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Tr0n ::


Developer kit ima 8 GB RAMa in 4/16 core.

According to an eight-page feature article, the next Xbox will use Blu-ray discs, introduce a second-generation Kinect, directional audio, an "innovative controller" and TV inputs as well as outputs. They also speculate the next Xbox will just be called "Xbox".

The report also details the hardware of the next Xbox development kits, which apparently come with a four-core chipset (with 16 logical cores) and a large 8 GB of RAM. Editor-in-chief Dan Dawkins expects that "unless something really dramatic changes, everything we reveal in our penultimate issue will be revealed long before E3 in June."
  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

5er--> ::

A se samo meni zdi, da ta konzola izgleda kot napihnjen iPhone 4/5?

Tr0n ::

sandmat ::

malo čuden design je ... verjetno samo developajo in še nimajo ohišja, pa so vzeli en tupperware za odlitek.

Upajmo, da bo novi xbox sposoben poganjanja starih iger :)

listje123 ::

Upam da se bo lahko brez težav lepo odprl da mu prilotamo saj veste kaj oz še bolje bi bilo da bi se to dalo samo programsko.

opeter ::

Jaz pa upam, da bodo nove konzole potrebovalo konstantno povezavo do interneta, kajti drugače igre ne bodo delovale.

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Tr0n ::

Next-gen Xbox specs leak

Central Processing Unit:

x64 Architecture
Eight CPU cores running at 1.6GHz
Each CPU thread has its own 32 KB L1 instruction cache and 32 KB L1 data cache
Each module of four CPU cores has a 2 MB L2 cache resulting in a total of 4 MB of L2 cache
each core has one fully independent hardware thread with no shared execution resources
each hardware thread can issue two instructions per clock

Graphics Core:

custom D3D11.1 class 800-MHz graphics processor
12 shader cores providing a total of 768 threads
Each thread can perform one scalar multiplication and addition operation (MADD) per clock cycle
At peak performance, the GPU can effectively issue 1.2 trillion floating-point operations per second
High-fidelity Natural User Interface (NUI) sensor is always present

Storage and Memory:

8GB of DDR3 RAM (68GB/s bandwidth)
32MB of fast embedded SRAM (ESRAM) (102GB/s)
From the GPU's perspective the bandwidths of system memory and ESRAM are parallel providing combined peak bandwidth of 170GB/sec.
Hard drive is always present
50GB 6x Blu-ray drive


Gigabit Ethernet
WiFi and WiFi Direct

Hardware Accelerators:

Move engines
Image, video, and audio codecs
Kinect multichannel echo cancellation (MEC) hardware
Cryptography engines for encryption and decryption, and hashing

hojnikb ::

specsi zgledajo skor isti kot za ps4 8-O

Berserker ::

A nebo celo kinekt imel svoj hardware, ločenega od konzole ? Sicer se mi zdi da ne upa ne sony, ne M$ izdati konzole, čeprav bo imel M$ manjše probleme, saj bodo ameriji itak kupovali novi xbox, pa če ima ps4 10x več eksluziv.

Lonsarg ::

Se pravi po najnovešpih informacijah naj bi tako PS4 kot Xbox 720 imela neki izpeljanko HD 7970M, ki je v bistvu mobilna verzija 7850(manj porabe ista moč, oziroma xbox varianta malo slabša). Se pravi če bo špil leta 2020 optimizirano lepo tekel na Xbox 720 je velika verjetnost, da bo tudi na PCju z 7850 tekel dobro, kupljenim sedaj:) Sploh ker naj bi uporabljal isti API kot PC, torej DX11.X.

hojnikb ::

ps4 skor ziher ne bo uporablu dx11

opeter ::

Lonsarg je izjavil:

Se pravi če bo špil leta 2020 optimizirano lepo tekel na Xbox 720 je velika verjetnost, da bo tudi na PCju z 7850 tekel dobro, kupljenim sedaj:) Sploh ker naj bi uporabljal isti API kot PC, torej DX11.X.

Nekako dvomim ...
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Lonsarg ::

Tisti drugi stavek se je nanašal na xbox720, ki bo 100% uporabljal DX, kot je tudi xbox360. Je pa res, da ne moremo z zagotovostjo reči katero verzijo DXa bo uporabljal. PS bo imel kot vedno svoje APIje.

Dr_M ::

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