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Ukrajina Part II

Ukrajina Part II

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TezkoDihanje ::

Russian ministry of Defense: commander of Navy admiral Nikolay Evmenov and command of Black Sea navy met with crew of Moskva cruiser in Sevastopol. Video shows about 50 sailor in first row, and some sailors in the 2nd row (max: 50)

No words on 400 more sailors, possible missed invite to the event in their spam box

mackilla ::

spaget je izjavil:

Najnovejša elektronika za obrambo pred javelini.
Odobril je sam korenje.

Dober pumpajo nevedno vojsko.

Cel koncept grila imajo napačen. Pečeno meso gre na vrh in ne odspodaj.

sir_mha ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tole naj bi bila rešena posadka Moskve. Kisle face in ne vem če jih je 100.


Noben ni niti mal opraskan, poškodovan ... težko verjetno, da so bili ti mladci na ladji.

Pac-Man ::

Na eni strani neke anon fore o križanjih, obešanjih & obglavljanjih na drugi WaPo dokumentirano, z imeni in priimki. Interaktivni članek:


Police found the body in an abandoned Russian military camp where occupying soldiers had sat around drinking wine, their laughter so loud that neighbors seethed as it echoed down Yablunska Street.
There were bullet holes in his calves and his arms were stretched out at strange angles between slats of wood with nails through them. His wife looked at the thin sweater he was wearing and couldn’t help thinking how he must have been so cold in his final minutes.
Yulia’s neighbors heard her that night, inconsolable.
“What happened?” they heard her crying. “What did they do to him?”
 Yulia Monastyrska holds a wedding photo with her husband Ivan on April 9.

Yulia Monastyrska holds a wedding photo with her husband Ivan on April 9.

During seven days of reporting in this town, Washington Post reporters documented 208 bodies in graves or lying in the street. In scores of interviews with residents, prosecutors, police and coroners, as well as a review of photographs, video and archived Telegram chat logs between local residents, The Post documented how for nearly a month in March, Bucha’s streets became a theater of Russian sadism amid mounting frustration over their battlefield losses.
The evidence shows that they beheaded, burned, sexually abused and capriciously fired upon civilians from the earliest days of their occupation. According to those interviewed, Russian soldiers went house to house confiscating cellphones to keep residents from sharing troop locations, or taking photos or videos of their excesses.
In Bucha, the bodies are mostly gone now. Left behind are the survivors, the horror of their memories, and grief for all that has been lost.
When Russian forces invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, Ivan told relatives that he was worried about his wife and daughter, who was now 7. The Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces set up checkpoints at the entrance to the town.
As Russian troops approached on March 3, the town’s mayor tried to reassure civilians. “There is no panic,” Anatoliy Fedorchuk said in an interview that day with local journalists. “The city is under control.”
But the Russian tanks were in Bucha within hours.
Ukrainian soldiers made frantic phone calls telling residents to hide. Ivan, 43, was at work at his construction company, and he sheltered there. Yulia was also at work, with Sasha. They scrambled to her office’s basement and sheltered alongside dozens of other panicked residents.
By morning, soldiers were at the door, trying to coax the civilians packed inside to open it. They said they would get food and water if they did. Yulia said she had no cellphone signal to ask her husband what he thought.
“We are simple people; we are scared,” one of the residents shouted to the soldiers. “Go away.”
“It will be worse if you don’t open it,” one Russian yelled back.
The basement put it to a difficult vote and decided to open the door. The soldiers did not let them out.

Upstairs, they were turning Yulia’s office building into their living quarters, and the space would become a hellish mess. In a dentist’s office, an exam chair was stained with blood. Food and feces were still rotting in the rooms this week, alongside empty bottles of wine, vodka, grain alcohol, prosecco, gin, rum and beer — and a 4.5-liter magnum of Chivas Regal scotch, which can sell for more than $300, with a metal pouring cradle.
 Bottles of alcohol are seen in a main room of a building occupied by Russian forces

Bottles of alcohol are seen in a main room of a building occupied by Russian forces

  Another room inside a building that was occupied by Russian forces.

Another room inside a building that was occupied by Russian forces.

Post reporters saw eight bodies lying by the side of the building last week. Their identities were unclear. They had been shot.
Ivan returned to their apartment in Building 12 on March 5 to find it surrounded by Russian soldiers. In a tree-lined field just up the road, which became one of four Russian military camps in the area, documents found by Post reporters in leftover ammunition crates indicate that some were from the Russian Army’s 234th and 237th Guards Airborne Assault Regiment. Residents and Ukrainian officials also said that Russia’s 64th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade was present on Yablunska Street.
Post reporters saw dozens of civilian cars still sitting there, riddled with bullet holes — even those bearing scrawled markings that read “children” in Russian. Small coats were visible inside several vehicles.
 A damaged civilian sedan sits in Bucha on April 6. Signs affixed to the car read children in Ukrainian and Russian.

A damaged civilian sedan sits in Bucha on April 6. Signs affixed to the car read children in Ukrainian and Russian.

In some cases the killings appeared swift and random, residents said. “Maybe someone knows Oleg Klimtsov, our teacher Victoria’s husband,” reads a message in the group chat. “Today these beasts shot him.” According to the chat, 63-year-old Anatoli Strelets was shot in the back as he ran from soldiers. Another woman was shot as she tried to cook food out on the sidewalk. The body of an unknown man was left on the corner of Ivan’s apartment block for days. Neighbors buried him in a shallow grave.

Other murders were premeditated and sadistic, the interviews and evidence suggested. Down the path from a disused glass factory that also became a Russian base, a security guard was shot dead, then beheaded. The killers burned his head and left it out for all to see. The gray hair still visible suggested that he was an older man. Close by, the body of Dmytro Chaplyhin, 21, bore signs of torture and several gunshots, and had been booby-trapped with a tripwire to explosives intended to kill those who tried to collect him.

In garages by Building 12, residents heard the screams of a female doctor and several men they did not know as Russian troops barricaded them inside a garage and set fire to the building. The outlines of their torched remains, since removed, are still visible in the ash.
 Burned bodies of civilians were found in this garage.

Burned bodies of civilians were found in this garage.

Investigators have also gathered evidence of what they say could have been rape inside the glassworks. Among the filth they found condoms and a woman’s black bralette. Police say that the bodies of women and some minors bearing signs of sexual violence have been recovered from other parts of the town.
Around Building 12, reports of killings came daily. In the Telegram group chat, reports began circulating of a mass grave near the golden-domed church of St. Andrew. Yulia worried Ivan’s body was there.
The mass grave by St. Andrew’s was real. Five tortured bodies were removed from the basement of a children’s summer camp building.
They found Ivan on April 7.
His body had been close to Building 12 the whole time, investigators believe, down the path to the clearing where Russian soldiers had camped out. It appeared to have been moved there from somewhere else. There was no blood on the ground.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Unchancy ::

korenje3 poznavanje problematike: Pazi na "Suhoj 29" del...

Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Unchancy ()

korenje3 ::

Unchancy je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

endelin je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

endelin je izjavil:

Ja mal qurac je ko ti 100k vreden javelin s polnilom uniči par mio vreden tank in usposobljeno posadko:D ne samo da uniči. Zaradi slabega designa dobesedno odnese zgornji del tanka. Hardbass

kar ni res. zgorni pokrov odnese ko se detonira tankovsko orožje znotraj tanka. direkten zadetek z javelinom skoraj nima možnosti da uniči tank. javelini so narejeni tako, da detonira nad tankom in uniči pehoto na tanku. slučajno se pa lahko zgodi da fragment zadane tudi orožje znotraj tanka.

Ja saj to naj bi bil problem. Baje majo ruski tanki slab design, slaba namestitev orožja. Zato jim tako pogosto dobesedno odnese kupolo - ker u izico eksplodira notri.

Če je tank zaprt ga težko uničiš z javelinom. Lahko samo gosenice pretrgaš.

A to se tako spoznaš kot ko si pisal, da sta “Suhoj 29” in Suhoj 34 podobna med sabo? :))

su-34 si ti napisal.

Podobna sta si su-29 in su-35.

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

Russian ministry of Defense: commander of Navy admiral Nikolay Evmenov and command of Black Sea navy met with crew of Moskva cruiser in Sevastopol. Video shows about 50 sailor in first row, and some sailors in the 2nd row (max: 50)

No words on 400 more sailors, possible missed invite to the event in their spam box

znamo štet. jih je okrog 180.

Unchancy je izjavil:

korenje3 poznavanje problematike: Pazi na "Suhoj 29" del...


je že v redu. tebi spomin nagaja. si pod pritiskom.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: korenje3 ()

Comandante ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

Podobna sta si su-29 in su-35.

Kaj pa vem...





TezkoDihanje ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

Podobna sta si su-29 in su-35.

IQ mi pada, ko berem tvoje bedarije



Unchancy ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

Unchancy je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

endelin je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

endelin je izjavil:

Ja mal qurac je ko ti 100k vreden javelin s polnilom uniči par mio vreden tank in usposobljeno posadko:D ne samo da uniči. Zaradi slabega designa dobesedno odnese zgornji del tanka. Hardbass

kar ni res. zgorni pokrov odnese ko se detonira tankovsko orožje znotraj tanka. direkten zadetek z javelinom skoraj nima možnosti da uniči tank. javelini so narejeni tako, da detonira nad tankom in uniči pehoto na tanku. slučajno se pa lahko zgodi da fragment zadane tudi orožje znotraj tanka.

Ja saj to naj bi bil problem. Baje majo ruski tanki slab design, slaba namestitev orožja. Zato jim tako pogosto dobesedno odnese kupolo - ker u izico eksplodira notri.

Če je tank zaprt ga težko uničiš z javelinom. Lahko samo gosenice pretrgaš.

A to se tako spoznaš kot ko si pisal, da sta “Suhoj 29” in Suhoj 34 podobna med sabo? :))

su-34 si ti napisal.

Podobna sta si su-29 in su-35.

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

Russian ministry of Defense: commander of Navy admiral Nikolay Evmenov and command of Black Sea navy met with crew of Moskva cruiser in Sevastopol. Video shows about 50 sailor in first row, and some sailors in the 2nd row (max: 50)

No words on 400 more sailors, possible missed invite to the event in their spam box

znamo štet. jih je okrog 180.

Lej, tule je Suhoj Su29:

Sukhoi Su-29 @ Wikipedia

Kako si je podoben s Su 35?

Ti si verjetno precej pogosto pod gasom, ha?

Comandante je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

Podobna sta si su-29 in su-35.

Kaj pa vem...





Točno to. Pa napisal je da se je pozanimal. Odpre usta in ven pride neumnost.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Unchancy ()

TezkoDihanje ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

znamo štet. jih je okrog 180

No daj, preštej jih 180.
Moralo bi jih biti 510 tko mimogrede.

korenje3 ::

ah ok su-27 in su-35

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

znamo štet. jih je okrog 180

No daj, preštej jih 180.
Moralo bi jih biti 510 tko mimogrede.

50 v turčiji, 100 v bolnici. 150 mrtvih.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: korenje3 ()

Aston_11 ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

ah ok su-27 in su-35

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

znamo štet. jih je okrog 180

No daj, preštej jih 180.
Moralo bi jih biti 510 tko mimogrede.

50 v turčiji, 100 v bolnici. 150 mrtvih.

Za klasični desetiški sistem si že slišal?

TezkoDihanje ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

ah ok su-27 in su-35

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

znamo štet. jih je okrog 180

No daj, preštej jih 180.
Moralo bi jih biti 510 tko mimogrede.

50 v turčiji, 100 v bolnici. 150 mrtvih.

Kakšni Turčiji? A misliš, da se rabi dva dneva, da pridejo mornarji nazaj? ;((
Pogovarjam se z idiotom, pizda. ;((

Unchancy ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

ah ok su-27 in su-35

Kako je šele tam, kjer ne napišeš, da si se “pozanimival”…>:D
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Unchancy ()

korenje3 ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

ah ok su-27 in su-35

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

znamo štet. jih je okrog 180

No daj, preštej jih 180.
Moralo bi jih biti 510 tko mimogrede.

50 v turčiji, 100 v bolnici. 150 mrtvih.

Kakšni Turčiji? A misliš, da se rabi dva dneva, da pridejo mornarji nazaj? ;((
Pogovarjam se z idiotom, pizda. ;((

Poglej se. Ti si idiot.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Unchancy ::

Su29 in Su35 sta si podobna

je napisal. In to večkrat. Tepec. Korenčkasti.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Unchancy ()

Utk ::

znamo štet. jih je okrog 180

Haha, pa to ne moreš verjet, da se še zmeraj najde bedak, ki verjame Rusom. Jaz nisem niti pogledal slike, ker me ne zanima, ker mi je čisto jasno, da od vseh ljudi na sliki jih verjetno več kot 5 nikoli ni bilo na tisti ladji.

Pac-Man ::

Zdaj še Rolling Stone. Povsod so se znašali nad vodilnimi Ukrajinci.

 Villagers from Motyzhyn, Ukraine grieve over the body of Sashko Sukhenko, son of Motyzhyn head woman, Olga Sukhenko, who was also killed by Russian soldiers in March 2022.

Villagers from Motyzhyn, Ukraine grieve over the body of Sashko Sukhenko, son of Motyzhyn head woman, Olga Sukhenko, who was also killed by Russian soldiers in March 2022.

Three hundred people follow the three coffins down the streets of the small Ukrainian village. Olga, Ihor, and Sashko Sukhenko’s funeral procession winds through the village of Motyzhyn, 27 miles from Kyiv. Olga Sukhenko had been elected the head woman of the village for the past 14 years.
“They were killed for us,” says Halyna Mukha, “They could have left, but remained to help us, to provide for us.” This is a sentiment other residents repeat to me.
According to multiple villagers’ accounts, Russian soldiers, who occupied the area in the early stages of the Russian invasion, kidnapped Olga and her husband, Ihor, on March 23. Six hours later, they returned to take the couple’s adult son, Sashko. On April 3, their mutilated bodies were found in a nearby forest.
The collective grief over the killings here is overwhelming. “We will never have anybody like her; for all these years there was no question she wasn’t able to resolve,” Mukha tells me, anguished and in tears.
After the liberation of Motyzhyn, the body of a man with visible signs of torture was found in a well with a rope around his neck; a woman who disappeared during the occupation has yet to be found. The investigation is ongoing.
“Couldn’t they just torture them, but keep them alive?” one older village woman says and weeps.
 The funeral procession for Olga Sukhenko and her family in Motyzhyn, Ukraine.

The funeral procession for Olga Sukhenko and her family in Motyzhyn, Ukraine.

There is no question among the residents as to why Olga’s family was executed. They were punished for being who they are, the townspeople say: Ukrainians who care about their community.
In many occupied villages and towns in other Ukrainian regions — Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Kherson — there is the same pattern. The families of local authorities, if not executed, have been targeted, threatened, and abducted. The villagers all say the Russians also looted, pillaged, and robbed.

Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova stands in front of a damaged supermarket in Bucha, at a stop where humanitarian aid is delivered, and talks to the press.
Venediktova meticulously selects her words and corrects journalists demanding clear answers, explaining that things are “still being investigated, and it’s up to the court to provide judgment, not prosecutors.”
Venediktova is a former law professor from Kharkiv University. Now she dresses in a khaki jacket and a baseball cap. I recall how exactly three years ago I interviewed her in my studio, when she wore high heels and a bright-green suit — Zelensky’s campaign color. Before the elections, I had asked her whether she, an academic, would be able to enter the dirty world of Ukraine’s politics. Three years later, she has to lead an investigation into crimes against humanity.
 Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova, left, in Bucha.

Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova, left, in Bucha.

Serhii Matyuk has been volunteering to help bury the dead in Bucha. A tall, bald man in a bright-blue jacket, he stands near a car marked “Cargo 200” — the code word referring to casualties for transportation in the Soviet army. I see him removing six burned bodies found in the outskirts of the town.
Just within the past two days before we talked on April 4, he counted at least 19 executed men who had been handcuffed. “I have seen with my own eyes that their bodies had signs of torture,” he says. “Their legs had been shot in some cases, but in the end, they were shot in the back of the head.”
He shows photos on his phone to confirm his words. It’s impossible to count the number in the gruesome picture.
The residents of Borodyanka, another occupied town near Kyiv, where 12,000 people live, say they were looted three times, because there were three waves of the Russian army that passed through. The first took the most-precious things and were the least violent. The second wave was angrier. But the worst was the third — little remained for them to steal.
Covering the Russian war in the Donbas, I was used to a different level of destruction. Compared with mortar fire, the Grad rocket launchers were the worst. Now, compared with the bombs being dropped, the Grad looks like a minor weapon. Nothing could be compared to an airstrike. Only the skeletons remain of some tall buildings.
Some reports have said that outrage has grown now that the world “learned about Russian soldiers killing civilians in Bucha.” Yet in early March, when journalists were filming evacuations and talking to the people who were able to escape Bucha and Irpin, we were told about dead bodies on the streets, mass graves, and executions. Though there were numerous accounts of horror, we couldn’t verify them until the towns were liberated. We had hoped the people had been exaggerating, but the violence turned out to be worse.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

TezkoDihanje ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

Poglej se. Ti si idiot.

Turčija je nasproti Krima 250km stran. Dva dni??? ;((

Kup si možgane v Mercatorju.

spaget ::

Ja carji so. Kot bi se vrnili iz križarjenja po Jadranu.
Tako, da res ni nič eksplodiralo.

Sožalje prizadetim.

Pac-Man ::

Video. Precej pomaga, da je zemlja v Ukrajini očitno zelo rahla. Mariupol je recimo grajen na mivki, je bilo vidno ob sicer manjših kraterjih tam.

Aftermath of a #Russian strike. Just take a look at the size of that crater. This wasn't even a military target.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

WizzardOfOZ ::

Po moje je mislil na mig 29:
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!

Zgodovina sprememb…

Kebo ::

 Z Merch

Z Merch

spaget ::

Pa ta tudi
Moj ata, socialistični oligarh


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: spaget ()

Pac-Man ::


The idea that Ukraine is a 'puppet' of the US, carrying on this war because the US wants it to (not because the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians reject most Russian demands), just absolutely reeks of orientalism.
Believe it or not, even in poor countries people have some idea of their own desires and the direction they want their country to go.
It is not the exclusive purview of English speaking Marxists and fascists to examine the entrails to find out who is really pulling the strings.

The reality is that the entire west figured that Ukraine would be occupied by now and was preparing Ukrainians to fight an extended insurgency. No one in the west had any faith in Ukraine and they certainly aren't 'masterminding' anything.
“Realists” bizarrely just ignore the agency of Ukraine with their insistence that the sovereignty of smaller states doesn’t matter. There’s a better solution.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

spaget ::

spaget je izjavil:

Pa ta tudi
Moj ata, socialistični oligarh

spaget je izjavil:

Pa ta tudi
Moj ata, socialistični oligarh

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: spaget ()

sbawe64 ::

V čigavem interesu je, da se vojna v Ukrajini nadaljuje??? Evropi zagotovo ne.

V čigavem interesu je dolgoročna blokada Rusije na vseh področjih??? Evropi ne. V čigavem interesu je, da se iz dneva v dan svet bolj zapleta v vojno v Ukrajini??? Evropi ne. Itd. Itd.

Obstaja pa supersila, ki ji vse to dolgoročno ustreza, celo vrtoglave dobičke kuje na ta račun, to so seveda ZDA, ki jim je za EU gladko vseeno!

ZDA so trenutno zelo zagrete za vojaško pomoč Ukrajini, niso pa ZDA nek protagonist mirovniške diplomacije, ki bi s pogajanji lahko zaustavila to nesmiselno in nepravično vojno, za katero so delno odgovorne prav ZDA!

Trenutno je vojna v Ukrajini le zagotovljen dobiček za ZDA in nočna mora za Evropo! To ti je ta kapitalizem ...
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Aston_11 ::

Pozabil si na vprašanje, v čigavem interesu je uničenje Ukrajine? Evropi ne. USA ne. Čisto tako, če že promoviraš ali pa nalašč izpušaš fašiste Ruse.

Geho ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

V čigavem interesu je, da se vojna v Ukrajini nadaljuje??? Evropi zagotovo ne.

V čigavem interesu je dolgoročna blokada Rusije na vseh področjih??? Evropi ne. V čigavem interesu je, da se iz dneva v dan svet bolj zapleta v vojno v Ukrajini??? Evropi ne. Itd. Itd.

Obstaja pa supersila, ki ji vse to dolgoročno ustreza, celo vrtoglave dobičke kuje na ta račun, to so seveda ZDA, ki jim je za EU gladko vseeno!

ZDA so trenutno zelo zagrete za vojaško pomoč Ukrajini, niso pa ZDA nek protagonist mirovniške diplomacije, ki bi s pogajanji lahko zaustavila to nesmiselno in nepravično vojno, za katero so delno odgovorne prav ZDA!

Trenutno je vojna v Ukrajini le zagotovljen dobiček za ZDA in nočna mora za Evropo! To ti je ta kapitalizem ...

Si kaj spil? Če še ne veš, so ZDA večino orožja, ki so ga poslale dale zastonj, ker Ukrajina itak nima takih vsot denarja. Prav tako EU države.
Je pa simple končati vojno: ruski orki spokajo domov. In ne, če so Ukrajinci pametni, ne bodo končali ničesar, dokler ne dobijo nazaj 100% vsega ozemlja!

Aston_11 ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

Trenutno je vojna v Ukrajini le zagotovljen dobiček za ZDA in nočna mora za Evropo! To ti je ta kapitalizem ...

Pa rusom se dviguje, ker se lahko gredo fašizem v Ukrajini vs kapitalizem v Ameriki. Ni videti, da bi te motil kapitalizem in bi bil pripravljen na boljše v Ukrajino npr., kaj šele fašistično Rusijo.

Pac-Man ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

V čigavem interesu je, da Rusija eliminira Ukrajinske elite, nastavi svoje marionete in zasužnji največjo državo v Evropi? Si pripravljen gledat stran?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

sir_mha ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

V čigavem interesu je, da se vojna v Ukrajini nadaljuje??? Evropi zagotovo ne.

V čigavem interesu je dolgoročna blokada Rusije na vseh področjih??? Evropi ne. V čigavem interesu je, da se iz dneva v dan svet bolj zapleta v vojno v Ukrajini??? Evropi ne. Itd. Itd.

Obstaja pa supersila, ki ji vse to dolgoročno ustreza, celo vrtoglave dobičke kuje na ta račun, to so seveda ZDA, ki jim je za EU gladko vseeno!

ZDA so trenutno zelo zagrete za vojaško pomoč Ukrajini, niso pa ZDA nek protagonist mirovniške diplomacije, ki bi s pogajanji lahko zaustavila to nesmiselno in nepravično vojno, za katero so delno odgovorne prav ZDA!

Trenutno je vojna v Ukrajini le zagotovljen dobiček za ZDA in nočna mora za Evropo! To ti je ta kapitalizem ...

Vojna nobenemu ne ustreza. Pogojno, ob določenem razpletu, in ne predolgem trajanju, bi lahko dobičke potegnila Kitajska.

Comandante ::

In ne, če so Ukrajinci pametni, ne bodo končali ničesar, dokler ne dobijo nazaj 100% vsega ozemlja!

To. Meje iz leta pred 2014. Nicesar manj ne smejo sprejeti, Krim je Ukrajinski. Zdaj je sansa, da ga dobijo nazaj, vendar se bojim da bo za to moral Putin najprej ostati brez glave.

Problem parkinga za ruske ladje crnomorske flote se bo zgleda resil sam od sebe, s pomocjo Neptunov. Za nove ladje barbari tako nimajo vec denarja.

yansek ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:


Russia Today, the Kremlin funded news outlet that has spent the past 8 years portraying Ukranians as Nazis & Fascists, is now having on Nick Fuentes to talk about Russophobia.

in to

Nick Fuentes @ Wikipedia
Nicholas Joseph Fuentes is an American far-right[4] and white nationalist[5] political commentator and live streamer. The Anti-Defamation League has described Fuentes as a white supremacist.[6] A former YouTuber, his channel was permanently suspended in February 2020 for violating YouTube's hate speech policy.[7] Fuentes has described himself as an American nationalist,[8] Christian conservative,[6] and paleoconservative.[9] He has expressed antisemitic views[10] and Holocaust denial[11][12] and is opposed to women's right to vote.[13]

Te ki so na skrajnem levem ali desnem polu jim najbolj pridejo prav pri potencialnem netenju memirov in destabilizaciji

PrimoZ_ ::

Rus crkuje se svet raduje!


mackilla ::

WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:

Po moje je mislil na mig 29:

Če se je prej pozanimal:D

korenje3 ::

i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

PrimoZ_ ::

Dejmo raj tole pogledat.

Russia - 2917, of which: destroyed: 1551, damaged: 44, abandoned: 238, captured: 1084

Tanks (505, of which destroyed: 256, damaged: 9, abandoned: 39, captured: 201)

Lepo, zares lepo.

Pa še Moskva pod vodo.
Za pivo odpret :)

mackilla ::

korenje3 je izjavil:


Trust me bro.

PrimoZ_ ::

mackilla je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:


Trust me bro.

Copium :D

sir_mha ::

korenje3 je izjavil:


Na nobeni fotki se ne vidi, da bi šlo za napad od zgoraj. Tega niti v niti ne omenjajo.

Korenje, tukaj raje končajmo. Da je Javelin, najdražji ATGM, narejen zato, da nevtralizira vojake, ki se vozijo na vrhu tanka, je preveč močna izjava za en dan. Gremo raje počivat.

PrimoZ_ ::

Rus crkuje se svet raduje! :)


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

Geho ::

korenje3 je izjavil:


Če bo šlo tak naprej, bom kmal cel plato spil... :))
A že kdo ve, če bodo te tanove znamke prodajal tud za dobrodelne namene?

PrimoZ_ ::

WizzardOfOZ ::

sir_mha je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:


Na nobeni fotki se ne vidi, da bi šlo za napad od zgoraj. Tega niti v niti ne omenjajo.

Korenje, tukaj raje končajmo. Da je Javelin, najdražji ATGM, narejen zato, da nevtralizira vojake, ki se vozijo na vrhu tanka, je preveč močna izjava za en dan. Gremo raje počivat.

FGM-148 Javelin je top attack weapon (hitting them from above). Ker je z vrha oklep najtanjši. Ne pa za nevtralizacijo vojakov na tanku. Zadeva leti do 150m v višino pri "top-attack mode" in 60m v "direct-fire mode"

Spada pa med AAWS-M - Advanced Anti-Tank Weapon System Medium

 top attack

top attack

 direct attack

direct attack

Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!

Zgodovina sprememb…

yansek ::

PrimoZ_ je izjavil:

Rus crkuje se svet raduje! :)


Mislim, da jih ni za podcenjevati, imajo po moje njihove službe tudi druga orožja v arsenalu, predvsem npr pri poskusih destabilizacije družbe, pri sprožanju nemirov in protestov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: yansek ()

asdf_jklc ::

No evo zahodnjaške provokacije so uspele, kar je posredno potrdil tudi Peskov: Rusija bo napovedala vojno Ukrajini, kar bo Rusiji omogočilo prisilno vpoklic milijonov vojakov + uporabo taktičnega jedrskega orožja. Bravo zahod...

WizzardOfOZ ::

asdf_jklc je izjavil:

No evo zahodnjaške provokacije so uspele, kar je posredno potrdil tudi Peskov: Rusija bo napovedala vojno Ukrajini, kar bo Rusiji omogočilo prisilno vpoklic milijonov vojakov + uporabo taktičnega jedrskega orožja. Bravo zahod...

Zdej pa lahko upamo, da kaka taktična ne bo odlutala kan na kakšno manjšo državo, ki se preveč oglaša. Kot je recimo tist ukrajinski topoljev celo do zagreba odletu.
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!

Voss ::

WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:

asdf_jklc je izjavil:

No evo zahodnjaške provokacije so uspele, kar je posredno potrdil tudi Peskov: Rusija bo napovedala vojno Ukrajini, kar bo Rusiji omogočilo prisilno vpoklic milijonov vojakov + uporabo taktičnega jedrskega orožja. Bravo zahod...

Zdej pa lahko upamo, da kaka taktična ne bo odlutala kan na kakšno manjšo državo, ki se preveč oglaša. Kot je recimo tist ukrajinski topoljev celo do zagreba odletu.

Če želijo popolnoma zravnano z zemljo zahodno Rusijo, potem kar, če upajo ;)

WizzardOfOZ ::

yes, yes, ker nas bo veliki brat čuval in bo zarad nas ogrožal še svojo državo? (ja, že čaka za vogalom z bejzbolko, ko cigoti, ki pošljejo najmanjšega težit naokoli, da se potem lahko tepejo, ane)

En dober komentar Čeferina na to:
Po njegovem bi morali po svetu več pozornosti nameniti pozivanju k miru in skupnim pogovorom. Vlogo Slovenije ob dogajanju v Ukrajini vidi kot nepotrebno izpostavljanje.

Slovenija je popolnoma brez razloga in posebne teže med najbolj izpostavljenimi državami, odkar se je začela vojna. Vsaka vlada bi morala predvsem skrbeti za interese Slovenije, ne pa za lastno profiliranje. Verjamem, da je oblast sladka in je pomembno dobiti volitve, a interesa Slovenije zaradi osebne promocije ne bi smeli izpostavljati.
Ostati moramo del jedra Evropske unije, posamične akcije pa so nesmiselne, vendar na svetovni ravni k sreči nimajo posebnega pomena," je dejal. V obsežnem intervjuju je 54-letnik poudaril, da se v politiko ne bo spuščal, nenazadnje se mu v prihodnjih letih obeta še en mandat na čelu Uefe. V domovini opaža predvsem odsotnost moralnih vrednot in poziva k množični udeležbi na volitvah.
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!

Zgodovina sprememb…

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