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Civilization VI

oo7 ::
Izid igre 21 oktober 2016 za PC
The next Civilization is on its way. Today developer Firaxis announced that Civilization VI will be launching on PC on October 21st, making it the first main entry in the series since Civilization V in 2010
CIVILIZATION VI Official Announcement Trailer
The next Civilization is on its way. Today developer Firaxis announced that Civilization VI will be launching on PC on October 21st, making it the first main entry in the series since Civilization V in 2010
CIVILIZATION VI Official Announcement Trailer

Kurzweil ::
Do sedaj sem igral vse Civilizatione od 1. dela dalje in bom še tega. Kar se mene tiče, ne rabimo nobene šminke, samo da je stvar zbalansirana, da je mikroekonomija in research tree po možnosti še malce večji in bolj dodelan in mogoče bi si želel še kakšno enoto in building več.

Netrunner ::
Ha zakon... IV me še čaka da jo obrnem in zdaj bo že VI zunaj.... kje so časi srednje šole kjer je blo časa preveč in še ga je ostalo

Ghenghiz ::
Colour me excited AF!
Zdej je treba samo se pocakat tista 3 leta, da se bo kupilo complete edition. CivV se mi je v primerjavi s CivIV:BtS ob izidu zdel tako plehek, da bom raje pocakal. Nocem, da se mi tudi ta po nepotrebnem zameri zgolj zato, ker se game featurje namenoma prodaja kot DLCje.
Zdej je treba samo se pocakat tista 3 leta, da se bo kupilo complete edition. CivV se mi je v primerjavi s CivIV:BtS ob izidu zdel tako plehek, da bom raje pocakal. Nocem, da se mi tudi ta po nepotrebnem zameri zgolj zato, ker se game featurje namenoma prodaja kot DLCje.

opeter ::
To je res. Splača se počakat vedno na Complete Edition variante.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

flyby ::

vostok_1 ::
A bo spet same shit all over again?
Mam občutek, da je to zgolj še en CoD/BF milking machine.
Mam občutek, da je to zgolj še en CoD/BF milking machine.

Ghenghiz ::
A bo spet same shit all over again?
Mam občutek, da je to zgolj še en CoD/BF milking machine.
Se noben Civ do zdaj ni bil 'same shit all over again', vsaj meni ne. Privlacnost je meni ravno v micromanagement mehanikah in te so se do sedaj vedno opazno razlikovale - celo najbolj osnovne.

miteq ::

opeter ::
Po screenshotih izgleda, kot da gre za neko igro za mobilne naprave.
Kje si videl screenshote?
Trailer je fantastičen, sploh z Atlasom na koncu.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

opeter ::
@M-Power: Hvala.
Hmm ... meni pa je lepše, da je čimveč barv in ni tako rjavkasto/sivkasto in s preveč bloom/odsevi/svetlikanjem in vsemi temi bednimi efekti.
Hmm ... meni pa je lepše, da je čimveč barv in ni tako rjavkasto/sivkasto in s preveč bloom/odsevi/svetlikanjem in vsemi temi bednimi efekti.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

111111111111 ::
Izgleda super. Najprej iz travnika prešpilat, potem pa kupit ultimate verzijo čez 3 leta, zaradi slabe vesti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 111111111111 ()

vostok_1 ::
Đizs. Tej artisti iz 2k/sid meier si res zaslužijo it pred strelski vod.
Še nisem igral njihove igre, ki se mi ne bi kozlalo od obupne barvne palete in štoraste grafike.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: Primoz ()

opeter ::
Vzporedno je 28. aprila Stardock izdal Offworld Trading Company:
Offworld Trading Company
Save Humanity. Turn a Profit. Preferably Both.
Take to the stars to earn your fortune in a new type of RTS from Civilization IV designer Soren Johnson! Released on April 28th, Offworld Trading Company will place you as a hopeful entrepreneur on Mars, eager to stake your claim and drive out the competition so that you can claim all of the wealth as your own.
Offworld has been years in the making and the teams at Mohawk and Stardock are extremely excited that it's finally here. We have all been fortunate enough to work with some immense talents in order to put this project out, including a planetary geologist named Kirby Runyon and a Grammy award-winning composer, Christopher Tin (Baba Yetu, Civilization IV).
Here's what some of our reviewers had to say:
"Offworld Trading Company is a work of genius." - 5/5, Quarter to Three
"The core mechanic - the market that acts as a malleable foundation on which every other system is built - is close to perfect." - Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Offworld Trading Company
Save Humanity. Turn a Profit. Preferably Both.
Take to the stars to earn your fortune in a new type of RTS from Civilization IV designer Soren Johnson! Released on April 28th, Offworld Trading Company will place you as a hopeful entrepreneur on Mars, eager to stake your claim and drive out the competition so that you can claim all of the wealth as your own.
Offworld has been years in the making and the teams at Mohawk and Stardock are extremely excited that it's finally here. We have all been fortunate enough to work with some immense talents in order to put this project out, including a planetary geologist named Kirby Runyon and a Grammy award-winning composer, Christopher Tin (Baba Yetu, Civilization IV).
Here's what some of our reviewers had to say:
"Offworld Trading Company is a work of genius." - 5/5, Quarter to Three
"The core mechanic - the market that acts as a malleable foundation on which every other system is built - is close to perfect." - Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

noraguta ::
Če ne bodo dali notri terorizma in kiber-terorizma bo brezveze...
Jebene sovražnike imperina imaš že od prve verzije naprej.
Pust' ot pobyedy k pobyedye vyedyot!

Ghenghiz ::
Zelo obsezna predstavitev (skoraj 3 ure) s strani igralca ki obvlada:
All aboard hype train!
All aboard hype train!

111111111111 ::
Nehaj že rajcat. Kdaj to pride. Ne bom gledal vsakega filma posebej. Jaz hočem ŠPILAT. :)

oo7 ::
111111111111 je izjavil:
Nehaj že rajcat. Kdaj to pride. Ne bom gledal vsakega filma posebej. Jaz hočem ŠPILAT. :)
Letos 21 Oktobra :)

Zmajc ::
Ne vem no, od kar sem igral Crusader Kings 2 se mi 90% strategij, vključno z Civ igrami zdi preveč omejenih... Upam da bo še kaka igra kdaj vsebovala kaj intrig in spletk ki so možne tam.

opeter ::
Grafika je zelo lepa, sploh tiste del mi je všeč, ko vidiš zemljevid in še "neodkrit del", ki izgleda kot nekdaj risani zemljevidi.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

sesobebo ::
dada. ceprav mi je bila grafika v cisto prvem trailerju popolnoma odbijajoca, se je v kasnejsih "hands-on" videih izkazala za precej spektakularno.
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