Forum » Igre » Mirror's Edge Catalyst (Mirror's Edge 2)
Mirror's Edge Catalyst (Mirror's Edge 2)
bluefear ::
A new Mirror's Edge game was officially revealed at the Electronic Arts' press event at the 2013 Electronic Entertainment Expo in June 2013, to be released on next-generation consoles and PC. The game is suspected to be a prequel to Mirror's Edge showcasing the origins of Faith and will use the newer Frostbite 3 engine. Electronic Arts later confirmed that the game will be "open-world action adventure"
Finally !
Finally !
- spremenil: ahac ()
ahac ::
Naslov igre je: Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Pravijo, da to ni Mirror's Edge 2 in da je igra za novo generacijo... zaradi tega me malo skrbi, da bo nek brezvezen shooter ali kaj podobnega...
Hello everyone,
Two years ago we revealed that we were making a new Mirror’s Edge™. Last year, we gave you a behind the scenes look into some of the early progress we had made. And though we haven't said much else in all that time, we have been listening. Thank you for your incredible passion and your patience. I'm excited to tell you that it's paid off — by this time next week, you will have finally seen more of the game at E3.
Mirror’s Edge has always had a special place in the hearts of all of us at DICE. The first game had a lot of promise. It was unlike anything else in terms of the gameplay and style — it had a unique soul. But as much as we loved that game, we knew it could be more. So that’s what we have set out to do as we introduce Mirror’s Edge to a new generation.
The team has spent a lot of time re-evaluating every aspect of the game and making it a new experience. This is not a sequel, this is not Mirror's Edge 2. We have landed on a vision that honors the first game — pushing the boundaries of first person movement and diving deeper into the story behind our heroine Faith — but also brings a lot of great new, interesting gameplay and features to the experience for our players.
So on behalf on the entire team here at DICE, we can’t wait to show you what we have been pouring our heart and soul into. We can’t wait to introduce you to Mirror’s Edge™ Catalyst.
Sara Jansson
Senior Producer, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
Pravijo, da to ni Mirror's Edge 2 in da je igra za novo generacijo... zaradi tega me malo skrbi, da bo nek brezvezen shooter ali kaj podobnega...
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zmajc ::
Osebno igre enostavno nisem mogel igrati. Kot da igraš Sonic the Hedgehog v 3D, prehitro vse skupaj z preveč nekimi komboji.
Dying Light ima tudi parkour movement okoli in je neverjetno igrabilen.
Dying Light ima tudi parkour movement okoli in je neverjetno igrabilen.
bluefear ::
Ah hvala za fix naslova :D Je bla bolj kot ne tišina, se pa očitno za kulisami premika zadeva. Really looking forward to it, ampak seveda z zdravo rezervo, ker EA je še vedno EA :)
Mitch ::
Igro verjetno sofinancira AMD. Upam torej, da bo na AMDjevih karticah igra delovala vsaj semi-igrabilno...
Tr0n ::
m0LN4r ::
To je gameplay, ker texture so zelo dobre ?
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
fireX88 ::
preberi si description pod videom.
Zmajc ::
Haha, so se mi zdele texture pa lighting malo preveč realne.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
Trololololol ::
Osebno igre enostavno nisem mogel igrati. Kot da igraš Sonic the Hedgehog v 3D, prehitro vse skupaj z preveč nekimi komboji.
Yup, novelty je hitro pošel. Cool zgodba, art stil in ideja, ampak nekako se ni poklapalo, edino ce si tocno vedel, kam moras letet/skocit/etc.
Wut? Think on the fly? Letiš tja, kjer je rdečo in kjer je se zdi rešitev najbolj logična. Ena izmed bolj enostavnih iger...
ahac ::
Meni je bil Mirror's Edge super, ampak upam, da bo v novem več raznolikosti: več različnih terenov, mogoče včasih več kot 1 pot do cilja, več interaktivnosti na mapi (da nekaj prestaviš in si odpreš novo pot), itd..
Slo-Tech Discord -
Tr0n ::
Trololololol je izjavil:
Osebno igre enostavno nisem mogel igrati. Kot da igraš Sonic the Hedgehog v 3D, prehitro vse skupaj z preveč nekimi komboji.
Yup, novelty je hitro pošel. Cool zgodba, art stil in ideja, ampak nekako se ni poklapalo, edino ce si tocno vedel, kam moras letet/skocit/etc.
Wut? Think on the fly? Letiš tja, kjer je rdečo in kjer je se zdi rešitev najbolj logična. Ena izmed bolj enostavnih iger...
Ni blo vsepovsod jasno, kam moras. Vsaj meni se je veckrat zataknilo in sem moral gruntat kam za hudica skocit. :)
ahac ::
edit: moj je official in ne posnet iz streama :P
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()
Iatromantis ::
Težko bo nenamerno vključiti toliko bugov, ki so speedrune v enici naredili za eno najboljših speedrun iger... :D
oo7 ::
The closed beta for Mirror's Edge Catalyst starts runs April 22-26, and the game releases on May 26 for Origin PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
oo7 ::
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit (use the latest Service Pack)
CPU: Intel i3-3250 / AMD FX-6350. (game equires at least quad-core)
HDD: 25GB of free space
Video: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2GB or better/AMD Radeon R9 270x or better
Input: keyboard, mouse, dual analog controller
OS: Windows 10 64-Bit (use the latest Service Pack)
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 at 3.4 GHz/AMD FX-8350 at 4.0 GHz
HDD: 25GB of free space
VIDEO: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 4GB or better/AMD Radeon R9 280x 3GB or better
Input: keyboard, mouse, dual analog controller
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit (use the latest Service Pack)
CPU: Intel i3-3250 / AMD FX-6350. (game equires at least quad-core)
HDD: 25GB of free space
Video: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2GB or better/AMD Radeon R9 270x or better
Input: keyboard, mouse, dual analog controller
OS: Windows 10 64-Bit (use the latest Service Pack)
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 at 3.4 GHz/AMD FX-8350 at 4.0 GHz
HDD: 25GB of free space
VIDEO: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 4GB or better/AMD Radeon R9 280x 3GB or better
Input: keyboard, mouse, dual analog controller
ahac ::
a new release date for Mirror's Edge Catalyst of June 7th (NA) and June 9th (EU)
Slo-Tech Discord -
ahac ::
Opencritic average:
ps. Nekateri imajo težave na PCju,
drugi ne.
Opencritic average:
ps. Nekateri imajo težave na PCju,
drugi ne.
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()
Dua'L ::
ni čudno če pa tak hilajo primer bf3.. se nebi čudil če bojo za bf1 tud slabe ocene.
džabe jim delat dobre trilerje če pa je v resnici skret.
džabe jim delat dobre trilerje če pa je v resnici skret.
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Dua'L ()
ahac ::
Tole bi skoraj moral bit Ubisoft špil: open world, towerji na katere je treba plezat, da unlockaš stvari, XP in skilli, brezvezni stranski questi, ki te samo pošljejo od točke A do točke B, brezvezni open world eventi, kjer tekmuješ s prijatelji ali random folkom,... samo še crafting manjka. ![:P](
Combat je pa tudi slab. Nisem si mislil, da bom to rekel za Mirror's Edge, ampak... pogrešam orožja.![:))](
Aja, pa ko pridem v cinematic mi kar začne štekat, čeprav drugje dela super tekoče.
No, laufat okrog je še vedno zabavno...
Combat je pa tudi slab. Nisem si mislil, da bom to rekel za Mirror's Edge, ampak... pogrešam orožja.
Aja, pa ko pridem v cinematic mi kar začne štekat, čeprav drugje dela super tekoče.
No, laufat okrog je še vedno zabavno...
Slo-Tech Discord -
ahac ::
Nihče drug ne igra? Denuvo deluje... ![:P](
Mene sicer moti veliko stvari, ampak kljub vsem napakam, me vleče igrat in igram skoraj vsak dan.
Ko bom končal s story bom sicer verjetno nehal... stranski questi so samo tek na čas in brezvezni collectables. No, ampak saj prejšnji Mirror's Edge je bil tudi samo main story + time trials.
Verjetno je pametno počakat, da cena igri pade.
Mene sicer moti veliko stvari, ampak kljub vsem napakam, me vleče igrat in igram skoraj vsak dan.
Ko bom končal s story bom sicer verjetno nehal... stranski questi so samo tek na čas in brezvezni collectables. No, ampak saj prejšnji Mirror's Edge je bil tudi samo main story + time trials.
Verjetno je pametno počakat, da cena igri pade.
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zmajc ::
Brez denuva bi verjetno dolgoročno prodali več izvodov in morebiti celo imeli šanso za nadaljevanje. Tako pa bo igra čez mesec dni pozabljena in franšiza pristala na smetišču zgodovine.
scipascapa ::
ahac: predraga je.....ko bo 30EUR za PS4 se pogovarjamo.
zmajc: točno tako....denuvo in visoka cena je no go.
zmajc: točno tako....denuvo in visoka cena je no go.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scipascapa ()
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