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Payday 2

Payday 2


Izšel je Payday2

Uvodni film


Put a crew together for the second entry in the thrilling heist shooter PayDay. Don the masks of the original PayDay crew -- Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains -- and descend on Washington D.C. for an epic crime spree. The new CRIMENET network in PayDay 2 offers a huge range of dynamic contracts and players are free to choose anything from small-time convenience store hits or kidnappings, to major league cyber-crime or emptying out major bank vaults for that epic PAYDAY. While in D.C., why not participate in the local community and run a few political errands?

Up to four friends co-operate on the hits and as the crew progresses the jobs become bigger, better and more rewarding. Along with earning more money and becoming a legendary criminal comes a new character customization and crafting system that lets crews build and customize their own guns and gear.

Ocene: 79/100
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."

oo7 ::

Ima ta igra Singleplayer? Ali je samo multiplayer?


Mišljeno je za MP ampak lahko delaš misije tudi SP
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."

deadzone ::

Co-op dela prek tunngle
AMD Fx-8120 4.5GHz, XFX 7870 2GB, TGX 4Gb 1600MHz, GIGABYTE 990XA-UD3
Xbox 360 Slim 500GB JTAGd Origin:Matija2209 Xfire:matijaz

oo7 ::

PAYDAY 2 - New Difficulty Released - The "Death Wish"

:)) dober video

Kapsi ::

Če je kdo, ki igro igra preko Steama bi prosil naj me kontaktira "kapsi1987"....
Lahko se tudi priajvi grupi na steamu pod payday slovenia....

nooby ::


Malo sem se zagrel za Payday II pa bi vas vprašal kako je kaj z igralci na serverjih, mislim ali folk še vedno igra?

Kje bi lahko najceneje kupil Payday II? To lavfa samo preko Steama ali tudi preko Origina?
i7 9990k | Msi 2080ti |
Crucial 32gb |
Asus Z390 |

bajsibajsi ::

Payday 2 ima ogromno igralcev http://steamcharts.com/app/218620

Jaz ti lahko prodam Payday 2 (tradable Steam gift) za ccc. 6.5 evrov. Lahko osebno v LJ ali Paypal.

nooby ::

Jaz bi raje preko kake štacune kupu.
i7 9990k | Msi 2080ti |
Crucial 32gb |
Asus Z390 |

Smurf ::

Pred kaksnim mesecom se ga je dalo dobiti za dobrih 5€ na steamu.

bajsibajsi ::

nooby je izjavil:

Jaz bi raje preko kake štacune kupu.

Na g2a lahko kupis Payday 2 key za 13.99 EUR.

Trenutne cene drugje:

Zgodovina sprememb…

MrChristmas ::

Če še kdo igra Payday 2 prosim join group https://steamcommunity.com/groups/payda... ali pa me dodajte https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/765...
Igram že kar neki časa pa mi postaja mal dolgočasno igrat sam

oo7 ::

Payday 2 - Yakuza DLC Trailer

oo7 ::

Payday 2 - Road to Crimefest DLC Trailer


krefi ::

zivjo ponovno sem s kolegom zacel igrati payday 2 iscem pa obstojece igralce za kasn spil :D kdor igra naj me doda : krefi19
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s

oo7 ::

PAYDAY VR Gameplay Trailer

oo7 ::

Igra Paysay 2 je zastonj na Steamu ;)

PugPlug ::

Si me prehitel ;) .

iDare ::

hvala za opozorilo :)

oo7 ::

Starbreeze expect to release Payday 3 in either 2022 or 2023


oo7 ::

Payday 3 igra bo uporabljala Unreal pogon. Izid igre trenutno še ni znan.

oo7 ::

PAYDAY 3 igra izide enkrat 2023.

Starbreeze signs €50m Payday 3 deal with Koch Media
Swedish firm now has the financing for Payday 3's production and marketing until at least 18 months after 2023 launch

oo7 ::

PAYDAY 3 | Release Date: September 21, 2023

oo7 ::

Payday 3 - Gameplay Reveal

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