Forum » Problemi človeštva » Konflikt v Siriji
Konflikt v Siriji
Temo vidijo: vsi
Fritz ::
Zheegec, naj ti razložim nekaj osnov glede te teme. Če boš iskal smisel in konsistentnost pri Mr. B-ju in Smrekarju ter nepristranskost in kulturno debato pri Samuelu, boš precej razočaran. Trolanje je najbolje ignorirati, kršitve pravil pa prijavljati.
Popolnoma jasno je, da je ravnanje KSA v Jemnu najmanj zločinsko. Kot običajno za MSM, ZDA & Co. to ni težava, ker gre za 'naše'. Težava je to, da so Iranci Hutijem priskrbeli balistične rakete, s katerimi lahko Rijadu pokažejo 0,000000001% tega kar oni počno v Jemnu. Na velecenjenem Zahodu je licemerje pač zelo čislana reč.
Popolnoma jasno je, da je ravnanje KSA v Jemnu najmanj zločinsko. Kot običajno za MSM, ZDA & Co. to ni težava, ker gre za 'naše'. Težava je to, da so Iranci Hutijem priskrbeli balistične rakete, s katerimi lahko Rijadu pokažejo 0,000000001% tega kar oni počno v Jemnu. Na velecenjenem Zahodu je licemerje pač zelo čislana reč.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Mr.B ::
Zheegec, naj ti razložim nekaj osnov glede te teme. Če boš iskal smisel in konsistentnost pri Mr. B-ju in Smrekarju ter nepristranskost in kulturno debato pri Samuelu, boš precej razočaran. Trolanje je najbolje ignorirati, kršitve pravil pa prijavljati.
Popolnoma jasno je, da je ravnanje KSA v Jemnu najmanj zločinsko. Kot običajno za MSM, ZDA & Co. to ni težava, ker gre za 'naše'. Težava je to, da so Iranci Hutijem priskrbeli balistične rakete, s katerimi lahko Rijadu pokažejo 0,000000001% tega kar oni počno v Jemnu. Na velecenjenem Zahodu je licemerje pač zelo čislana reč.![]()
Pa kljub temu, tudi evropejci prodajajo rekordne količine orožja. Pač m,alo kjamrajo o morali, ampak posel je pač posel.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zheegec ::
Pa kljub temu, tudi evropejci prodajajo rekordne količine orožja. Pač m,alo kjamrajo o morali, ampak posel je pač posel.
Se strinjam. UK in Francija sta glavna zločinca v Libiji in sodelujeta s SA v Jemnu in prodajata orožje SA.
Nikjer nisem trdil da to ni res. Pravzaprav tega sploh nisem omenjal. Zakaj spreminjaš temo?
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zheegec ()
Mr.B ::
Pa kljub temu, tudi evropejci prodajajo rekordne količine orožja. Pač m,alo kjamrajo o morali, ampak posel je pač posel.
Se strinjam. UK in Francija sta glavna zločinca v Libiji in sodelujeta s SA v Jemnu in prodajata orožje SA.
Nikjer nisem trdil da to ni res. Pravzaprav tega sploh nisem omenjal. Zakaj spreminjaš temo?
Odloči se zakaj se gre v Jemnu.
Rekel si :
- ne gre se za proxy vojno proti Iranu
- tudi ko sem jaz rekel, gre se proti napačnim terorostom/mulsimanom, to ni to.
Verjetno obstaja tretji razlog.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zheegec ::
- ne gre se za proxy vojno proti Iranu
Nemogoče je, da bi se šlo za proxy vojno proti Iranu, ker leta 2009 (ko se je vojna začela) Iran ni imel prisotnosti v Jemnu. To bi bilo tako, kot da bi rekel, da so se Američani šli v Irak boriti proti ISIS.
- tudi ko sem jaz rekel, gre se proti napačnim terorostom/mulsimanom, to ni to.
Kaj to sploh pomeni? Kdo so ti "napačni teroristi/mulsimani"? Zakaj nisi bolj konkreten v svojem izražanju?
Primer: Kaj se dogaja v Siriji? "Gre se proti napačnim ljudem". Sem veliko povedal, kaj?
Za kaj se gre? Saudijci želijo dominirati Jemen in nočejo, da je v Jemnu kdor koli, ki ni "prave religije".
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Mr.B ::
- ne gre se za proxy vojno proti Iranu
Nemogoče je, da bi se šlo za proxy vojno proti Iranu, ker leta 2009 (ko se je vojna začela) Iran ni imel prisotnosti v Jemnu. To bi bilo tako, kot da bi rekel, da so se Američani šli v Irak boriti proti ISIS.
- tudi ko sem jaz rekel, gre se proti napačnim terorostom/mulsimanom, to ni to.
Kaj to sploh pomeni? Kdo so ti "napačni teroristi/mulsimani"? Zakaj nisi bolj konkreten v svojem izražanju?
Primer: Kaj se dogaja v Siriji? "Gre se proti napačnim ljudem". Sem veliko povedal, kaj?
Za kaj se gre? Saudijci želijo dominirati Jemen in nočejo, da je v Jemnu kdor koli, ki ni "prave religije".
No dejva 2009 :
Yemen announced that it seized an Iranian arms ship carrying weapons for the Shi’ite rebels in the country’s north
Boš sedaj obrnil ploščo lahko pa skupaj z Fritz, sestavita odgovor.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zheegec ::
In zakaj bi kdo verjel prijateljem Saudijcev (vlada Jemna) in njihovi eni naključni sliki rocket launcherja? Mimogrede, nice find s tem press releasom Jemna ![:)](
Kot drugo - takratni vladi Jemna so orožje dostavljali Saudijci. Bi to upravičilo napad Irana na Jemen, ker se "bojujejo proti Saudijcem", čeprav tam ni Saudijcev, ampak so kvečjemu domačini, oboroženi s strani Saudijcev?
Ali se Saudijci v Jemnu borijo proti Iranu ali ne? Sedaj si že prešel na "se borijo proti domačinom Jemna, ki so bojda oboroženi s strani Irana, vsaj tako pravijo njihovi sovražniki"
Ti bom še jaz pomagal najti "dokaze", da se ne boš preveč trudil;
Kot drugo - takratni vladi Jemna so orožje dostavljali Saudijci. Bi to upravičilo napad Irana na Jemen, ker se "bojujejo proti Saudijcem", čeprav tam ni Saudijcev, ampak so kvečjemu domačini, oboroženi s strani Saudijcev?
Ali se Saudijci v Jemnu borijo proti Iranu ali ne? Sedaj si že prešel na "se borijo proti domačinom Jemna, ki so bojda oboroženi s strani Irana, vsaj tako pravijo njihovi sovražniki"
Ti bom še jaz pomagal najti "dokaze", da se ne boš preveč trudil;
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zheegec ()
Fritz ::
Ehm, kolikor mi je Haleyeva antipatična pa tisto so dokazi, da gre za iranski hardware. Ne vem pa zakaj iz tega takšna drama, glede na to, da saudijci veselo pobijajo civiliste in otroke z ameriškim hardwareom.
In other news: Islamisti+families so odavtobusali iz Ayn Terme in Haraste v Idlibstan. Cca. 70.000 civilistov se jih je rešilo in so sedaj na področju pod nadzorom SAA. Ostaja še del ujet v Ghouti in Yarmouku. Ko vladne sile očistijo še ta dva kotla, bo v Damasku spet varno (z izjemo terorističnih napadov in izraelskih zračnih napadov, seveda).
In other news: Islamisti+families so odavtobusali iz Ayn Terme in Haraste v Idlibstan. Cca. 70.000 civilistov se jih je rešilo in so sedaj na področju pod nadzorom SAA. Ostaja še del ujet v Ghouti in Yarmouku. Ko vladne sile očistijo še ta dva kotla, bo v Damasku spet varno (z izjemo terorističnih napadov in izraelskih zračnih napadov, seveda).
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()
Mr.B ::
In zakaj bi kdo verjel prijateljem Saudijcev (vlada Jemna) in njihovi eni naključni sliki rocket launcherja? Mimogrede, nice find s tem press releasom Jemna
Kot drugo - takratni vladi Jemna so orožje dostavljali Saudijci. Bi to upravičilo napad Irana na Jemen, ker se "bojujejo proti Saudijcem", čeprav tam ni Saudijcev, ampak so kvečjemu domačini, oboroženi s strani Saudijcev?
Ali se Saudijci v Jemnu borijo proti Iranu ali ne? Sedaj si že prešel na "se borijo proti domačinom Jemna, ki so bojda oboroženi s strani Irana, vsaj tako pravijo njihovi sovražniki"
Ti bom še jaz pomagal najti "dokaze", da se ne boš preveč trudil;
Verjetno imaš ti splošne probleme dojemanja splošnih terminov. Niti ne veš, kako se imenuje, temu kar ti opisuješ.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Pax man ni nael natwixicu, zato prilagam... Morda pa novo temo...ker zadnje čase ne morejo več skrivati dogajanja v Jemnu...
"Most of the detainees languishing in prisons are civilians. [My organisation] constantly hears of fighters being exchanged, but civilians are the ones to suffer long periods in detention.
"Most of the detainees languishing in prisons are civilians. [My organisation] constantly hears of fighters being exchanged, but civilians are the ones to suffer long periods in detention.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Vmes tudi pišejo, da se uporniki ravno ne marajo, da je izbrati pravo varno zono za njih, kar težka... Še dve skupini ostajata..
Thousands of fighters and relatives depart for opposition-held areas after two out of three rebel groups surrender.
Torej morda bo do 1.4 konec, potem je potrebno pogledati katero naslednjo deratizacijo bodo začeli.
Thousands of fighters and relatives depart for opposition-held areas after two out of three rebel groups surrender.
Torej morda bo do 1.4 konec, potem je potrebno pogledati katero naslednjo deratizacijo bodo začeli.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
nsa_ag3nt ::
V Doumi se Jaysh Al-Islam (Saudy backed) ne da tako zlahka.
Yarmouk bo seveda naslednja tarča čiščenja.Bojda si isil želi premestitve v Deir Ezzor, ob meji z Irakom, čemur slednji seveda nasprotujejo.
Yarmouk bo seveda naslednja tarča čiščenja.Bojda si isil želi premestitve v Deir Ezzor, ob meji z Irakom, čemur slednji seveda nasprotujejo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
Mr.B ::
Po moje je sploh vprašanje, kje bodo nadlje ostali.... Turki so "napovedali" da bodo nadaljevali do iraka. Po drugi strani podo Asadovi in ruski terorosti sli tudi v to smer, in na koncu bodo morali iračani intervirati na lastni strani.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Fritz ::
V Doumi se Jaysh Al-Islam (Saudy backed) ne da tako zlahka.
Yarmouk bo seveda naslednja tarča čiščenja.Bojda si isil želi premestitve v Deir Ezzor, ob meji z Irakom, čemur slednji seveda nasprotujejo.
Kamorkoli v puščavo je bolje kot v takoj za tem očistiti. Je pa edino še neočiščeno IS področje na meji z Irakom pod nadzorom Kurdov, torej se o tem Assad ne more dogovarjati.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
nsa_ag3nt ::
ZDA/SDF "boj" proti isilu še kar traja (in bo verjetno trajal naslednjih 100 let)
Odkar je SAA očistila Deir Ezzor tisti žep ostaja.
Turki gredo v Irak
Odkar je SAA očistila Deir Ezzor tisti žep ostaja.
Turki gredo v Irak
Mr.B ::
Po dolgem času celo posnetke neuspelega prestrezanja s Patriotom ...oziroma vsaj uničenja bojne konice.
Saudi Arabia: Houthi missile attack kills Egyptian in Riyadh
Sicer star posnetek iz 2017 : če niso fajkali so za eno raketo izstrelili štiri Patriote. pa še to je bojna konica potovala neomejano...
Saudi Arabia: Houthi missile attack kills Egyptian in Riyadh
Sicer star posnetek iz 2017 : če niso fajkali so za eno raketo izstrelili štiri Patriote. pa še to je bojna konica potovala neomejano...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mr.B ()
Fritz ::
Bolton na Fox News - 'moramo našutirat komunistične Kurde in pro-iranski Irak in delati skupaj s čudovitimi Turki. Oh wait, Erdogan je islamofašist..what a fucked-up foreign policy!'
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Mr.B ::
Na eni strani imaš izraelce, potem sledijo američani, pot bodo zaklučili Turki, tako da bo asadu in Rusom ostalo samo še morje..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
fikus_ ::
USA so popušila s svojo idejo, da bi si podredili Sirijo + pridobili si bodo Turčijo s tem, da bo jim bodo pustili zasesti del ali kar celo Sirijo. S tem bodo zmanjšali vpliv Rusije in Irana.
Vse za utrditev vpliva in širjenje "demokracije", če USA sami ne uspeva, pa pošljejo/pustijo drugim, da opravijo umazano delo!
Poleg tega Turki še zahtevajo EU denar, da štopajo begunce iz teh krajev.
Vse za utrditev vpliva in širjenje "demokracije", če USA sami ne uspeva, pa pošljejo/pustijo drugim, da opravijo umazano delo!
Poleg tega Turki še zahtevajo EU denar, da štopajo begunce iz teh krajev.
Fritz ::
It was a "big lie" that moderate rebel forces in support of freedom and democracy were at war with the Assad regime, the Archbishop told MPs at a House of Lords meeting this week organised by Aid to the Church in Need, a charity set up to help persecuted Christians.
He said the four-year civil war was a contest between a modern secular state and jihadis who were destroying its culture and massacring religious minorities.
"It is terrible for us to see all the marvellous things we had, destroyed for pretend democracy and freedom," the Melkite Archbishop said. "Our country was fighting for 50 to 60 years to become a secularist regime, a pluralistic country, to give citizens their rights of religion and freedom of choice . . . and you are destroying this work and pushing on us fundamental jihadis who want to kill everyone who is not similar to them.
It was a "big lie" that moderate rebel forces in support of freedom and democracy were at war with the Assad regime, the Archbishop told MPs at a House of Lords meeting this week organised by Aid to the Church in Need, a charity set up to help persecuted Christians.
He said the four-year civil war was a contest between a modern secular state and jihadis who were destroying its culture and massacring religious minorities.
"It is terrible for us to see all the marvellous things we had, destroyed for pretend democracy and freedom," the Melkite Archbishop said. "Our country was fighting for 50 to 60 years to become a secularist regime, a pluralistic country, to give citizens their rights of religion and freedom of choice . . . and you are destroying this work and pushing on us fundamental jihadis who want to kill everyone who is not similar to them.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
nsa_ag3nt ::
Kot kaže v Doumi sledi prejšnji scenarij, Jaysh Al-Islam islamisti bodo prestavljeni v Jarablus, bodo služili za topovsko hrano FSA, ko bo dal Erdogan ukaz da krenejo na Manbij.
Kamor ZDA že dovaja okrepitve .
Velika Mednarodna koalicija "v boju" proti isilu
Kamor ZDA že dovaja okrepitve .
Velika Mednarodna koalicija "v boju" proti isilu
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
7982884e ::
Velika Mednarodna koalicija "v boju" proti isilu
zakaj mednarodna koalicija?
sej ti se pise direkt:
Most recently, ISIS has expanded its presence in the Euphrates River Valley, seizing several points from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the Deir Ezzor Governorate.
nsa_ag3nt ::
SAA po mišljenju zahodnih apologetov nima za burek, zato je tu mighty Mednarodna koalicija pod vodstvom ZDA, ki se bojda vsak dan 24/7 bori proti isilu.
In potemtakem bi morali biti rezultati malo bolj "vidni", a temu ni tako.Tisti žep stoji od ponovnega dostopa do Deir Ezzorja s strani SAA, do takrat je SDF skupaj z Mednarodno koalicijo celo nekaj počela v pokrajini Deir Ezzor.
In tega lahko izpeljemo sklep: da se istoimenska Mednarodna koalicija raje igra pasjanso in samo na polno piše poročila o virtualnih uspehih.
In potemtakem bi morali biti rezultati malo bolj "vidni", a temu ni tako.Tisti žep stoji od ponovnega dostopa do Deir Ezzorja s strani SAA, do takrat je SDF skupaj z Mednarodno koalicijo celo nekaj počela v pokrajini Deir Ezzor.
In tega lahko izpeljemo sklep: da se istoimenska Mednarodna koalicija raje igra pasjanso in samo na polno piše poročila o virtualnih uspehih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
Fritz ::
No, realnost je, da je SDF zaradi dogodkov v Afrinu umaknila večji del sil iz tega področja preden se je IS do konca počistil in se to pozna. Težava je tudi v tem, da SAA ni povsem očistila puščavskega področja v DeZ in da IS tam do ene mere lahko pronica med silami SAA in da se majhne skupine IS lahko gibljejo vse od Al-Bukamala do Al-Tanfa.
Tudi sile ZDA, ki redno bombardirajo cilje IS, to počno vzhodno od Evfrata, zahodno od Evfrata je področje odgovornosti SAA in Rusije (za zdaj).
Tudi sile ZDA, ki redno bombardirajo cilje IS, to počno vzhodno od Evfrata, zahodno od Evfrata je področje odgovornosti SAA in Rusije (za zdaj).
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
nsa_ag3nt ::
Zahodni del obale Eufrata je očiščen, vzhodni del ni (od mesta Hajin do meje z Irakom nizvodno).
Tam ima isil lep poligon.
V onem puščavskem delu so pomoje težji pogoji za preživetje kot ob reki.
Tam ima isil lep poligon.
V onem puščavskem delu so pomoje težji pogoji za preživetje kot ob reki.
Fritz ::
Puščava je večja in te težje najdejo, če ne oddajaš EM sevanja. Tam ob reki, na zahodni strani, jih Ameri kar tepejo iz zraka.
Kadar gre za IS, sem hvaležen vsakomur, ki jih pošilja k stvarniku in 72 BBC devičnikom![8-)](
Kadar gre za IS, sem hvaležen vsakomur, ki jih pošilja k stvarniku in 72 BBC devičnikom
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Mr.B ::
Kako se že reče,
narediš štalo, potem pa ti še plačajo za oožje, da se med sabo streljajo,
dober posel.
Saudi Arabia is very interested in our decision, and I said, 'Well, you know, you want us to stay, maybe you're going to have to pay'
US President Trump 'milking Gulf countries
narediš štalo, potem pa ti še plačajo za oožje, da se med sabo streljajo,
dober posel.
Saudi Arabia is very interested in our decision, and I said, 'Well, you know, you want us to stay, maybe you're going to have to pay'
US President Trump 'milking Gulf countries
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
7982884e ::
SAA po mišljenju zahodnih apologetov nima za burek, zato je tu mighty Mednarodna koalicija pod vodstvom ZDA, ki se bojda vsak dan 24/7 bori proti isilu.
In potemtakem bi morali biti rezultati malo bolj "vidni", a temu ni tako.Tisti žep stoji od ponovnega dostopa do Deir Ezzorja s strani SAA, do takrat je SDF skupaj z Mednarodno koalicijo celo nekaj počela v pokrajini Deir Ezzor.
In tega lahko izpeljemo sklep: da se istoimenska Mednarodna koalicija raje igra pasjanso in samo na polno piše poročila o virtualnih uspehih.
kaksna mentalna gimnastika pa je to?
SAA in SDF imajo, kljub obcasnim konfliktom, zacrtane meje. zaradi teh konfliktov tudi koalicijska letala ne delajo vec napadov na isis na drugem bregu evfrata.
o porocilih o uspehih bi pa lahko povsem enako pripisali tudi SAA in rusom.
ki se bojda vsak dan 24/7 bori proti isilu
1. dej tocen citat o tem
2. potem podaj se tocen vir, kako nek dan ni bilo nobenih napadov na isis
bo slo? do takrat bo to zgolj in samo trol.
Pac-Man ::
Odličen članek.
President Trump’s pronouncement that he would be pulling troops out of Syria “very soon” has laid bare a major source of tension between the president and his generals.
Trump has made winning on the battlefields of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan a central tenet of his foreign policy and tough-guy identity. But Trump and the military hold frequently opposing ideas about exactly what winning means.
Trump’s words, both in public and private, describe a view that wars should be brutal and swift, waged with overwhelming firepower and, in some cases, with little regard for civilian casualties. Victory over America’s enemies for the president is often a matter of bombing “the s--- out of them,” as he said on the campaign trail.
He returned to the theme this week. “We’re knocking the hell” out of the Islamic State, Trump said at a rally in Ohio last month. The boast was a predicate to the president insisting that U.S. troops would be “coming out of Syria real soon.”
For America’s generals, more than 17 years of combat have served as a lesson in the limits of overwhelming force to end wars fueled by sectarian feuds, unreliable allies and persistent government corruption. “Victory is sort [of] an elusive concept in that part of the world,” said Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland, who led troops over five tours of Iraq and Afghanistan. “Anyone who goes in and tries to achieve a decisive victory is going to come away disappointed.”
Trump came to office promising to give the Pentagon a free hand to unleash the full force of U.S. firepower. His impatience was evident on his first full day in office when he visited the CIA and was ushered up to the agency’s drone operations floor.
There agency officials showed him a feed from Syria, where Obama-era rules limited the agency to surveillance flights — part of a broader push by the previous administration to return the CIA to its core espionage mission and shift the job of killing terrorists to the military.
Trump urged the CIA to start arming its drones in Syria. “If you can do it in 10 days, get it done,” he said, according to two former officials familiar with the meeting.
Later, when the agency’s head of drone operations explained that the CIA had developed special munitions to limit civilian casualties, the president seemed unimpressed. Watching a previously recorded strike in which the agency held off on firing until the target had wandered away from a house with his family inside, Trump asked, “Why did you wait?” one participant in the meeting recalled.
On the campaign trail, Trump often said he would “take out” the families of terrorists.
President Trump’s pronouncement that he would be pulling troops out of Syria “very soon” has laid bare a major source of tension between the president and his generals.
Trump has made winning on the battlefields of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan a central tenet of his foreign policy and tough-guy identity. But Trump and the military hold frequently opposing ideas about exactly what winning means.
Trump’s words, both in public and private, describe a view that wars should be brutal and swift, waged with overwhelming firepower and, in some cases, with little regard for civilian casualties. Victory over America’s enemies for the president is often a matter of bombing “the s--- out of them,” as he said on the campaign trail.
He returned to the theme this week. “We’re knocking the hell” out of the Islamic State, Trump said at a rally in Ohio last month. The boast was a predicate to the president insisting that U.S. troops would be “coming out of Syria real soon.”
For America’s generals, more than 17 years of combat have served as a lesson in the limits of overwhelming force to end wars fueled by sectarian feuds, unreliable allies and persistent government corruption. “Victory is sort [of] an elusive concept in that part of the world,” said Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland, who led troops over five tours of Iraq and Afghanistan. “Anyone who goes in and tries to achieve a decisive victory is going to come away disappointed.”
Trump came to office promising to give the Pentagon a free hand to unleash the full force of U.S. firepower. His impatience was evident on his first full day in office when he visited the CIA and was ushered up to the agency’s drone operations floor.
There agency officials showed him a feed from Syria, where Obama-era rules limited the agency to surveillance flights — part of a broader push by the previous administration to return the CIA to its core espionage mission and shift the job of killing terrorists to the military.
Trump urged the CIA to start arming its drones in Syria. “If you can do it in 10 days, get it done,” he said, according to two former officials familiar with the meeting.
Later, when the agency’s head of drone operations explained that the CIA had developed special munitions to limit civilian casualties, the president seemed unimpressed. Watching a previously recorded strike in which the agency held off on firing until the target had wandered away from a house with his family inside, Trump asked, “Why did you wait?” one participant in the meeting recalled.
On the campaign trail, Trump often said he would “take out” the families of terrorists.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Smrekar1 ::
Pac-Man ::
Number of people killed by #chemical weapons today in #Douma exceeded 30 , a barrel loaded with chemicals was dropped over a shelter . Number of contaminated people by chemicals in the 3 attacks of today exceeded 500.
Number of people killed by #chemical weapons today in #Douma exceeded 30 , a barrel loaded with chemicals was dropped over a shelter . Number of contaminated people by chemicals in the 3 attacks of today exceeded 500.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Starodavni ::
Hvala za te slike in informacije. Še en razlog več, zakaj ne morem podpreti Asada in njegovega bogatega strička Putlerja, ker izvajata absurdne vojne zločine zoper civilno prebivalstvo s kemičnim orožjem.
Najbolj žalostno je dejstvo, da so vladne sile pobile večkratnik ljudi v primerjavi z drugimi frakcijami.
RAcionalen človek ne bo mogel podpreti Asada, ker ni nič kaj boljši od drugih frakcij. Še huje, saj je pravi klavec, ki dovoljuje rabo prepovedanih orožij kot je karpetno bombardiranje in kemično orožje.
Hvala za te slike in informacije. Še en razlog več, zakaj ne morem podpreti Asada in njegovega bogatega strička Putlerja, ker izvajata absurdne vojne zločine zoper civilno prebivalstvo s kemičnim orožjem.
Najbolj žalostno je dejstvo, da so vladne sile pobile večkratnik ljudi v primerjavi z drugimi frakcijami.
RAcionalen človek ne bo mogel podpreti Asada, ker ni nič kaj boljši od drugih frakcij. Še huje, saj je pravi klavec, ki dovoljuje rabo prepovedanih orožij kot je karpetno bombardiranje in kemično orožje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Starodavni ()
Fritz ::
Ja, seveda je nedvoumno potrjeno, da je to storila SAA
Glede na to, da zmagujejo, imajo neverjeten motiv navleči nase napad zahoda zaradi uporabe kemičnega orožja, ki ne doprinese uspehom vojaških operacij.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Pac-Man ::
Verjetna proizvodnja eksploziva/goriva za rakete.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Starodavni ::
Medijska manipulacija ali ne, dejstvo je, da so se ljudje uprli temu režimu in ga ne podpira vse prebivalstvo.
7 let od upora pa je bilanca žrtev strahotna in je v tem času režim pridelal veliko mrtvih napram ostalim frakcijam.
Tudi če bo konec vojne, kaj bo? Mir, vsi se bodo imeli radi in živeli srečno do konca njihovega lajfa. Nak, samo še več uporov bo in genocidov ter izgonov. Zmagovalci pišejo zgodovino, če ste eni pozabili, vendar v dobi digitalnih tehnologij to ne bo lahko. Vse se ve, za zločin vseh frakcij in kateri so hujši.
Zakaj Asad ne bi uporabljal kemičnega orožja, tudi če zmaguje. A ti ne bi, da bi prihranil svoje izgube napram konvencionalnim spopadom? Plus da ne govorimo o tem, da s tem iztrebiš elemente, ki bi bili problem v prihodnosti. Sploh ko se gre za vojskovanje urbanem okolju je kemično orožje povsem na mestu. Izstreli bojni plin, ki pobije in onesposobi ljudi. Potem pa tvoje enote počistijo kar ostane.
Ti bi raje svoje enote poslal direktno v ogenj in terjal več mrtvih/ranjenih. Osnove vojskovanja so to, sploh za frakcijo, ki ima omejeno količino vojske na voljo. Da ne govorimo o tem, da to ni prva raba bojnih strupov s strani Asada in njegovih vladnih sil in tudi ne zadnja. Več ga je on uporabil kot pa druge struje, če sploh.
Vi kar podpirajte klavca Asada misleč da je super in manjše zlo. Verjemite, tega klavca ne bi hoteli sprejeti medse, niti med otroke, ker ne premore nikakršne empatije, kar dokazuje s tem, koliko mu je malo mar za ženske in otroke. Točno 0.
7 let od upora pa je bilanca žrtev strahotna in je v tem času režim pridelal veliko mrtvih napram ostalim frakcijam.
Tudi če bo konec vojne, kaj bo? Mir, vsi se bodo imeli radi in živeli srečno do konca njihovega lajfa. Nak, samo še več uporov bo in genocidov ter izgonov. Zmagovalci pišejo zgodovino, če ste eni pozabili, vendar v dobi digitalnih tehnologij to ne bo lahko. Vse se ve, za zločin vseh frakcij in kateri so hujši.
Zakaj Asad ne bi uporabljal kemičnega orožja, tudi če zmaguje. A ti ne bi, da bi prihranil svoje izgube napram konvencionalnim spopadom? Plus da ne govorimo o tem, da s tem iztrebiš elemente, ki bi bili problem v prihodnosti. Sploh ko se gre za vojskovanje urbanem okolju je kemično orožje povsem na mestu. Izstreli bojni plin, ki pobije in onesposobi ljudi. Potem pa tvoje enote počistijo kar ostane.
Ti bi raje svoje enote poslal direktno v ogenj in terjal več mrtvih/ranjenih. Osnove vojskovanja so to, sploh za frakcijo, ki ima omejeno količino vojske na voljo. Da ne govorimo o tem, da to ni prva raba bojnih strupov s strani Asada in njegovih vladnih sil in tudi ne zadnja. Več ga je on uporabil kot pa druge struje, če sploh.
Vi kar podpirajte klavca Asada misleč da je super in manjše zlo. Verjemite, tega klavca ne bi hoteli sprejeti medse, niti med otroke, ker ne premore nikakršne empatije, kar dokazuje s tem, koliko mu je malo mar za ženske in otroke. Točno 0.
SimplyMiha ::
Jap, popolnoma zmanipuliran. Nobene empatije nimam do ljudi, ki namenoma pobijajo civile za (geo)politične cilje, še manj pa do ljudi, ki te dogodke zlorabljajo za projiciranje svojih zgrešenih pogledov.
Koga briga Assad? Zaradi mene ga lahko skenslajo. Vendar za kakšno ceno? Tu odločno potegnem mejo. Nič boljši nisi od teh ljudi, ki so uporabili kemično orožje.
Koga briga Assad? Zaradi mene ga lahko skenslajo. Vendar za kakšno ceno? Tu odločno potegnem mejo. Nič boljši nisi od teh ljudi, ki so uporabili kemično orožje.
Mr.B ::
Ergo mir je možen, ko se izvede deratizacijo.
Hm, No poglejmo Allepo :
Pač poglejmo kako bodo rešili kurdsko vprašanje, aja sej res no trajalo je, ampak če planirajo Američani iti iz Syria, je Kurdski problem rešen, no po kar nekaj časa...
Pa pustimo da Američani ne bodo šli, ker so se za kalkulirali. Razen če bodo potrdili, da so kurde izrabili kot kondom, sedaj pa ni več računice.
Hm, No poglejmo Allepo :
Pač poglejmo kako bodo rešili kurdsko vprašanje, aja sej res no trajalo je, ampak če planirajo Američani iti iz Syria, je Kurdski problem rešen, no po kar nekaj časa...
Pa pustimo da Američani ne bodo šli, ker so se za kalkulirali. Razen če bodo potrdili, da so kurde izrabili kot kondom, sedaj pa ni več računice.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
arnecan1 ::
Starodavni je izjavil:
Medijska manipulacija ali ne, dejstvo je, da so se ljudje uprli temu režimu in ga ne podpira vse prebivalstvo.
7 let od upora pa je bilanca žrtev strahotna in je v tem času režim pridelal veliko mrtvih napram ostalim frakcijam.
Tudi če bo konec vojne, kaj bo? Mir, vsi se bodo imeli radi in živeli srečno do konca njihovega lajfa. Nak, samo še več uporov bo in genocidov ter izgonov. Zmagovalci pišejo zgodovino, če ste eni pozabili, vendar v dobi digitalnih tehnologij to ne bo lahko. Vse se ve, za zločin vseh frakcij in kateri so hujši.
Zakaj Asad ne bi uporabljal kemičnega orožja, tudi če zmaguje. A ti ne bi, da bi prihranil svoje izgube napram konvencionalnim spopadom? Plus da ne govorimo o tem, da s tem iztrebiš elemente, ki bi bili problem v prihodnosti. Sploh ko se gre za vojskovanje urbanem okolju je kemično orožje povsem na mestu. Izstreli bojni plin, ki pobije in onesposobi ljudi. Potem pa tvoje enote počistijo kar ostane.
Ti bi raje svoje enote poslal direktno v ogenj in terjal več mrtvih/ranjenih. Osnove vojskovanja so to, sploh za frakcijo, ki ima omejeno količino vojske na voljo. Da ne govorimo o tem, da to ni prva raba bojnih strupov s strani Asada in njegovih vladnih sil in tudi ne zadnja. Več ga je on uporabil kot pa druge struje, če sploh.
Vi kar podpirajte klavca Asada misleč da je super in manjše zlo. Verjemite, tega klavca ne bi hoteli sprejeti medse, niti med otroke, ker ne premore nikakršne empatije, kar dokazuje s tem, koliko mu je malo mar za ženske in otroke. Točno 0.
Dejstvo je tudi, da je želja tvojih upornikov, da porežejo glave kristjanom, šiitom, jazidom in ostalim ateistom.
P.S.: Celo MMC je obrnil ploščo in piše, da je kemičen napad domneven. Še manj pa je sigurno, da ga je zaukazal Asad.
Pac-Man ::
Precej jasna situacija. Jeklenka je priletela skozi streho, nato pa se je od zraka težji plin "pogreznil" v nižja nadstropja. Verjetno navaden klor.
Zadeva tudi ne deluje kot nekaj, kar bi bilo izstreljeno z raketo, ampak je moralo biti vrženo iz helikopterja.
Zadeva tudi ne deluje kot nekaj, kar bi bilo izstreljeno z raketo, ampak je moralo biti vrženo iz helikopterja.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Left (zgoraj) shows the modified chlorine cylinder used in yesterday's Douma attack, the right hand image (spodaj) is from an August 2017 chlorine attack in Khan Al-Assal. Clear similarities, seems they've strengthened the suspension lugs. Similar modifications have been seen in previous chemical attacks, some of which are documented in this @hrw image showing chlorine cylinders documented at the scene of chlorine attacks in Aleppo in late 2016 The remains of what are very likely the same sort of modifications were found at the impact site of the February 4th 2018 chlorine attack in Saraqib, along with two yellow chlorine cylinders.
Left (zgoraj) shows the modified chlorine cylinder used in yesterday's Douma attack, the right hand image (spodaj) is from an August 2017 chlorine attack in Khan Al-Assal. Clear similarities, seems they've strengthened the suspension lugs. Similar modifications have been seen in previous chemical attacks, some of which are documented in this @hrw image showing chlorine cylinders documented at the scene of chlorine attacks in Aleppo in late 2016 The remains of what are very likely the same sort of modifications were found at the impact site of the February 4th 2018 chlorine attack in Saraqib, along with two yellow chlorine cylinders.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
leiito ::
Assad in Rusi so že dlje časa opozarjali, da utegne priti do false flag napada s plinom, ki bi ga uporabili kot izgovor za intervencijo. Assad je lahko marsikaj, ni pa bebec, da jim bo sam dajal povod.
Mr.B ::
Tisti del mesta je bil obkrožen, začeli so končni obrašun. Ni bilo nobenih logičnih potez, da bi kao odvrgu kemično odrožje. Kot tudi spet ni nobenih slik iz mobijev. Te kanistre lahko naredi in ponaredi vsakdo, v končni fazi ni niti definirano od kje so ti kansitri.
Upornaiki so tako ali drugače mrtvi, zgolj vprašanje je ali boto ta teden ali naslednji teden.
Upornaiki so tako ali drugače mrtvi, zgolj vprašanje je ali boto ta teden ali naslednji teden.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
If anyone believes Assad is doing this, they are ignorant or insane. This can ONLY be the IDF. There is only ONE country that stands to gain by the destabilization of Syria, that is Israel. NO ONE ELSE.
Drugače pa itak logično kako, da ne Assad zmaguje na veliko zdaj bo šel pa uporabit kemično orožje kdor verjame tem nebulozam je počen in mu ni več pomoči.
Drugače pa itak logično kako, da ne Assad zmaguje na veliko zdaj bo šel pa uporabit kemično orožje kdor verjame tem nebulozam je počen in mu ni več pomoči.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: ADIJOOO1 ()
Pac-Man ::
Assad in Rusi so že dlje časa opozarjali, da utegne priti do false flag napada s plinom, ki bi ga uporabili kot izgovor za intervencijo. Assad je lahko marsikaj, ni pa bebec, da jim bo sam dajal povod.
Assad in Rusi so vedeli, da iz helikopterjev padajo jeklenke s klorom. In pričakovali, da se lahko zgodi tovrstna nesreča.
V bistvu je vse skupaj bolj priznanje krivde kot alibi.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Spodaj je malo prepira kdo je kaj rekel.
For those "analysts" claiming Assad had no reason to use chems:
-Russia had proposed Jaysh al-Islam would stay in Douma as police (after 'reconciliation')
-JAI also wanted this
-Assad didn't want this
-Assad launches chem attack
-JAI now say they will leave to N Syria
Got it?
Assad has been doing what he wants, and only what he wants, since day one. The only times it appears that Russia (or Iran) has control over him is when his goals happen to align with Russian goals. Otherwise, this happens, and Moscow is left denying and looking stupid.
For those "analysts" claiming Assad had no reason to use chems:
-Russia had proposed Jaysh al-Islam would stay in Douma as police (after 'reconciliation')
-JAI also wanted this
-Assad didn't want this
-Assad launches chem attack
-JAI now say they will leave to N Syria
Got it?
Assad has been doing what he wants, and only what he wants, since day one. The only times it appears that Russia (or Iran) has control over him is when his goals happen to align with Russian goals. Otherwise, this happens, and Moscow is left denying and looking stupid.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
nsa_ag3nt ::
Po 9/10 desetinah osvojene Gute se bodo sedaj šli kemični napad ? Da vojaške premoči na vseh področjih ne omenjam.
Iz katere risanke si ti priplaval ?
Russian MoD warn: US is preparing a chemical false flag attack in Syria to justify US attack
March 17, 2018
Po današnji nočni akciji, kjer je SAA uspelo prebiti glavno in najbolj utrjeno obrambno črto Jaysh Al-Islam, je bil popoldne med obema stranema končno dosežen sporazum "Zeleni avtobusi", ki bodo peljali v Jarablus one-way.
Iz katere risanke si ti priplaval ?
Russian MoD warn: US is preparing a chemical false flag attack in Syria to justify US attack
March 17, 2018
Po današnji nočni akciji, kjer je SAA uspelo prebiti glavno in najbolj utrjeno obrambno črto Jaysh Al-Islam, je bil popoldne med obema stranema končno dosežen sporazum "Zeleni avtobusi", ki bodo peljali v Jarablus one-way.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
Poldi112 ::
-Russia had proposed Jaysh al-Islam would stay in Douma as police (after 'reconciliation')
Assad has been doing what he wants, and only what he wants, since day one. The only times it appears that Russia (or Iran) has control over him is when his goals happen to align with Russian goals. Otherwise, this happens, and Moscow is left denying and looking stupid.
In to dvoje se tebi zdi verjetno? Da Assad dela kar hoče, rusi pa ko cucki nemočno gledajo? In da je rusom v interesu gledati tam skupino, ki jo imajo na terror listi?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Pac-Man ::
In to dvoje se tebi zdi verjetno? Da Assad dela kar hoče, rusi pa ko cucki nemočno gledajo? In da je rusom v interesu gledati tam skupino, ki jo imajo na terror listi?
Zgodba o policistih je malo neverjetna, Asad pa pogosto solira.
Moscow also stepped in to negotiate a deal for Douma, the third and final pocket where Jaish al-Islam had been angling for a reconciliation agreement that would allow its members to remain as a police force.
Jaish al-Islam's Bayraqdar told AFP that "the negotiations have not stopped" with the Russians, and that the rebel group was still demanding to stay in Ghouta.
But as talks dragged on, Syria and its Russian ally threatened Jaish al-Islam with a renewed military assault if the group did not agree to withdraw.
It remains unclear exactly why the talks fell apart this week.
SANA said they faltered when the rebel group refused to release detainees it is holding in Douma, warning the military assault would only stop if hostages are released.
A Russian army official quoted by Russian news agencies accused Jaish al-Islam of "violating the implementation of agreements, blocking the exit of civilians, fighters and members of their families from the city of Douma."
Others have pointed to internal rebel divisions over the withdrawal process.
Top Jaish al-Islam political figure Mohammad Alloush on Friday said the talks had been going "well" until a power struggle emerged between the regime's allies.
Nawar Oliver, an analyst at the Omran Institute, told AFP the rebel group was facing "massive" military pressure.
"The negotiations failed and the regime wants its conditions - the air strikes are a taste of what could happen if its conditions are not implemented," he said.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Se popravljam, dogovor o predaji je sklenjen.
Deal reached to surrender last rebel-held town in Eastern Ghouta
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold