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Konflikt v Siriji

Konflikt v Siriji

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Mr.B ::

Pa imamo...so samo teroriste in njihove družine bombandirali...

Googlite sami :
Syria: US-led Coalition's aerial attacks in Raqqa killed hundreds of civilians - new report
Amnesty: Coalition attacks on Syria's Raqqa may have broken law
More artillery shells were launched into Raqqa than anywhere since the end of the Vietnam war' says Amnesty International
US-LED coalition military operation to oust ISIS from its so-called capital of Raqqa in Syria killed hundreds of civilians and caused "a level of destruction comparable to anything we've seen in decades"

Seveda dobrq luč za mosul, kjer obstajajo prostovolci, ki še danes odkopavajo civile zaradi odmetanih bomb, ups tsitih samomorilcev v avtih..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

windigo ::

Torej "road map" turško ameriške delovne skupine je bil včeraj potrjen s strani Pompea in Cavusogluja po nekaterih virih, po drugih so se strinjali predvsem, da se bodo o tem pogovarjali še naprej, da pa so vsem jasne turške prioritete in morebitne alternative. Da je bil "road map" pripravljen, so poročali vsi mediji tam nekje 25. maja, o vsebini pa ni nihče zapisal kaj dosti, razen, da naj bi se YPG umaknil iz Manbija najkasneje 30 dni po sprejetju.

windigo ::

OPCW poroča, da v Doumi letos NISO bili uporabljeni živčni strupi.


Da spomnim, to je bil "razlog" zaradi katerega so letos ZDA bombardirale Sirijo.

P.S. Da količine in vsebine trolanja raznih tukajšnjih "strokovnjakov" niti ne omenjam.

Zheegec ::

Hmm, sploh ni bilo sledi kemičnega orožja? In njihova misija bi bila skoraj preklicana zaradi USA napada na Sirijo.

Tole bo jutri zelo velika novica na BBC, CNN in MSNBC. Predvidevam, da bodo temu namenili vsaj nekaj ur na vsakem od teh kanalov.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zheegec ()

phantom ::

windigo je izjavil:

OPCW poroča, da v Doumi letos NISO bili uporabljeni živčni strupi.


Da spomnim, to je bil "razlog" zaradi katerega so letos ZDA bombardirale Sirijo.

P.S. Da količine in vsebine trolanja raznih tukajšnjih "strokovnjakov" niti ne omenjam.

Ne laži, OPCW tega ni rekel. Za začetek preberi poročila z linka, ki si ga prilepil.

windigo ::

Ni nobenih sledi (organofosfatnih, torej praktično vseh) živčnih agensov ali njihovih ostankov.

Trolling much?

Fritz ::

Baje so bile neke sledi klora, ki je upornikom dostopen ravno tako kot SAA. Pa saj smo že glede na posnetke vedeli, da gre za režijo. Vprašanje je le, ali so se tisti civilisti zadušili zaradi posledic bombardiranja ali pa so jih uporniki kar sami pospravili za boljši vtis.

Drugače pa se zadeve v Daraji lepo razvijajo:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

nsa_ag3nt ::

FR Lafargu grozi konec podjetja, če jim dokažejo financiranje isila za njihovo tovarno cementa v Siriji:

Sledi klora lahko najdeš tudi v vodi v običajnem vodovodnem sistemu (kloriranje vode), če se gremo preštevati molekule...

Zgodovina sprememb…

windigo ::

Meni se "chlorinated organic chemicals" iz Al Hamadanije in Karim Al Taraba iz 2016 ne poklopijo s klorom kot plinom, kakor je bil uoporabljen v 1. sv. vojni, razen če niso vzorci pljučno tkivo in ne posledica kakšnega razkuževanja z varikino ali pa česa povsem tretjega.

Pac-Man ::



New report release. The Islamic State & Drones: Supply, Scale, & Future Threats by @donrassler. Report sheds new light on how IS was able to bring its program to scale & some of the networks involved. Some report highlights to follow.

Highlight 1: IS’s approach to armed drones was underpinned by group’s ability to acquire commercial drones & related components through a global & layered supply chain that involved purchases from at least 16 different companies that were based in at least 7 different countries.

2: One key IS supply chain node was led by two Bangladeshi brothers who leveraged companies in the UK, Bangladesh, & Spain to move $, drones, & other items to IS. One of these brothers also played a key role in helping to create Dawlatul Islam Bengal, IS’s affiliate in Bangladesh
3: Another view into IS drone supply chain comes from work of @conflictarm, which traced purchase of 9 recovered IS drones. Those drones, were purchased from 7 different retailers operating from 5 different nations. Place of purchase, activation, & use all appear to different too
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Sem uporabil zahodni vir, da bo bolj verodostojno...
Deraa, birthplace of Syria uprising, retaken by government forces
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Fritz ::

Še IS počistijo in se počasi pripravijo za jesensko čiščenje Idlibstana.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

nsa_ag3nt ::

Zakaj ne ostanejo v Izraelu ? ali jih prestavijo Idlibstan https://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2018/21-... ?

Prebivalci mest Kafraya & Foua (okoli 7000 ljudi) v Idlibstanu so bili 19.7 preseljeni na ozemlje pod nadzorom SAA.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()

Fritz ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

I love them....
Israel evacuates 800 White Helmets from Syria to Jordan.....and plans to transfer them to the UK, Canada and Germany

Naj jih kar vzamejo. Bodo kmalu ugotovili s kom imajo opravka 8-)
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Zheegec ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

I love them....
Israel evacuates 800 White Helmets from Syria to Jordan.....and plans to transfer them to the UK, Canada and Germany

Noro! Izrael je naenkrat začelo zelo skrbeti za begunce iz Sirije!! Še par dni nazaj so imeli bistveno drugačen odnos do beguncev iz Sirije;

The civilians said they took the unprecedented step of approaching Israel's Golan Heights border fence to seek refuge after seeing the bodies of at least 14 people, including women and children, who were killed in the bombing of the nearby village of Ain al-Tineh.

The crowd of people, which appeared to number more than 100, stopped about 200 metres from the border fence, where some waved white fabric at Israeli forces guarding the frontier.

They retreated after an Israeli soldier told them through a megaphone, "Go back before something bad happens.”


Le kaj je razlika med enimi "begunci" in tistimi, ki jih je Izrael zavrnil hm hm hm...
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Pac-Man ::

Sociopati zapirajo "odprta vprašanja".


There has been a notable spike in death notifications by the Assad regime in recent weeks. New confidence in Damascus.


Today, the family of Yahya Shurbaji received the news of his death and his brother in detention and under torture in Assad prisons. Yahya was a non-violence activist, he lived his life true to his beliefs. He will be remembered forever for his words of wisdom and sacrifices.

Yahya Shurbaji @ Wikipedia

Yahya Shurbaji (Arabic: يحيى شربجي‎ Yaḥyā Šurbaǧī; born 21 December 1979) is a Syrian political activist and part of the Daraya Youth, a group of activists known for non-violence convictions and change through civic actions.


He participated in a number of civil action between 1998 and 2003 when he was arrested for 2 years. Later he took part in demonstrations against the US-led invasion of Iraq. He also participated in many demonstrations during the Syrian uprising


He was arrested with his brother Maan and friend Ghiath Matar by the Air Force Security Branch on September 6, 2011, and has not been released since.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

vostok_1 ::

Nihče ne komentira včerajšnji napad na novinarje?

Saj bi odpru novo temo, če bi imel opcijo, bo moral kdo drug...
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

mtosev ::

to misliš o Žavbiju?
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

arnecan1 ::

To so naši zavezniki. Tako vsaj trdijo nekateri na teme forumu:|


windigo ::

Od kod je prihajala oborožitev al-Nusre?


Od tam, kjer ne bodo nikogar preganjali zaradi pomoči teroristom. Nekaj (ne?)vladnih organizacij, ki so pošiljale opremo (ne ravno direktno orožja) se nahaja tudi v Whitehallu. Nekaj orožja izvira iz Bosne in je bilo poslano v KSA. Nekaj ga je šlo iz ZDA po podobnem ovinku. In tako dalje.

Zheegec ::

To je bilo splošno znano že nekaj časa.

"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Jarno ::

Meanwhile naj bi se zgodile bitke med SAA in ISIS (Sweida).


vostok_1 ::

mtosev je izjavil:

to misliš o Žavbiju?

There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Fritz ::

SAA bo kmalu odstranila IS tumor pri Golanu, Kurdi pa so jih že počistili na območju meje z Irakom. Kar je bilo normalnih upornikov, so se pridružili SAA ali položili orožje, islamistična svojat pa je odavtobusala v Idlibstan.

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Fritz ()

nsa_ag3nt ::

JZ del Sirije ob Golanski planoti očiščen.

Zheegec ::

Yemen; uporaba popolnoma istih taktik, kot smo jih videli v Sirji.

ATAQ, Yemen (AP) -- Again and again over the past two years, a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and backed by the United States has claimed it won decisive victories that drove al-Qaida militants from their strongholds across Yemen and shattered their ability to attack the West.

Here's what the victors did not disclose: many of their conquests came without firing a shot.

That's because the coalition cut secret deals with al-Qaida fighters, paying some to leave key cities and towns and letting others retreat with weapons, equipment and wads of looted cash, an investigation by The Associated Press has found. Hundreds more were recruited to join the coalition itself.

These compromises and alliances have allowed al-Qaida militants to survive to fight another day -- and risk strengthening the most dangerous branch of the terror network that carried out the 9/11 attacks. Key participants in the pacts said the U.S. was aware of the arrangements and held off on any drone strikes.

The deals uncovered by the AP reflect the contradictory interests of the two wars being waged simultaneously in this southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula.

In one conflict, the U.S. is working with its Arab allies -- particularly the United Arab Emirates -- with the aim of eliminating the branch of extremists known as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP. But the larger mission is to win the civil war against the Houthis, Iranian-backed Shiite rebels. And in that fight, al-Qaida militants are effectively on the same side as the Saudi-led coalition -- and, by extension, the United States.

"Elements of the U.S. military are clearly aware that much of what the U.S. is doing in Yemen is aiding AQAP and there is much angst about that," said Michael Horton, a fellow at the Jamestown Foundation, a U.S. analysis group that tracks terrorism.

"However, supporting the UAE and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against what the U.S. views as Iranian expansionism takes priority over battling AQAP and even stabilizing Yemen," Horton said. The AP's findings are based on reporting in Yemen and interviews with two dozen officials, including Yemeni security officers, militia commanders, tribal mediators and four members of al-Qaida's branch. All but a few of those sources spoke on condition of anonymity, fearing reprisals. Emirati-backed factions, like most armed groups in Yemen, have been accused of abducting or killing their critics.

Coalition-backed militias actively recruit al-Qaida militants, or those who were recently members, because they're considered exceptional fighters, the AP found.

The coalition forces are comprised of a dizzying mix of militias, factions, tribal warlords and tribes with very local interests. And AQAP militants are intertwined with many of them.

Yemen: US allies spin deals with al-Qaida in war on rebels

Kot pravi Chomsky: "The easiest way for the US to stop terrorism is to stop participating in it"
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zheegec ()

kunigunda ::

To je ze zadnjih 20 let tko v yemnu, le da je usa skrivala.

Zheegec ::

Niti ne. 2009 ko so Američani začeli napadati Jemen, je bilo okoli ~20 pripadnikov Al Qaede v Jamnu. Sedaj jih je tisoče, tja so jih pripeljali Američani, Saudijci in UAE.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

kunigunda ::

Zheegec je izjavil:

Niti ne. 2009 ko so Američani začeli napadati Jemen, je bilo okoli ~20 pripadnikov Al Qaede v Jamnu. Sedaj jih je tisoče, tja so jih pripeljali Američani, Saudijci in UAE.

Kera spranost. Moral bi tam biti, da bi vedel, kaj se dejansko dogaja, ne pa zgolj verjeti medijem.

Zheegec ::

kunigunda je izjavil:

Zheegec je izjavil:

Niti ne. 2009 ko so Američani začeli napadati Jemen, je bilo okoli ~20 pripadnikov Al Qaede v Jamnu. Sedaj jih je tisoče, tja so jih pripeljali Američani, Saudijci in UAE.

Kera spranost. Moral bi tam biti, da bi vedel, kaj se dejansko dogaja, ne pa zgolj verjeti medijem.

Ah, ja. Mogoče res preveč poslušam liberalne medije, ki kar ne morejo utihniti o vojni v Jemnu.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

kunigunda ::

No cim sm vidu na zacetku MSNBC sm vedu od kje crpas...
Alqaeda je namrec v yemnu nastajala ze od leta 1990, ko je yemen dal prosto pot mujahadinom, ki se vecinoma po rusko-afganistanski vojni niso mogli vrniti v maticne drzave
(Osama je imel kasneje preblisk da bi tam bil sedez celo). Ce bi se po 2000 letu vozil od ride do sane, bi imel "checkpointe" na 15 min, in to ni bila policija niti vaske straze :)

Zheegec ::

No cim sm vidu na zacetku MSNBC sm vedu od kje crpas...

Ah, torej nisi niti razumel naslova in vsebine članka ki sem ga linkal, kaj šele kaj je to sarkazem? Preberi samo naslov članka. Ga razumeš?

Alqaeda je namrec v yemnu nastajala ze od leta 1990, ko je yemen dal prosto pot mujahadinom, ki se vecinoma po rusko-afganistanski vojni niso mogli vrniti v maticne drzave
(Osama je imel kasneje preblisk da bi tam bil sedez celo). Ce bi se po 2000 letu vozil od ride do sane, bi imel "checkpointe" na 15 min, in to ni bila policija niti vaske straze :)

2008 NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/18/worl...
"The group has used various names over time, which leads many to believe it is larger than it actually is," said an American intelligence official in Washington who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the subject. The official estimated that the ranks of Al Qaeda in Yemen, as American intelligence agencies call the group, number in the "low hundreds." The group is headed by Nasir al-Wahishi."

Prezenca Al Qaeda v Jamnu je bila številčno zelo majhna. Po tem, ko so prišli Američani in Saudijci "pomagat", pa je Al Qaeda postala bistveno močnejša. Najbrž zato, ker so Američani in Saudijci njihovi dobri prijatelji.

How Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen has made al Qaeda stronger - and richer
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

kunigunda ::

Naslov ni cisto nic sarkasticen, clankov pa ne citam ker poznam dejstva.
Prav tako ne vem poanto novega linka (razen tega da glede ne to, da stevilo clanov AQ v jemnu vsako leto zraste, glede na clanek in tvojo izjavo 20 clanov leta 2009 ze matematicno ne pije vode :)
Osama je po zmagi nad rusi imel svoj plan in ni bilo slucajno, da je naspidirane mujahadine, ki si jih je nabiral v afganistanu, posiljal v yemen kot nice-place-to-live).
Leta 2000 jih je bilo ze med 500-1000 (clanov AQ, ne "teroristov"), ki so grdo gledali hutije na severu. Pa kot sem ze omenil checkpointe, ki so jih imeli, 1h voznje in si jih komot nastel 100 (samo na glavni cesti). Ce si bil shiit al pa american, boljs da nisi sel po glavni cesti, ce si bil turist, pa vecinoma ni blo problemov, ce si imel lokalce zravn.
Aja, kar pa omenjas moci, v zacetku se jemenska aq in saudska aq nista marali, sele z mesanjem americanov so stopili skupaj in posledicno postali mocnejsi.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Zheegec ::

Naslov ni cisto nic sarkasticen

Če nekdo reče, da dobi informacije o Jemnu iz liberalnih medijev in linka na članek o tem, kako liberalni mediji Jemna sploh ne omenijo - se ti to ne zdi sarkazem?

clankov pa ne citam ker poznam dejstva.

To je pa zelo priročno!!!!

Prav tako ne vem poanto novega linka

To, da je bila AQ v Jemnu mala skupinica in ji so ji Američani in Saudijci zelo pomagali zrasti od leta 2009 dalje? To o čemer govoriva, remember?

Osama je po zmagi nad rusi imel svoj plan in ni bilo slucajno, da je naspidirane mujahadine, ki si jih je nabiral v afganistanu, posiljal v yemen kot nice-place-to-live).

Kot si videl, jih je bilo leta 2009 komaj kaj. Če je imel Osama neke plane (ki jih očitno poznaš zelo dobro!) ne vpliva na dejstva na tleh.

Leta 2000 jih je bilo ze med 500-1000 (clanov AQ, ne "teroristov"), ki so grdo gledali hutije na severu.

Link? Moja članka pravita, da jih je bilo leta 2009 okoli ~100, optimistično gledano.

Aja, kar pa omenjas moci, v zacetku se jemenska aq in saudska aq nista marali, sele z mesanjem americanov so stopili skupaj in posledicno postali mocnejsi.

Lahko je postati močnejši, če ti je ime Al Qaeda in ti Američani dobavljajo orožje - https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/sy...
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

kunigunda ::

Ti kr skaces mal po siriji, pa libanonu pa ne vem kaj bos se popal.
Se enkrat, leta 2000 jih je bilo ze par 100. Za link ne vem, ker nisem na netu precital, lohk grem pa se enkrat dol pa ti jih poslikam, kolk jih je dons.
Sicer pa, dokler bos iskal clanke po straneh, cigar pisanje je pristranko (kdo vodi posamezni medij, ti ne bo tezko najti) bos zgolj se eden, ki prevec verjame vsemu napisanemu.
To da americani dobavljajo orozje komurkoli, pa ni nobena novost. Nazadnje je Trump ponudil saudijcem neomejeno!! vojasko pomoc glede spora z jemnom.

Zgodovina sprememb…

windigo ::

Evropski đihadisti me rahlo spominjajo na tiste "normalne" slovenske državljane, ki so za vikende hodili klat po Bosni. Čeprav tile na posnetku so bili klavci pet let full time.

Hkrati je imel War Nerd zgleda prav, zgledajo kot mulci iz relativno dobro stoječih in precej vernih družin srednjega sloja.

Ta hip zgledajo enako ali še malo bolj izgubljeni, kot ko so se pripravljali na đihad, vsaj vera v muslimansko bratstvo se ne nanaša več na čisto vse muslimane. To ne pomeni, da so manj radikalni, le bolj realistični. In zelo izkušeni, znajo sklepati in preživeti v sistemu ohlapnih zavezništev. Iščejo priključke in poti domov, to jim je trenutno prva prioriteta. Tisti, ki jim bo to uspelo (in zavedajo se, da vsem ne bo), bodo prinesli ali še okrepljen fanatizem, ali deziluzije pomešane s PTSD. V obeh primerih se jih bojim. Tudi, ali celo še bolj, če gredo najprej v zapor za 10 let in pridejo ven nekje v starosti sredi ali poznih tridesetih.


7982884e ::

Zheegec je izjavil:

Lahko je postati močnejši, če ti je ime Al Qaeda in ti Američani dobavljajo orožje - https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/sy...

kje v tem clanku pise da so americani dostavljali orozje al kajdi?

Zheegec ::

Al Nusra = Al Qaeda in Syria. ISIS = ISIS. Tale video sem pa najbrž tudi že objavil -

"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zheegec ()

7982884e ::

vidim, da slabo beres, se enkrat: kje v tem clanku pise da so americani dostavljali orozje al kajdi?

windigo ::

7982884e je izjavil:

vidim, da slabo beres, se enkrat: kje v tem clanku pise da so americani dostavljali orozje al kajdi?

Meni so od vseh teh opisanih poti orožja najbolj všeč tiste "nevladne organizacije", ki so bile dobavitelj določene opreme đihadistom (bele čelade vključene) in imajo sedež kar v Whitehallu (tam zraven se nahaja ministrstvo za obrambo in še lep kup drugih angleških vladnih organov).

Pac-Man ::

Sicer Jemen, ampak dobra fora.


Funny how RT repeatedly attacks @bellingcat's work and the viability of open source investigation when we're writing about Russia and Syria, but are happy to uncritically cite us when we're writing about US and Saudi involvement in Yemen https://www.rt.com/uk/436562-may-lockhe...

Par drugih omemb Bellingcata in še posebej Higginsa


Amateur war-crimes investigator and full-time blogger at the Bellingcat website, Eliot Higgins, has turned down an invitation to debate a prominent MIT physicist on the issue of chemical-weapons use in the Syrian conflict.


Higgins’ own work involves ‘investigating’ war and conflict from the comfort of his home in England. He does this by watching videos on YouTube and ‘examining’ and ‘analyzing’ photographs posted on Twitter for clues. He does not, however, visit the locations he claims to be investigating, which is what real investigators and journalists typically do. Nonetheless, Higgins is beloved by pro-NATO Western media and frequently referenced by them as an “expert.”


Higgins has received funding from the neoconservative think tank, the Atlantic Council, which could go some way toward explaining why his “investigations” somehow always result in conclusions that are pleasing to fans of American military interventions.


British broadcasting watchdog Ofcom has rejected a complaint from professional web-surfer and blogger Eliot Higgins, which claimed that an RT report was (to paraphrase) mean about him.


For light relief, he likes to watch RT and get upset about it. It’s fair to say he often comes to different conclusions about certain events, despite the fact that RT sends real reporters to the actual places they’re talking about.


He was angered by criticism (fair criticism according to Ofcom) that perhaps sitting at home and pontificating on events happening thousands of miles may not be an exact science. RT in its defense pointed out that he has been happy in the past to have what he does referred to as “armchair analytics.”


Higgins gave up his lucrative career as a payments officer at a women’s underwear company to create Bellingcat, a celebrated internet blog that specializes in using open-source information to blame Russia for every crime against humanity – real or imagined – committed so far this century.


When challenged about their methods, sources and conclusions by other social media users, “all the bellingcats do is attack and bully,” the diplomat wrote, pointing to his own interactions with Higgins and his followers. “They just do not have other arguments besides insults and pathetic lies.”


The ministry pointed out that the images used in the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) press conference on Thursday were provided by the Ukrainian special services and had been previously displayed by the infamous British online investigative activist group, Bellingcat.


If the international investigating team is really interested in establishing the true culprits of the MH17 crash "its representatives should rely in their statements primarily on facts and witness testimony instead of products by fakemakers from Bellingcat or the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine),” the Defense Ministry concluded.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Sicer Jemen, ampak dobra fora.


Funny how RT repeatedly attacks @bellingcat's work and the viability of open source investigation when we're writing about Russia and Syria, but are happy to uncritically cite us when we're writing about US and Saudi involvement in Yemen https://www.rt.com/uk/436562-may-lockhe...

Par drugih omemb Bellingcata in še posebej Higginsa


Amateur war-crimes investigator and full-time blogger at the Bellingcat website, Eliot Higgins, has turned down an invitation to debate a prominent MIT physicist on the issue of chemical-weapons use in the Syrian conflict.


Higgins’ own work involves ‘investigating’ war and conflict from the comfort of his home in England. He does this by watching videos on YouTube and ‘examining’ and ‘analyzing’ photographs posted on Twitter for clues. He does not, however, visit the locations he claims to be investigating, which is what real investigators and journalists typically do. Nonetheless, Higgins is beloved by pro-NATO Western media and frequently referenced by them as an “expert.”


Higgins has received funding from the neoconservative think tank, the Atlantic Council, which could go some way toward explaining why his “investigations” somehow always result in conclusions that are pleasing to fans of American military interventions.


British broadcasting watchdog Ofcom has rejected a complaint from professional web-surfer and blogger Eliot Higgins, which claimed that an RT report was (to paraphrase) mean about him.


For light relief, he likes to watch RT and get upset about it. It’s fair to say he often comes to different conclusions about certain events, despite the fact that RT sends real reporters to the actual places they’re talking about.


He was angered by criticism (fair criticism according to Ofcom) that perhaps sitting at home and pontificating on events happening thousands of miles may not be an exact science. RT in its defense pointed out that he has been happy in the past to have what he does referred to as “armchair analytics.”


Higgins gave up his lucrative career as a payments officer at a women’s underwear company to create Bellingcat, a celebrated internet blog that specializes in using open-source information to blame Russia for every crime against humanity – real or imagined – committed so far this century.


When challenged about their methods, sources and conclusions by other social media users, “all the bellingcats do is attack and bully,” the diplomat wrote, pointing to his own interactions with Higgins and his followers. “They just do not have other arguments besides insults and pathetic lies.”


The ministry pointed out that the images used in the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) press conference on Thursday were provided by the Ukrainian special services and had been previously displayed by the infamous British online investigative activist group, Bellingcat.


If the international investigating team is really interested in establishing the true culprits of the MH17 crash "its representatives should rely in their statements primarily on facts and witness testimony instead of products by fakemakers from Bellingcat or the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine),” the Defense Ministry concluded.

Smešno je to da nekaj miljonov tudi otrok pomrlo zaradi SA in ameriških dronov "ps oboroženih", pa se sekiraš ko v luft vržejo 50 sirskih teroroistov..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

7982884e ::

nekaj milijonov? a ne nekaj milijard?
mislim, ce ze pretiravamo in iz riti vlecemo cifre, zakaj ne bi sli do konca?

Mr.B ::

7982884e je izjavil:

nekaj milijonov? a ne nekaj milijard?
mislim, ce ze pretiravamo in iz riti vlecemo cifre, zakaj ne bi sli do konca?

Ok v redu po skoraj eno leto starem podatki je 4999 mrtvih otrok ter circa 400001 podhranjenih.
tole pravi UN : Unicef says five children a day have been killed or injured since March 2015, with "nearly every child in Yemen" in need of humanitarian aid.
Torej sej vemo, to so itak terorositi, pa jih nekdo na tvojem umskem nivoju smatra kot upravičen pokol.

PS, verjetno ti z riti ne bo težko priti na mijonček... Retardiranost nekaterih na nivoju.

Potem pa boš seveda našel mijonske žrtve v siriji :))
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

7982884e ::

hehe, dobri ad-hominemi, skor tako dobri kot matematika. 6/10

Mr.B ::

7982884e je izjavil:

hehe, dobri ad-hominemi, skor tako dobri kot matematika. 6/10
ni problema tvoja matematika je tako kot napadi ameriskih dronov. Zelo dolgo so trdil samo eno cevilno zrtev.....ostalo so bili samo no teroristi...sreca da te ameriski dronin pod ameriskim nadzorom imajo mirovno misijo ubijana bodocih teroristov...

Verjetno si danes spregledal...

Yemen's Houthi rebels say air raids by the Saudi-UAE military alliance has killed dozens of civilians, most of them children, in a reported incident two weeks after a coalition air attack on a school bus killed 40 boys.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

kunigunda ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

7982884e je izjavil:

hehe, dobri ad-hominemi, skor tako dobri kot matematika. 6/10
ni problema tvoja matematika je tako kot napadi ameriskih dronov. Zelo dolgo so trdil samo eno cevilno zrtev.....ostalo so bili samo no teroristi...sreca da te ameriski dronin pod ameriskim nadzorom imajo mirovno misijo ubijana bodocih teroristov...

Verjetno si danes spregledal...

Yemen's Houthi rebels say air raids by the Saudi-UAE military alliance has killed dozens of civilians, most of them children, in a reported incident two weeks after a coalition air attack on a school bus killed 40 boys.

In kot vedno so mediji "pozabili" dodati da USA neposredno sodeluje v napadih. Le kdo vzleta s turskega letalisca in polne saudske avione v zraku ? :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: kunigunda ()

Mr.B ::

kunigunda je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

7982884e je izjavil:

hehe, dobri ad-hominemi, skor tako dobri kot matematika. 6/10
ni problema tvoja matematika je tako kot napadi ameriskih dronov. Zelo dolgo so trdil samo eno cevilno zrtev.....ostalo so bili samo no teroristi...sreca da te ameriski dronin pod ameriskim nadzorom imajo mirovno misijo ubijana bodocih teroristov...

Verjetno si danes spregledal...

Yemen's Houthi rebels say air raids by the Saudi-UAE military alliance has killed dozens of civilians, most of them children, in a reported incident two weeks after a coalition air attack on a school bus killed 40 boys.

In kot vedno so mediji "pozabili" dodati da USA neposredno sodeluje v napadih. Le kdo vzleta s turskega letalisca in polne saudske avione v zraku ? :)

Sej pravim, ce ameriske bombe ubijajo otroke je ok. Vedno lahko prodas da so teroristi, to je povdaril ne samo en predsednik zda. Enako imas afganistan, ta teden so talibani z minami / raketirala diplomatska cetr v kabulu. Ampak sem preprican, da ce bi asad vrgel bombo na solo s teroristi okupiranemu delu sirije, bi bilo na vseh medijih zgrazanje..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

7982884e ::

tipicni whataboutisti, kot da bi prisli direkt iz sovjetske sole. kje si ti videl kakrsnokoli mojo matematiko me tud zanima, ampak ok, sej od tebe vec niti ne pricakujem.
kdo je tukaj rekel, da je pobijanje otrok s katerekoli strani ok? videl sem edino fanaticno zanikanje s strani tele "whatabout" sole.
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