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Konflikt v Siriji

Konflikt v Siriji

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236 / 311

perci ::

Jst nic ne mislim - vem. Sem 3 tedne prezivel tam in govoril s kom, za razliko od tebe.

Samuel ::

perci je izjavil:

Jst nic ne mislim - vem. Sem 3 tedne prezivel tam in govoril s kom, za razliko od tebe.

Torej si govoril s 10.000 ljudmi?
Vietnamska vojna se je končala pred 40 leti. Kitajski spor 25 let nazaj. Logika miško.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

perci je izjavil:

Vietnam je bil ves čas zavojevan s strani kitajske in Hochiminh je iskal zaveznike po celem svetu.
Tudi Vietnamska vojna je bila posledica tega.
Kar se pa tiče, kdo se katere vojne bolj spommni pa lahko nehaš nabijat. V Vietnamski vojni so se žrtve štele v milijonih, v tisti s kitajsko (kasnejši) pa v par deset tisoč. Se pravi faktor 100.

Nima veze, kaj ti misliš. TAKO je.

Mr.B je izjavil:

The main reason behind such strong bilateral trade growth is the scheduled commitments within the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) framework.
Seveda Vietnam največ izvaža v Ameriko. Številke bodo zaradi Trumpa samo še naraščale v prid Vietnama. Pač pri kitajcih bodo izdelali dele, potem pa jih bo vietnam sestavil, in jih prodal brez tarif v Ameriko. Torej zaobidel vse sankcije.

A nisi niti tega sposoben razumet, da sta Vietnam in Kitajska predvsem konkurenta in da tisti umetni kitajski otok tam, ki ga gradi Kitajska, bo kmalu problem za ostale konkurenčne ekonomije.

Dejstvo 1 : če bi prebral kaj uvaža iz kitajske in kaj izvaža v Ameriko bi nehal kobasati...
Desjtvo 2 : Trumpi se je premislil o TTP "The TPP, a trade deal that was to involve 12 countries including the US, was supported by former President Barack Obama as a way to counter China's surging power in the region." Verjetno zaradi situacije kot je Vietnam.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

tikitoki ::

Americani so rabili testni poligon za novo orozje. Res super da testirajo novo orozje in se skrivajo za domnevnimu humanitarnimi razlogi.

Poldi112 ::

Kako že bo un otok problem za sosednje ekonomije?

Sem pa tudi jaz dobil občutek, da se okoliške države bojijo Kitajske. No, vsaj javno signali so taki, kar je deloma ziher tudi posledica USA pritiskov (furajo containemt politiko do Kitajske). Zdaj sam v Vietnamu nisem bil, sva pa s kolegom danes debatirala direkt na to temo in njegova izkušnja je bila, da so mladi dosti pro US, medtem ko starejši že iz prezira ne bodo govorili angleškega jezika.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Samuel ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Dejstvo 1 : če bi prebral kaj uvaža iz kitajske in kaj izvaža v Ameriko bi nehal kobasati...
Desjtvo 2 : Trumpi se je premislil o TTP "The TPP, a trade deal that was to involve 12 countries including the US, was supported by former President Barack Obama as a way to counter China's surging power in the region." Verjetno zaradi situacije kot je Vietnam.

Spelji se s tem sranjem v drugo temo.

Kitajec se je že usral, će ne veš.

"Kitajski predsednik Ši Džinping je napovedal dodatno odpiranje kitajskega trga, bistveno znižanje uvoznih carin in spoštovanje intelektualne lastnine, dovoljen bo tudi vstop tujih partnerjev na domači trg. Zdi se, da je Ši ponudil roko Donaldu Trumpu, ki je v nedeljo po Twitterju sporočil, da bosta ZDA in Kitajska dosegli dogovor o perečih temah, kar zmanjšuje verjetnost trgovinske vojne med najmočnejšima državama sveta. "

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Kako že bo un otok problem za sosednje ekonomije?

Kotrolira trgovske poti.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

perci ::

Faktor 100 dela svoje.

V vietnamski vojni je med drugim umrlo tudi milijon civilistov, v kitajski prakticno nic.

Vprasi se katera vojna bolj razdvaja v sloveniji, druga svetovna ali osamosvojitvena.

Logika misko.

Samuel ::

perci je izjavil:

Faktor 100 dela svoje.

V vietnamski vojni je med drugim umrlo tudi milijon civilistov, v kitajski prakticno nic.

Vprasi se katera vojna bolj razdvaja v sloveniji, druga svetovna ali osamosvojitvena.

Logika misko.

Logika miško:
0–14 years 23.55% (male 11,909,326/female 10,735,324) (2017 est.)
15–64 years 70.33% (2017 est.)
65 and over 6.12% (male 2,281,923/female 3,601,075) (2017 est.)

Ne spomnijo se, ker so.... mrtvi.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

perci ::

Aja, sej res. Mrtvi so. Zgodovine pa v soli nimajo. Pa starsev tudi niso imeli, da bi jim povedali.

Samuel ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Glede Vietnama. Če vprašaš Vietnamca katere vojne se spomni, bo skoraj vsak rekel,da se spomni tiste s Kitajsko, ki je kasneje prišla.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

fikus_ ::

"Nima veze, kaj ti misliš. TAKO je."

Od kdaj si takšna avtoriteta, da bi ti verjeli na zgornje besede?!b:))

perci ::

In kaj ma veze katere se neposredno spomni?

Vprasanje je katera je pomembejsa v kolektivni zavesti.

V nasprotnem ne razumem zakaj to sploh omenjas v kontekstu ameriskih izvazanj demokracije.

Cez 70 let se noben iracan ne bo spomnil ameriske invazije. Kaksno vezo ima to s cimerkoli?

Samuel ::

perci je izjavil:

In kaj ma veze katere se neposredno spomni?
Vprasanje je katera je pomembejsa v kolektivni zavesti.
V nasprotnem ne razumem zakaj to sploh omenjas v kontekstu ameriskih izvazanj demokracije.

1. Vietnamsko-Kitajski konflikt je trajal 12 let. DVANAJAST. Ti pa daješ neke primerjave z desetdnevno slovensko vojno.
2. Zakaj Vietnam? Vprašaj Poldija, ki ga je prvi omenil. Sploh bereš to temo?!?!
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Pac-Man ::

tikitoki je izjavil:

Americani so rabili testni poligon za novo orozje. Res super da testirajo novo orozje in se skrivajo za domnevnimu humanitarnimi razlogi.

Super, ne.


Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made his way to the Duma, the lower house of parliament, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day.


"We tested 162 types of contemporary and modernized weapons in Syria, which showed a high level of effectiveness," Shoigu said. Only 10 weapons systems performed below expectations, he added.


Shortly after Russia entered the conflict in September 2015, the country's navy fired cruise missiles at Syrian targets 900 miles away – an event that coincided with President Vladimir Putin's 63rd birthday.


Russia has tested over 600 new weapons and military equipment items on the battlefields of Syria, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov told the Interfax news agency Thursday.

Since the official start of airstrikes in Syria in late 2015, Russia’s armed forces have often used an apparently gratuitous range of arms to carry out strikes. Moscow has deployed multiple models of jets from all its major manufacturers, broadcasting operations of seemingly needless complexity—tweeting a video of warships launching a missile strike on western Syria from 930 miles away, in the Caspian Sea, for example.


"Practically all new items have passed through the Syrian theater of war in order for us to have an opportunity to see what their real characteristics are and how these weapons are behaving,” Borisov said at an arms expo outside of Moscow.

"We had to give up on a number of weapon items, because practice showed that they could not withstand the requirements that were demanded of them," Borisov said.

Ampak to je okej, ker "antiimperializem".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Dejstvo 1 : če bi prebral kaj uvaža iz kitajske in kaj izvaža v Ameriko bi nehal kobasati...
Desjtvo 2 : Trumpi se je premislil o TTP "The TPP, a trade deal that was to involve 12 countries including the US, was supported by former President Barack Obama as a way to counter China's surging power in the region." Verjetno zaradi situacije kot je Vietnam.

Spelji se s tem sranjem v drugo temo.

Kitajec se je že usral, će ne veš.

"Kitajski predsednik Ši Džinping je napovedal dodatno odpiranje kitajskega trga, bistveno znižanje uvoznih carin in spoštovanje intelektualne lastnine, dovoljen bo tudi vstop tujih partnerjev na domači trg. Zdi se, da je Ši ponudil roko Donaldu Trumpu, ki je v nedeljo po Twitterju sporočil, da bosta ZDA in Kitajska dosegli dogovor o perečih temah, kar zmanjšuje verjetnost trgovinske vojne med najmočnejšima državama sveta. "

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Kako že bo un otok problem za sosednje ekonomije?

Kotrolira trgovske poti.

Fixed 1 : Samo ni povedal kdaj :|Odpiranje je tudi obljubila ko so jo sprejeli v WTO, pa to je zeloo dolgo.
Fixed 2 : Samo ni povedal katerih automobilov :|. Naprimer Vpraš Teslo
Tvoj argument je tako kot v temi o Siriji, nakako medel. Bombandiranje je imelo nek simbolični pomen, Izdelava klora ki ga mečeš po civilistih, ravno ne rabiš neakj visoko specializiranih obbratov, če ne drugaga bi ti bilo lahko jasno, da mečejo to kao v sodih, poiskusi to s kakšnim sarinom.

seveda so pozitivno naravnani do USA. Imajo bistveno boljš dostop in standard. Po drugi strani v ameriko izvozijo cca 46 Mijard, uvozijo pa le 8 mijard. Glede na to da je Amerika daleč prva država kamor izvažajo, je dober odnos zelo pomemben. Relano pa počakajmo da bo trumpi vpeljal te 60 mijardne tarife. Že sedaj je njihov top izozni produkt komunikacijska oprema.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Samuel ::

Kitajci in Vietnamci imajo dolgo dolgo zgodovino konfliktov.

Ask The Vietnamese About War, And They Think China, Not The U.S.

In one of the many war cemeteries in Lang Son, a city in northern Vietnam, Pham Thi Ky and her family light incense and offer prayers for her brother-in-law, who died 36 years ago in Vietnam's brief but bloody border war with China.

That 1979 war left more than 50,000 dead. There are other graves here, too. They fought and died against the French occupiers, then the Americans. But relative to China, those were brief battles.

No country weighs on Vietnam like China, and it has been that way for centuries. Has the conflict with China ever really ended, I ask Pham Thi Ky as she lights another candle.

"No," she says. Her daughter agrees. Her sister is even more emphatic. "It will never end. With the Chinese, how can it ever end?"

Vietnam's 2,000 year history with its northern neighbor is complex. There have been countless conflicts as well as shared culture. The Temple of Literature in Hanoi is a good example. It was built by the Vietnamese King Ly Thánh Tông in 1070 to honor the Chinese philosopher Confucius. The teachings on the walls are written in Chinese characters. China is also Vietnam's largest trading partner.

The two countries share a communist ideology shaped in part by their shared history, an ideology largely abandoned by the rest of the world. That helps explain why the 1979 border war is something neither government likes to talk about. But Nguyen Duy Thuc, a veteran of that war, is happy to.

"On the morning of the attack, February 17th, we were sleeping when the Chinese artillery started, then we all ran to our posts," he says. "Some were dressed, others didn't even have time to put their pants on, they just ran to their posts to fight."

Vietnamese forces travel toward the country's northern border during a brief, bloody war with China in 1979.
Alan Dawson/Bettmann/CORBIS
At least 200,000 Chinese troops poured into northern Vietnam all along the border. China was aiming to punish Vietnam for its invasion of Cambodia the month before to oust the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge. There were so many Chinese attacking, Nguyen Duy Thuc remembers, that the soldiers in his bunker "fired our AK-47s until the muzzles turned red and they couldn't fire anymore."

But the Chinese kept coming; eventually his bunker was overrun. The Chinese, he says, pumped gas into the ventilation system. There were 800 people, including soldiers, women and children, who fled the fighting in his bunker, Nguyen says.

Only he and two others managed to escape. After nearly a month, the Chinese withdrew, though border clashes continued for the next decade. And Nguyen Duy Thuc hasn't forgotten. If he catches his wife trying to watch a Chinese movie, he turns it off.

Memories of that war, and the many other bouts of invasion, occupation and retaliation throughout history, color Vietnam's relationship with China.

Flight Attendant On Saigon Evacuation: You Wanted 'To Help Every Child'
That's especially true now, with the two countries at odds over what Vietnam views as Chinese expansionism in the South China Sea. When China parked an oil rig in contested waters last year, Vietnam upped its official anti-China rhetoric.

And anti-China rioting left at least a dozen dead, including four Taiwanese mistaken for Chinese. As tension grew, and Chinese and Vietnamese boats played a dangerous game of chicken near the rig, some in the border town of Lang Son grew worried. They feared a repeat of what happened in 1979.

"Last year, we were very frightened. We started stockpiling rice and food. I was very worried that there would be war," says Pham Thi Ky, the woman at the cemetery.

Back in 1979, she says she was forced to flee with nothing but the clothes on her back, so this time she wanted to be prepared. She even went to the bank to withdraw a large sum of money, just in case. But the bank wouldn't give it to her, apparently fearing a run.

Vietnam isn't the only one worried.

The Obama administration's "pivot toward Asia" is prompted, in part, by the idea of trying to contain China's expansionism, which has its Southeast Asian neighbors and Japan worried.

In the South China Sea, China continues to build on several disputed islands and reefs. In April, satellite photos revealed China was constructing a 2-mile-long, military-grade runway on Fiery Cross Reef, prompting howls of protest from the Philippines and Vietnam, both of which claim the island as their own.

"We think this can be solved diplomatically, but just because the Philippines or Vietnam are not as large as China doesn't mean that they can just be elbowed aside," President Obama said.

Duong Trung Quoc, a member of Vietnam's National Assembly and editor of the magazine Past & Present, says, "I think China is not only Vietnam's problem, but the world's problem right now."

Duong says he admires how China appears to be the only civilization in history to have forced its way back onto the world stage after an interregnum.

"It didn't happen with Greece, or India," he says. "But China has a chance."

And that's a problem, he contends, because China still thinks the way it used to back when it was on top.

"China thinks it is at the center. The conquerer. It wants to turn everybody else into its subordinates," he says. Don't believe China, Duong says, when it appears to be playing nice. It's a trap. The Vietnamese, he says, should know.

"After the war, the Vietnamese and the Americans could reconcile. Vietnam and France can reconcile. Veterans from both sides can sit down together and talk. Vietnamese and Chinese veterans hardly ever sit down together," he says.

Why is this?

"The Vietnamese have had too much experience with the Chinese. The Vietnamese can't trust the Chinese. We've had too much practice," he adds.

Few in Vietnam's government talk so openly about the perceived threat from their northern neighbor. They're wary of igniting more protests, like those last year. And Vietnam's Communist Party still looks to China as a model of how to keep an authoritarian state in power in the Internet age. But anti-Chinese sentiment among ordinary Vietnamese continues to grow.

Vo Cao Loi lives about a mile from the South China Sea -- which the Vietnamese simply call the East Sea -- in the central Vietnam city of Danang, where the first U.S. combat troops landed in 1965.

He says he's a survivor of a massacre next to My Lai, one that claimed 97 lives, including his mother. He no longer considers the Americans enemies, but rather as friends. Allies, even, against Vietnam's longtime enemy. He believes the Chinese have taken something that belongs to Vietnam.

"The Spratly and Paracels (islands) are still partly occupied," he says. "Of course at some point we have to put our differences aside, but we have to get those islands back first. Because it belongs to our ancestors."

It doesn't take him long to acknowledge that probably won't happen.

"They want to spread their control. They will never give back what they took," he adds. "Vietnam wants to take it back, but the Chinese are strong. So our struggle will last a long time. How long? I can't tell."
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

perci ::


Jst se bolj spomnim danasnjega kosila kot osamosvojitvene vojne.

Nima pa to z nicemer nobene veze.

Kitajska vojna je ne glede na trajanje pomenila bistveno manj za vietnam kot ameriska vojna.

Priblizno taka razlika v pomembnosti je bila kot med osamosvojitveno vojno in mojim danasnjim kosilom.

Razdeli stevilo vietnamskih zrtev nanteh 12 let pa bos videl, kaksnen vpliv je imela.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: perci ()

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Kitajci in Vietnamci imajo dolgo dolgo zgodovino konfliktov.

Ask The Vietnamese About War, And They Think China, Not The U.S.

In one of the many war cemeteries in Lang Son, a city in northern Vietnam, Pham Thi Ky and her family light incense and offer prayers for her brother-in-law, who died 36 years ago in Vietnam's brief but bloody border war with China.

That 1979 war left more than 50,000 dead. There are other graves here, too. They fought and died against the French occupiers, then the Americans. But relative to China, those were brief battles.

No country weighs on Vietnam like China, and it has been that way for centuries. Has the conflict with China ever really ended, I ask Pham Thi Ky as she lights another candle.

"No," she says. Her daughter agrees. Her sister is even more emphatic. "It will never end. With the Chinese, how can it ever end?"

Vietnam's 2,000 year history with its northern neighbor is complex. There have been countless conflicts as well as shared culture. The Temple of Literature in Hanoi is a good example. It was built by the Vietnamese King Ly Thánh Tông in 1070 to honor the Chinese philosopher Confucius. The teachings on the walls are written in Chinese characters. China is also Vietnam's largest trading partner.

The two countries share a communist ideology shaped in part by their shared history, an ideology largely abandoned by the rest of the world. That helps explain why the 1979 border war is something neither government likes to talk about. But Nguyen Duy Thuc, a veteran of that war, is happy to.

"On the morning of the attack, February 17th, we were sleeping when the Chinese artillery started, then we all ran to our posts," he says. "Some were dressed, others didn't even have time to put their pants on, they just ran to their posts to fight."

Vietnamese forces travel toward the country's northern border during a brief, bloody war with China in 1979.
Alan Dawson/Bettmann/CORBIS
At least 200,000 Chinese troops poured into northern Vietnam all along the border. China was aiming to punish Vietnam for its invasion of Cambodia the month before to oust the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge. There were so many Chinese attacking, Nguyen Duy Thuc remembers, that the soldiers in his bunker "fired our AK-47s until the muzzles turned red and they couldn't fire anymore."

But the Chinese kept coming; eventually his bunker was overrun. The Chinese, he says, pumped gas into the ventilation system. There were 800 people, including soldiers, women and children, who fled the fighting in his bunker, Nguyen says.

Only he and two others managed to escape. After nearly a month, the Chinese withdrew, though border clashes continued for the next decade. And Nguyen Duy Thuc hasn't forgotten. If he catches his wife trying to watch a Chinese movie, he turns it off.

Memories of that war, and the many other bouts of invasion, occupation and retaliation throughout history, color Vietnam's relationship with China.

Flight Attendant On Saigon Evacuation: You Wanted 'To Help Every Child'
That's especially true now, with the two countries at odds over what Vietnam views as Chinese expansionism in the South China Sea. When China parked an oil rig in contested waters last year, Vietnam upped its official anti-China rhetoric.

And anti-China rioting left at least a dozen dead, including four Taiwanese mistaken for Chinese. As tension grew, and Chinese and Vietnamese boats played a dangerous game of chicken near the rig, some in the border town of Lang Son grew worried. They feared a repeat of what happened in 1979.

"Last year, we were very frightened. We started stockpiling rice and food. I was very worried that there would be war," says Pham Thi Ky, the woman at the cemetery.

Back in 1979, she says she was forced to flee with nothing but the clothes on her back, so this time she wanted to be prepared. She even went to the bank to withdraw a large sum of money, just in case. But the bank wouldn't give it to her, apparently fearing a run.

Vietnam isn't the only one worried.

The Obama administration's "pivot toward Asia" is prompted, in part, by the idea of trying to contain China's expansionism, which has its Southeast Asian neighbors and Japan worried.

In the South China Sea, China continues to build on several disputed islands and reefs. In April, satellite photos revealed China was constructing a 2-mile-long, military-grade runway on Fiery Cross Reef, prompting howls of protest from the Philippines and Vietnam, both of which claim the island as their own.

"We think this can be solved diplomatically, but just because the Philippines or Vietnam are not as large as China doesn't mean that they can just be elbowed aside," President Obama said.

Duong Trung Quoc, a member of Vietnam's National Assembly and editor of the magazine Past & Present, says, "I think China is not only Vietnam's problem, but the world's problem right now."

Duong says he admires how China appears to be the only civilization in history to have forced its way back onto the world stage after an interregnum.

"It didn't happen with Greece, or India," he says. "But China has a chance."

And that's a problem, he contends, because China still thinks the way it used to back when it was on top.

"China thinks it is at the center. The conquerer. It wants to turn everybody else into its subordinates," he says. Don't believe China, Duong says, when it appears to be playing nice. It's a trap. The Vietnamese, he says, should know.

"After the war, the Vietnamese and the Americans could reconcile. Vietnam and France can reconcile. Veterans from both sides can sit down together and talk. Vietnamese and Chinese veterans hardly ever sit down together," he says.

Why is this?

"The Vietnamese have had too much experience with the Chinese. The Vietnamese can't trust the Chinese. We've had too much practice," he adds.

Few in Vietnam's government talk so openly about the perceived threat from their northern neighbor. They're wary of igniting more protests, like those last year. And Vietnam's Communist Party still looks to China as a model of how to keep an authoritarian state in power in the Internet age. But anti-Chinese sentiment among ordinary Vietnamese continues to grow.

Vo Cao Loi lives about a mile from the South China Sea -- which the Vietnamese simply call the East Sea -- in the central Vietnam city of Danang, where the first U.S. combat troops landed in 1965.

He says he's a survivor of a massacre next to My Lai, one that claimed 97 lives, including his mother. He no longer considers the Americans enemies, but rather as friends. Allies, even, against Vietnam's longtime enemy. He believes the Chinese have taken something that belongs to Vietnam.

"The Spratly and Paracels (islands) are still partly occupied," he says. "Of course at some point we have to put our differences aside, but we have to get those islands back first. Because it belongs to our ancestors."

It doesn't take him long to acknowledge that probably won't happen.

"They want to spread their control. They will never give back what they took," he adds. "Vietnam wants to take it back, but the Chinese are strong. So our struggle will last a long time. How long? I can't tell."

Si se nalezel Paxia
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Samuel ::

perci je izjavil:


Jst se bolj spomnim danasnjega kosila kot osamosvojitvene vojne.
Nima pa to z nicemer nobene veze.
Kitajska vojna je ne glede na trajanje pomenila bistveno manj za vietnam kot ameriska vojna.
Priblizno taka razlika v pomembnosti je bila kot med osamosvojitveno vojno in mojim danasnjim kosilom.
Razdeli stevilo vietnamskih zrtev nanteh 12 let pa bos videl, kaksnen vpliv je imela.

Perci, konflikt med Vietnamci in Kitajci traja že stoletja. Bo zdaj v redu, ali tudi to ni zadosti zate??
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Poldi112 ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Kako že bo un otok problem za sosednje ekonomije?

Kotrolira trgovske poti.

To se sliši precej benigno.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

perci ::

Pogovarjali smo se o uspesnem izvazanju ameriske demokracije v vietnam, ti pa privleces ven kitajsko. Kaj si pricakoval?

Poldi112 ::

A gremo raje nazaj na Sirijo? :)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Samuel ::

perci je izjavil:

Pogovarjali smo se o uspesnem izvazanju ameriske demokracije v vietnam, ti pa privleces ven kitajsko. Kaj si pricakoval?

Dragi moj, Vietnam si ti sem privleku (in je tipično Hladno vojni spopad.. sever komunistični, jug kapitalistični).
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

perci ::

Sej je ista stvar. Zdejle je v siriji tipicno hladnovojni spopad. Al kdo res misli, da se resuje civiliste?

Samuel ::

perci je izjavil:

Sej je ista stvar. Zdejle je v siriji tipicno hladnovojni spopad. Al kdo res misli, da se resuje civiliste?

Hladna vojna je bila vojna med dvema doktrinama (kominizem/kapitalizem). Sirija to ni.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

perci ::

Hladna vojna ni bila samo to. Bila je iskanje geopoliticnega ravnotezja med dvema jedrskima velesilama.

In to, kar se danes dogaja, je zelo podobna stvar. In Trump gre cez mejo.

Poldi112 ::

Nikki Haley, US ambassador to the UN, has described the Syria strikes as "justified, legitimate and proportionate".

Čist mimgrede, kako točno je lahko napad na suvereno državo legitimen?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Mr.B ::

Podobno kot iskanje tistih plinov v Iraku. Če nebi bilo tam rusije, bi Fašisti okupirali del sirije, del bi okupirali turki, če bi kurdi dobili preveč, ostalo pa zmerna opozicija, ki bi dobila na volitvah 90+ % glasov. Iran bi bil bistveno bolj blokiran.

Sicer bi rekel, da so morali ti trije objekti biti zelo utrjeni, da so rabili 100+ raket.

Bomo pa videli jutri zjutraj, če bodo spet napadli. Verjetnost bolj mala, ampak če bodo videli da je en inkubator cel, bodo poslali novo pošiljko.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Čist mimgrede, kako točno je lahko napad na suvereno državo legitimen?


Chemical Weapons Convention @ Wikipedia

In tako.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::

Lahko je legitimen zate, po nekih tvojih merilih, kar pa ne pomeni, da je legalen. Brez odobritve VS OZN je to zločinski napad na druhgo državo.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

V časih ruskih vetov uveljavljanje mednarodnih konvencij na žalost izgleda tako.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

perci ::

Aja, bogi američani hočjo reševat civiliste pa jim rusi vedno dajo veto.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: perci ()

Zheegec ::

Kot nam je vsem znano, so življenja civilistov ubitih s strani USA in njenih zaveznikov vredna samo 60% življenj civilistov ubitih s strani Sirije ali pa Al Kaide.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Mr.B ::

Ima kdo kakšne bolj točne podatke o teh treh lokacijah. Meni se zdi presneto veliko exploziva...
57 x 1.9mil$ US Navy Tomahawk land attack missiles (TLAMs) = Conventional: 1,000 pounds (450 kg) high explosive
19x 1.4mil$ AGM-158B Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile - Extended Range (JASSM-ER) = 453 kg Net explosive quantity class
? x 0.9 $ MdCN naval version of the SCALP = Storm Shadow http://www.mbda-systems.com/product/ncm/
? x 0.9 $ Storm Shadow = 450 kilograms (990 lb) BROACH (Bomb Royal Ordnance Augmented Charge
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Mr.B ::

Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

s1m0n ::

O kakšnem overkillu pa je govora? So kar uspešni zadetki na točno določene cilje...

KuntaKinte ::

ta kokošnjak kakšen teden ne bo valil jajc

Mr.B ::

s1m0n je izjavil:

O kakšnem overkillu pa je govora? So kar uspešni zadetki na točno določene cilje...

Glej 450 kg ixploziva ni ravno zdravo za bajto, katerokoli. Tudi 200 kg eksploziva ni ravno zdravo.
400kg exploziva v zaprtem prostoru je tudi dovolj da se komnketno zruši tudi še tako dobro narejen bunker.
Če bi pogledal slike, bi videl da so bajte dobesedno zradirane.
Za primer , kaj naredita dve Mk82, ki vsebujeta na "89 kg of high explosive" na odprtem prostoru..
Vir : http://characterisationexplosiveweapons...

Po drugi strani, kaj pravijo mediji ki so jih amerikaci bombandirali ... :
US-led Syria strikes: A distraction from Trump's troubles?

Is chemical inspectors' OPCW mission in Syria still relevant?
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Mr.B ()

Pac-Man ::

perci je izjavil:

Aja, bogi američani hočjo reševat civiliste pa jim rusi vedno dajo veto.

Zaenkrat so edini, ki kakorkoli otročje, nekaj naredijo okrog assadove uporabe kemičnega orožja.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

s1m0n ::

@Mr.B, kje je pa govora kaj je bilo odvržejo in koliko česar? Mediji niso pravi vir za te podatke, prav tako ne Sirija in Rusija...

Pac-Man ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Deblo, kot sem napisal že včeraj - teža bojne glave ni masa eksploziva. Kar ti na začetku ni jasno, pri mk82 pa ti kar naenkrat postane.

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Eksploziva je manj. Tole je za JASSM, ki je sicer penetrator in malo ekstremna v tem smislu. Ima pa znane podatke bojne glave.

AGM-158 JASSM @ Wikipedia


The production JASSM contains the WDU-42/B (J-1000), a 1000-pound class, penetrating warhead with 240 pounds of AFX-757. AFX-757 is an extremely insensitive explosive developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory/High Explosives Research and Development Facility, Eglin AFB, Florida.

120 kg eksploziva v 500 kg bojni glavi.

Mk83 ima 200 kg eksploziva v 460 kg bombi.

Mark 83 bomb @ Wikipedia

Dva cilja (okej, vsaj en) sta podzemna in ni veliko videti, nadzemni pa je precej velik (železobetonski?) kompleks. In od njega ni prav veliko ostalo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Poldi112 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

perci je izjavil:

Aja, bogi američani hočjo reševat civiliste pa jim rusi vedno dajo veto.

Zaenkrat so edini, ki kakorkoli otročje, nekaj naredijo okrog assadove uporabe kemičnega orožja.

Assadove? A to vemo, ali so to kavboji, ki jim dol visi za mednarodno pravo, rekli?

Kaj pa, če še Kitajci izstrelijo par raket na USA, ker USA sistematično muči zapornike? A boš tudi rekel, da vsaj nekaj naredijo glede USA zločinov proti človeštvu? Ali če bi Rusi spustili par raket na USA tam okoli 1980, čist tko, da američanom dajo vedeti, da uporaba bojnih strupiv ni ok? Ali pa če spustimo par raket na Izrael, ko uporabljajo bel fosfor?

To, kar zagovarjaš, je divji zahod. Zagovarjaš metode, za katere so USA pravniki obešali nemce po 2. svetovni vojni. In ti jim ploskaš. Patetično.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

SimplyMiha ::

Pusti no amerofila, naj živi svoje sanje, dokler še more.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::


Nice catch! the video that Assad media posted showing Assad walking to his office at 9am was not taken that morning.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Ker je bil napad izveden z iz helikopterja vrženima jeklenkama. Kdo uporablja helikopterje nad Doumo?

Nekako se je ustvaril mednarodni konsenz, da so kemična orožja no-no. Zakaj lahko morda ponazorim na primeru klora, za katerega se v Siriji pogosto naredi izjemo - v stiku z vodo tvori klorovodikovo kislino, pljuča so vlažna, ostalo si lahko predstavljaš.

Ne, kar zagovarjam ni divji zahod, ampak edina stvar, ki preostane, ko nekdo z vetom blokira ZN.
Humanitarian intervention @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Fritz ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

V časih ruskih vetov uveljavljanje mednarodnih konvencij na žalost izgleda tako.

Verjetno si se zmotil in si mislil na ameriške blokade vseh ukrepov proti izraelskemu pobijanju neoboroženih civilistov.

Aja, oni lahko, sorry 8-)
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Deblo, kot sem napisal že včeraj - teža bojne glave ni masa eksploziva. Kar ti na začetku ni jasno, pri mk82 pa ti kar naenkrat postane.

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Eksploziva je manj. Tole je za JASSM, ki je sicer penetrator in malo ekstremna v tem smislu. Ima pa znane podatke bojne glave.

AGM-158 JASSM @ Wikipedia


The production JASSM contains the WDU-42/B (J-1000), a 1000-pound class, penetrating warhead with 240 pounds of AFX-757. AFX-757 is an extremely insensitive explosive developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory/High Explosives Research and Development Facility, Eglin AFB, Florida.

120 kg eksploziva v 500 kg bojni glavi.

Mk83 ima 200 kg eksploziva v 460 kg bombi.

Mark 83 bomb @ Wikipedia

Dva cilja (okej, vsaj en) sta podzemna in ni veliko videti, nadzemni pa je precej velik (železobetonski?) kompleks. In od njega ni prav veliko ostalo.

Paxi dej raje najdi twixic vir.
Mk 82 je za primerjavo .....kaj naredi 2x 87 KG exploziva...
Wiki pravi : :
With a nominal weight of 500 lb (227 kg), it is the one of the smallest in current service, and one of the most common air-dropped weapons in the world.

Weight 500 pounds (227 kg)
Filling weight 192 pounds (87 kg)

Torej v Bombi je 87 Kg exploziva.

V raketah, ki so bile včeraj uporabljene, je podatek o količini exploziva točen.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

SimplyMiha ::

"When they start taking you seriously, you have won."


Pac-Man ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Verjetno si se zmotil in si mislil na ameriške blokade vseh ukrepov proti izraelskemu pobijanju neoboroženih civilistov.

Aja, oni lahko, sorry 8-)

Kar se mene tiče lahko kdorkoli posreduje in zaščiti palestinske civiliste.

Mr.B je izjavil:

V raketah, ki so bile včeraj uporabljene, je podatek o količini exploziva točen.

Dumbo, za JASSM preverjeno ni.

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Eksploziva je manj. Tole je za JASSM, ki je sicer prenetrator in malo ekstremna v tem smislu. Ima pa znane podatke bojne glave.

AGM-158 JASSM @ Wikipedia


The production JASSM contains the WDU-42/B (J-1000), a 1000-pound class, penetrating warhead with 240 pounds of AFX-757. AFX-757 is an extremely insensitive explosive developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory/High Explosives Research and Development Facility, Eglin AFB, Florida.

120 kg eksploziva v 500 kg bojni glavi.

Mr.B je izjavil:

Ima kdo kakšne bolj točne podatke o teh treh lokacijah. Meni se zdi presneto veliko exploziva...


19x 1.4mil$ AGM-158B Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile - Extended Range (JASSM-ER) = 453 kg Net explosive quantity class
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
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