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Prenos iz MSDNA
abyssus ::
Poskušam prenesti Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Premium in mi javla naslednjo napapo:
The download cannot be completed. If a location selection is available for this product, select another location. If no location selection is available, the download may fail to complete because no Internet connection was found, the Internet connection was lost or a firewall or proxy server exists between the client station and hosting location. Please try again later.
Sem poskusil prenesti na particijo D:, napaka. Probam na C:, spet napaka. Ne vem, kaj ga mantra. Preden sem moral prenesti da Secure Download Manager pa je vedno šlo kot mora.
Ima kdo rešitev za to?
The download cannot be completed. If a location selection is available for this product, select another location. If no location selection is available, the download may fail to complete because no Internet connection was found, the Internet connection was lost or a firewall or proxy server exists between the client station and hosting location. Please try again later.
Sem poskusil prenesti na particijo D:, napaka. Probam na C:, spet napaka. Ne vem, kaj ga mantra. Preden sem moral prenesti da Secure Download Manager pa je vedno šlo kot mora.
Ima kdo rešitev za to?
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