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This War of Mine

odbitko ::
Igra zlo težka, sem preigral par ur in mi ni jasno a si on sam zvija čike pa kadi al mu jih moreš jaz ?
Čike si sami zvijajo.
Dnevna poraba se vidi v zavihku , kjer vidi trenutno stanje(kjer piše koliko stolov rabiš, koliko postelj...)
Hvala sem prej opazoval in sem videl da si ga kr sam prižge :D Sem začel znova in sem že pri dnevu 6, naredil že orožje, orodja veliko... Ponoči dam 2 na Guard enega pa pošljem ropat :D Se mi zdi da je bolše ker drugače skoz ropajo

oo7 ::
Samo hudiča je 2 dati na guard, jih daste čez dan spati potem? Zanimiva igra no :)
Če igraš s tremi igralci potem gre eden po surovine dva je pa najbolje dati na guard, ker če je samo eden potem ga lahko hitro poškodujejo. Podnevi jih pa lepo spočiješ.
Če imaš pa vse tri luknje zabite proti vsiljivcem pa worksop nadgrajen, do konca imaš pa možnost, da na vrata montiraš alarm. Takrat pa, ko gre eden ven po surovine lahko vsi ostali čez noč spijo in če kdo pride jih avtomatsko zbudi alarm

oo7 ::
Malo o likih v igri v čem je kater dober kar velikokrat pride zelo prav.
Primer: Bruno, ki je dober kuhar za kuhanje porabi manj vode in drv
Poletne skupine:
Zlata, Pavle, Cveta, Anton
Marko, Pavle, Bruno
Pavle, Bruno, Katia
Roman, Bruno, Arica
Anton, Cveta
Zlata, Roman, Bruno
Katia, Roman
Emilia, Zlata
Zimske skupine:
Boris, Marin, Emilia, Roman
Marin, Katia, Arica
Zlata, Pavle, Anton, Cveta
Katia, Roman
Anton, Cveta
Boris, Marin, Emilia
Pavle: 12 Backpack Spaces
"Before this whole mess begun, I lived with my wife and son in the better part of the city. I haven't seen them in a long time, I hope they are okay. I'm not doing so well, as you can see. Who needs football players during war? Nobody cares about sports when every day can be their last. So I scavenge the ruins like everyone else, hoping for the best."
Pavle is not resistant to depression.
Pavle has no addictions.
Pavle's main attribute is Fast Runner. Fast Runner allows Pavle to run through scavenging sites and away from hostiles faster. It also decreases his chances to be shot by a sniper.
Katja: 12 Backpack Spaces
"I grew up in this city, but went abroad to study and started working as a reporter. I'd been away for years. When the troubles escalated into a war, I was picked to write reports on it. I'd have volunteered anyway, I was so anxious to check on my parents. But it was too late. I found my house in ruins, my family had disappeared. I've been looking for them ever since."
Katia is not resistant to depression.
Katia is a Coffee Drinker - a type of addiction. Katia can use water and coffee to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredients are in your inventory, all coffee drinkers will automatically use them.
Katia's main attribute is Bargaining Skills. Bargaining Skills allows Katia to make better deals in trades with merchants as well as characters you can meet on scavenging missions.
Also seems to be a skilled guitar player
Arica - 10 Backpack Spaces
"I'm a simple girl from the hood and I know life. Street raised me more than my father did. That old sot beat me whenever he felt like it and knew how to make it hurt. That's all over now, he bit the dust in the first days of the war. I've been a cat burglar since I turned 14, you know how it is. I'm better at it than anyone you know and I can sneak like a fox. You'd be a fool kicking me out."
Arica is not resistant to depression.
Arica is a Smoker - a type of addiction. Arica can use cigarettes to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredient is in your inventory, all smokers will automatically use them.
Arica's main attribute is Sneak Quietly. Sneak Quietly allows Arica to make less noise in all her action while on scavenging missions. Less noise means less chance for you to be noticed by potential hostiles.
Marin - 10 Backpack Spaces
"Something broke? I can fix it. Any worthless trash lying around? I can make plenty of useful stuff out of junk. And I don't waste material - all of them, parts, bits of wood, plastic pipes ... and all of the other ... things. I know how to make tools, furniture, stoves, heaters, whatever. Given enough time, I could make this place look almost like a proper home. I wish it was equally simple with mine."
Marin is resistant to depression.
Marin is a Coffee Drinker - a type of addiction. Marin can use water and coffee to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredients are in your inventory, all coffee drinkers will automatically use them.
Marin's main attribute is Handyman. Handyman allows Marin to use fewer materials to make appliances and improvements to your house. This saves enormous amounts of materials over time (especially useful in Winter, when fuel is needed). Constructing items takes the same amount of time, however.
Boris - 17 Backpack Spaces
"I'm not big with words. I'm just a regular guy, I used to stack stuff on night shift at a warehouse, by hand mostly. It was a tough job, but I was always strong, even when I was a kid. Now this place is gone, shelled to hell, and so is my home. My foot was crushed under the rubble. It has healed, but it's still a bit stiff, so I can't run very fast. But I can carry more than anyone I know."
Boris is resistant to depression.
Boris is a Smoker - a type of addiction. Boris can use cigarettes to relieve symptons of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredient is in your inventory, all smokers will automatically use them.
Boris' main attribute is Strong but Slow. Strong but slow gives Boris his legendary inventory capacity of 17, allowing him to scavenge enormous amounts of materials in one run. However, he moves much slower than other characters, so running from hostiles is difficult and crossing Sniper Junction is impossible. It is unclear if this skill allows him to complete land clearance tasks (digging through rubble, busting open doors, etc.) faster.
Boris has high combat proficiency. (Note: combat proficiency may involve multiple inputs: attack speed, damage, health, resistance to wounds.)
Emilia - 10 Backpack Spaces
Now that we're stuck together, I might as well tell you about me and my family. Father was a very practical man. He always reminded us of the importance of financial safety. That's why I became a lawyer like him, and my sister was to become a doctor. When the war broke out, we had a lot of savings on our family account. But the currency soon lost all value, the banks were closed and we had no foreign cash. In a matter of days we became poor."
Emilia is not resistant to depression.
Emilia is a Coffee Drinker - a type of addiction. Emilia can use water and coffee to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredient is in your inventory, all coffee drinkers will automatically use them.
Emilia's main attribute is Talented Lawyer. Events that improves or worsens morale has reduced effects on her.
Bruno - 10 Backpack Spaces
"Before the war, I used to own a restaurant. I even had my own TV show: "Bruno's Cuisine", I'm sure you've seen it. I visited beautiful places where I was filmed cooking exquisite dishes. All of that seems of no importance now, don't you think? Nowadays, you're lucky if you get your hands on some canned meat or a bag of rice. And who knows how long this war is going to last."
Bruno is resistant to 'depression.
Bruno is a Smoker - a type of addiction. Bruno can use cigarettes to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredient is in your inventory, all smokers will automatically use them.
Bruno's main attribute is Good Cook. Good Cook allows Bruno to make food with less fuel and water. He also use less of other ingredients while crafting (example Moonshine & Medicine).
Anton - 8 Backpack Spaces
"I've been running into either insufferable rubes or outright criminals. But I feel that you're different! And for a scientist with an established position like me, the company of people of comparable mental capacity is paramount. Besides... ah, bloody hell, I can't stand faking it anymore! I'm just an old fart who knows nothing. I'm so grateful for your company. I've been out there alone for too long. Way too long."
Anton cannot drink liquor in order to relieve symptoms of depression.
Anton has no addictions.
Anton's main attribute is Good Mathematician. It is unknown what Good Mathematician provides Anton. *Good Mathematician makes Anton better at relieving depression.
Marko - 15 Backpack Spaces
"I thought I'd been through hell before. I'm a fireman. I've entered blazing buildings to save lives more times than I care to remember. But back then I had people teamed up against a common foe, namely the fire. Nowadays, your former neighbor can kill you because your grandparents spoke a different language than his. This is true hell on Earth."
When Marko appears alone, he will talk about himself when he was still a fireman before the war. For example, he will mention that he once rescued a woman called Alina and was going to marry her.
Mark is not resistant to depression.
Marko has no addictions.
Marko's main attribute is Good Scavenger. Good Scavenger gives Marko the second largest inventory capacity (behind Boris) of 15. Note: it is unclear if this skill also gives Marko a better chance to find loot of higher value or more loot.
Zlata - 12 Backpack Spaces
"I was just accepted to the music academy when the war broke out. I had so many plans, I had dreams. I used to play the guitar, date boys, dance. My little brother Tadei always made me smile. It all seems a dream now, replaced by this nightmare we live in. Yet, I still hope one day we can forget the war and carry on with our lives as if it never happened."
Zlata is not resistant to 'depression.
Zlata is skilled at playing Guitar, which can treat symptoms of depression.
Zlata has no addictions.
Zlata's main attribute is Bolsters Spirits. This allows her to more effectively console members who are broken or have depression. It is unclear if this skill also gives her entire group increased resistance to depression.
Roman - 10 Backpack Spaces
"I never thought I'd end up running and hiding from my buddies. But that's how things turned out. We were like brothers, and now I'm a dead man to them. My crew had ruled the 'hood since we were teens until just before the war. Then some of us got drafted, like my best friend Leon, others like me volunteered for the militia. It was going to be the ultimate showdown and every single one of us wanted a piece of the action."
Roman is highly resistant to depression.
Roman is a Smoker - a type of addiction. Roman can use cigarettes to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredient is in your inventory, all smokers will automatically use them.
Roman's main attribute is Trained in Combat. Probably give him advantage in dealing damage with all weapons.
Roman has the highest combat proficiency of any playable character. (Note: combat proficiency may involve multiple inputs: attack speed, damage, health, resistance to wounds.)
Cveta - 8 Backpack Spaces
"Oh dear, that is embarrassing. I know I'm not much of an asset in this terrible situation. I have good administrative and logistical skills, which won't be of any use, given the circumstances. I'm told I'm a good caregiver - I really love kids. On the other hand, perhaps it's good that they don't have to suffer here with us... What else I have a driver's license... sorry, that was my poor attempt at a joke."
(needed: resistance to depression.)
Cveta has no addictions.
Cveta's main attribute is Loves Children. It is unknown what Loves Children gives Cveta, however it may give her increased happiness when quests are completed for children and increased depression when they are refused. Also, it could possibly give her greater chances of positive interactions with NPC's while out scavenging.
Character Types:
Pavle - his Fast Runner attribute helps him evade sniper fire and run from hostiles faster. He can also run through scavenging sites faster. He has 12 inventory slots, making him a fairly good option for scavenging in general.
Arica - her Sneak Quietly attribute helps her evade hostile NPC's at scavenging sites. Arica only has 10 inventory slots, limiting her usefulness while scavenging. She should only be used when hostile NPC's are present and you do not want to risk combat.
Boris - his Strong but Slow attribute gives him a massive inventory (17). Given that he is only given as a starting character in the Winter, Boris is primarily useful to transport large amounts of materials to compensate for the need for fuel.
Marko - his Good Scavenger attribute gives him 15 inventory spaces. Marko is only available as a starting character in the Summer. He can be considered as the Summer version of Boris.
Roman - his Trained in Combat attribute gives him the highest combat proficiency in the game. However, he only has 10 inventory slots, limiting his usefulness while scavenging. He should only be used when hostile NPC's are present and you do want to risk combat.
Home Improvement
Marin - his Handyman attribute allows him to build things with far fewer materials. Marin is only available as a starting character in the Winter and serves the primary purpose of conserving materials in building to be used instead for fuel.
Bruno - his Good Cook attribute allows him to save fuel and cook faster. Bruno is only available as a starting character in the Summer. He can in many ways be considered as the Summer version of Marin.
Zlata - her Bolsters Spirits attribute allows her to be highly effective in helping other characters through depression. Zlata is only available as a starting character in the Winter and serves the primary purpose of preserving moral within the group. Zlata's role is secondary to other Home Improvement Characters, as she is useful in less common circumstances.
NPC Interaction
Katia - her Bargaining Skills attribute allows her to trade with merchants and civilians at better prices. Katia's primary attribute is the most commonly called for among NPC Interaction characters. Katia has an inventory capacity of 12, making her a decent scavenger, especially when a Possible Trade is available. Also, trading with merchants makes her content
Emilia - the benefits of her Talented Lawyer attribute are still unknown, but it most likely gives her particular special event advantages.
Anton - the benefits of his Good Mathematician attribute are still unknown, but it most likely gives him particular special event advantages.
Roman - his Trained in Combat attribute gives him the highest combat proficiency in the game. Roman is a very good option to have Guard your shelter at night against looters. While this is an indirect form of NPC Interaction, it is one of the most useful and commonly required. Also, despite his low inventory capacity (10), he can be extremely useful in special events where hostile NPC's are present.
Cveta - the benefits of her Loves Children attribute are still unknown, but it most likely givers her particular special event advantages. Also, some quests are given by children, and completion of these quests may make her extremely content.
Primer: Bruno, ki je dober kuhar za kuhanje porabi manj vode in drv

Poletne skupine:
Zlata, Pavle, Cveta, Anton
Marko, Pavle, Bruno
Pavle, Bruno, Katia
Roman, Bruno, Arica
Anton, Cveta
Zlata, Roman, Bruno
Katia, Roman
Emilia, Zlata
Zimske skupine:
Boris, Marin, Emilia, Roman
Marin, Katia, Arica
Zlata, Pavle, Anton, Cveta
Katia, Roman
Anton, Cveta
Boris, Marin, Emilia
Pavle: 12 Backpack Spaces
"Before this whole mess begun, I lived with my wife and son in the better part of the city. I haven't seen them in a long time, I hope they are okay. I'm not doing so well, as you can see. Who needs football players during war? Nobody cares about sports when every day can be their last. So I scavenge the ruins like everyone else, hoping for the best."
Pavle is not resistant to depression.
Pavle has no addictions.
Pavle's main attribute is Fast Runner. Fast Runner allows Pavle to run through scavenging sites and away from hostiles faster. It also decreases his chances to be shot by a sniper.
Katja: 12 Backpack Spaces
"I grew up in this city, but went abroad to study and started working as a reporter. I'd been away for years. When the troubles escalated into a war, I was picked to write reports on it. I'd have volunteered anyway, I was so anxious to check on my parents. But it was too late. I found my house in ruins, my family had disappeared. I've been looking for them ever since."
Katia is not resistant to depression.
Katia is a Coffee Drinker - a type of addiction. Katia can use water and coffee to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredients are in your inventory, all coffee drinkers will automatically use them.
Katia's main attribute is Bargaining Skills. Bargaining Skills allows Katia to make better deals in trades with merchants as well as characters you can meet on scavenging missions.
Also seems to be a skilled guitar player
Arica - 10 Backpack Spaces
"I'm a simple girl from the hood and I know life. Street raised me more than my father did. That old sot beat me whenever he felt like it and knew how to make it hurt. That's all over now, he bit the dust in the first days of the war. I've been a cat burglar since I turned 14, you know how it is. I'm better at it than anyone you know and I can sneak like a fox. You'd be a fool kicking me out."
Arica is not resistant to depression.
Arica is a Smoker - a type of addiction. Arica can use cigarettes to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredient is in your inventory, all smokers will automatically use them.
Arica's main attribute is Sneak Quietly. Sneak Quietly allows Arica to make less noise in all her action while on scavenging missions. Less noise means less chance for you to be noticed by potential hostiles.
Marin - 10 Backpack Spaces
"Something broke? I can fix it. Any worthless trash lying around? I can make plenty of useful stuff out of junk. And I don't waste material - all of them, parts, bits of wood, plastic pipes ... and all of the other ... things. I know how to make tools, furniture, stoves, heaters, whatever. Given enough time, I could make this place look almost like a proper home. I wish it was equally simple with mine."
Marin is resistant to depression.
Marin is a Coffee Drinker - a type of addiction. Marin can use water and coffee to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredients are in your inventory, all coffee drinkers will automatically use them.
Marin's main attribute is Handyman. Handyman allows Marin to use fewer materials to make appliances and improvements to your house. This saves enormous amounts of materials over time (especially useful in Winter, when fuel is needed). Constructing items takes the same amount of time, however.
Boris - 17 Backpack Spaces
"I'm not big with words. I'm just a regular guy, I used to stack stuff on night shift at a warehouse, by hand mostly. It was a tough job, but I was always strong, even when I was a kid. Now this place is gone, shelled to hell, and so is my home. My foot was crushed under the rubble. It has healed, but it's still a bit stiff, so I can't run very fast. But I can carry more than anyone I know."
Boris is resistant to depression.
Boris is a Smoker - a type of addiction. Boris can use cigarettes to relieve symptons of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredient is in your inventory, all smokers will automatically use them.
Boris' main attribute is Strong but Slow. Strong but slow gives Boris his legendary inventory capacity of 17, allowing him to scavenge enormous amounts of materials in one run. However, he moves much slower than other characters, so running from hostiles is difficult and crossing Sniper Junction is impossible. It is unclear if this skill allows him to complete land clearance tasks (digging through rubble, busting open doors, etc.) faster.
Boris has high combat proficiency. (Note: combat proficiency may involve multiple inputs: attack speed, damage, health, resistance to wounds.)
Emilia - 10 Backpack Spaces
Now that we're stuck together, I might as well tell you about me and my family. Father was a very practical man. He always reminded us of the importance of financial safety. That's why I became a lawyer like him, and my sister was to become a doctor. When the war broke out, we had a lot of savings on our family account. But the currency soon lost all value, the banks were closed and we had no foreign cash. In a matter of days we became poor."
Emilia is not resistant to depression.
Emilia is a Coffee Drinker - a type of addiction. Emilia can use water and coffee to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredient is in your inventory, all coffee drinkers will automatically use them.
Emilia's main attribute is Talented Lawyer. Events that improves or worsens morale has reduced effects on her.
Bruno - 10 Backpack Spaces
"Before the war, I used to own a restaurant. I even had my own TV show: "Bruno's Cuisine", I'm sure you've seen it. I visited beautiful places where I was filmed cooking exquisite dishes. All of that seems of no importance now, don't you think? Nowadays, you're lucky if you get your hands on some canned meat or a bag of rice. And who knows how long this war is going to last."
Bruno is resistant to 'depression.
Bruno is a Smoker - a type of addiction. Bruno can use cigarettes to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredient is in your inventory, all smokers will automatically use them.
Bruno's main attribute is Good Cook. Good Cook allows Bruno to make food with less fuel and water. He also use less of other ingredients while crafting (example Moonshine & Medicine).
Anton - 8 Backpack Spaces
"I've been running into either insufferable rubes or outright criminals. But I feel that you're different! And for a scientist with an established position like me, the company of people of comparable mental capacity is paramount. Besides... ah, bloody hell, I can't stand faking it anymore! I'm just an old fart who knows nothing. I'm so grateful for your company. I've been out there alone for too long. Way too long."
Anton cannot drink liquor in order to relieve symptoms of depression.
Anton has no addictions.
Anton's main attribute is Good Mathematician. It is unknown what Good Mathematician provides Anton. *Good Mathematician makes Anton better at relieving depression.
Marko - 15 Backpack Spaces
"I thought I'd been through hell before. I'm a fireman. I've entered blazing buildings to save lives more times than I care to remember. But back then I had people teamed up against a common foe, namely the fire. Nowadays, your former neighbor can kill you because your grandparents spoke a different language than his. This is true hell on Earth."
When Marko appears alone, he will talk about himself when he was still a fireman before the war. For example, he will mention that he once rescued a woman called Alina and was going to marry her.
Mark is not resistant to depression.
Marko has no addictions.
Marko's main attribute is Good Scavenger. Good Scavenger gives Marko the second largest inventory capacity (behind Boris) of 15. Note: it is unclear if this skill also gives Marko a better chance to find loot of higher value or more loot.
Zlata - 12 Backpack Spaces
"I was just accepted to the music academy when the war broke out. I had so many plans, I had dreams. I used to play the guitar, date boys, dance. My little brother Tadei always made me smile. It all seems a dream now, replaced by this nightmare we live in. Yet, I still hope one day we can forget the war and carry on with our lives as if it never happened."
Zlata is not resistant to 'depression.
Zlata is skilled at playing Guitar, which can treat symptoms of depression.
Zlata has no addictions.
Zlata's main attribute is Bolsters Spirits. This allows her to more effectively console members who are broken or have depression. It is unclear if this skill also gives her entire group increased resistance to depression.
Roman - 10 Backpack Spaces
"I never thought I'd end up running and hiding from my buddies. But that's how things turned out. We were like brothers, and now I'm a dead man to them. My crew had ruled the 'hood since we were teens until just before the war. Then some of us got drafted, like my best friend Leon, others like me volunteered for the militia. It was going to be the ultimate showdown and every single one of us wanted a piece of the action."
Roman is highly resistant to depression.
Roman is a Smoker - a type of addiction. Roman can use cigarettes to relieve symptoms of depression. Note: when the necessary ingredient is in your inventory, all smokers will automatically use them.
Roman's main attribute is Trained in Combat. Probably give him advantage in dealing damage with all weapons.
Roman has the highest combat proficiency of any playable character. (Note: combat proficiency may involve multiple inputs: attack speed, damage, health, resistance to wounds.)
Cveta - 8 Backpack Spaces
"Oh dear, that is embarrassing. I know I'm not much of an asset in this terrible situation. I have good administrative and logistical skills, which won't be of any use, given the circumstances. I'm told I'm a good caregiver - I really love kids. On the other hand, perhaps it's good that they don't have to suffer here with us... What else I have a driver's license... sorry, that was my poor attempt at a joke."
(needed: resistance to depression.)
Cveta has no addictions.
Cveta's main attribute is Loves Children. It is unknown what Loves Children gives Cveta, however it may give her increased happiness when quests are completed for children and increased depression when they are refused. Also, it could possibly give her greater chances of positive interactions with NPC's while out scavenging.
Character Types:
Pavle - his Fast Runner attribute helps him evade sniper fire and run from hostiles faster. He can also run through scavenging sites faster. He has 12 inventory slots, making him a fairly good option for scavenging in general.
Arica - her Sneak Quietly attribute helps her evade hostile NPC's at scavenging sites. Arica only has 10 inventory slots, limiting her usefulness while scavenging. She should only be used when hostile NPC's are present and you do not want to risk combat.
Boris - his Strong but Slow attribute gives him a massive inventory (17). Given that he is only given as a starting character in the Winter, Boris is primarily useful to transport large amounts of materials to compensate for the need for fuel.
Marko - his Good Scavenger attribute gives him 15 inventory spaces. Marko is only available as a starting character in the Summer. He can be considered as the Summer version of Boris.
Roman - his Trained in Combat attribute gives him the highest combat proficiency in the game. However, he only has 10 inventory slots, limiting his usefulness while scavenging. He should only be used when hostile NPC's are present and you do want to risk combat.
Home Improvement
Marin - his Handyman attribute allows him to build things with far fewer materials. Marin is only available as a starting character in the Winter and serves the primary purpose of conserving materials in building to be used instead for fuel.
Bruno - his Good Cook attribute allows him to save fuel and cook faster. Bruno is only available as a starting character in the Summer. He can in many ways be considered as the Summer version of Marin.
Zlata - her Bolsters Spirits attribute allows her to be highly effective in helping other characters through depression. Zlata is only available as a starting character in the Winter and serves the primary purpose of preserving moral within the group. Zlata's role is secondary to other Home Improvement Characters, as she is useful in less common circumstances.
NPC Interaction
Katia - her Bargaining Skills attribute allows her to trade with merchants and civilians at better prices. Katia's primary attribute is the most commonly called for among NPC Interaction characters. Katia has an inventory capacity of 12, making her a decent scavenger, especially when a Possible Trade is available. Also, trading with merchants makes her content
Emilia - the benefits of her Talented Lawyer attribute are still unknown, but it most likely gives her particular special event advantages.
Anton - the benefits of his Good Mathematician attribute are still unknown, but it most likely gives him particular special event advantages.
Roman - his Trained in Combat attribute gives him the highest combat proficiency in the game. Roman is a very good option to have Guard your shelter at night against looters. While this is an indirect form of NPC Interaction, it is one of the most useful and commonly required. Also, despite his low inventory capacity (10), he can be extremely useful in special events where hostile NPC's are present.
Cveta - the benefits of her Loves Children attribute are still unknown, but it most likely givers her particular special event advantages. Also, some quests are given by children, and completion of these quests may make her extremely content.

odbitko ::

bambam20 ::
Mene predvsem zanima kako začnete igro. Kaj najprej pobirate okoli in kaj najprej upgrejdate.

oo7 ::
Mene predvsem zanima kako začnete igro. Kaj najprej pobirate okoli in kaj najprej upgrejdate.
Šrauftak( za izdelovanje lopat in odpiranje ključavnic), postelja in štedilnik. Potem pa na začetku pobiram predvsem zdravila, hrano in materjal, ker orožje na začetku še ni tako važno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

bambam20 ::
Mene predvsem zanima kako začnete igro. Kaj najprej pobirate okoli in kaj najprej upgrejdate.
Šrauftak( za izdelovanje lopat in odpiranje ključavnic), postelja in štedilnik. Potem pa na začetku pobiram predvsem zdravila, hrano in materjal, ker orožje na začetku še ni tako važno.
Delovno mizo za izdeloavnje orodja naredim takoj: posteljo, štedilnik tudi. zanima me seved,a kaj potem prvo kopičite. Materijal ali zdravilo in hrano. Sklepam, da malo tega in malo drugega ne gre.

oo7 ::
Mene predvsem zanima kako začnete igro. Kaj najprej pobirate okoli in kaj najprej upgrejdate.
Šrauftak( za izdelovanje lopat in odpiranje ključavnic), postelja in štedilnik. Potem pa na začetku pobiram predvsem zdravila, hrano in materjal, ker orožje na začetku še ni tako važno.
Delovno mizo za izdeloavnje orodja naredim takoj: posteljo, štedilnik tudi. zanima me seved,a kaj potem prvo kopičite. Materijal ali zdravilo in hrano. Sklepam, da malo tega in malo drugega ne gre.
Tisto za lovljenje vode ponavadi in pa za delanje alkohola, ker se dobro prodaja ali pa zboljša razpoloženje

Imam pa največkrat problem z hrano.

odbitko ::
Nesmeš preceč ropat trugim, nesmeš jih ubijat, če pa jih rošap da jin naredi alkohol da se bojo napisi in bo pozadbla...

jype ::
Pri prvem poskusu sem prišel skozi mrzlo obdobje in brez večjih težav zdržal do 38. dneva, ko sta mi dva umrla (Pavleta je snajper, Markota so pa že dan prej nočni vsiljivci močno ranili in je umrl, ker so pobrali povoje). Potem so do 41. dneva umrli še vsi ostali. Vse to praktično brez uporabe orodja in orožja, zgolj s štedilnikom, pečjo, radijem, knjigami in foteljem, ter z nekaj posteljami. Najbolj je pomagala Katja, ki je skozi igro nafehtala ogromno hrane in drv v zameno za smeti. Imel sem še Pavleta, Markota, Brunota, Cveto in Emilio. Bruno je edini, ki je v zadnjih dnevih igre poklal en kup sovražnikov (v skladišču in pri cerkvi). Zgleda dobri kuharji dobro obvladajo nož.

oo7 ::
Pri prvem poskusu sem prišel skozi mrzlo obdobje in brez večjih težav zdržal do 38. dneva, ko sta mi dva umrla (Pavleta je snajper, Markota so pa že dan prej nočni vsiljivci močno ranili in je umrl, ker so pobrali povoje). Potem so do 41. dneva umrli še vsi ostali. Vse to praktično brez uporabe orodja in orožja, zgolj s štedilnikom, pečjo, radijem, knjigami in foteljem, ter z nekaj posteljami. Najbolj je pomagala Katja, ki je skozi igro nafehtala ogromno hrane in drv v zameno za smeti. Imel sem še Pavleta, Markota, Brunota, Cveto in Emilio. Bruno je edini, ki je v zadnjih dnevih igre poklal en kup sovražnikov (v skladišču in pri cerkvi). Zgleda dobri kuharji dobro obvladajo nož.
Dobr si, da si že v prvem poiskusu prišel tako daleč

Tam kjer je sniper moraš počakati, da vstreli in potem tečeš, do prvega zidu in spet počakaš, da vstreli pa potem spet tečeš...

jype ::
M-Power> Tam kjer je sniper moraš počakati, da vstreli in potem tečeš, do prvega zidu in spet počakaš, da vstreli pa potem spet tečeš...
Ja, zadnji dan je Cveta edina še lahko tekla in ji je ratalo odpret vrata v jašku (ampak ni našla zdravil in je umrla od bolezni). Pavleta so skinili prvič ko je pogledal izza vogala.
Ja, zadnji dan je Cveta edina še lahko tekla in ji je ratalo odpret vrata v jašku (ampak ni našla zdravil in je umrla od bolezni). Pavleta so skinili prvič ko je pogledal izza vogala.

medenko ::
Jao prilezel do cca 32-33 dneva potem pa zmanjka hrane, partsov in ostalega tudi zmanjka....


jype ::
Odlično. Jaz sem dvakrat končal, tako da si grem zdaj končno lahko v miru prerezat žile (brez skrbi, to je šala).
Zdi se mi zelo pomembno, da je bila narejena tudi taka igra o vojni. Upam, da bodo igralci poleg izjemne estetike odnesli tudi kaj, kar jim bo omogočilo boljši odnos do beguncev, ki se valijo k nam iz konfliktnih območij.
Zdi se mi zelo pomembno, da je bila narejena tudi taka igra o vojni. Upam, da bodo igralci poleg izjemne estetike odnesli tudi kaj, kar jim bo omogočilo boljši odnos do beguncev, ki se valijo k nam iz konfliktnih območij.

oo7 ::
This War of Mine - Update 1.1
Interview: Warzone Survival In This War Of Mine
Can you tell me what inspired the game?
Pawel Miechowski: It was an article by an anonymous author. It's called One Year In Hell and the man was describing his experiences [in the Bosnian war] - I think he's talking about Mostar. The river in the city quickly became contaminated because of the bodies. Obviously civilisation was down and there was no tap water or power. They needed water so they made a rainwater collector out of a barrel. When the winter struck they chopped down every wooden thing they had just to provide some warmth.
With these examples we started to think about this as a great topic for a game. But of course the game has its language - mechanics which need to be put in the game. We've stayed connected to reality as much as possible yet we were of course making a game which still needs to be engaging. For this reason there is no tutorial because when war breaks out no-one would tell you what to do, there would be no tutorial.
What people are struggling with the most is the emotional challenge. There's an article on Amnesty International which talks with a young lady who is wounded on the first day of the siege of Sarajevo. She was delivered to hospital. The hospitals were running all the time during the siege but very quickly they ran out of necessities like bandages and antibiotics. She was put on a bed next to an older lady and that night both were in bad shape. A doctor had to decide which of them should be saved - the doctor decided to save the younger lady because she had her whole life ahead of her. The same night the old lady died.
Interview: Warzone Survival In This War Of Mine
Can you tell me what inspired the game?
Pawel Miechowski: It was an article by an anonymous author. It's called One Year In Hell and the man was describing his experiences [in the Bosnian war] - I think he's talking about Mostar. The river in the city quickly became contaminated because of the bodies. Obviously civilisation was down and there was no tap water or power. They needed water so they made a rainwater collector out of a barrel. When the winter struck they chopped down every wooden thing they had just to provide some warmth.
With these examples we started to think about this as a great topic for a game. But of course the game has its language - mechanics which need to be put in the game. We've stayed connected to reality as much as possible yet we were of course making a game which still needs to be engaging. For this reason there is no tutorial because when war breaks out no-one would tell you what to do, there would be no tutorial.
What people are struggling with the most is the emotional challenge. There's an article on Amnesty International which talks with a young lady who is wounded on the first day of the siege of Sarajevo. She was delivered to hospital. The hospitals were running all the time during the siege but very quickly they ran out of necessities like bandages and antibiotics. She was put on a bed next to an older lady and that night both were in bad shape. A doctor had to decide which of them should be saved - the doctor decided to save the younger lady because she had her whole life ahead of her. The same night the old lady died.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Yohan del Sud ::
Definitivno špil, ki ga špilaš s knedlom v grlu. Končal v šestem poskusu, 43. dan z edinim preživelim smrtno bolnim kuharjem. Man tears, man. Man tears.

The Player ::
Evo tut js sm obrnu igro in preživel vojno v 45-ih dneh s tremi člani od petih (s prvima dvema prvotnima članoma Brunom in Katjo in novo pridruženo Zlatano. Pavle je žal umrl med iskanjem surovin, Arica nas je izdala in pobegnila z ca 20 pločevinkami hrane
vse je šlo v redu, dejansko se mi ni zdela igra težka (res je da sem pol igre pregledal z let's playom, to je bil tudi razlog, da sem igro preigral), toda zadnji dnevi so bili najtežji.
Od 38. dneva je šlo samo na slabše, ker je Pavle umrl in obžalujem, ker sem ga sam obsodil na smrt, ker sem se hotel znebit kriminalca, da bi lahko pobral naboje (ker je večina nabojev šlo za branjenje doma, številka ni bila nikol manjša od 6). Sneak kill s pajserjem nekako ni šel po načrtu, a sm prepozn tempiru, al se sploh ne da izvest usmrtitve z pajserjem (vem da z lopato se ga da)?
Ta čas so začele hodit tut oborožene tolpe in se nisem mogel ubranit, ker ni blo nabojev, nato sem se zaradi obupa lotil dveh penzjonerja in jima oropal hišo z Arico. Začuda mi penzjonerja nista nič hotela. Seveda, na 42. dan Arica odide z vso hrano.
Če bi mi uspel posodobit delavnico, bi lah naredu naboje, a ker je "primanjkovalo" hrane, sem raje investiral v vrt, ki me je na koncu rešil.
Hotel sem tudi investirat v destilarno alkohola, a je traparija, ker je manj vreden kot žganje, uporaben je razen za obliže, ki sem jih tudi imel ogromno (ca 18). Tudi nisem ugotovil, poanto kitare, ker noben ni bil manj žalosten odkar je Pavle umrl, čudim se da Katja ni storila samomora, no na srečo je preživela. Čudim se tudi, da Pavle ni ratu depresiven, ker je po hitrem postopku pokončal štiri ljudi v župnišču, seveda v samoobrambi.
Sklepam, da igra generira konec oz. dogodke glede na dejanja ki jih narediš. Kdo ve na kakšen način? Če nebi kradel z Ariko, bi mogoče še zmerm bla prisotna? Če nebi pomagal pri ropu skladišč, bi potem manj ljudi me ropal? Kaj bi se zgodil, če nobenmu nebi pomagal (pomagal sem dejansko vsakmu, otrokom sem dal zdravila za mami, bolnišnici sem podaril obliže in pomagal pri reševanju preživelih v bombardiranju, mami z otrokom sem pomagal utrdit prebivališče. V zameno nisem dobil nič)? Kdo ve? Zgleda, da ne bomo nikol vedl?
Zlo dobra in simpl igra, ki prikaže grozote vojne in te "zaposli" za kar nekaj časa. Dejansko ne delaš nič kot da: podnev pokonc/ponoči iščeš/poskusiš preživet vsak dan - jovo na novo. Na konc dejansko sem samo še na uro gledu, k ni blo nč pametnga za delat.

vse je šlo v redu, dejansko se mi ni zdela igra težka (res je da sem pol igre pregledal z let's playom, to je bil tudi razlog, da sem igro preigral), toda zadnji dnevi so bili najtežji.
Od 38. dneva je šlo samo na slabše, ker je Pavle umrl in obžalujem, ker sem ga sam obsodil na smrt, ker sem se hotel znebit kriminalca, da bi lahko pobral naboje (ker je večina nabojev šlo za branjenje doma, številka ni bila nikol manjša od 6). Sneak kill s pajserjem nekako ni šel po načrtu, a sm prepozn tempiru, al se sploh ne da izvest usmrtitve z pajserjem (vem da z lopato se ga da)?
Ta čas so začele hodit tut oborožene tolpe in se nisem mogel ubranit, ker ni blo nabojev, nato sem se zaradi obupa lotil dveh penzjonerja in jima oropal hišo z Arico. Začuda mi penzjonerja nista nič hotela. Seveda, na 42. dan Arica odide z vso hrano.
Če bi mi uspel posodobit delavnico, bi lah naredu naboje, a ker je "primanjkovalo" hrane, sem raje investiral v vrt, ki me je na koncu rešil.
Hotel sem tudi investirat v destilarno alkohola, a je traparija, ker je manj vreden kot žganje, uporaben je razen za obliže, ki sem jih tudi imel ogromno (ca 18). Tudi nisem ugotovil, poanto kitare, ker noben ni bil manj žalosten odkar je Pavle umrl, čudim se da Katja ni storila samomora, no na srečo je preživela. Čudim se tudi, da Pavle ni ratu depresiven, ker je po hitrem postopku pokončal štiri ljudi v župnišču, seveda v samoobrambi.
Sklepam, da igra generira konec oz. dogodke glede na dejanja ki jih narediš. Kdo ve na kakšen način? Če nebi kradel z Ariko, bi mogoče še zmerm bla prisotna? Če nebi pomagal pri ropu skladišč, bi potem manj ljudi me ropal? Kaj bi se zgodil, če nobenmu nebi pomagal (pomagal sem dejansko vsakmu, otrokom sem dal zdravila za mami, bolnišnici sem podaril obliže in pomagal pri reševanju preživelih v bombardiranju, mami z otrokom sem pomagal utrdit prebivališče. V zameno nisem dobil nič)? Kdo ve? Zgleda, da ne bomo nikol vedl?
Zlo dobra in simpl igra, ki prikaže grozote vojne in te "zaposli" za kar nekaj časa. Dejansko ne delaš nič kot da: podnev pokonc/ponoči iščeš/poskusiš preživet vsak dan - jovo na novo. Na konc dejansko sem samo še na uro gledu, k ni blo nč pametnga za delat.

oo7 ::
To se mi pa še ni zgodilo, da bi eden od mojih vzel hrano in ušel
Je bila Arica kaj depresivna moogče je zaradi tega odšla.

Je bila Arica kaj depresivna moogče je zaradi tega odšla.

scipascapa ::
Kako to vpliva, enkrat konec po manj kot 30 dneh, drugih dlje od 40 dni? Kako kaj to vplicva itd.
Upajmo, da jo naredijo za PS4 in kakšen DLC dodatek.
Upajmo, da jo naredijo za PS4 in kakšen DLC dodatek.

jype ::
The Player> Čudim se tudi, da Pavle ni ratu depresiven, ker je po hitrem postopku pokončal štiri ljudi v župnišču, seveda v samoobrambi.
Odvisno je predvsem od tega, na katero župnišče naletiš. Če je župnik še živ, potem lahko postane zoprno (ne samo za tistega, ki je takrat tam, tudi za ostale), če pa najdeš tam bandite, ki so ubili župnika, pa lahko vse pokolješ, pa se še dobro počutiš zapovrh.
V supermarketu imaš možnost doživet sceno, ko za vrati nek vojak pretepe in poskusi posilit neko žensko. Še nikoli v igri nisem bil tako zadovoljen da sem dal v rukzak nož kot takrat, ko je Arica posiljevalcu zapičila nož v grlo. Skoraj do konca igre je bila "content".
Odvisno je predvsem od tega, na katero župnišče naletiš. Če je župnik še živ, potem lahko postane zoprno (ne samo za tistega, ki je takrat tam, tudi za ostale), če pa najdeš tam bandite, ki so ubili župnika, pa lahko vse pokolješ, pa se še dobro počutiš zapovrh.
V supermarketu imaš možnost doživet sceno, ko za vrati nek vojak pretepe in poskusi posilit neko žensko. Še nikoli v igri nisem bil tako zadovoljen da sem dal v rukzak nož kot takrat, ko je Arica posiljevalcu zapičila nož v grlo. Skoraj do konca igre je bila "content".
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

The Player ::
Jype>Odvisno je predvsem od tega, na katero župnišče naletiš.
V supermarketu imaš možnost doživet sceno, ko za vrati nek vojak pretepe in poskusi posilit neko žensko.
A tut lokacije se spreminjajo? Zanimiv, k supermarket bi bil v zgodnji fazi dost težak, ker še nimaš orožja (vsaj js nism ga naredu še takrat)
Pr župnišču ni blo več župnika.
M-Power>Je bila Arica kaj depresivna moogče je zaradi tega odšla.
ravno nasprotno, ona je predlagala, da se začne krast
Seveda sem pozabil prebrat njen dnevnik ko sem jo sprejev v ekipo, namreč tam piše, da jo je vzgojila ulica.
V supermarketu imaš možnost doživet sceno, ko za vrati nek vojak pretepe in poskusi posilit neko žensko.
A tut lokacije se spreminjajo? Zanimiv, k supermarket bi bil v zgodnji fazi dost težak, ker še nimaš orožja (vsaj js nism ga naredu še takrat)
Pr župnišču ni blo več župnika.
M-Power>Je bila Arica kaj depresivna moogče je zaradi tega odšla.
ravno nasprotno, ona je predlagala, da se začne krast

Seveda sem pozabil prebrat njen dnevnik ko sem jo sprejev v ekipo, namreč tam piše, da jo je vzgojila ulica.

oo7 ::
Lokacije so iste samo dogajanje je drugo. V supermarketu npr enkrat lahko naletiš na vojaka, ki hoče posilit eno punco spet drugič naletiš na oboroženo skupino scavengerjev.
Jaz sem v cerkvi doživel tri različne scenarije. Enkrat sem prišel je župnik sedel na stolu in pod cerkvijo so bili še drugi ljudje. V drugi igri ga je ravno en bandit s soednje hiše ubil pred mojimi očmi in napadel še mene. Tretjič cerkev je bila zapuščena razen v sosednji hiši so bili, do zob oboroženi bandaiti.
Jaz sem v cerkvi doživel tri različne scenarije. Enkrat sem prišel je župnik sedel na stolu in pod cerkvijo so bili še drugi ljudje. V drugi igri ga je ravno en bandit s soednje hiše ubil pred mojimi očmi in napadel še mene. Tretjič cerkev je bila zapuščena razen v sosednji hiši so bili, do zob oboroženi bandaiti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

scipascapa ::
Igra je samo 14,24 na njihovi uradni strani + dobiš gratis igro anomaly warzone earth :)
in ogromne posodobitve
novo zaklonišče
izbira karakterjev
in ogromne posodobitve
novo zaklonišče
izbira karakterjev

oo7 ::
29 Januar 2016 še za PS4 in Xbox One
This War of Mine: The Little Ones
The game was inspired by the poor living conditions and wartime atrocities that Bosnian civilians endured during the 1992-96 Siege of Sarajevo, the longest city siege since World War II.
Priporočam odlična igra.
This War of Mine: The Little Ones
The game was inspired by the poor living conditions and wartime atrocities that Bosnian civilians endured during the 1992-96 Siege of Sarajevo, the longest city siege since World War II.
Priporočam odlična igra.

odbitko ::
Igra je sedaj dostopna tudi na iOs in Android sistemih.
Kupil včeraj na App Storu za 15 Dolarjev, mi ni žal. Na iPhonu 6 lavfa tako kot treba, brez crashov in brez bugov. Za android verzijo nemorem trditi, je pa igra res vredna teh 15 evrov, igraš kdaj se ti zazdi in bilokdaj imaš par minutk časa in nisi doma za PCjom ozirom laptopom in še baterije ne žre prav veliko začuda.
Je pa vse isto kot na PC verziji - nisi prikrajšan za nobeno funkcijo ki je v igri.
Kupil včeraj na App Storu za 15 Dolarjev, mi ni žal. Na iPhonu 6 lavfa tako kot treba, brez crashov in brez bugov. Za android verzijo nemorem trditi, je pa igra res vredna teh 15 evrov, igraš kdaj se ti zazdi in bilokdaj imaš par minutk časa in nisi doma za PCjom ozirom laptopom in še baterije ne žre prav veliko začuda.
Je pa vse isto kot na PC verziji - nisi prikrajšan za nobeno funkcijo ki je v igri.

oo7 ::
This War of Mine: Anniversary Edition is available now!
11 Novembra je izšel brezplačen DLC.
11 Novembra je izšel brezplačen DLC.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

scipascapa ::
kdor še nima igre:
The Humble Deluxe Edition of This War of Mine includes:
DRM-free builds
Steam key
Exclusive Soundtrack
Digital Poster
3 Digital Art Cards
5 Digital Wallpapers
The Humble Deluxe Edition of This War of Mine includes:
DRM-free builds
Steam key
Exclusive Soundtrack
Digital Poster
3 Digital Art Cards
5 Digital Wallpapers

Seljak ::
Jaz imam ta špil in je zares fantastičen, samo bi potreboval veliko časa, da bi se mu popolnoma predal, tega pa žal nimam
Aja, pa še dokaj težak je ta špil.

oo7 ::
This War of Mine: Stories - The Last Broadcast | Date Annoucement
The new episode will launch on November 14th to mark the 4th anniversary of the original release of the game. Over the development course, this story grew much comparing to the first one in the series.
The new episode will launch on November 14th to mark the 4th anniversary of the original release of the game. Over the development course, this story grew much comparing to the first one in the series.

oo7 ::
This War of Mine: Stories - The Last Broadcast | Official Gameplay Trailer
Jutri izide The Last Broadcast.
Jutri izide The Last Broadcast.
Vredno ogleda ...
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