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Časovna omejitev dostopa

francek1 ::
S katerim programom bi časovno omejil (recimo na eno uro dnevno)dostop enemu uporabniku na OS Windows 2000?
Kdor se je že rodil učen se lahko reži...

Cokolesnik ::
Vprasanje je kar zanimivo, zlasti ce bi ponudili uporabo racunalnika na javnem mestu. Ve kdo?
Uporabniki naj pred pisanjem sporočil uporabljajo iskalnik
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.

Ziga Dolhar ::
Za Win2k ne vem, za 2003 pa vem, da ima že vdelan [časovni] nadzor in omejevanje uporabnikov.

francek1 ::
Stvar mi ni poznana.Lahko malo bolj detajlno opišeš zadevo?
Kdor se je že rodil učen se lahko reži...

freejack ::
Heh, v bistvu ti ne morem, ker tut sam nimam pojma kako to gre. Pač idejo sn dobo pri lastnostih povezave, pod Security. Maš tam interactive logon and scripting; tole je en primer skripte (pppmenu);
; This is a script file that demonstrates how
; to establish a PPP connection with a host
; that uses a menu system.
; A script file must have a 'main' procedure.
; All script execution starts with this 'main'
; procedure.
; Main entry point to script
proc main
; Change these variables to customize for your
; specific Internet service provider
integer nTries = 3
; This is the login prompt and timeout values
string szLogin = "username:"
integer nLoginTimeout = 3
; This is the password prompt and timeout values
string szPW = "password:"
integer nPWTimeout = 3
; This is the prompt once your password is verified
string szPrompt = "annex:"
; This is the command to send to establish the
; connection. This script assumes you only need
; to issue one command to continue. Feel free
; to add more commands if your provider requires
; it.
; This provider has a menu list like this:
; 1 : Our special GUI
; 2 : Establish slip connection
; 3 : Establish PPP connection
; 4 : Establish shell access
; 5 : Download our software
; 6 : Exit
; annex:
string szConnect = "3^M"
; Set this to FALSE if you don't want to get an IP
; address
boolean bUseSlip = FALSE
; -----------------------------------------------------
; Delay for 2 seconds first to make sure the
; host doesn't get confused when we send the
; two carriage-returns.
delay 2
transmit "^M^M"
; Attempt to login at most 'nTries' times
while 0 < nTries do
; Wait for the login prompt before entering
; the user ID, timeout after x seconds
waitfor szLogin then DoLogin
until nLoginTimeout
transmit "^M" ; ping
nTries = nTries - 1
goto BailOut
; Enter user ID
transmit $USERID, raw
transmit "^M"
; Wait for the password prompt
waitfor szPW until nPWTimeout
if FALSE == $SUCCESS then
goto TryAgain
; Send the password
transmit $PASSWORD, raw
transmit "^M"
; Wait for the prompt
waitfor szPrompt
transmit szConnect
if bUseSlip then
; An alternative to the following line is
; waitfor "Your address is "
; set ipaddr getip
; if we don't know the order of the IP addresses.
set ipaddr getip 2
goto Done
; Something isn't responding. Halt the script
; and let the user handle it manually.
set screen keyboard on
Mislim, da obstaja možnost, da bi pomočjo skripte, kot je npr. ta, naštimal, kolk časa je povezava aktivna, preden se prekine ipd. Kako točno bi pa to naredil, pa žal nimam pojma...
; This is a script file that demonstrates how
; to establish a PPP connection with a host
; that uses a menu system.
; A script file must have a 'main' procedure.
; All script execution starts with this 'main'
; procedure.
; Main entry point to script
proc main
; Change these variables to customize for your
; specific Internet service provider
integer nTries = 3
; This is the login prompt and timeout values
string szLogin = "username:"
integer nLoginTimeout = 3
; This is the password prompt and timeout values
string szPW = "password:"
integer nPWTimeout = 3
; This is the prompt once your password is verified
string szPrompt = "annex:"
; This is the command to send to establish the
; connection. This script assumes you only need
; to issue one command to continue. Feel free
; to add more commands if your provider requires
; it.
; This provider has a menu list like this:
; 1 : Our special GUI
; 2 : Establish slip connection
; 3 : Establish PPP connection
; 4 : Establish shell access
; 5 : Download our software
; 6 : Exit
; annex:
string szConnect = "3^M"
; Set this to FALSE if you don't want to get an IP
; address
boolean bUseSlip = FALSE
; -----------------------------------------------------
; Delay for 2 seconds first to make sure the
; host doesn't get confused when we send the
; two carriage-returns.
delay 2
transmit "^M^M"
; Attempt to login at most 'nTries' times
while 0 < nTries do
; Wait for the login prompt before entering
; the user ID, timeout after x seconds
waitfor szLogin then DoLogin
until nLoginTimeout
transmit "^M" ; ping
nTries = nTries - 1
goto BailOut
; Enter user ID
transmit $USERID, raw
transmit "^M"
; Wait for the password prompt
waitfor szPW until nPWTimeout
if FALSE == $SUCCESS then
goto TryAgain
; Send the password
transmit $PASSWORD, raw
transmit "^M"
; Wait for the prompt
waitfor szPrompt
transmit szConnect
if bUseSlip then
; An alternative to the following line is
; waitfor "Your address is "
; set ipaddr getip
; if we don't know the order of the IP addresses.
set ipaddr getip 2
goto Done
; Something isn't responding. Halt the script
; and let the user handle it manually.
set screen keyboard on
Mislim, da obstaja možnost, da bi pomočjo skripte, kot je npr. ta, naštimal, kolk časa je povezava aktivna, preden se prekine ipd. Kako točno bi pa to naredil, pa žal nimam pojma...

freejack ::
Hmm, damn, mam mal slabo novico, šele zdej sn se spomnil, da gre tukaj za Win2k, jst pa govorilm za WinXP, kar pa recimo, da ni tolk pomembno, saj mislim, da so ble takšne skripte podprte že v Win98, sam mogoč ne glih tam, ko sn ti jst povedal,.. Mal pobrskaj po lastnostih, ali modema, ali povezave.

freejack ::
Aja, to je pol pa druga stvar... (Damn, če bi vredu prebral tvoj prvi post, se ne bi tk osramotil)
Sn mal pobrskal po netu, svetujem, da pogledaš naslednje linke:
* (prvo tole)
* poglej pod Timers and Session Monitors
Če ne boš nič našel, povej, bomo še mal pobrskal,.. z Googlom se najde vse...

Sn mal pobrskal po netu, svetujem, da pogledaš naslednje linke:
* (prvo tole)
* poglej pod Timers and Session Monitors
Če ne boš nič našel, povej, bomo še mal pobrskal,.. z Googlom se najde vse...

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: freejack ()

Roadkill ::
Vem, da ma ena frendica watchdog-a namenjenega temu inji starši veselo omejujejo dostop do compa.
Morš pa seveda dat temu userju tut restricted account, da ne more ugašat procesov...
Morš pa seveda dat temu userju tut restricted account, da ne more ugašat procesov...

freejack ::
Sej to je v bistvu cela serija teh programov za nadzorovanje uporabe compa, iNeta, ipd., kot so npr. Cyber Patrol, Net Nanny, Web Guard, ipd. Mal večji problem nastane, ker gledano na te programe z vidika osebne uporabe, dovoli le določeno število uporabe nečesa, nima pa tistih session opcij, ki jih omogočajo nekateri programi, za uporabo računalnikov v javnosti.
btw. če te zanima WatchDog, lahko tukaj najdeš več podatkov (v6.2) [je pa zadeva plačljiva, žal]
btw. če te zanima WatchDog, lahko tukaj najdeš več podatkov (v6.2) [je pa zadeva plačljiva, žal]

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: freejack ()
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