Forum » Problemi človeštva » Konflikt v Siriji
Konflikt v Siriji
Temo vidijo: vsi
peburuchug ::
Pac-Man ::
Bi. Če imajo dober razlog.
To ni dober razlog.
To ni dober razlog.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Kok se jaz spomnim, te neoznačena letala, neznane lokacije mučenj, itd... Pa ni nihče odgovarjal, nekateri bodo celo šefi CIE postali.... Hm, o čem ti sedaj to pišeš. Da si se posipal s pepelom, ker drugi bolj direkt to delajo...
(Ro)botek, ravnokar si padel na turingovem testu. Popolnoma nobene povezave z mojo objavo.
Seveda, razlika je samo v tem, da tu se ve da je ugrabljen. Ostali z demokratičnih držav ugrabljeni teroristi so pa izginili. No včasih se kje kak najde, če ga slučajno ne izpustijo iz kakšne višine...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Ne, ne ve se.
Ve se, da so pogrešani.
Ve se, da so pogrešani.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Ne, ne ve se.
Ve se, da so pogrešani.
O pogrešanih se ponavadi ne piše. Morda se čez nekaj let dobi informacija da so zaprti, čakajoč na sojenje. Tu pač daj danr da je živ, uni don give a fuck.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
arnecan1 ::
Spet spreobračaš besede! Rusi niso nikdar okupirali Sirije oz. tvoja trditev "Rusija ne bo prepustila Sirije Sircem" ne drži!
Ker je Assad tako popularen predsednik, da 2/3 države bije vojno proti njem ane.
Absolutno so proti Asadu sekularni Arabci, kateri hočejo demokracijo. Jih je, tam čez palec, ca. 8.000. Proti Asadu so tudi islamisti, konservativni suniti, Erdoganovi Turkmeni in salafisti ter džihadisti. Jih he par milijonov.
Za Asada so različne ločine kristjanov in jazidov. Ca. 9%. ter seveda Alaviti ter šiiti.
Druzi in Kurdi hočejo samostojnost.
Ti si izgleda na strani salafistov.
BREAKING: The Russian military says that an alleged chemical attack in Syria was staged and directed by Britain.
Fritz ::
BREAKING: The Russian military says that an alleged chemical attack in Syria was staged and directed by Britain.
Če bi hoteli bolj zafrkavati Angleže, bi morali podati izjavo, da je po njihovih obveščevalnih podatkih, ki jih seveda ne bodo razkrili, UK highly likely odgovorna za to reč. Pričakujem izgon kopice 'diplomatov'.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
BREAKING: The Russian military says that an alleged chemical attack in Syria was staged and directed by Britain.
Če bi hoteli bolj zafrkavati Angleže, bi morali podati izjavo, da je po njihovih obveščevalnih podatkih, ki jih seveda ne bodo razkrili, UK highly likely odgovorna za to reč. Pričakujem izgon kopice 'diplomatov'.
To bi bila dobra fora
Pac-Man ::
Ampak Killary.
President Donald Trump is prodding his military advisers to agree to a more sweeping retaliatory strike in Syria than they consider prudent, and is unhappy with the more limited options they have presented to him so far, White House and other administration officials said.
In meetings with Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Mr. Trump has been pushing for an attack that not only would punish the Syrian regime but also exact a price from two of its international patrons, Russia and Iran, a White House official said.
"He wants Mattis to push the limits a little bit more," the official said.
Mr. Mattis has resisted, worried that the administration lacks a broader strategy in Syria and that military strikes could trigger a dangerous clash with Russia and Iran, U.S. officials said.
The military had scheduled potential windows for the strikes, including one Thursday night, the U.S. and defense officials said. Mr. Mattis canceled them out of concerns that anything other than a “show strike” risked broader escalation with the Russians in particular, these defense officials said.
Aides said Mr. Trump is tightly focused on the Syria problem and has been quizzing staff about the best response—even members of the legal team defending him in the Russia investigation. Mr. Trump has asked for briefing materials and was moved by images of children with foam bubbling from their mouths, symptoms of chemical weapons poisoning, aides said.
At the president’s side as he weighs military action is John Bolton, a new national security adviser in his first week on the job.
Mr. Bolton favors an attack that would be “ruinous,” crippling some part of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government and national infrastructure, according to a person familiar with Mr. Bolton’s thinking.
The debate over what to do in Syria marks the first time Mr. Mattis is making his case without support from former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who had aligned himself with the Pentagon chief on virtually every major issue that came before the president.
This time, Mr. Mattis appears to be a lone voice of dissent in security meetings, U.S. officials said. Mr. Bolton, Acting Secretary of State John Sullivan, and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley all have expressed support for military strikes, U.S. officials said.
Tale "norec na položaju" scena je po eni strani zanimiva in morda koristna, saj je vse vrglo iz ravnotežja. Ponavadi se je vedno vedelo, kaj pričakovati od ZDA, zdaj pa se v vseh prestolnicah sprašujejo, kaj bo naslednji korak. Wildcard, bitches!!!
Po drugi strani pa norca drži nazaj samo "Mad Dog".
President Donald Trump is prodding his military advisers to agree to a more sweeping retaliatory strike in Syria than they consider prudent, and is unhappy with the more limited options they have presented to him so far, White House and other administration officials said.
In meetings with Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Mr. Trump has been pushing for an attack that not only would punish the Syrian regime but also exact a price from two of its international patrons, Russia and Iran, a White House official said.
"He wants Mattis to push the limits a little bit more," the official said.
Mr. Mattis has resisted, worried that the administration lacks a broader strategy in Syria and that military strikes could trigger a dangerous clash with Russia and Iran, U.S. officials said.
The military had scheduled potential windows for the strikes, including one Thursday night, the U.S. and defense officials said. Mr. Mattis canceled them out of concerns that anything other than a “show strike” risked broader escalation with the Russians in particular, these defense officials said.
Aides said Mr. Trump is tightly focused on the Syria problem and has been quizzing staff about the best response—even members of the legal team defending him in the Russia investigation. Mr. Trump has asked for briefing materials and was moved by images of children with foam bubbling from their mouths, symptoms of chemical weapons poisoning, aides said.
At the president’s side as he weighs military action is John Bolton, a new national security adviser in his first week on the job.
Mr. Bolton favors an attack that would be “ruinous,” crippling some part of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government and national infrastructure, according to a person familiar with Mr. Bolton’s thinking.
The debate over what to do in Syria marks the first time Mr. Mattis is making his case without support from former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who had aligned himself with the Pentagon chief on virtually every major issue that came before the president.
This time, Mr. Mattis appears to be a lone voice of dissent in security meetings, U.S. officials said. Mr. Bolton, Acting Secretary of State John Sullivan, and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley all have expressed support for military strikes, U.S. officials said.
Tale "norec na položaju" scena je po eni strani zanimiva in morda koristna, saj je vse vrglo iz ravnotežja. Ponavadi se je vedno vedelo, kaj pričakovati od ZDA, zdaj pa se v vseh prestolnicah sprašujejo, kaj bo naslednji korak. Wildcard, bitches!!!
Po drugi strani pa norca drži nazaj samo "Mad Dog".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Mr.B ::
Ampak Killary.
President Donald Trump is prodding his military advisers to agree to a more sweeping retaliatory strike in Syria than they consider prudent, and is unhappy with the more limited options they have presented to him so far, White House and other administration officials said.
In meetings with Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Mr. Trump has been pushing for an attack that not only would punish the Syrian regime but also exact a price from two of its international patrons, Russia and Iran, a White House official said.
“He wants Mattis to push the limits a little bit more,” the official said.
Mr. Mattis has resisted, worried that the administration lacks a broader strategy in Syria and that military strikes could trigger a dangerous clash with Russia and Iran, U.S. officials said.
The military had scheduled potential windows for the strikes, including one Thursday night, the U.S. and defense officials said. Mr. Mattis canceled them out of concerns that anything other than a “show strike” risked broader escalation with the Russians in particular, these defense officials said.
Aides said Mr. Trump is tightly focused on the Syria problem and has been quizzing staff about the best response—even members of the legal team defending him in the Russia investigation. Mr. Trump has asked for briefing materials and was moved by images of children with foam bubbling from their mouths, symptoms of chemical weapons poisoning, aides said.
At the president’s side as he weighs military action is John Bolton, a new national security adviser in his first week on the job.
Mr. Bolton favors an attack that would be “ruinous,” crippling some part of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government and national infrastructure, according to a person familiar with Mr. Bolton’s thinking.
The debate over what to do in Syria marks the first time Mr. Mattis is making his case without support from former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who had aligned himself with the Pentagon chief on virtually every major issue that came before the president.
This time, Mr. Mattis appears to be a lone voice of dissent in security meetings, U.S. officials said. Mr. Bolton, Acting Secretary of State John Sullivan, and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley all have expressed support for military strikes, U.S. officials said.
Tale "norec na položaju" scena je po eni strani zanimiva in morda koristna, saj je vse vrglo iz ravnotežja. Ponavadi se je vedno vedelo, kaj pričakovati od ZDA, zdaj pa se v vseh prestolnicah sprašujejo, kaj bo naslednji korak. Wildcard, bitches!!!
Po drugi strani pa norca drži nazaj samo "Mad Dog".
Si razmišljal, da je šel Trumpi all in v Hladno vojno, da preusmeri pozornost nove knjižnje uspešnice ?
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zheegec ::
BREAKING: AP source: Trump to speak Friday night amid anticipation of retaliatory strike for Syrian chemical weapon attack.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Zheegec ::
The OPCW was on its way to investigate the alleged chemical attack, set to arrive on Saturday. The US couldn't wait until then, they rushed to bomb with no evidence.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Zheegec ::
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
leiito ::
Napad se zdi dizajniran, da nahrani jastrebe s krvjo, ne da bi pri tem vse skupaj eskaliralo, Trump znova kaže svojo preudarnost in politični talent.
Mr.B ::
No če ne drugega bomo videli effektivnost S400.
Prav tako kot kaže ni bilo potrebe uporabe b-2 bombnikov.
Prav tako kot kaže ni bilo potrebe uporabe b-2 bombnikov.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Zgleda bo moral putin zelo tvegat, če bo hotel odgovoriti, ker kot kaže bo moral napasti kar konkretna letališča : Air-launched cruise missiles were used in strikes
Air launch cruise missiles are fired from aircraft in flight and can be done from outside the range of Syrian airspace.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Najbolj žalostno je, da noben ne skriva "alleged" && "suspected" chemical attack. Kot kaže je nova knjiga o Trumpu pač prisilila da uredi kar mora urediti.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zheegec ::
Syrian gov appears to have been anxious for @OPCW inspectors to get to work. US / British / French govs appear to have been anxious to bomb before the inspectors could do their work. This *implies* that the Syrian gov is telling the truth and US et al are falsifying.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Pac-Man ::
Uči se na starih primerih, npr. Kan Šejkun. Ampak rusofilčki imate serijske težave s spominom.
Khan Shaykhun chemical attack @ Wikipedia
4.4.17 - kemični napad
...sirski in ruski blabla
7.4.17 - ameriški kazenski napad
...sirski in ruski blabla
...sirski in ruski blabla
...sirski in ruski blabla
...sirski in ruski blabla
6.9.17 ZN dodeli krivdo režimu
24.10.17 Rusija da veto na podaljšanje mandata OPCW-UN JIM
26.10.17 OPCW-UN JIM dodeli krivdo režimu
Khan Shaykhun chemical attack @ Wikipedia
4.4.17 - kemični napad
...sirski in ruski blabla
7.4.17 - ameriški kazenski napad
...sirski in ruski blabla
...sirski in ruski blabla
...sirski in ruski blabla
...sirski in ruski blabla
6.9.17 ZN dodeli krivdo režimu
24.10.17 Rusija da veto na podaljšanje mandata OPCW-UN JIM
26.10.17 OPCW-UN JIM dodeli krivdo režimu
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Uči se na starih primerih, npr. Kan Šejkun. Ampak rusofilčki imate serijske težave s spominom.
Khan Shaykhun chemical attack @ Wikipedia
4.4.17 - kemični napad
...sirski in ruski blabla
7.4.17 - ameriški kazenski napad
...sirski in ruski blabla
...sirski in ruski blabla
...sirski in ruski blabla
...sirski in ruski blabla
6.9.17 ZN dodeli krivdo režimu
24.10.17 Rusija da veto na podaljšanje mandata OPCW-UN JIM
26.10.17 OPCW-UN JIM dodeli krivdo režimu
No sej so inšpektorji v siriji, bodo že povedali.
Sicer pa kje imaš dogaze. Vedno tvoji mediji govorijo alleged or presume. ČE je krovni dokaz da je že uporabil v preteklosti... potem se posipaj s pepelom.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Nekako tako deluje sirski observatorij, ampak iz VB. Ta je v Damasku. Telefon je telefon.
Massive explosions right now in east Damascus. The site appears to be the Dumayr Airbase, which is the installation used by the Syrian Air Force to launch airstrikes on the East Ghouta.
Airstrikes now reportedly hitting multiple locations across the country. People are reporting airstrikes in Masyaf and Mezzeh
Military source in Damascus says Mezzeh not hit, but Barzeh was just hit.
Wow, the US struck one of Damascus’ most densely populated suburbs. Jaramana reporting strikes. Update: missiles targeted a site nearby. No civilians harmed.
Wave after wave of cruise missiles hitting Syria; it is not stopping. Over 40 minutes of cruise missiles.
Source near Mezzeh seems to confirm no strikes, but several nearby.
This is the largest strike on Syria’s capital....possibly ever
Syrian air defense trying to down the cruise missiles, but they’re no match. There are far too many.
Interesting to note: all sites targeted do not have Russian air assets present.
Civilians are terrified throughout Damascus. Millions living in and around the city. Very large displaced population.
Just now: Syrian Air Defense successfully intercepts cruise missile in Damascus
No Russian interference. Again, some people are posting disinformation.
West Damascus now being hit hard with cruise missiles. This are possesses many important bases, including 4th Division HQ
Most targets were in Damascus. Don’t really know of any strikes outside. Maybe east Homs. Reports of attacks in Aleppo, Latakia, and Hama don’t seem true. My family lives in Aleppo city - they didn’t say anything about it.
Russia’s response is likely going to happen in east Deir Ezzor. Syrian military forces have been building up their for much of the month. They want to retake the oil fields from the US-backed forces.
Not a military guy nor do I know much about weapons, but I did ask what the Syrian Air Defense used. Apparently, the S-200 was used to down some cruise missiles, but the US attack was overwhelming.
The three official sites that were hit by the U.S. Coalition:
-Brigade 105
-Dumayr Airbase
Syrian state TV claims US Coalition attack in Homs failed. No idea if this true. Heard of an attack in the eastern Qalamoun, but no idea the outcome
Reports surfacing that Russia militarily stopped the US attack on Homs. Would be very interesting if true. They did not engage in Damascus
Syrian military is blaming Israel for the attack on west Damascus. They are saying after the US announced the attack was done, several missiles from the West came into Syria and hit Kesweh. Trying to get confirmation.
Both the pro-government and pro-opposition supporters are cheering this morning. Pro-opposition supporters are happy the government was bombed. Meanwhile, pro-government supporters are claiming victory over the attack.
Francozi imajo tudi biološke vzorce.
Massive explosions right now in east Damascus. The site appears to be the Dumayr Airbase, which is the installation used by the Syrian Air Force to launch airstrikes on the East Ghouta.
Airstrikes now reportedly hitting multiple locations across the country. People are reporting airstrikes in Masyaf and Mezzeh
Military source in Damascus says Mezzeh not hit, but Barzeh was just hit.
Wow, the US struck one of Damascus’ most densely populated suburbs. Jaramana reporting strikes. Update: missiles targeted a site nearby. No civilians harmed.
Wave after wave of cruise missiles hitting Syria; it is not stopping. Over 40 minutes of cruise missiles.
Source near Mezzeh seems to confirm no strikes, but several nearby.
This is the largest strike on Syria’s capital....possibly ever
Syrian air defense trying to down the cruise missiles, but they’re no match. There are far too many.
Interesting to note: all sites targeted do not have Russian air assets present.
Civilians are terrified throughout Damascus. Millions living in and around the city. Very large displaced population.
Just now: Syrian Air Defense successfully intercepts cruise missile in Damascus
No Russian interference. Again, some people are posting disinformation.
West Damascus now being hit hard with cruise missiles. This are possesses many important bases, including 4th Division HQ
Most targets were in Damascus. Don’t really know of any strikes outside. Maybe east Homs. Reports of attacks in Aleppo, Latakia, and Hama don’t seem true. My family lives in Aleppo city - they didn’t say anything about it.
Russia’s response is likely going to happen in east Deir Ezzor. Syrian military forces have been building up their for much of the month. They want to retake the oil fields from the US-backed forces.
Not a military guy nor do I know much about weapons, but I did ask what the Syrian Air Defense used. Apparently, the S-200 was used to down some cruise missiles, but the US attack was overwhelming.
The three official sites that were hit by the U.S. Coalition:
-Brigade 105
-Dumayr Airbase
Syrian state TV claims US Coalition attack in Homs failed. No idea if this true. Heard of an attack in the eastern Qalamoun, but no idea the outcome
Reports surfacing that Russia militarily stopped the US attack on Homs. Would be very interesting if true. They did not engage in Damascus
Syrian military is blaming Israel for the attack on west Damascus. They are saying after the US announced the attack was done, several missiles from the West came into Syria and hit Kesweh. Trying to get confirmation.
Both the pro-government and pro-opposition supporters are cheering this morning. Pro-opposition supporters are happy the government was bombed. Meanwhile, pro-government supporters are claiming victory over the attack.
Francozi imajo tudi biološke vzorce.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Mr.B ::
Nekako tako deluje sirski observatorij, ampak iz VB. Ta je v Damasku. Telefon je telefon.
Massive explosions right now in east Damascus. The site appears to be the Dumayr Airbase, which is the installation used by the Syrian Air Force to launch airstrikes on the East Ghouta.
Airstrikes now reportedly hitting multiple locations across the country. People are reporting airstrikes in Masyaf and Mezzeh
Military source in Damascus says Mezzeh not hit, but Barzeh was just hit.
Wow, the US struck one of Damascus’ most densely populated suburbs. Jaramana reporting strikes. Update: missiles targeted a site nearby. No civilians harmed.
Wave after wave of cruise missiles hitting Syria; it is not stopping. Over 40 minutes of cruise missiles.
Source near Mezzeh seems to confirm no strikes, but several nearby.
This is the largest strike on Syria’s capital....possibly ever
Syrian air defense trying to down the cruise missiles, but they’re no match. There are far too many.
Interesting to note: all sites targeted do not have Russian air assets present.
Civilians are terrified throughout Damascus. Millions living in and around the city. Very large displaced population.
Just now: Syrian Air Defense successfully intercepts cruise missile in Damascus
No Russian interference. Again, some people are posting disinformation.
West Damascus now being hit hard with cruise missiles. This are possesses many important bases, including 4th Division HQ
Most targets were in Damascus. Don’t really know of any strikes outside. Maybe east Homs. Reports of attacks in Aleppo, Latakia, and Hama don’t seem true. My family lives in Aleppo city - they didn’t say anything about it.
Russia’s response is likely going to happen in east Deir Ezzor. Syrian military forces have been building up their for much of the month. They want to retake the oil fields from the US-backed forces.
Not a military guy nor do I know much about weapons, but I did ask what the Syrian Air Defense used. Apparently, the S-200 was used to down some cruise missiles, but the US attack was overwhelming.
The three official sites that were hit by the U.S. Coalition:
-Brigade 105
-Dumayr Airbase
Syrian state TV claims US Coalition attack in Homs failed. No idea if this true. Heard of an attack in the eastern Qalamoun, but no idea the outcome
Reports surfacing that Russia militarily stopped the US attack on Homs. Would be very interesting if true. They did not engage in Damascus
Syrian military is blaming Israel for the attack on west Damascus. They are saying after the US announced the attack was done, several missiles from the West came into Syria and hit Kesweh. Trying to get confirmation.
Both the pro-government and pro-opposition supporters are cheering this morning. Pro-opposition supporters are happy the government was bombed. Meanwhile, pro-government supporters are claiming victory over the attack.
Francozi imajo tudi biološke vzorce.
Oprosti Paxi tvoj članek ima naslov :
Open Source Survey of Alleged Chemical Attacks in Douma on 7th April 2018
Veš imeti vzorec urina, no, če pojem klorovo tableto, ker je nisem vrgel v vodo, katero bom razkužil, bom tudi scal klor, poleg drugih sisntomov.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
nsa_ag3nt ::
Isil air force na delu...
Ko 3 stalne članice vs ozn brez resolucije oz vojne napovedi napadejo tretjo državo, potem veš, da je je vs ozn samo drago smetišče zgodovine.
Kaj so razbili ? 3 hleve koz in 2 prazni tovarni gnoja ?
Se vidi da bi zahodni psihopati na vsak način spravili Sirijo na raven Berlina 45, potem ko se po 7 letih s koristnimi idioti na tleh ni obneslo.
Mattis sedaj pravi da imajo dokaze, samo so "classified".Patetika od izgovora.
ZDA & co: lagali so pri Kosovu, 9/11, pri Afganistanu, pri Iraku, pri Libiji.In sedaj so kar nenadoma postali resnicoljubi.
ZDA povzetek:
Kako kaj otroci v Jemnu, kjer na debelo izvažajo orožje KSA (ZDA, UK, FR) ?
pacman in ostali si boste morali temeljito popraviti kompas.
Ko 3 stalne članice vs ozn brez resolucije oz vojne napovedi napadejo tretjo državo, potem veš, da je je vs ozn samo drago smetišče zgodovine.
Kaj so razbili ? 3 hleve koz in 2 prazni tovarni gnoja ?
Se vidi da bi zahodni psihopati na vsak način spravili Sirijo na raven Berlina 45, potem ko se po 7 letih s koristnimi idioti na tleh ni obneslo.
Mattis sedaj pravi da imajo dokaze, samo so "classified".Patetika od izgovora.
ZDA & co: lagali so pri Kosovu, 9/11, pri Afganistanu, pri Iraku, pri Libiji.In sedaj so kar nenadoma postali resnicoljubi.
ZDA povzetek:
Mislim .... ko ti najbolj agresivna država, ki je od 2. WW do danes napadla že 37 držav in pobila na milijone civilistov (tudi otrok) očita, da si vojni zločinec, ko ti država, ki je edina (dvakrat) vrgla atomsko bombo in pobila več 100.000 civilistov 8med njimi veliko otrok) v enem samem dnevu očita, da pobijaš civile, ko ti država z največjim arsenalom kemičnega orožja na svetu, in ki je s kemičnim strupom Agent Orange zastrupila 3 milijone Vietnamcev očita, da uporabljaš kemični strup, ko ti država, ki je skoraj popolnoma iztrebila staroselce očita, da izvajaš genocid nad narodom, ko ti država, ki je za vstop v vietnamsko, iraško in libijsko (sedaj še sirsko) vojno uporabila laž, ter odprto stopila na stran đihadističnih upornikov očita, da nisi moralen, ko ti država, ki je še pred kratkim imela suženjstvo za nekaj povsem normalnega, kjer policija dnevno strelja na temnopolte in zapira politične zapornike brez sojenja (Guantanamo) očita, da ne upoštevaš človekovih pravic.
Kako kaj otroci v Jemnu, kjer na debelo izvažajo orožje KSA (ZDA, UK, FR) ?
pacman in ostali si boste morali temeljito popraviti kompas.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
Mr.B ::
Isil air force na delu...
Ko 3 stalne članice vs ozn brez resolucije oz vojne napovedi napadejo tretjo državo, potem veš, da je je vs ozn samo drago smetišče zgodovine.
Kaj so razbili ? 3 hleve koz in 2 prazni tovarni gnoja ?
Se vidi da bi zahodni psihopati na vsak način spravili Sirijo na raven Berlina 45, potem ko se po 7 letih s koristnimi idioti na tleh ni obneslo.
Mattis sedaj pravi da imajo dokaze, samo so "classified".Patetika od izgovora.
ZDA & co: lagali so pri Kosovu, 9/11, pri Afganistanu, pri Iraku, pri Libiji.In sedaj so kar nenadoma postali resnicoljubi.
ZDA povzetek:
Mislim .... ko ti najbolj agresivna država, ki je od 2. WW do danes napadla že 37 držav in pobila na milijone civilistov (tudi otrok) očita, da si vojni zločinec, ko ti država, ki je edina (dvakrat) vrgla atomsko bombo in pobila več 100.000 civilistov 8med njimi veliko otrok) v enem samem dnevu očita, da pobijaš civile, ko ti država z največjim arsenalom kemičnega orožja na svetu, in ki je s kemičnim strupom Agent Orange zastrupila 3 milijone Vietnamcev očita, da uporabljaš kemični strup, ko ti država, ki je skoraj popolnoma iztrebila staroselce očita, da izvajaš genocid nad narodom, ko ti država, ki je za vstop v vietnamsko, iraško in libijsko (sedaj še sirsko) vojno uporabila laž, ter odprto stopila na stran đihadističnih upornikov očita, da nisi moralen, ko ti država, ki je še pred kratkim imela suženjstvo za nekaj povsem normalnega, kjer policija dnevno strelja na temnopolte in zapira politične zapornike brez sojenja (Guantanamo) očita, da ne upoštevaš človekovih pravic.
Kako kaj otroci v Jemnu, kjer na debelo izvažajo orožje KSA (ZDA, UK, FR) ?
pacman in ostali si boste morali temeljito popraviti kompas.
Trumpi je lepo rekel v svojem nagovoru "zaradi izolacije Irana".
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Samuel ::
Kako kaj otroci v Jemnu, kjer na debelo izvažajo orožje KSA (ZDA, UK, FR) ?
V Jemnu je dovolj kalašnikov. Nič na DEBELO ni treba uvažat.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Fritz ::
Ampak Killary.
Tale "norec na položaju" scena je po eni strani zanimiva in morda koristna, saj je vse vrglo iz ravnotežja. Ponavadi se je vedno vedelo, kaj pričakovati od ZDA, zdaj pa se v vseh prestolnicah sprašujejo, kaj bo naslednji korak. Wildcard, bitches!!!
Po drugi strani pa norca drži nazaj samo "Mad Dog".
Ne vem, če se je vedelo. Wag the dog se je dogajal že prej. Killary je to imela kot policy, Trumpo pa pač trumpa kot mu pride, kar gre od sociopatskega pacienta (to trdim še od časa nominacije za R kandidata) tudi pričakovati.
Napadi so bili a kaže da razen uničenja civilnega letališča v Damasku in nekaj vojaške infrastrukture, niso naredili nič bistvenega. Bolj face saving & distraction kot kaj drugega. Kakor kaže, Rusi niso reagirali.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
nsa_ag3nt ::
Kako kaj otroci v Jemnu, kjer na debelo izvažajo orožje KSA (ZDA, UK, FR) ?
V Jemnu je dovolj kalašnikov. Nič na DEBELO ni treba uvažat.
Bo treba še malo fruteka popiti, da boš malo zrastel...
Jaz pišem o tem, od koga glavorezci KSA kupujejo orožje na debelo, in tu ne gre za kalašnikove, ki jih lahko kupiš od praktično kogarkoli.
btw, začela se je operacija "Yarmouk".
Po sedanji agendi lahko pričakujemo še kakšen "kemičen napad" zlobnega sirskega režimaTM, če povzamem besedišče Švegelj/Videmmška in podobnih pisunov.
Sploh ko bo operacija čiščenja v zadnji četrtini, da bo lahko Trump spet dal podreti kakšen obrat za predelavo umetnih gnojil in proizvodnjo detergentov == kemične tovarne za strupe in eksploziv.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
Samuel ::
Bo treba še malo fruteka popiti, da boš malo zrastel...
Jaz pišem o tem, od koga glavorezci KSA kupujejo orožje na debelo, in tu ne gre za kalašnikove, ki jih lahko kupiš od praktično kogarkoli.
Fruteka ti še veliko rabiš. Tisti norci dol iz Jemna pošiljajo ruske rakete nad Riad (ki so jih v domačih delavnicah naredili verjetno). V Jemnu je popolnoma obratna situacija kot v Siriji. Legitimno izvoljeno oblast napadajo uporniki pod tiho iransko podporo.
V bistvu je Jemen lep primer, da rusofilčiči nimate fakinega pojma, kaj sploh podpirate.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Poldi112 ::
A nas boš razsvetlil, ti veliki poznavalec geopolitike?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
nsa_ag3nt ::
Isti tiči skup' letajo
Več kot žalitve ne boš uspel sproducirati ?
V bistvu je Jemen lep primer, da rusofilčiči nimate fakinega pojma, kaj sploh podpirate.
Isti tiči skup' letajo
Več kot žalitve ne boš uspel sproducirati ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
Samuel ::
A nas boš razsvetlil, ti veliki poznavalec geopolitike?
Kaj ni nič na
Isti tiči skup' letajo
V bistvu je Jemen lep primer, da rusofilčiči nimate fakinega pojma, kaj sploh podpirate.
Več kot žalitve ne boš uspel sproducirati ?
Še enkrat, ker si malo počasen.
1. Sirija: Za Asada pravite, da je legitimno izvoljen predsednik, zaradi tega podpirate Rusijo/Iran
2. Jemen: Legitimno izvoljen predsednik je pro Saudi. V tem primeru NE podpirate legitimno izvoljenega predsednika, ampak pro-iransko milico Hutijev.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()
oo7 ::
Ameriški obrambni minister James Mattis je dejal, da poročil o žrtvah na ameriški strani za zdaj ni, in dodal, da je napad "edina priložnost", kar je v nasprotju s Trumpovo napovedjo, da so ZDA pripravljene napade nadaljevati, dokler Asadov režim ne neha uporabljati kemičnega orožja.
Seveda uporniki bodo čez dva dni spet vrgli kemično orožje in vojna v siriji se bo podaljševala v nedogled.
Seveda uporniki bodo čez dva dni spet vrgli kemično orožje in vojna v siriji se bo podaljševala v nedogled.
SimplyMiha ::
Bi bilo fajn, če bi vsaj malo obnovili lokalno zgodovino, preden se podajate v to blatno kopel.
Jemen je umetna tvorba, v katero so prisilno potlačili dva različna naroda, ker sunitom ni bilo povšeči, da bi šiiti imeli politično moč. Potem so suniti in šiiti živeli vsak zase, ko pa so suniti šiitom hoteli odvzeti še tisto malo avtonomije, ki jim je ostala, so se šiiti uprli. Jemen je v bistvu dve državi, vsaka od katerih zase verjame, da je legitimna.
Tako je to, če se ljudje več tisoč kilometrov stran igrajo geopolitiko. Folk se prej kot slej upre.
Jemen je umetna tvorba, v katero so prisilno potlačili dva različna naroda, ker sunitom ni bilo povšeči, da bi šiiti imeli politično moč. Potem so suniti in šiiti živeli vsak zase, ko pa so suniti šiitom hoteli odvzeti še tisto malo avtonomije, ki jim je ostala, so se šiiti uprli. Jemen je v bistvu dve državi, vsaka od katerih zase verjame, da je legitimna.
Tako je to, če se ljudje več tisoč kilometrov stran igrajo geopolitiko. Folk se prej kot slej upre.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SimplyMiha ()
mailer ::
Kdaj, iz kje in v kakšni obliki bo bumerang priletel nazaj?
Asus B560-I, Intel 11500, Corsair 16GB 3200MHz
Poldi112 ::
Samuelu ne potegne, da je vse to jamranje o strupih in kršitvah človekovih pravic zgolj smoke and mirrors in da se gre za ekonomske interese. Ko zahod govori o stabilnosti, to pomeni diktator, ki bo omogočil zahodnim firmam trg in profite. Demokracija je tu huda ovira za zahod, saj to, da bi lokalci uporabljali svoje vire za lasten napredek, doživljajo kot hudo kršitev zahodnih demokratičnih vrednot.
No, vzhod isto, ampak fora je, da je zahod močnejši in da smo na zahodu pač oprani s strani zahodne propagande. In nima veze, da se že stoletja dogajajo ene in iste igrice.
Suverenost držav naj bi bila sveta, a je zahod nekako normaliziral idejo, da je naša dolžnost in pravica, da se vtikamo v notranjo politiko držav in menjamo režime. Smešno, da smo Hitlerja nabili na kol, podobnim avanturam UK, USA in FR pa veselo ploskamo. Kje je tu zdrava pamet?
No, vzhod isto, ampak fora je, da je zahod močnejši in da smo na zahodu pač oprani s strani zahodne propagande. In nima veze, da se že stoletja dogajajo ene in iste igrice.
Suverenost držav naj bi bila sveta, a je zahod nekako normaliziral idejo, da je naša dolžnost in pravica, da se vtikamo v notranjo politiko držav in menjamo režime. Smešno, da smo Hitlerja nabili na kol, podobnim avanturam UK, USA in FR pa veselo ploskamo. Kje je tu zdrava pamet?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
nsa_ag3nt ::
Se kaj ve koliko raket je bilo prestreženih ?
71 out of 103 intercepted .
The missile strikes by the United States and its allies were repelled by the S-125, S-200, Buk, Kvadrat and Osa air defense systems, the general said.
Kot kaže se ruska AA ni (kaj veliko) vmešavala.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
Samuel ::
SimplyMiha je izjavil:
Bi bilo fajn, če bi vsaj malo obnovili lokalno zgodovino, preden se podajate v to blatno kopel.
Jemen je umetna tvorba, v katero so prisilno potlačili dva različna naroda, ker sunitom ni bilo povšeči, da bi šiiti imeli politično moč. Potem so suniti in šiiti živeli vsak zase, ko pa so suniti šiitom hoteli odvzeti še tisto malo avtonomije, ki jim je ostala, so se šiiti uprli. Jemen je v bistvu dve državi, vsaka od katerih zase verjame, da je legitimna.
Tako je to, če se ljudje več tisoč kilometrov stran igrajo geopolitiko. Folk se prej kot slej upre.
Ja, vsak izgovor je dober za pošiljanje balističnih raket nad glavno mesto.
Assad recimo pripada Alavitom, ki jih je samo cca 12% v Siriji. A to pa nobenega ni motilo?
Se kaj ve koliko raket je bilo prestreženih ?
71 out of 103 intercepted .
The missile strikes by the United States and its allies were repelled by the S-125, S-200, Buk, Kvadrat and Osa air defense systems, the general said.
No, potem jih je verjetno zadelo 90+%.
V pravi vojni in napadom bi sprva razbili protizračno obrambo, potem pa še vse drugo.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()
nsa_ag3nt ::
Kaj misliš s tem ?
Ugibanja raje prihrani za šank debato.
No, potem jih je verjetno zadelo 90+%.
Kaj misliš s tem ?
Ugibanja raje prihrani za šank debato.
Samuel ::
No, potem jih je verjetno zadelo 90+%.
Kaj misliš s tem ?
Ugibanja raje prihrani za šank debato.
Lani je bilo podobno, pa ne pomnim, da smo videli en sam posnetek sestrelitve tomahawka.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Samuel ::
Samuelu ne potegne, da je vse to jamranje o strupih in kršitvah človekovih pravic zgolj smoke and mirrors in da se gre za ekonomske interese. Ko zahod govori o stabilnosti, to pomeni diktator, ki bo omogočil zahodnim firmam trg in profite. Demokracija je tu huda ovira za zahod, saj to, da bi lokalci uporabljali svoje vire za lasten napredek, doživljajo kot hudo kršitev zahodnih demokratičnih vrednot.
No, vzhod isto, ampak fora je, da je zahod močnejši in da smo na zahodu pač oprani s strani zahodne propagande. In nima veze, da se že stoletja dogajajo ene in iste igrice.
Suverenost držav naj bi bila sveta, a je zahod nekako normaliziral idejo, da je naša dolžnost in pravica, da se vtikamo v notranjo politiko držav in menjamo režime. Smešno, da smo Hitlerja nabili na kol, podobnim avanturam UK, USA in FR pa veselo ploskamo. Kje je tu zdrava pamet?
Zakaj si tako pristranski?
Moldavija, najrevnejša država Evrope. Hočejo se pridružiti EUju. Takoj, ko so izrazili željo po tem, je ruska manjšina začela še aktivneje srat z uporom in pridružitvijo Rusiji.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Poldi112 ::
Glede na tvoj odgovor sklepam, da se strinjaš, da so posegi zahoda na bližnjem vzhodu zločin? Vsaj po zahodnih normah?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Samuel ::
Glede na tvoj odgovor sklepam, da se strinjaš, da so posegi zahoda na bližnjem vzhodu zločin? Vsaj po zahodnih normah?
Zločin se je zgodil v prvem letu vojne, ko so praktično vsa večja sirska mesta postala kup ruševin, pa ne zaradi upornikov, ampak zaradi fenomenalne količine bomb, ki jih je Assad zmetal na ta mesta. Takrat je izgubil vse kredibilnost za karkoli.
Assadu tako visi dol. Je namreč multimiljarder. Če ne veste.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()
Poldi112 ::
Assad je diktator. Jasno da dela grozodejstva in ima nakradenega dosti denarja. Ne sicer miljard... In sirija bi bila danes še kar mirna država, če je ne bi zahod destabiliziral. Ker niso hoteli plesati po zahodni melodiji.
Ne vem, ampak meni se "zmerni glavorezci", ki jih me podpiral zahod, zdijo dosti hujša alternativa kot Assad. Podobno je v okoliških državah. Kjerkoli se zahod vmeša, gre na slabše. Kako kaj uspeva demokracija v Iraku, Libiji in Egiptu? Ali starih zaveznicah zahoda, Savdski arabiji in Izraelu?
Ne vem, ampak meni se "zmerni glavorezci", ki jih me podpiral zahod, zdijo dosti hujša alternativa kot Assad. Podobno je v okoliških državah. Kjerkoli se zahod vmeša, gre na slabše. Kako kaj uspeva demokracija v Iraku, Libiji in Egiptu? Ali starih zaveznicah zahoda, Savdski arabiji in Izraelu?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Mr.B ::
Bo treba še malo fruteka popiti, da boš malo zrastel...
Jaz pišem o tem, od koga glavorezci KSA kupujejo orožje na debelo, in tu ne gre za kalašnikove, ki jih lahko kupiš od praktično kogarkoli.
Fruteka ti še veliko rabiš. Tisti norci dol iz Jemna pošiljajo ruske rakete nad Riad (ki so jih v domačih delavnicah naredili verjetno). V Jemnu je popolnoma obratna situacija kot v Siriji. Legitimno izvoljeno oblast napadajo uporniki pod tiho iransko podporo.
V bistvu je Jemen lep primer, da rusofilčiči nimate fakinega pojma, kaj sploh podpirate.
Kolikor vem je ameriska demokraticna drzava napadla jemen. Po drugi strani zelo znana zgodba dronov. Ja seveda. Nagovor trumpija je bil, izolacija irana, kaj vec hoces.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
nsa_ag3nt ::
Never go full retard ali Macron na speedu:
btw, če vržeš v zrak skladišče kemičnega orožja je to precej nevarno za okolico, če gre za cel arsenal še toliko bolj.
Tole so podrli:
Preliminary photos of the place where one of the missiles landed in the aggression of Homs countryside
btw, če vržeš v zrak skladišče kemičnega orožja je to precej nevarno za okolico, če gre za cel arsenal še toliko bolj.
Tole so podrli:
Witness the damage caused by the targeting of scientific research in the area of Barza missiles triple aggression on # Syria .. citing the Covenant
Preliminary photos of the place where one of the missiles landed in the aggression of Homs countryside
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
peburuchug ::
Zločin se je zgodil v prvem letu vojne, ko so praktično vsa večja sirska mesta postala kup ruševin, pa ne zaradi upornikov, ampak zaradi fenomenalne količine bomb, ki jih je Assad zmetal na ta mesta. Takrat je izgubil vse kredibilnost za karkoli.
Assadu tako visi dol. Je namreč multimiljarder. Če ne veste.
A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
0.25ILS has been deposited to your account.
Pac-Man ::
Kaj so razbili ? 3 hleve koz in 2 prazni tovarni gnoja ?
Se vidi da bi zahodni psihopati na vsak način spravili Sirijo na raven Berlina 45, potem ko se po 7 letih s koristnimi idioti na tleh ni obneslo.
Sirijo spraviš na nivo Berlina 45 s tem, da razbiješ 3 hleve koz in 2 prazni tovarni gnoja (v stroki poznano kot dodatna 2 hleva)?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.