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Enhanced geothermal system

Enhanced geothermal system

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Nuclear and solar...move aside.

Enhanced geothermal system @ Wikipedia

Zgleda, da se počasi počasi premika v tej smeri. Škoda, da tako počasi, ampak better late than never.


3MW iz ene barake 24/7. Dober deal if you ask me.

Resource size: The report calculated the United States total EGS resources from 3–10 km of depth to be over 13,000 zettajoules, of which over 200 ZJ would be extractable, with the potential to increase this to over 2,000 ZJ with technology improvements — sufficient to provide all the world's current energy needs for several millennia.[27] The report found that total geothermal resources, including hydrothermal and geo-pressured resources, to equal 14,000 ZJ — or roughly 140,000 times the total U.S. annual primary energy use in 2005.
Development potential: With a modest R&D investment of $1 billion over 15 years (or the cost of one coal power plant), the report estimated that 100 GWe (gigawatts of electricity) or more could be installed by 2050 in the United States. The report further found that "recoverable" resources (accessible with today's technology) were between 1.2–12.2 TW for the conservative and moderate recovery scenarios respectively.
Cost: The report found that EGS could be capable of producing electricity for as low as 3.9 cents/kWh. EGS costs were found to be sensitive to four main factors:
Temperature of the resource
Fluid flow through the system measured in liters/second
Drilling costs
Power conversion efficiency

Tistih par downside-ov spet ni tako hudih, da se jih ne bi moralo rešiti. Nekaj svinjarije se privleče na plano, ampak nič kar se ne da reprocesirati. No edino mikropotresi znajo motit bližnja naselja.
Energijska prihodnost je v bistvu precej optimistična, sam vse ostalo jebe. Znanje za take vrtine imajo v lasti predvsem naftna podjetja, ki ga najbrž srbno skrivajo.


Geotermalna v Nemčijo in Francijo, solarna v španijo, italijo in grčijo. Na norveškem pa majo dovolj vode. Čeprav tud tam so bili vulkani. Evropa je pretty much preskrbljena za naslednjih 300 let, brez trohice uvoženega urana ali torija.

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