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Razlika med Duke Nukem 3D in Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown?

Razlika med Duke Nukem 3D in Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown?

Sandi1987 ::

Zanima me, kakšna je razlika med Duke Nukem 3D za PC in Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown za PS 1? Walkthrough sem gledal in Episode 4: The Birth ni v Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown.

c00L3r ::

Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown (titled simply Duke Nukem in Europe), the PlayStation version, contains all three original episodes, plus a new one, Plug 'n' Pray, which includes six extra levels and a secret level, the latter which was also included in the PC version. The new episode features several new enemies (including three new types of Pig Cops) and a new final boss, robot CyberKeef. The version also features remixed music, some rearranged from the PC version and some original, in streaming XA-Audio made by Mark Knight.[14]

Wikipedia Duke Nukem 3D

Sandi1987 ::

V Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown ni Episode 4: The Birth.


Zgodovina sprememb…

Sandi1987 ::

Rad bi igral Duke Nukem 3D na Sony PSP. Našel sem PSP port, samo Load Game ne dela.

Sandi1987 ::

Najbolje, da igram Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown, Episode 4: The Birth pa dokončam na PC, čeprav sem igro že preigral na PC. samo Save Game nisem shranil.

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