Forum » Programska oprema » Nadomestilo za Adobe Creative Cloud
Nadomestilo za Adobe Creative Cloud

BivšiUser2 ::
Iščem alternativo za CC (Vse razen Dreamviewer), ki pa ni Inkscape, Corel,GIMP, Audacity.....
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

Elemen_T ::
Težka bo če si navajen na Adobe :D Alternative si pa že naštel. Če bi razložil zakaj iščeš alternativo in zakaj ostale opcije ki si jih naštel niso vredu, boš prej dobil pravi odgovor ;)

bluefish ::
Alternative v pravem pomenu besede boš težko našel. Morebitne kandidate lahko poiščeš tu:
Sicer pa, kot je zapisal predhodnik, bo potrebnih malce več informacij.
Sicer pa, kot je zapisal predhodnik, bo potrebnih malce več informacij.

BivšiUser2 ::
Alternativo iščem ker mi naročniški model ne ustreza, s Corelom delamo v šoli vendar se v njem ne znajdem, pri ostalih se mi vmesnik ne vidi. Pred časom sem sprobal tudi Linux distro za ta multimedijo, je pa tudi žalost, ne podpira gpt, ima nek ločen sistem root/normalni user,pidpora wireless gonilnikom slaba,...
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BivšiUser2 ()

Elemen_T ::
Tako intuitivnega vmesnika kot je Adobe ne boš dobil, nimaš šanse. OK, s tem se uporabniki GIMP-a ne bodo strinjal ampak so tudi oni potrebovali precej časa, da so se ufural v "svojevrstni" interface. Bo treba vztrajat pri neki alternativi pa četudi ti ni všeč. V glavnem, ne boš našel tega kar iščeš v smislu - OWJE, to je to.

b3D_950 ::
In koliko stane CC letno? Dobi sponzorja, da ti pomaga.
V/na kakšno šolo pa hodiš - osnovna, srednja?
V/na kakšno šolo pa hodiš - osnovna, srednja?
Zdaj ko je mir, jemo samo krompir.

BivšiUser2 ::
Zadnji letnik srednje računalniške v MS.... nekje 200€ letno, čeprav premišljujem da bi šel v CS6 oziroma celo 5,zelo sem se v tem kratkem času navadil na adobe cc (šola ga je nabavila zaradi oblikovalcev) pa sem pri računalniškem oblikovanju do zdaj delal samo v tem
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

garamond ::
Ena možnost je, za zdaj imajo samo svoj "Illustrator" in "Photoshop". Naročniški model je plačaj enkrat. Slabost: samo za Mac OS.
Je že kdo poskusil, kako je? (Pričakovano je, da nima vseh funkcij Adobe paketa.)
Je že kdo poskusil, kako je? (Pričakovano je, da nima vseh funkcij Adobe paketa.)
A parody of extremism is impossible to differentiate from sincere extremism.

BivšiUser2 ::
Kupim Mac Os X, ga namestim na lappy s pentium cpu in radeon grafo in ssdjem. So kakšne strojne in/ali pravne ovire?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

garamond ::
Bolj kot kakšne strojne ovire (to boš moral pogledati namensko temo) ali pravne (mislim da je legalno, čeprav ne v skladu z licenco) so ovire nezdružljivost programov, pa tvoj čas za zamenjavo in učenje celega OSja. Moraš tudi pogledati če so vsi programi podprti (in do katere mere), ki jih običajno uporabljaš.
Pa tudi, ali je vredno zamenjati OS samo za preizkušanje Mac-only programa? Lahko si Mac OS namestiš vzporedno z glavnim OSjem, ali pa v virtualno okolje.
Pa tudi, ali je vredno zamenjati OS samo za preizkušanje Mac-only programa? Lahko si Mac OS namestiš vzporedno z glavnim OSjem, ali pa v virtualno okolje.
A parody of extremism is impossible to differentiate from sincere extremism.

ripmork ::
Adobe CS5 licenca
Tole kupiš, pa si pokrit for-ever.
drawaback je, da ostaneš na starejši verziji windowsev. Oziroma, ne vem, koliko tisti "compatibility" mode še kej pomaga :)
So bile izboljšave v novejših paketih, samo bang-for-buck mislim, da je tole še vedno dobra opcija dolgoročno gledano.
S tem, da se ti ni treba navajat na drugo programje/ workflow, ter ima Adobe scena (hočeš/nočeš) daleč največjo pokritost, naj bo to iskanje tutorialov, pluginov, delo v kakem studiju, ipd...
Tole kupiš, pa si pokrit for-ever.
drawaback je, da ostaneš na starejši verziji windowsev. Oziroma, ne vem, koliko tisti "compatibility" mode še kej pomaga :)
So bile izboljšave v novejših paketih, samo bang-for-buck mislim, da je tole še vedno dobra opcija dolgoročno gledano.
S tem, da se ti ni treba navajat na drugo programje/ workflow, ter ima Adobe scena (hočeš/nočeš) daleč največjo pokritost, naj bo to iskanje tutorialov, pluginov, delo v kakem studiju, ipd...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ripmork ()

BivšiUser2 ::
Adobe CS5 licenca
Tole kupiš, pa si pokrit for-ever.
drawaback je, da ostaneš na starejši verziji windowsev. Oziroma, ne vem, koliko tisti "compatibility" mode še kej pomaga :)
So bile izboljšave v novejših paketih, samo bang-for-buck mislim, da je tole še vedno dobra opcija dolgoročno gledano.
S tem, da se ti ni treba navajat na drugo programje/ workflow, ter ima Adobe scena (hočeš/nočeš) daleč največjo pokritost, naj bo to iskanje tutorialov, pluginov, delo v kakem studiju, ipd...
Hvala za nasvet bom pogledal in se najverjeneje za to odločil, če praviš da je dobra bang-for-buck opcija....
tvoj čas za zamenjavo in učenje celega OSja. Moraš tudi pogledati če so vsi programi podprti (in do katere mere), ki jih običajno uporabljaš.
Pa tudi, ali je vredno zamenjati OS samo za preizkušanje Mac-only programa? Lahko si Mac OS namestiš vzporedno z glavnim OSjem, ali pa v virtualno okolje.
Saj na dual se tudi pomislil (najboljša varianta, ki pa ne bo zgodila je pa itak Winux OS X

Učenje OS-a mi ne dela težav (delam še z Arch in Owrt), z Mac OS potem nebi smelo biti problem. Za tisto kar mi pa s programi omenjaš pa je tak, da bi rad tudi druge programe sprobaval in jih (če so dobri) kupil (GarageBand,...).
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

McClane ::
Če rabiš samo Photoshop potem vzami Photography plan za 12€ na mesec in imaš mir ter vedno zadnjo verzijo Photoshopa, zraven pa imaš še Lightroom za fotografije.
\"You want us to build WHAT??\" - Ancient Chinese Wall Engineer

opeter ::
Ena možnost je, za zdaj imajo samo svoj "Illustrator" in "Photoshop". Naročniški model je plačaj enkrat. Slabost: samo za Mac OS.
Je že kdo poskusil, kako je? (Pričakovano je, da nima vseh funkcij Adobe paketa.)
Saj imaš Serif DrawPlus, PhotoPlus, celo PagePlus (solidna alternativa Indesignu) za Windows:
So pa seveda tudi problemi, npr.:
- manjka podpora za vzhodnoevropske jezike, med njimi tudi slovenščine (npr. ni delilnika)
- če si navajen na Adobejeve bližnjice na tipkovnici, so tukaj nekatere privzeto drugačne (da se pa nastaviti)
- trenutno še manjkajo določene funckije, npr. Affinity Designer nima vektoziracijskega modula (tracing), medtem ko DrawPlus to že nekaj časa ima
Med prednosti npr. Affinity Designerja je vsekakor, vsaj za moje pojme, dosti bolj tekoče urejanje vektorskih elementov. Res, delati in manipulirati bezierjeve krivulje je nekaj fenomenalnega.
Potem je ogromno podrobnosti, ki so dosti bolje rešene, npr., če imaš miško, kateremu kolešček deluje kot srednja tipa, lakho le s tem premikaš dokument in ne rabiš pritisniti oz. držati presledek (spacebar) ali pa pritisniti H, da dobiš rokico in dodatno še levo miškino tipko.
Pa še bi lahko našteval. Je pa vredno spremljati in tudi uporabljate te programe, ker se angleški Serif res trudi. Obenem pa niso začetniki, saj so že nekaj časa na sceni, samo so pač n-krat manjši od firm tipa Adobe ali pa Corel.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

opeter ::
Še slika programa Serif Affinity Designer:
V določenih funkcijah je bolj podoben CorelDrawu, v nekaterih pa npr. Adobe Illustratorju. V nekaterih pa me spominja na Freehand.
V določenih funkcijah je bolj podoben CorelDrawu, v nekaterih pa npr. Adobe Illustratorju. V nekaterih pa me spominja na Freehand.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

BivšiUser2 ::
ta Serif serija ne izgleda slabo, vidim da ima tudi starter edition za free bom sprobal, javim kako je potem tudi kupil, zaenkrat pa hvala 
@opeter: to si vzel svojo sliko, ali nekaj random?

@opeter: to si vzel svojo sliko, ali nekaj random?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BivšiUser2 ()

opeter ::
BivšiUser2 je izjavil:
ta Serif serija ne izgleda slabo, vidim da ima tudi starter edition za free bom sprobal, javim kako je potem tudi kupil, zaenkrat pa hvala
@opeter: to si vzel svojo sliko, ali nekaj random?
Moja slika, zakaj?

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

Navje ::
Jaz ti lahko svetujem samo za resno alternativo InDesignu in sicer QuarkXpress, UI je še kar podoben (no ja do verzije InDesign CS4 za Win okolje je bil skoraj identičen) in "default" bljižnice so skoraj enake kot v InDesignu. Sam sem nekaj let delal na njem, pred davnimi leti ampak to so bile stare verzije (3.4. in 5.) potem sem zamenjal delodajalca in tam se je uporabljal InDesign, takrat prva verzija CS. Od takrat naprej na QuarkXpress-u na žalost nisem več toliko delal, kot sedaj pri vsakodnevni uporabi InDesigna CC.

opeter ::
Jaz ti lahko svetujem samo za resno alternativo InDesignu in sicer QuarkXpress, UI je še kar podoben (no ja do verzije InDesign CS4 za Win okolje je bil skoraj identičen) in "default" bljižnice so skoraj enake kot v InDesignu. Sam sem nekaj let delal na njem, pred davnimi leti ampak to so bile stare verzije (3.4. in 5.) potem sem zamenjal delodajalca in tam se je uporabljal InDesign, takrat prva verzija CS. Od takrat naprej na QuarkXpress-u na žalost nisem več toliko delal, kot sedaj pri vsakodnevni uporabi InDesigna CC.
Se strinjam. Quark je še vedno TOP rešitev.
Če pa je cena problem, potem pa imamo vsaj še eno solidno alternativo: VivaDesigner.
Tu je opis nekaterih lastnosti:
Ima odlično podporo med drugim tudi za slovenski jezik in brez težav odpira IDML datoteke, ki so standardiziran format za izmenjavo datotek med različnimi verzijami indizajna od verzije CS4 naprej. Predtem je to bil INX format, ki pa je preživet in z novejšimi verzijami nekompatibilen.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

Navje ::
Če pa je cena problem, potem pa imamo vsaj še eno solidno alternativo: VivaDesigner.
Tu je opis nekaterih lastnosti:
Hmm rad bi preizkusil tale Viva Designer, pa mi extension "Web of trust" za FF ali Chrome blokira njihovo spletno stran, ... pravi da jim ne gre za zaupati?

garamond ::
@opeter Hvala za malo daljši opis teh programskih paketov.
A parody of extremism is impossible to differentiate from sincere extremism.

opeter ::
Hmm rad bi preizkusil tale Viva Designer, pa mi extension "Web of trust" za FF ali Chrome blokira njihovo spletno stran, ... pravi da jim ne gre za zaupati?
Meni deluje, res pa je, da uporabljam samo UBlock.
Tu je brezplačna varianta in/ali demo verzija osmice (izberite za vaš sistem):
Verzija 9 Public beta, avtomatski prenos za vaš sistem (OS X, Windows ali Linux):;9;auto
Program VivaDesigner (nekoč VivaPress) se je prvič pojavil leta 1990. Za nemškega velikana LinoType so ga sprogramirali pri nemškem podjetju Viva (Technology) GmbH, prvotno za klasični MacOS sistem. Ker pozneje LinoTpye programa ni hotel odkupiti so se podali na samostojno pot.
Več pa tukaj za tiste, ki razumete nemško:
@garamond: ni za kaj.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

BivšiUser2 ::
Se pa vidi, da se spoznaš na te zadeve opeter,ta zbrika serif programov je kar kul ....
Kaj pa je bil vzrok za odpoved posla glede programa?
Kaj pa je bil vzrok za odpoved posla glede programa?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

opeter ::
BivšiUser2 je izjavil:
Se pa vidi, da se spoznaš na te zadeve opeter,ta zbrika serif programov je kar kul ....
Kaj pa je bil vzrok za odpoved posla glede programa?
Žal nimam informacij.
Ja, zbirka Serifovih programov je solidna, postopno se razvija, samo je treba razumet določene zadeve:
- operirajo z dosti-dosti manjšim proračunom kot Adobe
- prvotno so bili orientirani na UK (angleški) oz. zahodnoevropejski trg
- sedaj, ko se počasi širijo s pomočjo interneta tudi drugam, se lahko nadejamo, da bodo dodali podporo še kakšnem jeziku. Trenutno je podprtih cca. 6 jezikov, vsaj kar se vmesnika tiče.
Are Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo available in any languages other than English?
Yes, the apps include English (US and UK), German, French, and Spanish, followed by Italian and Japanese later in the year. This again will be a free update, which includes a Preference for your choice of language. We are also looking into Chinese but have no firm date for this yet.
Glede jezikov, ki so podprti v smislu deljenja besed, pa je v Serif AFD trenutno podprto sledeče:
V Serif Draw Plus je morda še kakšen dodatni jezik ali dva.
Dodatne informacije o razvoju:
Tu je še zgodovina firme Serif:
Nastali so leta 1987.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

BivšiUser2 ::
Glede jezikov mi je vseeno,tako nemščino kot angleščino razumem, če pa rabim šumnike pa rešujem z v-ji.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

opeter ::
Če koga zanima: Serif Draw Plus X8 za 35 EUR:
Your voucher expires on Monday 21st December 2015 so don't miss out!
Your voucher expires on Monday 21st December 2015 so don't miss out!
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

Fairplay ::
Lahko kdo kaj več pove o Serif Draw Plus X8? Je zmožen kakšnih večjih projektov.
Sem ga hotel preizkusiti pred nakupom, vendar nimajo trial verzije.
Potrebujem nekaj za Windows. Adobov subscribtion model mi ne diši preveč.
Sem ga hotel preizkusiti pred nakupom, vendar nimajo trial verzije.
Potrebujem nekaj za Windows. Adobov subscribtion model mi ne diši preveč.

opeter ::
Lahko kdo kaj več pove o Serif Draw Plus X8? Je zmožen kakšnih večjih projektov.
Sem ga hotel preizkusiti pred nakupom, vendar nimajo trial verzije.
Potrebujem nekaj za Windows. Adobov subscribtion model mi ne diši preveč.
Odvisno od tvojih potreb. Da se napraviti marsikaj.
Obenem je CMYK, Pantone, Lab barvni popolnoma načrt podprt. Odlično odpira PDF datoteke.
Draw Plus je Windows varianta Affinity Designerja.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

opeter ::
Tu so predstavljene novosti v X8 (osemnajsti) verziji:
Tu je nekaj veljavnih kuponov:
Žal so prodajne akcije praviloma ob praznikih in ob črnih petkih (black friday), kiber ponedeljkih itn.
Tu je nekaj veljavnih kuponov:
Žal so prodajne akcije praviloma ob praznikih in ob črnih petkih (black friday), kiber ponedeljkih itn.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

opeter ::
Če koga zanima, ravno danes prejel spodnje:
Dear Peter,
As you may see being widely reported today, we have just announced that we are bringing our new range of Affinity applications to Windows. You have been a loyal customer to us over the years and I wanted to take some time to explain a little more fully as to why we are doing this, and what it means for the future of Serif software.
It was about 6 years ago now when our Head of Development, Tony Brightman, presented his vision for a new suite of graphics applications. His view was that however good all our existing products were, given the chance to start from scratch the team would be able to create something truly revolutionary.
There were many aspects of the plan, but some of the key fundamentals of the technology were:
- Building a whole new method of memory management, allowing super fast and smooth rendering of massive documents even on small devices like tablets
- Producing a single back-end framework for a whole suite of applications covering the core disciplines of photo editing, vector drawing and desktop publishing
- Significantly improving workflow through each application sharing the same file type and being able to seamlessly switch between them
- Aiming at Mac professionals first, but making much of the code OS independent for future cross platform support
- Using a whole new method of organising UI into personas devoted to different use cases to significantly reduce bloat.
It was a big decision. We are a pretty small company with a fraction of the development resources available to our international competitors, so this was going take a huge chunk of our capacity for a long time. Research and development by its very nature means you don't really know how long something will take, which meant it was somewhat of a gamble too.
But the timing was right for other reasons. We had concerns over some very important areas of the business at that time - particularly with channels such as retail becoming increasingly tough for software - and outside of those channels we felt it to be very important to increase market share in the creative professional market. The fact was, if we were to be taken seriously in that market, we had to be producing applications for Mac too. That basically meant starting the professional versions from scratch anyway. So, we decided to go for it.
It did end up taking longer than originally expected, but after nearly 5 years our first new product was launched - Affinity Designer. This was followed in July last year with the launch of Affinity Photo, and we are also working on a DTP product - Affinity Publisher - which should be out early next year.
The reaction to these products has completely blown all expectations we had out of the water. We won an Apple Design Award in June last year for Affinity Designer, Apple selected Affinity Photo as their best app of 2015 out of 30,000 apps, the write ups we've received in the press have been amazing. And both products have now received 1,000s of customer reviews on the Mac App Store with an average rating of 5 stars worldwide. Sales too have been incredible, Affinity Designer for example has sold five times as many units so far as the last version of DrawPlus.
With all this success we naturally started to very quickly think about how to get Affinity apps onto Windows. While last year we released new versions of PhotoPlus, DrawPlus and PagePlus and put a lot of effort into making them really strong upgrades - the recent reviews of PagePlus X9 are testament to that - in the background we were starting to slowly move more of our team over to work on Affinity for Windows in response to the increasingly vocal demand from new and old customers.
Now, the good news is that our team of Windows developers have made incredible progress with Affinity - and we're now expecting to have the first beta of Affinity Designer available in only 2-3 months' time. Bringing more of our developers over onto the Affinity project has also enabled us to achieve that without compromising progress on the Mac versions, or indeed the on-going development of Affinity Publisher.
But along the way we had to make a big decision. Should we try to spread ourselves thinly across two product ranges, or should we concentrate on developing the one with the most potential to deliver the best results as quickly as possible. Logically there was no contest and we are going to continue to focus our development efforts entirely on Affinity from now on. Unfortunately, this means we will not be releasing another major version of any of our 'Plus' range applications. They will however continue to be available for the foreseeable future and of course we've always had the principle of not charging a subscription so you can continue to use whatever versions you have for many years to come if you wish.
However clear the logic, this is an announcement that has been made with a slightly heavy heart - this is my 22nd year with Serif and some have been here even longer with the majority of us having been here for 10 years or more - so we've all lived and breathed these products for a very long time. But the potential of the Affinity range is huge. We feel we can achieve something which is truly game-changing, so we just have to dedicate ourselves to that now and everyone here is incredibly excited and motivated by that prospect.
Of course we would love you to continue with us on this journey and transition to Affinity as the Windows versions are launched. We will be offering "upgrade" type pricing to help with that - so DrawPlus X8 owners will get a special discounted price for Affinity Designer for Windows, for example, which we will be giving further details of when we launch. Owners of the latest versions of WebPlus and MoviePlus will also be offered a special discount to the Affinity range despite there unfortunately not being any direct replacement for those two products.
As I mentioned we will have a beta of Affinity Designer on Windows available shortly, and we'd also very much like to invite you to take part in that. By signing up here you will be the first to know as soon as the free Windows beta version is available.
Sign up for the free beta now!
I hope this makes sense and you understand our reasoning behind taking this new direction in the future. We wanted to tell you first and to express our gratitude for your part in getting us to this point. And we will keep listening to all feedback, so if you would like to discuss this, or have any questions, we have started this thread on CommunityPlus so please feel free to get involved.
Thanks as always for your support.
All the very best,
Gary Bates
Executive Chairman
* * *
Skratka, kdor hoče sodelovati v beta programu:
Dear Peter,
As you may see being widely reported today, we have just announced that we are bringing our new range of Affinity applications to Windows. You have been a loyal customer to us over the years and I wanted to take some time to explain a little more fully as to why we are doing this, and what it means for the future of Serif software.
It was about 6 years ago now when our Head of Development, Tony Brightman, presented his vision for a new suite of graphics applications. His view was that however good all our existing products were, given the chance to start from scratch the team would be able to create something truly revolutionary.
There were many aspects of the plan, but some of the key fundamentals of the technology were:
- Building a whole new method of memory management, allowing super fast and smooth rendering of massive documents even on small devices like tablets
- Producing a single back-end framework for a whole suite of applications covering the core disciplines of photo editing, vector drawing and desktop publishing
- Significantly improving workflow through each application sharing the same file type and being able to seamlessly switch between them
- Aiming at Mac professionals first, but making much of the code OS independent for future cross platform support
- Using a whole new method of organising UI into personas devoted to different use cases to significantly reduce bloat.
It was a big decision. We are a pretty small company with a fraction of the development resources available to our international competitors, so this was going take a huge chunk of our capacity for a long time. Research and development by its very nature means you don't really know how long something will take, which meant it was somewhat of a gamble too.
But the timing was right for other reasons. We had concerns over some very important areas of the business at that time - particularly with channels such as retail becoming increasingly tough for software - and outside of those channels we felt it to be very important to increase market share in the creative professional market. The fact was, if we were to be taken seriously in that market, we had to be producing applications for Mac too. That basically meant starting the professional versions from scratch anyway. So, we decided to go for it.
It did end up taking longer than originally expected, but after nearly 5 years our first new product was launched - Affinity Designer. This was followed in July last year with the launch of Affinity Photo, and we are also working on a DTP product - Affinity Publisher - which should be out early next year.
The reaction to these products has completely blown all expectations we had out of the water. We won an Apple Design Award in June last year for Affinity Designer, Apple selected Affinity Photo as their best app of 2015 out of 30,000 apps, the write ups we've received in the press have been amazing. And both products have now received 1,000s of customer reviews on the Mac App Store with an average rating of 5 stars worldwide. Sales too have been incredible, Affinity Designer for example has sold five times as many units so far as the last version of DrawPlus.
With all this success we naturally started to very quickly think about how to get Affinity apps onto Windows. While last year we released new versions of PhotoPlus, DrawPlus and PagePlus and put a lot of effort into making them really strong upgrades - the recent reviews of PagePlus X9 are testament to that - in the background we were starting to slowly move more of our team over to work on Affinity for Windows in response to the increasingly vocal demand from new and old customers.
Now, the good news is that our team of Windows developers have made incredible progress with Affinity - and we're now expecting to have the first beta of Affinity Designer available in only 2-3 months' time. Bringing more of our developers over onto the Affinity project has also enabled us to achieve that without compromising progress on the Mac versions, or indeed the on-going development of Affinity Publisher.
But along the way we had to make a big decision. Should we try to spread ourselves thinly across two product ranges, or should we concentrate on developing the one with the most potential to deliver the best results as quickly as possible. Logically there was no contest and we are going to continue to focus our development efforts entirely on Affinity from now on. Unfortunately, this means we will not be releasing another major version of any of our 'Plus' range applications. They will however continue to be available for the foreseeable future and of course we've always had the principle of not charging a subscription so you can continue to use whatever versions you have for many years to come if you wish.
However clear the logic, this is an announcement that has been made with a slightly heavy heart - this is my 22nd year with Serif and some have been here even longer with the majority of us having been here for 10 years or more - so we've all lived and breathed these products for a very long time. But the potential of the Affinity range is huge. We feel we can achieve something which is truly game-changing, so we just have to dedicate ourselves to that now and everyone here is incredibly excited and motivated by that prospect.
Of course we would love you to continue with us on this journey and transition to Affinity as the Windows versions are launched. We will be offering "upgrade" type pricing to help with that - so DrawPlus X8 owners will get a special discounted price for Affinity Designer for Windows, for example, which we will be giving further details of when we launch. Owners of the latest versions of WebPlus and MoviePlus will also be offered a special discount to the Affinity range despite there unfortunately not being any direct replacement for those two products.
As I mentioned we will have a beta of Affinity Designer on Windows available shortly, and we'd also very much like to invite you to take part in that. By signing up here you will be the first to know as soon as the free Windows beta version is available.
Sign up for the free beta now!
I hope this makes sense and you understand our reasoning behind taking this new direction in the future. We wanted to tell you first and to express our gratitude for your part in getting us to this point. And we will keep listening to all feedback, so if you would like to discuss this, or have any questions, we have started this thread on CommunityPlus so please feel free to get involved.
Thanks as always for your support.
All the very best,
Gary Bates
Executive Chairman
* * *
Skratka, kdor hoče sodelovati v beta programu:
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

BivšiUser2 ::
Nice, če se to obnese bo kul. Fajn bi bilo s celo zbirko affinity programov kot adobe, ampak če že te portajo Win vsaj ni treba čarati s (virtualnim nabaviti dodaten hardware.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

BivšiUser2 ::
Tolko glede audio editinga:
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

dottor ::
Meni ne odpre strani, za ogled naročnin oz. nakupa. Ne na kromu ne na edge, mi vrti tiste 4 kvadratke in to je to
Razmišljam uzet fotografski paket pa bi si ogledal malo cene.

Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi

opeter ::
Meni ne odpre strani, za ogled naročnin oz. nakupa. Ne na kromu ne na edge, mi vrti tiste 4 kvadratke in to je toRazmišljam uzet fotografski paket pa bi si ogledal malo cene.
To misliš za Adobe Creative Cloud?
A si poskusil to stran:
Prikazana stran je vezana na IP, torej, če iz Slovenije, ti bo pokazalo slovenski del Adobejeve strani.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

dottor ::
Nope, ne odpre

Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi

mikhail ::
Alternativ je vedno več.
Za vse stvari, ki bodo na spletu je lahko Google Web Designer
Za osnovne bitmap konverzije je Gimp čisto ok. Za obdelavo RAW ali JPG fotografij je tu Silkypix, razen za zahtevnejše delo z slikami (maske, montaže, itd) je še vedno optimalen photoshop.
Za vektorsko grafiko imaš Sketch (žal samo za MAC).
Za vse stvari, ki bodo na spletu je lahko Google Web Designer
Za osnovne bitmap konverzije je Gimp čisto ok. Za obdelavo RAW ali JPG fotografij je tu Silkypix, razen za zahtevnejše delo z slikami (maske, montaže, itd) je še vedno optimalen photoshop.
Za vektorsko grafiko imaš Sketch (žal samo za MAC).

opeter ::
Nope, ne odpre![]()
Ne morem ti pomagat. Poskusi kakšen tretji brskalnik (Firefox, Opera ...)
Meni pokaže to:
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

dottor ::
Meni vrti tiste 4 kvadratke v nedogled...
Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi

McClane ::
Imaš mogoče nelegalen Adobov program ki je crackan tako da ti blokira adobove serverje?
\"You want us to build WHAT??\" - Ancient Chinese Wall Engineer

dottor ::
V tem grmu tiči zajec pol 
Pač zaradi nadgraditev in novih funkcij gledam preiti iz nelegalnega na legalni PS in LR...

Pač zaradi nadgraditev in novih funkcij gledam preiti iz nelegalnega na legalni PS in LR...
Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi

BivšiUser2 ::
Zgleda, da bo naposled le AD za Windows:
We just wanted to drop you a note to give you a quick update on where we are at with the Windows development of Affinity. It has taken very slightly longer than hoped, but we are excited to be able to tell you that your first free beta of Affinity Designer for Windows is nearly ready - in fact, we confidently expect to make it available before the end of this month.
We are making very good progress with Affinity Photo on Windows too, and we expect that to follow Designer within a few months.
Along with the Windows development, we have also been putting a huge effort into adding new features to the Mac versions of both Designer and Photo. The good news is that you'll see many of the benefits of this work in the first Windows beta which will include these new features too. This is actually one of the reasons we are slightly delayed as we try to ensure we keep both the Windows and Mac versions of Affinity in sync with each other.
All of us are really grateful to you for signing up to take part in the beta and for your patience in waiting for it to be ready. Your help will be massively valuable in helping us to refine our Affinity apps for Windows. We will of course be back in contact with your download link as soon as the beta is available, and we'll keep you posted with news on the Affinity Photo Windows beta in due course.
All the best,
The Affinity Team
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

BivšiUser2 ::
Evo pa smo dočakali:
Affinity Designer for Windows is NOW IN BETA!
Hi Aleksander,
Thank you for signing up to take part in the beta trial of Affinity for Windows. We're delighted to say that the public beta of Affinity Designer for Windows starts today!
Please note that you'll need to be running 64 bit Windows 7 and above to use this beta.
Truly revolutionary...
Built on core principles of performance, stability and lack of bloat, Affinity Designer contains all the tools needed in a professional vector design app, meticulously crafted for professionals.
It's fast, meaning you can pan and zoom at 60fps and see all adjustments, effects, transformations and brushes in real time. It works in any colour space ... RGB, CMYK, LAB, greyscale, and offers end-to-end CMYK workflow with ICC colour management and 16-bit per channel editing.
It's incredibly accurate, allowing you to zoom to over 1 million per cent. And Affinity Designer has the best PSD import engine available with full support for SVG, EPS, PDF, PDF/X and FH files, which means integrating it into workflow is painless.
You can watch a short video summarising the capabilities of Affinity Designer for Windows here:
Get started.
Over the last 18 months we have built up a huge library of video tutorials for Affinity Designer available on Vimeo. The good news is that as the Windows version is nearly identical to our macOS version, and so all the videos are just as useful for Windows users to get started.
We need your help...
We're discussing this at the moment on this forum thread, and on this facebook post so if you have any questions or want to let us know what you think we'd love to hear from you.
It's important to remember the Windows beta version is not the finished article and at this stage it might not work perfectly.
That's why as well as being one of the first Windows users to get their hands on the product, we'd like to invite you to play an important role in its further development.
Affinity Designer in its current form has been shaped with the valuable help of tens of thousands of users who signed up to test the Apple Mac version in beta form. Their contribution played a huge part in it being named as an Apple Design Award winner in 2015.
We now need to repeat that process with our Windows users.
If you want to tell us something about your beta download version of Affinity Designer - perhaps you've spotted a bug, something that needs fixing, or for any other feedback or questions you may have - we've set up a dedicated forum for you to get in touch with us. You can find it here:
Thank you for your support!
We're thrilled that you've decided to come on this journey with us and we look forward to hearing your response. Together, we can make Affinity Designer for Windows the best it can be.
All the best,
The Affinity Team
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

opeter ::
Že približno dva tedna je zunaj RC (Release Candidate) verzija. Če kdo želi preizkusit:
We're nearly there!
We're really pleased to tell you that Affinity Designer for Windows has entered what's called the 'release candidate' (RC) stage. If you don't know, that means we're getting very close to launching the finished app!
We've had more than 100,000 of you sign up to take part in the beta of Affinity on Windows and the help you've given us in readying the app for launch has been amazingly valuable. Since the beta started nearly four months ago we have made literally thousands of fixes, delivering some huge performance improvements in that time too.
If you want to try the latest release candidate build you can get it now from the following link.
Get the release candidate:
As always, if you want to give any feedback or have any questions you can post them in the Windows beta section of our forum.
In other news we wanted to let you know that we are also making very good progress with Affinity Photo for Windows and that will be in beta pretty shortly, of course we will let you know as soon as that is available too.
Thanks again for all your support,
The Affinity Team
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

BivšiUser2 ::
We're thrilled to announce that the Affinity Photo Windows beta is now available. This means if you're a PC user you can finally get your hands on the app, and during the beta period it's completely free!
Get it free
On Mac, Affinity Photo was chosen as Apple's App of the Year 2015, and voted Best Imaging Software 2016 by the Technical Image Press Association. It has also received thousands of 5-star reviews from professional photographers, editors, artists and retouchers from all around the world.
The Windows version matches the Mac version feature-for-feature, so all the thrilling speed, sophisticated tools and pinpoint accuracy which have earned Affinity Photo its formidable reputation are now available to Windows users too without compromise.
What's more the Windows version shares exactly the same back-end as our Mac version so you can be confident the file compatibility between both platforms will always be 100% perfect.
This beta version even includes some big new features which will be included in version 1.5 (to be released next month) giving you the chance to be among the first to try them out. They include:
HDR merge
Focus stacking
Tone mapping
Batch processing
360 degree image editing
When we started developing our Affinity apps over 7 years ago one of our key aims was to be cross-platform, so today marks a huge milestone for us. It's been an incredible amount of work to get here, and we really hope you enjoy using Affinity Photo on Windows as much as those already using it on Mac.
The one thing to bare in mind is that it is the first beta version, so there will be some rough edges and bugs to fix. Of course if you wish to help in the development process we'd really appreciate you reporting any issues you find on our beta forum so we can get them fixed. We should work through any problems pretty quickly with new builds coming out at least every week.
If you want to stay in touch with our progress of this, and everything else we are working on here, then it's a good idea to follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We're also more than happy to hear from you through those channels, a well as our forums too.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

BivšiUser2 ::
Hi Aleksander,
Today is an important day. It marks the next chapter of Serif software as the first of our next generation of professional applications, Affinity Designer, is finally available for Windows.
Since being launched on Mac the app has built a formidable reputation as the fastest, smoothest, most precise vector graphic design software available. We've been blown away by the response we have had to it, winning many awards including an Apple Design Award, as well as receiving over 10,000 5-star customer reviews on the Mac App Store. Best of all has been seeing the quality of work designers are producing - from creating concept art, print projects, logos and icons to UI designs, web graphics and mock ups, Affinity Designer is revolutionising how people work.
The Windows version matches the Mac version feature-for-feature, so now you can experience all the thrilling speed, incredible tools and supreme accuracy which has made Affinity Designer the #1 design & graphics app on Mac.
Kdo hoče naj kupi do 24.11. Trenutna cena je 40€ (in ni naročnine) + če ste bili beta tester imate še neke dodatke v vrednosti 77€ vključene zastonj.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

opeter ::
BivšiUser2 je izjavil:
Kdo hoče naj kupi do 24.11. Trenutna cena je 40€ (in ni naročnine) + če ste bili beta tester imate še neke dodatke v vrednosti 77€ vključene zastonj.
Resno? Hvala za informacijo, do sedaj še nisem prejel maila.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

BivšiUser2 ::
BivšiUser2 je izjavil:
Kdo hoče naj kupi do 24.11. Trenutna cena je 40€ (in ni naročnine) + če ste bili beta tester imate še neke dodatke v vrednosti 77€ vključene zastonj.
Resno? Hvala za informacijo, do sedaj še nisem prejel maila.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

opeter ::
Sem že kupil licenco

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Adobe ne bo prevzel FigmeOddelek: Novice / Nakupi / združitve / propadi | 2869 (1496) | opeter |
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