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Prevod iz slo v angleščino

psytoma ::
Stvar je sledeča. Prevesti moram povzetek diplomske naloge iz slovenskega v angleški jezik in ker niti slučajno nisem tako spreten v to smer, kot sem obratno, vas prosim, če preverite kako sem opravil to nalogo. Za osnovo sem uporabil google translate, potem pa sem popravil tako, da so stavki čim bolj logični.
V prvem delu diplomske naloge sem opisal začetke avtorskega prava, nato pa sem se posvetil zakonodaji iz področja avtorskih pravic in opisal, kako je to področje urejeno v Sloveniji in kako v Evropski uniji. V nadaljevanju naloge sem podrobneje opisal avtorske pravice in druge teme, ki spadajo v ta kontekst. Poglavje sem namenil tudi prostim licencam.
Veliko strani sem namenil avtorskim pravicam v povezavi z internetom, saj menim, da je to danes zelo aktualna tema, saj postaja svet čedalje bolj "digitalen". Ker se tehnologija razvija, bi morala biti glasbena industrija vedno v koraku z njo, saj tudi potrošniki oz. poslušalci postajamo vedno bolj razvajeni.
V nadaljevanju sem predstavil kolektivno upravljanje avtorskih pravic ter opisal katere kolektivne organizacije poznamo v tujini in katere doma. Osredotočil sem se predvsem na SAZAS.
Z anketo, ki sem jo izvedel preko spleta pa sem poskusil izvedeti, kako se obnašajo ljudje ob lahki dosegljivosti piratske glasbe na internetu ter kako pogosto legalno pridobijo glasbo.
Ključne besede: avtorska pravica, kolektivne organizacije, SAZAS, piratstvo, proste licence.
angleško (moj prevod):
In the first part of the thesis I described the beginnings of a copyright, then I have dedicated couple of pages to legislation in the field of copyright and described, how this area is regulated in Slovenia and how in the European Union. Next I have explained in detail the functions of copyright and other topics covered in this context. I have also explained free licenses.
I have dedicated many pages to copyright in connection to the Internet, because I think this is a very important issue today, because the world is becoming increasingly "digital". As technology evolves, the music industry should always be in contact with it, because consumers and listeners are becoming more spoiled every day.
Then I presented the collective management of copyright, and which collecting societies we know at home and abroad. I focused mainly on SAZAS.
With the survey, that I conducted over the internet, I tried to learn how people behave when they can easy download pirated music from the internet and how often they legally acquire music.
Key words: copyright, collecting societies, SAZAS, piracy, free licenses.
Je lahko kdo tako prijazen in prebere moj popravljen angleški prevod in predlaga popravke?
V prvem delu diplomske naloge sem opisal začetke avtorskega prava, nato pa sem se posvetil zakonodaji iz področja avtorskih pravic in opisal, kako je to področje urejeno v Sloveniji in kako v Evropski uniji. V nadaljevanju naloge sem podrobneje opisal avtorske pravice in druge teme, ki spadajo v ta kontekst. Poglavje sem namenil tudi prostim licencam.
Veliko strani sem namenil avtorskim pravicam v povezavi z internetom, saj menim, da je to danes zelo aktualna tema, saj postaja svet čedalje bolj "digitalen". Ker se tehnologija razvija, bi morala biti glasbena industrija vedno v koraku z njo, saj tudi potrošniki oz. poslušalci postajamo vedno bolj razvajeni.
V nadaljevanju sem predstavil kolektivno upravljanje avtorskih pravic ter opisal katere kolektivne organizacije poznamo v tujini in katere doma. Osredotočil sem se predvsem na SAZAS.
Z anketo, ki sem jo izvedel preko spleta pa sem poskusil izvedeti, kako se obnašajo ljudje ob lahki dosegljivosti piratske glasbe na internetu ter kako pogosto legalno pridobijo glasbo.
Ključne besede: avtorska pravica, kolektivne organizacije, SAZAS, piratstvo, proste licence.
angleško (moj prevod):
In the first part of the thesis I described the beginnings of a copyright, then I have dedicated couple of pages to legislation in the field of copyright and described, how this area is regulated in Slovenia and how in the European Union. Next I have explained in detail the functions of copyright and other topics covered in this context. I have also explained free licenses.
I have dedicated many pages to copyright in connection to the Internet, because I think this is a very important issue today, because the world is becoming increasingly "digital". As technology evolves, the music industry should always be in contact with it, because consumers and listeners are becoming more spoiled every day.
Then I presented the collective management of copyright, and which collecting societies we know at home and abroad. I focused mainly on SAZAS.
With the survey, that I conducted over the internet, I tried to learn how people behave when they can easy download pirated music from the internet and how often they legally acquire music.
Key words: copyright, collecting societies, SAZAS, piracy, free licenses.
Je lahko kdo tako prijazen in prebere moj popravljen angleški prevod in predlaga popravke?

djordjevic ::
Za google translate + little bit of self input sploh ni slabo. Par vejic tu in tam, pa je za extract čist dovolj.

No grave is deep enough to keep us in chains.

svenica ::
Par predlaganih slogovnih in slovničnih popravkov:
In the first part of the thesis I described the beginnings of copyright law, and later dedicated a couple of pages to legislation in the field of copyright (,) and described how this area is regulated in Slovenia and how in the European Union. Next I have explained in detail the functions of copyright and other topics covered in this context. I have also explained free licenses.
I have dedicated many pages to copyright in connection to the Internet, because I think this is a very important issue today, since the world is becoming increasingly "digital". The music industry should always be in contact with the evolving technology, because consumers and listeners are becoming increasingly spoiled.
Then I presented the collective management of copyright, and which collecting societies are there in Slovenia and abroad. I focused mainly on SAZAS.
Through an online survey I tried to learn how people behave when they can easily download pirated music from the internet, and how often they acquire music legally.
In the first part of the thesis I described the beginnings of copyright law, and later dedicated a couple of pages to legislation in the field of copyright (,) and described how this area is regulated in Slovenia and how in the European Union. Next I have explained in detail the functions of copyright and other topics covered in this context. I have also explained free licenses.
I have dedicated many pages to copyright in connection to the Internet, because I think this is a very important issue today, since the world is becoming increasingly "digital". The music industry should always be in contact with the evolving technology, because consumers and listeners are becoming increasingly spoiled.
Then I presented the collective management of copyright, and which collecting societies are there in Slovenia and abroad. I focused mainly on SAZAS.
Through an online survey I tried to learn how people behave when they can easily download pirated music from the internet, and how often they acquire music legally.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: svenica ()

Marc` ::
Jaz sem ti popravil vejice, ki jih je pri angleščini krepko manj in težko delaš s prevajanjem v slovenščino in kasnejšim vstavljanjem. Tukaj mislim predvsem pred because (nikoli ni vejice) in podobno, kot boš videl. Pazi tudi, da vedno daš za "linking words" vejico, torej next, then, firstly ipd. Pustil sem več ali manj vse, kar je predlagal unready, mislim pa, da je zdaj kar spodobno, lahko pa še kdo kaj popravi, saj bi native speakerji in še kdo zagotovo še marsikaj popravili v bolj formalno verzijo. :)
In the first part of the thesis I described the beginnings of copyright law and continued by dedicating a couple of pages to the legislation in the field of copyright law and described how this area is regulated both in Slovenia and in the European Union. Next, I have explained in detail the functions of copyright law and other topics covered in this context. I have also explained free licenses.
I have dedicated many pages to copyright law in connection to the Internet because I think this is a very important issue today since the world is becoming increasingly "digital". The music industry should always be in contact with the evolving technology because consumers and listeners are becoming increasingly spoiled.
Then, I presented the collective management of copyright and described which collecting societies are there in Slovenia and abroad. I focused mainly on SAZAS.
Through an online survey I tried to learn how people behave when they can easy download pirated music from the internet and how often they acquire music legally .
In the first part of the thesis I described the beginnings of copyright law and continued by dedicating a couple of pages to the legislation in the field of copyright law and described how this area is regulated both in Slovenia and in the European Union. Next, I have explained in detail the functions of copyright law and other topics covered in this context. I have also explained free licenses.
I have dedicated many pages to copyright law in connection to the Internet because I think this is a very important issue today since the world is becoming increasingly "digital". The music industry should always be in contact with the evolving technology because consumers and listeners are becoming increasingly spoiled.
Then, I presented the collective management of copyright and described which collecting societies are there in Slovenia and abroad. I focused mainly on SAZAS.
Through an online survey I tried to learn how people behave when they can easy download pirated music from the internet and how often they acquire music legally .
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Marc` ()

McHusch ::
V angleščini je lepo, če se v povzetku (znanstveni povztek je Abstact in ne Summary!) izogibaš prvoosebnemu pisanju in nasploh sestaviš bolj nevtralen tekst. Reče se 'was demonstrated, was shown, is known ...'. I dedicated many pages in podobna solata v abstract ne sodijo! Prav tako je precej laže, če najprej napišeš angleški povzetek in potem prevedeš v slovenščino.
Za primerjavo sem ti 'prevedel' nekaj odstavkov iz tvoje angleščine v malo bolj strokovne, pri čemer slovenskega povzetka sploh nisem bral. Tudi strokovne pravne terminologije, zato naj ti jo še nekdo pogleda.
Nekaj v tem stilu se pričakuje v angleškem povzetku.
Za primerjavo sem ti 'prevedel' nekaj odstavkov iz tvoje angleščine v malo bolj strokovne, pri čemer slovenskega povzetka sploh nisem bral. Tudi strokovne pravne terminologije, zato naj ti jo še nekdo pogleda.
In the first section of the thesis, the beginnings of copyright law are described, followed by an exhaustive review of copyright legislation and regulation in Slovenia and EU. Furthermore, functions of copyright law and similar topics are explained in greater detail, including free licences.
Copyright law and its applications on the internet are thoroughly described because of the increasing digitalisation of modern world. Since consumers' habits are adapting to the capabilities of modern technology and inherent instant availability of music, music industry should also follow the same guidelines.
System of collective management of copyright and related rights is described. Among many organisations in Slovenia and abroad, special focus is placed on SAZAS of Slovenia.
An on-line survey was carried out to find out how people behave when pirated music is readily available. Their behaviour on the Internet and the frequency of legal music purchases were investigated.
Nekaj v tem stilu se pričakuje v angleškem povzetku.

psytoma ::
Bi napisal najprej v angleščini, vendar to ni mogoče, glede na to, da je moj prvi tuji jezik Nemščina in sem se angleško učil komaj dve leti. Ni mi problem prevajati iz angleščine, obratno se pa nimam kaj hvaliti.
Hvala ti za vse napisano.
edit: Se strinjate drugi, ki ste mi že odgovorili, da je ta zadnja verzija najbolj primerna, da ne bom koga užalil? Kako pa je z vejicami v tej zadnji verziji, so v redu?
Hvala ti za vse napisano.
edit: Se strinjate drugi, ki ste mi že odgovorili, da je ta zadnja verzija najbolj primerna, da ne bom koga užalil? Kako pa je z vejicami v tej zadnji verziji, so v redu?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: psytoma ()
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