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Alien Isolation

oo7 ::

scipascapa ::
Nightmare - for those with a strong disposition and the urge to take their Alien: Isolation experience to the next level:
Broken Motion Tracker - a distorted signal with unreliable information
Reduced resources
Authentic flamethrower - fuel is rare to find and burns faster
Map systems are offline and hack systems are harder
Synthetics and survivors are more hostile
Alien AI has been upgraded to be more aggressive, adapting faster and affording no second chances to anyone
Novice - for those wanting a bit more breathing space:
More resources to be found, increasing survival chances
Synthetics and fellow survivors are less aggressive and easier to survive
Alien is less menacing, less aggressive and easier to distract
Broken Motion Tracker - a distorted signal with unreliable information
Reduced resources
Authentic flamethrower - fuel is rare to find and burns faster
Map systems are offline and hack systems are harder
Synthetics and survivors are more hostile
Alien AI has been upgraded to be more aggressive, adapting faster and affording no second chances to anyone
Novice - for those wanting a bit more breathing space:
More resources to be found, increasing survival chances
Synthetics and fellow survivors are less aggressive and easier to survive
Alien is less menacing, less aggressive and easier to distract
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scipascapa ()

RejZoR ::
Se pravi so pri Nightmare še dodatno zožili krog v katerem se giblje okoli tebe. Ugh. Me prav zanima če so kaj popravili prezračevalne jaške, da te ne najde čudežno, če si se tja odplazil povsem neslišno. Mene je enkrat dobil, ko sem bil skrit v enem mrtvem kotu.
Angry Sheep Blog @

oo7 ::
Alien: Isolation heading to Mac and Linux next week
Alien: Isolation™ - The Collection for Mac and Linux - Announcement trailer
2.0Ghz CPU with at least 4GB RAM
1GB or better graphics card
Mac OS 10.10.4 or later
AMD 5000 series graphics card or better, NVIDIA 600 series or better and Intel Iris Pro series graphics card or better
2.6Ghz Dual-Core CPU with at least 4GB RAM
1GB or better graphics card
Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit) or SteamOS
The game requires an NVIDIA 600 series graphics card or better running Driver version 355.11 or better. Intel AMD and GPUs are not supported
A Steam account is required
Alien: Isolation™ - The Collection for Mac and Linux - Announcement trailer
2.0Ghz CPU with at least 4GB RAM
1GB or better graphics card
Mac OS 10.10.4 or later
AMD 5000 series graphics card or better, NVIDIA 600 series or better and Intel Iris Pro series graphics card or better
2.6Ghz Dual-Core CPU with at least 4GB RAM
1GB or better graphics card
Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit) or SteamOS
The game requires an NVIDIA 600 series graphics card or better running Driver version 355.11 or better. Intel AMD and GPUs are not supported
A Steam account is required
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Mitch ::
Se vidi kakšen šit so AMDjevi gonilniki za Linux...
The game requires an NVIDIA 600 series graphics card or better running Driver version 355.11 or better. Intel AMD and GPUs are not supported
Se vidi kakšen šit so AMDjevi gonilniki za Linux...

D3m ::
A se lahko grem to igro tudi jaz?
Lej kakšen šit je Intel. Hahahhahahaha.
Lej kakšen šit je Intel. Hahahhahahaha.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: def0r ()

66speeder66 ::
Kaj pa druge distribucije? Samo Ubuntu?
Kdo pa misliš bi pri zdravi pameti supportal 1000+ verzij linuxa? Razen, če misli narediti samomor.

Saj večina kar deluje na Ubuntu/SteamOS, deluje tudi na ostalih popularnejših verzijah "out of box". Recimo na GamingOnLinux - večino iger, ki izidejo na Linuxu stestirajo kar na Archu. Pač developerji izberejo najbolj popularno distribucijo ter jo potem supportajo, ostale pa naj bi sledile. Zaenkrat še nisem opazil, da bi bilo kaj resnejših težav glede tega na ostalih, ki so tudi bolj popularne na desktopu.
Ne moreš imeti vsega verjetno... al pa ja no, ampak... mogoče...
ne vem...
la toya
ne vem...
la toya

oo7 ::
Rumor: Alien: Isolation 2 might be developer Creative Assembly's next game
Alien: Isolation was a highly underrated survival horror game that came out back in October of 2014 which managed to sell over 2 million copies in a year that Publisher SEGA deemed "weak." For fans of the franchise, it was representative of the kind of experience they had always dreamed about, taking almost every cue in the Ridley Scott handbook and turning it into what is easily the most authentic Alien to date. That said, a sequel has felt inevitable, but hasn't yet come to fruition. That might be changing.
In the upcoming issue of OPM (Official PlayStation Magazine #135), there is a quote regarding the future of developer Creative Assembly, who is wrapping up their work on Halo Wars 2. Here is the quote.
"Our sources tell us that after work is finished on Halo Wars 2, a new Alien game may start development over at Alien Isolation dev Creative Assembly."
As always, take the quote with a grain of salt, as it is based solely on the magazine's "sources." But if there is an Alien game in the works, it would stand to reason that another iteration of Isolation would be the likely project, given the framework that's already in place. However, it should also be noted that SEGA wasn't entirely satisfied with the first Isolation's commercial success, but expressed an interest in doing a sequel if they felt it would be profitable.
Some have suggested that if a potential Alien: Isolation 2 game were to come about that VR could be a potential selling point for SEGA, as it worked pretty well for Resident Evil 7. All of this is still hearsay, so for now, keep your hopes on the down low.
Alien: Isolation was a highly underrated survival horror game that came out back in October of 2014 which managed to sell over 2 million copies in a year that Publisher SEGA deemed "weak." For fans of the franchise, it was representative of the kind of experience they had always dreamed about, taking almost every cue in the Ridley Scott handbook and turning it into what is easily the most authentic Alien to date. That said, a sequel has felt inevitable, but hasn't yet come to fruition. That might be changing.
In the upcoming issue of OPM (Official PlayStation Magazine #135), there is a quote regarding the future of developer Creative Assembly, who is wrapping up their work on Halo Wars 2. Here is the quote.
"Our sources tell us that after work is finished on Halo Wars 2, a new Alien game may start development over at Alien Isolation dev Creative Assembly."
As always, take the quote with a grain of salt, as it is based solely on the magazine's "sources." But if there is an Alien game in the works, it would stand to reason that another iteration of Isolation would be the likely project, given the framework that's already in place. However, it should also be noted that SEGA wasn't entirely satisfied with the first Isolation's commercial success, but expressed an interest in doing a sequel if they felt it would be profitable.
Some have suggested that if a potential Alien: Isolation 2 game were to come about that VR could be a potential selling point for SEGA, as it worked pretty well for Resident Evil 7. All of this is still hearsay, so for now, keep your hopes on the down low.

scipascapa ::
če bi imeli oni neko delujočo spletno stran ali forum, bi 100% folk pisal spodbudne poste ali celo kak kickstarter....igra je superca.

oo7 ::
Alien: Isolation MotherVR Alpha Mod Now Available for Download

BorutO ::
Igra je res odlična, spominja na Aliena 1. del, ki je meni osebno še danes najboljša grozljivka.
Sem pa igro obrnil. Res da sem jo hekal, ampak na najtežjem načinu ni bilo mogoče obrniti igre v parih dneh ...
Sem pa igro obrnil. Res da sem jo hekal, ampak na najtežjem načinu ni bilo mogoče obrniti igre v parih dneh ...

oo7 ::
Rediscovering the space boogeyman
When it comes to video games portraying the atmosphere and tone of its film influences, Alien: Isolation is in a class of its own.
On the third anniversary of its release and in time for Halloween, GameSpot is taking a look back at Creative Assembly's uncompromising horror game, and how it made players to learn to fear the Xenomorph once again.
Bo treba v bližnji pirhodnost spet enkrat preigrat tole igro :)
When it comes to video games portraying the atmosphere and tone of its film influences, Alien: Isolation is in a class of its own.
On the third anniversary of its release and in time for Halloween, GameSpot is taking a look back at Creative Assembly's uncompromising horror game, and how it made players to learn to fear the Xenomorph once again.
Bo treba v bližnji pirhodnost spet enkrat preigrat tole igro :)

mikhail ::
Z zagotovostjo lahko trdim da je to prva igra po dolgih letih pri kateri sem bil na robu sedeža od najave do trenutka ko sem jo obrnil.
Fantastično vse. Imam soft spot za retro-futurizem in Alien 1. You can tell :) Kar se art directiona tiče je Alien Isolation, potem pa zelo dolgo nič in šele pol karkoli drugega :)
Fantastično vse. Imam soft spot za retro-futurizem in Alien 1. You can tell :) Kar se art directiona tiče je Alien Isolation, potem pa zelo dolgo nič in šele pol karkoli drugega :)

YesMan ::
Odlična igra (sploh za fan-e Alien franšize), katera pa je žal bila zelo podcenjena ob izidu (na Gamespot-u ima oceno 6, ne me jebat...) in tudi prodala razočarljivo malo izvodov. Res nareta s srcem in s spoštovanjem do franšize, z razliko od tistega sranja, ki se mu reče 'Alien Colonial Marines'.

oo7 ::
Odlična igra (sploh za fan-e Alien franšize), katera pa je žal bila zelo podcenjena ob izidu (na Gamespot-u ima oceno 6, ne me jebat...) in tudi prodala razočarljivo malo izvodov. Res nareta s srcem in s spoštovanjem do franšize, z razliko od tistega sranja, ki se mu reče 'Alien Colonial Marines'.
Ja Gamespot je dal Alien Isolation zelo nizko oceno pa tudi letošnji igri Prey so dali zelo slabo oceno.
Z zagotovostjo lahko trdim da je to prva igra po dolgih letih pri kateri sem bil na robu sedeža od najave do trenutka ko sem jo obrnil.
Fantastično vse. Imam soft spot za retro-futurizem in Alien 1. You can tell :) Kar se art directiona tiče je Alien Isolation, potem pa zelo dolgo nič in šele pol karkoli drugega :)
In to igro je naredil studijo, ki je v zadnjih 10 letih delal samo strateške igre.
scipascapa je izjavil:
Zelo dobra igra, ki nikakor ne bo imela nadaljevanje,ki bi si ga zaslužila.
Mogoče pa kdaj :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

ahac ::
Btw. Humble Store ima ravnokar sale (z vsem DLC):
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::
In the summer of 2006, development studio Obsidian Entertainment received a call from Sega.
The Cancelled Aliens RPG - Investigating Aliens: Crucible
The Cancelled Aliens RPG - Investigating Aliens: Crucible

oo7 ::
Alien Isolation was originally a third-person game, gameplay footage from the prototype version

oo7 ::
This Alien: Isolation mod fills the space station with xenomorphs
Drugače je v igri samo eden in še tisti je včasih hud problem :)
Drugače je v igri samo eden in še tisti je včasih hud problem :)

Inventorista ::
Sem ravno hotel kupit za sebe in za brata z DLCji vred. Samo me zanima, a lahko kupiš obe hkrati ali moraš prvo za sebe in potem še enkrat kot darilo? Ker ko izberem eno ali drugo, je samo ena v nakupovalnem vozičku
Da ne 2x provizijo plačujem. V nasprotnem primeru bolje s paysafe kupit
Da ne 2x provizijo plačujem. V nasprotnem primeru bolje s paysafe kupit

svecka ::
DLCji so brezveze, škoda denarja, kupi samo osnovo za 2€ in to je to. DLCji so samo mape z timed missions in challanges in dve zelo slabi zgodbici, ki se dogajata v filmih.

oo7 ::
Alien: Isolation 2 Video Game In The Works At Disney
Zgodba za Alien Isolation 2 je napisana zdaj pa mora menda Disney samo še najti studio, ki bo to igro naredil.
Zgodba za Alien Isolation 2 je napisana zdaj pa mora menda Disney samo še najti studio, ki bo to igro naredil.

oo7 ::
Znan leaker Tom Henderson, ki je precej zanesljiv pravi, da sta v izdelavi dve novi visoko-proračunski Alien igri.
Prva igra ima delovno ime Marathon in naj bi izšla leta 2023 za trenutno generacijo konzol in verjetno tudi PC.
Druga igra pa naj bi bila Alien : Isolation sequel :) Ampak igra naj bi bila še v zelo zelo začetni fazi tako, da bo potrebno čakati še kar nekaj časa.
Prva igra ima delovno ime Marathon in naj bi izšla leta 2023 za trenutno generacijo konzol in verjetno tudi PC.
Druga igra pa naj bi bila Alien : Isolation sequel :) Ampak igra naj bi bila še v zelo zelo začetni fazi tako, da bo potrebno čakati še kar nekaj časa.

oo7 ::
Alien Isolation Just Got an Ultra Nightmare Difficulty Mod

oo7 ::
Gre za govorice tako, da... Alien Isolation 2: Three years into development. It continues Amanda's journey, ignoring the events of Alien: Blackout.

oo7 ::

Zmajc ::
Ha ha ravno pred kratkim sem kupil Alien Isolation complete edition na salu, po tem ko sem ponovno gledal celo Alien Antologijo.
Za 10 let staro igro je igra precej impresivna.
Za 10 let staro igro je igra precej impresivna.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()

scipascapa ::
Alien Isolation Complete Collection is on sale right now for 5.99 on the Playstation Station Store for those remotely interested.
Alien Isolation Complete Collection is on sale right now for 5.99 on the Playstation Station Store for those remotely interested.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scipascapa ()
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