Forum » Operacijski sistemi » ReactOS na kickstarterju (Thorium Core)
ReactOS na kickstarterju (Thorium Core)

tralala2 ::
Thorium Core is about taking the ReactOS operating system from the proof-of-concept and engineering stages to building a fast and lightweight solution that can be tailored to suit the computing needs of both private and commercial users.
Thorium Core will allow you to configure an optimized, virtualized or embedded system tailored to run Windows-compatible applications using fewer resources than a modern version of Windows would require, without the licensing costs and complexity associated with Microsoft products and giving the user the Freedom that comes with Open Source software.
The modular design used for building Thorium Core allows all unnecessary legacy parts of the system to be removed leaving you with exactly what you need, whether it is an embedded industrial control system, a virtualized container for securely isolating a Windows application, or a gaming system that is optimized to give you an edge over your competitors.
Thorium Core is about taking the ReactOS operating system from the proof-of-concept and engineering stages to building a fast and lightweight solution that can be tailored to suit the computing needs of both private and commercial users.
Thorium Core will allow you to configure an optimized, virtualized or embedded system tailored to run Windows-compatible applications using fewer resources than a modern version of Windows would require, without the licensing costs and complexity associated with Microsoft products and giving the user the Freedom that comes with Open Source software.
The modular design used for building Thorium Core allows all unnecessary legacy parts of the system to be removed leaving you with exactly what you need, whether it is an embedded industrial control system, a virtualized container for securely isolating a Windows application, or a gaming system that is optimized to give you an edge over your competitors.

Looooooka ::
No to da so sli v cloud je koncno pametno....ker njihov OS je bil vsako leto eno leto bolj zadaj za windowsi in se ga dejansko ni splacalo uporabljati(je ceneje kupit licenco pa met mir).
Ce jim rata razvit alternativo windows pravi kompleten iis/.NET replacement v cloudu je pa to za firmo takojsen prihranek tisocih eurov(ker na linux pac ne bojo sli pa konc).
Ce jim rata razvit alternativo windows pravi kompleten iis/.NET replacement v cloudu je pa to za firmo takojsen prihranek tisocih eurov(ker na linux pac ne bojo sli pa konc).

tralala2 ::
No to da so sli v cloud je koncno pametno....ker njihov OS je bil vsako leto eno leto bolj zadaj za windowsi in se ga dejansko ni splacalo uporabljati(je ceneje kupit licenco pa met mir).
Ce jim rata razvit alternativo windows pravi kompleten iis/.NET replacement v cloudu je pa to za firmo takojsen prihranek tisocih eurov(ker na linux pac ne bojo sli pa konc).
Hja v bistvu jaz bolj upam, da bodo prek tega dobili dovolj foundinga, da bodo to razliko zmanjsali (roko na srce, cloud je pac samo detajl v vsej zadevi). Pa to da je Ionescu zacel delati za njih je absolutno plus.
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