Forum » Igre » Silent Hills
Silent Hills

oo7 ::
Izid igre še ni znan, ker igra še ni dokončana. Igro so prestavili na Gamescom 2014 na playstation 4 in bo po vsej verjetnosti tudi za PC in xbox.
Pri igri sodeluje Hideo Kojima(Metal Gear igre) in režiser Guillermo del Toro((Pacific Rim, Hellboy, Favnov Labirint) in v glavni vlogi igra Norman Reedus(Walking dead Daryl)
NEW | P.T coming to PlayStation. Download the demo NOW
P.T pomeni Playable Teaser in tisti, ki imate Playstation 4 lahko sprobate demo
Silent Hills: Playable Teaser Walkthrough (Part 1)
Silent Hills Teaser - Gamescom 2014
Pri igri sodeluje Hideo Kojima(Metal Gear igre) in režiser Guillermo del Toro((Pacific Rim, Hellboy, Favnov Labirint) in v glavni vlogi igra Norman Reedus(Walking dead Daryl)

NEW | P.T coming to PlayStation. Download the demo NOW
P.T pomeni Playable Teaser in tisti, ki imate Playstation 4 lahko sprobate demo

Silent Hills: Playable Teaser Walkthrough (Part 1)
Silent Hills Teaser - Gamescom 2014

RejZoR ::
Ko sem gledal Angry Joe-a ko je igral to zadevo se mi je zdelo kar zanimivo. Sicer nisem glih fan teh creepy špilov ampak grafika je delovala res noro.
Angry Sheep Blog @

AapocalypseE ::
Igra zgleda noro dobra, ampak na žalost je Cancelled.

oo7 ::
Dve novi Silent Hill igri ?
Rumor: Two Silent Hill games are currently in development
Rumor: Two Silent Hill games are currently in development

oo7 ::
AapocalypseE je izjavil:
Igra zgleda noro dobra, ampak na žalost je Cancelled.
Mogoče so igro obudili od mrtvih ?

Za naslednji teden Kojima nekaj pripravlja in nekateri mislijo, da je Silent Hill igra.
Pyramid head

oo7 ::
Rumor: Kojima Developing Silent Hill Game With Sony Funding
Če Sony financira potem verjetno bo PS ekskuziva.
Če Sony financira potem verjetno bo PS ekskuziva.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
SILENT HILL Ascension | Official Trailer
Redemption, suffering, or damnation? The actions of millions will determine the outcomes of SILENT HILL: Ascension. Genvid presents a new interactive series, coming in 2023.
Redemption, suffering, or damnation? The actions of millions will determine the outcomes of SILENT HILL: Ascension. Genvid presents a new interactive series, coming in 2023.
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