Forum » Znanost in tehnologija » SpaceX reusable rockets
SpaceX reusable rockets
Temo vidijo: vsi
vostok_1 ::
I like the idea. Ampak, tehnologija tega še ne omogoča.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
imagodei ::
Koneckoncev cockney genialec nima drugega kot YT kanal, oziroma vsaj ni znan po drugem, MUsk pa ima tri zelo vidne firme.
Khm... Coulomb explosion during the early stagesof the reaction of alkali metals with water
- Hoc est qui sumus -
MrStein ::
TF se ne strinja. Mislim, da je tud zagovornik padal.
A to je tisti, ki je trdil, da vakuumske cevi ne obstajajo in ne morejo obstajati?
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
imagodei ::
Ne. To je ta, ki dela z vakuumskimi cevmi in pozna vakuum; njegova celotna predpostavka pa je, da so varne vakuumske cevi predrage. Sicer to pove zelo baročno, ampak to je to. Ne trdi, da se ne da, ampak da je varna izvedba nepraktična in predraga in da ni trga, ki bi to plačeval - IOW, da je, če bo zadeva varna, hkrati tudi nerentabilna. Tako kot je nerentabilen Concorde.
Zgradit high-speed-rail, ki bi dosegal do 600 km/h je sigurno ceneje kot zgradit varno vakuumsko cev. Ker nihče ne rabi bit tako nujno v 30 minutah iz SF v LA, da bo teh 30 minut čepel v klavstrofobični konzervi, ko pa gre lahko na letalo in precej udobneje opravi to pot v 2 urah (z vstopnimi in izstopnimi procedurami vred), hkrati pa celo lahko opravi kako delo na laptopu. Ali pa se pelje s 600 km/h na maglev vlaku, pa isto pot opravi v cca 2x daljšem času kot v vakuumski cevi, v neudobni konzervi.
Zgradit high-speed-rail, ki bi dosegal do 600 km/h je sigurno ceneje kot zgradit varno vakuumsko cev. Ker nihče ne rabi bit tako nujno v 30 minutah iz SF v LA, da bo teh 30 minut čepel v klavstrofobični konzervi, ko pa gre lahko na letalo in precej udobneje opravi to pot v 2 urah (z vstopnimi in izstopnimi procedurami vred), hkrati pa celo lahko opravi kako delo na laptopu. Ali pa se pelje s 600 km/h na maglev vlaku, pa isto pot opravi v cca 2x daljšem času kot v vakuumski cevi, v neudobni konzervi.
- Hoc est qui sumus -
Brane22 ::
Koneckoncev cockney genialec nima drugega kot YT kanal, oziroma vsaj ni znan po drugem, MUsk pa ima tri zelo vidne firme.
Khm... Coulomb explosion during the early stagesof the reaction of alkali metals with water
Wow. Pozabu sem. Ob enem igranju s high-speed kamero se mu/jim je nekaj usralo zadosti dobro, da so objavili papir na neko levo temo.
My bad. I take it back.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...
imagodei ::
Koneckoncev cockney genialec nima drugega kot YT kanal, oziroma vsaj ni znan po drugem, MUsk pa ima tri zelo vidne firme.
Khm... Coulomb explosion during the early stagesof the reaction of alkali metals with water
Wow. Pozabu sem. Ob enem igranju s high-speed kamero se mu/jim je nekaj usralo zadosti dobro, da so objavili papir na neko levo temo.
My bad. I take it back.![]()
Ja, imaš prav... V reviji Nature običajno objavljajo taki, ki se jim ravno "userje" med igranjem.
ALi še drugače:
"I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." -Thomas Jefferson.
- Hoc est qui sumus -
Invictus ::
Me zanima, če bo tole kdaj aktualno...
Raketni motor, ki jemlje oksidator (kisik) iz zraka...
Raketni motor, ki jemlje oksidator (kisik) iz zraka...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Invictus ()
pegasus ::
Ja, tile fantje se mi malo smilijo. Tapravi inženirji, ki morajo fehtati naokrog za funding ... BBC je v 2012 naredil en lušten doku o njih, "the three rocketeers".
Invictus ::
Jap, nimajo pravega blefiranja tipa Elon Musk
Zahojeni Britanci s še bolj butasto vlado in investitorji...
Zahojeni Britanci s še bolj butasto vlado in investitorji...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Nikec3 ::
Earth to Earth z raketo, ki je narejena za Mars je zagotovo popoln bullshit. To je nekaj podobnega bi z avtomobilom poskusil priti v Ameriko.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
66speeder66 ::
Earth to Earth z raketo, ki je narejena za Mars je zagotovo popoln bullshit. To je nekaj podobnega bi z avtomobilom poskusil priti v Ameriko.
Saj ne bo za tebe in podobne, vsaj ne še kmalu. Ampak 20 min potovalnega časa z raketo na drugo polovico je tudi precej vredno za nekatere.
Mislim, da ne bo težav najti potnike, pa naj se zdi še tako nesmiselno za nekatere v ekonomskem smilslu.
Ne moreš imeti vsega verjetno... al pa ja no, ampak... mogoče...
ne vem...
la toya
ne vem...
la toya
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 66speeder66 ()
Okapi ::
Raketni potniški promet je, dokler v povprečju razgoni vsako stoto raketo, popolna fantazija. Če cene in vse ostale logistike niti ne upoštevamo. Je pa na svetu skoraj sigurno vsaj 100.000 ljudi, ki bi bili pripravljeni (in zmožni) plačati 100.000 dolarjev za polet z raketo okoli sveta, in sprejeti tveganje. In recimo 10.000 takih, ki bi plačali milijon za polet do Lune in nazaj. Vsaj do prve nesreče, potem bi število navdušencev hitro padlo.![>:D](
In noben ne bi šel na tak polet, da bi prej prišel iz Londona v Avstralijo.
In noben ne bi šel na tak polet, da bi prej prišel iz Londona v Avstralijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Okapi ()
pegasus ::
Dajte mal pospeške in pojemke poračunat pri takem podvigu ... meni to ne izgleda nekaj, kamor bi vtaknil enga zavaljenga bogatuna. No, mogoče če si želi umreti in style ...
Okapi ::
Space Shuttle je imel do 3 G. Toliko imajo nekateri vlakci v lunaparkih. Čisto za vsakega ni, ni pa tudi nič zelo groznega.
Invictus ::
Eh, ti pospeški so manj od 3G. Drobiž...
So sateliti bolj občutljivi na njih kot ljudje...
So sateliti bolj občutljivi na njih kot ljudje...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
BigWhale ::
Metan se lahko shranis v raketi in ga imas dalj casa tam, ceprav je vse skupaj dokaj nevarno. Tekoci kisik je pa nekaj cesar ne mores blazno dolg casa imeti shranjenega v raketi. Edina varianta, da to izvedes, je da se pre-boarding pricne takrat, ko se zacne raketa polniti z gorivom in potniki pocakajo v nekih zakloniscih in potem po hitrem postopku boardajo raketo.
To je prvi problem, drugi problem je pa to, da se ti lahko precej hitro zgodi, da zaradi vremenskih razmer ne mores pristati tam kjer si zelel. Za ta problem imas dve resitvi. Prva, da eno uro pred poletom polet odpoves. Druga pa, da namesto v New York City pristanes v Washington D.C.. Pri obeh bodo potniki zlo pissed off. :) In ja, vem, da ta problem ze obstaja ampak tukaj je za nekaj magnitud vecji, ker imas samo pescico pristanisc.
Falcon 9 pri pristanku zavira tudi s 5G.
To je prvi problem, drugi problem je pa to, da se ti lahko precej hitro zgodi, da zaradi vremenskih razmer ne mores pristati tam kjer si zelel. Za ta problem imas dve resitvi. Prva, da eno uro pred poletom polet odpoves. Druga pa, da namesto v New York City pristanes v Washington D.C.. Pri obeh bodo potniki zlo pissed off. :) In ja, vem, da ta problem ze obstaja ampak tukaj je za nekaj magnitud vecji, ker imas samo pescico pristanisc.
Falcon 9 pri pristanku zavira tudi s 5G.
MrStein ::
Verjetno zato, ker lahko.
(močan motor, prazna raketa)
(močan motor, prazna raketa)
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
BigWhale ::
Po mojem bolj zato, ker mora. Izvajajo nekaj cemur se v KSPju rece 'suicide burn'. Spravis se na priblizno pravo pot, zabremzas tolk, da lih ne razpades ob re-entryju, potem pa nardis landing burn. To je najbolj ekonomicen nacin pristanka, kar se tice goriva. Je pa manj prijeten za potnike, ce so slucajno na krovu.
Qcube ::
Gledal ravnokar tale video od Scott Manley in se mi je zdelo zanimivo. Mislite da bi bila možna helikopterska autorotacija iz vesolja na ta način? Ali bi samo blejde zlomilo takoj pri vstopu v atsmosfero? Namesto padal autorotacija ![:D](
Okapi ::
Da bi v prihodnjih 50 letih imeli redne raketne polete, ki bi jih ljudje uporabljali, da bi prišli prej iz Evrope v Ameriko, je popolna fantazija. Ni samo varnost problem, tudi sam čas - večino, če ne celo vso časovno prednost bi tako ali tako pokurili z vožnjo do/od izstrelišča in daljšim postopkom vkrcanja. Podobno kot prideš sedaj prej iz Pariza v London z vlakom kot z letalom.
Poleg tega si lahko ljudje, ki bi si lahko privoščili karto za raketni prevoz, privoščijo zasebno letalo. Kar nekaj poslovnih reaktivcev gre okoli 0,9 macha, kar skrajša vožnjo za 1 do 2 uri (odvisno od razdalje) v primerjavi z rednimi linijami, in še vsaj 2 uri pri vkrcanju in izkrcanju.
Z raketo bodo ljudje hoteli potovati, da bi videli Zemljo iz vesolja, in bodo hoteli biti tam gor čim dlje časa - vsaj en krog.
Poleg tega si lahko ljudje, ki bi si lahko privoščili karto za raketni prevoz, privoščijo zasebno letalo. Kar nekaj poslovnih reaktivcev gre okoli 0,9 macha, kar skrajša vožnjo za 1 do 2 uri (odvisno od razdalje) v primerjavi z rednimi linijami, in še vsaj 2 uri pri vkrcanju in izkrcanju.
Z raketo bodo ljudje hoteli potovati, da bi videli Zemljo iz vesolja, in bodo hoteli biti tam gor čim dlje časa - vsaj en krog.
Paul30 ::
Kaj se varnosti tiče tudi če slučajno raznese kako raketo to sploh ne pomeni, da bo kaj problemov glede kapsule. Dodatni testi so zasnovan da v primeru take nesreče preživi posadka ter dragoon V2, boeingov CST 100, Orion morajo uspešno prestat razne teste, ki simulirajo podobne pogoje, preden bodo prevažali posadko. Do sedaj so na dobri poti.
Dragon V1 je res razneslo v zraku, vendar to je dobro. Kapsula je preživela na začetku, edino problem je bil, da se niso pravočasno odprla padala, to pa so zarad napake popravil ter se nekaj naučil.
Metan je cenejši, čisto verjetno je, da bodo ljudje plačal za prevoz med celinami z raketo, mogoče bo šla raketa dovolj visoko ter se bo zarad tega splačal ter bodo to tržil.
Tudi z Dragoonom 2 bi se lahko služilo z vesoljskim turizmom (poleg Moon tripa) ter Musk ima to v mislih, zato tudi hoče dezajn z "oknom" ter fancy oblekami. 7 Sedežev bo, ljudje bodo plačal, da bi šli v vesolje okrog Zemlje. Cenej ko bo, več jih bo hotl it ter SpaceX jih bo lahko peljal dosti višje kot "pocen" Virgin Galactic.
Sicer se pa z znižanjem cene vesoljskih poletov odpira veliko možnosti. Veliko lažje bo za razne misije ter tudi privatne vesoljske postaje, ki so v razvoju ter Bigelow tudi testira na ISS.
Čestitke Musku za innovativnost ter pogum le tko naprej!
Dragon V1 je res razneslo v zraku, vendar to je dobro. Kapsula je preživela na začetku, edino problem je bil, da se niso pravočasno odprla padala, to pa so zarad napake popravil ter se nekaj naučil.
Metan je cenejši, čisto verjetno je, da bodo ljudje plačal za prevoz med celinami z raketo, mogoče bo šla raketa dovolj visoko ter se bo zarad tega splačal ter bodo to tržil.
Tudi z Dragoonom 2 bi se lahko služilo z vesoljskim turizmom (poleg Moon tripa) ter Musk ima to v mislih, zato tudi hoče dezajn z "oknom" ter fancy oblekami. 7 Sedežev bo, ljudje bodo plačal, da bi šli v vesolje okrog Zemlje. Cenej ko bo, več jih bo hotl it ter SpaceX jih bo lahko peljal dosti višje kot "pocen" Virgin Galactic.
Sicer se pa z znižanjem cene vesoljskih poletov odpira veliko možnosti. Veliko lažje bo za razne misije ter tudi privatne vesoljske postaje, ki so v razvoju ter Bigelow tudi testira na ISS.
Čestitke Musku za innovativnost ter pogum le tko naprej!
vostok_1 ::
Kaj Kerbal ima hidromehanično simuliranje?
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
BigWhale ::
Ce kdo ni gledal vceraj (oz danes zgodaj zjutraj) se splaca pogledat pristanek zlo crispy boosterja. :)
WarpedGone ::
tolk daleč smo že, da se vam ne da niti linka na posnetek prlimat?
nič posebnega TM ...
nič posebnega TM ...
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe
imagodei ::
WarpedGone je izjavil:
tolk daleč smo že, da se vam ne da niti linka na posnetek prlimat?
nič posebnega TM ...
Eh, ko ti ne prilimaš reference, ponavad praviš, da smo leni. Da je bilo že najmanj 100x povedano.
- Hoc est qui sumus -
DarkSite ::
Interesting items from Gwynne Shotwell's talk at Stanford tonight
vir Sticklefront
The introductory talk itself consisted largely of showing various SpaceX YouTube videos we have all seen before. She nonetheless included a few details here of interest:
On Falcon Heavy
Reaffirmed that the rocket is ready and they are just waiting on the launchpad
Confirmed plan to launch in December (this is not just an Elon-date)
On launch sites
Pad 39a will be used for Falcon Heavy launches and crew flights
Boca Chica launch site under construction is the "perfect location for BFR"
She did not mention anything else about Boca Chica other than its prime suitability for BFR
On Commercial Crew
Reaffirmed timetable for launching crew next year
Extremely proud of Launch Escape System
First manned flight will have two astronauts on board
On "Global Broadband Network"
"Does anybody like their cable company? [Laughs] No one!"
Dragon is a very sophisticated satellite, so in that light, sees internet constellation as a natural extension of their current work
Compared size of global launch market (~8 billion dollars/year) to broadband market (~1 trillion dollars/year) to further explain SpaceX's interest
On Mars
Perhaps it was just an awkward phrase, but used the term "propellant depot" to describe orbital refueling process for BFR
Talked about tanker BFR and mentioned how Elon wants the fuel transfer to actually be as fast as seen in the Adelaide animation
At this point, it became a Q&A session. Audience members submitted questions online and voted on other questions. Steve Jurvetson sat down on stage with Shotwell and selected top voted questions and skillfully modified them as necessary to make them more sensible. This is perhaps the best SpaceX Q&A I have seen, this format is worth emulating.
Does SpaceX have the resources to do the satellite constellation and the BFR together, or will they need to prioritize?
We can do it, no question. We can fund both developments, depending on the time frame you're talking about. But Elon is impatient to get to Mars, so we'll have to get a bit creative with the financing.
How far can SpaceX take reuse?
The second stage is not designed for reuse on the Falcon 9 or the Falcon Heavy. However, we do want to bring it back slowly. Currently, it reenters but too hot. On missions with extra propellant, we want to bring it back to see how it behaves, not to recover or reuse. This data will be very valuable.
Fairings have been recovered. We expect recovery will be good enough to start regularly reusing them in the first six months of next year.
Can normal people tolerate the g-forces of point-to-point BFR flight?
We are designing it so normal people can fly in it. We'll take care regarding the g-limit, but the experience will undoubtedly be sportier than an airplane.
Will SpaceX work with other companies regarding infrastructure on the surface of Mars?
SpaceX is focused on the transportation part of the Mars problem, but people need somewhere to go once they arrive. I don't think it's an accident that Elon started the Boring Company, tunnels will be very important in the first steps of living on Mars, before we build domes and terraform. We want other companies to start thinking about it and working on it, but we'll do it if we have to. I think the BFR might be ready before these other components of actually living on Mars.
Moon base vs Mars?
The moon is to some extent a practice to go to Mars, but given how government programs are, it'll take decades to even get to the moon. If the goal is Mars, then let's not waste resources going to the moon. But a real lunar base would be interesting, that's worth fighting for. Our ship will go to the moon, I'm sure we'll be part of the program that does go to the moon, but it will be designed for Mars.
What is the biggest obstacle to the BFR's success?
The composite tanks will be challenge, but we are doing it already. We are currently building a larger raptor right now, and currently have a scaled version of raptor on the test stands. Harder than the rocket, though, will be where poeple are going to live, what will life be like, what will they do there? Also, while the choice of fuel for the BFR was constrained by resource availability on Mars, it is no accident that the final choice of methane is the cheapest energy source here on earth. This will greatly facilitate the economics side of things.
How many BFR failures does SpaceX expect in development, and how many can it withstand?
I'm sure we'll have failures in the development program. However, as far as the launching piece, I'm going to say none (knocks on wood). Also, [referencing Mark Twain anecdote] we've learned so much from previous development programs, and have already hit all the sandbars, so I'm confident in our ability to design it properly.
Where will the BFR be built?
We're looking at building a facility by the water in LA. We thought we'd build it in our factory in Hawthorne, but we priced transport to the harbor, and it came out to $2.5m per trip. It would require taking down stoplights, and just wouldn't be worth it. So we will build a new facility by the water. We will eventually also have a number of production sites by out launch sites.
What is it like having been a part of SpaceX since the beginning? Both in terms of being this successful, and being able to stay on mission?
I wasn't sure we would make it when I joined SpaceX, but I knew I wouldn't want to be part of this industry if SpaceX didn't make it. I had a lot of experience in the industry before joining SpaceX and was sad at the lack of innovation in the industry. I was very disillusioned and decided to quit industry entirely and perhaps become a hairdresser if SpaceX didn't work out. Government money was being spent in stupid ways, and I wanted to show how to spend money on an exciting way, and it happened to be in space. The first time we went to the ISS, I didn't think we'd make it. If one more sensor had failed we'd have had to abort. But that success, and our first landing success, made it all worth it. Just being a part of that... When you watch the video of the Orbcomm landing, you can feel the energy that went up, the way everyone cheered... That's just not something they do on Wall Street.
vir Sticklefront
The introductory talk itself consisted largely of showing various SpaceX YouTube videos we have all seen before. She nonetheless included a few details here of interest:
On Falcon Heavy
Reaffirmed that the rocket is ready and they are just waiting on the launchpad
Confirmed plan to launch in December (this is not just an Elon-date)
On launch sites
Pad 39a will be used for Falcon Heavy launches and crew flights
Boca Chica launch site under construction is the "perfect location for BFR"
She did not mention anything else about Boca Chica other than its prime suitability for BFR
On Commercial Crew
Reaffirmed timetable for launching crew next year
Extremely proud of Launch Escape System
First manned flight will have two astronauts on board
On "Global Broadband Network"
"Does anybody like their cable company? [Laughs] No one!"
Dragon is a very sophisticated satellite, so in that light, sees internet constellation as a natural extension of their current work
Compared size of global launch market (~8 billion dollars/year) to broadband market (~1 trillion dollars/year) to further explain SpaceX's interest
On Mars
Perhaps it was just an awkward phrase, but used the term "propellant depot" to describe orbital refueling process for BFR
Talked about tanker BFR and mentioned how Elon wants the fuel transfer to actually be as fast as seen in the Adelaide animation
At this point, it became a Q&A session. Audience members submitted questions online and voted on other questions. Steve Jurvetson sat down on stage with Shotwell and selected top voted questions and skillfully modified them as necessary to make them more sensible. This is perhaps the best SpaceX Q&A I have seen, this format is worth emulating.
Does SpaceX have the resources to do the satellite constellation and the BFR together, or will they need to prioritize?
We can do it, no question. We can fund both developments, depending on the time frame you're talking about. But Elon is impatient to get to Mars, so we'll have to get a bit creative with the financing.
How far can SpaceX take reuse?
The second stage is not designed for reuse on the Falcon 9 or the Falcon Heavy. However, we do want to bring it back slowly. Currently, it reenters but too hot. On missions with extra propellant, we want to bring it back to see how it behaves, not to recover or reuse. This data will be very valuable.
Fairings have been recovered. We expect recovery will be good enough to start regularly reusing them in the first six months of next year.
Can normal people tolerate the g-forces of point-to-point BFR flight?
We are designing it so normal people can fly in it. We'll take care regarding the g-limit, but the experience will undoubtedly be sportier than an airplane.
Will SpaceX work with other companies regarding infrastructure on the surface of Mars?
SpaceX is focused on the transportation part of the Mars problem, but people need somewhere to go once they arrive. I don't think it's an accident that Elon started the Boring Company, tunnels will be very important in the first steps of living on Mars, before we build domes and terraform. We want other companies to start thinking about it and working on it, but we'll do it if we have to. I think the BFR might be ready before these other components of actually living on Mars.
Moon base vs Mars?
The moon is to some extent a practice to go to Mars, but given how government programs are, it'll take decades to even get to the moon. If the goal is Mars, then let's not waste resources going to the moon. But a real lunar base would be interesting, that's worth fighting for. Our ship will go to the moon, I'm sure we'll be part of the program that does go to the moon, but it will be designed for Mars.
What is the biggest obstacle to the BFR's success?
The composite tanks will be challenge, but we are doing it already. We are currently building a larger raptor right now, and currently have a scaled version of raptor on the test stands. Harder than the rocket, though, will be where poeple are going to live, what will life be like, what will they do there? Also, while the choice of fuel for the BFR was constrained by resource availability on Mars, it is no accident that the final choice of methane is the cheapest energy source here on earth. This will greatly facilitate the economics side of things.
How many BFR failures does SpaceX expect in development, and how many can it withstand?
I'm sure we'll have failures in the development program. However, as far as the launching piece, I'm going to say none (knocks on wood). Also, [referencing Mark Twain anecdote] we've learned so much from previous development programs, and have already hit all the sandbars, so I'm confident in our ability to design it properly.
Where will the BFR be built?
We're looking at building a facility by the water in LA. We thought we'd build it in our factory in Hawthorne, but we priced transport to the harbor, and it came out to $2.5m per trip. It would require taking down stoplights, and just wouldn't be worth it. So we will build a new facility by the water. We will eventually also have a number of production sites by out launch sites.
What is it like having been a part of SpaceX since the beginning? Both in terms of being this successful, and being able to stay on mission?
I wasn't sure we would make it when I joined SpaceX, but I knew I wouldn't want to be part of this industry if SpaceX didn't make it. I had a lot of experience in the industry before joining SpaceX and was sad at the lack of innovation in the industry. I was very disillusioned and decided to quit industry entirely and perhaps become a hairdresser if SpaceX didn't work out. Government money was being spent in stupid ways, and I wanted to show how to spend money on an exciting way, and it happened to be in space. The first time we went to the ISS, I didn't think we'd make it. If one more sensor had failed we'd have had to abort. But that success, and our first landing success, made it all worth it. Just being a part of that... When you watch the video of the Orbcomm landing, you can feel the energy that went up, the way everyone cheered... That's just not something they do on Wall Street.
vostok_1 ::
I smell chicken cooking.
Kaj je bilo to?
Kaj je bilo to?
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
vostok_1 ::
Kaj pa vem. Delovalo mi je, da je nekaj z motorji narobe.
My bad. Sem površno gledal.
Da, res je bila hitrost.
My bad. Sem površno gledal.
Da, res je bila hitrost.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()
Paul30 ::
To se vedn zgovarjajo na izgubo signala. Enkrat se spomnem jim je raznesl booster ob pristanku pa se je vse vidl live, od takrat so pa te "izgube" signala. Pol ko pa vidjo, da je vse vredu, pa je spet signal. Če bi blo kj narobe pa nebi nić dobil videa ter nebi bil ognjemet pokazan.
Sicer pa čestitke, da so spet ponovno uporabili 1 fazo ter jo pristali. Počas bo čas, da isti booster pošljejo v zrak tretjič.
Sicer pa čestitke, da so spet ponovno uporabili 1 fazo ter jo pristali. Počas bo čas, da isti booster pošljejo v zrak tretjič.
BigWhale ::
Oh, ne bluzi, no. :)
Ni bilo vedno izgub signala in sedaj so ze 18x zapored pristali brez napake. Vcasih je bil pristanek lepo viden, vcasih pa ne. Pristanki na ladji so bili vedno bolj tako-tako.
Ni bilo vedno izgub signala in sedaj so ze 18x zapored pristali brez napake. Vcasih je bil pristanek lepo viden, vcasih pa ne. Pristanki na ladji so bili vedno bolj tako-tako.
CoreySteel ::
To se vedn zgovarjajo na izgubo signala. Enkrat se spomnem jim je raznesl booster ob pristanku pa se je vse vidl live, od takrat so pa te "izgube" signala. Pol ko pa vidjo, da je vse vredu, pa je spet signal. Če bi blo kj narobe pa nebi nić dobil videa ter nebi bil ognjemet pokazan.
Sicer pa čestitke, da so spet ponovno uporabili 1 fazo ter jo pristali. Počas bo čas, da isti booster pošljejo v zrak tretjič.
lol Paul30, kako si se pa ti tole zdle gladko izmislil :D
Mendela effect ali samo #fakenews? :)
Twitter: @CoreySteel_
Paul30 ::
Nič si nism zmislil ter ne blizim. GLej njihove pristanke v živo. Tik pred pristankom je izguba signala ponavad, pol ko je pa pristala pa pokažejo z zamikom. Seveda je kasnejši video uploadan je pa vse tekoče. Sm gledal ogromno pristankov v živo od SpaceX ter nekam pogoste so motnje tik pred pristankom.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Paul30 ()
Paul30 ::
Kaj se zgodi ob 5.30 ha, nekam zamrzne vse haha, nič več prenosa tik ob pristanku
Drug pristanek.
Okol 8.47 spet mrk, pol na konc prikažejo ko je vsega konec,..
Več se mi jih pa ne de dat gor, dima tud ni toliko enako svetloba tud ni tko močna.
Paul30 ::
Še en mrk, pol pokažejo, ko je pristala.
No začetku pa teh težav ni bilo, dokler niso v živo pokazal tole.
No začetku pa teh težav ni bilo, dokler niso v živo pokazal tole.
BigWhale ::
Gledali smo ze live pristanek direktno iz boosterja in hkrati posnetek iz letala pa ne samo enkrat.
A se ti res zdi, da karkoli skrivajo? :D
A se ti res zdi, da karkoli skrivajo? :D
CoreySteel ::
Nič si nism zmislil ter ne blizim. GLej njihove pristanke v živo. Tik pred pristankom je izguba signala ponavad, pol ko je pa pristala pa pokažejo z zamikom. Seveda je kasnejši video uploadan je pa vse tekoče. Sm gledal ogromno pristankov v živo od SpaceX ter nekam pogoste so motnje tik pred pristankom.
Čisto vse pristanke sem gledal, ne skrbi. Napisal si tole:
Enkrat se spomnem jim je raznesl booster ob pristanku pa se je vse vidl live, od takrat so pa te "izgube" signala.
Zdaj mi pa prosim najdi ta livestream, ko jim je live razneslo booster ob pristanku in da od tega livestreama dalje je pa potem "izgubljalo signal".
No, ne boš ga našel, ker ne obstaja, ampak potrudi se prosim vseeno :)
Twitter: @CoreySteel_
BigWhale ::
Evo, padala se za kapsulo niso dobra. ;)
Letos Aprila je prislo do izgube tlaka v Soyuz kapsuli, ker je del sistema za parachute deployment butnil ob kapsulo.
Letos Aprila je prislo do izgube tlaka v Soyuz kapsuli, ker je del sistema za parachute deployment butnil ob kapsulo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BigWhale ()
vostok_1 ::
Možgani za BWja niso dobri, ker pogosto butnejo vn konkretne neumnosti.
Ukinimo upper stage, ker občasno pride do nezgode.
The incident, while minor, is one of several in recent years involving Russian vehicles supporting the ISS. Last December, a Progress cargo spacecraft was lost when the upper stage of its Soyuz rocket failed. Another Progress was stranded in low Earth orbit, spinning uncontrollably, after an April 2015 launch. It reentered days later without attempting to dock to the ISS.
Ukinimo upper stage, ker občasno pride do nezgode.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: ahac ()
7982884e ::
ko smo glih pri motorjih, blue origin je koncno stestiral svoj BE-4 (50% throttle)
Invictus ::
Najbolj zanimivo v članku je, kako poskuša ULA izničiti znanje in dosežke Blue Origin.
Očitno so te private funded firme dovolj dobre, da so postale huda konkurenca.
Očitno so te private funded firme dovolj dobre, da so postale huda konkurenca.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
7982884e ::
sej ne pise tega, pise da hocejo ustavit lastne delta IV, ker so njihovi motorji predragi, in da aerojet lobira pri njih, da ne vzamejo BE-4. sicer je BE-4 njihova prva izbira.
vostok_1 ::
Če bo komercializacija vesolja postala realnost, to dejansko tudi pomeni ba bo vsaka država lahko kaj gor poslala.
Dobr, vesoljske smeti so en problem, kaj pa vojaške tehnologije?
Sicer ZDA prepoveduje ameriškim firmam izvajati polete, ki bi ogrozili nacionalno varnost, ampak takim firmam bolj malo brani, da se preselijo v kako drugi državo in tam ponujat prevoze.
Orbitalne assassinacije itd.
Scary shit.
Dobr, vesoljske smeti so en problem, kaj pa vojaške tehnologije?
Sicer ZDA prepoveduje ameriškim firmam izvajati polete, ki bi ogrozili nacionalno varnost, ampak takim firmam bolj malo brani, da se preselijo v kako drugi državo in tam ponujat prevoze.
Orbitalne assassinacije itd.
Scary shit.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
MrStein ::
Ja, ful bolj skari kot asasinacija v temni ulici. Sploh, ker v orbiti vse na oku vsaj ducat radarjem.
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
vostok_1 ::
Hja težko boš kakega pomembneža v temni ulici dobil. Manjši kos železa z terminalno hitrostjo pa naredi kar konkretno škodo + plausible deniability.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
MrStein ::
A tako, kot se je letalo v Bosni v goro zaletelo? Ali v Rusiji? Ali... ?
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
vostok_1 ::
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21