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Kdo kaj služi z delnicami?
Temo vidijo: vsi
redtech ::
XYZ is currently trading at USD 75.00/share. You are long 5,000 shares of XYZ, with a market value of USD 375,000.00. XYZ is in demand and the market-based rate is 9%.
You sign up for IBKR's Stock Yield Enhancement Program and IBKR borrows your 5,000 shares of XYZ. IBKR will pay you interest on the U.S Treasury or cash collateral of USD 375,000.00 x 4.5% = USD 16,875.00.
You could earn USD 16,875.00/year on stock you already own.3
The Stock Yield Enhancement Program is available to eligible IBKR clients2 who have been approved for a margin account, or who have a cash account with equity greater than USD 50,000 (or equivalent).
Stocks that are eligible to be loaned out are all "fully-paid" stocks (stocks not held on margin) and "excess-margin" stocks (stocks held on margin but whose market value exceeds 140% of your margin debit balance).
XYZ is currently trading at USD 75.00/share. You are long 5,000 shares of XYZ, with a market value of USD 375,000.00. XYZ is in demand and the market-based rate is 9%.
You sign up for IBKR's Stock Yield Enhancement Program and IBKR borrows your 5,000 shares of XYZ. IBKR will pay you interest on the U.S Treasury or cash collateral of USD 375,000.00 x 4.5% = USD 16,875.00.
You could earn USD 16,875.00/year on stock you already own.3
The Stock Yield Enhancement Program is available to eligible IBKR clients2 who have been approved for a margin account, or who have a cash account with equity greater than USD 50,000 (or equivalent).
Stocks that are eligible to be loaned out are all "fully-paid" stocks (stocks not held on margin) and "excess-margin" stocks (stocks held on margin but whose market value exceeds 140% of your margin debit balance).
redtech ::
Ja tudi za ETF
"Be advised, you'll make almost nothing doing it. For a basket of ETFs I make .15% a year. At any given moment, only 30 to 40% are usually lent out.
Perhaps. I can't speak to that directly. Generally speaking, though, with ETFs, I don't see lending rates more than 1.25% and that's variable. The bigger issue is, not all of your shares are going to be loaned at one time. IBKR loans them out on a pro rata basis, and so it's usually are only about a third of your shares go out. Again, in my experience."
Considerations and Risks
Shares loaned out may not be protected by SIPC.
The Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 may not protect shares loaned out. This is why under SEC rules IBKR must provide you with U.S Treasury or cash collateral in the same amount as the value of your shares to protect you in the very unlikely event that the stock is not returned to you.
Pod črto market rate 6%, payout 3%, delimo s 3 = 1%, če ETF nima shortov še manj.
"Be advised, you'll make almost nothing doing it. For a basket of ETFs I make .15% a year. At any given moment, only 30 to 40% are usually lent out.
Perhaps. I can't speak to that directly. Generally speaking, though, with ETFs, I don't see lending rates more than 1.25% and that's variable. The bigger issue is, not all of your shares are going to be loaned at one time. IBKR loans them out on a pro rata basis, and so it's usually are only about a third of your shares go out. Again, in my experience."
Considerations and Risks
Shares loaned out may not be protected by SIPC.
The Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 may not protect shares loaned out. This is why under SEC rules IBKR must provide you with U.S Treasury or cash collateral in the same amount as the value of your shares to protect you in the very unlikely event that the stock is not returned to you.
Pod črto market rate 6%, payout 3%, delimo s 3 = 1%, če ETF nima shortov še manj.
delavec44 ::
LeQuack ::
Potem je brezveze, imaš več če daš v depozit oz. pustiš neivestirano.
Če ti že sam ETF dela recimo 15% letno, kako je potem brezveze?
Ja ok, ampak lahko imaš pa tudi obratno nek bear market, in potem ne moreš prodati ker imaš vezane delnice v ta loan program.
Quack !
redtech ::
Ne, pozicijo lahko vedno prodaš, zato mora IBKR imeti cash & Treasury collateral.
Selling your shares or borrowing against them or withdrawing cash in a margin account will terminate the loan transaction.
If you sell the fully paid shares that have been lent out, or if you borrow the shares or withdraw cash in a margin account (such that the securities become margin securities and are no longer fully paid or excess margin securities) the loan will terminate and you will stop receiving loan interest.
Recimo, da lahko pokriješ tistega 0,5%, ki ga plačuješ za ETF.
Selling your shares or borrowing against them or withdrawing cash in a margin account will terminate the loan transaction.
If you sell the fully paid shares that have been lent out, or if you borrow the shares or withdraw cash in a margin account (such that the securities become margin securities and are no longer fully paid or excess margin securities) the loan will terminate and you will stop receiving loan interest.
Recimo, da lahko pokriješ tistega 0,5%, ki ga plačuješ za ETF.
LeQuack ::
In koliko je obdavčen dobiček ki ga dobiš na ta način? Predvidevam da FURS smatra to ko izvedeni finančni inštrument (IFI) in je obdavčen z 40%?
Quack !
redtech ::
Tehnično gledano so to obresti od depozita ali obveznic, če ti še FURS 40% vzame od tistih 50%, nima smisla
Spura ::
Davek 25%. Jst sm zasluzil v celem letu 0,02%. Fora je v tem, da vecino casa niso nobene moje delnice posojene. Vecina stockov ima veliko zalogo delnic za izposojo in malo shortov, pa tudi shorti so vecinoma casovno omejeni.
Sele ko imas delnice, ki imajo short interest cez 35%, se zacne veselica. Ker to ima dvojni ucinek:
- imas vecjo verjetnost da bodo delnice izposojene
- in fee je vecji, ce je manj delnic na voljo za short
Jst sm imel REI ki je bil tkole mocno shortan, ampak ker je bil 2% portfelja, tut ce dobis letno cirka 4% na poziciji, je to pod crto, 4% od 2% = 0,08%. Kdo tuki ima 100% portfelja v delnici, ki je tolk shortana? Noben.
Sele ko imas delnice, ki imajo short interest cez 35%, se zacne veselica. Ker to ima dvojni ucinek:
- imas vecjo verjetnost da bodo delnice izposojene
- in fee je vecji, ce je manj delnic na voljo za short
Jst sm imel REI ki je bil tkole mocno shortan, ampak ker je bil 2% portfelja, tut ce dobis letno cirka 4% na poziciji, je to pod crto, 4% od 2% = 0,08%. Kdo tuki ima 100% portfelja v delnici, ki je tolk shortana? Noben.
HotBurek ::
Dobro jutro.
Gledam firmo European Lithium, ki ima sledeče "id-je":
Zakaj se te firme ne da videti na TRADING ECONOMICS?
Gledam firmo European Lithium, ki ima sledeče "id-je":
Zakaj se te firme ne da videti na TRADING ECONOMICS?
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window
J.McLane ::
A si zasledil firmo v lokalnih časopisih? Zadeva je v roejvanju, če bo in ali bo sploh uspela pa predstavlja kar velik riziko. Izvoli nekaj linkov:
Zelo nelikvidna zadeva, če projekt uspe bo vrednost šla gor 10x, če se bo vleklo in vleklo pa proti nuli.
Zelo nelikvidna zadeva, če projekt uspe bo vrednost šla gor 10x, če se bo vleklo in vleklo pa proti nuli.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci
redtech ::
ADT.AX Bosna Vareš
Kot zanimivost v Bosni imajo Tier 1 depozit silver 220g/t, cink, zlato 1,9g/t - Life of mine 18 let! Začetek proizvodnje se je malo zavlekel, zato ima ADT veliko shortov.
Ima royalties na Vareš: Cu stream 0,6g/t. Zanimiva pozicija za dolgi-dolgi rok. Sedaj je firma prišla na nivo, da stream pokriva obratovalne stroške, v kratkem roku pa bodo dobili še 3 večje projekte.
Za naprej imajo še 200+ assetov, prevladujejo manjši. Se spomnim že pred leti je Rule razlagal, da ima Gold mining inc. najnižjo ceno rezerv za zlato. V bear marketu okrog 2015 so nabrali vse te pravice.
V letu 21 so naredili split in pravice prnesli iz mining firme na Gold royalties - verjetno odlična poteza, ker nobena firma ne more delati na 200 rudnikih (profit delajo tisti z obratno strategijo). S to potezo je GROY dobil opcijo, da se asseti razvijajo in dobijo velik stream.
Na hitro sem preletel njihov handbook 58Moz pri 200Mcap = $290/oz
Kot zanimivost v Bosni imajo Tier 1 depozit silver 220g/t, cink, zlato 1,9g/t - Life of mine 18 let! Začetek proizvodnje se je malo zavlekel, zato ima ADT veliko shortov.
Ima royalties na Vareš: Cu stream 0,6g/t. Zanimiva pozicija za dolgi-dolgi rok. Sedaj je firma prišla na nivo, da stream pokriva obratovalne stroške, v kratkem roku pa bodo dobili še 3 večje projekte.
Za naprej imajo še 200+ assetov, prevladujejo manjši. Se spomnim že pred leti je Rule razlagal, da ima Gold mining inc. najnižjo ceno rezerv za zlato. V bear marketu okrog 2015 so nabrali vse te pravice.
V letu 21 so naredili split in pravice prnesli iz mining firme na Gold royalties - verjetno odlična poteza, ker nobena firma ne more delati na 200 rudnikih (profit delajo tisti z obratno strategijo). S to potezo je GROY dobil opcijo, da se asseti razvijajo in dobijo velik stream.
Na hitro sem preletel njihov handbook 58Moz pri 200Mcap = $290/oz