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Google koledar - pretekli dogodki ??

Google koledar - pretekli dogodki ??

clip ::

Uporabljam googlov koledar in sicer na PC in na mobilnih napravah.Težava je v tem, da mi na mobilnih napravah ne prikazuje preteklih dogodkov več kot za 3 mesece nazaj, na PC pa vidim dogodke, ki sem jih zapisoval preko celega leta.Če kdo ve v čem je problem bom zelo hvaležen, če mi sporoči kaj narediti.Hvala.
Pozdrav od Clipa

JayKay ::

katere so te mobilne naprave in v kateri aplikaciji?

clip ::

Samsung tab 10.1 in LG 4×hd v aplikaciji google koledar.
Pozdrav od Clipa

mlamat ::

1. Unplug your droid. Turn it off if it syncs via the web.
1. Export your Google calendar. It will be a zip file. Drag the file to your desktop so you can use it.
2. Create a new calendar in Settings(I did this to make myself feel safer).
3. Import the calender into the new calendar and make sure everything is there.
4. Delete your primary calendar in Settings. It will NOT delete everything as the warning states. Check it out after and it will be there but empty.
5. Import the same calender into your primary calendar. If everything is there delete the new calendar.
6. Connect the droid. Go to settings, accounts and click on your google gmail account. Tap Sync Calendar and it manually sync. It may take some time.
Everything I had going back to 2000 is now on my droid.

clip ::

mlamat je izjavil:

1. Unplug your droid. Turn it off if it syncs via the web.
1. Export your Google calendar. It will be a zip file. Drag the file to your desktop so you can use it.
2. Create a new calendar in Settings(I did this to make myself feel safer).
3. Import the calender into the new calendar and make sure everything is there.
4. Delete your primary calendar in Settings. It will NOT delete everything as the warning states. Check it out after and it will be there but empty.
5. Import the same calender into your primary calendar. If everything is there delete the new calendar.
6. Connect the droid. Go to settings, accounts and click on your google gmail account. Tap Sync Calendar and it manually sync. It may take some time.
Everything I had going back to 2000 is now on my droid.

Hvala, bom probal.
Pozdrav od Clipa

majarup ::

zanima me zakaj ne compu ne morem urejati podatkov v google koledarju. To sem lahko delala do pred nekaj dnevi, sedaj me pa kar ne spusti notri. Kot, da bi imela na mojemu compu omejen dostop. poskusila sem priti v koledar z drugih racunalnikov in je slo brez problema... se komu kaj sanja, kaj bi bilo?
Hvala za odgovor.

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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