wandered lonely as a cloud.
- Frost: Fire and Ice; Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.
- Shakespeare: Sonet 130.
- Dickinson: How Happy is the Little Stone.

Uporabi google.

Viktorijanska Anglija. Zelo možno, da so slovnične napake, ker je bilo tole na hophop narejeno. :)
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. "
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: DavidJ ()

Double_J ::

Kje sploh pišejo teme?

Ker tole je lol, kr ena specifika, kokr vidm. Ni mi všeč.

DavidJ ::

1. Transport and travelling – means of transport, types of travelling, where, why …
2. Modern technology and its effects on our lives
3. Media – TV channels, programmes, radio, internet, ..
4. Newspapers and magazines – dailies, main-stream = quality papers, tabloids, …
5. Places to visit in Slovenia / England /America /world - tourism
6. School and education – types of school in SLO, different educational systems, …
7. Environmental problems – ozone layer, green house effect, global warming, …
8. Somewhere to live – describing location, houses, flats, rooms …
9. Dating, wedding – focus on the vocabulary; describe the wedding ceremony, …
10. Family life – now and in the past, in the future, trends, your situation, …
11. Modern world – social problems, pros and cons
12. My favourite book or film
13. Life in the future – the development of science and modern technology
14. Work / jobs / professions – describing, looking for a job, unemployment, …
15. Holidays – best, worst, summer, winter, activities, …
16. Traffic – causes of accidents, other problems, possible solutions, …
17. Falling ill – symptoms, diseases, treatment
18. Health care – describing and personal attitude, alternative medicine
19. People and animals – pets and domestic animals, using animals in scientific experiments, sports, for meat, in circus, …
20. Stereotypes – typical habits, character - comparison
21. Weather and climate – SLO - UK
22. Living in the city or in the country - comparison
23. Sports – comparison: typically English /Slovenian sports …
24. Meals and eating habits - comparison
25. Money matters – focus on vocabulary, spending, being rich
26. The world of film and music – favourite musicians, bands, type of music, films
27. Clothes and fashion – personal taste and attitude towards designer fashion
28. Addictions – smoking, alcoholism, drugs, computers, TV, food...
29. Geography of SLO and UK
30. Historical landmarks of Slovenia and English speaking countries – recent history of SLO, some important historical events
31. Communication – conversations, letters, telephone, e-mail
32. Traditional dishes – comparison SLO - UK
33. Superstitions and mysteries
34. Free time and hobbies
35. The arts – painting, music, literature, favourite work of art, …
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. "
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

Double_J ::

Hehe, sem že dones mel!

Čist na blef sm šel in seveda vse znal, skor tko kt da bi slovensko govoru. So se občasno kr smejat začele...:D

Sam sem dobil drgač kt je tole. Restavracije, živali, pa odlomek od Gatsbya.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Double_J ()

DavidJ ::

Potem si imel 19. temo. To je le 1/3 vprašanja. Bilo je pa zelo lahko, vem. :)
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. "
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

charna ::

emm hei vsi:) ali ima kdo analizo pesmi i wandered lonely as a cloud in pa how happy is a little stone narejeno??? nujno rabim:D
lep pozdrav
Večino trpljenja si človek povzroči sam.
Na napakah se učimo. Pametni se učijo na tujih.

Alexius Heristalski ::

Google ima vse.
fantje, ni blo slabo, samo dajte še v herbicidščini

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