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Konflikt v Siriji

Konflikt v Siriji

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7tom1ja ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Še zadnjič:

Vsak kongresnik je voljen v svojem okrožju. In pod črto, v kolikor mu ne diši kak višji položaj, ga briga samo javno mnenje v tem okrožju. In, pod črto, pajdašenje s tistimi, ki zagovarjajo vojne zločince, odpre vsaj kako avenijo za napad na naslednjih volitvah.

Ampak dajmo še naprej blodit, kako vsi po spisku podpirajo IS.


A sniper with Canada’s elite special forces in Iraq has shattered the world record for the longest confirmed kill shot in military history at a staggering distance of 3,540 metres.

The Canadian Armed Forces confirmed Thursday that a member of Joint Task Force 2 made the record-breaking shot, killing an Islamic State insurgent during an operation in Iraq within the last month.


The elite sniper was using a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle while firing from a high-rise during an operation that took place within the last month in Iraq. It took under 10 seconds to hit the target.

“The shot in question actually disrupted a Daesh [Islamic State] attack on Iraqi security forces,” said a military source. “Instead of dropping a bomb that could potentially kill civilians in the area, it is a very precise application of force and because it was so far way, the bad guys didn’t have a clue what was happening.”


The kill was independently verified by video camera and other data, The Globe and Mail has learned.

“Hard data on this. It isn’t an opinion. It isn’t an approximation. There is a second location with eyes on with all the right equipment to capture exactly what the shot was,” another military source said.

A military insider told The Globe: “This is an incredible feat. It is a world record that might never be equalled.”


Weeks before, Canadian Master Cpl. Arron Perry briefly held the world’s best sniper record after he fatally shot an insurgent at 2,310 metres during the same operation. Both soldiers were members of the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.


Canada has a reputation among Western military forces for the quality of its snipers, despite the small size of the Canadian Armed Forces compared to the United States and Britain.

“Canada has a world-class sniper system. It is not just a sniper. They work in pairs. There is an observer,” a military source said. “This is a skill set that only a very few people have.”

Madona, ko slovenski pro amero pro ukra propagandist postane še Haški sodnik;
Glede ISIS, boš pa ja verjel CIA, oni to trdijo
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Fritz ::

O ameriški podpori Kurdom v Siriji:

In malenkost o zahodnih medijih:

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Samuel ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

In kako onesosobiš eksplozivo na 50 metrov?? ;((

Dokler bereš samo medije "naše" strani, si z razliko tebe, mnogi ne moremo usvariti prave slike.

Kako onesposobiš eksplozivo na 50 metrov je vprašanje.

Tako ko boš ti uspel dokazati, da noben od protiteroristične iraške ali katerekoli pod tvojim razumevanjem "naše" enote ni bil bližje kot 50m.

Že spet kr neko tvoje motoviljenje in delanje megle.. pejt spat noob.

Torej že videno, ko ne moreš dokazati, pa žaljenje. Vprašal sem te, ali lahko potrdiš, da nobena enota ni bila bližje od 50 metrov. Torej dokazati ne moreš, zmagovali bodo pisali zgodovino, etc.... Je to res težko napisati.. In PS, kje so kaj kabab štanti, na zadnje si rekel, samo što nije.

1. ne gre za nobeno žaljenje, gre za dejansko opis stanja pri tebi - tudi če so bile enote na 10 metrov, pa kaj si hotel povedati s tem? Da so iračani zdaj krivi, ker recimo niso znali razminirat mošeje?? LOL... ti si res en noob
2. "Samo što nije" bi naj pomenilo kaj? Ti si bluzil, da iraška vojska sploh ni v mestu, ko ga je približno polovico že zasedla.

Fritz je izjavil:

O ameriški podpori Kurdom v Siriji:

In malenkost o zahodnih medijih:


Ameriška podpora Kurdom se vidi na TERENU. Tam se vse vidi.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Fritz ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Ameriška podpora Kurdom se vidi na TERENU. Tam se vse vidi.

Kot ameriški predstavnik lepo pove in kot že nekaj časa tukaj pišem, je njihova podpora YPG/SDF 'temporary, transactional, tactical'. Torej začasna, na principu daj-dam in taktična (vojaško omejena). Sirski Kurdi bodo za ZDA odpadli kot gumb od spodnjic takoj, ko jih ne bodo več potrebovali oz. ko bodo ti predstavljali preveliko težavo v odnosih s pomembnejšimi vazali (Turčija, Irak).
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

fikus_ ::

A niso USA včeraj dale zagotovilo Turkom, ko bo konec vojne, bodo prenehali oskrbovati Kurde z orožjem, celo nazaj ga bodo pobrali (domnevam težko oborožitev, TOW, . . . ). :|
Poleg tega bodo Turkom sproti dajali podatke o dobavah orožja Kurdom(vrsta, št. kosov, . . . ). :|
Koliko so Kurdi pomembni USA?!


Isis se počasi steguje borci se bodo začeli vračati domov v evropo ostali pa kot migranti. Važno, da bodo naši opustili nadzor meje zdaj med poletjem in olaajšali prehod borcem isis-a v EU

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: Fritz ()

Fritz ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

A niso USA včeraj dale zagotovilo Turkom, ko bo konec vojne, bodo prenehali oskrbovati Kurde z orožjem, celo nazaj ga bodo pobrali (domnevam težko oborožitev, TOW, . . . ). :|
Poleg tega bodo Turkom sproti dajali podatke o dobavah orožja Kurdom(vrsta, št. kosov, . . . ). :|
Koliko so Kurdi pomembni USA?!

Se ne spomnim, da bi videl SDF/YPG s TOW-i. Ti so rezervirani za bolj ali manj psihotične islamiste, ki se še danes prodajajo kot neka revolucionarna FSA.

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

xxxul ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ampak dajmo še naprej blodit...

Dobra, smise za humor še maš :D

7982884e ::

Fritz je izjavil:

In malenkost o zahodnih medijih:


"militant group" se dostikrat uporablja za isis, tudi ko se gre za zahodne napade.
ne vem, ce je tukaj dejansko agenda, ki bi piscem narekovala, kaj naj uporabljajo, ko se gre za iran/druge.

po drugi strani:

Koliko so Kurdi pomembni USA?!

v bistvu glede na zadnje dogodke kar precej, glede na to, da se ameriske enote prosto vozijo po severni siriji in gradijo vec (vsaj 2) manjsih vojaskih postojank za dolgotrajno uporabo.

fikus_ ::

Torej tako, kot v najboljših časih imperializma! Ta veliki bodo razkosali Sirijo na svoje interesne cone!

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

konspirator ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

S 300 je bil izstreljen iz Tartusa včeraj; ni še info. kaj je je bila tarča

Za kalibr je šlo

Fritz ::

7982884e je izjavil:

"militant group" se dostikrat uporablja za isis, tudi ko se gre za zahodne napade.
ne vem, ce je tukaj dejansko agenda, ki bi piscem narekovala, kaj naj uporabljajo, ko se gre za iran/druge.

po drugi strani:

Reuters bi naj bil malce bolj resen medij od Sputnika.

7982884e je izjavil:

Koliko so Kurdi pomembni USA?!

v bistvu glede na zadnje dogodke kar precej, glede na to, da se ameriske enote prosto vozijo po severni siriji in gradijo vec (vsaj 2) manjsih vojaskih postojank za dolgotrajno uporabo.

Jp, so pomembni zanje kot orodje proti IS in potencialno Assadu, ko jih pa Turki pobijajo je pa vse Kosher 8-)
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

oo7 ::

Russian Navy Warships & Submarine Fire 6 Kalibr Missiles at ISIS Targets in Hama

Pac-Man ::

Preden se začne onaniranje z RT in Sputnikom, ki bosta povzemala zahodni medij in praznovala propagandno zmago.


Germany's second largest Sunday paper "Welt am Sonntag" running a conspiracy theory about recent Syrian gas attack on its front page today.


Hallmark of a Hersh piece: Single anonymous source contradicting mountains of meticulous quality reporting by international and local media, Western intelligence agencies, international NGOs, as well as multilateral bodies.

Said it before: In no other major Western democracy are conspiracy theories as widely believed, and as widely distributed, as in Germany. Partisan idiocy dominating FOX News or MSNBC doesn't come close to how deeply rooted conspiracy mindset is in German political culture.


I see Seymour Hersh has another load of poorly sourced crap on chemical weapon use in Syria. He talks about a 500lb bomb being used, so where's the impact site? Doesn't seem visible on the satellite imagery of Khan Sheikhoun. What we do have, as @malachybrowne at the @nytimes found, are four small impact sites matching video of airstrikes filmed on the day. Hersh also seems to ignore or be unaware of the OPCW/UN tests confirming the use of Sarin. His article sounds like a variation of theories suggested by the Russians and Syrians about a chemical warehouse being hit. For Hersh's story to be true it would mean all the witnesses on the ground are lying and none of the journalists who went there found out. Hersh is talking about a building being targeted which there's zero evidence of ever having existed. The article reads like Hersh has been told a tale by an old friend, lapped it up, and written it down without any serious fact checking.

Hersh says Sarin wasn't used, yet the OPCW reported the presence of Sarin and Sarin degradation products in samples from the site & victims.

Strange Hersh's source would state this, yet Russia themselves has failed to present this claim or evidence to support it. You think with a specific target and all this drone monitoring Russia would be in a position to present evidence to defend its ally.

Terraserver has imagery from before and after the Khan Sheikhoun attack, maybe someone can point out Hersh's target?
There's literally zero evidence to support this claim, the only people pushing this are Syria and Russia, without any evidence.

In summary. Hersh has curled out another single source fairy tale that ignores key evidence and someone has been dumb enough to publish it. It would be nice if journalists, intelligence and government types didn't spend their twilight years spinning bullshit to each other.


Done by journalists who either don't know about Hersh's record of bullshit or who don't care about it. Both bad. Hersh discredited himself world wide by spreading conspiracy nonsense about Syria and Bin Laden. Nobody publishes him anymore - except @welt

Did @PeterHuth & Co. even read what Hersh wrote? What journalistic standards are needed to get a story published in @welt?

Hersh doesn't even get the type of air craft right. He claims there was a precision strike with SU-24. In fact regime used old SU-22.

Mr.B ::

Fake news, sedaj bomo videli kaj pomeni otoplitev odnosov z Iranom, vpliv na ti. Boxing Ameriško politiko.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Ne vem kdo, ampak Seymourja na stara leta nekdo lepo vleče za nos, vse indikacije so, da Rusija :)

Da je šel Welt objavljat ta deprekiran fanfic (6.april, Rusi bodo nagonili ZDA, vse ugotovitve mednarodnih preiskovalcev od takrat, svetovalec & vojak sta polna spoštovanja do Rusije in njenih interesov) je tudi svoja tragedija. Tovrstno sranje bi zavrnili celo na globalresearch. Veselo & poučno branje želim.


WELT AM SONNTAG presents a chat protocol of a security advisor and an active American soldier on duty at a key base in the region. This conversation was provided to Seymour Hersh. It is betweeen a security adviser and an active US American soldier on duty on a key operational base about the events in Khan Sheikhoun.

6. april

American Soldier: We got a fuckin‘ problem

Security-Adviser: What happened? Is it the Trump ignoring the Intel and going to try to hit the Syrians? And that we’re pissing on the Russians?

AS: This is bad...Things are spooling up.

SA: You may not have seen trumps press conference yesterday. He's bought into the media story without asking to see the Intel. We are likely to get our asses kicked by the Russians. Fucking dangerous. Where are the godamn adults? The failure of the chain of command to tell the President the truth, whether he wants to hear it or not, will go down in history as one of our worst moments.

AS: I don't know. None of this makes any sense. We KNOW that there was no chemical attack. The Syrians struck a weapons cache (a legitimate military target) and there was collateral damage. That's it. They did not conduct any sort of a chemical attack.


SA: There has been a hidden agenda all along. This is about trying to ultimately go after Iran. What the people around Trump do not understand is that the Russians are not a paper tiger and that they have more robust military capability than we do.


7. april

SA: What are the Russians doing or saying Am I correct that we did little real damage to Russia or Syria?

AS: We didn't hit a damn thing, thankfully. They retrograded all their aircraft and personnel. We basically gave them a very expensive fireworks display.

AS: They knew where ships were and watched the entire strike from launch to end game.


AS: Now Fox is saying we chose to hit the Syrian airfield because it is where the chemical attacks were launched from. Wow. Can't make this shit up.

SA: They are. I mean, making it up

AS: It's so fuckin evil

SA: Amen!!!

8. april

AS: Russians are being extremely reasonable. Despite what the news is reporting they are still trying to deconflict and coordinate the air campaign.

SA: I don't think the russia yet understands how crazy Trump is over this. And i don't think we appreciate how much damage the Russians can do to us.

AS: They're showing amazing restraint and been unbelievably calm. They seem mostly interested in de-escalating everything. They don't want to lose our support in the help with destroying Isis.

SA: But I get the get the feeling are simply trying this approach for as long as they feel it might work. If we keep pushing this current aggressive stance they're going to hit back.'

Šimpanz ::

Ja vsak ki logično razmišlja je vedel da Asad ni uporabil kemičnega orožja. To je bila laž američanov tako kot kao ruski kibernetski napad med volitvami. Tudi za to še niso predstavili nobenih dokazov.

Pac-Man ::

Ne, nobenih dokazov.


The bio-medical samples collected from three victims during their autopsy were analysed at two OPCW designated laboratories. The results of the analysis indicate that the victims were exposed to Sarin or a Sarin-like substance. Bio-medical samples from seven individuals undergoing treatment at hospitals were also analysed in two other OPCW designated laboratories. Similarly, the results of these analyses indicate exposure to Sarin or a Sarin-like substance.



Mr.B ::

Definiraj : Sarin like
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::

Našel : sarin-like substances , je lahko tudo pesticid :))
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::



This is Dr. Mohammed, JUL '03. He was murdered right in that clinic we built him 2012. I found out today that ISIL killed all 65 villagers.

I was the first American to visit Jeddalah village in April '03. I helped build a clinic, school, chicken house and other projects. First they killed my interpreter Bassam in 2004 by beheading him on video. Dr. Mohammed was blown up in '06 and lost both his legs. Then after the US left in 2012 they came and killed Mohammed and his sons in the clinic. Today my survivor interpreter got word of the rest. They came in the morning after Mosul fell and killed all of them. Women and children. 65 Sunnis because they worked with us. I'm trying to wrap my head around that. At this point nearly every Iraqi I worked with over three tours has been murdered. All of them. If someone knows a way I should process that I'm open to it but right now I'm just in shock at the brutality of war. I don't have an answer. All I can think of is that this was my first visit in 2003 and these beautiful kids are all dead now because their father asked for my help.

It's easy to go to war. It's manly to say you crave the fight but I know the price we pay in blood; ours and theirs. It's not easy. I wish the leaders who claim to have balls because they send men like me to war actually felt the weight of dozens of deaths like me. Sorry to be such a bummer but I'm still processing it all and needed to scream into the void.

konspirator ::


Samuel ::

konspirator je izjavil:

Židi zadnje dni besno branijo Al kaido na Golanu https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/vi...

fsa = moderate isil

SDF kaže pravi obraz usefull idiota

Fake news sranja od sranja od medija Almass. In jasno je, da se bo kmalu po padcu ISISa, Assad spravil na Kurde s hordo dezinformacij. To se že dogaja. In FSA na meji z Jordanijo ni moderate ISIS (WTF is that??). So le pro jordanski uporniki. Za ta del območja ob jordanski meji se bodo že zmenili za mizo, na kakšni mirovni konferenci.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

konspirator je izjavil:

Židi zadnje dni besno branijo Al kaido na Golanu https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/vi...

fsa = moderate isil

SDF kaže pravi obraz usefull idiota

Fake news sranja od sranja od medija Almass. In jasno je, da se bo kmalu po padcu ISISa, Assad spravil na Kurde s hordo dezinformacij. To se že dogaja. In FSA na meji z Jordanijo ni moderate ISIS (WTF is that??). So le pro jordanski uporniki. Za ta del območja ob jordanski meji se bodo že zmenili za mizo, na kakšni mirovni konferenci.

Ne Amuel, jok na Amertije je ta, da Lahko v obrambne namene "testira" strelja balistične rakete do meje Izraela. Toliko o nesposbnosti Ameriške politike. Naslednjič ko bo Donald pizdil s sankcijami, bo težko opravičil, ker se iran samo brani. ŠE huje, kar nekaj časa ne bo miru. Verjetno bo treba kakšno balistično poslati tudi kam bolj daleč, recimo v Egipt in Libijo.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Fritz ::

Za izraelsko zračno podporo manj psihotičnim islamistom bo kar držalo, ker napade potrjujejo tudi pro-zahodni outleti, ti se pa slučajno dogajajo med ofenzivo islamistov, katere Izrael že tako cel čas podpira.

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Samuel ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

konspirator je izjavil:

Židi zadnje dni besno branijo Al kaido na Golanu https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/vi...

fsa = moderate isil

SDF kaže pravi obraz usefull idiota

Fake news sranja od sranja od medija Almass. In jasno je, da se bo kmalu po padcu ISISa, Assad spravil na Kurde s hordo dezinformacij. To se že dogaja. In FSA na meji z Jordanijo ni moderate ISIS (WTF is that??). So le pro jordanski uporniki. Za ta del območja ob jordanski meji se bodo že zmenili za mizo, na kakšni mirovni konferenci.

Ne Amuel, jok na Amertije je ta, da Lahko v obrambne namene "testira" strelja balistične rakete do meje Izraela. Toliko o nesposbnosti Ameriške politike. Naslednjič ko bo Donald pizdil s sankcijami, bo težko opravičil, ker se iran samo brani. ŠE huje, kar nekaj časa ne bo miru. Verjetno bo treba kakšno balistično poslati tudi kam bolj daleč, recimo v Egipt in Libijo.

Ne, ne B. Po padcu ISISa so na vrsti Kurdi. Tako bo.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

konspirator ::

Za izraelsko zračno podporo manj psihotičnim islamistom bo kar držalo

En problem:
Tahrir al-Sham @ Wikipedia

Pac-Man ::


North of Raqqa, I met Lebanese wife of Tunisian ISIS fighter. Tried to flee Raqqa to Turkey. Caught by Kurds. Now in refugee camp.

Give me a sec and I'll explain in English in couple of tweets what the Lebanese wife of the Tunisian ISIS fighter told me. North of Raqqa I met 7 wives (Lebanese, Tunisian, Dagestan, Syrian) of foreign ISIS fighters (French, Malaysian, Tunisian, Turk). I also saw this Indonesian ISIS family who traveled to Raqqa to join ISIS. Refused to talk to me, claiming "we are victims of ISIS."

When Syrian refugees from Raqqa heard Indonesian ISIS family saying "we are victims of ISIS", women refugees almost wanted 2beat them up. The Raqqa women wanted to beat up Indonesian ISIS family, shouting: What r u doing in our county? U r responsible for our misery. For safety reasons ISIS families in camp north of Raqqa r kept by SDF in separate corner bcz Raqqa refugees want to beat ISIS people. Indonesia women told me: "ISIS deceived us with propaganda." I said: "So u saw beheading vids &thought: Great, lets join ISIS?" No reply.

Important to note these foreign ISIS families DIDN'T surrender to SDF but tried 2sneak from Raqqa to Turkey &were caught by SDF. After ISIS families from Raqqa r caught by SDF, they are interrogated & either put in prison or in special part of refugee camp. I guess eventually their embassies will try to get these ISIS people back home. Or maybe let them stay in camp. I dont know.

Back to the Lebanese wife of an ISIS fighter in my interview above, her name is Nour AlHoda. She says she totally regrets joining ISIS. She explained how ISIS locked women up in guest houses in Raqqa. Said her kids got sick, they didn't let her take them to hospital. Off camera I asked her if she had "Sabaya", female slaves. She said no but knew of 9yr old slave who was raped, needed medic afterwards. All these ISIS wives that I met (my full report out tomorrow) want to go home. They say they regret joining ISIS. Can't tell if sincere.
To be honest with u, when I was interviewing ISIS wives I couldnt help but wonder how they would've treated me if I were caught by ISIS. As u know, I work for Arabic @akhbar TV. When I read comments on my vids, I'm terrified by how many ppl wish I am taken slave by ISIS. So I'm obsessed with the topic. I asked these ISIS wives, did u help any slave to escape ISIS? They said some wives did out of jealousy. I was shocked when I heard this answer. Wives of ISIS fighters didn't help Yazidi slaves to escape bcz they were raped day & night. Some ISIS wives allowed slaves to flee bcz they were jealous their husbands slept more with the slaves. Not bcz they wanted 2 help them.

This is me sitting with the wives & kids of ISIS fighters. I'll share more details with you tomorrow after my report is aired.

7tom1ja ::

White House press secretary Sean Spicer announced the news in a statement late Monday.

"The United States has identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children. The activities are similar to preparations the regime made before its April 4, 2017 chemical weapons attack.
As we have previously stated, the United States is in Syria to eliminate the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. If, however, Mr. Assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price."

Imperialisti nekaj pripravljajo
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

7tom1ja ::


he he, PACov top reporter jihadi Elliot
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

windigo ::

Russia Insider o trenutnem položaju Kurdov (YPG) v Siriji.

TL;DR: YPG ni preveč navdušen, da bi se kot glavni ameriški proxy bodel z Asadovimi silami, preveč niso bili navdušeni nad maršem proti Raqqi in področji okrog Evfrata, ker to ni (nikdar bilo) kurdsko ozemlje, šli so, ker so jim Američani obljubili začasen mir pred Erdoganom. Trenutno pa Turki zbirajo sile v bližini Afrina in to YPG precej skrbi.

Situacija se lahko razvije v več smeri, par od njih z mojega vidika precej krvavih oz. katastrofalnih.

SimplyMiha ::

Kurdu pač ni jasno, da bo država svobode in demokracije med njim in Erdoganom vselej izbrala Erdogana.

7tom1ja ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Preden se začne onaniranje z RT in Sputnikom, ki bosta povzemala zahodni medij in praznovala propagandno zmago.


Germany's second largest Sunday paper "Welt am Sonntag" running a conspiracy theory about recent Syrian gas attack on its front page today.


Hallmark of a Hersh piece: Single anonymous source contradicting mountains of meticulous quality reporting by international and local media, Western intelligence agencies, international NGOs, as well as multilateral bodies.

Said it before: In no other major Western democracy are conspiracy theories as widely believed, and as widely distributed, as in Germany. Partisan idiocy dominating FOX News or MSNBC doesn't come close to how deeply rooted conspiracy mindset is in German political culture.


I see Seymour Hersh has another load of poorly sourced crap on chemical weapon use in Syria. He talks about a 500lb bomb being used, so where's the impact site? Doesn't seem visible on the satellite imagery of Khan Sheikhoun. What we do have, as @malachybrowne at the @nytimes found, are four small impact sites matching video of airstrikes filmed on the day. Hersh also seems to ignore or be unaware of the OPCW/UN tests confirming the use of Sarin. His article sounds like a variation of theories suggested by the Russians and Syrians about a chemical warehouse being hit. For Hersh's story to be true it would mean all the witnesses on the ground are lying and none of the journalists who went there found out. Hersh is talking about a building being targeted which there's zero evidence of ever having existed. The article reads like Hersh has been told a tale by an old friend, lapped it up, and written it down without any serious fact checking.

Hersh says Sarin wasn't used, yet the OPCW reported the presence of Sarin and Sarin degradation products in samples from the site & victims.

Strange Hersh's source would state this, yet Russia themselves has failed to present this claim or evidence to support it. You think with a specific target and all this drone monitoring Russia would be in a position to present evidence to defend its ally.

Terraserver has imagery from before and after the Khan Sheikhoun attack, maybe someone can point out Hersh's target?
There's literally zero evidence to support this claim, the only people pushing this are Syria and Russia, without any evidence.

In summary. Hersh has curled out another single source fairy tale that ignores key evidence and someone has been dumb enough to publish it. It would be nice if journalists, intelligence and government types didn't spend their twilight years spinning bullshit to each other.


Done by journalists who either don't know about Hersh's record of bullshit or who don't care about it. Both bad. Hersh discredited himself world wide by spreading conspiracy nonsense about Syria and Bin Laden. Nobody publishes him anymore - except @welt

Did @PeterHuth & Co. even read what Hersh wrote? What journalistic standards are needed to get a story published in @welt?

Hersh doesn't even get the type of air craft right. He claims there was a precision strike with SU-24. In fact regime used old SU-22.

joj joj, sralci kot jihadi Elliot poizkušajo deskreditirat Seymour Hirscha
Še preden so se rodili je Seymour Hirsch razkrival zločine imperialistov v Vietnamu
Še enkrat, zadnjič; sample zadnjega kemičnega napada so OPCW priskrbeli jihadisti z belimi čeladami
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()


Koliko mislite, da je zdaj še v Siriji isis borcev? Predvsem pa v Raki ?

SimplyMiha ::

Odvisno, koga vprašaš.


No ja recimo eno povprečje.


Američani spet cvilijo, da bo Assad uporabil kemično orožje seveda zdaj ga bo, ko Isis zgublja na polno. To, da Američani pravijo, da če Assad uproabi kemično orožje,d a bodo posledice seveda američani opogumljajo teroristec v Siriji, da bodo vrgli kemično orožje zdaj, ko zgubljajo samo, da bo Amerika udarila po assadu.
amerika si ne more privoščiti, da isis in drugi teroristi zgubijo proti Assadu, ker potem je konec ameriška kopenska vojska je poražena...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ADIJOOO ()

7tom1ja ::

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

Koliko mislite, da je zdaj še v Siriji isis borcev? Predvsem pa v Raki ?


sicer ukrajinska stran sam kar točna

Še en komentar glede Belingcat in jihadi Elliota; Belingcat je financiran s strani tele oranizacije National Endowment for Democracy @ Wikipedia

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

Američani spet cvilijo, da bo Assad uporabil kemično orožje seveda zdaj ga bo, ko Isis zgublja na polno. To, da Američani pravijo, da če Assad uproabi kemično orožje,d a bodo posledice seveda američani opogumljajo teroristec v Siriji, da bodo vrgli kemično orožje zdaj, ko zgubljajo samo, da bo Amerika udarila po assadu.
amerika si ne more privoščiti, da isis in drugi teroristi zgubijo proti Assadu, ker potem je konec ameriška kopenska vojska je poražena...

amerji so hoteli so pomočjo jihadistov zavzeti vzhodno Sirijo; so že zbirali sile pri Al Tanf-u na sirsko-iraško-jordanski meji; SAA pa jih je pred nekaj dnevi odrezala, ko so prodrli do iraške meje; sedaj rabijo razlog, da bi napadli SAA in prebili južni koridor
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Pac-Man ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

joj joj, sralci kot jihadi Elliot poizkušajo deskreditirat Seymour Hirscha
Še preden so se rodili je Seymour Hirsch razkrival zločine imperialistov v Vietnamu

"Sralci kot jihadi Elliot" in nato o diskreditaciji? Samozavedanje ti šepa.


Demenca je huda reč. Kar pa ne opravičuje akcij Weltovega uredništva.

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

Američani spet cvilijo, da bo Assad uporabil kemično orožje

Bodimo točni, bela hiša. CENTCOM ne ve nič.


Five US defense officials reached by BuzzFeed News said they did not know where the potential chemical attack would come from, including one US Central Command official who had "no idea" about its origin. The officials said they were unaware the White House was planning to release its statement; usually such statements are coordinated across the national security agencies and departments before they are released.

A Pentagon spokesperson declined to comment on the matter and referred questions to the White House statement. A State Department spokesperson also referred BuzzFeed News to the White House statement and said the agency did not have anything to add.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Samuel ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

amerji so hoteli so pomočjo jihadistov zavzeti vzhodno Sirijo; so že zbirali sile pri Al Tanf-u na sirsko-iraško-jordanski meji; SAA pa jih je pred nekaj dnevi odrezala, ko so prodrli do iraške meje; sedaj rabijo razlog, da bi napadli SAA in prebili južni koridor

Če bi ZDA tako odločile, bi tako bilo. Tako, da to ni res. To so bili Turki/SA/Jordanci.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

7tom1ja ::

Samuel je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

amerji so hoteli so pomočjo jihadistov zavzeti vzhodno Sirijo; so že zbirali sile pri Al Tanf-u na sirsko-iraško-jordanski meji; SAA pa jih je pred nekaj dnevi odrezala, ko so prodrli do iraške meje; sedaj rabijo razlog, da bi napadli SAA in prebili južni koridor

Če bi ZDA tako odločile, bi tako bilo. Tako, da to ni res. To so bili Turki/SA/Jordanci.

Ja ja the almighty US&A, poznam tvoje Rambo 3 mnenje; Turki v Al Tanfu ? Amerji delajo bazo tam
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

7tom1ja ::


sem prepričan, da tole niso turške zastave
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

7tom1ja ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

joj joj, sralci kot jihadi Elliot poizkušajo deskreditirat Seymour Hirscha
Še preden so se rodili je Seymour Hirsch razkrival zločine imperialistov v Vietnamu

"Sralci kot jihadi Elliot" in nato o diskreditaciji? Samozavedanje ti šepa.


Demenca je huda reč. Kar pa ne opravičuje akcij Weltovega uredništva.

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

Američani spet cvilijo, da bo Assad uporabil kemično orožje

Bodimo točni, bela hiša. CENTCOM ne ve nič.


Five US defense officials reached by BuzzFeed News said they did not know where the potential chemical attack would come from, including one US Central Command official who had "no idea" about its origin. The officials said they were unaware the White House was planning to release its statement; usually such statements are coordinated across the national security agencies and departments before they are released.

A Pentagon spokesperson declined to comment on the matter and referred questions to the White House statement. A State Department spokesperson also referred BuzzFeed News to the White House statement and said the agency did not have anything to add.

The Pentagon said evidence Syria is preparing a chemical attack has become ‘more compelling’ over the last 24 hours

false flag incoming in 3...2...1...
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

7tom1ja ::

Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

konspirator ::

Ko je potrebno rešiti svoje teroriste in pa enote, katere se ilegalno nahajajo v Siriji, okupatorji vedno obtožijo oblasti v Damasku teh zločinov, da lahko posledično posredujejo in njihove enote izvlečejo celo kožo.
Zakaj ravno sedaj??? SAA se je približala iraški meji, iraška popularna mobilizacijska enota pa sirski meji Al Waleed. Med njima se pa nahajajo, pozor, pozor, ameriške enote, katere okupirajo Al-Tanaf. Bagdad in Damask sta trdno odločena zapret Al-Tanaf mejni prehod z iraške strani, kar pomeni, da se lahko ameri umaknejo le še v Jordanijo! "ISIS" je pred porazom in tako na veliko umika enote iz Iraka in Sirije v Hindu Kuš, kjer že ameri zalagajo paštune z denarjem in orožjem.

Rad bi srecal poveljnika, taktika ali stratega, ki bi potem, ko je fizicno premagal nasprotnika in zavzel nasprotnikove polozaje in je nasprotnik v begu in umiku, da bi se takrat spomnil "hej, uporabimo kemicno orozje".

Berem to napoved po vseh portalih.
Bolj neumne trditve si človek ne more zamisliti!
Sirijska vlada pripravlja kemični napad, KI JI NIKAKOR NE USTREZA!
Ustreza pa nekomu drugemu, ki izgublja vojno, vpliv, milijarde, investirane....
Ne morem se načuditi tolikšnemu primitivizmu....

Zgodovina sprememb…


7tom1ja je izjavil:

amerji so hoteli so pomočjo jihadistov zavzeti vzhodno Sirijo; so že zbirali sile pri Al Tanf-u na sirsko-iraško-jordanski meji; SAA pa jih je pred nekaj dnevi odrezala, ko so prodrli do iraške meje; sedaj rabijo razlog, da bi napadli SAA in prebili južni koridor

Točno zaradi tega grozijo zdaj američani z kemičnim orožjem, ki ga bodo za njih odvrgli sirski uporniki po domače povedano teroristi.

Tarzan ::

Upam da jih najdejo preden kemično orožje uporabijo. Tokrat naj jih ne zbombardirajo, ker jih bodo obtožili uporabe kemičnega orožja, ampak naj tja pošljejo specialce, jih popucajo in predložijo dokazno gradivo ustreznim mednarodnim organizacijam. Potem pa z vso silo nad odgovorne.

DarkSite ::

Mislim, da se je začela obsežna ofenziva Turčije proti Kurdom(Efrin). Obsežno bombadiranje ob meji.

Fritz ::

DarkSite je izjavil:

Mislim, da se je začela obsežna ofenziva Turčije proti Kurdom(Efrin). Obsežno bombadiranje ob meji.

Yep ampak zdaj, zdaj jih bodo Američani zbombardirali, tako kot so zrušili sirsko letalo. Oh wait, reality check... 8-)
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
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