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Aktivacija Microsoft Offic-a

Aktivacija Microsoft Offic-a

WarLord11 ::

Moj problem je sledeč
Kupil sem MO, na strani: http://www.keatingarts.com, za en računalnik, vendar po formatiranju windowsem mi kupljen CD-key ne prime.

Machete ::

Če si kupil Office 2013 ga imaš vezanega na Microsoft račun z katerim si ga aktiviral.
Drugače pa pokliči slovenski Microsoft in ti bodo pomagali, saj so kar prijazni.

WarLord11 ::

Aktiviral sem ga s pomočjo CD-keya in ne preko MS računa.

Hayabusa ::

Obrni se na njihov teh support:

Machete ::

Ko sem jaz aktiviral 2013 sem enako aktiviral preko keya, ampak ta se je povezal na MS račun in drugače ni šlo.

WarLord11 ::

Jaz sem isto in bil prijavljen v MS račun, samo se ta kar ni navezal. Ko poskušam navezat CD-key na MS račun mi MS-jeva stran napiše da je banned.

mitja73 ::

A niso te cene malo zelo nizke ?
Če bi bile resnične bi vsi samo še tule kupovali, hmmmm.

Hayabusa ::

How are you able to sell your software at such low prices?

We are not under contract with or "authorized" to sell on behalf of any particular software manufacturer. As a result, we are able to sell our products significantly below the MSRP. We purchase at lower prices from reputable sources in the wholesale market and pass those savings on to you!

mitja73 ::

Hayabusa je izjavil:

How are you able to sell your software at such low prices?

We are not under contract with or "authorized" to sell on behalf of any particular software manufacturer. As a result, we are able to sell our products significantly below the MSRP. We purchase at lower prices from reputable sources in the wholesale market and pass those savings on to you!

Upam da ni nateg, ampak če bi tole res vse držalo bi tile imeli 100% market share pri takih cenah.

mitja73 ::

by Google:

"avoid....many of these sites are selling enterprise (group) licences , you basically get the same key as 1000's of other people , once Microsoft shuts down that key (and they do eventually) , everyone loses access to their OS. "

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