Forum » Sedem umetnosti » Filmi za razmišljanje
Filmi za razmišljanje
Temo vidijo: vsi
Evil mind ::
Le mani sulla citta
Kot bi gledal film o slovenskih politikih, podobnost je neverjetna. Če si bo slučajno kdo ogledal ta film, naj si pogleda še preostale filme tega režiserja. Il caso Mattei in Lucky Luciano sta tudi odlična filma.
Kot bi gledal film o slovenskih politikih, podobnost je neverjetna. Če si bo slučajno kdo ogledal ta film, naj si pogleda še preostale filme tega režiserja. Il caso Mattei in Lucky Luciano sta tudi odlična filma.
Nikec3 ::
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()
oo7 ::
Odličen film zame eden najboljših v letu 2013.
Fenomenalna igra Tom Hanksa in piratov glede na to, da še nikoli niso igrali v nobenem filmu in eden od njih si je že prisljužil številne nominacije za stransko vlogo in to zasluženo
Tudi odličen film z odlično igro
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()
kr1ženska ::
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Elbert Hubbard
Elbert Hubbard
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()
kuglvinkl ::
Short term 12 zelo priporočam.
A Enough said smo že imeli? Odlično, odlično!
A Enough said smo že imeli? Odlično, odlično!
Your focus determines your reallity
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: kuglvinkl ()
delfinus ::
Hja ni tu kaj, res dober film v kompletu. Verjetno bodoci oskarjevec v razlicnih kategorijah.
12 Years a Slave (2013)
12 Years a Slave (2013)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: delfinus ()
LJ4L ::
Če že ni kdo omenil, bi dodal še Varuhi Zapuščine. Dober film za pomislek kaj vse so delali naziji in zakaj se to ne bi smelo nikoli ponoviti.
LP from LJ
Vajenc ::
Danes sem spet po dolgem času gledal film, ki mi bo ostal v spominu. Čudno bi bilo, da že ne bil omenjen, ampak iskalnik v temi ga ne najde.
There Will Be Blood
There Will Be Blood
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen
Woody Allen
qwertyui ::
MI lahko nekdo pove kje si lahko ogledam film Razredni sovražnik ? Ker v kinojih se ne predvaja več.
kuglvinkl ::
Danes sem spet po dolgem času gledal film, ki mi bo ostal v spominu. Čudno bi bilo, da že ne bil omenjen, ampak iskalnik v temi ga ne najde.
There Will Be Blood
Čisti masterpiece.
Your focus determines your reallity
Anney ::
The Counselor 2013
Director: Ridley Scott
Čeprav je dobil dosti negativnih kritik, je zelo zanimiv film.
Zanimiva in zapletena zgodba z dobro igro vseh igralcev.
Director: Ridley Scott
Čeprav je dobil dosti negativnih kritik, je zelo zanimiv film.
Zanimiva in zapletena zgodba z dobro igro vseh igralcev.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()
kuglvinkl ::
The plot has more holes in it than a tea bag and the film should come with a warning label: don't go see with anyone with even a modicum of medical knowledge, because they'll surely spend the film huffing and rolling their eyes skyward.
A medical thriller with a noggin full of novocaine, this shocker about a botched heart surgery evidently suffered brain surgery to match.
[Joby] Harold's script has a surprise or three in it, a biggy near the end. But he's a director with no poker face. He tips his hand early and often.
The plot has more holes in it than a tea bag and the film should come with a warning label: don't go see with anyone with even a modicum of medical knowledge, because they'll surely spend the film huffing and rolling their eyes skyward.
A medical thriller with a noggin full of novocaine, this shocker about a botched heart surgery evidently suffered brain surgery to match.
[Joby] Harold's script has a surprise or three in it, a biggy near the end. But he's a director with no poker face. He tips his hand early and often.
Your focus determines your reallity
Phantomeye ::
kuglvinkl ::
It's too dull for grown-ups and too nightmarish for children. It makes Nip/Tuck look like a Mel Brooks musical.
makes you think too much about what it's doing, rather than what it's about, thus drawing you away from the deeper philosophical questions of life and death at its core.
Doesn't really work either as a scary movie or as a food-for-thought cautionary tale.
It's too dull for grown-ups and too nightmarish for children. It makes Nip/Tuck look like a Mel Brooks musical.
makes you think too much about what it's doing, rather than what it's about, thus drawing you away from the deeper philosophical questions of life and death at its core.
Doesn't really work either as a scary movie or as a food-for-thought cautionary tale.
Your focus determines your reallity
dronyx ::
Okapi ::
Pri polovici filmov v tej temi je edino razmišljanje razmišljanje o tem, zakaj za vraga nekdo misli, da je to film za razmišljanje.![>:D](
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Okapi ()
delfinus ::
Ta tema je dobra tudi zato, ker se predlaga filme, ki niso vedno "main stream". Ogromno takih ste predagali tukaj. Glede razmisljanja pa takole. Ce je film, ki ti da misliti in da prinasa neko novo dodano vrednost, inovativnost in da ni zgolj obicna hollywoodska razpaljotka z amerisko zastavo in aplavzom na koncu. Fajn je da se taksne filme izpostavi in pogleda.
lp, d
lp, d
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: delfinus ()
oo7 ::
Odličen film po resničnih dogodkih Niiki Laude in James Hunt-a.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()
Gregor P ::
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()
Gregor P ::
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()
Jeronimo ::
2 dni nazaj sem gledal tale film ... in moram reči, da me logika ni navdušila. Gledam art filme ... vendar tole je bilo pa kot zgodba brez glave. Še film Holy Motors je bil bolj logičen od tega.
Preko vode do slobode!
Preko vode do slobode!